Exemplo n.º 1
sys_driver (const gsl_odeiv_step_type * T,
	    const gsl_odeiv_system * sys,
	    double t0, double t1, double hstart,
	    double y[], double epsabs, double epsrel,
	    const char desc[])
  /* This function evolves a system sys with stepper T from t0 to t1.
     Step length is varied via error control with possibly different
     absolute and relative error tolerances.
  int s = 0;
  int steps = 0;

  double t = t0;
  double h = hstart;

  gsl_odeiv_step * step = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc (T, sys->dimension);

  gsl_odeiv_control *c =
    gsl_odeiv_control_standard_new (epsabs, epsrel, 1.0, 0.0);
  gsl_odeiv_evolve *e = gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc (sys->dimension);

  while (t < t1)
      s = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply (e, c, step, sys, &t, t1, &h, y);

      if (s != GSL_SUCCESS) 
	  gsl_test(s, "sys_driver: %s evolve_apply returned %d",
		   gsl_odeiv_step_name (step), s);

      if (steps > 1e7)
		   "sys_driver: %s evolve_apply reached maxiter at t=%g",
		   gsl_odeiv_step_name (step), t);


  gsl_test(s, "%s %s [%g,%g], %d steps completed", 
	   gsl_odeiv_step_name (step), desc, t0, t1, steps);

  gsl_odeiv_evolve_free (e);
  gsl_odeiv_control_free (c);
  gsl_odeiv_step_free (step);

  return s;
Exemplo n.º 2
static VALUE rb_gsl_odeiv_step_info(VALUE obj)
  gsl_odeiv_step *s;
  char buf[256];
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_odeiv_step, s);
  sprintf(buf, "Class:      %s\n", rb_class2name(CLASS_OF(obj)));
  sprintf(buf, "%sSuperClass: %s\n", buf, rb_class2name(RCLASS_SUPER(CLASS_OF(obj))));
  sprintf(buf, "%sType:       %s\n", buf, gsl_odeiv_step_name(s));
  sprintf(buf, "%sDimension:  %d\n", buf, (int) s->dimension);
  return rb_str_new2(buf);
Exemplo n.º 3
test_odeiv_stepper (const gsl_odeiv_step_type *T, const gsl_odeiv_system *sys,
		    const double h, const double t, const char desc[],
		    const double ystart[], const double yfin[], 
		    const double relerr)
  /* tests stepper T with one fixed length step advance of system sys
     and compares with given values yfin

  double y[MAXEQ] = {0.0};
  double yerr[MAXEQ] = {0.0};
  size_t ne = sys->dimension;
  size_t i;

  gsl_odeiv_step *step = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc (T, ne);

  DBL_MEMCPY (y, ystart, MAXEQ);

    int s = gsl_odeiv_step_apply (step, t, h, y, yerr, 0, 0, sys);
    if (s != GSL_SUCCESS)
	gsl_test(s, "test_odeiv_stepper: %s step_apply returned %d", desc, s);
  for (i = 0; i < ne; i++)
      gsl_test_rel (y[i], yfin[i], relerr, 
		    "%s %s step(%d)",
		    gsl_odeiv_step_name (step), desc,i);

  gsl_odeiv_step_free (step);
Exemplo n.º 4
static VALUE rb_gsl_odeiv_step_name(VALUE obj)
  gsl_odeiv_step *s = NULL;
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, gsl_odeiv_step, s);
  return rb_str_new2(gsl_odeiv_step_name(s));
Exemplo n.º 5
static PyObject *
PyGSL_odeiv_step_name(PyGSL_odeiv_step *self, PyObject *args)
     return PyString_FromString(gsl_odeiv_step_name(self->step));
Exemplo n.º 6
test_evolve_system (const gsl_odeiv_step_type * T,
                    const gsl_odeiv_system * sys,
                    double t0, double t1, double hstart,
                    double y[], double yfin[],
                    double err_target, const char *desc)
  /* Tests system sys with stepper T. Step length is controlled by
     error estimation from the stepper.
  int steps = 0;
  size_t i;

  double t = t0;
  double h = hstart;

  /* Tolerance factor in testing errors */
  const double factor = 10;

  gsl_odeiv_step * step = gsl_odeiv_step_alloc (T, sys->dimension);

  gsl_odeiv_control *c =
    gsl_odeiv_control_standard_new (err_target, err_target, 1.0, 0.0);

  gsl_odeiv_evolve *e = gsl_odeiv_evolve_alloc (sys->dimension);

  while (t < t1)
      int s = gsl_odeiv_evolve_apply (e, c, step, sys, &t, t1, &h, y);

      if (s != GSL_SUCCESS && sys != &rhs_func_xsin) 
	  gsl_test(s, "%s evolve_apply returned %d",
		   gsl_odeiv_step_name (step), s);

      if (steps > 100000)
		   "%s evolve_apply reached maxiter",
		   gsl_odeiv_step_name (step));


  /* err_target is target error of one step. Test if stepper has made
     larger error than (tolerance factor times) the number of steps
     times the err_target */

  for (i = 0; i < sys->dimension; i++)
      gsl_test_abs (y[i], yfin[i], factor * e->count * err_target,
		    "%s %s evolve(%d)",
		    gsl_odeiv_step_name (step), desc, i);

  gsl_odeiv_evolve_free (e);
  gsl_odeiv_control_free (c);
  gsl_odeiv_step_free (step);