Exemplo n.º 1
 * gsl_sf_bessel_J1_e has to be used for errorhandling
scalar sasfit_ff_Cylinder_core(scalar q, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar Q, R, L;


	sasfit_get_param(param, 2, &R, &L);
	Q	= param->p[MAXPAR-1];	// non-std args begin at the end

	if ((R == 0.0) || (L == 0.0))
		return 0.0;
	else if (Q == 0.0)
		return gsl_pow_2(M_PI*R*R*L);
	else if (q == 0)
		// return 4.0*pow(bessj1(Q*R)*L*PI*R/Q,2.0);
		return 4.0 * gsl_pow_2(gsl_sf_bessel_J1(Q*R) * L * M_PI * R/Q);
	else if (q == 1.0)
		return 4.0 * gsl_pow_2( sin(0.5*Q*L) * M_PI * R * R/Q);
		return 16.0 * gsl_pow_2(M_PI*R*R*L)
			    * gsl_pow_2( gsl_sf_bessel_J1(Q*R*sqrt(1.0-q*q))
				   * sin(Q*L*q/2.0)
				   / (Q*Q*R*sqrt(1.0-q*q)*L*q) );
const Real GreensFunction2DAbs::p_int_r(const Real r, const Real t) const
    //speed of convergence is too slow
    if(r == 0e0) return 0e0;

    const Real r_0(this->getr0());
    const Real a(this->geta());
    const Real Dt(this->getD() * t);
    const Integer num_term_use(100);
    const Real threshold(CUTOFF);

    Real sum(0e0);
    Real term(0e0);
    Real term1(0e0);
    Real term2(0e0);
    Real term3(0e0);

    Real a_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J0_r0_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J1_r_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J1_a_alpha_n(0e0);

    Integer n(1);
    for(; n < num_term_use; ++n)
        a_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_zero_J0(n);
        alpha_n = a_alpha_n / a;
        J0_r0_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(r_0 * alpha_n);
        J1_r_alpha_n  = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(r * alpha_n);
        J1_a_alpha_n  = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(a_alpha_n);

        term1 = std::exp(-1e0 * alpha_n * alpha_n * Dt);
        term2 = r * J1_r_alpha_n * J0_r0_alpha_n;
        term3 = (alpha_n * J1_a_alpha_n * J1_a_alpha_n);

        term = term1 * term2 / term3;
        sum += term;

//             std::cout << "sum " << sum << ", term" << term << std::endl;

        if(fabs(term/sum) < threshold)
//                 std::cout << "normal exit. " << n << std::endl;
    if(n == num_term_use)
        std::cout << "warning: use term over num_term_use" << std::endl;

    return (2e0 * sum / (a*a));
Exemplo n.º 3
scalar sasfit_ff_alignedCylShell(scalar q, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar gama, psi, theta, phi;


//	sasfit_get_param(param, 9, &R, &DR, &L, &eta_core, &eta_shell, &eta_solv, &psi_deg, &theta_deg, &phi_deg);

	psi   = sasfit_param_override_get_psi(PSI_DEG * M_PI/180.);
	theta = THETA_DEG * M_PI/180.;
	phi   = PHI_DEG * M_PI/180.;

	gama = acos( sin(theta) * cos(phi) * cos(psi) + cos(theta) * sin(psi) );

	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((q < 0.0), param, "q(%lg) < 0",q);
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((L < 0.0), param, "L(%lg) < 0",L);
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((R < 0.0), param, "R(%lg) < 0",R);
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((DR < 0.0), param, "DR(%lg) < 0",DR);

	if ( q == 0.0 )
		return pow( (ETA_C - ETA_SH)*R*R*L*M_PI + (ETA_SH - ETA_SOL)*(R+DR)*(R+DR)*L*M_PI, 2);
	if (L == 0.0)
		return 0.0;
	if (R+DR == 0.0)
		return 0.0;

	if (gama == M_PI/2.0) 
		return pow(2.*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(q*R     )/q *L*   R  *M_PI*(ETA_C-ETA_SH) +
		  	       2.*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(q*(R+DR))/q *L*(R+DR)*M_PI*(ETA_SH-ETA_SOL)  ,2);
	else if (gama == 0.0) 
		return pow(2./q*R     *R     *sin(q*L*0.5)*(ETA_C-ETA_SH)*M_PI+
			       2./q*(R+DR)*(R+DR)*sin(q*L*0.5)*(ETA_SH-ETA_SOL)*M_PI  ,2);
		return pow(4.*(ETA_C-ETA_SH)  *M_PI* R    *gsl_sf_bessel_J1(q* R    *sin(gama))*sin(q*L*cos(gama)/2.)*pow(q,-2.)/sin(gama)/cos(gama)+
			       4.*(ETA_SH-ETA_SOL)*M_PI*(R+DR)*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(q*(R+DR)*sin(gama))*sin(q*L*cos(gama)/2.)*pow(q,-2.)/sin(gama)/cos(gama) ,2);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * form factor of a spherical Cylinder with radius R, height L and scattering
 * length density eta
scalar sasfit_ff_long_cyl(scalar q, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar mu, sigma, pi_mu, G1, G2, I_sp, Sum, V, omega;
	scalar R, L, eta;


	sasfit_get_param(param, 4, &R, &L, EMPTY, &eta);

	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((q < 0.0), param, "q(%lg) < 0",q);
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((R < 0.0), param, "R(%lg) < 0",R);
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((L < 0.0), param, "L(%lg) < 0",L);

	if (R == 0.0) return 0.0;
	if (L == 0.0) return 0.0;

	mu = L*q;
	sigma = 2.0*R*q;
	V = M_PI*R*R*L;

	if (R==0 || L==0) return 0;
	if (q==0) return V*V*eta*eta;

	pi_mu = gsl_sf_Si(mu)+cos(mu)/mu+sin(mu)/mu/mu;
	G1 = 2.0/(0.5*sigma) *  gsl_sf_bessel_J1(0.5*sigma);
	G2 = 8.0/sigma/sigma * gsl_sf_bessel_Jn(2,sigma);
//	I_sp = 3.0 * (sin(sigma*0.5)-0.5*sigma*cos(0.5*sigma)) / pow(sigma/2.0,3);
//	I_sp = I_sp*I_sp;
	omega = 8/gsl_pow_2(sigma)*(3*gsl_sf_bessel_Jn(2,sigma)+gsl_sf_bessel_J0(sigma)-1);

//	Sum = 2.0/mu * (pi_mu*G1*G1 - 1.0/mu*(2.0*G2-I_sp) - sin(mu)/mu/mu);
	Sum = 2.0/mu * (pi_mu*G1*G1 - omega/mu - sin(mu)/mu/mu);

	return eta*eta *V*V* Sum;
Exemplo n.º 5
void FELNumerical::initParams()
    au     = 0.934*bfield*100*lambdau/sqrt(2);      // normalized undulator parameter, calculated from the input parameters read from namelist file
    ku     = 2*PI/lambdau;                          // undulator wave number
    omegas = 2*PI*C0/lambdas;                       // radiation angular frequency
    gammar = sqrt(lambdau*(1+au*au)/2.0/lambdas);   // resonant gamma
    sigmax = sqrt(avgbeta*emitn/gamma0);
    j0     = current/(PI*sigmax*sigmax);            // transverse current density
    coef1  = E0/M0/C0/C0;
    coef2  = mu0*C0*C0/omegas;
    coef3  = mu0*C0/4.0/gammar;
    ndelz  = lambdau*deltz;                         // integration step size, [m]
    totalIntSteps = (int) (num/deltz);              // total integration steps
    K0Arr   = new double [totalIntSteps];
    JJArr   = new double [totalIntSteps];
    zposArr = new double [totalIntSteps];
    bfArr   = new double [totalIntSteps];
    ExArr   = new efield [totalIntSteps];
    EyArr   = new efield [totalIntSteps];

    double btmp;
    for(unsigned int i = 0; i < totalIntSteps; i++)
        K0Arr[i] = au*sqrt(2);
        btmp = K0Arr[i]*K0Arr[i]/(4.0+2.0*K0Arr[i]*K0Arr[i]);
        JJArr[i] = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(btmp) - gsl_sf_bessel_J1(btmp);
scalar sasfit_ff_very_long_cyl_w_gauss_chains(scalar q, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar Pp, Pcs, Fc, w, Scc, Ssc, J1x_x;
	scalar R, Rg, d, Nagg, H, r_core, r_chains;


	sasfit_get_param(param, 7, &R, &Rg, &d, &Nagg, &H, &r_core, &r_chains);

	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((H <= 0.0), param, "H(%lg) < 0", H);

	if (q == 0.0) return Pp = 1.0;

	Pp =(2.0*gsl_sf_Si(q*H)/(q*H)-pow(sin(q*H*0.5)/(q*H*0.5),2.0));

	w = sasfit_rwbrush_w(q, Rg);
	Fc = sasfit_gauss_fc(q, Rg);

	Scc = w*w*pow(gsl_sf_bessel_J0(q*(R+d*Rg)),2.);
	if (q*R == 0)
		J1x_x = 0.5;
	} else
		J1x_x = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(q*R)/(q*R);
	Ssc = w*2.*J1x_x*gsl_sf_bessel_J0(q*(R+d*Rg));

	Pcs = pow(r_core*2.*J1x_x,2.)
		+ Nagg*(Nagg-1.)*pow(r_chains,2.0)*Scc*((Nagg < 1) ?  0 : 1)
		+ 2.*Nagg*r_chains*r_core*Ssc;
//  sasfit_out("Cyl_Fc:%lf \n",pow(r_chains,2.0)*Nagg*Fc);
	return Pp*Pcs
		+ pow(r_chains,2.0)*Nagg*Fc;
Exemplo n.º 7
scalar XI(scalar Q, scalar R, scalar H, scalar alpha)
        scalar xR, xH, XIres;

        xR = Q*R*sin(alpha);
        xH = Q*H*cos(alpha)/2.0;

        if ((R+H) == 0.0) return 0.0;

        if (xR == 0.0)
                XIres = R/(R+H) * cos(xH);
        } else {
                XIres = R/(R+H) * 2.0*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(xR)/xR * cos(xH);

        if (xH == 0.0)
                XIres = XIres + H/(R+H) * gsl_sf_bessel_J0(xR);
        } else {
                XIres = XIres + H/(R+H) * gsl_sf_bessel_J0(xR)*sin(xH)/xH;

        return XIres;
scalar XI_CylShell(scalar x, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar xR, xH, XIres;


	xR = x*R*sin(ALPHA);
	xH = x*H*cos(ALPHA)/2.;

	if ((R+H) == 0) return 0;

	if (xR == 0)
		XIres = R/(R+H) * cos(xH);
	} else
		XIres = R/(R+H) * 2.*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(xR)/xR * cos(xH);

	if (xH == 0)
		XIres = XIres + H/(R+H) * gsl_sf_bessel_J0(xR);
	} else
		XIres = XIres + H/(R+H) * gsl_sf_bessel_J0(xR)*sin(xH)/xH;
	return (2.* M_PI*R*R + 2.0*M_PI*R*H)*XIres;
Exemplo n.º 9
static double jinc(double x)
#ifdef USE_GSL
	return (0. == x) ? 1. : (2. * gsl_sf_bessel_J1(x) / x);
Exemplo n.º 10
scalar homo_cyl_Ampl_core(scalar x, sasfit_param *param)
	scalar A,u;
	u = Q*x;
	if (u==0) {
		A = M_PI*x*x*(ETA_CORE-ETA_SOL)*2;
	} else {
		A = M_PI*x*x*(ETA_CORE-ETA_SOL)*2*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(u)/u;
	return A;
Exemplo n.º 11
scalar sasfit_rod_fc(scalar Q, scalar R)
	scalar u  = Q * R;

	if (u == 0.0)
		return 1.0;

	return 2.0 * gsl_sf_bessel_J1(u)/u;
Exemplo n.º 12
const Real GreensFunction2DAbs::p_int_theta_first(const Real r,
                                                  const Real theta,
                                                  const Real t) const
    const Real r_0(this->getr0());
    const Real a(this->geta());
    const Real minusDt(-1e0 * this->getD() * t);

    const Integer num_term_use(100);
    const Real threshold(CUTOFF);

    Real sum(0e0);
    Real term(0e0);
    Real term1(0e0);
    Real term2(0e0);
    Real term3(0e0);

    Real a_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J0_r_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J0_r0_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J1_a_alpha_n(0e0);

    Integer n(1);
    for(; n < num_term_use; ++n)
        a_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_zero_J0(n);
        alpha_n = a_alpha_n / a;
        J0_r_alpha_n  = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(r * alpha_n);
        J0_r0_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(r_0 * alpha_n);
        J1_a_alpha_n  = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(a_alpha_n);

        term1 = std::exp(alpha_n * alpha_n * minusDt);
        term2 = J0_r_alpha_n * J0_r0_alpha_n;
        term3 = J1_a_alpha_n * J1_a_alpha_n;

        term = term1 * term2 / term3;
        sum += term;

//             std::cout << "sum " << sum << ", term" << term << std::endl;

        if(fabs(term/sum) < threshold)
//                 std::cout << "normal exit. n = " << n << " first term" << std::endl;
    if(n == num_term_use)
        std::cout << "warning: use term over num_term_use" << std::endl;

//         return (sum / (M_PI * a * a));
    return (theta * sum / (M_PI * a * a));
Exemplo n.º 13
scalar sasfit_ff_Pcs_ellCylSh_core(scalar x, sasfit_param *param)
	scalar Ain, Aout,A,u1,u2,b1,b2;
	u1 = Q*ell_r(R,EPSILON,0,x);
	u2 = Q*ell_r(R,EPSILON,T,x);

	if (u1==0) {
		Ain = 1.0;
	} else {
		Ain = 2.0*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(u1)/u1;
	if (u2==0) {
		Aout = 1.0;
	} else {
		Aout = 2.0*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(u2)/u2;

	A = b1*Ain+b2*Aout;
	return A*A;
const Real 
GreensFunction2DAbsSym::p_int_r( const Real r, 
                                    const Real t ) const
    const Real a( geta() );
    const Real D( getD() );
    const Real Dt( -D * t );
    Real J1_aAn, J1_rAn;
    Real aAn, rAn, An;
    Real term;
    Real sum( 0.0 );
    int n(1);

//    const Real maxn( ( a / M_PI ) * sqrt( log( exp( DtPIsq_asq ) / CUTOFF ) / 
//                                          ( D * t ) ) );

    const Integer N_MAX( 10000 );
    const Real threshold( CUTOFF );

        aAn = gsl_sf_bessel_zero_J0(n);         // gsl roots of J0(aAn)
        An  = aAn/a;
        rAn = r*An;
        J1_aAn = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(aAn);
        J1_rAn = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(rAn);
        term = (exp(An*An*Dt) * r * J1_rAn) / (An*J1_aAn*J1_aAn);
        sum += term;

        //std::cout << n << " " << aAn << " " << J1_aAn << " " << term << " " << value << std::endl;
    while (fabs( term/sum ) > threshold && n <= N_MAX);

    return (2.0/(a*a)) * sum;
Exemplo n.º 15
scalar PcylSHell(sasfit_param *param)
	scalar Ain, Aout,A,u1,u2,v1,v2,b1,b2, J1;

	u1 = Q*ell_rad(R,EPSILON,0,THETA)*sin(ALPHA);
	v1 = Q*L*0.5*cos(ALPHA);
	u2 = Q*ell_rad(R,EPSILON,T,THETA)*sin(ALPHA);
	v2 = Q*(L*0.5+T*TYPE_SHELL)*cos(ALPHA);
	if (v1==0.0) {
		Ain = 1.0;
	} else {
		Ain = sin(v1)/v1;
	if (u1!=0.0) {
//		J1 = sasfit_bessj1(u1);
		J1 = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(u1);
		Ain = Ain*2.0*J1/u1;
	if (v2==0.0) {
		Aout = 1.0;
	} else {
		Aout = sin(v2)/v2;
	if (u2!=0.0) {
//		J1 = sasfit_bessj1(u2);
		J1 = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(u2);
		Aout = Aout*2.0*J1/u2;

	A = b1*Ain+b2*Aout;
	return A*A;
Exemplo n.º 16
const Real GreensFunction2DAbs::p_survival(const Real t) const
    // when t == 0.0, return value become eventually 1.0,
    // but the speed of convergence is too slow.
    if(t == 0.0) return 1.0;

    const Real r_0(this->getr0());
    const Real a(this->geta());
    const Real Dt(this->getD() * t);
    const Integer num_term_use(100);
    const Real threshold(CUTOFF);

    Real sum(0e0);
    Real term1(0e0);
    Real term2(0e0);
    Real term(0e0);

    Real a_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J0_r0_alpha_n(0e0);
    Real J1_a_alpha_n(0e0);

    Integer n(1);
    for(; n < num_term_use; ++n)
        a_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_zero_J0(n);
        alpha_n = a_alpha_n / a;
        J0_r0_alpha_n = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(r_0 * alpha_n);
        J1_a_alpha_n  = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(a_alpha_n);

        term1 = std::exp(-1e0 * alpha_n * alpha_n * Dt) * J0_r0_alpha_n;
        term2 = alpha_n * J1_a_alpha_n;
        term = term1 / term2;
        sum += term;

//             std::cout << "sum " << sum << ", term" << term << std::endl;

        if(fabs(term/sum) < threshold)
//                 std::cout << "normal exit. " << n << std::endl;
    if(n == num_term_use)
        std::cout << "warning: use term over num_term_use" << std::endl;
    return (2e0 * sum / a);
Exemplo n.º 17
scalar sasfit_ff_worm_w_gauss_chains(scalar q, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar Pp, Pcs, Fc,w, Scc, Ssc, J1x_x;
	scalar R, Rg, d, Nagg, l, L, r_core, r_chains;
	sasfit_param subParam;


	sasfit_get_param(param, 8, &R, &Rg, &d, &Nagg, &l, &L, &r_core, &r_chains);

	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((L <= 0.0), param, "L(%lg) < 0", L);

	//Pp = KholodenkoWorm(interp,q,0.0,l,L,error);
	if (q==0) {
		Pp = 1;
		w = 1;
		Fc = 1;
	} else {
		subParam.p[0] = 0.0;
		subParam.p[1] = l;
		subParam.p[2] = L;
		Pp = sasfit_ff_KholodenkoWorm(q, &subParam);
		SASFIT_CHECK_SUB_ERR(param, subParam);

		w = sasfit_rwbrush_w(q, Rg);
		Fc = sasfit_gauss_fc(q, Rg);
	Scc = w*w*pow(gsl_sf_bessel_J0(q*(R+d*Rg)),2.);
	if (q*R == 0)
		J1x_x =0.5;
	} else
		J1x_x = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(q*R)/(q*R);
	Ssc = w*2.*J1x_x*gsl_sf_bessel_J0(q*(R+d*Rg));

	Pcs = pow(r_core*2.*J1x_x,2.)
		+ Nagg*(Nagg-1.)*pow(r_chains,2.0)*Scc*((Nagg < 1) ?  0 : 1)
		+ 2.*Nagg*r_chains*r_core*Ssc;

	return Pp*Pcs
		+ pow(r_chains,2.0)*Nagg*Fc;
Exemplo n.º 18
scalar sasfit_ff_Pcs_homogeneousCyl(scalar q, sasfit_param * param)
	scalar res,u;


	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((q < 0.0),      param, "q(%lg) < 0", q);
	SASFIT_CHECK_COND1((R < 0.0),      param, "R(%lg) < 0", R);
	u = q*R;
	if (u==0) {
		res = M_PI*R*R*(ETA_C-ETA_SOL)*2;
	} else {
		res = M_PI*R*R*(ETA_C-ETA_SOL)*2*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(u)/u;
	return res*res;
Exemplo n.º 19
FELAnalysis::FELAnalysis(undulator &unduP, electronBeam &elecP, FELradiation &radiP)
    gamma0  = elecP.get_centralEnergy();
    sigmag0 = elecP.get_energySpread ();
    emitn   = elecP.get_emitnx       ();
    avgbeta = elecP.get_avgBetaFunc  ();
    lambdau = unduP.get_period       ();
    bfield  = unduP.get_field        ();
    current = elecP.get_peakCurrent  ();
    lambdas = radiP.get_wavelength   ();

    double b, JJ, etad, etae, etag, CapG;
    sigmax = sqrt(avgbeta*emitn/gamma0);
    au = sqrt(lambdas*2*gamma0*gamma0/lambdau-1);
    //au     = 0.934*bfield*lambdau*100/sqrt(2.0);
    b      = au*au/2.0/(1+au*au);
    JJ     = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(b) - gsl_sf_bessel_J1(b);
    rho1D  = pow((0.5/gamma0)*(0.5/gamma0)*(0.5/gamma0)*current/IA*(au*lambdau*JJ/2.0/PI/sigmax)*(au*lambdau*JJ/2.0/PI/sigmax),1.0/3.0);
    Lg1D   = lambdau/4/PI/sqrt(3)/rho1D;
    etad = Lg1D/(4*PI*sigmax*sigmax/lambdas);
    etae = Lg1D/avgbeta*4*PI*emitn/gamma0/lambdas;
    etag = Lg1D/lambdau*4*PI*sigmag0/gamma0;
    CapG = coefs.a1 *pow(etad,coefs.a2 )
         + coefs.a3 *pow(etae,coefs.a4 )
         + coefs.a5 *pow(etag,coefs.a6 )
         + coefs.a7 *pow(etae,coefs.a8 )*pow(etag,coefs.a9 )
         + coefs.a10*pow(etad,coefs.a11)*pow(etag,coefs.a12)
         + coefs.a13*pow(etad,coefs.a14)*pow(etae,coefs.a15)
         + coefs.a16*pow(etad,coefs.a17)*pow(etae,coefs.a18)*pow(etag,coefs.a19);
    Lg3D  = Lg1D*(1+CapG);
    rho3D = lambdau/4/PI/sqrt(3)/Lg3D;
    Psat  = 1.6*rho1D*Lg1D*Lg1D/(Lg3D*Lg3D)*gamma0*0.511*current/1000.0; // GW

    std::cout << "Lg1D : " << Lg1D  << " m"  << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Lg3D : " << Lg3D  << " m"  << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rho1D: " << rho1D          << std::endl;
    std::cout << "rho3D: " << rho3D          << std::endl;
    std::cout << "Psat : " << Psat  << " GW" << std::endl;
// an alternative form, which is not very convergent.
const Real 
GreensFunction2DAbsSym::p_survival( const Real t ) const
    const Real D( getD() );
    const Real a( geta() );
    const Real Dt( -D * t );

    const Integer N( 100 );	// number of terms to use
    Real sum( 0. );
    Real aAn (0);
    Real An (0);
    Real J1_aAn(0);
    Real term(0);

    const Real threshold( CUTOFF );	// 

    //std::cout << "p_survival_2D ";
    //std::cout << "time: " << t << std::endl;
    for( Integer n( 1 ); n <= N; ++n )
        aAn = gsl_sf_bessel_zero_J0(n);		// gsl roots of J0(aAn)
        An = aAn/a;
        J1_aAn = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(aAn);
        term = (exp(An*An*Dt))/(An*J1_aAn);
        sum += term;

        //std::cout << n << " " << aAn << " " << J1_aAn << " " << term << " " << value << std::endl;

        if( fabs( term/sum ) < threshold )
            // normal exit.
            //std::cout << n << std::endl;
    return (2.0/a) * sum;
Exemplo n.º 21
void lamb_dipole(Vect3 centre, Array <Vect3> &X, Array <Vect3> &Omega, REAL amplitude, REAL theta_dipole, REAL radius, REAL a, REAL k) {
    //  Produce a Lamb Dipole, eg
    //        lamb_dipole(Vect3(100, 50, 0), X, OMEGA, 30, pi / 2, 30, 30, 3.81 / 30);

    REAL U;
    for (int x = 1; x <= NX; ++x) {
        for (int y = 1; y <= NY; ++y) {
            U = 0.;
            if (x < centre.x) U = -amplitude;
            if (x > centre.x) U = amplitude;

            REAL r = sqrt((centre[0] - x)*(centre[0] - x) + (centre[1] - y)*(centre[1] - y));
            if (r < radius) {
                REAL theta = atan2((centre[1] - y)*(centre[1] - y) + 1e-16, (centre[0] - x)*(centre[0] - x) + 1e-16);
                REAL numerator = gsl_sf_bessel_J1(k * r);
                REAL denominator = gsl_sf_bessel_J0(k * a);
                Omega.push_back(Vect3(0.0, 0.0, -U * 2 * k * sin(theta - theta_dipole) * numerator / denominator));
                X.push_back(Vect3((REAL) x, (REAL) y, 0.0));
Exemplo n.º 22
scalar F_PSI(scalar Q, scalar R, scalar H, scalar alpha)
        scalar xR, xH, PSIres;

        xR = Q*R*sin(alpha);
        xH = Q*H*cos(alpha)/2.0;

        if (xR == 0.0) 
                PSIres = 1.0;
        } else {
                PSIres = 2.0*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(xR)/xR;

        if (xH == 0.0) 
                PSIres = PSIres;
        } else {
                PSIres = PSIres * sin(xH)/xH;

        return PSIres;
Exemplo n.º 23
void *writemod(void *work) {

SHARED_DATA *mydata = (SHARED_DATA *)work;

int nu0, nu1  ;
if (nui==-1){nu0=0;nu1=nnu[cIF];}else{nu0=nui;nu1=nui+1;};

int k,i,t,j,m,p, currow[6];

double phase, uu, vv, UVRad, Ampli, DerivRe[npar], DerivIm[npar];
double SPA, CPA, tA, tB, tempChi, deltat;
double wgtcorrA, tempRe[npar+1], tempIm[npar+1];
tempChi = 0.0;

const double deg2rad = 0.017453292519943295;

int Iam = mydata->Iam; 
int widx = (Iam == -1)?0:Iam;
int pmax = (mode == -1)?npar+1:1;
int mmax = (mode == 0)?1:ncomp;
bool write2mod = (mode == -3 || mode >= 0);
bool allmod = (mode == -3);
bool writeDer = (mode==-1);

double tempD, cosphase, sinphase, PA;
//double auxPhase, auxUVRad, auxPA;

for (t = mydata->t0[cIF]; t < mydata->t1[cIF] ; t++) {

 deltat = dt[cIF][t];

 if (fittable[cIF][t]!=0) {

  for (i = nu0; i < nu1; i++) {

    j = (nui!=-1)?0:i;
    k = nnu[cIF]*t+i;
    tempD = pow(wgt[0][cIF][k],2.);
 //   tempD = wgt[0][cIF][k];

    uu = freqs[cIF][i]*uv[0][cIF][t];
    vv =  freqs[cIF][i]*uv[1][cIF][t];

      tempRe[p]=0.0; tempIm[p]=0.0;

    for (m=0;m<mmax;m++){

   /*   auxUVRad = -1.0;
      auxPhase = 0.0;
      cosphase = 1.0;
      sinphase = 0.0;
      phase = 0.0;
      UVRad = 0.0;
      Ampli = 1.0;
      auxPA = 0.0;
      PA= 0.0; 
      SPA = 0.0; CPA = 1.0;  */

      for(p=0;p<6;p++){currow[p] = m*maxnchan*6+j+p*maxnchan;};
        wgtcorrA = exp(wgt[1][cIF][m*nt[cIF]+t]*pow(freqs[cIF][i],2.));


        phase = (vars[p][currow[0]]+muRA[m]*deltat)*uu + (vars[p][currow[1]]+muDec[m]*deltat)*vv;
    //    if (phase != auxPhase){
    //      auxPhase = phase;
          cosphase = cos(phase);
          sinphase = sin(phase);
    //    };

        if (models[m] != 0) {
         PA = vars[p][currow[5]]*deg2rad;
    //     if (auxPA != PA){
           SPA = sin(PA);
           CPA = cos(PA);
     //      auxPA = PA;
     //    };
         tA = (uu*CPA - vv*SPA)*vars[p][currow[4]];
         tB = (uu*SPA + vv*CPA);
         UVRad = pow(tA*tA+tB*tB,0.5)*(vars[p][currow[3]]/2.0);

    //     if (UVRad != auxUVRad) {
    //      auxUVRad = UVRad;

         if (UVRad > 0.0) {
          switch (models[m]) {
            case 1: Ampli = (vars[p][currow[2]])*exp(-0.3606737602*UVRad*UVRad); break;
            case 2: Ampli = 2.0*(vars[p][currow[2]])*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(UVRad)/UVRad; break;
            case 3: Ampli = (vars[p][currow[2]])*gsl_sf_bessel_J0(UVRad); break;
            case 4: Ampli = 3.0*(vars[p][currow[2]])*(sin(UVRad)-UVRad*cos(UVRad))*(pow(UVRad,-3.0)); break;
            case 5: Ampli = (vars[p][currow[2]])*sin(UVRad)/UVRad; break;
            case 6: Ampli = (vars[p][currow[2]])*pow(1.+0.52034224525*UVRad*UVRad,-1.5); break;
            case 7: Ampli = 0.459224094*(vars[p][currow[2]])*gsl_sf_bessel_K0(UVRad); break;
            case 8: Ampli = (vars[p][currow[2]])*exp(-UVRad*1.3047660265); break;
            default: Ampli = vars[p][currow[2]];
        } else {wgt[0][cIF][k]=0.0; Ampli=vars[p][currow[2]];};

    //    };

       } else {Ampli = vars[p][currow[2]];};

    Ampli *= wgtcorrA;

    tempRe[p] += Ampli*cosphase;
    tempIm[p] += Ampli*sinphase;

    if(allmod && m==0){
       ModVis[0][cIF][k] *= fixp[p][j];
       ModVis[1][cIF][k] *= fixp[p][j];

    if(allmod || m==0) {
         ModVis[0][cIF][k] += tempRe[p];
         ModVis[1][cIF][k] += tempIm[p];
      } else if(m==0) {
         tempRe[p] += ModVis[0][cIF][k]*fixp[p][j];
         tempIm[p] += ModVis[1][cIF][k]*fixp[p][j];



  tempChi += pow((ObsVis[0][cIF][k]-tempRe[0])*wgt[0][cIF][k],2.);
  tempChi += pow((ObsVis[1][cIF][k]-tempIm[0])*wgt[0][cIF][k],2.);

   if (writeDer) {

      DerivRe[p] = (tempRe[p+1]-tempRe[0])/dpar[p]; 
      DerivIm[p] = (tempIm[p+1]-tempIm[0])/dpar[p]; 

      WorkGrad[widx][p] += (ObsVis[0][cIF][k]-tempRe[0])*tempD*DerivRe[p];
      WorkGrad[widx][p] += (ObsVis[1][cIF][k]-tempIm[0])*tempD*DerivIm[p];

        WorkHess[widx][npar*p+m] += tempD*(DerivRe[p]*DerivRe[m] + DerivIm[p]*DerivIm[m]);





if (writeDer){
    WorkHess[widx][npar*m+p] = WorkHess[widx][npar*p+m];

if (Iam != -1){Chi2[Iam] = tempChi; pthread_exit((void*) 0);} 
else {Chi2[0] = tempChi; return (void*) 0;};

Exemplo n.º 24
double bessj1sinc(double x) {
	if (x==0) return 1;
	return 2*gsl_sf_bessel_J1(x*PI)/(x*PI);
Exemplo n.º 25
double FC_FUNC_(oct_bessel_j1, OCT_BESSEL_J1)
     (const double *x)
  return gsl_sf_bessel_J1(*x);