Exemplo n.º 1
void bootstrap(double x[], double y[], double* result, int* b, int* B, int *n, int* d) {

	static gsl_rng *restrict r = NULL;

    if(r == NULL) { // First call to this function, setup RNG
        r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
        gsl_rng_set(r, time(NULL));

    //a stores the sampled indices
    int a[ *n ];

	//allocate memory for the regression step
	gsl_matrix * pred = gsl_matrix_alloc ( *n, *d );
  	gsl_vector * resp = gsl_vector_alloc( *n );
    gsl_multifit_linear_workspace * work  = gsl_multifit_linear_alloc ( *n, *d );
    gsl_vector* coef = gsl_vector_alloc ( *d );
    gsl_matrix* cov = gsl_matrix_alloc ( *d, *d );
    gsl_matrix * T_boot = gsl_matrix_alloc ( *B, *d );
    double chisq;

    //create bootstrap samples
    for ( int i = 0; i < *B; i++ ) {

        //sample the indices
        samp_k_from_n( n, b, a, r);

      	//transfer x to a matrix pred and y to a vector resp
  		for ( int i = 0; i < *n; i++ ) {
  			gsl_vector_set (resp, i, y[ a[i] ]);

    		for (int j = 0; j < *d; j++)
      			gsl_matrix_set (pred, i, j, x[ j + ( a[ i ] * (*d) ) ]);

		//linera regression
      	gsl_multifit_linear ( pred, resp, coef, cov, &chisq,  work );

      	//pass the elements of coef to the ith row of T_boot
      	gsl_matrix_set_row ( T_boot, i, coef );

	//compute the standard deviation of each coefficient accros the bootstrap repetitions
	for ( int j = 0; j < *d; j++){

		result[ j ] = sqrt( gsl_stats_variance( gsl_matrix_ptr ( T_boot, 0, j ), 1, *B ) );

	//free the memory
    gsl_matrix_free (pred);
	gsl_multifit_linear_free ( work);
    gsl_vector_free (coef);
    //gsl_vector_free (w);
    gsl_matrix_free (cov);
	printf("\nI AM DONE\n\n");

Exemplo n.º 2
/*! This function performs the initial set-up of the simulation. First, the
 *  parameterfile is set, then routines for setting units, reading
 *  ICs/restart-files are called, auxialiary memory is allocated, etc.
void begrun(void)
  struct global_data_all_processes all;

  if(ThisTask == 0)
      printf("\nThis is Gadget, version `%s'.\n", GADGETVERSION);
      printf("\nRunning on %d processors.\n", NTask);

  read_parameter_file(ParameterFile);	/* ... read in parameters for this run */

  allocate_commbuffers();	/* ... allocate buffer-memory for particle 
				   exchange during force computation */

#if defined(PERIODIC) && (!defined(PMGRID) || defined(FORCETEST))


  random_generator = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_ranlxd1);
  gsl_rng_set(random_generator, 42);	/* start-up seed */

#ifdef PMGRID

  All.TimeLastRestartFile = CPUThisRun;

  if(RestartFlag == 0 || RestartFlag == 2)

      init();			/* ... read in initial model */
      all = All;		/* save global variables. (will be read from restart file) */

      restart(RestartFlag);	/* ... read restart file. Note: This also resets 
				   all variables in the struct `All'. 
				   However, during the run, some variables in the parameter
				   file are allowed to be changed, if desired. These need to 
				   copied in the way below.
				   Note:  All.PartAllocFactor is treated in restart() separately.  

      All.MinSizeTimestep = all.MinSizeTimestep;
      All.MaxSizeTimestep = all.MaxSizeTimestep;
      All.BufferSize = all.BufferSize;
      All.BunchSizeForce = all.BunchSizeForce;
      All.BunchSizeDensity = all.BunchSizeDensity;
      All.BunchSizeHydro = all.BunchSizeHydro;
      All.BunchSizeDomain = all.BunchSizeDomain;

      All.TimeLimitCPU = all.TimeLimitCPU;
      All.ResubmitOn = all.ResubmitOn;
      All.TimeBetSnapshot = all.TimeBetSnapshot;
      All.TimeBetStatistics = all.TimeBetStatistics;
      All.CpuTimeBetRestartFile = all.CpuTimeBetRestartFile;
      All.ErrTolIntAccuracy = all.ErrTolIntAccuracy;
      All.MaxRMSDisplacementFac = all.MaxRMSDisplacementFac;

      All.ErrTolForceAcc = all.ErrTolForceAcc;

      All.TypeOfTimestepCriterion = all.TypeOfTimestepCriterion;
      All.TypeOfOpeningCriterion = all.TypeOfOpeningCriterion;
      All.NumFilesWrittenInParallel = all.NumFilesWrittenInParallel;
      All.TreeDomainUpdateFrequency = all.TreeDomainUpdateFrequency;

      All.SnapFormat = all.SnapFormat;
      All.NumFilesPerSnapshot = all.NumFilesPerSnapshot;
      All.MaxNumNgbDeviation = all.MaxNumNgbDeviation;
      All.ArtBulkViscConst = all.ArtBulkViscConst;

      All.OutputListOn = all.OutputListOn;
      All.CourantFac = all.CourantFac;

      All.OutputListLength = all.OutputListLength;
      memcpy(All.OutputListTimes, all.OutputListTimes, sizeof(double) * All.OutputListLength);

      strcpy(All.ResubmitCommand, all.ResubmitCommand);
      strcpy(All.OutputListFilename, all.OutputListFilename);
      strcpy(All.OutputDir, all.OutputDir);
      strcpy(All.RestartFile, all.RestartFile);
      strcpy(All.EnergyFile, all.EnergyFile);
      strcpy(All.InfoFile, all.InfoFile);
      strcpy(All.CpuFile, all.CpuFile);
      strcpy(All.TimingsFile, all.TimingsFile);
      strcpy(All.SnapshotFileBase, all.SnapshotFileBase);

      if(All.TimeMax != all.TimeMax)
	readjust_timebase(All.TimeMax, all.TimeMax);

#ifdef PMGRID


  if(RestartFlag == 2)
    All.Ti_nextoutput = find_next_outputtime(All.Ti_Current + 1);
    All.Ti_nextoutput = find_next_outputtime(All.Ti_Current);

  All.TimeLastRestartFile = CPUThisRun;
main(int argc, char **argv)
  char *netF;
  FILE *infile=NULL;
  FILE *outfileAND=NULL, *outfileOR=NULL;
  struct node_gra *net=NULL;
  gsl_rng *rand_gen;
  double **newA_OR;
  struct node_gra *p1, *p2;
  long int seed;
  char outFileNameOR[200];

    Command line parameters
  if (argc < 2) {
    printf("\nUse: reliability_links_mb_OR net_file seed\n\n");
    return -1;
  netF = argv[1];
  seed = atoi(argv[2]);
  rand_gen = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
  gsl_rng_set(rand_gen, seed);

    Build the network
  infile = fopen(netF, "r");
  net = FBuildNetwork(infile, 0, 0, 0, 1);

    Get link reliabilities
  newA_OR = ORLinkScoreMB(net, 0.0, 10000, rand_gen, 'q');

  strcpy(outFileNameOR, netF);
  strcat(outFileNameOR, ".OR_scores");
  outfileOR = fopen(outFileNameOR, "w");
  p1 = net;
  while ((p1 = p1->next) != NULL) {
    p2 = p1;
    while ((p2 = p2->next) != NULL) {
	      "%g %s %s\n", newA_OR[p1->num][p2->num], p1->label, p2->label);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
int main(void)
   int i;                     /* loop counter                 */
   int eeglelap;              /* elapsed time for eegl        */
   int mtelap;                /* elapsed time for mt19937     */
   int ranlxelap;             /* elapsed time for ranlxd2     */
   unsigned int dttk;         /* combined date, time #ticks   */
   double tot;                /* total points within a circle */
   double bot;                /* 1 million                    */
   double ratio;              /* estimated 2 / pi             */
   time_t now;                /* current date and time        */
   clock_t clk;               /* current number of ticks      */
   clock_t eeglstart;         /* start time for eegl          */
   clock_t eeglfin;           /* end   time for eegl          */
   clock_t mtstart;           /* start time for mt19937       */
   clock_t mtfin;             /* end   time for mt19937       */
   clock_t ranlxstart;        /* start time for ranlxd2       */
   clock_t ranlxfin;          /* end   time for ranlxd2       */
   struct tms t;              /* structure used by times()    */
   gsl_rng *r;                /* GSL RNG structure            */
   eefmt *ee;                 /* eegl structure               */
   ee = (eefmt *) eeglinit();     /* initialize the eegl structure */
   bot = 1000000.0;           /* set to 1 million             */
   tot = 0.0;                 /* initialize total */
   i = (int) bot;             /* set loop counter */
   /* get clock ticks since boot                           */
   eeglstart = times(&t);     /* start time for eegl       */
   while (i--)                /* loop 1 million times      */
      double x;               /* horizontal coordinate        */
      double y;               /* vertical   coordinate        */
      double wyy;             /* y = sin(x)                   */
      x = eeglunif(ee) * M_PI;   /* uniform number 0-pi       */
      y = eeglunif(ee);       /* uniform number 0-1           */
      wyy = sin(x);           /* the sine curve */
      if (y < wyy) tot += 1.0;   /* if y is under the curve, tally */
      } /* for each point above or below a sine curve */
   ratio = M_PI * (tot / bot);       /* calculate est. 2.0    */
   eeglfin = times(&t);              /* finish time for eegl  */
   printf("Monte Carlo Definite Integral of sin(x)\n");
   printf("      From zero to Pi\n");
   printf("      Expected error is 1/1000\n");
   printf("      n = 1 million\n");
   printf("       eegl %18.15f\n", ratio);
   /* allocate the mt19937 random number generator */
   r = (gsl_rng *) gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
   /* get clock ticks since boot                           */
   clk = times(&t);
   /* get date & time                                      */
   /* combine date, time, and ticks into a single UINT     */
   dttk = (unsigned int) (now ^ clk);
   /* initialize the GSL Mersenne Twister                     */
   /* random number generator to date,time,#ticks             */
   gsl_rng_set(r, dttk);      /* initialize mt19937 seed      */
   tot = 0.0;                 /* initialize total */
   i = (int) bot;             /* set loop counter */
   /* get clock ticks since boot                              */
   mtstart = times(&t);       /* start time for GSL mt19937   */
   while (i--)                /* loop 1 million times         */
      double x;               /* horizontal coordinate        */
      double y;               /* vertical   coordinate        */
      double wyy;             /* y = sin(x)                   */
      /* use the mt19937 random number generator this time    */
      x = gsl_rng_uniform(r) * M_PI;  /* uniform number 0-pi  */
      y = gsl_rng_uniform(r);      /* uniform number 0-1      */
      wyy = sin(x);           /* the sine curve */
      if (y < wyy) tot += 1.0;   /* if under the curve, tally */
      } /* for each point above or below a sine curve */
   ratio = M_PI * tot / bot;         /* calculate est. 2.0     */
   mtfin = times(&t);         /* finish time for GSL mt19937   */
   printf("GSL mt19937 %18.15f\n", ratio);
   /* allocate the ranlxd2 random number generator */
   r = (gsl_rng *) gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_ranlxd2);
   /* get clock ticks since boot                           */
   clk = times(&t);
   /* get date & time                                      */
   /* combine date, time, and ticks into a single UINT     */
   dttk = (unsigned int) (now ^ clk);
   /* initialize the GSL ranlxd2 random number generator      */
   /* to date,time,#ticks                                     */
   gsl_rng_set(r, dttk);      /* initialize ranlxd2 seed      */
   tot = 0.0;                 /* initialize total */
   i = (int) bot;             /* set loop counter */
   /* get clock ticks since boot                              */
   ranlxstart = times(&t);    /* start time for GSL ranlxd2   */
   while (i--)                /* loop 1 million times         */
      double x;               /* horizontal coordinate        */
      double y;               /* vertical   coordinate        */
      double wyy;             /* y = sin(x)                   */
      /* use the ranlxd2 random number generator this time    */
      x = gsl_rng_uniform(r) * M_PI;   /* uniform number 0-pi */
      y = gsl_rng_uniform(r);      /* uniform number 0-1      */
      wyy = sin(x);           /* the sine curve */
      if (y < wyy) tot += 1.0;   /* if under the curve, tally */
      } /* for each point above or below a sine curve */
   ratio = M_PI * (tot / bot);       /* calculate est. 2.0     */
   ranlxfin = times(&t);      /* finish time for GSL ranlxd2   */
   printf("GSL ranlxd2 %18.15f\n", ratio);
   printf("     Actual %18.15f\n", 2.0);
   eeglelap  = eeglfin  - eeglstart;
   mtelap    = mtfin    - mtstart;
   ranlxelap = ranlxfin - ranlxstart;
   printf("       eegl ticks %6d\n", eeglelap);
   printf("GSL mt19937 ticks %6d\n", mtelap);
   printf("GSL ranlxd2 ticks %6d\n", ranlxelap);
   } /* main */
Exemplo n.º 5
predefinedGrid(inputPars *par, struct grid *g){
  FILE *fp;
  int i;
  double x,y,z,scale;
  gsl_rng *ran = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_ranlxs2);
#ifdef TEST

    //    fscanf(fp,"%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", &g[i].id, &g[i].x[0], &g[i].x[1], &g[i].x[2],  &g[i].dens[0], &g[i].t[0], &abun, &g[i].dopb, &g[i].vel[0], &g[i].vel[1], &g[i].vel[2]);
    //    fscanf(fp,"%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", &g[i].id, &g[i].x[0], &g[i].x[1], &g[i].x[2],  &g[i].dens[0], &g[i].t[0], &abun, &g[i].dopb);
    int nRead = fscanf(fp,"%d %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf %lf\n", &g[i].id, &g[i].x[0], &g[i].x[1], &g[i].x[2],  &g[i].dens[0], &g[i].t[0], &g[i].vel[0], &g[i].vel[1], &g[i].vel[2]);
    if( nRead != 9 || g[i].id < 0 || g[i].id > par->ncell)
        if(!silent) bail_out("Reading Grid File error");


	/* This next step needs to be done, even though it looks stupid */
	g[i].ds =malloc(sizeof(double)*1);
	g[i].neigh =malloc(sizeof(struct grid *)*1);
	if(!silent) progressbar((double) i/((double)par->pIntensity-1), 4);	

    } else i--;

  //  getArea(par,g, ran);
  //  getMass(par,g, ran);
  if(par->gridfile) write_VTK_unstructured_Points(par, g);
Exemplo n.º 6
void studyPop::addMutation(vector<int>& parent1, vector<int>& parent2, int currentRound) {

    // These variables save the average number of mutations on each chromosome
    double avgDelMutations;
    double avgBenMutations;
    double P_ben;

    P_ben = PROB_BEN;

    avgDelMutations = (0.5)*MUTATIONRATE*(1-P_ben); // multiplied by half to get # for each chromosome
    avgBenMutations = (0.5)*MUTATIONRATE*P_ben;   // multiplied by half to get # for each chromosome

    // Pick number of mutation loci on each gamete in the next several lines
    int parent1DelMutationsNum, parent1BenMutationsNum, parent2DelMutationsNum, parent2BenMutationsNum;

    // GSL objects to generate random numbers
    const gsl_rng_type * T;
    gsl_rng * r;
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    T = gsl_rng_default;
    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
    gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    parent1DelMutationsNum = gsl_ran_poisson(r,avgDelMutations);
    // Get a new seed for more randomization
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    parent1BenMutationsNum = gsl_ran_poisson(r,avgBenMutations);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    parent2DelMutationsNum = gsl_ran_poisson(r,avgDelMutations);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    parent2BenMutationsNum = gsl_ran_poisson(r,avgBenMutations);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    // Pick exact loci of mutation on each chromosome & then put them on the chromosome
    vector<int> allMutationsOnGamete1, benMutationsOnGamete1, delMutationsOnGamete1;
    vector<int> allMutationsOnGamete2, benMutationsOnGamete2, delMutationsOnGamete2;
    // Gamete from parent1
    for(int i=0; i<parent1DelMutationsNum ; i++) {
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^i;
        gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
        delMutationsOnGamete1.push_back(floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, 0.5, L+0.4999) + 0.5));

    // Find beneficial mutations loci
    for(int i=0; i<parent1BenMutationsNum ;) {
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^i;
        gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
        int tempMutation = floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, 0.5, L+0.4999) + 0.5);
        int q=0;
        for(; q<delMutationsOnGamete1.size() ; q++) {
            if(delMutationsOnGamete1.at(q) == tempMutation)
        if(q==delMutationsOnGamete1.size()) {

    // put the beneficial and del mutations in a same vector & sort
    allMutationsOnGamete1.insert(allMutationsOnGamete1.end(), delMutationsOnGamete1.begin(), delMutationsOnGamete1.end());
    allMutationsOnGamete1.insert(allMutationsOnGamete1.end(), benMutationsOnGamete1.begin(), benMutationsOnGamete1.end());

    sort(allMutationsOnGamete1.begin(), allMutationsOnGamete1.end());

    // make the beneficial mutations negative (and leave the the del mutations positive integers)
    for(int p=0; p<allMutationsOnGamete1.size() ; p++) {
        for(int q=0; q<benMutationsOnGamete1.size() ; q++) {
            if(allMutationsOnGamete1.at(p) == benMutationsOnGamete1.at(q)) {
                allMutationsOnGamete1.at(p) *= -1;

    //Merge the sorted mutations with the unmutated chromosome
    int placeOnChromosome = 0;
    if(parent1.size() > 0) {
        for(int i=0; i<allMutationsOnGamete1.size();) {
            if(abs(allMutationsOnGamete1.at(i)) < abs(parent1.at(placeOnChromosome))) {
                parent1.insert(parent1.begin() + placeOnChromosome, allMutationsOnGamete1.at(i));
            else if(abs(allMutationsOnGamete1.at(i)) > abs(parent1.at(placeOnChromosome))) {
                if(placeOnChromosome < parent1.size()-1) {
                else {
                    parent1.insert(parent1.begin() + placeOnChromosome + 1, allMutationsOnGamete1.begin() + i, allMutationsOnGamete1.end());
            // This else is for when the mutation already exists on the chromosome.
            else {
                if(allMutationsOnGamete1.at(i) == parent1.at(placeOnChromosome))
                else {
                    // replace beneficial/deleterious with each other
                    allMutationsOnGamete1.at(i) *= -1;


    // this else is executed when original parent chromosome has no mutations at all
        parent1 = allMutationsOnGamete1;

    // Gamete from parent2
    for(int i=0; i<parent2DelMutationsNum ; i++) {
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^i;
        gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
        delMutationsOnGamete2.push_back(floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, 0.5, L+0.4999) + 0.5));

    // Find beneficial mutations loci
    for(int i=0; i<parent2BenMutationsNum ;) {
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^i;
        gsl_rng_set(r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
        int tempMutation = floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, 0.5, L+0.4999) + 0.5);
        int q=0;
        for(; q<delMutationsOnGamete2.size() ; q++) {
            if(delMutationsOnGamete2.at(q) == tempMutation)
        if(q==delMutationsOnGamete2.size()) {

    // put all the mutations in a same vector and sort
    allMutationsOnGamete2.insert(allMutationsOnGamete2.end(), delMutationsOnGamete2.begin(), delMutationsOnGamete2.end());
    allMutationsOnGamete2.insert(allMutationsOnGamete2.end(), benMutationsOnGamete2.begin(), benMutationsOnGamete2.end());

    sort(allMutationsOnGamete2.begin(), allMutationsOnGamete2.end());

    // make the ben mutations negative
    for(int p=0; p<allMutationsOnGamete2.size() ; p++) {
        for(int q=0; q<benMutationsOnGamete2.size() ; q++) {
            if(allMutationsOnGamete2.at(p) == benMutationsOnGamete2.at(q)) {
                allMutationsOnGamete2.at(p) *= -1;

    //Merge the sorted mutations with the unmutated chromosome
    placeOnChromosome = 0;
    if(parent2.size() > 0) {
        for(int i=0; i<allMutationsOnGamete2.size();) {
            if(abs(allMutationsOnGamete2.at(i)) < abs(parent2.at(placeOnChromosome))) {
                parent2.insert(parent2.begin() + placeOnChromosome, allMutationsOnGamete2.at(i));
            else if(abs(allMutationsOnGamete2.at(i)) > abs(parent2.at(placeOnChromosome))) {
                if(placeOnChromosome < parent2.size()-1) {
                else {
                    parent2.insert(parent2.begin() + placeOnChromosome + 1, allMutationsOnGamete2.begin() + i, allMutationsOnGamete2.end());
            // This else is for when the mutation already exists on the chromosome.
            else {
                if(allMutationsOnGamete2.at(i) == parent2.at(placeOnChromosome))
                else {
                    // replace beneficial/deleterious with each other
                    allMutationsOnGamete2.at(i) *= -1;




    // this else is executed when original parent chromosome has no mutations at all
    else {
        parent2 = allMutationsOnGamete2;

    // free up the memory taken by the random number generator
Exemplo n.º 7
int main ( int argc, char * argv[] ) {

  double * rx, * ry, * rz;
  double * vx, * vy, * vz;
  double * fx, * fy, * fz;
  int * ix, * iy, * iz;
  int N=216,c,a;
  double L=0.0;
  double rho=0.5, Tb = 1.0, gamma=1.0, rc2 = 2.5;
  double vir, vir_sum, pcor, V;
  double PE, KE, TE, ecor, ecut, T0=0.0, TE0;
  double rr3,dt=0.001, dt2, gfric, noise;
  int i,j,s;
  int nSteps = 10, fSamp=100;
  int short_out=0;
  int use_e_corr=0;
  int unfold = 0;

  char fn[20];
  FILE * out;
  char * wrt_code_str = "w";
  char * init_cfg_file = NULL;

  gsl_rng * r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
  unsigned long int Seed = 23410981;

  /* Here we parse the command line arguments;  If
   you add an option, document it in the usage() function! */
  for (i=1;i<argc;i++) {
    if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-N")) N=atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rho")) rho=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-gam")) gamma=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-dt")) dt=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-rc")) rc2=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ns")) nSteps = atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-so")) short_out=1;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-T0")) T0=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-Tb")) Tb=atof(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-fs")) fSamp=atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-sf")) wrt_code_str = argv[++i];
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-icf")) init_cfg_file = argv[++i];
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-ecorr")) use_e_corr = 1;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-seed")) Seed = (unsigned long)atoi(argv[++i]);
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-uf")) unfold = 1;
    else if (!strcmp(argv[i],"-h")) {
      usage(); exit(0);
    else {
      fprintf(stderr,"Error: Command-line argument '%s' not recognized.\n",

  /* Compute the side-length */
  L = pow((V=N/rho),0.3333333);

  /* Compute the tail-corrections; assumes sigma and epsilon are both 1 */
  rr3 = 1.0/(rc2*rc2*rc2);
  ecor = use_e_corr?8*M_PI*rho*(rr3*rr3*rr3/9.0-rr3/3.0):0.0;
  pcor = use_e_corr?16.0/3.0*M_PI*rho*rho*(2./3.*rr3*rr3*rr3-rr3):0.0;
  ecut = 4*(rr3*rr3*rr3*rr3-rr3*rr3);

  /* Compute the *squared* cutoff, reusing the variable rc2 */

  /* compute the squared time step */

  /* Compute gfric */
  gfric = 1.0-gamma*dt/2.0;

  /* Compute noise */
  noise = sqrt(6.0*gamma*Tb/dt);

  /* Output some initial information */
  fprintf(stdout,"# Langevin-Thermostat MD Simulation"
	  " of a Lennard-Jones fluid\n");
  fprintf(stdout,"# L = %.5lf; rho = %.5lf; N = %i; rc = %.5lf\n",
  fprintf(stdout,"# nSteps %i, seed %d, dt %.5lf, T0 %.5lf, gamma %.5lf\n",
  fprintf(stdout,"# gfric %.5lf noise %.5lf\n",gfric,noise);
  /* Seed the random number generator */
  /* Allocate the position arrays */
  rx = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));
  ry = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));
  rz = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));

  /* Allocate the boundary crossing counter arrays */
  ix = (int*)malloc(N*sizeof(int));
  iy = (int*)malloc(N*sizeof(int));
  iz = (int*)malloc(N*sizeof(int));

  /* Allocate the velocity arrays */
  vx = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));
  vy = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));
  vz = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));

  /* Allocate the force arrays */
  fx = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));
  fy = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));
  fz = (double*)malloc(N*sizeof(double));

  /* Generate initial positions on a cubic grid, 
     and measure initial energy */

  PE = total_e(rx,ry,rz,fx,fy,fz,N,L,rc2,ecor,ecut,&vir);
  fprintf(stdout,"# step time PE KE TE drift T P\n");

  for (s=0;s<nSteps;s++) {

    /* First integration half-step */
    for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
      rx[i] += vx[i]*dt+0.5*dt2*fx[i];
      ry[i] += vy[i]*dt+0.5*dt2*fy[i];
      rz[i] += vz[i]*dt+0.5*dt2*fz[i];
      vx[i] =  vx[i]*gfric + 0.5*dt*fx[i];
      vy[i] =  vy[i]*gfric + 0.5*dt*fy[i];
      vz[i] =  vz[i]*gfric + 0.5*dt*fz[i];

      /* Apply periodic boundary conditions */
      if (rx[i]<0.0) { rx[i]+=L; ix[i]--; }
      if (rx[i]>L)   { rx[i]-=L; ix[i]++; }
      if (ry[i]<0.0) { ry[i]+=L; iy[i]--; }
      if (ry[i]>L)   { ry[i]-=L; iy[i]++; }
      if (rz[i]<0.0) { rz[i]+=L; iz[i]--; }
      if (rz[i]>L)   { rz[i]-=L; iz[i]++; }
    /* Calculate forces */
     /* Initialize forces */
    for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
      fx[i] = 2*noise*(gsl_rng_uniform(r)-0.5);
      fy[i] = 2*noise*(gsl_rng_uniform(r)-0.5);
      fz[i] = 2*noise*(gsl_rng_uniform(r)-0.5);
    PE = total_e(rx,ry,rz,fx,fy,fz,N,L,rc2,ecor,ecut,&vir);
    /* Second integration half-step */
    KE = 0.0;
    for (i=0;i<N;i++) {
      vx[i] = vx[i]*gfric + 0.5*dt*fx[i];
      vy[i] = vy[i]*gfric + 0.5*dt*fy[i];
      vz[i] = vz[i]*gfric + 0.5*dt*fz[i];
    fprintf(stdout,"%i %.5lf %.5lf %.5lf %.5lf %.5le %.5lf %.5lf\n",
    if (!(s%fSamp)) {
Exemplo n.º 8
int main(int argc, char **argv) {

    /* program variables */
    unsigned int i,j,k,m,m_x,m_y; /* variables to iterate over */
    double x,y,z;
    double scanxy = 15e-6; /* the boundary of the region */
    double lambda_light = 632.8e-9; /* wavelength of light */
    int NSCAT = 65; /*the scatterer number*/
    int NSA = 50000; /* the simulation iteration for the angle for each scatter*/
    int var_x = 10;
    int var_y = 10;
    /*number of sets of the positions*/
    camera_t cam = {0.20,0.20,512,512}; /*initialize the cam struct*/
    double z0 = 0.13; /* the camera distance from the orginal plane*/
    field_t(*field)[NSCAT] = malloc((sizeof *field)*NSA);
    /* seed the scatterers */
    scatterer_t *scatts = malloc(NSCAT*sizeof(scatterer_t));
    /* the locations */
    scatterer_t *locations = malloc(NSCAT*sizeof(scatterer_t));
    /*free path array*/
    double *free_path = malloc(NSA*NSCAT*sizeof(double));

    /* the radiation counting for NSCATS */
    int *visting_array = malloc(NSCAT*sizeof(int));

    /* To read the scatterers positions from the file into the scatterer array*/
    FILE *fp = fopen("Scatterers.txt","r");

    if (fp == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to open the file");

    for (i = 0; i < NSCAT-1; ++i) {
        fscanf(fp,"%lf %lf %lf",&scatts[i].x,&scatts[i].y,&scatts[i].z);
        //printf("%12.12f %12.12f %12.12f\n",scatts[i].x,scatts[i].y,scatts[i].z);

    FILE *fp_counting = fopen("visting_counter_moving.txt","w");

    if (fp_counting == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to open the file");

    FILE *fp_x = fopen("Scatterers_x_moving.txt","w");

    if (fp_x == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to open the file");

    FILE *fp_y = fopen("Scatterers_y_moving.txt","w");

    if (fp_y == 0) {
        fprintf(stderr, "failed to open the file");

    index_bounds (*Matrix)[NSCAT-1] = malloc((sizeof *Matrix)*NSCAT);
    index_bounds *matrix;

    for(m = 0; m < var_x*var_y; ++m) {

        m_x = m/var_x;
        m_y = m%var_y;
        scatts[NSCAT-1].x = m_x*scanxy/var_x - scanxy/2.0;
        scatts[NSCAT-1].y = m_y*scanxy/var_y - scanxy/2.0;
        scatts[NSCAT-1].z = 500e-9;

        for (i = 0; i < NSCAT; ++i) {
            fprintf(fp_x,"%-12.12f ",scatts[i].x);
        for (i = 0; i < NSCAT; ++i) {
            fprintf(fp_y,"%-12.12f ",scatts[i].y);
        for (i = 0; i < NSCAT; ++i) {
            matrix = Matrix[i];
            conduc_matrix(NSCAT, scatts, i, matrix);
            for (k = 0; k < NSCAT-1; ++k) {
                printf("%12.12f   %d     %12.12f ||  ",Matrix[i][k].lower_bound,Matrix[i][k].index,Matrix[i][k].upper_bound);

        printf("%s\n","conductive matrix finished");
        //scatts[500].x = 5.0e-6;
        //scatts[500].y = 4.0e-6;
        //scatts[500].z = 0.2e-6;

        /* initialize the random number generator */
        int rseed = (int)time(NULL);
        const gsl_rng_type *T;
        gsl_rng *r;
        T = gsl_rng_default;
        r = gsl_rng_alloc(T);

         *Create the path length array
        for(i=0; i<NSA; ++i) {
            for (j = 0; j < NSCAT; ++j) {
                matrix = Matrix[j];
                field[i][j] = single_field_spp(j, scatts, NSCAT, r, free_path,(i*NSCAT + j),matrix);

         * Write the tmp array as a way to do the cross-correlation function.

        //char *file_names = malloc(10*sizeof(char));
        //sprintf(file_names,"visting_counter_%d _ %d",NSCAT,m);

        for (i = 0; i < NSCAT; ++i) {
            fprintf(fp_counting,"%d ",visting_array[i]);

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
void *gendyn_new(t_symbol *msg, short argc, t_atom *argv){
	t_gendyn *x;

	x = (t_gendyn *)newobject(gendyn_class); // create a new instance of this object
	dsp_setup((t_pxobject *)x, 1);
	outlet_new((t_pxobject *)x, "signal");
	if(argc == 0){
		error("you must specify the gendy type [1-3]");
		return NULL;
	x->g_type = argv[0].a_w.w_long;
	x->g_whichamp = 1;
	x->g_whichdur = 1;
	x->g_aamp = 1.f;
	x->g_adur = 1.f;
	x->g_minfreq = 440.f;
	x->g_maxfreq = 660.f;
	x->g_scaleamp = 0.5f;
	x->g_scaledur = 0.5f;
	if(argc > 1) x->g_whichamp = argv[1].a_w.w_long;
	if(argc > 2) x->g_whichdur = argv[2].a_w.w_long;
	if(argc > 3){
		if(argv[3].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_aamp = argv[3].a_w.w_long;
		else x->g_aamp = (float)argv[3].a_w.w_float;
	if(argc > 4){
		if(argv[4].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_adur = argv[4].a_w.w_long;
		else x->g_adur = (float)argv[4].a_w.w_float;
	if(argc > 5){
		if(argv[5].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_minfreq = argv[5].a_w.w_long;
		else x->g_minfreq = (float)argv[5].a_w.w_float;
	if(argc > 6){
		if(argv[6].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_maxfreq = argv[6].a_w.w_long;
		else x->g_maxfreq = (float)argv[6].a_w.w_float;
	if(argc > 7){
		if(argv[7].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_scaleamp = argv[7].a_w.w_long;
		else x->g_scaleamp = (float)argv[7].a_w.w_float;
	if(argc > 8){
		if(argv[8].a_type == A_LONG) x->g_scaledur = argv[8].a_w.w_long;
		else x->g_scaledur = (float)argv[8].a_w.w_float;
	x->g_rng = gsl_rng_alloc((const gsl_rng_type *)gsl_rng_default);
	// systime_ms() is a really bad idea since it'll be the same or very close if a bunch
	// are instantiated when the patch opens.
	//gsl_rng_set(x->r_rng, systime_ms());
	// makeseed() is from the PD code in x_misc.c
	gsl_rng_set(x->g_rng, makeseed());
		case 1:
		case 2:
		case 3:
Exemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
    int write_pops(hgt_pop **ps, hgt_params *params, int rank, int numprocs);
    int pxy_calc(hgt_stat_mean ***means, hgt_stat_variance ***vars, double *pxy, double *d1, double *d2,hgt_pop **ps, hgt_params *params, int rank, int numprocs, hgt_cov_sample_func sample_func, gsl_rng *r);
    int cov_calc(hgt_stat_mean ***means, hgt_stat_variance ***vars, hgt_pop **ps, hgt_params *params, int rank, int numprocs, gsl_rng *rng);
    int write_pxy(FILE * fp, unsigned  maxl, hgt_stat_mean ***means, hgt_stat_variance ***vars, unsigned long gen);
    int write_cov(FILE * fp, unsigned  maxl, hgt_stat_mean ***means, hgt_stat_variance ***vars, unsigned long gen);
    int write_ks(FILE * fp, unsigned  maxl, hgt_stat_mean ***means, hgt_stat_variance ***vars, unsigned long gen);
    int t2_calc(hgt_stat_mean *** t2means,
                hgt_stat_variance *** t2vars,
                hgt_params * params,
                hgt_pop ** ps,
                hgt_pop_calc_most_recent_coal_func coal_time_func,
                int rank,
                int numprocs,
                const gsl_rng * rng);
    int write_t2(FILE *fp, hgt_stat_mean ***means, hgt_stat_variance ***vars, int dim, int size, unsigned long gen);

    int numprocs, rank, exit_code;
    MPI_Init(&argc, &argv);
    MPI_Comm_size(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &numprocs);
    MPI_Comm_rank(MPI_COMM_WORLD, &rank);
    hgt_params *params = hgt_params_alloc();
    exit_code = hgt_params_parse(params, argc, argv, "hgt_mpi_moran_const");
    if (exit_code == EXIT_FAILURE) {
        goto exit;

    if (rank == 0) {
        hgt_params_printf(params, stdout);

    const gsl_rng_type *T;
    T = gsl_rng_default;
    long int seed = (long int) time(NULL) + rank;
    gsl_rng *rng = gsl_rng_alloc(T);
    gsl_rng_set(rng, seed);
    hgt_pop **ps = hgt_utils_alloc_populations(params, rank, rng);

    hgt_stat_mean ***p2means;
    hgt_stat_mean ***p3means;
    hgt_stat_mean ***p4means;
    hgt_stat_variance ***p2vars;
    hgt_stat_variance ***p3vars;
    hgt_stat_variance ***p4vars;
    hgt_stat_mean ***covmeans;
    hgt_stat_variance ***covvars;
    hgt_stat_mean ***t2means;
    hgt_stat_variance ***t2vars;
    hgt_stat_mean ***q2means;
    hgt_stat_variance ***q2vars;
    int linkage_dim = params->linkage_size + 1;
    if (rank == 0) {
        if (params->save_pxy == 1) {
            p2means = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_means(params->maxl, 4);
            p2vars = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_variance(params->maxl, 4);
            p3means = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_means(params->maxl, 4);
            p3vars = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_variance(params->maxl, 4);
            p4means = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_means(params->maxl, 4);
            p4vars = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_variance(params->maxl, 4);
        covmeans = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_means(params->maxl+1, 4);
        covvars = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_variance(params->maxl+1, 4);
        t2means = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_means(linkage_dim, 3);
        t2vars = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_variance(linkage_dim, 3);
        q2means = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_means(linkage_dim, 3);
        q2vars = hgt_utils_alloc_stat_variance(linkage_dim, 3);

    file_container *fc;
    if (rank == 0) {
        fc = create_file_container(params->prefix);

    double *pxy = malloc(params->maxl*4*params->sample_size*sizeof(double));
    double *d1 = malloc(params->seq_len*sizeof(double));
    double *d2 = malloc(params->seq_len*sizeof(double));

    unsigned i;
    time_t start, end;
    hgt_pop_sample_func sample_f;
    hgt_pop_frag_func frag_f;
    switch (params->frag_type) {
    case 1:
        frag_f = hgt_pop_frag_exp;
    case 2:
        frag_f = hgt_pop_frag_geom;
        frag_f = hgt_pop_frag_constant;
    switch (params->reprodution) {
    case 1:
        sample_f = hgt_pop_sample_wf;
    case 2:
        sample_f = hgt_pop_sample_linear_selection;
    case 3:
        sample_f = hgt_pop_sample_bsc;
        if (rank == 0) {
            printf("using BSC model\n");
        sample_f = hgt_pop_sample_moran;

    for (i = 0; i < params->sample_time; i++) {
        unsigned long current_generation;
        current_generation = (i + 1) * params->generations;

        start = clock();

        hgt_utils_batch_evolve(ps, params->replicates, params, sample_f, frag_f, rng);

        end = clock();

        if (rank == 0) {
            printf("%d, evolve using time = %ld sec\n", i, (end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

        start = clock();

        if (params->save_pxy > 0) {
            pxy_calc(p2means, p2vars, pxy, d1, d2, ps, params, rank, numprocs, hgt_cov_sample_p2, rng);
            pxy_calc(p3means, p3vars, pxy, d1, d2, ps, params, rank, numprocs, hgt_cov_sample_p3, rng);
            pxy_calc(p4means, p4vars, pxy, d1, d2, ps, params, rank, numprocs, hgt_cov_sample_p4, rng);
        cov_calc(covmeans, covvars, ps, params, rank, numprocs, rng);
        t2_calc(t2means, t2vars, params, ps, hgt_pop_calc_most_recent_ancestor_time, rank, numprocs, rng);
        t2_calc(q2means, q2vars, params, ps, hgt_pop_calc_most_recent_coal_time, rank, numprocs, rng);
        if (rank == 0) {
            if (params->save_pxy > 0) {
                write_pxy(fc->p2, params->maxl, p2means, p2vars, current_generation);
                write_pxy(fc->p3, params->maxl, p3means, p3vars, current_generation);
                write_pxy(fc->p4, params->maxl, p4means, p4vars, current_generation);
            write_cov(fc->cov, params->maxl, covmeans, covvars, current_generation);
            write_ks(fc->ks, params->maxl, covmeans, covvars, current_generation);
            write_t2(fc->t2, t2means, t2vars, linkage_dim, 3, current_generation);
            write_t2(fc->q2, q2means, q2vars, linkage_dim, 3, current_generation);

            if (params->save_pxy > 0) {
                hgt_utils_clean_stat_means(p2means, params->maxl, 4);
                hgt_utils_clean_stat_means(p3means, params->maxl, 4);
                hgt_utils_clean_stat_means(p4means, params->maxl, 4);
                hgt_utils_clean_stat_variances(p2vars, params->maxl, 4);
                hgt_utils_clean_stat_variances(p3vars, params->maxl, 4);
                hgt_utils_clean_stat_variances(p4vars, params->maxl, 4);
            hgt_utils_clean_stat_means(covmeans, params->maxl+1, 3);
            hgt_utils_clean_stat_variances(covvars, params->maxl+1, 3);
            hgt_utils_clean_stat_means(t2means, linkage_dim, 3);
            hgt_utils_clean_stat_variances(t2vars, linkage_dim, 3);
            hgt_utils_clean_stat_means(q2means, linkage_dim, 3);
            hgt_utils_clean_stat_variances(q2vars, linkage_dim, 3);

        end = clock();

        if (rank == 0) {
            printf("%d, calculation using time = %ld sec\n", i, (end - start)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);

    if (params->save_pop > 0) {
        write_pops(ps, params, rank, numprocs);

    if (rank == 0) {
        if (params->save_pxy > 0) {
            hgt_utils_free_stat_means(p2means, params->maxl, 4);
            hgt_utils_free_stat_means(p3means, params->maxl, 4);
            hgt_utils_free_stat_means(p4means, params->maxl, 4);
            hgt_utils_free_stat_variances(p2vars, params->maxl, 4);
            hgt_utils_free_stat_variances(p3vars, params->maxl, 4);
            hgt_utils_free_stat_variances(p4vars, params->maxl, 4);
        hgt_utils_free_stat_means(covmeans, params->maxl+1, 4);
        hgt_utils_free_stat_variances(covvars, params->maxl+1, 4);
        hgt_utils_free_stat_means(t2means, linkage_dim, 3);
        hgt_utils_free_stat_variances(t2vars, linkage_dim, 3);
        hgt_utils_free_stat_means(q2means, linkage_dim, 3);
        hgt_utils_free_stat_variances(q2vars, linkage_dim, 3);


    hgt_utils_free_populations(ps, params->replicates);


    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
Exemplo n.º 11
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {
   if (argc != 2) {
      cout << "Usage: setup outfilename" << endl;
   string filename = argv[1];

   vector<Cparticle> ps;
   Cparticle p;
   cout << "Creating length with sides: rmax = ["<<RMAX[0]<<"] rmin = ["<<RMIN[0]<<"]"<<endl;
   cout << "Reynolds Number = "<<REYNOLDS_NUMBER<<endl;
   cout << "Density = "<<DENS<<endl;
   cout << "number of particles on side = "<<NX<<endl;
   cout << "alpha = "<<ALPHA<<endl;
   cout << "viscosity = "<<VISCOSITY<<endl;
   cout << "maxtime = "<<MAXTIME<<endl;
   double tsc = Nsph::courantCondition(H,2*SPSOUND);
   double tsv = Nsph::viscDiffusionCondition(H,VISCOSITY);
   cout <<"simulation will take "<<int((MAXTIME/tsc)+1)<<" steps according to Courant condition, "<<int((MAXTIME/tsv)+1)<<" steps according to visc diffusion condition"<<endl;

   gsl_rng *rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_ranlxd1);

   int numBound1,numBound2;
   if (PERIODIC[0]) {
      numBound1 = 1;
      numBound2 = 0;
   } else {
      numBound1 = 4;
      numBound2 = 4;

   for (int i=1-numBound1;i<=NX+numBound2-1;i++) {
         cout << "\rParticle ("<<i<<","<<"0"<<"). Generation "<<((i+2)*(NY+4))/double((NX+4)*(NY+4))*100<<"\% complete"<<flush;
         p.tag = ps.size()+1;
         if (PERIODIC[0]) {
            p.r[0] = (i+0.5)*PSEP+RMIN[0];
         } else {
            p.r[0] = i*PSEP+RMIN[0];
         p.dens = DENS;
         p.mass = PSEP*DENS;
         p.mass += gsl_ran_gaussian(rng,0.2*p.mass);
         p.h = H;
         p.v = 0,0;
         //p.v = -p.r[1]*BOX_GLOB_ANGVEL,p.r[0]*BOX_GLOB_ANGVEL;
         //const vect middle = (RMAX[0]-RMIN[0])/2.0 + RMIN[0];
         //const vect size = (RMAX[0]-RMIN[0])/7.0;
         //const double sigma = (RMAX[0]-RMIN[0])/14.0;
         //if (all(p.r>=middle)&&all(p.r<=middle+size)) {
         //   p.v = sin(2.0*PI*(1.0/size)*(p.r-middle));
         //} else {
         //   p.v = 0;
         //if (all(p.r>RMIN[0])&&all(p.r<RMAX[0])) {
         //   p.v = 0.1*exp(-len2(p.r-middle)/(2.0*pow(sigma,2)));
            //p.v = 0.1*sin(2.0*PI*3.0*p.r);
         //} else {
         //   p.v = 0.0;

         if ((i<=0)&&(!PERIODIC[0])) {
            p.iam = sphBoundary;
            p.norm1[0] = -i*PSEP;
            p.norm1[1] = 0;
            p.dist = len(p.norm1);
            if (p.dist==0) {
               p.norm1[0] = 1.0;
            } else {
               p.norm1 = p.norm1/p.dist;
         } else if ((i>=NX)&&(!PERIODIC[0])) {
            p.iam = sphBoundary;
            p.norm1[0] = (NX-i)*PSEP;
            p.norm1[1] = 0;
            p.dist = len(p.norm1);
            if (p.dist==0) {
               p.norm1[0] = -1.0;
            } else {
               p.norm1 = p.norm1/p.dist;
         } else {
            p.iam = sph;
            p.v[0] = 0.1*sin(PI*p.r[0]/PSEP);
            p.v[0] += 0.1*sin(10.0*PI*p.r[0]/(RMAX[0]-RMIN[0]));
            cout << "p.v  = "<<p.v<<endl;
         p.alpha = ALPHA;

   cout << "Total number of particles = " << ps.size() << endl;

   CglobalVars globals;

   vector<vector<double> > vprocDomain(globals.mpiSize);
   vector<Array<int,NDIM> > vprocNeighbrs(globals.mpiSize);
   vector<particleContainer > vps;
   vectInt split;
   split = 1;
   particleContainer pps;
   for (int i=0;i<ps.size();i++) {

   //CdataLL *data = new CdataLL(ps,globals);
   //CsphIncompress sph(data);
   //CcustomOutput customOutput(data);
   //CcustomSim customSim(data,globals.time);

   cout << "Opening files for writing..."<<endl;
   Cio_data_vtk ioFile(filename.c_str(),&globals);
   cout << "Calculating Output stuff.."<<endl;
   cout << "Writing Restart data to file..."<<endl;
   int nProc = product(split);
   for (int i=0;i<nProc;i++) {
      globals.mpiRank = i;
      globals.mpiRank = 0;
   cout << "Writing Global data to file..."<<endl;

   //Write restart file for John
   /*ofstream fo("restartJohn.dat");
   fo <<"h = "<<H<<" mass = "<<ps[0].mass<<" dens = "<<ps[0].dens<<" psep = "<<PSEP<<" Re = "<<REYNOLDS_NUMBER<<" kinematic viscosity = "<<VISCOSITY<<" n = "<<ps.size()<<endl;
   fo <<"r_x r_y v_x v_y flag(0=fluid,1=boundary)"<<endl;
   for (int i=0;i<ps.size();i++) {
      fo << ps[i].r[0]<<' '<<ps[i].r[1]<<' '<<ps[i].v[0]<<' '<<ps[i].v[1]<<' '<<ps[i].iam<<endl;

Exemplo n.º 12
SCCResults run_scc( const GlobalSettings& settings, const int& id )

  // ----- INITIALIZATION -----

  SCCResults results;

  // define short names for the most used settings:
  int const& s = settings.s;
  fptype const& t = settings.t;
  fptype const& t_prime = settings.t_prime;
  fptype const& U = settings.U;
  fptype const& m_prec = settings.m_prec;

  // create a new random number generator
  gsl_rng* rng;
  rng = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_mt19937 );
  gsl_rng_set( rng, rand() );

  // initialize mean field parameter <n_i,sigma>
  Array<fptype, Dynamic, 1> n_up( s * s, 1 );
  Array<fptype, Dynamic, 1> n_down( s * s, 1 );
  if ( settings.init == 0 ) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < s * s; ++i ) {
      n_up( i ) = gsl_rng_uniform_pos( rng );
      n_down( i ) = gsl_rng_uniform_pos( rng );
  } else if ( settings.init == 1 ) {
    for ( int i = 0; i < s * s; ++i ) {
      n_up( i ) =   ( ( i + i / s ) % 2 == 0 ? 1.0 : 0.0 );
      n_down( i ) = ( ( i + i / s ) % 2 == 1 ? 1.0 : 0.0 );
  } else if ( settings.init == 2 ) {
    n_up   = Array<fptype, Dynamic, 1>::Constant( s * s, 1, 0.5 );
    n_down = Array<fptype, Dynamic, 1>::Constant( s * s, 1, 0.5 );
  } else {
    #pragma omp critical (output)
    { cerr << id << ": ERROR -> unknown initialization!" << endl; }
    gsl_rng_free( rng );
    return results;

  // construct the tight-binding part of H_sigma
  // (it doesn't change with the iterations, so
  //  we only need to calculate its matrix once)
  Matrix<fptype, Dynamic, Dynamic> H_tb
                       = Matrix<fptype, Dynamic, Dynamic>::Zero( s * s, s * s );
  for ( int i = 0; i < s * s; ++i ) {
    // calculate the position of atom i in the lattice
    const int x = idx2x( i, s );
    const int y = idx2y( i, s );

    // nearest neighbour hopping
    H_tb( i, xy2idx( x - 1, y, s ) ) -= t;
    H_tb( i, xy2idx( x + 1, y, s ) ) -= t;
    H_tb( i, xy2idx( x, y - 1, s ) ) -= t;
    H_tb( i, xy2idx( x, y + 1, s ) ) -= t;

    // diagonal hopping
    H_tb( i, xy2idx( x - 1, y + 1, s ) ) -= t_prime;
    H_tb( i, xy2idx( x + 1, y - 1, s ) ) -= t_prime;

  // save the old mean field parameters
  Array<fptype, Dynamic, 1> n_up_old = n_up;
  Array<fptype, Dynamic, 1> n_down_old = n_down;

#ifdef _VERBOSE
  cout << endl << "Starting self consistency cycle ..." << endl;

  cout << "Iteration 0: " << endl;
  cout << n_up.transpose().head( 5 ) << endl;
  cout << n_down.transpose().head( 5 ) << endl;


  // forward declare variables needed in the SCC

  Matrix<fptype, Dynamic, Dynamic> H_up;
  Matrix<fptype, Dynamic, Dynamic> H_down;

  SelfAdjointEigenSolver< Matrix<fptype, Dynamic, Dynamic> > solver_H_up;
  SelfAdjointEigenSolver< Matrix<fptype, Dynamic, Dynamic> > solver_H_down;

  // iteration counter
  int iter = 0;

  do {

    // construct H_up and H_down from the mean field parameters <n_i,sigma>
    H_up = H_tb;
    H_up += ( U * n_down ).matrix().asDiagonal();
    H_down = H_tb;
    H_down += ( U * n_up ).matrix().asDiagonal();

    // diagonalize H_up and H_down
    solver_H_up.compute( H_up );
    solver_H_down.compute( H_down );
    if ( solver_H_up.info() == NoConvergence ||
         solver_H_down.info() == NoConvergence ) {
      #pragma omp critical (output)
      { cerr << id << ": ERROR -> diagonalization did not converge!" << endl; }
      gsl_rng_free( rng );
      return results;

    // save old mean field parameters
    n_up_old = n_up;
    n_down_old = n_down;

    if ( iter == 1 && settings.init == 2 ) {

      // calculate the fermi energy
      fptype E_fermi = 0.5 * ( solver_H_up.eigenvalues()( ( s * s / 2 ) - 1 ) +
                               solver_H_down.eigenvalues()( ( s * s / 2 ) - 1 ) );

      // create arrays to store which states are occupied
      vector<bool> occupied_up( s * s, false );
      vector<bool> occupied_down( s * s, false );

      // find occupied states according to the fermi distribution
      while ( ( int ) count( occupied_up.begin(), occupied_up.end(), true )
                                                                != s * s / 2 ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < s * s; ++i ) {
          fptype fdi_up  = fermifunc( solver_H_up.eigenvalues()( i ),
                                                         E_fermi, settings.kT );
          occupied_up[i] = ( fdi_up == 1.0 || gsl_rng_uniform( rng ) < fdi_up );
      while ( ( int ) count( occupied_down.begin(), occupied_down.end(), true )
                                                                != s * s / 2 ) {
        for ( int i = 0; i < s * s; ++i ) {
          fptype fdi_down  = fermifunc( solver_H_up.eigenvalues()( i ),
                                        E_fermi, settings.kT );
          occupied_down[i] = ( fdi_down == 1.0 ||
                               gsl_rng_uniform( rng ) < fdi_down );

#ifdef _VERBOSE
      cout << "Initial occupied states according to FD-statistics:" << endl;
      for ( int i = 0; i < s * s; ++i ) {
        occupied_up[i] ? cout << '1' : cout << '0';
      cout << endl;
      for ( int i = 0; i < s * s; ++i ) {
        occupied_down[i] ? cout << '1' : cout << '0';
      cout << endl << endl;

      // reset mean field parameters to zero
      n_up   = Array<fptype, Dynamic, 1>::Constant( s * s, 1, 0.0 );
      n_down = Array<fptype, Dynamic, 1>::Constant( s * s, 1, 0.0 );

      // add the contributions of the individual eigenstates
      for ( int alpha = 0; alpha < s * s; ++alpha ) {
        if ( occupied_up[alpha] ) {
          n_up += solver_H_up.eigenvectors().col( alpha ).array().square();
        if ( occupied_down[alpha] ) {
          n_down += solver_H_down.eigenvectors().col( alpha ).array().square();
    } else {
      // update mean field parameters with mixing
      fptype mix = 0.5 * gsl_rng_uniform_pos( rng );

      n_up   = ( 0.25 + mix ) * solver_H_up.eigenvectors()
               .array().block( 0, 0, s * s, s * s / 2 ).square().rowwise().sum()
               + ( 0.75 - mix ) * n_up;
      n_down = ( 0.25 + mix ) * solver_H_down.eigenvectors()
               .array().block( 0, 0, s * s, s * s / 2 ).square().rowwise().sum()
               + ( 0.75 - mix ) * n_down;

#ifdef _VERBOSE
    cout << "Iteration " << iter << ": "
         << ( n_up - n_up_old ).square().sum() << ' '
         << ( n_down - n_down_old ).square().sum() << ' '
         << ( solver_H_up.eigenvalues() + solver_H_down.eigenvalues() )
            .head( s * s / 2 ).sum() << endl;
    cout << n_up.transpose().head( 5 ) << endl;
    cout << n_down.transpose().head( 5 ) << endl;
    cout << endl;

  } while ( ( ( n_up - n_up_old ).array().abs().maxCoeff() > m_prec
              || ( n_down - n_down_old ).array().abs().maxCoeff() > m_prec )
            && iter < settings.max_iterations );

  // delete random number generator
  gsl_rng_free( rng );

#ifdef _VERBOSE
  cout << "Converged after " << iter << " iterations!" << endl << endl;

  // ----- RESULT OUTPUT -----

  results.converged = ( n_up - n_up_old ).array().abs().maxCoeff() < m_prec
                      && ( n_down - n_down_old ).array().abs().maxCoeff() < m_prec;
  results.iterations_to_convergence = iter;
  results.Delta_n_up = ( n_up - n_up_old ).array().abs().maxCoeff();
  results.Delta_n_down = ( n_down - n_down_old ).array().abs().maxCoeff();

  results.energy = ( solver_H_up.eigenvalues() + solver_H_down.eigenvalues() )
                   .head( s * s / 2 ).sum();
  results.gap = min( solver_H_up.eigenvalues()( ( s * s / 2 ) + 1 )
                                       - solver_H_up.eigenvalues()( s * s / 2 ),
                     solver_H_down.eigenvalues()( ( s * s / 2 ) + 1 )
                                   - solver_H_down.eigenvalues()( s * s / 2 ) );
  results.m_z = n_up.sum() - n_down.sum();
  results.filling =   ( n_up.sum() + n_down.sum() )
                    / static_cast<fptype>( s * s * 2 );

  results.n_up = n_up;
  results.n_down = n_down;
  results.epsilon_up = solver_H_up.eigenvalues();
  results.epsilon_down = solver_H_down.eigenvalues();
  results.Q_up = solver_H_up.eigenvectors();
  results.Q_down = solver_H_down.eigenvectors();

  results.exit_code = 0;
  return results;
Exemplo n.º 13
main (int argc, char ** argv)
  annealing_multibest_workspace_t	S;
  annealing_configuration_t		array[4];
  double	configurations[2+4]; /* new, current and 4 best */
  double	max_step = 10.0;
  int		verbose_mode = 0;

    int c;

    while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "hv")) != -1)
      switch (c)
	case 'h':
	  fprintf(stderr, "usage: test_multi_sinc [-v] [-h]\n");
	case 'v':
	  verbose_mode = 1;
	  fprintf(stderr, "test_multi_sinc error: unknown option %c\n", c);

  printf("test_multi_sinc: multi-best sinc minimisation with simulated annealing\n");

  S.number_of_iterations_at_fixed_temperature = 10;
  S.max_step_value		= &max_step;
  S.minimum_acceptance_distance	= 2.0;

  S.temperature			= 10.0;
  S.minimum_temperature		= 1.0e-6;
  S.boltzmann_constant		= 1.0;
  S.damping_factor		= 1.005;

  S.energy_function		= energy_function;
  S.step_function		= step_function;
  S.copy_function		= copy_function;
  S.log_function		= (verbose_mode)? log_function : NULL;
  S.metric_function		= metric_function;
  S.cooling_function		= NULL;

  S.numbers_generator		= gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_rand);
  gsl_rng_set(S.numbers_generator, 15);

  S.max_number_of_best_configurations = 4;
  S.current_configuration.data	= &(configurations[0]);
  S.new_configuration.data	= &(configurations[1]);
  S.best_configurations		= array;

  array[0].data		= &(configurations[2]);
  array[1].data		= &(configurations[3]);
  array[2].data		= &(configurations[4]);
  array[3].data		= &(configurations[5]);
  configurations[0] = 100.0;


  printf("test_multi_sinc: found %u best solutions:",
  for (size_t i=0; i<S.best_configurations_count; ++i)
      double *	value = array[i].data;
      printf(" %.5f", *value);

Exemplo n.º 14
int main(int argc, char** argv){
	int seed = getpid();
	int c;
	int option_index = 0;
	int league_id;
	int num_players;
	struct argp_option options[] = {
		{"seed",'s', "int", 0, 0},
		{"league-id", 'l', "int", 0, 0},
		{"players", 'n', "int", 0, 0},
		{"hitter-mean",'h', "double", 0, 0},
		{"hitter-sd", 'i', "double", 0, 0},
		{"pitcher-mean", 'p', "double", 0, 0},
		{"pitcher-sd", 'r', "double", 0, 0},

	struct arguments args = {&seed, &league_id, &num_players, &HITTER_MEAN,
	struct argp argp = {options, arg_parser, 0, 0, global_child}; 
	argp_parse(&argp, argc, argv, 0, 0, &args);

#ifdef _USEGSL_
	const gsl_rng_type *type = gsl_rng_default;
	rng = gsl_rng_alloc(type);
	Db_Object db = db_connect(CONFIG_FILE);
	fprintf(stderr,"Seed: %d\n",seed);

	Array_List first_names = Array_List_create(sizeof(char*));
	Array_List last_names = Array_List_create(sizeof(char*));

	int i;

	struct player new_player;
	struct hitter_skill hitter_skill;
	struct pitcher_skill pitcher_skill;
	struct fielder_skill fielder_skill;

		int power= random_normal(HITTER_MEAN,HITTER_SD,MIN_SKILL,MAX_SKILL);
		int contact = random_normal(HITTER_MEAN,HITTER_SD,MIN_SKILL,MAX_SKILL);
		int fielding = random_normal(HITTER_MEAN,HITTER_SD,MIN_SKILL,MAX_SKILL);
		int speed = random_normal(HITTER_MEAN,HITTER_SD,MIN_SKILL,MAX_SKILL);
		int intelligence = random_normal(HITTER_MEAN,HITTER_SD,MIN_SKILL,MAX_SKILL);
		int control = random_normal(PITCHER_MEAN,PITCHER_SD,MIN_SKILL,MAX_SKILL);
		int movement = random_normal(PITCHER_MEAN,PITCHER_SD,MIN_SKILL,MAX_SKILL);
		int velocity = random_normal(PITCHER_MEAN,PITCHER_SD,MIN_SKILL,MAX_SKILL);
		int endurance = 0;
		int bats = (rand()%100)+1;
		int throws = (rand()%100)+1;
		int position = rand()%18;

/*TODO: Make the choosing of names random.*/
		int first_name = 8 * (power + contact + fielding + speed + bats) % first_names->length;
		int last_name = 8 * (first_name + speed + intelligence + control + movement + velocity + bats + throws + control + movement + position) % last_names->length;
		if(throws <= PERCENT_THROW_RIGHT){
			new_player.throws = RIGHT;
			new_player.throws = LEFT;
		if(bats<= PERCENT_HIT_SAME){
			new_player.bats = new_player.throws;
			if(new_player.throws == RIGHT){
				new_player.bats = LEFT;
				new_player.bats = RIGHT;
			new_player.bats = SWITCH;
		if(position <= 9 && position > 1){
			new_player. position = position;
			pitcher_skill.end = random_normal(30.0,PITCHER_SD*SD_TWEAK,0,49);
		else if(position>=15 || position == 1){
			new_player.position =1;
			pitcher_skill.end = random_normal(80.0,PITCHER_SD*SD_TWEAK,50,100);
			new_player.position = 0;
			pitcher_skill.end = random_normal(30.0,PITCHER_SD*SD_TWEAK,0,49);
		int vs_right_mod = 5;
		int vs_left_mod = 5;
		if(new_player.bats == RIGHT){
			vs_right_mod = -5;
		if(new_player.bats ==LEFT){
			vs_left_mod = -5;
		new_player.first_name = gget(first_names,first_name);
		new_player.last_name = gget(last_names,last_name);
		hitter_skill.cvr = calc_skill(contact+vs_right_mod,HITTER_SD);
		hitter_skill.pvr = calc_skill(power+vs_right_mod,HITTER_SD);
		hitter_skill.cvl = calc_skill(contact+vs_left_mod,HITTER_SD);
		hitter_skill.pvl = calc_skill(power+vs_left_mod,HITTER_SD);
		hitter_skill.spd = speed;	
		fielder_skill.range = calc_skill(fielding,HITTER_SD);
		fielder_skill.arm = calc_skill(fielding,HITTER_SD);
		fielder_skill.field = calc_skill(fielding,HITTER_SD);
		new_player.intelligence = intelligence;
		pitcher_skill.mov = calc_skill(movement,PITCHER_SD);
		pitcher_skill.vel = calc_skill(velocity,PITCHER_SD);
		pitcher_skill.ctrl = calc_skill(control,PITCHER_SD);
#ifdef _USEGSL_

	return 0;	
Exemplo n.º 15
// Constructor: When an object of type "studyPop" is created, it automatically creates its first generation
studyPop::studyPop(int currentRound) {


        /*** Initialize parasiteInfectionTables ***/

        // perform this part if parasite host model being used is GFG
        if(strcmp("GFG", MODEL_OF_PARASITE_INFECTION) == 0) {
            if(PARASITE_PLOIDY == 1) {
                // Fitness tables based on Agrawal 2009
                for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
                    hostFitnessTable[i][2] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][2] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][5] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][5] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][6] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][6] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][7] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][7] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][8] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][8] = 0;

                // Host Fitness based on Agrawal 2009
                hostFitnessTable[0][0]=hostFitnessTable[0][1]=hostFitnessTable[0][3] = pow((1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST), 2.0);
                hostFitnessTable[0][4] = pow((1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST), 2.0) * (1-V);
                hostFitnessTable[1][0]=hostFitnessTable[1][1]=hostFitnessTable[1][3] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST)* (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1);
                hostFitnessTable[1][4] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST)* (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1) * (1-V);
                hostFitnessTable[2][0]=hostFitnessTable[2][1] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST);
                hostFitnessTable[2][3]=hostFitnessTable[2][4] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST)* (1-V);
                hostFitnessTable[3][0]=hostFitnessTable[3][1]=hostFitnessTable[3][3] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST)* (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1);
                hostFitnessTable[3][4] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST)* (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1) * (1-V);
                hostFitnessTable[4][0]=hostFitnessTable[4][1]=hostFitnessTable[4][3] = pow((1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1), 2.0);
                hostFitnessTable[4][4] = pow((1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1), 2.0) * (1-V);
                hostFitnessTable[5][0]=hostFitnessTable[5][1] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1);
                hostFitnessTable[5][3]=hostFitnessTable[5][4] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1)* (1-V);
                hostFitnessTable[6][0]=hostFitnessTable[6][3] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST);
                hostFitnessTable[6][1]=hostFitnessTable[6][4] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST)* (1-V);
                hostFitnessTable[7][0]=hostFitnessTable[7][3] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1);
                hostFitnessTable[7][1]=hostFitnessTable[7][4] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_HOST*D1)* (1-V);
                hostFitnessTable[8][0]=hostFitnessTable[8][1]=hostFitnessTable[8][3]=hostFitnessTable[8][4] = 1-V;

                // Parasite Fitness based on Agrawal 2009
                for(int i=0; i<8 ; i++)
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][0] = 1-T_COST;
                parasiteFitnessTable[8][0] = 1;
                for(int i=0; i<6 ; i++)
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][1] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE)*(1-T_COST);
                parasiteFitnessTable[6][1] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE);
                parasiteFitnessTable[7][1] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE);
                parasiteFitnessTable[8][1] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE);
                for(int i=0; i<8 ; i++) {
                    if(i != 2 && i != 5) {
                        parasiteFitnessTable[i][3] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE)*(1-T_COST);
                parasiteFitnessTable[2][3] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE);
                parasiteFitnessTable[5][3] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE);
                parasiteFitnessTable[8][3] = (1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE);
                for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++)
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][4] = pow((1-PLEIOTROPIC_COST_FOR_PARASITE), 2.0);

        // perform this part if parasite host model being used is MA
        else if(strcmp("MA", MODEL_OF_PARASITE_INFECTION) == 0) {
            if(PARASITE_PLOIDY == 1) {

                for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
                    hostFitnessTable[i][2] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][2] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][5] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][5] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][6] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][6] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][7] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][7] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][8] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][8] = 0;

                // find values for host & parasite fitness tables based on Agrawal 2009
                for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
                    for(int j=0; j<5 ; j++) {
                        hostFitnessTable[i][j] = 1;
                        parasiteFitnessTable[i][j] = 1-T_COST;
                hostFitnessTable[0][0]=hostFitnessTable[2][1]=hostFitnessTable[6][3]=hostFitnessTable[8][4] = 1-V;
                hostFitnessTable[1][0]=hostFitnessTable[3][0]=hostFitnessTable[1][1]=hostFitnessTable[5][1]=hostFitnessTable[3][3]=hostFitnessTable[7][3]=hostFitnessTable[5][4]=hostFitnessTable[7][4] = 1 - (D1 + (1-D1)*D2)*V;
                hostFitnessTable[4][0]=hostFitnessTable[4][1]=hostFitnessTable[4][3]=hostFitnessTable[4][4]= 1 - pow(D1 + (1-D1)*D2, 2.0)*V;
                parasiteFitnessTable[0][0]=parasiteFitnessTable[2][1]=parasiteFitnessTable[6][3]=parasiteFitnessTable[8][4] = 1;
                parasiteFitnessTable[1][0]=parasiteFitnessTable[3][0]=parasiteFitnessTable[1][1]=parasiteFitnessTable[5][1]=parasiteFitnessTable[3][3]=parasiteFitnessTable[7][3]=parasiteFitnessTable[5][4]=parasiteFitnessTable[7][4] = 1 - (1 - D1+(1-D1)*D2)*T_COST;
                parasiteFitnessTable[4][0]=parasiteFitnessTable[4][1]=parasiteFitnessTable[4][3]=parasiteFitnessTable[4][4] = 1 - (1 - pow(D1 + (1-D1)*D2, 2.0))*T_COST;

        // perform this part if parasite host model being used is IMA
        else if(strcmp("IMA", MODEL_OF_PARASITE_INFECTION) == 0) {
            if(PARASITE_PLOIDY == 1) {

                for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
                    hostFitnessTable[i][2] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][2] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][5] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][5] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][6] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][6] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][7] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][7] = 0;
                    hostFitnessTable[i][8] = 0;
                    parasiteFitnessTable[i][8] = 0;

                // find values for host & parasite fitness tables based on Agrawal 2009
                for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
                    for(int j=0; j<5 ; j++) {
                        hostFitnessTable[i][j] = 1-V;
                        parasiteFitnessTable[i][j] = 1;
                hostFitnessTable[0][0]=hostFitnessTable[2][1]=hostFitnessTable[6][3]=hostFitnessTable[8][4] = 1;
                hostFitnessTable[1][0]=hostFitnessTable[3][0]=hostFitnessTable[1][1]=hostFitnessTable[5][1]=hostFitnessTable[3][3]=hostFitnessTable[7][3]=hostFitnessTable[5][4]=hostFitnessTable[7][4] = 1 - V - (D1 + (1-D1)*D2)*V;
                hostFitnessTable[4][0]=hostFitnessTable[4][1]=hostFitnessTable[4][3]=hostFitnessTable[4][4]= 1 - V - pow(D1 + (1-D1)*D2, 2.0)*V;
                parasiteFitnessTable[0][0]=parasiteFitnessTable[2][1]=parasiteFitnessTable[6][3]=parasiteFitnessTable[8][4] = 1 - T_COST;
                parasiteFitnessTable[1][0]=parasiteFitnessTable[3][0]=parasiteFitnessTable[1][1]=parasiteFitnessTable[5][1]=parasiteFitnessTable[3][3]=parasiteFitnessTable[7][3]=parasiteFitnessTable[5][4]=parasiteFitnessTable[7][4] = 1 - (D1+(1-D1)*D2)*T_COST;
                parasiteFitnessTable[4][0]=parasiteFitnessTable[4][1]=parasiteFitnessTable[4][3]=parasiteFitnessTable[4][4] = 1 - pow(D1 + (1-D1)*D2, 2.0)*T_COST;

        // In the following parts we initialize Parasite frequencies

        // use GSL library random num geberator to generate random frequencies
        const gsl_rng_type * T;
        gsl_rng * r;
        // Initialize the random number generator
        T = gsl_rng_taus;
        r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

        double freqA = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0.1, 0.9);
        double freq_a =  1-freqA;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
        double freqB = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0.1, 0.9);
        double freq_b = 1-freqB;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

        // free up the memory taken by the random num generator

        for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
            parasites[i] = 0;

        if(PARASITE_PLOIDY == 1) {
            parasites[0] = freqA * freqB;
            parasites[1] = freqA * freq_b;
            parasites[3] = freq_a * freqB;
            parasites[4] = freq_a * freq_b;
        else if(PARASITE_PLOIDY == 2) {
            for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
                parasites[i] = 1;
                for(int j=0; j<(int)(i/3) ; j++) {
                    parasites[i] *= freq_a;
                for(int j=0; j<2-(int)(i/3) ; j++) {
                    parasites[i] *= freqA;
                for(int j=0; j<i-((int)(i/3)*3) ; j++) {
                    parasites[i] *= freq_b;
                for(int j=0; j<2-i+((int)(i/3)*3) ; j++) {
                    parasites[i] *= freqB;

    // initialize tempHostfreq. The values for immunityGenotypeFreq is calculated later in the code
    for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
        immunityGenotypeFreq[i] = tempHostFreq[i] = 0;

    for(int i=0; i<POPULATION; i++) {
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^i;
        indiv newIndiv(currentRound);

        immunityGenotypeFreq[(int)((newIndiv.immunityGeneA[0]+newIndiv.immunityGeneA[1])*3 + newIndiv.immunityGeneB[0]+newIndiv.immunityGeneB[1])] += 1;


    for(int i=0; i<9 ; i++) {
        immunityGenotypeFreq[i] /= POPULATION;

    // initialize other variables
    highestNewDadW = 0;
    meanRecombination = 1;
    newMeanRecombination = 0;
    selfedChildren[0] = 0.0;
    selfedChildren[1] = 0.0;
    outcrossedChildren[0] = 0.0;
    outcrossedChildren[1] = 0.0;
    population = POPULATION;
Exemplo n.º 16
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
  double mean = atof(argv[1]);
  double sigma = atof(argv[2]);
  //for cell 1
  double g_Na1 = atof(argv[3]); //uS/nF 
  double g_CaT1 = atof(argv[4])-0.5;
  double g_CaS1 = atof(argv[5])-0.5; 
  double g_A1 = atof(argv[6]);
  double g_KCa1 = atof(argv[7])+1000.0;
  double g_K1 = atof(argv[8]);
  double g_H1 = atof(argv[9]);
  double g_L1 = atof(argv[10]);; //uS/nF  
  //for cell 2
  double g_Na2 = atof(argv[11]); //uS/nF 
  double g_CaT2 = atof(argv[12])-0.5;
  double g_CaS2 = atof(argv[13])-0.5; 
  double g_A2 = atof(argv[14]);
  double g_KCa2 = atof(argv[15])+1000.0;
  double g_K2 = atof(argv[16]);
  double g_H2 = atof(argv[17]);
  double g_L2 = atof(argv[18]);; //uS/nF  
  double g_syn1 =  atof(argv[19]);
  double g_syn2 =  atof(argv[20]);
  double corr_coef = atof(argv[21]); //correlation coefficient of the input
  double tau_c = atof(argv[22]); //correlation time const
  int num_run = atof(argv[23]);

  //don't use, use voltage derivative
  double V_th = -15; //mV, threshold for detecting spikes

  /*open files where spikes will be recorded*/
  char sp_file1 [999];
  sprintf (sp_file1, "spikes1_mean_%g_sig_%g_gNa_%g_gCaT_%g_gCaS_%g_gA_%g_gKCa_%g_gK_%g_gH_%g_gL_%g_gsyn_%g_%g_corr_%g_tc_%g_dt_%g_num_%d.dat", mean, sigma, g_Na1, g_CaT1, g_CaS1, g_A1, g_KCa1, g_K1, g_H1, g_L1, g_syn1, g_syn2, corr_coef,tau_c, dt, num_run);
  FILE *spfile1;
  spfile1 = fopen(sp_file1,"w");
  char sp_file2 [999];
  sprintf (sp_file2, "spikes2_mean_%g_sig_%g_gNa_%g_gCaT_%g_gCaS_%g_gA_%g_gKCa_%g_gK_%g_gH_%g_gL_%g_gsyn_%g_%g_corr_%g_tc_%g_dt_%g_num_%d.dat", mean, sigma, g_Na2, g_CaT2, g_CaS2, g_A2, g_KCa2, g_K2, g_H2, g_L2, g_syn1, g_syn2, corr_coef,tau_c, dt, num_run);
  FILE *spfile2;
  spfile2 = fopen(sp_file2,"w");

  char V_file1 [999];
  sprintf (V_file1, "V1_mean_%g_sig_%g_gNa_%g_gCaT_%g_gCaS_%g_gA_%g_gKCa_%g_gK_%g_gH_%g_gL_%g_gsyn_%g_%g_corr_%g_tc_%g_dt_%g_num_%d.dat", mean, sigma, g_Na1, g_CaT1, g_CaS1, g_A1, g_KCa1, g_K1, g_H1, g_L1, g_syn1, g_syn2, corr_coef,tau_c, dt, num_run);
  FILE *Vfile1;
  Vfile1 = fopen(V_file1,"w");
  char V_file2 [999];
  sprintf (V_file2, "V2_mean_%g_sig_%g_gNa_%g_gCaT_%g_gCaS_%g_gA_%g_gKCa_%g_gK_%g_gH_%g_gL_%g_gsyn_%g_%g_corr_%g_tc_%g_dt_%g_num_%d.dat", mean, sigma, g_Na2, g_CaT2, g_CaS2, g_A2, g_KCa2, g_K2, g_H2, g_L2, g_syn1, g_syn2, corr_coef,tau_c, dt, num_run);
  FILE *Vfile2;
  Vfile2 = fopen(V_file2,"w");
   /*For random number generation:*/
  gsl_rng * r;
  r = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_default);
  gsl_rng_set(r, time(NULL));

  int ii, jj, nn;

  /* Defining the model
     gate = [ m h ][4]   gating variables for the four conductances
     g = [ g_Na g_CaT g_CaS g_A g_KCa g_K g_H g_leak ]    maximal conductances
     E = [ E_Na E_CaT E_CaS E_A E_KCa E_K E_H E_leak ]    Nernst (reversal) potentials 
     gmh = [ conductances as a function of time ]
  //reversal potentials
  double E_Na = 50; //mV or 30?
  double E_A = -80; //mV
  double E_K = -80; //mV
  double E_H = -20; //mV
  double E_Ca[2]; E_Ca[0] = 120; E_Ca[1] = 120; //mV default, but will vary
  double E_L = -50; //mV
  double C = 1; //nF 
  double tau_Ca = 20; //ms
  double I_Ca[2]; I_Ca[0] = 0; I_Ca[1] = 0;
  double E_syn = -80; //mV
  double tau_syn = 100; //ms
  double V_half = -45; //mV
  double V_slope = 5; //mV

  /*Initial conditions*/
  double V[2];
  V[0] = -46.8; //mV
  V[1] = -50;
  double Ca[2]; Ca[0] = 0.2; Ca[1] = 0.2;
  double Ca_inf[2]; Ca_inf[0] = 0.2; Ca_inf[1] = 0.2;
  double g[7][2];
  double gate[2][7][2];
  double tau[2][7][2];
  double gate_inf[2][7][2];
  double E[7][2];
  int p[7];
  double gnmh[7][2];
  for (nn=0;nn<2;nn++)
      for (ii=0;ii<7;ii++)
	  gate[0][ii][nn] = 0.02; //m
	  gate[1][ii][nn] = 0.7; //h
	  gnmh[ii][nn] = 0.0;
  E[0][0] = E_Na; E[0][1] = E_Na;
  E[1][0] = E_Ca[0]; E[1][1] = E_Ca[1]; 
  E[2][0] = E_Ca[0]; E[2][1] = E_Ca[1];
  E[3][0] = E_A;  E[3][1] = E_A;
  E[4][0] = E_K;  E[4][1] = E_K; 
  E[5][0] = E_K;  E[5][1] = E_K;
  E[6][0] = E_H;  E[6][1] = E_H;
  p[0] = p_Na;
  p[1] = p_CaT;
  p[2] = p_CaS;
  p[3] = p_A;
  p[4] = p_KCa;
  p[5] = p_K;
  p[6] = p_H; 
  g[0][0] = g_Na1;   g[0][1] = g_Na2;
  g[1][0] = g_CaT1;  g[1][1] = g_CaT2;
  g[2][0] = g_CaS1;  g[2][1] = g_CaS2;
  g[3][0] = g_A1;    g[3][1] = g_A2;
  g[4][0] = g_KCa1;  g[4][1] = g_KCa2;
  g[5][0] = g_K1;    g[5][1] = g_K2;
  g[6][0] = g_H1;    g[6][1] = g_H2;

  double g_L[2]; g_L[0] = g_L1; g_L[1] = g_L2;
  double current_time = 0.0;
  double s_c = mean;
  double s_1 = mean;
  double s_2 = mean;
  double s[2]; 
  double Svar[2]; Svar[0] = 0; Svar[1] = 0;
  double S_inf[2]; S_inf[0] = 0; S_inf[1] = 0;
  double g_syn[2]; g_syn[0] = g_syn1; g_syn[1] = g_syn2;
  int counter = 0;

  int voltage_high1 = 0;
  double spike1 = 0.0; //to impose an absolute refractory period when reading spikes
  int voltage_high2 = 0;
  double spike2 = 0.0; //to impose an absolute refractory period when reading spikes
  double rand_g1 = 0.0;
  double rand_g2 = 0.0;
  double rand_g3 = 0.0;

  double ds = 0.0;
  //  double I_ion[2];   I_ion[0] = 0.0;     I_ion[1] = 0.0;
  double sum_g[2], sum_Eg[2], tau_V[2], V_inf[2];
  while (current_time < total_time)
     current_time += dt;
     counter ++;

     //s = mean + sigma/sqrt(dt)*rand_g; //if white noise

     //common input
     rand_g1 = gsl_ran_gaussian (r,1.0);
     //if correlated noise with correlation time constant tau_c
     ds = (mean-s_c)*(1-exp(-dt/tau_c)) + sigma*sqrt(1-exp(-2*dt/tau_c))*rand_g1; 
     s_c += ds;
     //independent input cell 1
     rand_g2 = gsl_ran_gaussian (r,1.0);
     ds = (mean-s_1)*(1-exp(-dt/tau_c)) + sigma*sqrt(1-exp(-2*dt/tau_c))*rand_g2; 
     s_1 += ds;
     //independent input cell 2
     rand_g3 = gsl_ran_gaussian (r,1.0);
     ds = (mean-s_2)*(1-exp(-dt/tau_c)) + sigma*sqrt(1-exp(-2*dt/tau_c))*rand_g3; 
     s_2 += ds;

     s[0] = s_1*(1-corr_coef) + s_c*corr_coef; //input to cell 1
     s[1] = s_2*(1-corr_coef) + s_c*corr_coef; //input to cell 2

       Model equations:
       C dv/dt = s - I_ion
       I_ion = sum( gate.*(V-E) )
       d gate/dt = -1/tau(v).*(gate-gate_0(v))

     for (nn=0;nn<2;nn++)
	 E_Ca[nn] = 500.0*R_F*(T + 273.15)*log(3000.0/Ca[nn]);
	 E[1][nn] = E_Ca[nn];
	 E[2][nn] = E_Ca[nn];
	 Ca_inf[nn] = 0.05 + 0.94*I_Ca[nn];    
	 // integrate Ca dynamics 
	 Ca[nn] = Ca[nn] + (1-exp(-dt/tau_Ca))*(Ca_inf[nn] - Ca[nn]);
	 tau[0][0][nn] = 1.32 - 1.26/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+120.0)/(-25.0))); //m, Na
	 tau[1][0][nn] = 0.67/(1+exp((V[nn]+62.9)/(-10.0)))*(1.5+1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+34.9)/3.6))); //h, Na
	 tau[0][1][nn] = 21.7 - 21.3/(1.0 + exp((V[nn]+68.1)/(-20.5))); //m, CaT
	 tau[1][1][nn] = 105.0 - 89.8/(1.0 + exp((V[nn]+55.0)/(-16.9))); //h, CaT
	 tau[0][2][nn] = 1.4 + 7.0/(exp((V[nn]+27.0)/10.0) + exp((V[nn]+70.0)/(-13.0))); //m, CaS
	 tau[1][2][nn] = 60.0 + 150.0/(exp((V[nn]+55.0)/9.0) + exp((V[nn]+65.0)/(-16.0))); //h, CaS
	 tau[0][3][nn] = 11.6 - 10.4/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+32.9)/(-15.2))); //m, A
	 tau[1][3][nn] = 38.6 - 29.2/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+38.9)/(-26.5))); //h, A
	 tau[0][4][nn] = 90.3 - 75.1/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+46.0)/(-22.7))); //m, KCa
	 tau[1][4][nn] = 0.0; //h, kCa
	 tau[0][5][nn] = 7.2 - 6.4/(1+exp((V[nn]+28.3)/(-19.2))); //m, Kd
	 tau[1][5][nn] = 0.0; //h, Kd	
	 tau[0][6][nn] = 272.0 + 1499.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+42.2)/(-8.73))); //m, H
	 tau[1][6][nn] = 0.0; //h, H

	 gate_inf[0][0][nn] = 1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+25.5)/(-5.29))); //m, Na
	 gate_inf[1][0][nn] = 1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+48.9)/5.18)); //h, Na
	 gate_inf[0][1][nn] = 1.0/(1.0 + exp((V[nn]+27.1)/(-7.2))); //m, CaT
	 gate_inf[1][1][nn] = 1.0/(1.0 + exp((V[nn]+32.1)/5.5)); //h, CaT
	 gate_inf[0][2][nn] = 1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+33.0)/-8.1)); //m, CaS
	 gate_inf[1][2][nn] = 1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+60.0)/6.2)); //h, CaT
	 gate_inf[0][3][nn] = 1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+27.2)/(-8.7))); //m, A
	 gate_inf[1][3][nn] = 1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+56.9)/4.9)); //h, A
	 gate_inf[0][4][nn] = (Ca[nn]/(Ca[nn]+3.0))/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+28.3)/-12.6)); //m, kCa
	 gate_inf[1][4][nn] = 0.0; //h, kCa
	 gate_inf[0][5][nn] = 1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+12.3)/(-11.8))); //m, Kd
	 gate_inf[1][5][nn] = 0.0; //h, Kd	
	 gate_inf[0][6][nn] = 1.0/(1.0+exp((V[nn]+70.0)/6.0)); //m, H
	 gate_inf[1][6][nn] = 0.0; //h, H
     //V_pre = V[0]
     if (V[0]>V_half)
	 S_inf[1] = tanh((V[0]-V_half)/V_slope);
	 S_inf[1] = 0;
     //V_pre = V[1]
     if (V[1]>V_half)
	 S_inf[0] = tanh((V[1]-V_half)/V_slope);
	 S_inf[0] = 0;

     for (nn=0;nn<2;nn++)
	 //evolve Svar
	 Svar[nn] = Svar[nn] + (1-exp(-dt/(tau_syn*(1-S_inf[nn]))))*(S_inf[nn] - Svar[nn]);

	 //evolve the conductances, first order Euler
	 for (ii=0;ii<7;ii++)
	     gate[0][ii][nn] = gate[0][ii][nn] + (1-exp(-dt/tau[0][ii][nn]))*(gate_inf[0][ii][nn] - gate[0][ii][nn]);
	     gate[1][ii][nn] = gate[1][ii][nn] + (1-exp(-dt/tau[1][ii][nn]))*(gate_inf[1][ii][nn] - gate[1][ii][nn]);
	 gate[1][4][nn] = 1.0; //h, KCa
	 gate[1][5][nn] = 1.0; //h, Kd
	 gate[1][6][nn] = 1.0; //h, H
	 sum_g[nn] = g_L[nn] + g_syn[nn]*Svar[nn];
	 sum_Eg[nn] = g_L[nn]*E_L + g_syn[nn]*Svar[nn]*E_syn;
	 for (ii=0;ii<7;ii++)
	     gnmh[ii][nn] = g[ii][nn]*get_power(gate[0][ii][nn],p[ii])*gate[1][ii][nn];
	     sum_g[nn] += gnmh[ii][nn];
	     sum_Eg[nn] += gnmh[ii][nn]*E[ii][nn];
	 I_Ca[nn] = (gnmh[1][nn] + gnmh[2][nn])*(E_Ca[nn]-V[nn]);

	 I_ion[nn] = g_L*(V[nn]-E_L); //sum of all ionic currents
	 for (ii=0;ii<4; ii++)
	     I_ion[nn] += gnmh[ii][nn]*(V[nn]-E[ii]);
	 tau_V[nn]  = C/sum_g[nn];  //Membrane time constant.
	 // V_inf is steady-state voltage.
	 V_inf[nn] = (sum_Eg[nn] + s[nn])*tau_V[nn];
	 //evolve the voltage using exponential Euler
	 V[nn] = V_inf[nn] + (V[nn]-V_inf[nn])*exp(-dt/tau_V[nn]);
       if (fmod(current_time,0.1)<dt)
	 //printf("%g \n",current_time);
	 fprintf(Vfile1,"%f \n", V[0]);
	 fprintf(Vfile2,"%f \n", V[1]);
     //find out if there's a spike and record it
     if (V[0] > V_th  & current_time>5000)
	 //if a high threshold was detected, record the spike
	 if (voltage_high1 == 0 && current_time-spike1>5) //5 is tau_abs
	     fprintf(spfile1,"%f \n", current_time);
	     spike1 = current_time;
	 //if the high threshold was continuous (after spike has occured)
	 //then wait for it to cross the threshold again before recording
	 voltage_high1 ++;
	 if (voltage_high1 > 0)
	     voltage_high1 = 0; //reset

     //same for cell 2
     if (V[1] > V_th  & current_time>5000)
	 //if a high threshold was detected, record the spike
	 if (voltage_high2 == 0 && current_time-spike2>5) //5 is tau_abs
	     fprintf(spfile2,"%f \n", current_time);
	     spike2 = current_time;
	 //if the high threshold was continuous (after spike has occured)
	 //then wait for it to cross the threshold again before recording
	 voltage_high2 ++;
	 if (voltage_high2 > 0)
	     voltage_high2 = 0; //reset
 return 0;
Exemplo n.º 17
// make a child with given parents (in case of selfing, both parents are the same indiv)
// MH NOTE: I've yet to update this section to account for asex: but if it is only used
// when testing ID, then I suspect accounting for asex is not needed...?
indiv* studyPop::makeForcedIndiv(int mom, int dad, int currentRound) {

    vector<int> *momChromosome, *dadChromosome;
    // variables to save R,S,N,immuneA and immuneB inherited from parents
    double momS, momR, dadS, dadR, momN, dadN;
    int momA, momB, dadA, dadB;

    // Initialize the random number generator
    const gsl_rng_type * T;
    gsl_rng * r;

    T = gsl_rng_default;
    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    // Get the chromosomes from mom and dad
    momChromosome = thePop.at(mom).makeGamete(this->meanRecombination,0,0);
    dadChromosome = thePop.at(dad).makeGamete(this->meanRecombination,0,1);

    // renew the seed for more randomization
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    // A variable to store the mutation amount of Selfing, recomb and neutral genes (R,S,N)
    double geneMutation;

    momN = *(thePop.at(mom).neutralGene + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-5));
    // After mutation check, add mutation to inherited neutral gene
    double randomMutationChecker;
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<NEUTRALMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAN);
        momN = momN + geneMutation;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^(mom);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    momS = *(thePop.at(mom).selfingGene + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-4));
    // After mutation check, add mutation to inherited selfing gene and keep it in [0,1]
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<SELFINGMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAS);
        momS = ((momS + geneMutation) > 0 ? ((momS + geneMutation) < 1 ? (momS + geneMutation) : 1) : 0);
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^((int)floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, -0.5, 1.4999) + 0.5)+1);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    momR = *(thePop.at(mom).recombinationGene + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-3));
    // After mutation check, add mutations to inherited recombination gene and keep it >0
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<RECOMBMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAR);
        momR = (momR + geneMutation)>0 ? (momR + geneMutation) : 0;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^((int)floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, -0.5, 1.4999) + 0.5)+1);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    // mutation is not added here, it is added later, after a generation is made
    momA = *(thePop.at(mom).immunityGeneA + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-2));
    momB = *(thePop.at(mom).immunityGeneB + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-1));

    dadN = *(thePop.at(dad).neutralGene + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-5));
    // After mutation check, add mutation to inherited neutral gene
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<NEUTRALMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAN);
        dadN = dadN + geneMutation;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^(dad);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    dadS = *(thePop.at(dad).selfingGene + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-4));
    // add mutation to inherited selfing gene and keep it in [0,1]
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<SELFINGMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAS);
        dadS = ((dadS + geneMutation) > 0 ? ((dadS + geneMutation) < 1 ? (dadS + geneMutation) : 1) : 0);
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^((int)floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, -0.5, 1.4999) + 0.5)+1);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    dadR = *(thePop.at(dad).recombinationGene + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-3));
    // add mutations to inherited recombination gene and keep it >0
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<RECOMBMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAR);
        dadR = (dadR + geneMutation)>0 ? (dadR + geneMutation) : 0;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^((int)floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, -0.5, 1.4999) + 0.5)+1);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    // mutation for the immunity alleles are added after a generation is made
    dadA = *(thePop.at(dad).immunityGeneA + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-2));
    dadB = *(thePop.at(dad).immunityGeneB + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-1));

    // removing the last three elements which were just indices of inherited recomb & selfing & neutral genes

    // Add mutations to the chromosomes inherited from parents
    addMutation(*momChromosome, *dadChromosome, currentRound);

    // create the child with the given info
    indiv* theChild = new indiv(*momChromosome, *dadChromosome, momS, dadS, momR, dadR, momN, dadN, momA, dadA, momB, dadB);

    // use delete because we used new in "makeGamete" method
    delete momChromosome;
    delete dadChromosome;

    // free up the memory taken by the random number generator

    return theChild;
Exemplo n.º 18
int main(int argc, const char ** argv) {
	struct ld_exp_tro1_params p;
	struct option* ops = options_allocate(10);
	options_double(ops, "max_xy_error", &p.max_xy_error, 10.0, "Maximum error for x,y (m)");
	options_double(ops, "max_theta_error_deg", &p.max_theta_error_deg, 10.0, "Maximum error for orientation (deg)");
	options_int   (ops, "seed", &p.seed, 0, "Seed for random number generator (if 0, use GSL_RNG_SEED env. variable).");

	options_int(ops, "num_per_scan", &p.num_per_scan, 10, "Number of trials for each scan.");

	options_string(ops, "in", &p.file_input, "stdin", "Input file ");
	options_string(ops, "out1", &p.file_output1, "stdout", "Output file for first scan");
	options_string(ops, "out2", &p.file_output2, "stdout", "Output file for second scan");
	options_int(ops, "debug", &p.debug, 0, "Shows debug information");
	if(!options_parse_args(ops, argc, argv)) {
		options_print_help(ops, stderr);
		return -1;

	gsl_rng * rng = gsl_rng_alloc (gsl_rng_ranlxs0);
	if(p.seed != 0)
	gsl_rng_set(rng, (unsigned int) p.seed);
	/* Open the two output files (possibly the same one) */
	FILE * in = open_file_for_reading(p.file_input);
	if(!in) return -3;

	FILE * out1 = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output1);
	if(!out1) return -2;
	FILE * out2;
	if(!strcmp(p.file_output1, p.file_output2)) {
		out1 = out2;
	} else {
		out2 = open_file_for_writing(p.file_output2);
		if(!out2) return -2;

	/* Read laser data from input file */
	LDP ld; int count=0;
	while( (ld = ld_read_smart(in))) {
		if(!ld_valid_fields(ld))  {
			sm_error("Invalid laser data (#%d in file)\n", count);
		for(int n=0; n < p.num_per_scan; n++) {					
			ld->true_pose[0] = 0;
			ld->true_pose[1] = 0;
			ld->true_pose[2] = 0;
			ld->odometry[0] = 0;
			ld->odometry[1] = 0;
			ld->odometry[2] = 0;
			ld_write_as_json(ld, out1);

			ld->odometry[0] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * p.max_xy_error;
			ld->odometry[1] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * p.max_xy_error;
			ld->odometry[2] = 2*(gsl_rng_uniform(rng)-0.5) * deg2rad(p.max_theta_error_deg);
			ld_write_as_json(ld, out2);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 19
int generateBinnedData(WIMPpars *W, detector *det, int nbins, int b, int simSeed)

    double Er_min, Er_max;
    const gsl_rng_type * T;
    gsl_rng * r;
    gsl_rng_set(r, simSeed + SEED++);
    //total signal and background, for setting bin size
    double signal = intWIMPrate( det->ErL, det->ErU, W, det) * det->exposure;
    double background = b * intBgRate(*det, det->ErL, det->ErU) * det->exposure; 

    det->nbins = nbins;

    det->binW = ( det->ErU - det->ErL ) / ( (double) det->nbins);
        det->binnedData = new double[det->nbins];
    catch (std::bad_alloc& ba)
      std::cerr << "bad_alloc caught: " << ba.what() << std::endl << "you requested: " << det->nbins << " doubles" <<std::endl;
      return 1;
    char filename[100];
    std::ofstream datfile;
    FILE* data;
    char *ret;
    char temp[100];
    if ( W->asimov == 2 )
        data = fopen(filename,"r");

    for(int i=0; i<det->nbins; i++)
        Er_min = (double)i*det->binW+det->ErL;
        Er_max = (double)(i+1)*det->binW+det->ErL;
        background = b * intBgRate(*det, Er_min, Er_max) * det->exposure;
        signal = intWIMPrate( Er_min, Er_max, W, det) * det->exposure; 
        if ( W->asimov == 2 )
            ret = fgets(temp,100,data);
            sscanf(temp,"%*lf %*lf %lf",&(det->binnedData[i]));
        else if( W->asimov == 1)
            det->binnedData[i] = gsl_ran_poisson(r,signal+background);
            datfile << Er_min << " " << Er_max << " " << det->binnedData[i] << std::endl;
            det->binnedData[i] = signal + background;            
            datfile << Er_min << " " << Er_max << " " << det->binnedData[i] << std::endl;
        det->nEvents += det->binnedData[i];

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 20
Calculates a best-fit image transform from image feature correspondences
using RANSAC.

For more information refer to:

Fischler, M. A. and Bolles, R. C.  Random sample consensus: a paradigm for
model fitting with applications to image analysis and automated cartography.
<EM>Communications of the ACM, 24</EM>, 6 (1981), pp. 381--395.

@param features an array of features; only features with a non-NULL match
	of type mtype are used in homography computation
@param n number of features in feat
@param mtype determines which of each feature's match fields to use
	for model computation; should be one of FEATURE_FWD_MATCH,
	correspondences are assumed to be between a feature's img_pt field
	and its match's mdl_pt field, otherwise correspondences are assumed to
	be between the the feature's img_pt field and its match's img_pt field
@param xform_fn pointer to the function used to compute the desired
	transformation from feature correspondences
@param m minimum number of correspondences necessary to instantiate the
	model computed by xform_fn
@param p_badxform desired probability that the final transformation
	returned by RANSAC is corrupted by outliers (i.e. the probability that
	no samples of all inliers were drawn)
@param err_fn pointer to the function used to compute a measure of error
	between putative correspondences and a computed model
@param err_tol correspondences within this distance of a computed model are
	considered as inliers
@param inliers if not NULL, output as an array of pointers to the final
	set of inliers
@param n_in if not NULL and \a inliers is not NULL, output as the final
	number of inliers

@return Returns a transformation matrix computed using RANSAC or NULL
	on error or if an acceptable transform could not be computed.
CvMat* ransac_xform( struct feature* features, int n, int mtype,
					ransac_xform_fn xform_fn, int m, double p_badxform,
					ransac_err_fn err_fn, double err_tol,
struct feature*** inliers, int* n_in )
	struct feature** matched, ** sample, ** consensus, ** consensus_max = NULL;
	struct ransac_data* rdata;
	CvPoint2D64f* pts, * mpts;
	CvMat* M = NULL;
	gsl_rng* rng;
	double p, in_frac = RANSAC_INLIER_FRAC_EST;
	int i, nm, in, in_min, in_max = 0, k = 0;

	nm = get_matched_features( features, n, mtype, &matched );
	if( nm < m )
		fprintf( stderr, "Warning: not enough matches to compute xform, %s" \
			" line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
		goto end;

	/* initialize random number generator */
	rng = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_mt19937 );
	gsl_rng_set( rng, time(NULL) );

	in_min = calc_min_inliers( nm, m, RANSAC_PROB_BAD_SUPP, p_badxform );
	p = pow( 1.0 - pow( in_frac, m ), k );
	i = 0;
	while( p > p_badxform )
		sample = draw_ransac_sample( matched, nm, m, rng );
		extract_corresp_pts( sample, m, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
		M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, m );
		if( ! M )
			goto iteration_end;
		in = find_consensus( matched, nm, mtype, M, err_fn, err_tol, &consensus);
		if( in > in_max )
			if( consensus_max )
				free( consensus_max );
			consensus_max = consensus;
			in_max = in;
			in_frac = (double)in_max / nm;
			free( consensus );
		cvReleaseMat( &M );

		release_mem( pts, mpts, sample );
		p = pow( 1.0 - pow( in_frac, m ), ++k );

	/* calculate final transform based on best consensus set */
	if( in_max >= in_min )
		extract_corresp_pts( consensus_max, in_max, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
		M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, in_max );
		in = find_consensus( matched, nm, mtype, M, err_fn, err_tol, &consensus);
		cvReleaseMat( &M );
		release_mem( pts, mpts, consensus_max );
		extract_corresp_pts( consensus, in, mtype, &pts, &mpts );
		M = xform_fn( pts, mpts, in );
		if( inliers )
			*inliers = consensus;
			consensus = NULL;
		if( n_in )
			*n_in = in;
		release_mem( pts, mpts, consensus );
	else if( consensus_max )
		if( inliers )
			*inliers = NULL;
		if( n_in )
			*n_in = 0;
		free( consensus_max );

	gsl_rng_free( rng );
	for( i = 0; i < nm; i++ )
		rdata = feat_ransac_data( matched[i] );
		matched[i]->feature_data = rdata->orig_feat_data;
		free( rdata );
	free( matched );
	return M;
Exemplo n.º 21
void simulation(float mu, float koff){
	/*set up variables for RNG, generate seed that's time-dependent,
	 * seed RNG with that value - guarantees that MPI instances will
	 * actually be different from each other*/
	const gsl_rng_type * T;
	T = gsl_rng_default;
	gsl_rng *r;
	r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
	unsigned long int seed;
    /*old legacy stuff    
	//FILE *fp;*/
    /*define total time of simulation (in units of polymerizing events)*/
    int totaltime=500;
    /*define number of ends in the system, necessary for depol 
     * calculation and rates. Also, define a toggle for the first pol
     * event to reset*/
     int ends=0;
     int newends=0;
     int first=1;
	/*just declare a bunch of stuff that we will use*/
	float domega,kon;
	int accepted=0;
	int filaments,noconsts;
	int int_i;
	int j,k,size,currfils,currlen,gap,l,m;
	float i,p,coverage;
	int type=0;
	/*declare two matrices for the filaments per lane, one for the 
	 * "permanent" stuff and one for temporary testing in the 
	 * Metropolis scheme*/
	int lanes[NLANES][L]={{0}};
	int newlanes[NLANES][L]={{0}};
	/*two floats to store the time of the next polymerization and depol
	 * events, that will be initialized later*/
	float nexton=0;
	float nextoff=VERYBIG;
	/*declare three GMP arbitrary precision values: one for storing the
	 * current number of microstates, one for the new number when testing
	 * in the Metropolis scheme and one to store the difference*/
	mpz_t states;
	mpz_t newstates;
	mpz_t deltastates;
	/*sets up: the value of the chemical potential of a monomer, the
	 * on-rate (we're always taking it to be one), the off-rate
	 * (defined in relation to the on-rate) and the average size of
	 * a new polymer*/
	//float kon=1.0;
	//float koff=0.1; //try based on ends
	//printf("%f %f\n",kon,koff);
	int avg_size=3;
	float inv_sites=1.0/(NLANES*(L-1));
	clock_t t1 = clock();
	/*sets up the I/O to a file - filename is dependent on MPI
	 * instance number to avoid conflicts*/
	char* filename[40];
	//int my_rank=0;
	int my_rank;
	FILE *fp = fopen(filename, "w");
	/*sets up the time for the first on event (first off only calculated
	 * after we have filaments!)*/	
	//printf("nexton=%f nexoff=%f, avg on=%f avg off=%f thread=%d\n",nexton,nextoff,1.0/kon,1.0/koff,omp_get_thread_num());
	/*start of the main loop*/
	for (i=0;i<totaltime;i=i+0.01){
		clock_t t2 = clock();
		//printf("thread=%d i=%f\n",omp_get_thread_num(),i);
		/*before anything else, make a copy of the current lanes into
		 * the matrix newlanes*/
		/*calculate the current coverage (sites occupied divided by the 
		 * total number of sites) and output to file the current "time" 
		 * and coverage*/ 
		for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
			for (j=1;j<lanes[k][0]+1;j++){
		//printf("total length=%f\n",coverage);
		fprintf(fp, "%f %f %f\n", i,coverage,ends,(double)(t2-t1)/CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
		//printf("%f %f\n",i,coverage);
		//printf("i=%f nexton=%f nextoff=%f type=%d\n",i,nexton,nextoff,type);
		/*tests for events, with priority for polymerizing - if both
		 * are due, it will polymerize first and only depol in the next 
		 * timestep*/
		if (i>=nextoff){
		if (i>=nexton){
		/*we will now calculate the number of filaments and constraints
		 * in the system, going over each lane - relatively 
		 * straightforward!*/
		for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
				//printf("according to main, %d filaments in lane %d\n",newlanes[k][0],k);
			if (newlanes[k][0]>1){
		/*polymerization event!*/	
		if (type==1){
			/*big legacy stuff - leave it alone!*/
			//printf("lanes at beginning: filaments=%d noconsts=%d\n",filaments,noconsts);
			//for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
			//printf("lane %d: ",k);
			//for (j=1;j<lanes[k][0]+1;j++){
				//printf("%d ",lanes[k][j]);
			//if (i>0) count(states,argc, argv, lanes, filaments, noconsts);
			/*sample exponential to get the size of the filament to be
			 * added (integer exponential is geometric!)*/ 
			/*pick a lane at random to add the new filament*/
			/*parentheses: in the system without stickers, as long as
			 * this step of random sampling doesn't change, we're fine - 
			 * order inside lane doesn't really matter!*/
			/*calculate the current number of filaments and occupied
			 * length in the chosen lane*/
			for (k=1;k<currfils+1;k++){
			//printf("currlen %d currfils %d\n",currlen,currfils);
			/*test if there's enough space to insert the new filament*/
			if (currlen+currfils+size+2>L)
			/*if there is, pick a "gap" to insert the filament in 
			 * (i.e. the place in the order of filaments of that lane)*/
			/*if it's not at the end of the order, need to move the other
			 * ones in the lanes matrix to open space for the new one*/	
				if (gap!=currfils+1){
					for (k=currfils;k>gap-1;k--){
				/*insert new filament...*/
				/*...and update the number of filaments in the lane*/
			/*calculate number of filaments and constraints for the
			 * newlanes matrix - seems like a waste of a for loop, eh?*/
			for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
				//printf("according to lanes, %d filaments in lane %d\n",newlanes[k][0],k);
			if (newlanes[k][0]>1){
		//printf("lanes after adding: filaments=%d noconsts=%d\n",filaments,noconsts);
		//printf("proposed change:\n");
		//for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
			//printf("lane %d: ",k);
			//for (j=1;j<newlanes[k][0]+1;j++){
				//printf("%d ",newlanes[k][j]);
		/*count microstates after addition!*/
		count_new(&newstates, newlanes, filaments, noconsts); 
		//value_print(fp, P_VALUE_FMT, newstates);
		/*calculate delta omega for the addition - chemical potential
		 * plus entropy difference - this should always work since we
		 * set states to 0 in the very first iteration*/
		//printf("delta omega: %f log10newstates=%f log10states=%f\n",domega, mpzln(newstates),mpzln(states));
		/*metropolis test - if delta omega is negative, we accept
		 * the addition*/
		if (domega<0){
			if (size==1){
			}else if (size>1){
			if (first==1){
		/*if it's positive, we calculate the probability of acceptance
		 * and test for it*/
			double prob=exp(-1.0*domega);
			double fromthehat=gsl_rng_uniform(r);
			//printf("metropolising: rng=%f, prob=%f\n",fromthehat,prob);
			if (fromthehat<prob){
					if (size==1){
				}else if (size>1){
				if (first==1){
				//printf("accepted anyway!\n");
		//printf("final result:\n");
		//for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
			//printf("lane %d: ",k);
			//for (j=1;j<lanes[k][0]+1;j++){
				//printf("%d ",lanes[k][j]);
		/*calculate time of next polymerization event and reset type*/
		//printf("nexton: %f\n",nexton);
		/*Depol event! We need to check for number of filaments here
		 * (note that "filaments" here is the one calculated at the 
		 * beginning of the for loop) because if there are no filaments
		 * we just need to recalculate nextoff and keep going*/
		if (type==2 && filaments>0){
			//printf("entered depol\n");
			//printf("filaments: %d\n",filaments);
			/*this is one of those conditions that shouldn't be necessary,
			 * but I needed to add this at some point and now I'm afraid
			 * to take it out and break the whole thing, so there you go*/
			if (i>0 && filaments>0 ) {
				//count(states,argc, argv, lanes, filaments, noconsts);
			/*pick a filament to decrease size - this will be changed 
			 * soon!*/
			//fprintf(fp,"j=%d out of %d\n",j,ends);
			/*need to replicate the routine below, but with more 
			 * intelligence to track ends - maybe create small
			 * test program to try it in isolation?*/
			/*go through lanes until you find the filament to be 
			 * decreased in size. Then, decrease size by one, check 
			 * whether the filament disappeared (in which case following
			 * filaments need to be shifted left and number of filaments
			 * in lane decreased). Finally, break from the for loop*/
			int end_counter=0;
			int doneit=0;
			for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
					//fprintf(fp,"k=%d nd_counter=%d, lane has %d filaments\n",k,end_counter,lanes[k][0]);
				for (l=1;l<lanes[k][0]+1;l++){
					if (lanes[k][l]==1){
				if (j<=end_counter){
					//fprintf(fp,"filaments=%d k=%d end_counter=%d thing to change=%d\n",filaments,k,end_counter,newlanes[k][l]);
					if (newlanes[k][l]==1){
					if (newlanes[k][l]==0){
						for (m=l;m<newlanes[k][0];m++){
			if (doneit==1){
			for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
				//printf("according to lanes, %d filaments in lane %d\n",newlanes[k][0],k);
			if (newlanes[k][0]>1){
			//printf("rank %d is dumping previous lanes:\n",my_rank);
			//printf("rank %d is dumping its %d filaments and noconsts %d\n",my_rank,filaments,noconsts);
			/*metropolis test should go in here*/
			count_new(&newstates, newlanes, filaments, noconsts); //<-segfault is here!
			//value_print(fp, P_VALUE_FMT, newstates);
			/*calculate delta omega for the addition - chemical potential
			 * plus entropy difference - this should always work since we
			 * set states to 0 in the very first iteration*/
			//fprintf(fp,"depol domega=%f, diff in mpzln=%f\n",domega,domega-1);	
			if (domega<0){
		/*if it's positive, we calculate the probability of acceptance
		 * and test for it*/
				double prob=exp(-1.0*domega);
				double fromthehat=gsl_rng_uniform(r);
				//printf("metropolising: rng=%f, prob=%f\n",fromthehat,prob);
				if (fromthehat<prob){
			if (ends>0){
			/*recalculate nextoff and reset type*/
			/*recalculate the number of filaments and constraints (could 
			 * be done more efficiently, but whatever)*/
			for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
				//printf("according to lanes, %d filaments in lane %d\n",newlanes[k][0],k);
			if (lanes[k][0]>1){
			//printf("before counting: filaments=%d noconsts=%d\n",filaments,noconsts);
		/*recalculate total number of states - this will probably be
		 * part of the Metropolis test further up when this is done*/
		count_new(&states, lanes, filaments, noconsts);
		//value_print(fp, P_VALUE_FMT, states);
	/*in case there's nothing to depolimerize, we set nextoff as a big 
	 * float and reset the first flag*/
	if (type==2 && filaments==0){
		/*also, in any situation where there's no filament in the system,
		 * we set states to zero just to be on the safe side*/
		if (filaments==0){
				////printf("pass/ng to count: %d %d \n",filaments, noconsts);
			//count_new(&states,lanes, filaments, noconsts);}
			////for (k=0;k<NLANES;k++){
			//////printf("lane %d: ",k);
			////for (j=1;j<lanes[k][0]+1;j++){
				//////printf("%d ",lanes[k][j]);
		//printf("%d %d\n",size,j);
	//printf("%d %f\n",omp_get_thread_num(),coverage);	
	/*clearing up - deallocating the arbitrary precision stuff, closing
	 * the I/O file and returning!*/ 
    gsl_rng_free (r);
    return coverage;
Exemplo n.º 22
void allocate_rng() {
  rand_gen = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_ranlux);
  gsl_rng_set(rand_gen, time(NULL));
Exemplo n.º 23
void cosmo_init_particles( unsigned seed )
    fftwf_real *data = new fftwf_real[ nres * (nres+2) ];
    fftwf_complex *cdata = reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(data);
    fftwf_real *data2 = new fftwf_real[ nres * (nres+2) ];
    fftwf_complex *cdata2 = reinterpret_cast<fftwf_complex*>(data2);
    gsl_rng	*RNG = gsl_rng_alloc( gsl_rng_mt19937 );
	gsl_rng_set( RNG, seed );
    fftwf_plan plan, iplan, plan2, iplan2;
    plan  = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d( nres, nres, data, cdata, FFTW_MEASURE ),
    iplan = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d( nres, nres, cdata, data, FFTW_MEASURE );
    plan2  = fftwf_plan_dft_r2c_2d( nres, nres, data2, cdata2, FFTW_MEASURE ),
    iplan2 = fftwf_plan_dft_c2r_2d( nres, nres, cdata2, data2, FFTW_MEASURE );
    int nresp = nres/2+1;
    float kfac = 2.0*M_PI/boxlength;
    float gaussran1, gaussran2;
    float fftnorm = 1.0f / (float)nres * (2.0f*M_PI/boxlength);
    for( int i=0; i<nres; ++i )
        for( int j=0; j<nres; ++j )
            int idx = i*(nres+2)+j;
            data[idx] = gsl_ran_ugaussian_ratio_method( RNG ) / nres;
    fftwf_execute( plan );
    for( int i=0; i<nres; ++i )
        for( int j=0; j<nresp; ++j )
            float kx = i>=nresp? (float)(i-nres)*kfac : (float)i*kfac;
            float ky = (float)j*kfac;
            float kk = sqrtf(kx*kx+ky*ky);
            int idx = i*nresp+j;
            float ampk = cosmo_get_amp_k( kk ); //*sqrtf(kk);
            if( kk >= nresp*kfac )
                ampk = 0.0;
            cdata[idx][0] *= ampk * fftnorm;
            cdata[idx][1] *= ampk * fftnorm;
    // insert code to make random numbers independent of resolution (have rectangle outliens)
    float dx = boxlength / nres;
    float vfact = ComputeVFact( 1.0f/(1.0f+g_zstart));
    // generate x-component
    for( int i=0; i<nres; ++i )
        for( int j=0; j<nresp; ++j )
            float kx = i>=nresp? (float)(i-nres)*kfac : (float)i*kfac;
            float ky = (float)j*kfac;
            float kk = sqrtf(kx*kx+ky*ky);
            int idx = i*nresp+j; // (a+ib) * ik = iak -bk
            cdata2[idx][0] = kx/kk/kk * cdata[idx][1];
            cdata2[idx][1] = -kx/kk/kk * cdata[idx][0];
    cdata2[0][0] = 0.0f;
    cdata2[0][1] = 0.0f;
    fftwf_execute( iplan2 );
    for( int i=0; i<nres; ++i )
        for( int j=0; j<nres; ++j )
            int idx = i*(nres+2)+j;
            int ii = i*nres+j;
            P[ii].x = (float)i*dx + data2[idx];
            P[ii].vx = data2[idx] * vfact;
            P[ii].id = ii;
            P[ii].acc[0] = 0.0f;
    // generate y-component
    for( int i=0; i<nres; ++i )
        for( int j=0; j<nresp; ++j )
            float kx = i>=nresp? (float)(i-nres)*kfac : (float)i*kfac;
            float ky = (float)j*kfac;
            float kk = sqrtf(kx*kx+ky*ky);
            int idx = i*nresp+j;
            cdata2[idx][0] = ky/kk/kk * cdata[idx][1];
            cdata2[idx][1] = -ky/kk/kk * cdata[idx][0];
    cdata2[0][0] = 0.0f;
    cdata2[0][1] = 0.0f;
    fftwf_execute( iplan2 );
    for( int i=0; i<nres; ++i )
        for( int j=0; j<nres; ++j )
            int idx = i*(nres+2)+j;
            int ii = i*nres+j;
            P[ii].y = (float)j*dx + data2[idx];
            P[ii].vy = data2[idx] * vfact;
            P[ii].acc[1] = 0.0f;
    delete[] data;
    delete[] data2;
    gsl_rng_free( RNG );
Exemplo n.º 24
 main simulation loop
int main() {

  // init own parameters.

  // init random generator
  r = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default);
  gsl_rng_set(r, SEED_MAIN);

  // file handle for xxx file

  // file handle for xxx file
  FILE *preF = fopen(FILENAME_PRE, "wb");
  // set up vectors:

  // to hold post synaptic potentials [unused??]
  gsl_vector *psp = gsl_vector_alloc(NPRE);
  // to hold post synaptic potentials 1st filtered
  gsl_vector *pspS = gsl_vector_alloc(NPRE);
  // to hold "excitatory" part of psp for Euler integration
  gsl_vector *sue = gsl_vector_alloc(NPRE);
  // to hold "inhibitory" part of psp for Euler integration
  gsl_vector *sui = gsl_vector_alloc(NPRE);
  // to hold psp 2nd filter
  gsl_vector *pspTilde = gsl_vector_alloc(NPRE);
  // to hold weights
  gsl_vector *w  = gsl_vector_alloc(NPRE);
  // to hold xxx
  gsl_vector *pres  = gsl_vector_alloc(NPRE);

  // ?? ou XXX \todo
  gsl_vector *ou = gsl_vector_alloc(N_OU);
  gsl_vector *preU = gsl_vector_calloc(NPRE);
  gsl_vector *wInput = gsl_vector_alloc(N_OU);
  gsl_matrix *wPre  = gsl_matrix_calloc(NPRE, N_OU);
  double *preUP = gsl_vector_ptr(preU,0);
  double *ouP = gsl_vector_ptr(ou,0);
  double *wInputP = gsl_vector_ptr(wInput,0);
  double *wPreP = gsl_matrix_ptr(wPre,0,0);

  // get pointers to array within the gsl_vector data structures above.
  double *pspP = gsl_vector_ptr(psp,0);
  double *pspSP = gsl_vector_ptr(pspS,0);
  double *sueP = gsl_vector_ptr(sue,0);
  double *suiP = gsl_vector_ptr(sui,0);
  double *pspTildeP = gsl_vector_ptr(pspTilde,0);
  double *wP = gsl_vector_ptr(w,0);
  double *presP = gsl_vector_ptr(pres,0);

  for(int i=0; i<NPRE; i++) {

    // init pspP etc to zero
    *(pspP+i) = 0;
    *(sueP+i) = 0;
    *(suiP+i) = 0;
    // Gaussian weights
    *(wP+i) = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, .1);
    *(wP+i) = 0;

  //! OU \todo what for?	
  for(int j=0; j < N_OU; j++) {
    *(ouP + j) = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, 1) + M_OU;
    *(wInputP + j) = gsl_ran_lognormal(r, 0., 2.)/N_OU/exp(2.)/2.;
    for(int i=0; i < NPRE; i++) *(wPreP + j*NPRE + i) = gsl_ran_lognormal(r, 0., 2.)/N_OU/exp(2.)/2.;

  // temp variables for the simulation yyyy
    u = 0, // soma potential.
    uV = 0, // some potential from dendrite only (ie discounted
	    // dendrite potential
    rU = 0, // instantneou rate 
    rV = 0, // rate on dendritic potential only
    uI = 0, // soma potential only from somatic inputs
    rI = 0, // rate on somatic potential only
    uInput = 0; // for OU?

  // run simulatio TRAININGCYCLES number of times
  for( int s = 0; s < TRAININGCYCLES; s++) {

    // for all TIMEBINS
    for( int t = 0; t < TIMEBINS; t++) {

      for(int i = 0; i < N_OU; i++) {
	*(ouP+i) = runOU(*(ouP+i), M_OU, GAMMA_OU, S_OU);
      gsl_blas_dgemv(CblasNoTrans, 1., wPre, ou, 0., preU); 

      // update PSP of our neurons for inputs from all presynaptic neurons
      for( int i = 0; i < NPRE; i++) {

	/** just read in the PRE_ACT and generate a spike and store it in presP -- so PRE_ACT has inpretation of potential */
	updatePre(sueP+i, suiP+i, pspP + i, pspSP + i, pspTildeP + i, *(presP + i) = spiking(PRE_ACT[t*NPRE + i], gsl_rng_uniform(r)));

#elif defined PREDICT_OU
	//*(ouP+i) = runOU(*(ouP+i), M_OU, GAMMA_OU, S_OU); // why commented out?
	updatePre(sueP+i, suiP+i, pspP + i, pspSP + i, pspTildeP + i, *(presP + i) = DT * phi(*(preUP+i)));//spiking(DT * phi(*(preUP+i)), gsl_rng_uniform(r))); // why commented out?

	// PRE_ACT intepreated as spikes
	updatePre(sueP+i, suiP+i, pspP + i, pspSP + i, pspTildeP + i, *(presP + i) = PRE_ACT[t*NPRE + i]);
      } // endfor NPRE

      gsl_blas_ddot(wInput, ou, &uInput);
      GE[t] = DT * phi(uInput);

      // now update the membrane potential.
      updateMembrane(&u, &uV, &uI, w, psp, GE[t], GI[t]);

      // now calculate rates from from potentials.
#ifdef POSTSPIKING // usually switch off as learning is faster when
		   // learning from U
      // with low-pass filtering of soma potential from actual
      // generation of spikes (back propgating dentric spikes?
      rU = GAMMA_POSTS*rU + (1-GAMMA_POSTS)*spiking(DT * phi(u),  gsl_rng_uniform(r))/DT;
      // simpler -- direct.
      rU = phi(u); 
      rV = phi(uV); rI = phi(uI);

      // now update weights based on rU, RV, the 2nd filtered PSP and
      // the pspSP
      for(int i = 0; i < NPRE; i++) {
	updateWeight(wP + i, rU, *(pspTildeP+i), rV, *(pspSP+i));
#ifdef TAUEFF
	 write rU to postF, but only for the last run of the
	 simulation and then only before the STIM_ONSET time --
	 ie it is the trained output without somatic drive.
      if(s == TRAININGCYCLES - 1 && t < STIM_ONSET/DT) {
	fwrite(&rU, sizeof(double), 1, postF); 
	 for every 10th training cycle write all variables below to
	 postF in order:
      if(s%(TRAININGCYCLES/10)==0) {
	fwrite(&rU, sizeof(double), 1, postF);
	fwrite(GE+t, sizeof(double), 1, postF);
	fwrite(&rV, sizeof(double), 1, postF);
	fwrite(&rI, sizeof(double), 1, postF);
	fwrite(&u, sizeof(double), 1, postF);
      if(s == TRAININGCYCLES - 1) {
	// for the last cycle also record the activity of the
	// presynaptic neurons
	fwrite(PRE_ACT + t * NPRE, sizeof(double), 20, preF);
	//fwrite(ouP, sizeof(double), 20, preF);
	fwrite(presP, sizeof(double), 20, preF);
	// and the 1st and 2nd filtered PSP
	fwrite(pspSP, sizeof(double), 1, preF);
	fwrite(pspTildeP, sizeof(double), 1, preF);
  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 25
void FC_FUNC_(oct_printrecipe, OCT_PRINTRECIPE)
  (STR_F_TYPE _dir, STR_F_TYPE filename STR_ARG2)

#if defined(HAVE_SCANDIR) && defined(HAVE_ALPHASORT)
  char *lang, *tmp, dir[512];
  struct dirent **namelist;
  int ii, nn;
  gsl_rng *rng;

  /* get language */
  lang = getenv("LANG");
  if(lang == NULL) lang = "en";

  /* convert directory from Fortran to C string */
  TO_C_STR1(_dir, tmp);
  strcpy(dir, tmp);

  strcat(dir, "/recipes");

  /* check out if lang dir exists */
  nn = scandir(dir, &namelist, 0, alphasort);
  if (nn < 0){
    printf("Directory does not exist: %s", dir);

  for(ii=0; ii<nn; ii++)
    if(strncmp(lang, namelist[ii]->d_name, 2) == 0){
      strcat(dir, "/");
      strcat(dir, namelist[ii]->d_name);

  if(ii == nn)
    strcat(dir, "/en"); /* default */

  /* clean up */
  for(ii=0; ii<nn; ii++)

  /* now we read the recipes */
  nn = scandir(dir, &namelist, 0, alphasort);
  /* initialize random numbers */
  rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_default);
  gsl_rng_set(rng, random_seed());
  ii = gsl_rng_uniform_int(rng, nn - 2);

  strcat(dir, "/");
  strcat(dir, namelist[ii+2]->d_name); /* skip ./ and ../ */

  /* clean up again */
  for(ii=0; ii<nn; ii++)

  TO_F_STR2(dir, filename);

  printf("Sorry, recipes cannot be printed unless scandir and alphasort are available with your C compiler.\n");
Exemplo n.º 26
 * Function to open and perform a optimization.
optimize_open ()
  GTimeZone *tz;
  GDateTime *t0, *t;
  unsigned int i, j;

  char *buffer;
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: start\n");

  // Getting initial time
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: getting initial time\n");
  tz = g_time_zone_new_utc ();
  t0 = g_date_time_new_now (tz);

  // Obtaining and initing the pseudo-random numbers generator seed
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: getting initial seed\n");
  if (optimize->seed == DEFAULT_RANDOM_SEED)
    optimize->seed = input->seed;
  gsl_rng_set (optimize->rng, optimize->seed);

  // Replacing the working directory
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: replacing the working directory\n");
  g_chdir (input->directory);

  // Getting results file names
  optimize->result = input->result;
  optimize->variables = input->variables;

  // Obtaining the simulator file
  optimize->simulator = input->simulator;

  // Obtaining the evaluator file
  optimize->evaluator = input->evaluator;

  // Reading the algorithm
  optimize->algorithm = input->algorithm;
  switch (optimize->algorithm)
      optimize_algorithm = optimize_MonteCarlo;
      optimize_algorithm = optimize_sweep;
      optimize_algorithm = optimize_orthogonal;
      optimize_algorithm = optimize_genetic;
      optimize->mutation_ratio = input->mutation_ratio;
      optimize->reproduction_ratio = input->reproduction_ratio;
      optimize->adaptation_ratio = input->adaptation_ratio;
  optimize->nvariables = input->nvariables;
  optimize->nsimulations = input->nsimulations;
  optimize->niterations = input->niterations;
  optimize->nbest = input->nbest;
  optimize->tolerance = input->tolerance;
  optimize->nsteps = input->nsteps;
  optimize->nestimates = 0;
  optimize->threshold = input->threshold;
  optimize->stop = 0;
  if (input->nsteps)
      optimize->relaxation = input->relaxation;
      switch (input->climbing)
          optimize->nestimates = 2 * optimize->nvariables;
          optimize_estimate_climbing = optimize_estimate_climbing_coordinates;
          optimize->nestimates = input->nestimates;
          optimize_estimate_climbing = optimize_estimate_climbing_random;

  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: nbest=%u\n", optimize->nbest);
    = (unsigned int *) alloca (optimize->nbest * sizeof (unsigned int));
  optimize->error_best = (double *) alloca (optimize->nbest * sizeof (double));

  // Reading the experimental data
  buffer = g_get_current_dir ();
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: current directory=%s\n", buffer);
  g_free (buffer);
  optimize->nexperiments = input->nexperiments;
  optimize->ninputs = input->experiment->ninputs;
    = (char **) alloca (input->nexperiments * sizeof (char *));
  optimize->weight = (double *) alloca (input->nexperiments * sizeof (double));
  for (i = 0; i < input->experiment->ninputs; ++i)
    optimize->file[i] = (GMappedFile **)
      g_malloc (input->nexperiments * sizeof (GMappedFile *));
  for (i = 0; i < input->nexperiments; ++i)
      fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: i=%u\n", i);
      optimize->experiment[i] = input->experiment[i].name;
      optimize->weight[i] = input->experiment[i].weight;
      fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: experiment=%s weight=%lg\n",
               optimize->experiment[i], optimize->weight[i]);
      for (j = 0; j < input->experiment->ninputs; ++j)
          fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: stencil%u\n", j + 1);
            = g_mapped_file_new (input->experiment[i].stencil[j], 0, NULL);

  // Reading the variables data
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: reading variables\n");
  optimize->label = (char **) alloca (input->nvariables * sizeof (char *));
  j = input->nvariables * sizeof (double);
  optimize->rangemin = (double *) alloca (j);
  optimize->rangeminabs = (double *) alloca (j);
  optimize->rangemax = (double *) alloca (j);
  optimize->rangemaxabs = (double *) alloca (j);
  optimize->step = (double *) alloca (j);
  j = input->nvariables * sizeof (unsigned int);
  optimize->precision = (unsigned int *) alloca (j);
  optimize->nsweeps = (unsigned int *) alloca (j);
  optimize->nbits = (unsigned int *) alloca (j);
  for (i = 0; i < input->nvariables; ++i)
      optimize->label[i] = input->variable[i].name;
      optimize->rangemin[i] = input->variable[i].rangemin;
      optimize->rangeminabs[i] = input->variable[i].rangeminabs;
      optimize->rangemax[i] = input->variable[i].rangemax;
      optimize->rangemaxabs[i] = input->variable[i].rangemaxabs;
      optimize->precision[i] = input->variable[i].precision;
      optimize->step[i] = input->variable[i].step;
      optimize->nsweeps[i] = input->variable[i].nsweeps;
      optimize->nbits[i] = input->variable[i].nbits;
  if (input->algorithm == ALGORITHM_SWEEP
      || input->algorithm == ALGORITHM_ORTHOGONAL)
      optimize->nsimulations = 1;
      for (i = 0; i < input->nvariables; ++i)
          optimize->nsimulations *= optimize->nsweeps[i];
          fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: nsweeps=%u nsimulations=%u\n",
                   optimize->nsweeps[i], optimize->nsimulations);
  if (optimize->nsteps)
      = (double *) alloca (optimize->nvariables * sizeof (double));

  // Setting error norm
  switch (input->norm)
      optimize_norm = optimize_norm_euclidian;
      optimize_norm = optimize_norm_maximum;
    case ERROR_NORM_P:
      optimize_norm = optimize_norm_p;
      optimize->p = input->p;
      optimize_norm = optimize_norm_taxicab;

  // Allocating values
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: allocating variables\n");
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: nvariables=%u algorithm=%u\n",
           optimize->nvariables, optimize->algorithm);
  optimize->genetic_variable = NULL;
  if (optimize->algorithm == ALGORITHM_GENETIC)
      optimize->genetic_variable = (GeneticVariable *)
        g_malloc (optimize->nvariables * sizeof (GeneticVariable));
      for (i = 0; i < optimize->nvariables; ++i)
          fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: i=%u min=%lg max=%lg nbits=%u\n",
                   i, optimize->rangemin[i], optimize->rangemax[i],
          optimize->genetic_variable[i].minimum = optimize->rangemin[i];
          optimize->genetic_variable[i].maximum = optimize->rangemax[i];
          optimize->genetic_variable[i].nbits = optimize->nbits[i];
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: nvariables=%u nsimulations=%u\n",
           optimize->nvariables, optimize->nsimulations);
  optimize->value = (double *)
    g_malloc ((optimize->nsimulations
               + optimize->nestimates * optimize->nsteps)
              * optimize->nvariables * sizeof (double));

  // Calculating simulations to perform for each task
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: rank=%u ntasks=%u\n",
           optimize->mpi_rank, ntasks);
  optimize->nstart = optimize->mpi_rank * optimize->nsimulations / ntasks;
  optimize->nend = (1 + optimize->mpi_rank) * optimize->nsimulations / ntasks;
  if (optimize->nsteps)
        = optimize->mpi_rank * optimize->nestimates / ntasks;
        = (1 + optimize->mpi_rank) * optimize->nestimates / ntasks;
  optimize->nstart = 0;
  optimize->nend = optimize->nsimulations;
  if (optimize->nsteps)
      optimize->nstart_climbing = 0;
      optimize->nend_climbing = optimize->nestimates;
  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: nstart=%u nend=%u\n", optimize->nstart,

  // Calculating simulations to perform for each thread
    = (unsigned int *) alloca ((1 + nthreads) * sizeof (unsigned int));
  for (i = 0; i <= nthreads; ++i)
      optimize->thread[i] = optimize->nstart
        + i * (optimize->nend - optimize->nstart) / nthreads;
      fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: i=%u thread=%u\n", i,
  if (optimize->nsteps)
    optimize->thread_climbing = (unsigned int *)
      alloca ((1 + nthreads_climbing) * sizeof (unsigned int));

  // Opening result files
  optimize->file_result = g_fopen (optimize->result, "w");
  optimize->file_variables = g_fopen (optimize->variables, "w");

  // Performing the algorithm
  switch (optimize->algorithm)
      // Genetic algorithm
      optimize_genetic ();

      // Iterative algorithm
      optimize_iterate ();

  // Getting calculation time
  t = g_date_time_new_now (tz);
  optimize->calculation_time = 0.000001 * g_date_time_difference (t, t0);
  g_date_time_unref (t);
  g_date_time_unref (t0);
  g_time_zone_unref (tz);
  printf ("%s = %.6lg s\n", _("Calculation time"), optimize->calculation_time);
  fprintf (optimize->file_result, "%s = %.6lg s\n",
           _("Calculation time"), optimize->calculation_time);

  // Closing result files
  fclose (optimize->file_variables);
  fclose (optimize->file_result);

  fprintf (stderr, "optimize_open: end\n");
Exemplo n.º 27
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
unsigned int i,j,m,n; /* variables to iterate over */

int iter_num = 0;
* To avoid the memory limitation, here we use a LOW_NI and UP_NI to get enough iteration times.
* The total iteration times should be LOW_NI*UP_NI.
unsigned long LOW_NI = 10000; /* lower iteration times for each scatterer*/
unsigned long UP_NI = 20000; /*Upper iteration times for each scatterer*/
camera_t cam = {0.20,0.20,512,512}; /* initialize the cam struct*/

field_t field;

/* seed the scatterers */
scatterer_t *scatts = NULL;
scatts = malloc(NSCAT*sizeof(scatterer_t));

/* the locations */
scatterer_t location;

/* the radiation counting for NSCATS */
int *visiting_array = NULL;
visiting_array = calloc(NSCAT,sizeof(int));

double *distance_array = NULL;
distance_array = calloc(UP_NI*LOW_NI,sizeof(double));

complex double *ccd_all = NULL;
ccd_all = calloc(cam.cam_sx*cam.cam_sy,sizeof(complex double));

/* check memory, should probably */
//long page_size = sysconf(_SC_PAGE_SIZE);
//long pages_avail = sysconf(_SC_AVPHYS_PAGES);
//long pages_tot = sysconf(_SC_PHYS_PAGES);
//if(pages_tot*page_size<8*cam.cam_sx*cam.cam_sy*2*sizeof(complex double)){
// error("Size of output arrays exceed avaliable memory.");

unsigned long *gaussian_beam = calloc(NSCAT,sizeof(unsigned long));
/* To read the scatterers positions from the file into the scatterer array*/

char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
log_info("Reading from %s.",filename);

/* use tsvread to get list of scatterers */
tsv_t *tsv = tsv_fread(filename);
tsv->data++; scatts++;
} tsv->data-=i; scatts-=i;

index_bounds **Matrix = NULL;
Matrix = (index_bounds**)malloc(NSCAT*sizeof(index_bounds*));
Matrix[i] = (index_bounds*)malloc(NSCAT*sizeof(index_bounds));
conduc_matrix(NSCAT, scatts, i, Matrix[i]);

log_info("Conductance matrix finished");

/* initialize the random number generator */
int rseed = (int)time(NULL);
const gsl_rng_type *T;
gsl_rng *r;
T = gsl_rng_default;
r = gsl_rng_alloc(T);

int gaussian_sum = 0;
j = 0;
n = 1;
gaussian_profile_creator(scatts,waist, UP_NI*LOW_NI,NSCAT,gaussian_beam);
for (m = 0; m < UP_NI; ++m) {
for (i = 0; i < LOW_NI; ++i) {
if (gaussian_sum < gaussian_beam[j]) {
field = single_field_spp(j, scatts, NSCAT,r,Matrix[j],iter_num, distance_array);
location = fst_transfer(field,z0,scatts[field.scatterer_index]);
} else {
gaussian_sum = 0;
if (j == (int)(0.1*n*NSCAT)) {
log_info("Process %d0 percent done.",n);

log_info("iter_num is %d", iter_num);

log_info("Field generated.");

FILE *fp_dis = fopen(filename,"w");
check(fp_dis, "Failed to open %s for writing.", filename);
log_info("Writing to %s.",filename);
for (i = 0; i < iter_num; ++i) {

double *tmp = NULL;
tmp = malloc(cam.cam_sx*cam.cam_sy*sizeof(double));

/* normalize tmp, first by finding max */
double max = 0;
/* then dividing by max */
* Write the tmp array as a way to do the
* cross-correlation function.
FILE *fp_tmp = fopen(filename,"w");
check(fp_tmp, "Failed to open %s for writing.", filename);
log_info("Writing to %s.",filename);
for (i = 0; i < cam.cam_sx*cam.cam_sy; ++i) {

/* output file */
hid_t file,dataset,dataspace;
herr_t status = 0;
hsize_t dims[2]; /* dimensionality of the set */

dataspace = H5Screate_simple(2,dims,NULL);
file = H5Fcreate(filename,H5F_ACC_TRUNC,H5P_DEFAULT,H5P_DEFAULT);
dataset = H5Dcreate1(file,"/e2",H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,dataspace,H5P_DEFAULT);
log_info("Writing to HDF5 file %s.",filename);
status = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
H5P_DEFAULT, tmp);
check(status>=0,"Can't write dataset /e2 to %s",filename);

/* write the real and imaginary parts as well */

dataset =	H5Dcreate1(file,"/er",H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,dataspace,H5P_DEFAULT);
status = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
H5P_DEFAULT, tmp);
check(status>=0,"Can't write dataset /er to %s",filename);

dataset = H5Dcreate1(file,"/ei",H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE,dataspace,H5P_DEFAULT);
status = H5Dwrite(dataset, H5T_NATIVE_DOUBLE, H5S_ALL, H5S_ALL,
H5P_DEFAULT, tmp);
check(status>=0,"Can't write dataset /ei to %s",filename);

/* clean up */
log_info("Cleaning up.");
status = H5Dclose(dataset);
status = H5Sclose(dataspace);
status = H5Fclose(file);

log_info("Program finished.");

return 0;
return 1;
Exemplo n.º 28
void studyPop::makeIndiv(int currentGen, int currentRound) {

    int mom, dad;
    vector<int> *momChromosome, *dadChromosome;
    // variables to save R,S,N, immuneA & immuneB alleles inherited from parents
    double momS, momR, dadS, dadR, momN, dadN;
    int momA, momB, dadA, dadB;
    // MH: Variable to determine if gamete is asexually-produced
    int isasex = 0;

    // pick the mom for the new indiv
    mom = pickAMom();

    // check if the mom selfs or outcrosses MH OR ASEXUAL
    const gsl_rng_type * T;
    gsl_rng * r;
    // Initialize the random number generator
    T = gsl_rng_default;
    r = gsl_rng_alloc (T);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^mom;
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    double outCrossCheck = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    double AsexCheck = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    printf("Asex Check is %f\n",AsexCheck);

    if(AsexCheck < ASEXP) {
        // In this case, offspring is clonal
        dad = mom;
        isasex = 1;
    } else {
        if(outCrossCheck > thePop.at(mom).calcSelfingRate()) {
            // in this case mom would outcross
            dad = pickADad(mom);
        else {
            // in this case mom will self
            dad = mom;
    printf("IsAsex is %d\n",isasex);
    printf("Dad is %d, Mom is %d\n",dad,mom);

    // Get the chromosomes from mom and dad
    // The last five elements are not mutations (check makeHamete function in individual.cpp to find out)
    /* printf("Creating Mom chromosome\n"); */
    momChromosome = thePop.at(mom).makeGamete(this->meanRecombination,isasex,0);
    /* printf("Creating Dad chromosome\n"); */
    dadChromosome = thePop.at(dad).makeGamete(this->meanRecombination,isasex,1);

    // renew the seed
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)*(momChromosome->size() + dadChromosome->size());
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    // A variable to store the mutation amount of Selfing, recomb and neutral genes
    double geneMutation;

    momN = *(thePop.at(mom).neutralGene + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-5));
    // After mutation check, add mutation to inherited neutral gene
    double randomMutationChecker;
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<NEUTRALMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAN);
        momN = momN + geneMutation;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^(mom);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    momS = *(thePop.at(mom).selfingGene + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-4));
    // After mutation check, add mutation to inherited selfing gene and keep it in [0,1]
    // MH: I've altered this to remove the dependence on time, so no selfing arises if not defined
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);

    /*if(currentGen <= 2000)
    	randomMutationChecker = 1;*/
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    if(randomMutationChecker<SELFINGMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAS);
        momS = ((momS + geneMutation) > 0 ? ((momS + geneMutation) < 1 ? (momS + geneMutation) : 1) : 0);
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^((int)floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, -0.5, 1.4999) + 0.5)+1);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    momR = *(thePop.at(mom).recombinationGene + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-3));
    // After mutation check, add mutations to inherited recombination gene and keep it >0
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<RECOMBMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAR);
        momR = (momR + geneMutation)>0 ? (momR + geneMutation) : 0;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^((int)floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, -0.5, 1.4999) + 0.5)+1);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    // mutation is not added here, it is added after a generation is made
    momA = *(thePop.at(mom).immunityGeneA + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-2));
    momB = *(thePop.at(mom).immunityGeneB + momChromosome->at(momChromosome->size()-1));

    dadN = *(thePop.at(dad).neutralGene + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-5));
    // After mutation check, add mutation to inherited neutral gene
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<NEUTRALMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAN);
        dadN = dadN + geneMutation;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^(dad);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    dadS = *(thePop.at(dad).selfingGene + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-4));
    // add mutation to inherited selfing gene and keep it in [0,1]
    // MH: I've altered this to remove the dependence on time, so no selfing arises if not defined
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);

    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    if(randomMutationChecker<SELFINGMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r,SIGMAS);
        dadS = ((dadS + geneMutation) > 0 ? ((dadS + geneMutation) < 1 ? (dadS + geneMutation) : 1) : 0);
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^((int)floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, -0.5, 1.4999) + 0.5)+1);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    dadR = *(thePop.at(dad).recombinationGene + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-3));
    // add mutations to inherited recombination gene and keep it >0
    randomMutationChecker = gsl_ran_flat(r, 0, 1);
    gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL);
    gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);
    if(randomMutationChecker<RECOMBMUTATIONRATE) {
        geneMutation = gsl_ran_gaussian(r, SIGMAR);
        dadR = (dadR + geneMutation)>0 ? (dadR + geneMutation) : 0;
        gsl_rng_default_seed += time(NULL)^((int)floor(gsl_ran_flat(r, -0.5, 1.4999) + 0.5)+1);
        gsl_rng_set (r, gsl_rng_default_seed);

    // mutation for these alleles are added after a generation is made
    dadA = *(thePop.at(dad).immunityGeneA + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-2));
    dadB = *(thePop.at(dad).immunityGeneB + dadChromosome->at(dadChromosome->size()-1));

    // removing the last five elements which were just indices of inherited R,S,N,immuneA,immuneB

    // Add deleterious and beneficial mutations to the chromosomes inherited from parents
    addMutation(*momChromosome, *dadChromosome, currentRound);

    // create the new indiv with the given info
    indiv theChild(*momChromosome, *dadChromosome, momS, dadS, momR, dadR, momN, dadN, momA, dadA, momB, dadB);

    tempHostFreq[(int)((theChild.immunityGeneA[0]+theChild.immunityGeneA[1])*3 + theChild.immunityGeneB[0]+theChild.immunityGeneB[1])] += 1;

    // save whether this child is a result of selfing or outcrossing
    // these values will later be used to calculate inbreeding dep if "EXPERIMENTAL_INBREEDING_DEP" is zero
    // NOTE: in our simulations "EXPERIMENTAL_INBREEDING_DEP" was 1
    if(mom == dad && isasex == 0) {
        selfedChildren[0] += 1.0;
        selfedChildren[1] += theChild.get_fitness();
    else {
        outcrossedChildren[0] += 1.0;
        outcrossedChildren[1] += theChild.get_fitness();

    newMeanRecombination += momR + dadR;

    // use delete because we used new in "makeGamete" method
    delete momChromosome;
    delete dadChromosome;


    // free up the space taken by the random number generator

    // one indiv was added to the new population (new generation)
Exemplo n.º 29
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: PhDP/jsm
// The simulation                        //
void *sim(void *parameters)
    const Params P = *((Params*)parameters);
    const int k_gen = P.k_gen;
    const int kernel = P.kernel;
    const int communities = P.communities;
    const int j_per_c = P.j_per_c;
    const int init_species = P.init_species;
    const int init_pop_size = j_per_c / init_species;
    const double mu = P.mu;
    const double s = P.s;
    const double eta = P.eta;
    const double width = P.width;
    const double width2 = width * width; 
    const double sigma = P.var;
    const double sigma2 = sigma * sigma;

    // GSL's Taus generator:
    gsl_rng *rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_taus2);
    // Initialize the GSL generator with /dev/urandom:
    const unsigned int seed = devurandom_get_uint();
    gsl_rng_set(rng, seed); // Seed with time
    printf("  <seed>%u</seed>\n", seed);
    // Used to name the output file:
    char *buffer = (char*)malloc(100);
    // Nme of the file:
    sprintf(buffer, "%s%u.xml", P.ofilename, seed);
    // Open the output file:
    FILE *restrict out = fopen(buffer, "w");
    // Store the total num. of species/1000 generations:
    int *restrict total_species = (int*)malloc(k_gen * sizeof(int));
    // Number of speciation events/1000 generations:
    int *restrict speciation_events = (int*)malloc(k_gen * sizeof(int));
    // Number of extinctions/1000 generations:
    int *restrict extinction_events = (int*)malloc(k_gen * sizeof(int));
    // Number of speciation events/vertex:
    int *restrict speciation_per_c = (int*)malloc(communities * sizeof(int));
    // Number of local extinction events/vertex:
    int *restrict extinction_per_c = (int*)malloc(communities * sizeof(int));
    // Store the lifespan of the extinct species:
    ivector lifespan;
    // Store the population size at speciation event:
    ivector pop_size;
    // (x, y) coordinates for the spatial graph:
    double *restrict x = (double*)malloc(communities * sizeof(double));
    double *restrict y = (double*)malloc(communities * sizeof(double));
    for (int i = 0; i < communities; ++i)
        speciation_per_c[i] = 0;
        extinction_per_c[i] = 0;
    // Initialize an empty list of species:
    species_list *restrict list = species_list_init();
    // Initialize the metacommunity and fill them with the initial species evenly:
    for (int i = 0; i < init_species; ++i)
        // Intialize the species and add it to the list:
        species_list_add(list, species_init(communities, 0, 3));
    // To iterate the list;
    slnode *it = list->head;
    // Fill the communities:
    while (it != NULL)
        for (int i = 0; i < communities; ++i)
            it->sp->n[i] = init_pop_size;
            it->sp->genotypes[0][i] = init_pop_size;
        it = it->next;

    // To iterate the list;
    const int remainder = j_per_c - (init_species * init_pop_size);
    for (int i = 0; i < communities; ++i)
        it = list->head;
        for (int j = 0; j < remainder; ++j, it = it->next)

    int sum = 0;
    it = list->head;
    while (it != NULL)
        sum += species_total(it->sp);
        it = it->next;
    assert(sum == j_per_c * communities);

        int count_c = 0;
        while (count_c < communities)
            bool within = false;
            const double xx = gsl_rng_uniform(rng);
            const double yy = gsl_rng_uniform(rng);
            for (int i = 0; i < count_c; ++i)
                if (hypot(x[i] - xx, y[i] - yy) < MINDIST)
                    within = true; // oh nooo, an evil goto!
            if (within == false)
                x[count_c] = xx;
                y[count_c] = yy;
    for (int i = 0; i < communities; ++i)
        x[i] = gsl_rng_uniform(rng);
        y[i] = gsl_rng_uniform(rng);

    double **m = (double**)malloc(communities * sizeof(double*));
    for (int i = 0; i < communities; ++i)
        m[i] = (double*)malloc(communities * sizeof(double));

    for (int i = 0; i < communities; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < communities; ++j)
            const double a = x[i] - x[j];
            const double b = y[i] - y[j];
            const double x = hypot(a, b);
            assert(distance >= 0.0);
            if (kernel == gaussian_k)
                m[i][j] = (1.0 / sqrt(2 * M_PI * sigma2)) * exp((-x * x) / (2 * sigma2));
                m[i][j] = -(eta + 2)/(2 * M_PI * width2) * pow(1 + (x * x) / width2, eta / 2);

    // Setup the array for migration:
    double **cmig = setup_cmig(m, communities);

    fprintf(out, "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n");
    fprintf(out, "<simulation>\n");
    if (kernel == gaussian_k)
        fprintf(out, "  <model>Gaussian</model>\n");
        fprintf(out, "  <model>Fat-tailed</model>\n");
    fprintf(out, "  <seed>%u</seed>\n", seed);
    fprintf(out, "  <metacom_size>%d</metacom_size>\n", j_per_c * communities);
    fprintf(out, "  <k_gen>%d</k_gen>\n", k_gen);
    fprintf(out, "  <num_comm>%d</num_comm>\n", communities);
    fprintf(out, "  <individuals_per_comm>%d</individuals_per_comm>\n", j_per_c);
    fprintf(out, "  <initial_num_species>%d</initial_num_species>\n", init_species);
    fprintf(out, "  <mutation_rate>%.2e</mutation_rate>\n", mu);
    if (kernel == gaussian_k)
        fprintf(out, "  <variance>%.8e</variance>\n", sigma);
        fprintf(out, "  <width>%.8e</width>\n", width);
        fprintf(out, "  <eta>%.8e</eta>\n", eta);
    // To select the species and genotypes to pick and replace:
    slnode *s0 = list->head; // species0
    slnode *s1 = list->head; // species1
    int g0 = 0;
    int g1 = 0;
    int v1 = 0; // Vertex of the individual 1

    // Groups of 1 000 generations             //
    for (int k = 0; k < k_gen; ++k)
        extinction_events[k] = 0;
        speciation_events[k] = 0;

        // 1 000 generations                       //
        for (int gen = 0; gen < 1000; ++gen)
            const int current_date = (k * 1000) + gen;
            // A single generation                     //
            for (int t = 0; t < j_per_c; ++t)
                // A single time step (for each community) //
                for (int c = 0; c < communities; ++c)
                    // Select the species and genotype of the individual to be replaced
                    int position = (int)(gsl_rng_uniform(rng) * j_per_c);
                    s0 = list->head;
                    int index = s0->sp->n[c];
                    while (index <= position)
                        s0 = s0->next;
                        index += s0->sp->n[c];
                    position = (int)(gsl_rng_uniform(rng) * s0->sp->n[c]);
                    if (position < s0->sp->genotypes[0][c])
                        g0 = 0;
                    else if (position < (s0->sp->genotypes[0][c] + s0->sp->genotypes[1][c]))
                        g0 = 1;
                        g0 = 2;
                    // Choose the vertex for the individual
                    const double r_v1 = gsl_rng_uniform(rng);
                    v1 = 0;
                    while (r_v1 > cmig[c][v1])
                    // species of the new individual
                    position = (int)(gsl_rng_uniform(rng) * j_per_c);
                    s1 = list->head;
                    index = s1->sp->n[v1];
                    while (index <= position)
                        s1 = s1->next;
                        index += s1->sp->n[v1];
                    if (v1 == c) // local remplacement
                        const double r = gsl_rng_uniform(rng);
                        const int aa = s1->sp->genotypes[0][v1];
                        const int Ab = s1->sp->genotypes[1][v1];
                        const int AB = s1->sp->genotypes[2][v1];

                        // The total fitness of the population 'W':
                        const double w = aa + Ab * (1.0 + s) + AB * (1.0 + s) * (1.0 + s);

                        if (r < aa / w)
                            g1 = gsl_rng_uniform(rng) < mu ? 1 : 0;
                            if (AB == 0 || r < (aa + Ab * (1.0 + s)) / w)
                                g1 = gsl_rng_uniform(rng) < mu ? 2 : 1;
                                g1 = 2;
                    { // Migration event
                        g1 = 0;
                    // Apply the changes

                    // Check for local extinction             //
                    if (s0->sp->n[c] == 0)
                    // Check for speciation                   //
                    else if (s0->sp->genotypes[2][c] > 0 && s0->sp->genotypes[0][c] == 0 && s0->sp->genotypes[1][c] == 0)
                        species_list_add(list, species_init(communities, current_date, 3)); // Add the new species

                        const int pop = s0->sp->n[c];
                        list->tail->sp->n[c] = pop;
                        list->tail->sp->genotypes[0][c] = pop;
                        s0->sp->n[c] = 0;
                        s0->sp->genotypes[2][c] = 0;

                        // To keep info on patterns of speciation...
                        ivector_add(&pop_size, pop);

                } // End 'c'

            } // End 't'

            // Remove extinct species from the list and store the number of extinctions.
            extinction_events[k] += species_list_rmv_extinct2(list, &lifespan, current_date);

        } // End 'g'

        total_species[k] = list->size;

    } // End 'k'

    // PRINT THE FINAL RESULTS                      //
    fprintf(out, "  <global>\n");

    fprintf(out, "    <avr_lifespan>%.4f</avr_lifespan>\n", imean(lifespan.array, lifespan.size));
    fprintf(out, "    <median_lifespan>%.4f</median_lifespan>\n", imedian(lifespan.array, lifespan.size));

    fprintf(out, "    <avr_pop_size_speciation>%.4f</avr_pop_size_speciation>\n", imean(pop_size.array, pop_size.size));
    fprintf(out, "    <median_pop_size_speciation>%.4f</median_pop_size_speciation>\n", imedian(pop_size.array, pop_size.size));

    fprintf(out, "    <speciation_per_k_gen>");
    int i = 0;
    for (; i < k_gen - 1; ++i)
        fprintf(out, "%d ", speciation_events[i]);
    fprintf(out, "%d</speciation_per_k_gen>\n", speciation_events[i]);

    fprintf(out, "    <extinctions_per_k_gen>");
    for (i = 0; i < k_gen - 1; ++i)
        fprintf(out, "%d ", extinction_events[i]);
    fprintf(out, "%d</extinctions_per_k_gen>\n", extinction_events[i]);

    fprintf(out, "    <extant_species_per_k_gen>");
    for (i = 0; i < k_gen - 1; ++i)
        fprintf(out, "%d ", total_species[i]);
    fprintf(out, "%d</extant_species_per_k_gen>\n", total_species[i]);

    // Print global distribution
    fprintf(out, "    <species_distribution>");
    ivector species_distribution;
    ivector_init1(&species_distribution, 128);
    it = list->head;
    while (it != NULL)
        ivector_add(&species_distribution, species_total(it->sp));
        it = it->next;
    ivector_print(&species_distribution, out);
    fprintf(out, "</species_distribution>\n");

    double *octaves;
    int oct_num = biodiversity_octaves(species_distribution.array, species_distribution.size, &octaves);
    fprintf(out, "    <octaves>");
    for (i = 0; i < oct_num; ++i)
        fprintf(out, "%.2f ", octaves[i]);
    fprintf(out, "%.2f</octaves>\n", octaves[i]);
    fprintf(out, "  </global>\n");

    // Print info on all vertices
    double *restrict ric_per_c = (double*)malloc(communities * sizeof(double));
    for (int c = 0; c < communities; ++c)
        fprintf(out, "  <vertex>\n");
        fprintf(out, "    <id>%d</id>\n", c);
        fprintf(out, "    <xcoor>%.4f</xcoor>\n", x[c]);
        fprintf(out, "    <ycoor>%.4f</ycoor>\n", y[c]);
        fprintf(out, "    <total_mig_rate>%.8f</total_mig_rate>\n", 1.0 - ((c==0)?cmig[0][0]:cmig[c][c]-cmig[c][c-1]));
        fprintf(out, "    <speciation_events>%d</speciation_events>\n", speciation_per_c[c]);
        fprintf(out, "    <extinction_events>%d</extinction_events>\n", extinction_per_c[c]);

        int vertex_richess = 0;
        it = list->head;
        while (it != NULL)
            ivector_add(&species_distribution, it->sp->n[c]);
            it = it->next;
        // Sort the species distribution and remove the 0s
        ivector_trim_small(&species_distribution, 1);

        ric_per_c[c] = (double)species_distribution.size;
        fprintf(out, "    <species_richess>%d</species_richess>\n", species_distribution.size);
        fprintf(out, "    <species_distribution>");
        ivector_print(&species_distribution, out);
        fprintf(out, "</species_distribution>\n");

        // Print octaves
        oct_num = biodiversity_octaves(species_distribution.array, species_distribution.size, &octaves);
        fprintf(out, "    <octaves>");
        for (i = 0; i < oct_num - 1; ++i)
            fprintf(out, "%.2f ", octaves[i]);
        fprintf(out, "%.2f</octaves>\n", octaves[i]);
        fprintf(out, "  </vertex>\n");
    fprintf(out, "</simulation>\n");

    sprintf(buffer, "%s%u-bc.xml", P.ofilename, seed);
    FILE *restrict obc = fopen(buffer, "w");
    fprintf(obc, "<dissimilarity>\n");
    for (int i = 0; i < communities; ++i)
        for (int j = 0; j < communities - i; ++j)
            const double a = x[i] - x[j];
            const double b = y[i] - y[j];
            int sum = 0;
            s0 = list->head;
            while (s0 != NULL)
                const int n_a = s0->sp->n[i];
                const int n_b = s0->sp->n[j];
                if (n_a > 0 && n_b > 0)
                    sum += MIN(n_a, n_b);
                s0 = s0->next;
            const double bray_curtis = ((double)sum) / j_per_c;
            fprintf(obc, "  <pair><distance>%.8f</distance><bc>%.8f</bc></pair>\n", hypot(a, b), bray_curtis);
    fprintf(obc, "</dissimilarity>\n");

    // EPILOGUE...                                  //
    // Close files;
    // Free arrays;
    // Free structs;

    return NULL;
Exemplo n.º 30
int run_huge_exepriment(string experimentData, int argc, char * argv[]) {
	mpi::environment env(argc, argv);
	mpi::communicator world;

// Create Optimization settings
	DistributedSettings settings;
	settings.verbose = true;
	settings.bulkIterations = true;
	settings.showLastObjectiveValue = true;

	settings.partitioning = BlockedPartitioning; //Set partitioning method

// Create Optimization stats
	distributed_statistics stat("generated", &world, settings);

	const gsl_rng_type * T;
	gsl_rng * rr;
	T = gsl_rng_default;
	rr = gsl_rng_alloc(T);
	const int MAXIMUM_THREADS = 32;
	std::vector<gsl_rng *> rs(MAXIMUM_THREADS);
	for (int i = 0; i < MAXIMUM_THREADS; i++) {
		rs[i] = gsl_rng_alloc(T);
		unsigned long seed = i + MAXIMUM_THREADS * world.rank() * world.size();
		gsl_rng_set(rs[i], seed);

			MAXIMUM_THREADS * world.rank() * world.size());


// ================================LOAD DATA=======================
	ProblemData<L, D> part;

	D optimalValue = 0;

	loadDistributedSparseSVMRowData(experimentData, world.rank(), world.size(),
			part, false);

	vreduce(world, &part.n, &part.total_n, 1, 0);
	vbroadcast(world, &part.total_n, 1, 0);

	// obatining \omega
	int omega = 0;
	for (int sample = 0; sample < part.A_csr_row_ptr.size() - 1; sample++) {
		int rowOmega = part.A_csr_row_ptr[sample + 1]
				- part.A_csr_row_ptr[sample];
		if (rowOmega > omega) {
			omega = rowOmega;
	int totalOmega;
	vreduce(world, &omega, &totalOmega, 1, 0);
	vbroadcast(world, &totalOmega, 1, 0);

	cout << "omega : " << omega << "  " << "total Omega " << totalOmega << endl;

	part.lambda = 1 / (0.0 + part.total_n);
	part.lambda = 0.01;

	L totalFeatures;
	vreduce_max(world, &part.m, &totalFeatures, 1, 0);
	vbroadcast(world, &totalFeatures, 1, 0);
	part.m = totalFeatures;

	ProblemData<L, D> part_local;
	part_local.n = part.n;
	part_local.m = 0;
	part_local.A_csr_row_ptr.resize(part.n + 1, 0);

	// normalize ROWS!!!

//	for (L sample = 0; sample < part.n; sample++) {
//		D norm = 0;
//		for (L tmp = part.A_csr_row_ptr[sample];
//				tmp < part.A_csr_row_ptr[sample + 1]; tmp++) {
//			norm += part.A_csr_values[tmp] * part.A_csr_values[tmp];
//		}
//		if (norm > 0) {
//			norm = 1 / sqrt(norm);
//			for (L tmp = part.A_csr_row_ptr[sample];
//					tmp < part.A_csr_row_ptr[sample + 1]; tmp++) {
//				part.A_csr_values[tmp] = part.A_csr_values[tmp] * norm;
//			}
//		}
//	}

	stat.generated_optimal_value = optimalValue;

	long long totalN = part.total_n;

	settings.totalThreads = 8;
	settings.iterationsPerThread = 20;

//	settings.totalThreads = 2;
//	settings.iterationsPerThread = 1;

	settings.iters_communicate_count = //20
					/ (world.size() * settings.iterationsPerThread
							* settings.totalThreads + 0.0);
//	settings.iters_bulkIterations_count = 5;

	settings.iters_communicate_count = settings.iters_communicate_count * 5;
	settings.iters_communicate_count = 50;
	settings.iters_bulkIterations_count = 100;

//	settings.iters_communicate_count=1;
//	settings.iters_bulkIterations_count = 1;

	cout << "Solver settings  " << settings.iterationsPerThread
			<< "  communica " << settings.iters_communicate_count
			<< " recompute " << settings.iters_bulkIterations_count
			<< endl;

	settings.showInitialObjectiveValue = true;
//	settings.iters_communicate_count = 1;
//	settings.iters_bulkIterations_count = 1;

//	part.sigma = 8
//			+ ((part.n * p * world.size() / (part.m + 0.0) - 1.0)
//					* (settings.iterationsPerThread
//							* settings.totalThreads * world.size() - 1.0))
//					/ (part.n * world.size() - 1.0)
	; //FIXME compute true SIGMA!!!

//	cout << "SIGMA IS " << part.sigma << " " << part.n << " "
//			<< part.m << endl;
//	part.sigma = 1;

	data_distributor<L, D> dataDistributor;

	settings.broadcast_treshold = 2;

	settings.showIntermediateObjectiveValue = true;

			settings.totalThreads * world.rank() * world.size());

	int test_case = 0;
	settings.iterationsPerThread =settings.iterationsPerThread /6;
//	part.sigma = 2*2*2*2*2*2*2*2;
	double increment = 2;
	for (int ex = 0; ex < 10; ex++) {
		settings.iterationsPerThread = settings.iterationsPerThread
				* increment;
//		increment = increment * 2;
		double tt = settings.totalThreads * settings.iterationsPerThread;

//		totalOmega=totalOmega;

		part.sigma = 1;
		if (part.n > 1 && tt > 1) {
			part.sigma += (totalOmega - 1) * (tt - 1) / (part.n - 1.0)
					+ totalOmega * (world.size() - 1) / (world.size() + 0.0)
							* (tt / (part.n + 0.0) - (tt - 1) / (part.n - 1.0));
		part_local.sigma = part.sigma;
		settings.distributed = SynchronousReduce;
//		settings.distributed = AsynchronousStreamlinedOptimized;

//		switch (ex) {
//		case 0:
//			part.sigma = 1.1;
//			break;
//		case 1:
//			part.sigma = 2;
//			break;
//		case 2:
//			part.sigma = 3;
//			break;
//		default:
//			break;
//		}

		cout << "SIGMA IS " << part.sigma << " " << part.n << " " << part.m
				<< endl;

		distributed_solver_from_multiple_sources_structured_hybrid_barrier<D, L,
				LT>(env, world, settings, stat, part_local, part,
				dataDistributor, rs);

		if (world.rank() == 0) {
			std::cout << "TEST " << test_case++ << " (" << settings.distributed
					<< ")" << std::endl << ": Objective " << stat.last_obj_value
					<< ": error " << stat.last_obj_value - optimalValue
					<< " Runtime "
					<< boost::timer::format(stat.time_nonstop.elapsed(), 6,
							"%w") << "\n" << " " << part.sigma << std::endl;


//	distributed_solver_from_multiple_sources<D, L, LT>(env, world, settings,
//			stat, part, dataDistributor);
//	if (world.rank() == 0) {
//		std::cout << "TEST " << test_case++ << " (" << settings.distributed
//				<< ")" << std::endl << ": Objective " << stat.last_obj_value
//				<< " Runtime "
//				<< boost::timer::format(stat.time_nonstop.elapsed(), 6, "%w")
//				<< "\n" << std::endl;
//		get_additional_times(stat);
//	}
//	stat.reset();

	 part.sigma = 1;

	 create_distribution_schema_for_multiple_sources(world, inst, part,
	 dataDistributor, settings, stat);

	 if (world.rank() == 0) {
	 cout << "Hypergraph cut: " << stat.hypergraph_cut << endl;

	 int test_case = 0;
	 //	 Solver should solve using only PART! (INST can we used for other purposes

	 settings.distributed = AsynchronousStreamlined;
	 distributed_solver_from_multiple_sources<D, L, LT>(env, world, settings,
	 stat, part, dataDistributor);
	 if (world.rank() == 0) {
	 std::cout << "TEST " << test_case++ << " (" << settings.distributed
	 << ")" << std::endl << ": Objective " << stat.last_obj_value
	 << " Runtime "
	 << boost::timer::format(stat.time_nonstop.elapsed(), 6, "%w")
	 << "\n" << std::endl;

	 // NOTE: on 4 computers, width 2 does not work
	 settings.torus_width = 2;
	 settings.distributed = AsynchronousTorus;
	 distributed_solver_from_multiple_sources<D, L, LT>(env, world, settings,
	 stat, part, dataDistributor);
	 if (world.rank() == 0) {
	 std::cout << "TEST " << test_case++ << " (" << settings.distributed
	 << ")" << std::endl << ": Objective " << stat.last_obj_value
	 << " Runtime "
	 << boost::timer::format(stat.time_nonstop.elapsed(), 6, "%w")
	 << "\n" << std::endl;

	 // NOTE: on 4 computers, width 2 does not work
	 settings.torus_width = 2;
	 settings.distributed = AsynchronousTorusOpt;
	 distributed_solver_from_multiple_sources<D, L, LT>(env, world, settings,
	 stat, part, dataDistributor);
	 if (world.rank() == 0) {
	 std::cout << "TEST " << test_case++ << " (" << settings.distributed
	 << ")" << std::endl << ": Objective " << stat.last_obj_value
	 << " Runtime "
	 << boost::timer::format(stat.time_nonstop.elapsed(), 6, "%w")
	 << "\n" << std::endl;

	 // NOTE: on 4 computers, width 2 does not work
	 settings.torus_width = 2;
	 settings.distributed = AsynchronousTorusOptCollectives;
	 distributed_solver_from_multiple_sources<D, L, LT>(env, world, settings,
	 stat, part, dataDistributor);
	 if (world.rank() == 0) {
	 std::cout << "TEST " << test_case++ << " (" << settings.distributed
	 << ")" << std::endl << ": Objective " << stat.last_obj_value
	 << " Runtime "
	 << boost::timer::format(stat.time_nonstop.elapsed(), 6, "%w")
	 << "\n" << std::endl;

	if (world.rank() == 0)
		cout << "Optimal value should be  " << optimalValue << endl;
	return 0;
