Exemplo n.º 1
int GSLRNG_negative_binomial(stEval *args, stEval *result, void *i) {
    gsl_rng *r = STPOINTER(&args[0]);
    double p = STDOUBLE(&args[1]);
	int n = STINT(&args[2]);
    STINT(result) = gsl_ran_negative_binomial(r,p,n);
    return EC_OK;
Exemplo n.º 2
void CNPLCM_CR_Basic_Freq::sam_n0(){
	//GSL: "This function returns a random integer from the negative binomial distribution, 
	// the number of failures occurring before n successes in independent trials with probability 
	// p of success. The probability distribution for negative binomial variates is,
	// p(k) = {\Gamma(n + k) \over \Gamma(k+1) \Gamma(n) } p^n (1-p)^k NOTE THE +1 IN GAMMA(K+1)!!!!
	par->n0 = gsl_ran_negative_binomial(r, 1.0 - par->prob_zero, data->n); //<-=-this one is the correct.
	//This corresponds to an (improper) prior P(Nmis|n) \propto n/(Nmis+n). This ensures that after integrating Nmis
	// the joint probability correspond to the correct truncated distribution.
Exemplo n.º 3
void librdist_negative_binomial(gsl_rng *rng, int argc, void *argv, int bufc, float *buf){
	t_atom *av = (t_atom *)argv;
	if(argc != librdist_getnargs(ps_negative_binomial)){
	const double p = librdist_atom_getfloat(av);
	const double n = librdist_atom_getfloat(av + 1);
	int i;
	for(i = 0; i < bufc; i++)
	       	buf[i] = (float)gsl_ran_negative_binomial(rng, p, n);
Exemplo n.º 4
unsigned int
gsl_ran_pascal (const gsl_rng * r, double p, unsigned int n)
  /* This is a separate interface for the pascal distribution so that
     it can be optimized differently from the negative binomial in
     e.g. if n < 10 it might be faster to generate the Pascal
     distributions as the sum of geometric variates directly.  */
  unsigned int k = gsl_ran_negative_binomial (r, p, (double) n);
  return k;
Exemplo n.º 5
rcount nulldist::rand()
    if( gsl_ran_bernoulli( rng, a ) ) return 0;

    /* This uses a rejection sampling scheme worked out by Charles Geyer,
     * detailed in his notes "Lower-Truncated Poisson and Negative Binomial
     * Distributions".
    rcount x;
    double accp;
    while( true ) {
        x = gsl_ran_negative_binomial( rng, p, r + 1.0 ) + 1;

        accp = gsl_sf_lnfact( x - 1 ) - gsl_sf_lnfact( x );

        if( gsl_ran_bernoulli( rng, exp( accp ) ) ) break;

    return x;
Exemplo n.º 6
main (int argc, char *argv[])
  size_t i,j;
  size_t n = 0;
  double mu = 0, nu = 0, nu1 = 0, nu2 = 0, sigma = 0, a = 0, b = 0, c = 0;
  double zeta = 0, sigmax = 0, sigmay = 0, rho = 0;
  double p = 0;
  double x = 0, y =0, z=0  ;
  unsigned int N = 0, t = 0, n1 = 0, n2 = 0 ;
  unsigned long int seed = 0 ;
  const char * name ;
  gsl_rng * r ;

  if (argc < 4) 
      printf (
"Usage: gsl-randist seed n DIST param1 param2 ...\n"
"Generates n samples from the distribution DIST with parameters param1,\n"
"param2, etc. Valid distributions are,\n"
"  beta\n"
"  binomial\n"
"  bivariate-gaussian\n"
"  cauchy\n"
"  chisq\n"
"  dir-2d\n"
"  dir-3d\n"
"  dir-nd\n"
"  erlang\n"
"  exponential\n"
"  exppow\n"
"  fdist\n"
"  flat\n"
"  gamma\n"
"  gaussian-tail\n"
"  gaussian\n"
"  geometric\n"
"  gumbel1\n"
"  gumbel2\n"
"  hypergeometric\n"
"  laplace\n"
"  landau\n"
"  levy\n"
"  levy-skew\n"
"  logarithmic\n"
"  logistic\n"
"  lognormal\n"
"  negative-binomial\n"
"  pareto\n"
"  pascal\n"
"  poisson\n"
"  rayleigh-tail\n"
"  rayleigh\n"
"  tdist\n"
"  ugaussian-tail\n"
"  ugaussian\n"
"  weibull\n") ;
      exit (0);

  argv++ ; seed = atol (argv[0]); argc-- ;
  argv++ ; n = atol (argv[0]); argc-- ;
  argv++ ; name = argv[0] ; argc-- ; argc-- ;

  gsl_rng_env_setup() ;

  if (gsl_rng_default_seed != 0) {
            "overriding GSL_RNG_SEED with command line value, seed = %ld\n", 
            seed) ;
  gsl_rng_default_seed = seed ;

  r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default) ;

#define NAME(x) !strcmp(name,(x))
#define OUTPUT(x) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%g\n", (x)) ; }
#define OUTPUT1(a,x) for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { a ; printf("%g\n", x) ; }
#define OUTPUT2(a,x,y) for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { a ; printf("%g %g\n", x, y) ; }
#define OUTPUT3(a,x,y,z) for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { a ; printf("%g %g %g\n", x, y, z) ; }
#define INT_OUTPUT(x) for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { printf("%d\n", (x)) ; }
#define ARGS(x,y) if (argc != x) error(y) ;
#define DBL_ARG(x) if (argc) { x=atof((++argv)[0]);argc--;} else {error( #x);};
#define INT_ARG(x) if (argc) { x=atoi((++argv)[0]);argc--;} else {error( #x);};

  if (NAME("bernoulli"))
      ARGS(1, "p = probability of success");
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_bernoulli (r, p));
  else if (NAME("beta"))
      ARGS(2, "a,b = shape parameters");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_beta (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("binomial"))
      ARGS(2, "p = probability, N = number of trials");
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_binomial (r, p, N));
  else if (NAME("cauchy"))
      ARGS(1, "a = scale parameter");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_cauchy (r, a));
  else if (NAME("chisq"))
      ARGS(1, "nu = degrees of freedom");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_chisq (r, nu));
  else if (NAME("erlang"))
      ARGS(2, "a = scale parameter, b = order");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_erlang (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("exponential"))
      ARGS(1, "mu = mean value");
      DBL_ARG(mu) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_exponential (r, mu));
  else if (NAME("exppow"))
      ARGS(2, "a = scale parameter, b = power (1=exponential, 2=gaussian)");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_exppow (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("fdist"))
      ARGS(2, "nu1, nu2 = degrees of freedom parameters");
      DBL_ARG(nu1) ;
      DBL_ARG(nu2) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_fdist (r, nu1, nu2));
  else if (NAME("flat"))
      ARGS(2, "a = lower limit, b = upper limit");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_flat (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("gamma"))
      ARGS(2, "a = order, b = scale");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gamma (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("gaussian"))
      ARGS(1, "sigma = standard deviation");
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gaussian (r, sigma));
  else if (NAME("gaussian-tail"))
      ARGS(2, "a = lower limit, sigma = standard deviation");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gaussian_tail (r, a, sigma));
  else if (NAME("ugaussian"))
      ARGS(0, "unit gaussian, no parameters required");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_ugaussian (r));
  else if (NAME("ugaussian-tail"))
      ARGS(1, "a = lower limit");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_ugaussian_tail (r, a));
  else if (NAME("bivariate-gaussian"))
      ARGS(3, "sigmax = x std.dev., sigmay = y std.dev., rho = correlation");
      DBL_ARG(sigmax) ;
      DBL_ARG(sigmay) ;
      DBL_ARG(rho) ;
      OUTPUT2(gsl_ran_bivariate_gaussian (r, sigmax, sigmay, rho, &x, &y), 
              x, y);
  else if (NAME("dir-2d"))
      OUTPUT2(gsl_ran_dir_2d (r, &x, &y), x, y);
  else if (NAME("dir-3d"))
      OUTPUT3(gsl_ran_dir_3d (r, &x, &y, &z), x, y, z);
  else if (NAME("dir-nd"))
      double *xarr;  
      ARGS(1, "n1 = number of dimensions of hypersphere"); 
      INT_ARG(n1) ;
      xarr = (double *)malloc(n1*sizeof(double));

      for(i = 0; i < n; i++) { 
        gsl_ran_dir_nd (r, n1, xarr) ; 
        for (j = 0; j < n1; j++) { 
          if (j) putchar(' '); 
          printf("%g", xarr[j]) ; 
      } ;

  else if (NAME("geometric"))
      ARGS(1, "p = bernoulli trial probability of success");
      DBL_ARG(p) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_geometric (r, p));
  else if (NAME("gumbel1"))
      ARGS(2, "a = order, b = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gumbel1 (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("gumbel2"))
      ARGS(2, "a = order, b = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_gumbel2 (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("hypergeometric"))
      ARGS(3, "n1 = tagged population, n2 = untagged population, t = number of trials");
      INT_ARG(n1) ;
      INT_ARG(n2) ;
      INT_ARG(t) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_hypergeometric (r, n1, n2, t));
  else if (NAME("laplace"))
      ARGS(1, "a = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_laplace (r, a));
  else if (NAME("landau"))
      ARGS(0, "no arguments required");
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_landau (r));
  else if (NAME("levy"))
      ARGS(2, "c = scale, a = power (1=cauchy, 2=gaussian)");
      DBL_ARG(c) ;
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_levy (r, c, a));
  else if (NAME("levy-skew"))
      ARGS(3, "c = scale, a = power (1=cauchy, 2=gaussian), b = skew");
      DBL_ARG(c) ;
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_levy_skew (r, c, a, b));
  else if (NAME("logarithmic"))
      ARGS(1, "p = probability");
      DBL_ARG(p) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_logarithmic (r, p));
  else if (NAME("logistic"))
      ARGS(1, "a = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_logistic (r, a));
  else if (NAME("lognormal"))
      ARGS(2, "zeta = location parameter, sigma = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(zeta) ;
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_lognormal (r, zeta, sigma));
  else if (NAME("negative-binomial"))
      ARGS(2, "p = probability, a = order");
      DBL_ARG(p) ;
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_negative_binomial (r, p, a));
  else if (NAME("pareto"))
      ARGS(2, "a = power, b = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_pareto (r, a, b));
  else if (NAME("pascal"))
      ARGS(2, "p = probability, n = order (integer)");
      DBL_ARG(p) ;
      INT_ARG(N) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_pascal (r, p, N));
  else if (NAME("poisson"))
      ARGS(1, "mu = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(mu) ;
      INT_OUTPUT(gsl_ran_poisson (r, mu));
  else if (NAME("rayleigh"))
      ARGS(1, "sigma = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_rayleigh (r, sigma));
  else if (NAME("rayleigh-tail"))
      ARGS(2, "a = lower limit, sigma = scale parameter");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(sigma) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_rayleigh_tail (r, a, sigma));
  else if (NAME("tdist"))
      ARGS(1, "nu = degrees of freedom");
      DBL_ARG(nu) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_tdist (r, nu));
  else if (NAME("weibull"))
      ARGS(2, "a = scale parameter, b = exponent");
      DBL_ARG(a) ;
      DBL_ARG(b) ;
      OUTPUT(gsl_ran_weibull (r, a, b));
      fprintf(stderr,"Error: unrecognized distribution: %s\n", name) ;

  return 0 ;
void Model::simulate(std::vector<double> & model_params, std::vector<std::string> & param_names, Trajectory * traj, int start_dt, int end_dt, double step_size, int total_dt, gsl_rng * rng) {
    if ((traj->get_state(0)+traj->get_state(1)) < 1.0) {
    double R0_0=1.0;
    double R0_1=1.0;
    double R0_2=1.0;
    double R0_3=1.0;
    double R0_4=1.0;
    double R0_5=1.0;
    double R0_T0=0.0;
    double R0_T1=100000.0;
    double R0_T2=100000.0;
    double R0_T3=100000.0;
    double R0_T4=100000.0;
    double k=1.0;
    double alpha=1.0;
    double scale=1.0;
    // /* For slightly faster implementation, call parameters by index
    for (int i=0; i!=param_names.size(); ++i) {
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_0") R0_0 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_1") R0_1 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_2") R0_2 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_3") R0_0 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_4") R0_0 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_5") R0_0 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_T0") R0_T0 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_T1") R0_T1 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_T2") R0_T2 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_T3") R0_T3 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="R0_T4") R0_T4 = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="k") k = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="alpha") alpha = model_params[i];
        if (param_names[i]=="scale") scale = model_params[i];
    double R0_now = 0.0;
    double recoveries=0.0;
    double new_infections=0.0;
    double durI = 0.0;
    double ran_unif_num1, ran_unif_num2;
    if (custom_prob.size()==0) set_custom_prob(alpha, scale);
    if (start_dt < step_size) {  // Set initial number of infected
        int init_inf = (int)round(model_params[14]);
        traj->set_state(init_inf, 0);
        for (int i=0; i!=init_inf; ++i) {
//            durI = gsl_ran_gamma(rng, alpha, scale);
            ran_unif_num1 = gsl_ran_flat(rng, 0.0000001, 1);
            ran_unif_num2 = gsl_ran_flat(rng, 0.0000001, 1);
            durI = -log(ran_unif_num1)*scale-log(ran_unif_num2)*scale;
            durI = (int)(durI/365.0/step_size);
    double num_infected = traj->get_state(0);
    for (int t=start_dt; t<end_dt; ++t) {
        // Transitions
        // Recoveries: I --> R
        recoveries = traj->num_recover_at(t-start_dt);
        if (recoveries > 100000.0) { // If the epidemic is too large, set num_infected to 0, so that likelihood is 0.
            num_infected = 0.0;
            traj->set_traj(0.0, t-start_dt);
        else if (recoveries > 0) {
            traj->set_traj(recoveries, t-start_dt);
            if (t*step_size<(R0_T0)) R0_now = R0_0;
            else if (t*step_size<(R0_T1)) R0_now = R0_1;
            else if (t*step_size<(R0_T2)) R0_now = R0_2;
            else if (t*step_size<(R0_T3)) R0_now = R0_3;
            else if (t*step_size<(R0_T4)) R0_now = R0_4;
            else {
                R0_now = R0_5;
            new_infections = gsl_ran_negative_binomial(rng, k/(k+R0_now), k*recoveries);
            if (new_infections > 1000) {
                std::vector <unsigned int> a (106, 0);
                gsl_ran_multinomial(rng, 106, (unsigned int)new_infections, &custom_prob[0], &a[0]);
                for (int i=0; i!=a.size(); ++i) {
//                    durI = gsl_ran_gamma(rng, alpha, scale);

//                    ran_unif_num1 = gsl_rng_uniform_pos(rng);
//                    ran_unif_num2 = gsl_rng_uniform_pos(rng);
//                    durI = -log(ran_unif_num1)*scale-log(ran_unif_num2)*scale;
//                    durI = (int)(durI/365.0/step_size);
//                    durI = durI_vec[gsl_rng_uniform_int(rng, 1000)];
//                    traj->add_recovery_time(durI+t-start_dt);
                    traj->add_recovery_time(i+t-start_dt, a[i]);
            else if (new_infections > 0) {
                for (int i=0; i!=new_infections; ++i) {
                    ran_unif_num1 = gsl_rng_uniform_pos(rng);
                    ran_unif_num2 = gsl_rng_uniform_pos(rng);
                    durI = -log(ran_unif_num1)*scale-log(ran_unif_num2)*scale;
                    durI = (int)(durI/365.0/step_size);
            num_infected += new_infections - recoveries;
        double curr_coal_rate = 1.0/num_infected;
        // Record 1/N for coalescent rate calculation
        if (num_infected > 0.0) {
            traj->set_traj2(curr_coal_rate*R0_now/(alpha*scale)*(1.0+1.0/k), t-start_dt);
        else {
            traj->set_traj2(0.0, t-start_dt);
    traj->set_state(num_infected, 0);
Exemplo n.º 8
test_negative_binomial (void)
  return gsl_ran_negative_binomial (r_global, 0.3, 20.0);
Exemplo n.º 9
void SimulEpidNegBin(double VarDivMean, parameters *param, gsl_matrix *Incid, gsl_vector *Incid0)
	// VarDivMean = Variance/Mean of the negative binomial considered
	int k, t, g, i, s;
	int tMin, tMax;
	double lambda;
	double prov;
	int poiss;
	for (k=0 ; k<param->NbGroups ; k++)

	for (i=0 ; i<param->p+1 ; i++)
		for (t=tMin ; t<tMax ; t++)
			//printf("t %d\n",t);
			for(k=0 ; k<param->NbGroups ; k++)
				//printf("k %d\n",k);
				for(g=0 ; g<param->NbGroups ; g++)	
					//printf("g %d\n",g);
					for(s=1 ; s<=GSL_MIN(t,param->S) ; s++)
						//printf("s %d %lg\n",s,prov);
					//printf("prov %lg\n",prov);
        			//printf("lambda %lg\n",lambda);
				//printf("lambda %lg inci %d\n",lambda,poiss);
Exemplo n.º 10
void Model::simulate(std::vector<double> & model_params, std::vector<std::string> & param_names, Trajectory * traj, int start_dt, int end_dt, double step_size, int total_dt,  gsl_rng * rng) {
    if ((traj->get_state(1)+traj->get_state(2)) < 1.0) {
    double Beta = model_params[0];
    double k=model_params[1];
    double rateE2I=model_params[2];
    double rateI2R=model_params[3];
    double R0_reduce=model_params[6];
    int change_T=model_params[7]/step_size;
    double Rt = Beta/rateI2R*traj->get_state(0);
    double total_infectious=0.0;
    double new_infections=0.0;
    double divisions = 3.0;
    double p1 = rateE2I*step_size/divisions;
    double p2 = rateI2R*step_size/divisions;
    double S2E = 0.0;
    double E2I = 0.0;
    double I2R = 0.0;
    double currS;
    double latent;
    double infectious;
    double Tg = 1.0/rateE2I + 1.0/rateI2R;
    // */
    for (int t=start_dt; t<end_dt; ++t) {
        double sub_t_I2R = 0.0;
        for (int sub_t=0; sub_t<(int) divisions; ++sub_t) {
            // Transitions
            // Recoveries: I --> R
            currS = traj->get_state(0);
            latent = traj->get_state(1);
            infectious = traj->get_state(2);
            if (infectious > 0) {
                if (p2 >= 1.0) I2R = infectious;
                else if (use_deterministic) {
                    I2R = infectious*p2;
                else {
                    I2R = gsl_ran_binomial(rng, p2, infectious); // Recoveries
            // Becoming infectious: E --> I
            if (latent > 0) {
                if (p1 >= 1.0) E2I = latent;
                else if (use_deterministic) {
                    E2I = latent * p1;
                else {
                    E2I = gsl_ran_binomial(rng, p1, latent); // Becoming infectious
            traj->set_state(infectious-I2R+E2I, 2); // Infectious
            if (use_deterministic) {
                S2E = Beta * currS * step_size * infectious;
            } else {
                // Infections: S --> E
                if (I2R > 0.0) {
                    total_infectious += I2R;
                    sub_t_I2R += I2R;
                    //                traj->set_traj(I2R, t-start_dt); // People are sampled, i.e. appear in the time-series at the time of recovery
                    if (currS > 0) {
                        // Current reproductive number
                        Rt = Beta / rateI2R * currS;
                        if (change_T>=t) Rt *= R0_reduce;
                        // Draw from the negative binomial distribution (gamma-poisson mixture) to determine
                        // number of secondary infections
                        S2E = gsl_ran_negative_binomial(rng, k/(k+Rt), k*I2R);  // New infections
                        if (S2E > 0) {
                            S2E = std::min(currS, S2E);
                            new_infections += S2E;
                            traj->set_state(currS-S2E, 0); // Susceptible
            traj->set_state(latent+S2E-E2I, 1); // Latent
        traj->set_traj(0, sub_t_I2R, t-start_dt);
        double N = traj->get_state(1)+traj->get_state(2);
        // Record 1/N for coalescent rate calculation
        if (N > 0.0) {
            traj->set_traj(1, N, t-start_dt);
            traj->set_traj(2, Rt/Tg*(1.0+1.0/k), t-start_dt);
        else {
            traj->set_traj(1, 0.0, t-start_dt);
            traj->set_traj(2, 0.0, t-start_dt);
Exemplo n.º 11
int sock_sim(double prior_r,double prior_p,double alpha,double beta,double obs_paired,double obs_odd,double *BigVector,int iter){
int nthreads;

 //variables, gsl rng initiation
 int i,j,match_count,n_picked;
 unsigned int n_socks;
 double prop_pairs,n_pairs,n_odd,prior_n;
 double obs_total = obs_paired + obs_odd;
 prior_n = prior_r - 1;
 match_count = 0; 

 double temp_paired,temp_odd,temp_pairs;

 //setup gsl random seed
 const gsl_rng_type * T;

 T = gsl_rng_default;
 r = gsl_rng_alloc(T); 

#pragma omp parallel for 

   //sample, get n_pairs and n_odd
   n_socks = gsl_ran_negative_binomial(r,prior_p,prior_n);
   prop_pairs = gsl_ran_beta(r,alpha,beta);
   n_pairs = round(floor(.5*n_socks)*prop_pairs);
   n_odd = n_socks - 2*n_pairs;

   //make generated population
   double *gen_pop = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n_socks);

     gen_pop[2*j] = (double) j;
     gen_pop[(2*j)+1] = (double) j;


     gen_pop[j]= (double) j;


   //get generated sample size
   if(obs_total <= n_socks){

     n_picked = (int) obs_total;

   }else{ n_picked = n_socks; }

   //get sample vector
   double *gen_samp = (double *)malloc(sizeof(double)*n_picked);

   //count pairs

   //sample from generated population
   //sort sample

   //count the number of pairs/odd in sample
   temp_pairs = 0.;
   temp_odd = 1.;

     if(gen_samp[j] == gen_samp[j-1]){

       temp_pairs = temp_pairs + 1;
       temp_odd = temp_odd - 1;

     }else{ temp_odd = temp_odd + 1; }

   temp_paired = 2*temp_pairs;

   //allocate big vector
   BigVector[5*i] = (double) n_socks;
   BigVector[(5*i) + 1] = n_pairs;
   BigVector[(5*i) + 2] = n_odd;
   BigVector[(5*i) + 3] = prop_pairs;

   if(temp_odd==obs_odd && temp_paired==obs_paired){ 

       match_count = match_count + 1;
       BigVector[(5*i) + 4] = 1.;
      BigVector[(5*i) + 4] = 0.;

   //free the temp allocated things

