Exemplo n.º 1
gint gsb_data_mix_get_account_number ( gint transaction_number,
                        gboolean is_transaction )
    if ( is_transaction )
        return ( gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number ( transaction_number ) );
        return (gsb_data_scheduled_get_account_number ( transaction_number ) );
Exemplo n.º 2
 * function called when the user come to the manually association page
 * update the list of transactions to associate and fill the labels
 * \param assistant
 * \param new_page
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_assistant_reconcile_config_update_manu_asso ( GtkWidget *assistant,
                        gint new_page )
    gchar *string;
    GSList *tmp_list;
    gint transaction_number;
    GtkListStore *store;

    /* update the string containing the number of transactions to link */
    string = g_strdup_printf (_("Still %d transactions to link with a reconciliation."),
    gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_transactions_to_link_3),
    g_free (string);
    gtk_misc_set_alignment ( GTK_MISC (label_transactions_to_link_3),
			     0, 0.5 );

    /* fill the list with the transactions to link */
    store = GTK_LIST_STORE (gtk_tree_view_get_model (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview_transactions_to_link)));
    gtk_list_store_clear (GTK_LIST_STORE (store));

    tmp_list = gsb_data_transaction_get_transactions_list ();
    while (tmp_list)
	transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (tmp_list -> data);

	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number) == OPERATION_RAPPROCHEE
	     !gsb_data_transaction_get_reconcile_number (transaction_number))
	    gchar *amount_str;
	    gchar *date_str;
	    GtkTreeIter iter;

	    date_str = gsb_format_gdate (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number));
	    amount_str = utils_real_get_string (gsb_data_transaction_get_amount (transaction_number));

	    gtk_list_store_append ( GTK_LIST_STORE (store),
				    &iter );
	    gtk_list_store_set ( GTK_LIST_STORE (store),
				 TRANSACTION_DATE, date_str,
				 TRANSACTION_PAYEE, gsb_data_payee_get_name (gsb_data_transaction_get_party_number (transaction_number), TRUE),
				 TRANSACTION_AMOUNT, amount_str,
				 TRANSACTION_ACCOUNT, gsb_data_account_get_name (gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number)),
				 TRANSACTION_NUMBER, transaction_number,
				 -1 );
	    g_free (amount_str);
	    g_free (date_str);
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;
    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * finish the reconciliation,
 * called by a click on the finish button
 * \param button
 * \param null
 * \return FALSE
gboolean gsb_reconcile_finish_reconciliation ( GtkWidget *button,
					    gpointer null )
    GSList *list_tmp_transactions;
    GDate *date;
    gint account_number;
    gint reconcile_number;
    gsb_real real;
	gchar* tmpstr;

    account_number = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ();

    if ( gsb_real_sub ( gsb_real_add ( utils_real_get_from_string (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_initial_balance_entry ))),
				       gsb_data_account_calculate_waiting_marked_balance (account_number)),
			utils_real_get_from_string (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_final_balance_entry )))).mantissa != 0 )
	dialogue_warning_hint ( _("There is a variance in balances, check that both final balance and initial balance minus marked transactions are equal."),
				_("Reconciliation can't be completed.") );
	return FALSE;

    /* get and check the reconcile name */
    reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_number_by_name (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_number_entry )));
    if (reconcile_number)
	dialogue_warning_hint ( _("There is already a reconcile with that name, you must use another name or let it free.\nIf the reconcile name is ending by a number,\nit will be automatically incremented."),
				_("Reconciliation can't be completed.") );
	return FALSE;

    /* get and save the date */
    date = gsb_calendar_entry_get_date (reconcile_new_date_entry);
    if (!date)
	gchar* tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Invalid date: '%s'"),
						  gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_new_date_entry )));
	dialogue_warning_hint ( tmpstr,
				_("Reconciliation can't be completed.") );
	g_free ( tmpstr );
	return FALSE;

    if (!strlen (gtk_entry_get_text ( GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_number_entry ))))
	dialogue_warning_hint ( _("You need to set a name to the reconciliation ; at least, set a number,\nit will be automatically incremented later"),
				_("Reconciliation can't be completed.") );
	return FALSE;

    /* restore the good sort of the list */
    if (transaction_list_sort_get_reconcile_sort ())
	gtk_toggle_button_set_active ( GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (reconcile_sort_list_button),
				       FALSE );
	gsb_reconcile_list_button_clicked (reconcile_sort_list_button, NULL);

    tmpstr = g_strdup_printf ( _("Last statement: %s"), gsb_format_gdate (date));
    gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL ( label_last_statement ),
    g_free ( tmpstr );

    /* create the new reconcile structure */
    reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_new (gtk_entry_get_text (GTK_ENTRY (reconcile_number_entry)));
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_account ( reconcile_number, account_number );

    /* set the variables of the reconcile */
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_final_date ( reconcile_number, date );
    g_date_free (date);

    date = gsb_parse_date_string (gtk_label_get_text (GTK_LABEL (reconcile_last_date_label)));
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_init_date ( reconcile_number, date );
    g_free (date);

    real = utils_real_get_from_string ( gtk_entry_get_text (
                        GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_initial_balance_entry ) ) );
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_init_balance ( reconcile_number, real );

    real = utils_real_get_from_string ( gtk_entry_get_text (
                        GTK_ENTRY ( reconcile_final_balance_entry ) ) );
    gsb_data_reconcile_set_final_balance ( reconcile_number,
					   real );

    /* modify the reconciled transactions */
    list_tmp_transactions = gsb_data_transaction_get_transactions_list ();

    while ( list_tmp_transactions )
	gint transaction_number_tmp;
	transaction_number_tmp = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (
                        list_tmp_transactions -> data);

	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number_tmp) == account_number
	     ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number_tmp) == OPERATION_POINTEE
	       gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number_tmp) == OPERATION_TELERAPPROCHEE ))
	    gsb_data_transaction_set_marked_transaction ( transaction_number_tmp,
	    gsb_data_transaction_set_reconcile_number ( transaction_number_tmp,
							reconcile_number );
	list_tmp_transactions = list_tmp_transactions -> next;

    /* update the P and T to R in the list */
    transaction_list_update_element (ELEMENT_MARK);

    run.mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = TRUE;

    /* go back to the normal transactions list */
    gsb_reconcile_cancel (NULL, NULL);

    /* reset records in run: to do after gsb_reconcile_cancel */
    g_free (run.reconcile_final_balance);
    if (run.reconcile_new_date)
        g_date_free (run.reconcile_new_date);
    run.reconcile_final_balance = NULL;
    run.reconcile_new_date = NULL;
    run.reconcile_account_number = -1;

    gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );

    if ( reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert )
        gsb_gui_navigation_set_selection ( GSB_SCHEDULER_PAGE, 0, NULL );
        gsb_scheduler_list_select ( reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert );
        gsb_scheduler_list_edit_transaction ( reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert );
        reconcile_save_last_scheduled_convert = 0;

    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * function called when the user come to the automatically association page
 * fill the label and show the button if possible
 * \param assistant
 * \param new_page
 * \return FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_assistant_reconcile_config_update_auto_asso ( GtkWidget *assistant,
                        gint new_page )
    gchar *string;
    GSList *tmp_list;
    gint associate_number;

    /* update the string containing the number of transactions to link */
    string = g_strdup_printf (_("Still %d transactions to link with a reconciliation."),

    gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_transactions_to_link_2),
    g_free (string);
    gtk_misc_set_alignment ( GTK_MISC (label_transactions_to_link_2),
			     0, 0.5 );

    /* calculate how many transactions can be associated automatically,
     * to avoid to do that 2 times, we set each transactions in a structure with
     * the associated number of bank reconciliation */
    if (list_association)
	g_slist_free (list_association);
	list_association = NULL;

    tmp_list = gsb_data_transaction_get_transactions_list ();
    while (tmp_list)
	gint transaction_number;

	transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (tmp_list -> data);

	if (gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction (transaction_number) == OPERATION_RAPPROCHEE
	    !gsb_data_transaction_get_reconcile_number (transaction_number))
	    /* ok we are on a marked R transaction without reconcile number,
	     * we search for that reconcile */
	    gint reconcile_number;

	    reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_number_by_date (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number),
								      gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number));
	    if (reconcile_number)
		struct association_transaction_reconcile *association;

		association = g_malloc0 (sizeof (struct association_transaction_reconcile));
		if (!association)
		    dialogue_error_memory ();
		    return FALSE;
		association -> transaction_number = transaction_number;
		association -> reconcile_number = reconcile_number;
		list_association = g_slist_append ( list_association,
						    association );
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

    /* set the number of possible links */
    associate_number = g_slist_length (list_association);

    if (associate_number)
	string = g_strdup_printf (_("Grisbi can associate %d transactions to a reconciliation.\n"
                        "Please click on the launch button to create the links."),
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( button_run_association,
				   TRUE );
	string = my_strdup (_("There is no transaction that Grisbi can link.\n"
			      "Check if you created all the necesssary reconciliations."));
	gtk_widget_set_sensitive ( button_run_association,
				   FALSE );
    gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_possible_association),
    g_free (string);

    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * callback called by the button to launch the automatic association
 * between transactions and reconcile
 * \param button
 * \param assistant
 * \return FALSE
 * */
static gboolean gsb_assistant_reconcile_config_lauch_manu_asso ( GtkWidget *button,
                        GtkWidget *assistant )
    GList *tmp_list;
    GtkTreeIter iter;
    GtkTreeModel *model;
    GtkTreeSelection *selection;
    GList *path_list;
    gint account_number = -1;
    GtkWidget *dialog;
    GtkWidget *label;
    GtkWidget *scrolled_window;
    GtkWidget *dialog_tree_view;
    GtkListStore *dialog_store;
    gint return_value;
    gint i;
    enum dialog_column {
    gint selected_reconcile_number;
    gint transaction_number;

    /* get the selection */
    selection = gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (treeview_transactions_to_link));

    /* get the selected transactions */
    path_list = gtk_tree_selection_get_selected_rows ( GTK_TREE_SELECTION (selection),
						       &model );
    if (!path_list)
	return FALSE;

    /* ok, we have a selection, before continuing,
     * we check that all the transactions are on the same account */
    tmp_list = path_list;
    while (tmp_list)
	GtkTreePath *path;

	path = tmp_list -> data;

	if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model),
				      path ))
	    gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model),
				 TRANSACTION_NUMBER, &transaction_number,
				 -1 );
	    if (account_number == -1)
		account_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number);
		if (gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number) != account_number)
		    dialogue_error (_("All the selected transactions have to belong to the same account !"));
		    /* erase the path_list */
		    g_list_foreach (path_list, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free, NULL);
		    g_list_free (path_list);
		    return FALSE;
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

    if (account_number == -1)
	/* erase the path_list */
	g_list_foreach (path_list, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free, NULL);
	g_list_free (path_list);
	return FALSE;

    /* ok, all the transactions belong to the same account, we can
     * show a dialog to select the reconcile */
    dialog = gtk_dialog_new_with_buttons ( _("Selection of a reconciliation"),
					   GTK_WINDOW ( assistant ),
					   "gtk-cancel", GTK_RESPONSE_CANCEL,
					   "gtk-ok", GTK_RESPONSE_OK,
					   NULL );

    gtk_window_set_default_size ( GTK_WINDOW ( dialog ), 770, 412 );
    gtk_window_set_position ( GTK_WINDOW ( dialog ), GTK_WIN_POS_CENTER_ON_PARENT );
    gtk_window_set_resizable ( GTK_WINDOW ( dialog ), TRUE );
    gtk_container_set_border_width ( GTK_CONTAINER ( dialog ), 12 );

    label = gtk_label_new ( _("Select the reconciliation to associate to the selected transactions: ") );
    gtk_misc_set_alignment ( GTK_MISC ( label ), 0.0, 0.0 );
    gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( dialog_get_content_area ( dialog ) ),
			 10 );

    /* make the list */
    scrolled_window = gtk_scrolled_window_new (FALSE, FALSE);
    gtk_scrolled_window_set_policy ( GTK_SCROLLED_WINDOW (scrolled_window),
    gtk_box_pack_start ( GTK_BOX ( dialog_get_content_area ( dialog ) ),
			 0 );

    dialog_store = gtk_list_store_new ( DIALOG_NB_COL,
					G_TYPE_INT );
    dialog_tree_view = gtk_tree_view_new_with_model (GTK_TREE_MODEL (dialog_store));
    g_object_unref (G_OBJECT(dialog_store));
    gtk_tree_view_set_rules_hint (GTK_TREE_VIEW (dialog_tree_view), TRUE);
    gtk_container_add ( GTK_CONTAINER (scrolled_window),
			dialog_tree_view );

    /* set the columns */
	GtkTreeViewColumn *column;
	GtkCellRenderer *cell;
	gchar *titles[] = {
	    _("Reconciliation reference"), _("Initial date"), _("Final date")
	gfloat alignment[] = {

	cell = gtk_cell_renderer_text_new ();
	g_object_set ( G_OBJECT (cell),
		       "xalign", alignment[i],
		       NULL );
	column = gtk_tree_view_column_new ();
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_sizing ( column,
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_alignment ( column,
					     alignment[i] );
	gtk_tree_view_column_pack_start ( column, cell, TRUE );
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_title ( column, titles[i] );
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_attributes (column, cell,
					     "text", i,
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_expand ( column, TRUE );
	gtk_tree_view_column_set_resizable ( column,
					     TRUE );
	gtk_tree_view_append_column ( GTK_TREE_VIEW(dialog_tree_view), column);

    /* fill the tree view */
    tmp_list = gsb_data_reconcile_get_reconcile_list ();
    while (tmp_list)
	gint reconcile_number;

	reconcile_number = gsb_data_reconcile_get_no_reconcile (tmp_list -> data);

	if (gsb_data_reconcile_get_account (reconcile_number) == account_number)
	    gchar *init_date_str;
	    gchar *final_date_str;

	    init_date_str = gsb_format_gdate (gsb_data_reconcile_get_init_date (reconcile_number));
	    final_date_str = gsb_format_gdate (gsb_data_reconcile_get_final_date (reconcile_number));

	    gtk_list_store_append ( GTK_LIST_STORE (dialog_store),
				    &iter );
	    gtk_list_store_set ( GTK_LIST_STORE (dialog_store),
				 DIALOG_NAME, gsb_data_reconcile_get_name (reconcile_number),
				 DIALOG_INIT_DATE, init_date_str,
				 DIALOG_FINAL_DATE, final_date_str,
				 DIALOG_RECONCILE_NUMBER, reconcile_number,
				 -1 );
	    g_free (init_date_str);
	    g_free (final_date_str);
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

    gtk_widget_show_all (dialog);

    /* launch the dialog */
    return_value = gtk_dialog_run (GTK_DIALOG (dialog));

    if (return_value != GTK_RESPONSE_OK)
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	return FALSE;

    /* we get the selected reconcile */
    if (!gtk_tree_selection_get_selected ( gtk_tree_view_get_selection (GTK_TREE_VIEW (dialog_tree_view)),
					   &iter ))
	dialogue_warning (_("No selection found, the transactions are not modified."));
	gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);
	return FALSE;

    gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (dialog_store),
			 DIALOG_RECONCILE_NUMBER, &selected_reconcile_number,
			 -1 );
    /* ok we have the reconcile number, we can destroy the dialog */
    gtk_widget_destroy (dialog);

    /* and now, fill the selected transactions with that reconcile number */
    tmp_list = g_list_last (path_list);
    while (tmp_list)
	GtkTreePath *path;

	path = tmp_list -> data;

	if (gtk_tree_model_get_iter ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model),
				      path ))
	    gtk_tree_model_get ( GTK_TREE_MODEL (model),
				 TRANSACTION_NUMBER, &transaction_number,
				 -1 );
	    gtk_list_store_remove ( GTK_LIST_STORE (model),
				    &iter );
	    gsb_data_transaction_set_reconcile_number ( transaction_number,
							selected_reconcile_number );
	tmp_list = tmp_list -> prev;

    /* erase the path_list */
    g_list_foreach (path_list, (GFunc) gtk_tree_path_free, NULL);
    g_list_free (path_list);

    /* now there is 2 way :
     * either transactions_to_link is 0, we go directly to the succes page
     * either it's not null, and the user should create more reconciles */
    if (transactions_to_link)
	gchar *string;

	/* update the labels */
	string = g_strdup_printf (_("Still %d transactions to link with a reconciliation."),
	gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_transactions_to_link_1),
	gtk_label_set_text ( GTK_LABEL (label_transactions_to_link_3),
	g_free (string);
	gtk_widget_grab_focus (treeview_transactions_to_link);
	/* go to the success page */
	gsb_assistant_set_next ( assistant,
	gsb_assistant_next_page (assistant);
    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * set the selection on the given transaction
 * \param transaction_number	the transaction to select
 * \return FALSE if not possible (not visible), TRUE if ok
 * */
gboolean transaction_list_select ( gint transaction_number )
    CustomRecord *record = NULL;
    gboolean return_value;
    GtkTreePath *path;
    CustomList *custom_list;

    custom_list = transaction_model_get_model ();
    g_return_val_if_fail ( custom_list != NULL, FALSE );

	/* fixes bug 1875 */
	if (custom_list->num_visibles_rows == 0)
		return FALSE;

    /* if the selection didn't change, do nothing */
    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (custom_list -> selected_row) ==
        transaction_number )
	return FALSE;

    /* first, we un-select the last transaction */
    if (custom_list -> selected_row)
	transaction_list_select_unselect ();

    /* if we want the white line, this will increase a little the speed */
    if (transaction_number == -1)
	record = custom_list -> visibles_rows [custom_list -> num_visibles_rows - custom_list -> nb_rows_by_transaction];
	if (gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (record -> transaction_pointer) != -1)
	    record = NULL;

    if (!record)
	GtkTreeIter iter;

	if (!transaction_model_get_transaction_iter ( &iter,
						      0 ))
	    return FALSE;
	record = iter.user_data;

    /* si l'opération n'est pas visible on la rend visible */
    if ( ( record -> mother_row && record -> mother_row -> filtered_pos == -1 )
     record -> filtered_pos == -1 )
        gint account_number;

        account_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number ( transaction_number );
        gsb_data_account_set_r ( account_number, TRUE );
        gsb_menu_update_view_menu ( account_number );
        mise_a_jour_affichage_r ( TRUE );

    return_value = transaction_list_select_record (record);

    /* if we are on a child, open the expander if necessary */
    path = gtk_tree_path_new ();

    if (record -> mother_row)
	gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, record -> mother_row -> filtered_pos);
	gtk_tree_view_expand_row ( GTK_TREE_VIEW (gsb_transactions_list_get_tree_view ()),
				   path, FALSE );
	gtk_tree_path_append_index (path, record -> filtered_pos);

    /* move the tree view to the selection */
    gtk_tree_view_scroll_to_cell ( GTK_TREE_VIEW (gsb_transactions_list_get_tree_view ()),
				   path, NULL,
				   FALSE, 0.0, 0.0 );
    gtk_tree_path_free (path);

    return return_value;
Exemplo n.º 7
/** that function delete the current account selected in the account properties
 * \param none
 * \return FALSE FALSE
 * */
gboolean gsb_account_delete ( void )
    gint deleted_account;
    gint page_number;
    GSList *list_tmp;
	gchar* tmpstr;

    deleted_account = gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ();

    tmpstr = g_strdup_printf (_("Delete account \"%s\"?"),
				     gsb_data_account_get_name ( deleted_account ) ) ;

    if ( !question_yes_no_hint ( tmpstr,
				        _("This will irreversibly remove this account and all operations "
                        "that were previously contained.  There is no undo for this. "
                        "Usually it's a better way to close an account."),
				        GTK_RESPONSE_NO ))
        g_free ( tmpstr );
	    return FALSE;
    g_free ( tmpstr );

    /* if the last account, close the file */
    if ( gsb_data_account_get_accounts_amount () == 1 )
        gsb_file_set_modified ( FALSE );
        gsb_file_close ();
        return FALSE;

    /* delete the schedules transactions on that account */
    list_tmp = gsb_data_scheduled_get_scheduled_list ();
    while (list_tmp)
        gint scheduled_number;

        scheduled_number = gsb_data_scheduled_get_scheduled_number ( list_tmp -> data );

        if ( gsb_data_scheduled_get_account_number (scheduled_number) == deleted_account )
            gsb_data_scheduled_remove_scheduled (scheduled_number);

        list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;

    /* remove all the transactions of that account */
    list_tmp = gsb_data_transaction_get_complete_transactions_list ();
    while (list_tmp)
        gint transaction_number;

        transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number ( list_tmp -> data );

        /* better to go to the next transaction now */
        list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;

        if (gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number) == deleted_account)
            gint contra_transaction_number;

            /* we are on a transaction on the deleted account, we delete that transaction,
             * but if it's a transfer, modify the contra-transaction to set transfer to deleted account */
            contra_transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_number (
            if (contra_transaction_number > 0)
            /* it's a transfer, modify the contra-transaction */
                gsb_data_transaction_set_contra_transaction_number ( contra_transaction_number, -1);

            /* now can remove the transaction */
            gsb_data_transaction_remove_transaction_without_check ( transaction_number );

    /* delete the payment_number */
    list_tmp = gsb_data_account_get_sort_list ( deleted_account );
    while (list_tmp)
        gpointer ptr;
        gint payment_number;

        ptr = list_tmp -> data;
        payment_number = GPOINTER_TO_INT ( ptr );
        gsb_data_payment_remove ( payment_number );

        list_tmp = list_tmp -> next;

    /* delete the account */
    gsb_data_account_delete ( deleted_account );

    /* check gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account () and gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account ()_onglet and put them
     * on the first account if they are on the deleted account */

    if ( gsb_gui_navigation_get_current_account () == deleted_account )
        GtkWidget *notebook_general;

	/* update the transaction list */
    notebook_general = gsb_gui_get_general_notebook ( );
	page_number = gtk_notebook_get_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( notebook_general ) );

	navigation_change_account ( gsb_data_account_first_number () );

	gtk_notebook_set_current_page ( GTK_NOTEBOOK ( notebook_general ), page_number );

    /* update the buttons lists */

    /* Replace trees contents. */
    categories_fill_list ();
    budgetary_lines_fill_list ();
    payees_fill_list ();

    /* update the categories in lists */
    transaction_list_update_element (ELEMENT_CATEGORY);

    /* update the name of accounts in form */
    gsb_account_update_combo_list ( gsb_form_scheduler_get_element_widget (SCHEDULED_FORM_ACCOUNT),
				    FALSE );

    gsb_scheduler_list_fill_list (gsb_scheduler_list_get_tree_view ());
    mise_a_jour_liste_echeances_manuelles_accueil = 1;
    mise_a_jour_liste_comptes_accueil = 1;
    mise_a_jour_soldes_minimaux = 1;
    mise_a_jour_fin_comptes_passifs = 1;

    /* Update navigation pane. */
    gsb_gui_navigation_remove_account ( deleted_account );

    gsb_file_set_modified ( TRUE );
    return FALSE;
Exemplo n.º 8
 * create a qif export, according to the filename, the account
 * and eventually, limit the export to the archive if exists
 * this will export all the transactions of the account (except if we ask for an archive...)
 * 	including the archived transactions
 * \param filename that file will be checked and ask to overwrite if needed
 * \param account_nb
 * \param archive_number if 0, just export in qif the account transactions ; if non 0, export just the transactions for that archive and account
 * \return TRUE ok, FALSE pb
gboolean qif_export ( const gchar *filename,
                        gint account_nb,
                        gint archive_number )
    FILE * fichier_qif;
    GSList *list_tmp_transactions;
    gint beginning;
    gint floating_point;
	gchar* tmpstr;

    if (!gsb_file_util_test_overwrite (filename))
	return FALSE;

    if ( !( fichier_qif = utf8_fopen ( filename, "w" ) ))
	dialogue_error_hint ( g_strerror(errno),
			      g_strdup_printf ( _("Error opening file '%s'"),
						filename ) );
	return FALSE;

    /* get the floating point of the currency of the amount,
     * ie the number of digits after the . */
    floating_point = gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point (gsb_data_account_get_currency (account_nb));

    /* kind of account */
    if ( gsb_data_account_get_kind (account_nb) == GSB_TYPE_CASH )
	fprintf ( fichier_qif,
		  "!Type:Cash\n" );
	if ( gsb_data_account_get_kind (account_nb) == GSB_TYPE_LIABILITIES
	     gsb_data_account_get_kind (account_nb) == GSB_TYPE_ASSET )
	    fprintf ( fichier_qif,
		      "!Type:Oth L\n" );
	    fprintf ( fichier_qif,
		      "!Type:Bank\n" );

    list_tmp_transactions = gsb_data_transaction_get_complete_transactions_list ();
    beginning = 1;

    while ( list_tmp_transactions )
	gint transaction_number_tmp;
	transaction_number_tmp = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (list_tmp_transactions -> data);

	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number_tmp) == account_nb
	      gsb_data_transaction_get_archive_number (transaction_number_tmp) == archive_number))
	    if ( beginning )
		/* this is the beginning of the qif file, we set some beginnings things */
		fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			  g_date_get_day (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number_tmp)),
			  g_date_get_month (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number_tmp)),
			  g_date_get_year (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number_tmp)));

		/* met le solde initial */
		tmpstr = utils_real_get_string (gsb_data_account_get_init_balance (account_nb, -1));
		fprintf ( fichier_qif,
		g_free ( tmpstr );

		fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			  "CX\nPOpening Balance\n" );

		/* met le nom du imported_account */

		fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			  g_strconcat ( "[",
					gsb_data_account_get_name (account_nb),
					NULL ) );
		beginning = 0;

	    /* si c'est une opé de ventil, on la saute pas elle sera recherchée quand */
	    /* son opé ventilée sera exportée */

	    if ( !gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number ( transaction_number_tmp))
		/* met la date */

		fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			  g_date_get_day (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number_tmp)),
			  g_date_get_month (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number_tmp)),
			  g_date_get_year (gsb_data_transaction_get_date (transaction_number_tmp)));

		/* met le pointage */

		if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction ( transaction_number_tmp)== OPERATION_POINTEE
		     gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction ( transaction_number_tmp)== OPERATION_TELERAPPROCHEE )
		    fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			      "C*\n" );
		    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction ( transaction_number_tmp)== OPERATION_RAPPROCHEE )
			fprintf ( fichier_qif,
				  "CX\n" );

		/* met les notes */

		if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_notes ( transaction_number_tmp))
		    fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			      gsb_data_transaction_get_notes ( transaction_number_tmp));

		/* met le montant, transforme la devise si necessaire */
		tmpstr = utils_real_get_string (gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount ( transaction_number_tmp, floating_point));
		fprintf ( fichier_qif,
		g_free ( tmpstr );

		/* met le chèque si c'est un type à numérotation automatique */
		if ( gsb_data_payment_get_automatic_numbering (gsb_data_transaction_get_method_of_payment_number (transaction_number_tmp)))
		    fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			      gsb_data_transaction_get_method_of_payment_content ( transaction_number_tmp));

		/* met le tiers */

		fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			  gsb_data_payee_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_party_number ( transaction_number_tmp),
						    FALSE ));

		/*  on met soit un virement, soit une ventil, soit les catégories */

		/* si c'est une imported_splitted, on recherche toutes les opés de cette imported_splitted */
		/* et les met à la suite */
		/* la catégorie de l'opé sera celle de la première opé de imported_splitted */

		if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_split_of_transaction ( transaction_number_tmp))
		    /* it's a split of transactions, look for the children and append them */

		    gint mother_transaction_category_written;
		    GSList *list_tmp_transactions_2;

		    mother_transaction_category_written = 0;
		    list_tmp_transactions_2 = gsb_data_transaction_get_transactions_list ();

		    while ( list_tmp_transactions_2 )
			gint transaction_number_tmp_2;
			transaction_number_tmp_2 = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (list_tmp_transactions_2 -> data);

			if (gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number (transaction_number_tmp_2) == transaction_number_tmp)
			    /* we are on a child, for the first one, we set the mother category */
			    /*  the child can only be a normal category or a transfer */

			    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_number (transaction_number_tmp_2) > 0)
				/* the child is a transfer */

				if ( !mother_transaction_category_written )
				    fprintf ( fichier_qif,
					      g_strconcat ( "[",
							    gsb_data_account_get_name (gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_account (transaction_number_tmp_2)),
							    NULL ));
				    mother_transaction_category_written = 1;
				fprintf ( fichier_qif,
					  g_strconcat ( "[",
							gsb_data_account_get_name (gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_account ( transaction_number_tmp_2)),
							NULL ));
				/* it's a category : sub-category */

				if ( !mother_transaction_category_written )
				    fprintf ( fichier_qif,
					      gsb_data_category_get_name (gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number (transaction_number_tmp_2),
									  gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_category_number (transaction_number_tmp_2),
									  _("No category defined")));
				    mother_transaction_category_written = 1;
				fprintf ( fichier_qif,
					  gsb_data_category_get_name (gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number (transaction_number_tmp_2),
								      gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_category_number (transaction_number_tmp_2),
								      _("No category defined")));

			    /* set the notes of the split child */

			    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_notes (transaction_number_tmp_2))
				fprintf ( fichier_qif,
					  gsb_data_transaction_get_notes (transaction_number_tmp_2));

			    /* set the amount of the split child */

			    tmpstr = utils_real_get_string (gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount (transaction_number_tmp_2, floating_point));
			    fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			    g_free ( tmpstr );
			list_tmp_transactions_2 = list_tmp_transactions_2 -> next;
		    /* if it's a transfer, the contra-account must exist, else we do
		     * as for a normal category */

		    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_number (transaction_number_tmp) > 0 )
			/* it's a transfer */

			fprintf ( fichier_qif,
				  g_strconcat ( "[",
						gsb_data_account_get_name (gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_account ( transaction_number_tmp)),
						NULL ));
			/* it's a normal category */

			fprintf ( fichier_qif,
				  gsb_data_category_get_name (gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number (transaction_number_tmp),
							      gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_category_number (transaction_number_tmp),
							      FALSE ));
		fprintf ( fichier_qif,
			  "^\n" );
	list_tmp_transactions = list_tmp_transactions -> next;

    if ( beginning )
	/* there is no transaction in the account, so do the opening of the account, bug no date */
	/* met le solde initial */

	gchar* tmpstr = utils_real_get_string (gsb_data_account_get_init_balance (account_nb, -1));
	fprintf ( fichier_qif,
	g_free ( tmpstr );

	fprintf ( fichier_qif,
		  "CX\nPOpening Balance\n" );

	/* met le nom du imported_account */

	fprintf ( fichier_qif,
		  g_strconcat ( "[",
				gsb_data_account_get_name (account_nb),
				NULL ) );
    fclose ( fichier_qif );
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 9
 * export a transaction given in param in the file given in param
 * \param transaction_number
 * \param csv_file
 * \param print_balance will set a balance for each transaction in the csv file
 * 		not set for archive export, set (but usefull ?) for account export
 * \return TRUE ok, FALSE problem
 * */
static gboolean gsb_csv_export_transaction ( gint transaction_number,
					     FILE *csv_file,
					     gboolean print_balance )
    gsb_real amount;
    gint return_exponent;
    gint account_number;
	gchar* tmpstr;
	const GDate *value_date, *date;
	gint payment_method;

    account_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number);

    /* Si c'est une ventilation d'opération (càd une opération fille),
    elle n'est pas traitée à la base du "if" mais plus loin, quand
    son opé ventilée sera exportée */
    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number (transaction_number) )
        return TRUE;

    return_exponent = gsb_data_currency_get_floating_point (
                        gsb_data_account_get_currency (account_number));

	/* met la date */
	date = gsb_data_transaction_get_date ( transaction_number );
	if ( date )
	    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_date);
	    csv_field_date = g_strdup_printf ("%d/%d/%d",
					      g_date_get_day ( date ),
					      g_date_get_month ( date ),
					      g_date_get_year ( date ) );

	value_date = gsb_data_transaction_get_value_date ( transaction_number );
	if ( value_date )
	    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_date_val);
	    csv_field_date_val = g_strdup_printf ("%d/%d/%d",
						  g_date_get_day ( value_date ),
						  g_date_get_month ( value_date ),
						  g_date_get_year ( value_date ) );

	/* met le pointage */
        CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_pointage);
	switch ( gsb_data_transaction_get_marked_transaction ( transaction_number ) )
            csv_field_pointage = my_strdup ("");
            csv_field_pointage = my_strdup ("P");
            csv_field_pointage = my_strdup ("T");
            csv_field_pointage = my_strdup ("R");


	/* met les notes */
	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_notes ( transaction_number ) )
	    csv_field_notes = my_strdup (gsb_data_transaction_get_notes ( transaction_number ));

	/* met le tiers */
	csv_field_tiers = g_strdup ( gsb_data_payee_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_party_number ( transaction_number ), FALSE ) );

	/* met le numero du rapprochement */
	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_reconcile_number ( transaction_number ) )
	    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_rappro);
	    csv_field_rappro = my_strdup ( gsb_data_reconcile_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_reconcile_number ( transaction_number ) ) );

	/* Met les informations bancaires de l'opération. Elles n'existent
	   qu'au niveau de l'opération mère */
	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_bank_references ( transaction_number ) )
	    csv_field_info_bank = my_strdup ( gsb_data_transaction_get_bank_references ( transaction_number ) );

	/* met le montant, transforme la devise si necessaire */
	amount = gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount ( transaction_number,
	CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_credit);
	if (amount.mantissa >= 0 )
	    csv_field_credit = utils_real_get_string (amount);
	    csv_field_debit  = utils_real_get_string (gsb_real_abs (amount));

	/* met le cheque si c'est un type à numerotation automatique */
	payment_method = gsb_data_transaction_get_method_of_payment_number ( transaction_number );
	CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_cheque);
	if (gsb_data_payment_get_automatic_numbering (payment_method))
	    csv_field_cheque = my_strdup ( gsb_data_transaction_get_method_of_payment_content ( transaction_number ) );

	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_budgetary_number ( transaction_number ) != -1 )
	    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_imput);
	    csv_field_imput = my_strdup ( gsb_data_budget_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_budgetary_number ( transaction_number ), 0, "" ) );

	    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_budgetary_number ( transaction_number ) != -1 )
		CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_sous_imput);
		csv_field_sous_imput = my_strdup ( gsb_data_budget_get_sub_budget_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_budgetary_number ( transaction_number ),
											 gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_budgetary_number ( transaction_number ),
											 NULL ) );

	/* Piece comptable */
	CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_piece);
	csv_field_piece = my_strdup ( gsb_data_transaction_get_voucher ( transaction_number ) );

	/* Balance */
	if (print_balance)
	    current_balance = gsb_real_add ( current_balance,
					     amount );
	    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_solde);
	    csv_field_solde = utils_real_get_string (current_balance);

	/* Number */
	CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_operation);
	csv_field_operation = g_strdup_printf("%d", transaction_number );

	/* Account name */
	CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_account);
	csv_field_account = my_strdup (gsb_data_account_get_name (account_number));

	/* Financial Year */
	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_financial_year_number ( transaction_number ) != -1 )
	    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_exercice );
	    csv_field_exercice  = my_strdup (gsb_data_fyear_get_name(gsb_data_transaction_get_financial_year_number ( transaction_number )));

	/*  on met soit un virement, soit une ventilation, soit les catégories */

	/* Si c'est une opération ventilée, on recherche toutes les ventilations
	   de cette opération et on les traite immédiatement. */
	/* et les met à la suite */
	/* la catégorie de l'opé sera celle de la première opé de ventilation */
	if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_split_of_transaction ( transaction_number ) )
	    GSList *pSplitTransactionList;

	    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_categ);
	    csv_field_categ = my_strdup (_("Split of transaction"));

	    csv_add_record(csv_file,FALSE, print_balance);

	    pSplitTransactionList = gsb_data_transaction_get_transactions_list ();

	    while ( pSplitTransactionList )
		gint pSplitTransaction;

		pSplitTransaction = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number (
                        pSplitTransactionList -> data );

		if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (
         pSplitTransaction ) == gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number (transaction_number)
         gsb_data_transaction_get_mother_transaction_number (
         pSplitTransaction ) == transaction_number )
		    /* on commence par mettre la catég et sous categ de l'opé et de l'opé de ventilation */
		    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_ventil);
		    csv_field_ventil = my_strdup (_("B")); /* -> mark */

		    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_operation);
		    csv_field_operation = g_strdup_printf("%d", pSplitTransaction );

		    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_number ( pSplitTransaction )  > 0)
			/* c'est un virement */
			CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_categ);
			csv_field_categ = my_strdup (_("Transfer"));

			tmpstr = g_strconcat ( "[", gsb_data_account_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_account ( pSplitTransaction ) ), "]", NULL );
			/* TODO dOm : is it necessary to duplicate memory with my_strdup since it was already newly allocated memory ? */
			CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_sous_categ);
			csv_field_sous_categ = my_strdup (tmpstr);
			g_free ( tmpstr );
			if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number ( pSplitTransaction ) != -1 )
			    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_categ);
			    csv_field_categ = my_strdup ( gsb_data_category_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number ( pSplitTransaction ), 0, "" ) );

			    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_category_number ( pSplitTransaction ) != -1 )
				CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_sous_categ);
				csv_field_sous_categ = my_strdup ( gsb_data_category_get_sub_category_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number ( pSplitTransaction ),
													 gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_category_number ( pSplitTransaction ),
													 NULL ) );


		    /* met les notes de la ventilation */
		    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_notes ( pSplitTransaction ) )
			CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_notes);
			csv_field_notes = my_strdup (gsb_data_transaction_get_notes ( pSplitTransaction ));

		    /* met le montant de la ventilation */
		    amount = gsb_data_transaction_get_adjusted_amount ( pSplitTransaction, return_exponent );
		    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_montant);
		    csv_field_montant = utils_real_get_string (amount);

		    /* met le rapprochement */
		    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_reconcile_number ( pSplitTransaction ) )
			CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_rappro);
			csv_field_rappro = my_strdup ( gsb_data_reconcile_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_reconcile_number ( pSplitTransaction ) ) );

		    /* met le chèque si c'est un type à numéotation automatique */
		    payment_method = gsb_data_transaction_get_method_of_payment_number ( pSplitTransaction );
		    if (gsb_data_payment_get_automatic_numbering (payment_method))
			CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_cheque);
			csv_field_cheque = my_strdup ( gsb_data_transaction_get_method_of_payment_content ( pSplitTransaction ) );

		    /* Budgetary lines */
		    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_budgetary_number ( pSplitTransaction ) != -1 )
			CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_imput);
			csv_field_imput = my_strdup ( gsb_data_budget_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_budgetary_number ( pSplitTransaction ), 0, "" ) );

			if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_budgetary_number ( pSplitTransaction ) != -1 )
			    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_sous_imput);
			    csv_field_sous_imput = my_strdup ( gsb_data_budget_get_sub_budget_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_budgetary_number ( pSplitTransaction ),
												     gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_budgetary_number ( pSplitTransaction ),
												     NULL ) );

		    /* Piece comptable */
		    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_piece);
		    csv_field_piece = my_strdup ( gsb_data_transaction_get_voucher ( pSplitTransaction ) );

		    /* Financial Year */
		    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_financial_year_number ( pSplitTransaction ) != -1 )
			CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_exercice );
			csv_field_exercice  = my_strdup (gsb_data_fyear_get_name(gsb_data_transaction_get_financial_year_number ( pSplitTransaction )));

		    csv_add_record(csv_file,FALSE, print_balance);

		pSplitTransactionList = pSplitTransactionList -> next;
	    gchar *tmpstr;
	    gint contra_transaction_number = gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_number ( transaction_number );

	    switch (contra_transaction_number)
		case 0:
		    /* normal category */
		    if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number ( transaction_number ) != -1 )
			CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_categ);
			csv_field_categ = my_strdup ( gsb_data_category_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number ( transaction_number ), 0, "" ) );

			if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_category_number ( transaction_number ) != -1 )
			    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_sous_categ);
			    csv_field_sous_categ = my_strdup ( gsb_data_category_get_sub_category_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_category_number ( transaction_number ),
												     gsb_data_transaction_get_sub_category_number ( transaction_number ),
												     NULL ) );
		case -1:
		    /* transfer to deleted account */
		    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_categ);
		    csv_field_categ = my_strdup (_("Transfer"));

		    tmpstr = g_strconcat ( "[", _("Deleted account"), "]", NULL );
		    /* TODO dOm : is it necessary to duplicate memory with my_strdup since it was already newly allocated memory ? */
		    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_sous_categ);
		    csv_field_sous_categ = my_strdup (tmpstr);
		    g_free ( tmpstr );

		    /* transfer */
		    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_categ);
		    csv_field_categ = my_strdup (_("Transfer"));

		    tmpstr = g_strconcat ( "[", gsb_data_account_get_name ( gsb_data_transaction_get_contra_transaction_account ( transaction_number ) ), "]", NULL );
		    /* TODO dOm : is it necessary to duplicate memory with my_strdup since it was already newly allocated memory ? */
		    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD (csv_field_sous_categ);
		    csv_field_sous_categ = my_strdup (tmpstr);
		    g_free ( tmpstr );
	    csv_add_record(csv_file,TRUE, print_balance);
    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 10
 * export an account into a csv file
 * \param filename
 * \param account_nb the account to export
 * \return TRUE if ok, FALSE if problem
 * */
gboolean gsb_csv_export_account ( const gchar *filename, gint account_number )
    FILE *csv_file;
    GSList *pTransactionList;
    GSList *tmp_list;

    csv_file = gsb_csv_export_open_file ( filename );

    if ( !csv_file )
        return FALSE;

    if ( g_csv_with_title_line )
        gsb_csv_export_title_line ( csv_file, TRUE );

    /* set the initial balance */
    if ( csv_field_tiers )
        g_free ( csv_field_tiers );

    csv_field_tiers = g_strconcat (_("Initial balance") , " [",
                        gsb_data_account_get_name ( account_number ),
                        "]", NULL );

    /* set the initial current_balance,
     * as we will write all the non archived transactions,
     * we need to get the initial balance of the account, without the archived transactions */
    current_balance = gsb_data_account_get_init_balance ( account_number, -1);

    tmp_list = gsb_data_archive_store_get_archives_list ( );
    while ( tmp_list )
        gint archive_store_number;

        archive_store_number = gsb_data_archive_store_get_number ( tmp_list -> data );

        if ( gsb_data_archive_store_get_account_number ( archive_store_number ) == account_number )
            current_balance = gsb_real_add ( current_balance,
                                gsb_data_archive_store_get_balance ( archive_store_number ) );

        tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

    /* ok the balance is now good, can write it */
    CSV_CLEAR_FIELD ( csv_field_solde );
    csv_field_solde = utils_real_get_string ( current_balance );
    if ( current_balance.mantissa >= 0 )
        CSV_CLEAR_FIELD ( csv_field_credit );
        csv_field_credit = utils_real_get_string ( current_balance );
        CSV_CLEAR_FIELD ( csv_field_debit );
        csv_field_debit = utils_real_get_string ( gsb_real_abs ( current_balance ) );

    csv_add_record ( csv_file, TRUE, TRUE );

    /* export the transactions */
    pTransactionList = gsb_data_transaction_get_transactions_list ( );
    tmp_list = g_slist_sort ( g_slist_copy ( pTransactionList ),
                        (GCompareFunc) gsb_csv_export_sort_by_value_date_or_date );

    while ( tmp_list )
        gint pTransaction;

        pTransaction = gsb_data_transaction_get_transaction_number ( tmp_list -> data );

        if ( gsb_data_transaction_get_account_number ( pTransaction ) == account_number )
            /* export the transaction */
            /* for now, print the balance. is this usefull ? */
            gsb_csv_export_transaction ( pTransaction, csv_file, TRUE);

        tmp_list = tmp_list -> next;

    fclose ( csv_file );
    g_slist_free ( tmp_list );

    /* return */
    return TRUE;