Exemplo n.º 1
    /** Calculate the derivatives of each of the supplied points
     * @param out :: The array to store the calculated derivatives
     * @param xValues :: The array of x values we wish to calculate derivatives at
     * @param nData :: The size of the arrays
     * @param order :: The order of derivatives to calculate too
    void CubicSpline::calculateDerivative(double* out, const double* xValues,
        const size_t nData, const size_t order) const
      double xDeriv = 0;
      int errorCode = 0;
      bool outOfRange(false);

      //throw error if the order is not the 1st or 2nd derivative
      if(order < 1) throw std::invalid_argument(
          "CubicSpline: order of derivative must be 1 or greater");

      for(size_t i = 0; i < nData; ++i)
          //choose the order of the derivative
          if(order == 1)
            xDeriv = gsl_spline_eval_deriv(m_spline.get(),xValues[i],m_acc.get());
            errorCode = gsl_spline_eval_deriv_e (m_spline.get(),xValues[i],m_acc.get(),&xDeriv);
          else if (order == 2)
            xDeriv = gsl_spline_eval_deriv2(m_spline.get(),xValues[i],m_acc.get());
            errorCode = gsl_spline_eval_deriv2_e (m_spline.get(),xValues[i],m_acc.get(),&xDeriv);
          //if out of range, just set it to zero
          outOfRange = true;
          xDeriv = 0;

        //check GSL functions didn't return an error
        checkGSLError(errorCode, GSL_EDOM);

        //record the value
        out[i] = xDeriv;

      //warn user that some values weren't calculated
        g_log.warning() << "Some x values where out of range and will not be calculated." << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
static VALUE rb_gsl_spline_eval_deriv_e(VALUE obj, VALUE xx)
  rb_gsl_spline *rgs = NULL;
  double val;
  int status;
  Data_Get_Struct(obj, rb_gsl_spline, rgs);
  status = gsl_spline_eval_deriv_e(rgs->s, NUM2DBL(xx), rgs->a, &val);
  switch (status) {
  case GSL_EDOM:
    rb_gsl_error_handler("gsl_spline_eval_deriv_e error", __FILE__, __LINE__, status);
    return rb_float_new(val);
  return Qnil;
 * Function which calculates the value of the waveform, plus its
 * first and second derivatives, for the points which will be required
 * in the hybrid comb attachment of the ringdown.
static INT4 XLALGenerateHybridWaveDerivatives (
	REAL8Vector	*rwave,      /**<< OUTPUT, values of the waveform at comb points */
	REAL8Vector	*dwave,      /**<< OUTPUT, 1st deriv of the waveform at comb points */
	REAL8Vector	*ddwave,     /**<< OUTPUT, 2nd deriv of the waveform at comb points */
        REAL8Vector	*timeVec,    /**<< Vector containing the time */
	REAL8Vector	*wave,       /**<< Last part of inspiral waveform */
	REAL8Vector	*matchrange, /**<< Times which determine the size of the comb */
        REAL8           dt,          /**<< Sample time step */
        REAL8           mass1,       /**<< First component mass (in Solar masses) */
        REAL8           mass2        /**<< Second component mass (in Solar masses) */

  /* XLAL error handling */
  INT4 errcode = XLAL_SUCCESS;

  /* For checking GSL return codes */
  INT4 gslStatus;

  UINT4 j;
  UINT4 vecLength;
  REAL8 m;
  double *y;
  double ry, dy, dy2;
  double rt;
  double *tlist;
  gsl_interp_accel *acc;
  gsl_spline *spline;

  /* Total mass in geometric units */
  m  = (mass1 + mass2) * LAL_MTSUN_SI;

  tlist = (double *) LALMalloc(6 * sizeof(double));
  rt = (matchrange->data[1] - matchrange->data[0]) / 5.;
  tlist[0] = matchrange->data[0];
  tlist[1] = tlist[0] + rt;
  tlist[2] = tlist[1] + rt;
  tlist[3] = tlist[2] + rt;
  tlist[4] = tlist[3] + rt;
  tlist[5] = matchrange->data[1];

  /* Set the length of the interpolation vectors */
  vecLength = ( m * matchrange->data[2] / dt ) + 1;

  /* Getting interpolation and derivatives of the waveform using gsl spline routine */
  /* Initiate arrays and supporting variables for gsl */
  y = (double *) LALMalloc(vecLength * sizeof(double));

  if ( !y )

  for (j = 0; j < vecLength; ++j)
	y[j] = wave->data[j];

  XLAL_CALLGSL( acc = (gsl_interp_accel*) gsl_interp_accel_alloc() );
  XLAL_CALLGSL( spline = (gsl_spline*) gsl_spline_alloc(gsl_interp_cspline, vecLength) );
  if ( !acc || !spline )
    if ( acc )    gsl_interp_accel_free(acc);
    if ( spline ) gsl_spline_free(spline);
    LALFree( y );

  /* Gall gsl spline interpolation */
  gslStatus = gsl_spline_init(spline, timeVec->data, y, vecLength);
  if ( gslStatus != GSL_SUCCESS )
    LALFree( y );

  /* Getting first and second order time derivatives from gsl interpolations */
  for (j = 0; j < 6; ++j)
    gslStatus = gsl_spline_eval_e( spline, tlist[j], acc, &ry );
    if ( gslStatus == GSL_SUCCESS )
      gslStatus = gsl_spline_eval_deriv_e(spline, tlist[j], acc, &dy );
      gslStatus = gsl_spline_eval_deriv2_e(spline, tlist[j], acc, &dy2 );
    if (gslStatus != GSL_SUCCESS )
      LALFree( y );
    rwave->data[j]  = (REAL8)(ry);
    dwave->data[j]  = (REAL8)(dy/m);
    ddwave->data[j] = (REAL8)(dy2/m/m);

  /* Free gsl variables */
  LALFree( tlist );

  return errcode;