Exemplo n.º 1
EXPORT int mongo_gridfile_read(struct gridfile_* gf, mxArray* data) {
    gridfile* gf_ = (gridfile*)gf;
    uint64_t size;
    void* p;
    gridfs_offset remaining;
    int cplx = mxIsComplex(data);
    if (cplx && mxGetClassID(data) != mxDOUBLE_CLASS)
        mexErrMsgTxt("Gridfile:read - only complex values of type double are supported");
    p = calcSize(data, &size);
    remaining = gridfile_get_contentlength(gf_) - gf_->pos;
    if (size > remaining || cplx && size*2 > remaining)
        return 0;
    if (size) gridfile_read(gf_, size, (char*)p);
    if (size && cplx)
        gridfile_read(gf_, size, (char*)mxGetPi(data));
    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 2
void test_gridfile(gridfs *gfs, char *data_before, uint64_t length, char *filename, char *content_type) {
    gridfile gfile[1];
    char *data_after = malloc( LARGE );
    if( data_after == NULL ) {
        printf("Failed to allocated memory");
    FILE * fd;
    mongo_md5_state_t pms[1];
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char hex_digest[33];
    uint64_t i = length;
    int n;

    gridfs_find_filename(gfs, filename, gfile);

    fd = fopen("output", "w+");
    gridfile_write_file(gfile, fd);
    fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    ASSERT(fread(data_after, length, sizeof(char), fd));
    ASSERT( strncmp(data_before, data_after, length) == 0 );

    gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after );
    ASSERT( strncmp(data_before, data_after, length) == 0 );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), filename ) == 0 );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == length );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_chunksize( gfile ) == DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_contenttype( gfile ), content_type ) == 0) ;

    ASSERT( strncmp( data_before, data_after, length ) == 0 );


    n = 0;
    while( i > INT_MAX  ) {
        mongo_md5_append(pms, (const mongo_md5_byte_t *)data_before + (n * INT_MAX), INT_MAX);
        i -= INT_MAX;
        n += 1;
    if( i > 0 )
        mongo_md5_append(pms, (const mongo_md5_byte_t *)data_before + (n * INT_MAX), i);

    mongo_md5_finish(pms, digest);
    digest2hex(digest, hex_digest);
    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_md5( gfile ), hex_digest ) == 0 );

    gridfs_remove_filename(gfs, filename);
    free( data_after );
Exemplo n.º 3
SEXP mongo_gridfile_read(SEXP gfile, SEXP size) {
    gridfile* _gfile = _checkGridfile(gfile);
    gridfs_offset _size = asReal(size);
    gridfs_offset remaining = gridfile_get_contentlength(_gfile) - _gfile->pos;
    if (_size > remaining) _size = remaining;
    SEXP ret;
    PROTECT(ret = allocVector(RAWSXP, _size));
    if (_size) gridfile_read(_gfile, _size, (char*)RAW(ret));
    return ret;
Exemplo n.º 4
void test_gridfile(gridfs *gfs, char *data_before, size_t length, char *filename, char *content_type) {
    gridfile gfile[1];
    char data_after[UPPER];
    FILE * fd;
    mongo_md5_state_t pms[1];
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char hex_digest[33];

    gridfs_find_filename(gfs, filename, gfile);
    fd = fopen("output", "w+");
    gridfile_write_file(gfile, fd);
    fseek(fd, 0, SEEK_SET);
    ASSERT(fread(data_after, length, sizeof(char), fd));
    ASSERT( strncmp(data_before, data_after, length) == 0 );
    gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after);
    ASSERT( strncmp(data_before, data_after, length) == 0 );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), filename ) == 0 ); 

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == length );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_chunksize( gfile ) == DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_contenttype( gfile ), content_type ) == 0) ;

    mongo_md5_append(pms, (const mongo_md5_byte_t *)data_before, (int)length);
    mongo_md5_finish(pms, digest);
    digest2hex(digest, hex_digest);
    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_md5( gfile ), hex_digest ) == 0 );

    gridfs_remove_filename(gfs, filename);
Exemplo n.º 5
//! Read raster data from MongoDB
int clsRasterData::ReadFromMongoDB(gridfs *gfs, const char* remoteFilename)
	gridfile gfile[1];
	bson b[1];
	bson_append_string(b, "filename",  remoteFilename);
	int flag = gridfs_find_query(gfs, b, gfile); 
	if(0 != flag)
		throw ModelException("clsRasterData", "ReadFromMongoDB", "The file " + string(remoteFilename) + " does not exist.");

	size_t length = (size_t)gridfile_get_contentlength(gfile);
	char* buf = (char*)malloc(length);
	gridfile_read (gfile, length, buf);
	float *data = (float*)buf;

	bson bmeta[1];
	gridfile_get_metadata(gfile, bmeta);
	bson_iterator iterator[1];
	if ( bson_find( iterator, bmeta, "NCOLS" )) 
		m_headers["NCOLS"] = (float)bson_iterator_int(iterator);
	if ( bson_find( iterator, bmeta, "NROWS" )) 
		m_headers["NROWS"] = (float)bson_iterator_int(iterator);
	if ( bson_find( iterator, bmeta, "NODATA_VALUE" )) 
		m_headers["NODATA_VALUE"] = (float)bson_iterator_double(iterator);
	if ( bson_find( iterator, bmeta, "XLLCENTER" )) 
		m_headers["XLLCENTER"] = (float)bson_iterator_double(iterator);
	if ( bson_find( iterator, bmeta, "YLLCENTER" )) 
		m_headers["YLLCENTER"] = (float)bson_iterator_double(iterator);
	if ( bson_find( iterator, bmeta, "CELLSIZE" )) 
		m_headers["CELLSIZE"] = (float)bson_iterator_double(iterator);
		//m_headers["DY"] = m_headers["DX"];
	int nRows = (int)m_headers["NROWS"];
	int nCols = (int)m_headers["NCOLS"];

	vector<float> values;
	vector<int> positionRows;
	vector<int> positionCols;
	//get all valid values
	float nodataFloat = m_headers["NODATA_VALUE"];
	for (int i = 0; i < nRows; ++i)
		for (int j = 0; j < nCols; ++j)
			int index = i*nCols + j;
			float value = data[index];
			if(FloatEqual(nodataFloat, value)) 

	//create float array
	m_nRows = values.size();
	m_rasterData = new float[m_nRows];
	m_rasterPositionData = new float*[m_nRows];
	for (int i = 0; i < m_nRows; ++i)
		m_rasterData[i] = values.at(i);
		m_rasterPositionData[i] = new float[2];
		m_rasterPositionData[i][0] = float(positionRows.at(i));
		m_rasterPositionData[i][1] = float(positionCols.at(i));



	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 6
//! Read raster data from MongoDB and select by mask
int clsRasterData::ReadFromMongoDB(gridfs *gfs, const char* remoteFilename,clsRasterData* mask)
	if(mask == NULL) ReadFromMongoDB(gfs, remoteFilename);
		//clock_t start = clock();
		gridfile gfile[1];
		bson b[1];
		bson_append_string(b, "filename",  remoteFilename);
		int flag = gridfs_find_query(gfs, b, gfile); 
		if(0 != flag)
			//cout << "Failed in ReadFromMongoDB, Remote file: " << remoteFilename << endl;
			return -1;

		size_t length = (size_t)gridfile_get_contentlength(gfile);
		char* buf = (char*)malloc(length);
		gridfile_read (gfile, length, buf);
		float *data = (float*)buf;

		//clock_t end = clock();
		//cout << "Read data: " << end - start << endl;

		//start = clock();

		//get the data posotion from mask
		int nRows;
		float** validPosition;
		m_nRows = nRows;

		m_mask = mask;
		//set header
		m_headers["NCOLS"] = mask->getASCCols();
		m_headers["NROWS"] = mask->getASCRows();
		m_headers["NODATA_VALUE"] = mask->getNoDataValue();
		m_headers["CELLSIZE"] = mask->getCellWidth();
		//m_headers["DY"] = mask->getCellWidth();
		m_headers["XLLCENTER"] = mask->getXllCenter();
		m_headers["YLLCENTER"] = mask->getYllCenter();

		//read data
		m_rasterData = new float[nRows];
		int ascCols = mask->getASCCols();
		int ascRows = mask->getASCRows();

		//int index = 0;
		//for (int i = 0; i < ascRows; ++i)
		//	for (int j = 0; j < ascCols; ++j)
		//	{
		//		float value = data[i*ascCols + j];
		//		if(index < nRows)
		//		{
		//			if(validPosition[index][0] == i && validPosition[index][1] == j) 
		//			{
		//				m_rasterData[index] = value;
		//				index++;
		//			}

		//		}
		//	}

		for(int index = 0; index < nRows; index++)
			int i = validPosition[index][0];
			int j = validPosition[index][1];
			int rasterIndex = i*ascCols + j;
			m_rasterData[index] = data[rasterIndex];

		//end = clock();
		//cout << "Rearrange data: " << end-start << endl;


	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 7
static ngx_int_t ngx_http_gridfs_handler(ngx_http_request_t* request) {
    ngx_http_gridfs_loc_conf_t* gridfs_conf;
    ngx_http_core_loc_conf_t* core_conf;
    ngx_buf_t* buffer;
    ngx_chain_t out;
    ngx_str_t location_name;
    ngx_str_t full_uri;
    char* value;
    gridfs gfs;
    gridfile gfile;
    gridfs_offset length;
    char* data;
    ngx_uint_t chunksize;
    ngx_uint_t numchunks;
    ngx_uint_t chunklength;
    char* contenttype;
    ngx_uint_t i;
    ngx_int_t rc = NGX_OK;        
    bson query;
    bson_buffer buf;
    bson_oid_t oid;

    gridfs_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_gridfs_module);
    core_conf = ngx_http_get_module_loc_conf(request, ngx_http_core_module);

    location_name = core_conf->name;
    full_uri = request->uri;
    /* defensive */
    if (full_uri.len < location_name.len) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0,
                      "Invalid location name or uri.");
    /* Extract the value from the uri */
    value = (char*)malloc(sizeof(char) * (full_uri.len - location_name.len + 1));
    if (value == NULL) {
        ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0,
                      "Failed to allocate memory for value buffer.");
    memcpy(value, full_uri.data + location_name.len, full_uri.len - location_name.len);
    value[full_uri.len - location_name.len] = '\0';
    /* URL Decoding */
    if (!url_decode(value)) {
      ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0,
		    "Malformed request.");
      return NGX_HTTP_BAD_REQUEST;
    /* If no mongo connection, create a default connection */
    /* TODO: Find a better place for this logic */
    if (!gridfs_conf->gridfs_conn->connected) {      
      switch (mongo_connect(gridfs_conf->gridfs_conn, NULL)) { 
        case mongo_conn_success:
	case mongo_conn_bad_arg:
	  ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, 
			"Mongo Exception: Bad Arguments");
	case mongo_conn_no_socket:
	  ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, 
			"Mongo Exception: No Socket");
	case mongo_conn_fail:
	  ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, 
			"Mongo Exception: Connection Failure");
	case mongo_conn_not_master: 
	  ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, 
			"Mongo Exception: Not Master");
	  ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0, 
			"Mongo Exception: Unknown Error");
    /* Find the GridFile */
		(const char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_db.data,
		(const char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_root_collection.data,
    switch (gridfs_conf->gridfs_type) {
    case  bson_oid:
      bson_oid_from_string(&oid, value);
      bson_append_oid(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, &oid);
    case bson_int:
      bson_append_int(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, atoi(value));
    case bson_string:
      bson_append_string(&buf, (char*)gridfs_conf->gridfs_field.data, value);
    bson_from_buffer(&query, &buf);
    if(!gridfs_find_query(&gfs, &query, &gfile)){
      return NGX_HTTP_NOT_FOUND;

    /* Get information about the file */
    length = gridfile_get_contentlength(&gfile);
    chunksize = gridfile_get_chunksize(&gfile);
    numchunks = gridfile_get_numchunks(&gfile);
    contenttype = (char*)gridfile_get_contenttype(&gfile);

    /* Set the headers */
    request->headers_out.status = NGX_HTTP_OK;
    request->headers_out.content_length_n = length;
    if (contenttype != NULL) {
      request->headers_out.content_type.len = strlen(contenttype);
      request->headers_out.content_type.data = (u_char*)contenttype;
    else ngx_http_set_content_type(request);

    /* Read and serve chunk by chunk */
    for (i = 0; i < numchunks; i++) {       
      /* Allocate space for the response buffer */
      buffer = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(ngx_buf_t));
      if (buffer == NULL) {
	ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0,
		      "Failed to allocate response buffer");
      /* Allocate space for the buffer of data */
      data = ngx_pcalloc(request->pool, sizeof(char)*chunksize);
      if (data == NULL) {
	ngx_log_error(NGX_LOG_ERR, request->connection->log, 0,
		      "Failed to allocate buffer for data");
      /* Set up the buffer chain */
      chunklength = gridfile_read(&gfile, chunksize, data);
      buffer->pos = (u_char*)data;
      buffer->last = (u_char*)data + chunklength;
      buffer->memory = 1;
      buffer->last_buf = (i == numchunks-1);
      out.buf = buffer;
      out.next = NULL;

      /* Serve the Chunk */
      rc = ngx_http_output_filter(request, &out);
      /* TODO: More Codes to Catch? */
      if (rc == NGX_ERROR) {
	return NGX_ERROR;
    return rc;
Exemplo n.º 8
void test_gridfile( gridfs *gfs, char *data_before, int64_t length, char *filename, char *content_type ) {
    gridfile gfile[1];
    FILE *stream;
    mongo_md5_state_t pms[1];
    mongo_md5_byte_t digest[16];
    char hex_digest[33];
    int64_t i = length;
    int n;
    char *data_after = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE );
    int truncBytes;
    char* lowerName;

    ASSERT(gridfs_find_filename( gfs, filename, gfile ) == MONGO_OK);
    ASSERT( gridfile_exists( gfile ) );

    stream = fopen( "output", "w+" );
    gridfile_write_file( gfile, stream );
    fseek( stream, 0, SEEK_SET );
    ASSERT( fread( data_after, (size_t)length, sizeof( char ), stream ) );
    fclose( stream );
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after );
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    lowerName = (char*) bson_malloc( (int)strlen( filename ) + 1);
    strcpy( lowerName, filename);
    _strlwr( lowerName );
    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), lowerName ) == 0 );
    bson_free( lowerName );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == (size_t)length );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_chunksize( gfile ) == DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_contenttype( gfile ), content_type ) == 0 ) ;

    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)length ) == 0 );

    if( !( gfile->flags & GRIDFILE_COMPRESS ) ) {
      mongo_md5_init( pms );

      n = 0;
      while( i > INT_MAX  ) {
          mongo_md5_append( pms, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )data_before + ( n * INT_MAX ), INT_MAX );
          i -= INT_MAX;
          n += 1;
      if( i > 0 )
          mongo_md5_append( pms, ( const mongo_md5_byte_t * )data_before + ( n * INT_MAX ), (int)i );

      mongo_md5_finish( pms, digest );
      digest2hex( digest, hex_digest );
      ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_md5( gfile ), hex_digest ) == 0 );

    truncBytes = (int) (length > DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 4 ? length - DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 2 - 13 : 23); 
    gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, filename, content_type, GRIDFILE_DEFAULT);
    ASSERT( gridfile_truncate(gfile, (size_t)(length - truncBytes)) == (size_t)(length - truncBytes));
    gridfile_writer_done( gfile );

    gridfile_seek(gfile, 0);
    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == (size_t)(length - truncBytes) );
    ASSERT( gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after ) ==  (size_t)(length - truncBytes));
    ASSERT( memcmp( data_before, data_after, (size_t)(length - truncBytes) ) == 0 );

    gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, filename, content_type, GRIDFILE_DEFAULT);
    gridfile_truncate(gfile, 0);
    gridfile_writer_done( gfile );

    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) == 0 );
    ASSERT( gridfile_read( gfile, length, data_after ) == 0 );

    gridfile_destroy( gfile );
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, filename );
    free( data_after );
    _unlink( "output" );
Exemplo n.º 9
void test_large( void ) {
    mongo conn[1];
    gridfs gfs[1];
    gridfile gfile[1];
    FILE *fd;
    size_t i, n;
    char *buffer = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE );
    char *read_buf = (char*)bson_malloc( LARGE );
    int64_t filesize = ( int64_t )1024 * ( int64_t )LARGE;
    mongo_write_concern wc;    
    bson lastError;
    bson lastErrorCmd;
    srand( (unsigned int) time( NULL ) );


    if ( mongo_client( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) {
        printf( "failed to connect 1\n" );
        exit( 1 );
    wc.j = 1;
    mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc);

    gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs );

    fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" );
    if( fd ) {
      fclose( fd );
    } else {
      /* Create a very large file */
      fill_buffer_randomly( buffer, ( int64_t )LARGE );
      fd = fopen( "bigfile", "w" );
      for( i=0; i<1024; i++ ) {
        fwrite( buffer, 1, LARGE, fd );
      fclose( fd );

    /* Now read the file into GridFS */
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile" );
    gridfs_store_file( gfs, "bigfile", "bigfile", "text/html", GRIDFILE_NOMD5 | GRIDFILE_COMPRESS);

    gridfs_find_filename( gfs, "bigfile", gfile );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile" ) == 0 );
    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) ==  filesize );
    fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" );

    while( ( n = fread( buffer, 1, MEDIUM, fd ) ) != 0 ) {
      ASSERT( gridfile_read( gfile, MEDIUM, read_buf ) == n );
      ASSERT( memcmp( buffer, read_buf, n ) == 0 );

    fclose( fd );
    gridfile_destroy( gfile );

    /* Read the file using the streaming interface */
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile" );
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream" );
    gridfile_writer_init( gfile, gfs, "bigfile-stream", "text/html", GRIDFILE_NOMD5 | GRIDFILE_COMPRESS );

    mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc );
    wc.j = 0; /* Let's reset write concern j field to zero, we will manually call getLastError with j = 1 */
    mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc);

    fd = fopen( "bigfile", "r" );
    i = 0;
    while( ( n = fread( buffer, 1, READ_WRITE_BUF_SIZE, fd ) ) != 0 ) {
        gridfile_write_buffer( gfile, buffer, n );     
        if(i++ % 10 == 0) {
          bson_init( &lastErrorCmd );
          bson_append_int( &lastErrorCmd, "getLastError", 1);
          bson_append_int( &lastErrorCmd, "j", 1);
          bson_finish( &lastErrorCmd );

          bson_init( &lastError );
          mongo_run_command( conn, "test", &lastErrorCmd, &lastError );

          bson_destroy( &lastError );
          bson_destroy( &lastErrorCmd );

    mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc );
    wc.j = 1; /* Let's reset write concern j field to 1 */
    mongo_set_write_concern(conn, &wc);

    fclose( fd );
    gridfile_writer_done( gfile );

    gridfs_find_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream", gfile );

    ASSERT( strcmp( gridfile_get_filename( gfile ), "bigfile-stream" ) == 0 );
    ASSERT( gridfile_get_contentlength( gfile ) ==  filesize );
    gridfs_remove_filename( gfs, "bigfile-stream" );

    gridfs_destroy( gfs );
    mongo_disconnect( conn );
    mongo_destroy( conn );

    bson_free( buffer );
    bson_free( read_buf );
    mongo_write_concern_destroy( &wc );
Exemplo n.º 10
void test_random_write() {
    mongo conn[1];
    gridfs gfs[1];
    gridfile* gfile;
    char *data_before = (char*)bson_malloc( UPPER );
    char *random_data = (char*)bson_malloc( UPPER );
    char *buf = (char*) bson_malloc( UPPER );
    int64_t i;
    FILE *fd;

    srand((unsigned int) time( NULL ) );


    if ( mongo_connect( conn, TEST_SERVER, 27017 ) ) {
        printf( "failed to connect 2\n" );
        exit( 1 );

    gridfs_init( conn, "test", "fs", gfs );

    fill_buffer_randomly( data_before, UPPER );
    fill_buffer_randomly( random_data, UPPER );
    for ( i = LOWER; i <= UPPER; i += DELTA ) {
        int64_t j = i / 2 - 3;
        int n, bytes_to_write_first;

        /* Input from buffer */
        gridfs_store_buffer( gfs, data_before, i, "input-buffer", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT );
        if ( i > DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 4 ) {
          n = DEFAULT_CHUNK_SIZE * 3 + 6;
          memcpy(&data_before[j], random_data, n); // Let's overwrite the buffer with bytes crossing multiple chunks
          bytes_to_write_first = 10;
        } else {
          n = 6;
          memcpy(random_data, "123456", n);
          strncpy(&data_before[j], random_data, n); // Let's overwrite the buffer with a few some bytes
          bytes_to_write_first = 0;
        gfile = gridfile_create();
        ASSERT(gridfs_find_filename(gfs, "input-buffer", gfile) == 0);
        gridfile_writer_init(gfile, gfs, "input-buffer", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT );
        gridfile_seek(gfile, j); // Seek into the same buffer position within the GridFS file
        if ( bytes_to_write_first ) {
          gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, random_data, bytes_to_write_first); // Let's write 10 bytes first, and later the rest
        gridfile_write_buffer(gfile, &random_data[bytes_to_write_first], n - bytes_to_write_first); // Try to write to the existing GridFS file on the position given by j
        gridfile_seek(gfile, j);
        gridfile_read( gfile, n, buf );
        ASSERT(memcmp( buf, &data_before[j], n) == 0);

        ASSERT(gfile->pos == j + n);
        test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, j + n > i ? j + n : i, "input-buffer", "text/html" );

        /* Input from file */
        fd = fopen( "input-file", "w" );
        fwrite( data_before, sizeof( char ), (size_t) (j + n > i ? j + n : i), fd );
        fclose( fd );
        gridfs_store_file( gfs, "input-file", "input-file", "text/html", GRIDFILE_DEFAULT );
        test_gridfile( gfs, data_before, j + n > i ? j + n : i, "input-file", "text/html" );

    gridfs_destroy( gfs );
    mongo_disconnect( conn );
    mongo_destroy( conn );
    free( data_before );
    free( random_data );
    free( buf );

    /* Clean up files. */
    _unlink( "input-file" );
    _unlink( "output" );   