double AT_characteristic_single_scattering_angle_single( const double E_MeV_u,
														 const int    particle_charge_e,
														 const double target_thickness_cm,
														 const char   element_acronym[PARTICLE_NAME_NCHAR]){

	double	beta				=	AT_beta_from_E_single( E_MeV_u );
	double	gamma				=	AT_gamma_from_E_single( E_MeV_u );
	double	momentum_kg_m_s		= 	beta*gamma*atomic_mass_unit_MeV_c2*MeV_to_J/c_m_s;
	int		Z					=	AT_Z_from_element_acronym_single( element_acronym );
	double	electron_density	=	AT_electron_density_cm3_from_element_acronym_single( element_acronym );
	double	chi_c_2				=	4*M_PI*gsl_pow_2(particle_charge_e)*(Z+1)*electron_density*target_thickness_cm*gsl_pow_2((100*fine_structure_constant*Planck_constant_J_s)/(2*M_PI*beta*momentum_kg_m_s));

	return 	sqrt(chi_c_2);
scalar sasfit_ff_sphere_with_3_shells(scalar q, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar F;
	SASFIT_ASSERT_PTR(param); // assert pointer param is valid

	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((q < 0.0), param, "q(%lg) < 0",q);
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((R_CORE < 0.0), param, "R_core(%lg) < 0",R_CORE); // modify condition to your needs
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((T_SH1 < 0.0), param, "t_sh1(%lg) < 0",T_SH1); // modify condition to your needs
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((T_SH2 < 0.0), param, "t_sh2(%lg) < 0",T_SH2); // modify condition to your needs
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((T_SH3 < 0.0), param, "t_sh3(%lg) < 0",T_SH3); // modify condition to your needs

	// insert your code here
	return gsl_pow_2(F);
ANAThreadingLayerHex::ANAThreadingLayerHex(double rho, double b_edge, double b_screw,
                 double rc, double Qx, double Qz, double nu)
	double Q, sin2Psi, cos2Psi;

	Q = sqrt(Qx * Qx + Qz * Qz);
	sin2Psi = gsl_pow_2(Qz / Q);
	cos2Psi = 1 - sin2Psi;

	m_C_screw = M_PI * sin2Psi;
	m_C1_edge = M_PI * (9 - 16 * nu + 8 * nu * nu) * cos2Psi
			/ (8 * gsl_pow_2(1 - nu));
	m_C2_edge = M_PI * (-2 * (3 - 4 * nu)) * cos2Psi
			/ (8 * gsl_pow_2(1 - nu));

	m_rho = rho;
	m_Rc = rc;

	m_gb2_edge = gsl_pow_2(Q * b_edge / (2 * M_PI));
	m_gb2_screw = gsl_pow_2(Q * b_screw / (2 * M_PI));

	m_gb_edge = sqrt(m_gb2_edge);
	m_gb_screw = sqrt(m_gb2_screw);
Exemplo n.º 4
double gauss_K(double a, const gsl_vector *A, double b, const gsl_vector *B)
// 归一化系数 《量子化学》中册 P58 (10.4.1b)
// A, B 为坐标

    double result, norm_2;
    gsl_vector* v = gsl_vector_alloc(3);

    gsl_vector_memcpy(v, A);
    gsl_vector_sub(v, B);
    norm_2 = gsl_pow_2(gsl_blas_dnrm2(v));

    result = exp(-a * b * norm_2 / (a + b));
    return result;
double AT_scattering_angle_distribution_single( const double E_MeV_u,
												const int    particle_charge_e,
												const double target_thickness_cm,
												const char   element_acronym[PARTICLE_NAME_NCHAR],
												const double Theta){

	double	Theta_M			=	AT_characteristic_multiple_scattering_angle_single( E_MeV_u,
													element_acronym );
	double	chi_c			=	AT_characteristic_single_scattering_angle_single( E_MeV_u,
													element_acronym );
	double	B				=	AT_reduced_target_thickness_single( E_MeV_u,
													element_acronym );

	double	red_Theta_pos	=	Theta/(chi_c*sqrt(B));
	double	correction0_pos	=	AT_Moliere_function_f0(red_Theta_pos);
	double	correction1_pos	=	AT_Moliere_function_f1(red_Theta_pos);
	double	correction2_pos	=	AT_Moliere_function_f2(red_Theta_pos);

	double	red_Theta_neg	=  -red_Theta_pos;
	double	correction0_neg	=	AT_Moliere_function_f0(red_Theta_neg);
	double	correction1_neg	=	AT_Moliere_function_f1(red_Theta_neg);
	double	correction2_neg	=	AT_Moliere_function_f2(red_Theta_neg);

		return	(1/(4*M_PI*gsl_pow_2(Theta_M)))*(correction0_pos + correction1_pos/B + correction2_pos/(B*B));
		return	(1/(4*M_PI*gsl_pow_2(Theta_M)))*(correction0_neg + correction1_neg/B + correction2_neg/(B*B));
Exemplo n.º 6
 void SecondDerivSmoothedGaussPartials( double x, double s, double ai, double ki, double ci, int n,
                                         double &Ji0, double &Ji1, double &Ji2 )
    double f2 = gsl_pow_4 (-n);
    double f1 = f2 * ai;
    double xci = x - ci;
    double a1 = 0.0;
    double k1 = 0.0;
    double c1 = 0.0;
    for (int j=0; j <= 2*n; j++) {
        int jn = j - n;
        double fbin = gsl_sf_choose( 2*n, j);
        double fexp = exp(xci + jn);
        double fa1 = 2.0 * ki *(-1 + 2.0*ki*gsl_pow_2(xci + jn) );
        double fk1 = 2.0 * (-1 + 5.0*ki*gsl_pow_2(xci + jn) - 2.0*gsl_pow_2(ki)*gsl_pow_4(xci+jn) );
        double fc1 = 4.0 * gsl_pow_2(ki) * (-3 + 2.0 * ki * gsl_pow_2(xci + jn) ) * (jn - xci);
        a1 += fbin * fexp * fa1;
        k1 += fbin * fexp * fk1;
        c1 += fbin * fexp * fc1;
    Ji0 = f2 * a1 / s;
    Ji1 = f1 * k1 / s;
    Ji2 = f1 * c1 / s;
double AT_effective_collision_number_single( const double E_MeV_u,
										     const int    particle_charge_e,
										     const double target_thickness_cm,
										     const char   element_acronym[PARTICLE_NAME_NCHAR]){

	double	chi_c	=	AT_characteristic_single_scattering_angle_single( E_MeV_u,
												element_acronym );
	double	chi_a	=	AT_screening_angle_single( E_MeV_u,
												element_acronym );
	double	exp_b	=	gsl_pow_2(chi_c)/(1.167*gsl_pow_2(chi_a));

	if( exp_b < 1.14 ){
#ifndef NDEBUG
		printf("Moliere theory cannot be applied because the number of collisions in the target material is too small.");
		return	0;
		return	exp_b;
Exemplo n.º 8
jac (double t, const double y[], double *dfdy, double dfdt[], void *params)
  double mu = *(double *) params;
  gsl_matrix_view dfdy_mat = gsl_matrix_view_array(dfdy, NY, NY);
  gsl_matrix *m = &dfdy_mat.matrix;

  gsl_matrix_set (m, 0, 1, 1.0);
  gsl_matrix_set (m, 1, 0, -1.0 - 2.0*mu*y[0]*y[1]);
  gsl_matrix_set (m, 1, 1, mu*(1.0 - gsl_pow_2(y[0])));

  dfdt[0] = 0.0;
  dfdt[1] = 0.0;

  return GSL_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 9
int main(){
    int len = 3000;
    gsl_vector *v = gsl_vector_alloc(len);
    for (double i=0; i< len; i++) gsl_vector_set(v, i, 1./(i+1));
    double square;
    gsl_blas_ddot(v, v, &square);
    printf("1 + (1/2)^2 + (1/3)^2 + ...= %g\n", square);

    double pi_over_six = gsl_pow_2(M_PI)/6.;
    Diff(square, pi_over_six);

    /* Now using apop_dot, in a few forms.
       First, vector-as-data dot itself.
       If one of the inputs is a vector,
       apop_dot puts the output in a vector-as-data:*/
    apop_data *v_as_data = &(apop_data){.vector=v};
    apop_data *vdotv = apop_dot(v_as_data, v_as_data);
    Diff(gsl_vector_get(vdotv->vector, 0), pi_over_six);

    /* Wrap matrix in an apop_data set. */
    gsl_matrix *v_as_matrix = apop_vector_to_matrix(v);
    apop_data dm = (apop_data){.matrix=v_as_matrix};

    // (1 X len) vector dot (len X 1) matrix --- produce a scalar (one item vector).
    apop_data *mdotv = apop_dot(v_as_data, &dm);
    double scalarval = apop_data_get(mdotv);
    Diff(scalarval, pi_over_six);

    //(len X 1) dot (len X 1) --- bad dimensions.
    apop_opts.verbose=-1; //don't print an error.
    apop_data *mdotv2 = apop_dot(&dm, v_as_data);
    apop_opts.verbose=0; //back to safety.

    // If we want (len X 1) dot (1 X len) --> (len X len),
    // use apop_vector_to_matrix.
    apop_data dmr = (apop_data){.matrix=apop_vector_to_matrix(v, .row_col='r')};
    apop_data *product_matrix = apop_dot(&dm, &dmr);
    //The trace is the sum of squares:
    gsl_vector_view trace = gsl_matrix_diagonal(product_matrix->matrix);
    double tracesum = apop_sum(&trace.vector);
    Diff(tracesum, pi_over_six);

Exemplo n.º 10
void setprof(int model, double alpha, double rcut)
  int j;
  double r, x;

  rdtab[0] = mdtab[0] = vctab[0] = 0.0;
  for (j = 1; j < NTAB; j++) {
    r = rcut * pow(((double) j) / (NTAB - 1), 2.0);
    rdtab[j] = r;
    x = alpha * r;
    switch (model) {
      case -3:
        mdtab[j] = gsl_pow_4(r / rcut);
      case -2:
        mdtab[j] = gsl_pow_3(r / rcut);
      case -1:
        mdtab[j] = gsl_pow_2(r / rcut);
      case 0:
	mdtab[j] = 1 - exp(-x) - x * exp(-x);
      case 1:
	mdtab[j] = (2 - 2 * exp(-x) - (2*x + x*x) * exp(-x)) / 2;
      case 2:
	mdtab[j] = (6 - 6 * exp(-x) - (6*x + 3*x*x + x*x*x) * exp(-x)) / 6;
	error("%s: bad choice for model\n", getprog());
    vctab[j] = sqrt(gsp_mass(spheroid, r) / r);
  if (model > -1)
    eprintf("[%s: rcut = %8.4f/alpha  M(rcut) = %8.6f*mdisk]\n",
	    getprog(), rdtab[NTAB-1] * alpha, mdtab[NTAB-1]);
  if ((mdtab[0] == mdtab[1]) || (mdtab[NTAB-2] == mdtab[NTAB-1]))
    error("%s: disk mass table is degenerate\n", getprog());
  rm_spline = gsl_interp_alloc(gsl_interp_akima, NTAB);
  gsl_interp_init(rm_spline, mdtab, rdtab, NTAB);
  vr_spline = gsl_interp_alloc(gsl_interp_akima, NTAB);
  gsl_interp_init(vr_spline, rdtab, vctab, NTAB);
Exemplo n.º 11
double bayestar_log_posterior_toa_snr(
    double ra,
    double sin_dec,
    double distance,
    double u,
    double twopsi,
    double gmst, /* Greenwich mean sidereal time in radians. */
    int nifos, /* Input: number of detectors. */
    const float (**responses)[3], /* Pointers to detector responses. */
    const double **locations, /* Pointers to locations of detectors in Cartesian geographic coordinates. */
    const double *toas, /* Input: array of times of arrival with arbitrary relative offset. (Make toas[0] == 0.) */
    const double *snrs, /* Input: array of SNRs. */
    const double *w_toas, /* Input: sum-of-squares weights, (1/TOA variance)^2. */
    const double *horizons, /* Distances at which a source would produce an SNR of 1 in each detector. */
    int prior_distance_power) /* Use a prior of (distance)^(prior_distance_power) */
    int iifo;
    const double dec = asin(sin_dec);
    const double u2 = gsl_pow_2(u);
    const double u4 = gsl_pow_2(u2);
    const double costwopsi = cos(twopsi);
    const double sintwopsi = sin(twopsi);

    double logp = bayestar_log_posterior_toa(M_PI_2 - dec, ra, gmst, nifos, locations, toas, w_toas);

    /* Loop over detectors */
    for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo++)
        double Fp, Fx;
        XLALComputeDetAMResponse(&Fp, &Fx, responses[iifo], ra, dec, 0, gmst);

        const double FpFx = Fp * Fx;
        const double FpFp = gsl_pow_2(Fp);
        const double FxFx = gsl_pow_2(Fx);
        const double rho2 = 0.125 * ((FpFp + FxFx) * (1 + 6*u2 + u4) - gsl_pow_2(1 - u2) * ((FpFp - FxFx) * costwopsi + 2 * FpFx * sintwopsi));
        double residual = snrs[iifo];

        /* FIXME: due to roundoff, rhotimesr2 can be very small and
         * negative rather than simply zero. If this happens, don't
         accumulate the log-likelihood terms for this detector. */
        if (rho2 > 0)
            residual -= sqrt(rho2) * horizons[iifo] / distance;
        logp += -0.5 * gsl_pow_2(residual);

    if (prior_distance_power != 0)
        logp += prior_distance_power * log(distance);

    return logp;
Exemplo n.º 12
double AT_KatzModel_inactivation_cross_section_approximation_m2(
		const double E_MeV_u,
		const long   particle_no,
		const long   material_no,
		const long   rdd_model,
		const long   er_model,
		const double m_number_of_targets,
		const double sigma0_m2,
		const double kappa){

	double result = -1.0;

	double beta = AT_beta_from_E_single(E_MeV_u);
	double zeff = AT_effective_charge_from_beta_single(beta, AT_Z_from_particle_no_single(particle_no));
	double z2kappabeta2 = gsl_pow_2( zeff / beta ) / kappa;

	double Pi = pow( 1.0 - exp( - z2kappabeta2) , m_number_of_targets);

	if( rdd_model == RDD_KatzExtTarget && er_model == ER_ButtsKatz ){

		double factor = 1;
		if( Pi > 0.98 ){
			factor = AT_KatzModel_KatzExtTarget_ButtsKatz_TrackWidth( z2kappabeta2, m_number_of_targets );
		} else {
			factor = Pi;
		result = factor * sigma0_m2;

	if( rdd_model == RDD_KatzExtTarget && ((er_model == ER_Waligorski) || (er_model == ER_Edmund)) ){

		double factor = 1;
		if( Pi > 0.98 ){
			factor = AT_KatzModel_KatzExtTarget_Zhang_TrackWidth( z2kappabeta2, m_number_of_targets );
		} else {
			factor = Pi;
		result = factor * sigma0_m2;

	return result;
Exemplo n.º 13
void stats(std:: valarray<float> map, float &mean, float &sigma, float &kurt, float &skew) {
    float sum = map.sum();
    int n = map.size();
    mean = map.sum()/float(n);
    std:: valarray <float> maps(n);
    valarray<float> maps2(n),maps3(n),maps4(n);
    for(int i=0; i<n; i++) {
        maps2[i] = gsl_pow_2(map[i] - mean);
        maps3[i] = gsl_pow_3(map[i] - mean);
        maps4[i] = gsl_pow_4(map[i] - mean);
    sum = maps2.sum();
    sigma = sqrt(sum/(float(n)-1.));
    sum = maps3.sum();
    double mu3 = sum/(float(n)-1.);
    sum = maps4.sum();
    double mu4 = sum/(float(n)-1.);
    kurt = mu4/gsl_pow_4(sigma) -3;
    skew = mu3/gsl_pow_3(sigma);
Exemplo n.º 14
double d2Nglasma0(double pT, double qT, double phipq, double yp, double yq, double rts)
    static struct glasma_params params;
    params.pT = pT;
    params.qT = qT;
    params.yp = yp;
    params.yq = yq;
    params.rts = rts;
    params.phipq = phipq;
    phiIntKernel.function = &phiKernel; 
    (params.Kernel).function = &doubleKernel;

    phiIntKernel.params = &params;
    gsl_integration_qng(&phiIntKernel, -M_PI, M_PI, abserr, relerr,\
            &result, &error, &neval);

    double norm = (Nc*Nc)/gsl_pow_3(Nc*Nc-1.)/(4.*pow(M_PI,10.))/gsl_pow_2(pT*

    return norm*result;
Exemplo n.º 15
scalar sasfit_ff_gz_dab(scalar z, sasfit_param * param)
    scalar u,Gz,G0;
	SASFIT_ASSERT_PTR(param); // assert pointer param is valid

	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((z < 0.0), param, "z(%lg) < 0",z);
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((XI < 0.0), param, "xi(%lg) < 0",XI); // modify condition to your needs

	// insert your code here
    if (fabs(u)<1e-6) {
        if (u*u==0) {
        } else {
    } else {
	return (Gz-G0)*gsl_pow_2(2*M_PI); // not clear yet wy /gsl_pow_2(2*M_PI); is needed
Exemplo n.º 16
double d2Nglasma1(double pT, double yp, double yq, double rts)
    double sinres, cosres;
    static struct glasma_params params;
    params.pT = pT;
    params.yp = yp;
    params.yq = yq;
    params.rts = rts;

    phiIntKernel.function = &phiKernel; 
    (params.Kernel).function = &cosKernel;
    phiIntKernel.params = &params;
    gsl_integration_qng(&phiIntKernel, -M_PI, M_PI, abserr, relerr, &cosres, &error, &neval);
    (params.Kernel).function = &sinKernel;
    phiIntKernel.params = &params;
    gsl_integration_qng(&phiIntKernel, -M_PI, M_PI, abserr, relerr, &sinres, &error, &neval);

    double norm =  (Nc*Nc)/gsl_pow_3(Nc*Nc-1.)/(4.*pow(M_PI,10.))/gsl_pow_2(pT*pT)*alpha(pT)*alpha(pT) ;

    return norm*(cosres*cosres + sinres*sinres);
Exemplo n.º 17
inline typename Plane<T_>::length_type
distance(Plane<T_> const& obj, typename Plane<T_>::position_type const& pos)
    typedef typename Plane<T_>::length_type length_type;
    boost::array<length_type, 3> const x_y_z(to_internal(obj, pos));

    length_type const dx(subtract(abs(x_y_z[0]), obj.half_extent()[0]));
    length_type const dy(subtract(abs(x_y_z[1]), obj.half_extent()[1]));

    if (dx < 0 && dy < 0) {
        // Projected point of pos is on the plane.
        // Probably an infinite plane anyway.
        return x_y_z[2];

    if (dx > 0)
        if (dy > 0)
            // Far away from plane.
            return std::sqrt(gsl_pow_2(dx) + gsl_pow_2(dy) +
            return std::sqrt(gsl_pow_2(dx) + gsl_pow_2(x_y_z[2]));
        if (dy > 0)
            return std::sqrt(gsl_pow_2(dy) + gsl_pow_2(x_y_z[2]));
            // Already tested above.
            return x_y_z[2];
Exemplo n.º 18
void integ_mass(bool update)
  double *dmdr_tab = (double *) allocate(ntab * sizeof(double));
  gsl_spline *spl_dmdr = gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, ntab);
  gsl_interp_accel *acc_dmdr = gsl_interp_accel_alloc();
  int i, stat;
  double alpha, mass_int, del_mass, mass_end = mass_tab[ntab - 1];
  for (i = 0; i < ntab; i++)
    dmdr_tab[i] = 4 * M_PI * gsl_pow_2(radius_tab[i]) * density_tab[i];
  gsl_spline_init(spl_dmdr, radius_tab, dmdr_tab, ntab);
  if (radius_tab[0] > 0.0) {
    alpha = rlog10(density_tab[1] / density_tab[0]) /
              rlog10(radius_tab[1] / radius_tab[0]);
    mass_int = (4 * M_PI / (alpha + 3)) *
                    gsl_pow_3(radius_tab[0]) * density_tab[0];
  } else
    mass_int = 0.0;
  if (update)
    mass_tab[0] = mass_int;
  for (i = 1; i < ntab; i++) {
    stat = gsl_spline_eval_integ_e(spl_dmdr, radius_tab[i-1], radius_tab[i],
				   acc_dmdr, &del_mass);
    if (stat != 0)
      error("%s: spline error: %s\n", getprog(), gsl_strerror(stat));
    mass_int = mass_int + del_mass;
    if (update)
      mass_tab[i] = mass_int;
  eprintf("[%s: mass[] = %e:%e]\n",
	  getprog(), mass_tab[0], mass_tab[ntab - 1]);
  if (mass_int < 0.99 * mass_end || mass_int > 1.01 * mass_end)
    eprintf("[%s: WARNING: final mass = %e  integ mass = %e]\n",
	    getprog(), mass_end, mass_int);
Exemplo n.º 19
scalar sasfit_sd_gammaSD(scalar x, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar k, theta, res;


// MODE = theta*(k-1)
// variance = sigma^2 = k*theta^2

	theta = 0.5*(sqrt(gsl_pow_2(MODE) + 4.0*gsl_pow_2(SIGMA))-MODE);
	k = (	gsl_pow_2(MODE) 
			+ 2*gsl_pow_2(SIGMA) 
			+ MODE*sqrt(gsl_pow_2(MODE) 
			+ 4.0*gsl_pow_2(SIGMA))
	if (x == 0.0) return 0.0;

	res = (k-1.)*log(x/theta) - x/theta - log(theta) - sasfit_gammaln(k);

	return N*exp(res);
Exemplo n.º 20
Arquivo: test.c Projeto: atantet/gsl
test_manip(const size_t M, const size_t N, const double density,
	   const gsl_rng *r)
  int status;
  gsl_spmatrix *tri, *ccs, *crs, *test;
  gsl_matrix *dense, *denseDivRows, *denseDivCols;
  double sum, sumDense;
  gsl_vector *v;
  gsl_vector *denseRowSum, *denseColSum;
  size_t i, j;

  tri = create_random_sparse(M, N, density, r);
  dense = gsl_matrix_alloc(M, N);
  gsl_spmatrix_sp2d(dense, tri);

  /** Get row sum and col sum aswell as divided matrices for dense */
  denseDivRows = gsl_matrix_calloc(M, N);
  denseDivCols = gsl_matrix_calloc(M, N);  
  denseRowSum = gsl_vector_calloc(M);
  denseColSum = gsl_vector_calloc(N);
  sumDense = 0.;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  denseRowSum->data[i * denseRowSum->stride] += gsl_matrix_get(dense, i, j);
	  denseColSum->data[j * denseColSum->stride] += gsl_matrix_get(dense, i, j);
	  sumDense += gsl_matrix_get(dense, i, j);
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  if (gsl_pow_2(denseRowSum->data[i * denseRowSum->stride]) > 1.e-12)
	      gsl_matrix_set(denseDivRows, i, j, gsl_matrix_get(dense, i, j)
			     / denseRowSum->data[i * denseRowSum->stride]);
	      gsl_matrix_set(denseDivRows, i, j, gsl_matrix_get(dense, i, j));

	  if (gsl_pow_2(denseColSum->data[j * denseColSum->stride]) > 1.e-12)
	      gsl_matrix_set(denseDivCols, i, j, gsl_matrix_get(dense, i, j)
			     / denseColSum->data[j * denseColSum->stride]);
	      gsl_matrix_set(denseDivCols, i, j, gsl_matrix_get(dense, i, j));
  // Compress
  ccs = gsl_spmatrix_compress(tri, GSL_SPMATRIX_CCS);
  crs = gsl_spmatrix_compress(tri, GSL_SPMATRIX_CRS);

  /** TOTAL SUM */
  /** Triplet */
  sum = gsl_spmatrix_get_sum(tri);
  status = !(sum == sumDense);
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_sum triplet", M, N);
  /** CCS */
  sum = gsl_spmatrix_get_sum(ccs);
  status = !(sum == sumDense);
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_sum CCS", M, N);
  /** CRS */
  sum = gsl_spmatrix_get_sum(crs);
  status = !(sum == sumDense);
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_sum CRS", M, N);

  /** Triplet */
  /* Sum */
  v = gsl_vector_alloc(M);
  gsl_spmatrix_get_rowsum(v, tri);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
    if (v->data[i * v->stride] != denseRowSum->data[i * denseRowSum->stride])
      status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_rowsum triplet", M, N);
  /* Div */
  test = gsl_spmatrix_alloc_nzmax(crs->size1, crs->size2, 0, GSL_SPMATRIX_TRIPLET);
  gsl_spmatrix_memcpy(test, tri);
  gsl_spmatrix_div_rows(test, v);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  if (gsl_matrix_get(denseDivRows, i, j) != gsl_spmatrix_get(test, i, j))
	    status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _div_rows triplet", M, N);

  /** CCS */
  /* Sum */
  v = gsl_vector_alloc(M);
  gsl_spmatrix_get_rowsum(v, ccs);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
    if (v->data[i * v->stride] != denseRowSum->data[i * denseRowSum->stride])
      status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_rowsum CCS", M, N);
  /* Div */
  test = gsl_spmatrix_alloc_nzmax(ccs->size1, ccs->size2, 0, GSL_SPMATRIX_CCS);
  gsl_spmatrix_memcpy(test, ccs);
  gsl_spmatrix_div_rows(test, v);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  if (gsl_matrix_get(denseDivRows, i, j) != gsl_spmatrix_get(test, i, j))
	    status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _div_rows CCS", M, N);
  /* CRS */
  /* Sum */
  v = gsl_vector_alloc(M);
  gsl_spmatrix_get_rowsum(v, crs);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
    if (v->data[i * v->stride] != denseRowSum->data[i * denseRowSum->stride])
      status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_rowsum CRS", M, N);
  /* Div */
  test = gsl_spmatrix_alloc_nzmax(crs->size1, crs->size2, 0, GSL_SPMATRIX_CRS);
  gsl_spmatrix_memcpy(test, crs);
  gsl_spmatrix_div_rows(test, v);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  if (gsl_matrix_get(denseDivRows, i, j) != gsl_spmatrix_get(test, i, j))
	    status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _div_rows CRS", M, N);

  /** Triplet */
  /* Sum */
  v = gsl_vector_alloc(N);
  gsl_spmatrix_get_colsum(v, tri);
  status = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
    if (v->data[j * v->stride] != denseColSum->data[j * denseColSum->stride])
      status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_colsum triplet", M, N);
  /* Div */
  test = gsl_spmatrix_alloc_nzmax(tri->size1, tri->size2, 0, GSL_SPMATRIX_TRIPLET);
  gsl_spmatrix_memcpy(test, tri);
  gsl_spmatrix_div_cols(test, v);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  if (gsl_fcmp(gsl_matrix_get(denseDivCols, i, j), gsl_spmatrix_get(test, i, j), 1.e-12))
	      fprintf(stdout, "mismatch: (%zu, %zu) %lf != %lf\n", i, j, gsl_matrix_get(denseDivCols, i, j),
		      gsl_spmatrix_get(test, i, j));
	      status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _div_cols triplet", M, N);

  /** CCS */
  /** Sum */
  v = gsl_vector_alloc(N);
  gsl_spmatrix_get_colsum(v, ccs);
  status = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
    if (v->data[j * v->stride] != denseColSum->data[j * denseColSum->stride])
      status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_colsum CCS", M, N);
  /** Div */
  test = gsl_spmatrix_alloc_nzmax(ccs->size1, ccs->size2, 0, GSL_SPMATRIX_CCS);
  gsl_spmatrix_memcpy(test, ccs);
  gsl_spmatrix_div_cols(test, v);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  if (gsl_matrix_get(denseDivCols, i, j) != gsl_spmatrix_get(test, i, j))
	    status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _div_cols CCS", M, N);
  /** CRS */
  /* Sum */
  v = gsl_vector_alloc(N);
  gsl_spmatrix_get_colsum(v, crs);
  status = 0;
  for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
    if (v->data[j * v->stride] != denseColSum->data[j * denseColSum->stride])
      status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _get_colsum CRS", M, N);
  /* Div */
  test = gsl_spmatrix_alloc_nzmax(crs->size1, crs->size2, 0, GSL_SPMATRIX_CRS);
  gsl_spmatrix_memcpy(test, crs);
  gsl_spmatrix_div_cols(test, v);
  status = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < M; i++)
      for (j = 0; j < N; j++)
	  if (gsl_matrix_get(denseDivCols, i, j) != gsl_spmatrix_get(test, i, j))
	    status = 1;
  gsl_test(status, "test_manip: M=%zu N=%zu _get != _div_cols CRS", M, N);

  /** Free */
Exemplo n.º 21
double *bayestar_sky_map_toa_phoa_snr(
    long *npix, /* Input: number of HEALPix pixels. */
    double gmst, /* Greenwich mean sidereal time in radians. */
    int nifos, /* Input: number of detectors. */
    const float (**responses)[3], /* Pointers to detector responses. */
    const double **locations, /* Pointers to locations of detectors in Cartesian geographic coordinates. */
    const double *toas, /* Input: array of times of arrival with arbitrary relative offset. (Make toas[0] == 0.) */
    const double *phoas, /* Input: array of phases of arrival with arbitrary relative offset. (Make phoas[0] == 0.) */
    const double *snrs, /* Input: array of SNRs. */
    const double *w_toas, /* Input: sum-of-squares weights, (1/TOA variance)^2. */
    const double *w1s, /* Input: first moments of angular frequency. */
    const double *w2s, /* Input: second moments of angular frequency. */
    const double *horizons, /* Distances at which a source would produce an SNR of 1 in each detector. */
    double min_distance,
    double max_distance,
    int prior_distance_power) /* Use a prior of (distance)^(prior_distance_power) */
    long nside;
    long maxpix;
    long i;
    double d1[nifos];
    double *P;
    gsl_permutation *pix_perm;
    double complex exp_i_phoas[nifos];

    /* Hold GSL return values for any thread that fails. */
    int gsl_errno = GSL_SUCCESS;

    /* Storage for old GSL error handler. */
    gsl_error_handler_t *old_handler;

    /* Maximum number of subdivisions for adaptive integration. */
    static const size_t subdivision_limit = 64;

    /* Subdivide radial integral where likelihood is this fraction of the maximum,
     * will be used in solving the quadratic to find the breakpoints */
    static const double eta = 0.01;

    /* Use this many integration steps in 2*psi  */
    static const int ntwopsi = 16;

    /* Number of integration steps in cos(inclination) */
    static const int nu = 16;

    /* Number of integration steps in arrival time */
    static const int nt = 16;

    /* Rescale distances so that furthest horizon distance is 1. */
        double d1max;
        memcpy(d1, horizons, sizeof(d1));
        for (d1max = d1[0], i = 1; i < nifos; i ++)
            if (d1[i] > d1max)
                d1max = d1[i];
        for (i = 0; i < nifos; i ++)
            d1[i] /= d1max;
        min_distance /= d1max;
        max_distance /= d1max;

    (void)w2s; /* FIXME: remove unused parameter */

    for (i = 0; i < nifos; i ++)
        exp_i_phoas[i] = exp_i(phoas[i]);

    /* Evaluate posterior term only first. */
    P = bayestar_sky_map_toa_adapt_resolution(&pix_perm, &maxpix, npix, gmst, nifos, locations, toas, w_toas, autoresolution_count_pix_toa_phoa_snr);
    if (!P)
        return NULL;

    /* Determine the lateral HEALPix resolution. */
    nside = npix2nside(*npix);

    /* Zero all pixels that didn't meet the TDOA cut. */
    for (i = maxpix; i < *npix; i ++)
        long ipix = gsl_permutation_get(pix_perm, i);
        P[ipix] = -INFINITY;

    /* Use our own error handler while in parallel section to avoid concurrent
     * calls to the GSL error handler, which if provided by the user may not
     * be threadsafe. */
    old_handler = gsl_set_error_handler(my_gsl_error);

    /* Compute posterior factor for amplitude consistency. */
    #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(gsl_errno) lastprivate(gsl_errno)
    for (i = 0; i < maxpix; i ++)
       /* Cancel further computation if a GSL error condition has occurred.
        * Note: if one thread sets gsl_errno, not necessarily all thread will
        * get the updated value. That's OK, because most failure modes will
        * cause GSL error conditions on all threads. If we cared to have any
        * failure on any thread terminate all of the other threads as quickly
        * as possible, then we would want to insert the following pragma here:
        *     #pragma omp flush(gsl_errno)
        * and likewise before any point where we set gsl_errno.

        if (gsl_errno != GSL_SUCCESS)
            goto skip;

            long ipix = gsl_permutation_get(pix_perm, i);
            double complex F[nifos];
            double theta, phi;
            int itwopsi, iu, it, iifo;
            double accum = -INFINITY;
            double complex exp_i_toaphoa[nifos];
            double dtau[nifos], mean_dtau;

            /* Prepare workspace for adaptive integrator. */
            gsl_integration_workspace *workspace = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(subdivision_limit);

            /* If the workspace could not be allocated, then record the GSL
             * error value for later reporting when we leave the parallel
             * section. Then, skip to the next loop iteration. */
            if (!workspace)
               gsl_errno = GSL_ENOMEM;
               goto skip;

            /* Look up polar coordinates of this pixel */
            pix2ang_ring(nside, ipix, &theta, &phi);

            toa_errors(dtau, theta, phi, gmst, nifos, locations, toas);
            for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo ++)
                exp_i_toaphoa[iifo] = exp_i_phoas[iifo] * exp_i(w1s[iifo] * dtau[iifo]);

            /* Find mean arrival time error */
            mean_dtau = gsl_stats_wmean(w_toas, 1, dtau, 1, nifos);

            /* Look up antenna factors */
            for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo++)
                    (double *)&F[iifo],     /* Type-punned real part */
                    1 + (double *)&F[iifo], /* Type-punned imag part */
                    responses[iifo], phi, M_PI_2 - theta, 0, gmst);
                F[iifo] *= d1[iifo];

            /* Integrate over 2*psi */
            for (itwopsi = 0; itwopsi < ntwopsi; itwopsi++)
                const double twopsi = (2 * M_PI / ntwopsi) * itwopsi;
                const double complex exp_i_twopsi = exp_i(twopsi);

                /* Integrate over u from u=-1 to u=1. */
                for (iu = -nu; iu <= nu; iu++)
                    const double u = (double)iu / nu;
                    const double u2 = gsl_pow_2(u);

                    double A = 0, B = 0;
                    double breakpoints[5];
                    int num_breakpoints = 0;
                    double log_offset = -INFINITY;

                    /* The log-likelihood is quadratic in the estimated and true
                     * values of the SNR, and in 1/r. It is of the form A/r^2 + B/r,
                     * where A depends only on the true values of the SNR and is
                     * strictly negative and B depends on both the true values and
                     * the estimates and is strictly positive.
                     * The middle breakpoint is at the maximum of the log-likelihood,
                     * occurring at 1/r=-B/2A. The lower and upper breakpoints occur
                     * when the likelihood becomes eta times its maximum value. This
                     * occurs when
                     *   A/r^2 + B/r = log(eta) - B^2/4A.

                    /* Perform arrival time integral */
                    double accum1 = -INFINITY;
                    for (it = -nt/2; it <= nt/2; it++)
                        const double t = mean_dtau + LAL_REARTH_SI / LAL_C_SI * it / nt;
                        double complex i0arg_complex = 0;
                        for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo++)
                            const double complex tmp = F[iifo] * exp_i_twopsi;
                            /* FIXME: could use - sign here to avoid conj below, but
                             * this probably just sets our sign convention relative to
                             * detection pipeline */
                            double complex phase_rhotimesr = 0.5 * (1 + u2) * creal(tmp) + I * u * cimag(tmp);
                            const double abs_rhotimesr_2 = cabs2(phase_rhotimesr);
                            const double abs_rhotimesr = sqrt(abs_rhotimesr_2);
                            phase_rhotimesr /= abs_rhotimesr;
                            i0arg_complex += exp_i_toaphoa[iifo] * exp_i(-w1s[iifo] * t) * phase_rhotimesr * gsl_pow_2(snrs[iifo]);
                        const double i0arg = cabs(i0arg_complex);
                        accum1 = logaddexp(accum1, log(gsl_sf_bessel_I0_scaled(i0arg)) + i0arg - 0.5 * gsl_stats_wtss_m(w_toas, 1, dtau, 1, nifos, t));

                    /* Loop over detectors */
                    for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo++)
                        const double complex tmp = F[iifo] * exp_i_twopsi;
                        /* FIXME: could use - sign here to avoid conj below, but
                         * this probably just sets our sign convention relative to
                         * detection pipeline */
                        double complex phase_rhotimesr = 0.5 * (1 + u2) * creal(tmp) + I * u * cimag(tmp);
                        const double abs_rhotimesr_2 = cabs2(phase_rhotimesr);
                        const double abs_rhotimesr = sqrt(abs_rhotimesr_2);

                        A += abs_rhotimesr_2;
                        B += abs_rhotimesr * snrs[iifo];
                    A *= -0.5;

                        const double middle_breakpoint = -2 * A / B;
                        const double lower_breakpoint = 1 / (1 / middle_breakpoint + sqrt(log(eta) / A));
                        const double upper_breakpoint = 1 / (1 / middle_breakpoint - sqrt(log(eta) / A));
                        breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = min_distance;
                        if(lower_breakpoint > breakpoints[num_breakpoints-1] && lower_breakpoint < max_distance)
                            breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = lower_breakpoint;
                        if(middle_breakpoint > breakpoints[num_breakpoints-1] && middle_breakpoint < max_distance)
                            breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = middle_breakpoint;
                        if(upper_breakpoint > breakpoints[num_breakpoints-1] && upper_breakpoint < max_distance)
                            breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = upper_breakpoint;
                        breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = max_distance;

                         * Set log_offset to the maximum of the logarithm of the
                         * radial integrand evaluated at all of the breakpoints. */
                        int ibreakpoint;
                        for (ibreakpoint = 0; ibreakpoint < num_breakpoints; ibreakpoint++)
                            const double new_log_offset = log_radial_integrand(
                                breakpoints[ibreakpoint], A, B, prior_distance_power);
                            if (new_log_offset < INFINITY && new_log_offset > log_offset)
                                log_offset = new_log_offset;

                        /* Perform adaptive integration. Stop when a relative
                         * accuracy of 0.05 has been reached. */
                        inner_integrand_params integrand_params = {A, B, log_offset, prior_distance_power};
                        const gsl_function func = {radial_integrand, &integrand_params};
                        double result, abserr;
                        int ret = gsl_integration_qagp(&func, &breakpoints[0], num_breakpoints, DBL_MIN, 0.05, subdivision_limit, workspace, &result, &abserr);

                        /* If the integrator failed, then record the GSL error
                         * value for later reporting when we leave the parallel
                         * section. Then, break out of the loop. */
                        if (ret != GSL_SUCCESS)
                            gsl_errno = ret;
                            goto skip;

                        /* Take the logarithm and put the log-normalization back in. */
                        result = log(result) + integrand_params.log_offset + accum1;

                        /* Accumulate result. */
                        accum = logaddexp(accum, result);
            /* Discard workspace for adaptive integrator. */

            /* Store log posterior. */
            P[ipix] = accum;

        skip: /* this statement intentionally left blank */;

    /* Restore old error handler. */

    /* Free permutation. */

    /* Check if there was an error in any thread evaluating any pixel. If there
     * was, raise the error and return. */
    if (gsl_errno != GSL_SUCCESS)
        GSL_ERROR_NULL(gsl_strerror(gsl_errno), gsl_errno);

    /* Exponentiate and normalize posterior. */
    pix_perm = get_pixel_ranks(*npix, P);
    if (!pix_perm)
        return NULL;
    exp_normalize(*npix, P, pix_perm);

    return P;
Exemplo n.º 22
double *bayestar_sky_map_toa_snr(
    long *npix, /* Input: number of HEALPix pixels. */
    double gmst, /* Greenwich mean sidereal time in radians. */
    int nifos, /* Input: number of detectors. */
    const float (**responses)[3], /* Pointers to detector responses. */
    const double **locations, /* Pointers to locations of detectors in Cartesian geographic coordinates. */
    const double *toas, /* Input: array of times of arrival with arbitrary relative offset. (Make toas[0] == 0.) */
    const double *snrs, /* Input: array of SNRs. */
    const double *w_toas, /* Input: sum-of-squares weights, (1/TOA variance)^2. */
    const double *horizons, /* Distances at which a source would produce an SNR of 1 in each detector. */
    double min_distance,
    double max_distance,
    int prior_distance_power) /* Use a prior of (distance)^(prior_distance_power) */
    long nside;
    long maxpix;
    long i;
    double d1[nifos];
    double *P;
    gsl_permutation *pix_perm;

    /* Hold GSL return values for any thread that fails. */
    int gsl_errno = GSL_SUCCESS;

    /* Storage for old GSL error handler. */
    gsl_error_handler_t *old_handler;

    /* Maximum number of subdivisions for adaptive integration. */
    static const size_t subdivision_limit = 64;

    /* Subdivide radial integral where likelihood is this fraction of the maximum,
     * will be used in solving the quadratic to find the breakpoints */
    static const double eta = 0.01;

    /* Use this many integration steps in 2*psi  */
    static const int ntwopsi = 16;

    /* Number of integration steps in cos(inclination) */
    static const int nu = 16;

    /* Rescale distances so that furthest horizon distance is 1. */
        double d1max;
        memcpy(d1, horizons, sizeof(d1));
        for (d1max = d1[0], i = 1; i < nifos; i ++)
            if (d1[i] > d1max)
                d1max = d1[i];
        for (i = 0; i < nifos; i ++)
            d1[i] /= d1max;
        min_distance /= d1max;
        max_distance /= d1max;

    /* Evaluate posterior term only first. */
    P = bayestar_sky_map_toa_adapt_resolution(&pix_perm, &maxpix, npix, gmst, nifos, locations, toas, w_toas, autoresolution_count_pix_toa_snr);
    if (!P)
        return NULL;

    /* Determine the lateral HEALPix resolution. */
    nside = npix2nside(*npix);

    /* Zero pixels that didn't meet the TDOA cut. */
    for (i = 0; i < maxpix; i ++)
        long ipix = gsl_permutation_get(pix_perm, i);
        P[ipix] = log(P[ipix]);
    for (; i < *npix; i ++)
        long ipix = gsl_permutation_get(pix_perm, i);
        P[ipix] = -INFINITY;

    /* Use our own error handler while in parallel section to avoid concurrent
     * calls to the GSL error handler, which if provided by the user may not
     * be threadsafe. */
    old_handler = gsl_set_error_handler(my_gsl_error);

    /* Compute posterior factor for amplitude consistency. */
    #pragma omp parallel for firstprivate(gsl_errno) lastprivate(gsl_errno)
    for (i = 0; i < maxpix; i ++)
        /* Cancel further computation if a GSL error condition has occurred.
         * Note: if one thread sets gsl_errno, not necessarily all thread will
         * get the updated value. That's OK, because most failure modes will
         * cause GSL error conditions on all threads. If we cared to have any
         * failure on any thread terminate all of the other threads as quickly
         * as possible, then we would want to insert the following pragma here:
         *     #pragma omp flush(gsl_errno)
         * and likewise before any point where we set gsl_errno.

        if (gsl_errno != GSL_SUCCESS)
            goto skip;

            long ipix = gsl_permutation_get(pix_perm, i);
            double F[nifos][2];
            double theta, phi;
            int itwopsi, iu, iifo;
            double accum = -INFINITY;

            /* Prepare workspace for adaptive integrator. */
            gsl_integration_workspace *workspace = gsl_integration_workspace_alloc(subdivision_limit);

            /* If the workspace could not be allocated, then record the GSL
             * error value for later reporting when we leave the parallel
             * section. Then, skip to the next loop iteration. */
            if (!workspace)
                gsl_errno = GSL_ENOMEM;
                goto skip;

            /* Look up polar coordinates of this pixel */
            pix2ang_ring(nside, ipix, &theta, &phi);

            /* Look up antenna factors */
            for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo ++)
                XLALComputeDetAMResponse(&F[iifo][0], &F[iifo][1], responses[iifo], phi, M_PI_2 - theta, 0, gmst);
                F[iifo][0] *= d1[iifo];
                F[iifo][1] *= d1[iifo];

            /* Integrate over 2*psi */
            for (itwopsi = 0; itwopsi < ntwopsi; itwopsi++)
                const double twopsi = (2 * M_PI / ntwopsi) * itwopsi;
                const double costwopsi = cos(twopsi);
                const double sintwopsi = sin(twopsi);

                /* Integrate over u; since integrand only depends on u^2 we only
                 * have to go from u=0 to u=1. We want to include u=1, so the upper
                 * limit has to be <= */
                for (iu = 0; iu <= nu; iu++)
                    const double u = (double)iu / nu;
                    const double u2 = gsl_pow_2(u);
                    const double u4 = gsl_pow_2(u2);

                    double A = 0, B = 0;
                    double breakpoints[5];
                    int num_breakpoints = 0;
                    double log_offset = -INFINITY;

                    /* The log-likelihood is quadratic in the estimated and true
                     * values of the SNR, and in 1/r. It is of the form A/r^2 + B/r,
                     * where A depends only on the true values of the SNR and is
                     * strictly negative and B depends on both the true values and
                     * the estimates and is strictly positive.
                     * The middle breakpoint is at the maximum of the log-likelihood,
                     * occurring at 1/r=-B/2A. The lower and upper breakpoints occur
                     * when the likelihood becomes eta times its maximum value. This
                     * occurs when
                     *   A/r^2 + B/r = log(eta) - B^2/4A.

                    /* Loop over detectors */
                    for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo++)
                        const double Fp = F[iifo][0]; /* `plus' antenna factor times r */
                        const double Fx = F[iifo][1]; /* `cross' antenna factor times r */
                        const double FpFx = Fp * Fx;
                        const double FpFp = gsl_pow_2(Fp);
                        const double FxFx = gsl_pow_2(Fx);
                        const double rhotimesr2 = 0.125 * ((FpFp + FxFx) * (1 + 6*u2 + u4) - gsl_pow_2(1 - u2) * ((FpFp - FxFx) * costwopsi + 2 * FpFx * sintwopsi));
                        const double rhotimesr = sqrt(rhotimesr2);

                        /* FIXME: due to roundoff, rhotimesr2 can be very small and
                         * negative rather than simply zero. If this happens, don't
                         accumulate the log-likelihood terms for this detector. */
                        if (rhotimesr2 > 0)
                            A += rhotimesr2;
                            B += rhotimesr * snrs[iifo];
                    A *= -0.5;

                        const double middle_breakpoint = -2 * A / B;
                        const double lower_breakpoint = 1 / (1 / middle_breakpoint + sqrt(log(eta) / A));
                        const double upper_breakpoint = 1 / (1 / middle_breakpoint - sqrt(log(eta) / A));
                        breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = min_distance;
                        if(lower_breakpoint > breakpoints[num_breakpoints-1] && lower_breakpoint < max_distance)
                            breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = lower_breakpoint;
                        if(middle_breakpoint > breakpoints[num_breakpoints-1] && middle_breakpoint < max_distance)
                            breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = middle_breakpoint;
                        if(upper_breakpoint > breakpoints[num_breakpoints-1] && upper_breakpoint < max_distance)
                            breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = upper_breakpoint;
                        breakpoints[num_breakpoints++] = max_distance;

                         * Set log_offset to the maximum of the logarithm of the
                         * radial integrand evaluated at all of the breakpoints. */
                        int ibreakpoint;
                        for (ibreakpoint = 0; ibreakpoint < num_breakpoints; ibreakpoint++)
                            const double new_log_offset = log_radial_integrand(
                                breakpoints[ibreakpoint], A, B, prior_distance_power);
                            if (new_log_offset < INFINITY && new_log_offset > log_offset)
                                log_offset = new_log_offset;

                        /* Perform adaptive integration. Stop when a relative
                         * accuracy of 0.05 has been reached. */
                        inner_integrand_params integrand_params = {A, B, log_offset, prior_distance_power};
                        const gsl_function func = {radial_integrand, &integrand_params};
                        double result, abserr;
                        int ret = gsl_integration_qagp(&func, &breakpoints[0], num_breakpoints, DBL_MIN, 0.05, subdivision_limit, workspace, &result, &abserr);

                        /* If the integrator failed, then record the GSL error
                         * value for later reporting when we leave the parallel
                         * section. Then, break out of the loop. */
                        if (ret != GSL_SUCCESS)
                            gsl_errno = ret;
                            goto skip;

                        /* Take the logarithm and put the log-normalization back in. */
                        result = log(result) + integrand_params.log_offset;

                        /* Accumulate result. */
                        accum = logaddexp(accum, result);
            /* Discard workspace for adaptive integrator. */

            /* Accumulate (log) posterior terms for SNR and TDOA. */
            P[ipix] += accum;

        skip: /* this statement intentionally left blank */;

    /* Restore old error handler. */

    /* Free permutation. */

    /* Check if there was an error in any thread evaluating any pixel. If there
     * was, raise the error and return. */
    if (gsl_errno != GSL_SUCCESS)
        GSL_ERROR_NULL(gsl_strerror(gsl_errno), gsl_errno);

    /* Exponentiate and normalize posterior. */
    pix_perm = get_pixel_ranks(*npix, P);
    if (!pix_perm)
        return NULL;
    exp_normalize(*npix, P, pix_perm);

    return P;
Exemplo n.º 23
static double cabs2(double complex z) {
    return gsl_pow_2(creal(z)) + gsl_pow_2(cimag(z));
Exemplo n.º 24
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;
  int e, e_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1);
  y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0);
  y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0);
  y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");

  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1);
  y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test +-Inf, finite */
  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_POSINF, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_POSINF, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NEGINF, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NEGINF, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_POSINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_POSINF)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_NEGINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_NEGINF)");

  /* Test NaN, finite */
  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, 1.2);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, 1.2)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1.2, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1.2, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test NaN, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_NAN;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test +Inf, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_POSINF, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_POSINF, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test -Inf, NaN */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NEGINF, GSL_NAN);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NEGINF, GSL_NAN)");

  /* Test NaN, +Inf */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_POSINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_POSINF)");

  /* Test NaN, -Inf */

  y = gsl_hypot (GSL_NAN, GSL_NEGINF);
  y_expected = GSL_POSINF;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(GSL_NAN, GSL_NEGINF)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot3 */

  y = gsl_hypot3 (0.0, 0.0, 0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, 1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-38, 1e-38, 1e-38);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-38, 1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, 1e-10, -1.0);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, 1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e-10, -1.0, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e-10, -1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (-1.0, 1e-10, 1e-10);
  y_expected = 1.000000000000000000099;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(-1, 1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e301, 1e301);
  y_expected = 1.0000000000009999999999995e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e301, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e307, 1e307);
  y_expected = 1.732050807568877293527446e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e307, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot3 (1e307, 1e-307, 1e-307);
  y_expected = 1.0e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot3(1e307, 1e-307, 1e-307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1);
  y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10);
  y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10);
  y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1);
  y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0);
  y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0);
  y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0);
  y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0);
  y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10);
  y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10);
  y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20);
  y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20);
  y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1);
  y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1);
  y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9);
  y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9);
  y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14);
  y_expected = pow (-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_int(-3.14,%d)", n);

    unsigned int n;
    for (n = 0; n < 10; n++)
        y = gsl_pow_uint (-3.14, n);
        y_expected = pow (-3.14, n);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_uint(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test case for n at INT_MAX, INT_MIN */

    double u = 1.0000001;
    int n = INT_MAX;
    y = gsl_pow_int (u, n);
    y_expected = pow (u, n);
    gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-6, "gsl_pow_int(%.7f,%d)", u, n);

    n = INT_MIN;
    y = gsl_pow_int (u, n);
    y_expected = pow (u, n);
    gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-6, "gsl_pow_int(%.7f,%d)", u, n);

  /* Test for ldexp */

  y = gsl_ldexp (M_PI, -2);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(pi,-2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1.0, 2);
  y_expected = 4.000000;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (0.0, 2);
  y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(0.0,2)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (9.999999999999998890e-01, 1024);
  y_expected = GSL_DBL_MAX;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp DBL_MAX");

  y = gsl_ldexp (1e308, -2000);
  y_expected = 8.7098098162172166755761e-295;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(1e308,-2000)");

  y = gsl_ldexp (GSL_DBL_MIN, 2000);
  y_expected = 2.554675596204441378334779940e294;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(DBL_MIN,2000)");

  /* Test subnormals */

    int i = 0;
    volatile double x = GSL_DBL_MIN;
    y_expected = 2.554675596204441378334779940e294;
    x /= 2;
    while (x > 0)
        i++ ;
        y = gsl_ldexp (x, 2000 + i);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_ldexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d,%d)",i,2000+i);
        x /= 2;

  /* Test for frexp */

  y = gsl_frexp (0.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0;
  e_expected = 0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (M_PI, &e);
  y_expected = M_PI_4;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(pi) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(pi) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (2.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = 2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(2.0) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(2.0) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (1.0 / 4.0 - 4.0 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, &e);
  y_expected = 0.999999999999996447;
  e_expected = -2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(0.25-eps) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (GSL_DBL_MAX, &e);
  y_expected = 9.999999999999998890e-01;
  e_expected = 1024;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MAX) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MAX) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (-GSL_DBL_MAX, &e);
  y_expected = -9.999999999999998890e-01;
  e_expected = 1024;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MAX) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MAX) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (GSL_DBL_MIN, &e);
  y_expected = 0.5;
  e_expected = -1021;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN) exponent");

  y = gsl_frexp (-GSL_DBL_MIN, &e);
  y_expected = -0.5;
  e_expected = -1021;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MIN) fraction");
  gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(-DBL_MIN) exponent");

  /* Test subnormals */

    int i = 0;
    volatile double x = GSL_DBL_MIN;
    y_expected = 0.5;
    e_expected = -1021;
    x /= 2;

    while (x > 0)
        i++ ;
        y = gsl_frexp (x, &e);
        gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d) fraction",i);
        gsl_test_int (e, e_expected, "gsl_frexp(DBL_MIN/2**%d) exponent", i);
        x /= 2;

  /* Test for approximate floating point comparison */
    double x, y;
    int i;

    x = M_PI;
    y = 22.0 / 7.0;

    /* test the basic function */

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (x, y, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, -(i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", x, y, tol);

    for (i = 0; i < 10; i++)
        double tol = pow (10, -i);
        int res = gsl_fcmp (y, x, tol);
        gsl_test_int (res, (i >= 4), "gsl_fcmp(%.5f,%.5f,%g)", y, x, tol);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite */

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp (1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;

    s = gsl_isinf (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");

    s = gsl_isinf (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");

    s = gsl_isinf (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (-inf);  
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");

    s = gsl_isnan (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");

    s = gsl_isnan (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(-inf)");

    s = gsl_isnan (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite (zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");

    s = gsl_finite (one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");

    s = gsl_finite (inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(-inf)");

    s = gsl_finite (nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0 / 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  /* Test constants in gsl_math.h */

    double x = log(M_E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "ln(M_E)");
    double x=pow(2.0,M_LOG2E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, exp(1.0), 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "2^M_LOG2E");
    double x=pow(10.0,M_LOG10E);
    gsl_test_rel (x, exp(1.0), 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "10^M_LOG10E");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT2, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT2^2");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT1_2, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1.0/2.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT1_2");

    double x=pow(M_SQRT3, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 3.0, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRT3^2");

    double x = M_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 3.1415926535897932384626433832795, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_PI");

    double x = 2 * M_PI_2;
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "2*M_PI_2");

    double x = 4 * M_PI_4;
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "4*M_PI_4");

    double x = pow(M_SQRTPI, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRTPI^2");

    double x = pow(M_2_SQRTPI, 2.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 4/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_SQRTPI^2");

    double x = M_1_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 1/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_1_SQRTPI");

    double x = M_2_PI;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0/M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_2_PI");

    double x = exp(M_LN10);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 10, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LN10)");

    double x = exp(M_LN2);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LN2)");

    double x = exp(M_LNPI);
    gsl_test_rel (x, M_PI, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "exp(M_LNPI)");

    double x = M_EULER;
    gsl_test_rel (x, 0.5772156649015328606065120900824, 4 * GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "M_EULER");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
Exemplo n.º 25
int MetaAnalysis(gsl_vector * esVector, gsl_vector * varVector, 
	gsl_vector * metaResultsVector, gsl_combination * comb) {
	ST_retcode	rc;
	ST_uint4 	i, nStudies, subsetLength;
	ST_double sumOfFixedWeights = 0.0;
	ST_double sumOfFixedWeights2= 0.0;
	ST_double sumOfFixedWeightedEffects = 0.0;
	ST_double sumOfFixedWeightedSquares = 0.0;
	nStudies = (ST_uint4) esVector->size;

	subsetLength = gsl_combination_k(comb);
/* note the definition of c(i) in the beginning */	
	if (subsetLength > 1.0) {
		for(i=0; i< subsetLength ; i++) {
			sumOfFixedWeights += 1.0 / (gsl_vector_get(varVector, c(i) ));
			sumOfFixedWeights2 += 1.0 / gsl_pow_2( (gsl_vector_get(varVector, c(i) )) );
			sumOfFixedWeightedEffects += gsl_vector_get(esVector, c(i))
				/ (gsl_vector_get(varVector, c(i)));
		/* ES_FEM */
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 0,
			sumOfFixedWeightedEffects / sumOfFixedWeights);
		/* var_FEM*/
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 1, 1.0 / sumOfFixedWeights);
		/* df */
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 4, subsetLength-1.0);

		/* Q */
		for(i=0; i< subsetLength ; i++) {
			sumOfFixedWeightedSquares +=   		/* see the definition of MARES */
				gsl_pow_2(gsl_vector_get(esVector, c(i)) - MARES(0))
				/ gsl_vector_get(varVector,c(i));
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 5, sumOfFixedWeightedSquares);

		/* I2 */
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 6, GSL_MAX(0.0, 1.0 - MARES(4) / MARES(5)) );
		/* sets ES_REM var_REM and tau2 */
		if ((rc = DL(esVector, varVector, metaResultsVector, comb,
			sumOfFixedWeights, sumOfFixedWeights2) )) return(rc);
	else {
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 2, MARES(0));
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 3, MARES(1));
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 5, 0.0);   /* Q will set to missing later */
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 6, 0.0 );   /* I2 will set to missing later */
		gsl_vector_set(metaResultsVector, 7, 0.0 );     /* no tau2 */
	return 0;

Exemplo n.º 26
main (void)
  double y, y_expected;

  gsl_ieee_env_setup ();

  /* Test for expm1 */

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (1e-10); y_expected = 1.000000000050000000002e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-1e-10); y_expected = -9.999999999500000000017e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-1e-10)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (0.1); y_expected = 0.1051709180756476248117078264902;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-0.1); y_expected = -0.09516258196404042683575094055356;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (10.0); y_expected = 22025.465794806716516957900645284;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(10.0)");

  y = gsl_expm1 (-10.0); y_expected = -0.99995460007023751514846440848444;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_expm1(-10.0)");
  /* Test for log1p */

  y = gsl_log1p (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.0)");

  y = gsl_log1p (1e-10); y_expected = 9.9999999995000000000333333333308e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_log1p (0.1); y_expected = 0.095310179804324860043952123280765;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(0.1)");

  y = gsl_log1p (10.0); y_expected = 2.3978952727983705440619435779651;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_log1p(10.0)");

  /* Test for gsl_hypot */

  y = gsl_hypot (0.0, 0.0) ; y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(0.0, 0.0)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, 1e-10) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-10;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-38, 1e-38) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e-38;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-38, 1e-38)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e-10, -1.0) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e-10, -1)");

  y = gsl_hypot (-1.0, 1e-10) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000000000005;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(-1, 1e-10)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e301) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e301)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e301, 1e307) ; y_expected = 1.000000000000499999999999e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e301, 1e307)");

  y = gsl_hypot (1e307, 1e307) ; y_expected = 1.414213562373095048801688e307;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_hypot(1e307, 1e307)");

  /* Test for acosh */

  y = gsl_acosh (1.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1.1); y_expected = 4.435682543851151891329110663525e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1.1)");

  y = gsl_acosh (10.0); y_expected = 2.9932228461263808979126677137742e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(10.0)");

  y = gsl_acosh (1e10); y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149594646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_acosh(1e10)");

  /* Test for asinh */

  y = gsl_asinh (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e-10); y_expected = 9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e-10); y_expected = -9.9999999999999999999833333333346e-11;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (0.1); y_expected = 9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-0.1); y_expected = -9.983407889920756332730312470477e-2;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1.0); y_expected = 8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1.0); y_expected = -8.8137358701954302523260932497979e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1.0)");

  y = gsl_asinh (10.0); y_expected = 2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-10.0); y_expected = -2.9982229502979697388465955375965e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (1e10); y_expected = 2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(1e10)");

  y = gsl_asinh (-1e10); y_expected = -2.3718998110500402149599646668302e1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_asinh(-1e10)");

  /* Test for atanh */

  y = gsl_atanh (0.0); y_expected = 0.0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.0)");

  y = gsl_atanh (1e-20); y_expected = 1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-1e-20); y_expected = -1e-20;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-1e-20)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.1); y_expected = 1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.1); y_expected = -1.0033534773107558063572655206004e-1;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(-0.1)");

  y = gsl_atanh (0.9); y_expected = 1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  y = gsl_atanh (-0.9); y_expected = -1.4722194895832202300045137159439e0;
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_atanh(0.9)");

  /* Test for pow_int */

  y = gsl_pow_2 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 2.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_2(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_3 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 3.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_3(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_4 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 4.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_4(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_5 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 5.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_5(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_6 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 6.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_6(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_7 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 7.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_7(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_8 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 8.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_8(-3.14)");

  y = gsl_pow_9 (-3.14); y_expected = pow(-3.14, 9.0);
  gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_9(-3.14)");

    int n;
    for (n = -9; n < 10; n++) {
      y = gsl_pow_int (-3.14, n); y_expected = pow(-3.14, n);
      gsl_test_rel (y, y_expected, 1e-15, "gsl_pow_n(-3.14,%d)", n);

  /* Test for isinf, isnan, finite*/

    double zero, one, inf, nan;
    int s;

    zero = 0.0;
    one = 1.0;
    inf = exp(1.0e10);
    nan = inf / inf;
    s = gsl_isinf(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(0)");
    s = gsl_isinf(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(1)");
    s = gsl_isinf(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isinf(inf)");

    s = gsl_isinf(-inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, -1, "gsl_isinf(-inf)");
    s = gsl_isinf(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isinf(nan)");

    s = gsl_isnan(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(0)");
    s = gsl_isnan(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(1)");
    s = gsl_isnan(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_isnan(inf)");
    s = gsl_isnan(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_isnan(nan)");

    s = gsl_finite(zero);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(0)");
    s = gsl_finite(one);
    gsl_test_int (s, 1, "gsl_finite(1)");
    s = gsl_finite(inf);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(inf)");
    s = gsl_finite(nan);
    gsl_test_int (s, 0, "gsl_finite(nan)");

    double x = gsl_fdiv (2.0, 3.0);
    gsl_test_rel (x, 2.0/3.0, 4*GSL_DBL_EPSILON, "gsl_fdiv(2,3)");

  exit (gsl_test_summary ());
Exemplo n.º 27
static int
bundle_method_iterate (void *vstate, gsl_multimin_function_fsdf * fsdf, gsl_vector * x, double * f, 
                       gsl_vector * subgradient, gsl_vector * dx, double * eps)
	bundle_method_state_t *state = (bundle_method_state_t *) vstate;
	bundle_element *item;
	size_t i, debug=0;
	int status;
	double tmp_d, t_old, t_int_l; /* local variables */
	gsl_vector *y;		/* a trial point (the next iteration point by the serios step) */
	gsl_vector *sgr_y;	/* subgradient at y */
	double f_y;		/* the function value at y */
	gsl_vector *p;			/* the aggregate subgradient */
	double p_norm, lin_error_p;	/* norm of p, the aggregate linear. error */ 
	gsl_vector *tmp_v;
	/* data for the convex quadratic problem (for the dual problem) */
	gsl_vector *q;		/* elements of the array are the linearization errors */
	gsl_matrix *Q;		/* Q=G^T*G (G is matrix which collumns are subgradients) */
	gsl_vector *lambda;	/*  the convex combination coefficients of the subgradients (solution of the dual problem) */
	lambda = gsl_vector_alloc(state->bundle_size);
	if(lambda == 0)
		GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate workspace", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
	q = gsl_vector_alloc(lambda->size);
	if(q == 0)
		GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate workspace", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
	y = gsl_vector_calloc(x->size);
	if(y == 0)
		GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate workspace", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
	sgr_y = gsl_vector_calloc(x->size);
	if(sgr_y == 0)
		GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate workspace", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
	Q = gsl_matrix_alloc(state->bundle_size, state->bundle_size);
	if(Q == 0)
		GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate workspace", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
	p = gsl_vector_calloc(x->size);
	if(p == 0)
		GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate workspace", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
	tmp_v = gsl_vector_calloc(x->size);
	if(tmp_v == 0)
		GSL_ERROR_VAL ("failed to allocate workspace", GSL_ENOMEM, 0);
	/* solve the dual problem */
	status = build_cqp_data(state, Q, q);
	status = solve_qp_pdip(Q, q, lambda);	
	/* compute the aggregate subgradient (it is called p in the documantation)*/
	/* and the appropriated linearization error */
	lin_error_p = 0.0;
	item = state->head;
	for(i=0; i<lambda->size; i++)
		status = gsl_blas_daxpy(gsl_vector_get(lambda,i), item->sgr, p);
		lin_error_p += gsl_vector_get(lambda,i)*(item->lin_error);
		item = item->next;
		printf("the dual problem solution:\n");
			printf("%7.6e ",gsl_vector_get(lambda,i));
		printf("the aggregate subgradient: \n");
			printf("%.6e ",gsl_vector_get(p,i));
		printf("lin. error for aggr subgradient = %e\n",lin_error_p);
	/* the norm of the aggr subgradient */
	p_norm = gsl_blas_dnrm2(p);
	/* search direction dx=-t*p (t is the length of step) */
	status = gsl_vector_memcpy(dx,p);
	status = gsl_vector_scale(dx,-1.0*state->t);
	/* v =-t*norm(p)^2-alpha_p */
	state->v = -gsl_pow_2(p_norm)*(state->t)-lin_error_p;
	/* the subgradient is the aggegate sungradient */
	status = gsl_blas_dcopy(p,subgradient);
	/* iteration step */	
	/* y=x+dx */
	status = gsl_blas_dcopy(dx,y);
	status = gsl_blas_daxpy(1.0,x,y);
	/* function value at y */
	f_y = GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_F(fsdf, y);
	/* for t-update */
		t_old = state->t;
		if(fabs(state->v-(f_y-*f)) < state->rg || state->v-(f_y-*f) > state->rg)
			t_int_l = state->t_max;
			t_int_l = 0.5*t_old*(state->v)/(state->v-(f_y-*f));
		t_old = state->t;
		t_int_l = state->t;
	if( f_y-*f <= state->m_ss*state->v ) /* Serious-Step */
		/* the relaxation step */
			if(f_y-*f <= state->v*state->m_rel)
				double f_z;
				gsl_vector * z = gsl_vector_alloc(y->size);
				/* z = y+dx = x+2*dx */
				status = gsl_blas_dcopy(x,z);
				status = gsl_blas_daxpy(2.0,dx,z);
				f_z = GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_F(fsdf, z);
				if(0.5*f_z-f_y+0.5*(*f) > state->rg)
					state->rel_parameter = GSL_MIN_DBL(-0.5*(-0.5*f_z+2.0*f_y-1.5*(*f))/(0.5*f_z-f_y+0.5*(*f)),1.999);
				else if (fabs(0.5*f_z-f_y+0.5*(*f)) > state->rg)
					state->rel_parameter = 1.999;
					/* something is wrong */
					state->rel_parameter = 1.0;
				/* save the old iteration point */
				status = gsl_blas_dcopy(y,z);
				/* y = (1-rel_parameter)*x+rel_parameter*y */
				status = gsl_blas_daxpy(1.0-state->rel_parameter,x,y);
				/* f(y) und sgr_f(y) */
				tmp_d = GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_F(fsdf, y);
				if(tmp_d > f_y)
					/* keep y as the current point */
					status = gsl_blas_dcopy(z,y);
					f_y = tmp_d;
					/* dx = y-x */
					status = gsl_blas_dcopy(y,dx);
					status = gsl_blas_daxpy(-1.0,x,dx);
					/* if iteration points bevor and after the rel. step are closly,
					the rel_step counte will be increased */
					/* |1-rel_parameter| <= 0.1*/
					if( fabs(1.0-state->rel_parameter) < 0.1)
				GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_SDF(fsdf, y, sgr_y);
				if(state->rel_counter > state->rel_counter_max)
					state->relaxation = 0;
				/* */
				status = gsl_blas_daxpy(-1.0,y,z);
				status = gsl_blas_ddot(p, z, &tmp_d);
				*eps = f_y-*f-(state->v)+tmp_d;
				*eps = f_y-(state->v)-*f;
				GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_SDF(fsdf, y, sgr_y);
			*eps = f_y-(state->v)-*f;
			GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_SDF(fsdf, y, sgr_y);
		/* calculate linearization errors at new iteration point  */
		item = state->head;
		for(i=0; i<state->bundle_size; i++)
			status = gsl_blas_ddot(item->sgr, dx, &tmp_d);
			item->lin_error += f_y-*f-tmp_d;
			item = item->next;
		/*  linearization error at new iteration point  */
		status = gsl_blas_ddot(p, dx, &tmp_d);
		lin_error_p += f_y-*f-tmp_d;
		/* update the bundle  */
		status = update_bundle(state, sgr_y, 0.0, lambda, p, lin_error_p, 1);
		/* adapt the step length */
			if(f_y-*f <= state->v*state->m_t && state->step_counter > 0)
				state->t = t_int_l;
			else if(state->step_counter>3)
			state->t = GSL_MIN_DBL(GSL_MIN_DBL(state->t,10.0*t_old),state->t_max);
			/*state->eps_v = GSL_MAX_DBL(state->eps_v,-2.0*state->v);*/
			state->step_counter = GSL_MAX_INT(state->step_counter+1,1);
			if(fabs(state->t-t_old) > state->rg) 
		/* x=y, f=f(y) */
		status = gsl_blas_dcopy(y,x);
		*f = f_y;
	else /* Null-Step */
		GSL_MULTIMIN_FN_EVAL_SDF(fsdf, y, sgr_y);
		/* eps for the eps_subdifferential */
		*eps = lin_error_p;
		/*calculate the liniarization error at y */
		status = gsl_blas_ddot(sgr_y,dx,&tmp_d);
		tmp_d += *f-f_y;
		/* Bundle update */
		status = update_bundle(state, sgr_y, tmp_d, lambda, p, lin_error_p, 0);
		/* adapt the step length */
			/*state->eps_v = GSL_MIN_DBL(state->eps_v,lin_error_p);*/
			if(tmp_d > GSL_MAX_DBL(p_norm,lin_error_p) && state->step_counter < -1)
				state->t = t_int_l;
			else if(state->step_counter < -3)
				state->t = 0.5*t_old;
			state->t = GSL_MAX_DBL(GSL_MAX_DBL(0.1*t_old,state->t),state->t_min);
			state->step_counter = GSL_MIN_INT(state->step_counter-1,-1);
			if(fabs(state->t-t_old) > state->rg) 
				state->step_counter = -1;

	state->lambda_min = p_norm * state->lm_accuracy;

	  printf("\nthe new bundle:\n");
	  printf("the curent itarationspoint (1 x %d)\n",x->size);
		  printf("%12.6f ",gsl_vector_get(x,i)); 
	  printf("functions value at current point: f=%.8f\n",*f);
	  printf("\nstep length t=%.5e\n",state->t);
	  printf("\nstep_counter sc=%d\n",state->step_counter);
	  printf("\naccuracy: v=%.5e\n",state->v);
	return GSL_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 28
double bayestar_log_posterior_toa_phoa_snr(
    double ra,
    double sin_dec,
    double distance,
    double u,
    double twopsi,
    double t,
    double gmst, /* Greenwich mean sidereal time in radians. */
    int nifos, /* Input: number of detectors. */
    const float (**responses)[3], /* Pointers to detector responses. */
    const double **locations, /* Pointers to locations of detectors in Cartesian geographic coordinates. */
    const double *toas, /* Input: array of times of arrival with arbitrary relative offset. (Make toas[0] == 0.) */
    const double *phoas, /* Input: array of times of arrival with arbitrary relative offset. (Make toas[0] == 0.) */
    const double *snrs, /* Input: array of SNRs. */
    const double *w_toas, /* Input: sum-of-squares weights, (1/TOA variance)^2. */
    const double *w1s, /* Input: first moments of angular frequency. */
    const double *w2s, /* Input: second moments of angular frequency. */
    const double *horizons, /* Distances at which a source would produce an SNR of 1 in each detector. */
    int prior_distance_power) /* Use a prior of (distance)^(prior_distance_power) */
    int iifo;
    const double dec = asin(sin_dec);
    const double u2 = gsl_pow_2(u);
    const double complex exp_i_twopsi = exp_i(twopsi);

    (void)w2s; /* FIXME: remove unused parameter */

    /* Compute time of arrival errors */
    double dt[nifos];
    toa_errors(dt, M_PI_2 - dec, ra, gmst, nifos, locations, toas);

        double mean_dt = gsl_stats_wmean(w_toas, 1, dt, 1, nifos);
        for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo++)
            dt[iifo] += t - mean_dt;

    /* Rescale distances so that furthest horizon distance is 1. */
    double d1[nifos];
        const double d1max = gsl_stats_max(horizons, 1, nifos);
        for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo ++)
            d1[iifo] = horizons[iifo] / d1max;
        distance /= d1max;

    double logp = 0;
    double complex i0arg_complex = 0;
    double A = 0;
    double B = 0;

    /* Loop over detectors */
    for (iifo = 0; iifo < nifos; iifo++)
        double complex F;
            (double *)&F,     /* Type-punned real part */
            1 + (double *)&F, /* Type-punned imag part */
            responses[iifo], ra, dec, 0, gmst);
        F *= d1[iifo];

        const double complex tmp = F * exp_i_twopsi;
        double complex phase_rhotimesr = 0.5 * (1 + u2) * creal(tmp) + I * u * cimag(tmp);
        const double abs_rhotimesr_2 = cabs2(phase_rhotimesr);
        const double abs_rhotimesr = sqrt(abs_rhotimesr_2);
        phase_rhotimesr /= abs_rhotimesr;
        i0arg_complex += exp_i(phoas[iifo] + w1s[iifo] * dt[iifo]) * phase_rhotimesr * gsl_pow_2(snrs[iifo]);
        logp += -0.5 * w_toas[iifo] * gsl_pow_2(dt[iifo]);

        A += abs_rhotimesr_2;
        B += abs_rhotimesr * snrs[iifo];
    A *= -0.5;

    const double i0arg = cabs(i0arg_complex);

    /* Should be equivalent to, but more accurate than:
         logp += log(gsl_sf_bessel_I0(i0arg))
    logp += log(gsl_sf_bessel_I0_scaled(i0arg)) + i0arg;

    logp += log_radial_integrand(distance, A, B, prior_distance_power);

    return logp;
Exemplo n.º 29
void  AT_single_impact_local_dose_distrib(
		const long    n,
		const double  E_MeV_u[],
		const long    particle_no[],
		const double  fluence_cm2_or_dose_Gy[],
		const long    material_no,
		const long    rdd_model,
		const double  rdd_parameter[],
		const long    er_model,
		const long    N2,
		const long    n_bins_f1,
		const double  f1_parameters[],
		const long    stopping_power_source_no,
		double        f1_d_Gy[],
		double        f1_dd_Gy[],
		double        frequency_1_Gy_f1[])
	long i, j;

	 * Get relative fluence for beam components
	 * Convert dose to fluence if necessary
	double*  fluence_cm2    =  (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
	if(fluence_cm2_or_dose_Gy[0] < 0){
		double*  dose_Gy        =  (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
			dose_Gy[i] = -1.0 * fluence_cm2_or_dose_Gy[i];
		AT_fluence_cm2_from_dose_Gy(  n,
		free( dose_Gy );
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++){
			fluence_cm2[i] = fluence_cm2_or_dose_Gy[i];
	double*  norm_fluence                                 =  (double*)calloc(n, sizeof(double));
	AT_normalize(    n,
	free( fluence_cm2 );

	 * Prepare single impact local dose distribution histogram

	if(n_bins_f1 > 0){
		const double step		= AT_N2_to_step(N2);
		const long   histo_type	= AT_histo_log;

		// Find lowest and highest dose (looking at ALL particles)
		// TODO: redundant, already used in finding number of bins, replace
		double  d_min_f1      =  f1_parameters[0*AT_SC_F1_PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LENGTH + 3];
		double  d_max_f1      =  f1_parameters[0*AT_SC_F1_PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LENGTH + 4];
		for (i = 1; i < n; i++){
			d_min_f1          =  GSL_MIN(f1_parameters[i*AT_SC_F1_PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LENGTH + 3], d_min_f1);
			d_max_f1          =  GSL_MAX(f1_parameters[i*AT_SC_F1_PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LENGTH + 4], d_max_f1);

		double	 lowest_left_limit_f1 = d_min_f1;



		for (i = 0; i < n_bins_f1; i++){
			frequency_1_Gy_f1[i] = 0.0;

		 * Fill histogram with single impact distribution(s) from individual components

		// loop over all components (i.e. particles and energies), compute contribution to f1
		long n_bins_used = 1;
		for (i = 0; i < n; i++){

			// Find lowest and highest dose for component
			double  d_min_f1_comp   =  f1_parameters[i*AT_SC_F1_PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LENGTH + 3];
			double  d_max_f1_comp   =  f1_parameters[i*AT_SC_F1_PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LENGTH + 4];

			// Find position and number of bins for component f1 in overall f1
			long lowest_bin_no_comp  		 	= AT_histo_bin_no(n_bins_f1,
			long highest_bin_no_comp 			= AT_histo_bin_no(n_bins_f1,
			long n_bins_f1_comp      			=  highest_bin_no_comp - lowest_bin_no_comp + 1;

			if (n_bins_f1_comp > 1){
				 * Compute component F1 (accumulated single impact density)
				 * Computation is done with bin limits as sampling points and later differential
				 * f1 will be computed (therefore we need one bin more)
				 * The lowest and highest value for F1 have however to be adjusted as they might
				 * not coincide with the actual min/max values for dose, r, and F1 resp.
				 * They bin widths have to be the same though to assure the integral to be 1
				 * At the limits F1 will be set to 0 and 1, resp. This enable to account for all
				 * dose, e.g. also in the core, where many radii have the same dose. This procedure,
				 * however, will only work with monotonously falling RDDs which we can assume for all
				 * realistic cases.
				double*  dose_left_limits_Gy_F1_comp =  (double*)calloc(n_bins_f1_comp + 1, sizeof(double));
				double*  r_m_comp           		 =  (double*)calloc(n_bins_f1_comp + 1, sizeof(double));
				double*  F1_comp        			 =  (double*)calloc(n_bins_f1_comp + 1, sizeof(double));

				// left limit of lowest bin for component
				double   lowest_left_limit_f1_comp = 0.0;

				// get all left limits
				AT_histo_left_limits(n_bins_f1_comp + 1,

				// compute radius as function of dose (inverse RDD),
				// but not for lowest and highest value (i.e. 'n_bins_f1_comp - 1'
				// instead of 'n_bins_f1_comp + 1' and &dose_left_limits_Gy_F1_comp[1]
				// as entry point instead of dose_left_limits_Gy_F1_comp
				// exit in case of problems
				int inverse_RDD_status_code = AT_r_RDD_m  (  n_bins_f1_comp - 1,

				if( inverse_RDD_status_code != 0 ){
#ifndef NDEBUG
					printf("Problem in evaluating inverse RDD in AT_SC_get_f1, probably wrong combination of ER and RDD used\n");
					char rdd_model_name[100];
					AT_RDD_name_from_number(rdd_model, rdd_model_name);
					char er_model_name[100];
					getERName( er_model, er_model_name);
#ifndef NDEBUG
					printf("rdd_model: %ld (%s), er_model: %ld (%s)\n", rdd_model, rdd_model_name, er_model, er_model_name);

				// compute F1 as function of radius
				// use F1 - 1 instead of F1 to avoid numeric cut-off problems
				double r_max_m_comp = f1_parameters[i * AT_SC_F1_PARAMETERS_SINGLE_LENGTH + 2];
				for (j = 1; j < n_bins_f1_comp; j++){
					F1_comp[j]            = gsl_pow_2(r_m_comp[j] / r_max_m_comp);

				// Set extreme values of F1
				F1_comp[0]					= 1.0;
				F1_comp[n_bins_f1_comp]		= 0.0;

				// Write out F1 for debugging
				FILE* output = fopen("F1_output.csv", "w");
				fprintf(output, ";r.m;d.Gy;F1\n");
				for (j = 0; j < n_bins_f1_comp + 1; j++){
							j, r_m_comp[j], dose_left_limits_Gy_F1_comp[j], F1_comp[j]);

				// now compute f1 as the derivative of F1 and add to overall f1
				double f1_comp;
				for (j = 0; j < n_bins_f1_comp; j++){
					f1_comp				  						=  (F1_comp[j] - F1_comp[j + 1]) / (dose_left_limits_Gy_F1_comp[j + 1] - dose_left_limits_Gy_F1_comp[j]);
					frequency_1_Gy_f1[lowest_bin_no_comp + j]   += norm_fluence[i] * f1_comp;

				// adjust the density in first and last bin, because upper limit is not d.max.Gy and lower not d.min.Gy
			else{ // in case of n_bins_df == 1 (all doses fall into single bin, just add a value of 1.0
				frequency_1_Gy_f1[lowest_bin_no_comp ]        +=  norm_fluence[i] * 1.0 / f1_dd_Gy[lowest_bin_no_comp];

			// remember highest bin used
			n_bins_used          =  GSL_MAX(n_bins_used, highest_bin_no_comp);

		// normalize f1 (should be ok anyway but there could be small round-off errors)
		double  f1_norm    =  0.0;
		for (i = 0; i < n_bins_f1; i++){
			f1_norm    +=    frequency_1_Gy_f1[i] * f1_dd_Gy[i];
		for (i = 0; i < n_bins_f1; i++){
			frequency_1_Gy_f1[i]    /=    f1_norm;
	} // if(f1_d_Gy != NULL)

	// Write out f1 for debugging
	FILE* output = fopen("f1_output.csv", "w");
	fprintf(output, ";d.Gy;dd.Gy;f1\n");
	for (int j = 0; j < n_bins_f1; j++){
				j, f1_d_Gy[j], f1_dd_Gy[j], frequency_1_Gy_f1[j]);
	free( norm_fluence );
Exemplo n.º 30
GPtrArray *
nc_de_data_cluster_new (NcDistance *dist, NcmMSet *mset, NcDEDataClusterEntries *de_data_cluster, NcmDataset *dset, NcDataClusterAbundanceId id, NcmRNG *rng)
  GPtrArray *ca_array = g_ptr_array_new ();
  gint filter_type;

  if (de_data_cluster->filter_type != NULL)
    const GEnumValue *filter_type_id = ncm_cfg_get_enum_by_id_name_nick (NCM_TYPE_POWSPEC_FILTER_TYPE, de_data_cluster->filter_type);
    if (filter_type_id == NULL)
      g_message ("DataCluster: Filter type `%s' not found. Use one from the following list:", de_data_cluster->filter_type);
      ncm_cfg_enum_print_all (NCM_TYPE_POWSPEC_FILTER_TYPE, "Powerspectrum filters");
      g_error ("DataCluster: Giving up");
    filter_type = filter_type_id->value;

  if (de_data_cluster->ps_type == NULL)
    de_data_cluster->ps_type = g_strdup ("NcPowspecMLTransfer{'transfer' : <{'NcTransferFuncEH', @a{sv} {}}>}");

  if (de_data_cluster->multiplicity_name == NULL)
    de_data_cluster->multiplicity_name = g_strdup ("NcMultiplicityFuncTinkerMean");

  if (de_data_cluster->clusterm_ser == NULL)
    de_data_cluster->clusterm_ser = g_strdup ("NcClusterMassNodist");

  if (de_data_cluster->clusterz_ser == NULL)
    de_data_cluster->clusterz_ser = g_strdup ("NcClusterRedshiftNodist");

    NcClusterMass *clusterm     = nc_cluster_mass_new_from_name (de_data_cluster->clusterm_ser);
    NcClusterRedshift *clusterz = nc_cluster_redshift_new_from_name (de_data_cluster->clusterz_ser);
    ncm_mset_set (mset, NCM_MODEL (clusterm));
    ncm_mset_set (mset, NCM_MODEL (clusterz));

    NcmPowspec *ps              = NCM_POWSPEC (ncm_serialize_global_from_string (de_data_cluster->ps_type));
    NcmPowspecFilter *psf       = ncm_powspec_filter_new (ps, filter_type);
    NcMultiplicityFunc *mulf    = nc_multiplicity_func_new_from_name (de_data_cluster->multiplicity_name);
    NcHaloMassFunction *mfp     = nc_halo_mass_function_new (dist, psf, mulf);
    NcClusterAbundance *cad     = nc_cluster_abundance_nodist_new (mfp, NULL);
    NcDataClusterNCount *ncount = nc_data_cluster_ncount_new (cad);
    ncm_powspec_clear (&ps);
    ncm_powspec_filter_clear (&psf);
    nc_multiplicity_func_free (mulf);
    nc_cluster_abundance_free (cad);

    switch (id)
        gint i = 0;
        if (de_data_cluster->cata_file == NULL)
          g_error ("For --cluster-id 0, you must specify a fit catalog via --catalog");
        while (de_data_cluster->cata_file[i] != NULL)

          nc_data_cluster_ncount_catalog_load (ncount, de_data_cluster->cata_file[i]);
          nc_data_cluster_ncount_true_data (ncount, de_data_cluster->use_true_data);

          _nc_de_data_cluster_append (de_data_cluster, NCM_DATA (ncount), dset);
          g_ptr_array_add (ca_array, NCM_DATA (ncount));
          if ((i == 0) && (de_data_cluster->save_cata != NULL))
            nc_data_cluster_ncount_catalog_save (ncount, de_data_cluster->save_cata, TRUE);
#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
        nc_data_cluster_ncount_init_from_sampling (ncount, mset, de_data_cluster->area_survey * gsl_pow_2 (M_PI / 180.0), rng);
        nc_data_cluster_ncount_true_data (ncount, de_data_cluster->use_true_data);

        if (de_data_cluster->save_cata != NULL)
          nc_data_cluster_ncount_catalog_save (ncount, de_data_cluster->save_cata, TRUE);
          g_error ("darkenergy: cannot save file numcosmo built without support for fits files");
#endif /* HAVE_CONFIG_H */
        _nc_de_data_cluster_append (de_data_cluster, NCM_DATA (ncount), dset);
        g_ptr_array_add (ca_array, NCM_DATA (ncount));
        g_error ("The option --catalog-id must be between (0,2).");

    nc_halo_mass_function_free (mfp);

    return ca_array;