Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: geom.c Projeto: ajmas/NewSRT
void moonradec(double time, double *ra, double *dec)
    double ttime, asnode, amon, peri, em, aim, aam, vsm, alamm, moonsun, evn, var;
    double x, y, z, xx, yy, zz, ram, decm, ha, inc;
/* calc moon ra and dec  */
/* see notes and formulae Astronomical Almanac page D2 Moon, 1999 */
    ttime = tosecs(1999, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* Jan 0 1999 */
    ttime = (time - ttime) / 86400.00;
    /* asnode=long of mean ascending node */
    asnode = 144.452077 - 0.05295377 * ttime;
    /* amon=omga plus mean lunar longitude */
    amon = 69.167124 + 13.17639648 * ttime;
    /* peri=asnode plus mean lunar longitude of perigee */
    peri = 42.524057 + 0.11140353 * ttime;
    /* moonsun is the elongation of moon from the sun */
    moonsun = 149.940812 + 12.19074912 * ttime;
    /* em is the eccentricity of lunar orbit */
    em = 0.054900489;
    /* aim=inclination of lunar orbit to ecliptic */
    aim = 5.1453964 * PI / 180.0;
    /* vsm=true anomaly */
    /* the following are correction terms */
    vsm = 2.0 * em * sin((amon - peri) * PI / 180.0); /* elliptical orbit */
    evn = (1.274 / 57.3) * sin((2 * moonsun - (amon - peri)) * PI / 180.0); /* evection */
    var = (0.658 / 57.3) * sin(2 * moonsun * PI / 180.0); /* variation */
    alamm = (amon - asnode) * PI / 180.0 + vsm + evn + var;
    x = cos(alamm);
    y = sin(alamm);
    z = 0;
    xx = x;
    yy = y * cos(aim);
    zz = y * sin(aim);
    ram = atan2(yy, xx) + asnode * PI / 180.0;
    decm = atan2(zz, sqrt(xx * xx + yy * yy));
    x = cos(ram) * cos(decm);
    y = sin(ram) * cos(decm);
    z = sin(decm);
    inc = 23.45 * PI / 180.0;
    xx = x;
    yy = y * cos(inc) - z * sin(inc);
    zz = z * cos(inc) + y * sin(inc);
    /* aam is the semi-major axis of orbit earth radii */
    aam = 60.2665;
    z = zz - sin(d1.lat) / aam; /* correct for parallax */
    ha = gst(time) - d1.lon;
    x = xx - cos(d1.lat) * cos(ha) / aam;
    y = yy - cos(d1.lat) * sin(ha) / aam;
    *ra = atan2(y, x);
    if (*ra < 0)
        *ra += TWOPI;
    *dec = atan2(z, sqrt(x * x + y * y));
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: geom.c Projeto: ajmas/NewSRT
void azel_to_radec(double time, double az, double el, double *ra, double *dec)
  // convert from azimuth and elevation to ra and dec
    double north, west, zen, pole, rad, ha;
    north = cos(az * PI / 180.0) * cos(el * PI / 180.0);
    west = -sin(az * PI / 180.0) * cos(el * PI / 180.0);
    zen = sin(el * PI / 180.0);
    pole = north * cos(d1.lat) + zen * sin(d1.lat);
    rad = zen * cos(d1.lat) - north * sin(d1.lat);
    *dec = atan2(pole, sqrt(rad * rad + west * west));
    ha = atan2(west, rad);
    *ra = -ha + gst(time) - d1.lon;
    if (*ra < 0)
        *ra += TWOPI;
Exemplo n.º 3
Arquivo: cmdfl.c Projeto: bennski/SRTN
double cmdfile(void)
  // reads command file
  /* drives the schedule with stop time yyyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss
     or LST:hh:mm:ss  or just : for immediate scheduling
     or :n for scheduling for n secs - will wait for source to be within limits
     followed by keywords:
     sourcename (any name in catalog)
     clearint      // clears intergation 
     record (turns on data file if not already on) [filename] [recmode]
     roff (turns off data file)
     freq fcenter_MHz [bandwidth_MHz]
     mode n for 25 point b for beamswitch
    double secs, secnow, lst, freq, bw;
    int i, j, n, line, yr, day, hr, min, se, ss;
    int da, mn, sc;
    int ix, iy;
    char str[256], txt[256];
    char *p, *k;
    FILE *file1;
    GdkColor color;

    if ((file1 = fopen(d1.cmdfnam, "r")) == NULL) {
        printf(" Unable to open %s\n", d1.cmdfnam);
        return 0.0;
    secs = secnow = d1.secs;
    i = 1;
    line = 0;
    ss = 0;
    k = 0;
    str[255] = 0;
    while ((k = fgets(str, 80, file1)) != 0 && i == 1) {
// printf("line %d %s",line,str);
        if (str[0] != '*' && str[0] != ' ' && str[0] != '#' && strlen(str) > 2 && line > d1.cmdfline) {
            if (str[0] != 'L' && str[0] != ':') { // yyyy:ddd:hh:mm:ss
                sscanf(str, "%d:%d:%d:%d:%d", &yr, &day, &hr, &min, &se);
                secs = tosecs(yr, day, hr, min, se);
//            d.dtext(440.0, ylim + 40.0, gg, Color.red, "cmd err " + str);
            if (str[0] == 'L' && strstr(str, "LST")) { //    "LST:%2d:%2d:%2d",&hr,&min,&sec
                hr = min = se = 0;
                sscanf(str, "LST:%d:%d:%d", &hr, &min, &se);
                lst = gst(secnow) - d1.lon;
                secs = hr * 3600.0 + min * 60.0 + se - lst * 86400.0 / (PI * 2.0);
                if (secs < 0)
                    secs += 86400.0;
                if (secs > 86400.0)
                    secs -= 86400.0;
                if (secs < 0)
                    secs += 86400.0;
                if (secs > 86400.0)
                    secs -= 86400.0;
                secs += secnow;
//            d.dtext(440.0, ylim + 40.0, gg, Color.red, "cmd err " + str);
            if (str[0] == ':' && str[1] != ' ') {
                ss = 0;
                sscanf(str, ":%d", &ss);
                secs += ss;
//            d.dtext(440.0, ylim + 40.0, gg, Color.red, "cmd err " + str);
            for (n = 0; n < (int) strlen(str); n++)
                if (str[n] == '\n')
                    str[n] = ' ';
            if (secs >= secnow) {
// System.out.println("secs "+secs+" secnow "+secnow);
                for (j = 0; j < d1.nsou; j++) {
                    if ((p = strstr(str, sounam[j]))) {
                        strncpy(soutrack, sounam[j], sizeof(soutrack) - 1);
                        if (ss < 2)
                            secs += 2; // add time
                        d1.track = 1;
                        d1.bsw = 0;
                        d1.azoff = 0;
                        d1.eloff = 0;
                        // check for mode
                        if (p && *p) { // note p before *p
                            p = strchr(p, ' ');
                            if (p && *p) {
                                if (strchr(p, 'n')) {
                                    d1.scan = 1;
                                if (strchr(p, 'b')) {
                                    d1.bsw = 1;

                if (strstr(str, "azel")) {
                    j = sscanf(str, "%*s %*s %lf %lf", &d1.azcmd, &d1.elcmd);
                    if (j == 2) {
                        if (d1.printout) {
                            toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
                            printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
                            printf("cmdf %s", str);
                        if (ss < 2)
                            secs += 2; // add time
                        d1.track = 0;
                        soutrack[0] = 0;
                if (strstr(str, "offset")) {
                    sscanf(str, "%*s %*s %lf %lf", &d1.azoff, &d1.eloff);
                if (strstr(str, "stow")) {
                    d1.azcmd = d1.azlim1;
                    d1.elcmd = d1.ellim1;
                    soutrack[0] = 0;
                    d1.stow = 1;
                if (strstr(str, "calibrate"))
                    d1.docal = 1;
                if (strstr(str, "record")) {
                    d1.record = 1;
                    if (sscanf(str, "%*s %*s %255s", d1.filname) == 1)
                        d1.foutstatus = 1;
                if (strstr(str, "quit") && d1.stow == -1) {
                    d1.run = 0;
                if (strstr(str, "roff"))
                    d1.record = 0;
                if (strstr(str, "clearint"))
                    d1.clearint = 1;
                if (strstr(str, "freq")) {
                    bw = 4.0;
                    sscanf(str, "%*s %*s %lf %lf", &freq, &bw);
                    if (bw > 0 && bw <= 10.0)
                        d1.fbw = bw / d1.bw;
                    if (freq > 1200.0 && freq < 1800.0) {
                        d1.freq = freq;
                        d1.iffreq = d1.freq - d1.lofreq;
                        d1.f1 = d1.iffreq / d1.bw - d1.fbw * 0.5;
                        d1.f2 = d1.iffreq / d1.bw + d1.fbw * 0.5;
                        d1.fc = (d1.f1 + d1.f2) * 0.5;
                        if (d1.printout) {
                            toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
                            printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
                            printf("new freq %f %f\n", d1.freq, d1.iffreq);
                        d1.freqchng = 1;
            i = 0;
            ix = midx * 1.05;
            iy = midy * 0.99;
            if (d1.displ && str[0]) {
                color.red = 0;
                color.green = 0xffff;
                color.blue = 0;
                gdk_color_parse("green", &color);

                gtk_widget_modify_fg(drawing_area, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
                gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                                   iy - midy * 0.04, midx * 0.4, midy * 0.05);
                sprintf(txt, "line %2d %s", line, str);
                gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], ix,
                              iy, txt, strlen(txt) - 1);
            if (d1.printout) {
                toyrday(d1.secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
                printf("%4d:%03d:%02d:%02d:%02d %3s ", yr, da, hr, mn, sc, d1.timsource);
                printf("line %2d %s\n", line, str);
    d1.cmdfline = line;
    if (k == 0) {
        if (d1.displ) {
            ix = midx * 1.05;
            iy = midy * 0.99;
            color.red = 0;
            color.green = 0xffff;
            color.blue = 0;
            gdk_color_parse("green", &color);
            gtk_widget_modify_fg(drawing_area, GTK_STATE_NORMAL, &color);
            gdk_draw_rectangle(pixmap, drawing_area->style->white_gc, TRUE, ix,
                               iy - midy * 0.04, midx * 0.4, midy * 0.05);
            sprintf(txt, "line %2d : end_of_file", line);
            gdk_draw_text(pixmap, fixed_font, drawing_area->style->fg_gc[GTK_STATE_NORMAL], ix,
                          iy, txt, strlen(txt) - 1);
        d1.cmdfl = 0;
        d1.cmdfline = 0;
    return secs;
Exemplo n.º 4
 /* Function: reduce
  *  Reduces a symmetric or Hermitian definite generalized eigenvalue problem to a standard problem after factorizing the right-hand side matrix.
  * Parameters:
  *    A              - Left-hand side matrix.
  *    B              - Right-hand side matrix. */
 void reduce(K* const& A, K* const& B) const {
     int info;
     potrf("L", &(Eigensolver<K>::_n), B, &(Eigensolver<K>::_n), &info);
     gst(&i__1, "L", &(Eigensolver<K>::_n), A, &(Eigensolver<K>::_n), B, &(Eigensolver<K>::_n), &info);
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: main.c Projeto: ajmas/NewSRT
void zerospectra(int mode)
    int i, j, yr, da, hr, mn, sc;
    double az, el, secs, ra, dec;
    secs = d1.secs;

    if (!mode) {
        for (i = 0; i < d1.nfreq; i++)
            avspec[i] = avspecoff[i] = avspecon[i] = 0;
        d1.pwron = d1.pwroff = 0;
        d1.numon = d1.numoff = d1.integ = 0;

    if (d1.cmdfl && secs > d1.secstop && !d1.slew && !d1.scan && !d1.docal && mode)
        d1.secstop = cmdfile();

    d1.vlsr = 0.0;
    az = -1;
    for (i = 0; d1.track >= 0 && i < d1.nsou; i++) {
        if (strstr(sounam[i], soutrack) && soutrack[0]) {
            toyrday(secs, &yr, &da, &hr, &mn, &sc);
            d1.year = yr;
            if (strstr(sounam[i], "Sun") || strstr(sounam[i], "Moon")) {
                if (strstr(sounam[i], "Sun"))
                    sunradec(secs, &ra, &dec);
                    moonradec(secs, &ra, &dec);
                radec_azel(gst(secs) - ra - d1.lon, dec, d1.lat, &az, &el);
            } else if (soutype[i]) {
                az = ras[i] * PI / 180.0;
                el = decs[i] * PI / 180.0;
                azel_to_radec(secs, ras[i], decs[i], &ra, &dec);
            } else {
                precess(ras[i], decs[i], &ra, &dec, epoc[i], d1.year);
                radec_azel(gst(secs) - ra - d1.lon, dec, d1.lat, &az, &el);
            d1.vlsr = vlsr(secs, ra, dec);
            sprintf(souinfo, "%s %4d", to_radecp(ra, dec), yr);
    if (d1.track && az >= 0.0) {
        if (d1.scan > 0) {
            i = (d1.scan - 1) / 5;
            j = (d1.scan - 1) % 5;
            d1.eloff = (i - 2) * d1.beamw * 0.5;
            d1.azoff = (j - 2) * d1.beamw * 0.5 / cos(el + d1.eloff * PI / 180.0);
            if (d1.scan > 26) {
                d1.scan = 0;
                if (d1.displ)
                    gtk_tooltips_set_tip(tooltips, button_npoint, "click to start npoint scan", NULL);
                d1.azoff = d1.eloff = 0;
                d1.domap = 1;
        if (d1.bsw == 1)
            d1.bswint = 0;
        if (d1.bsw > 0 && d1.bswint == 0) {
            if (d1.bsw == 1)
                d1.clearint = 1;
            i = (d1.bsw - 1) % 4;
            j = 0;
            if (i == 1)
                j = -1;
            if (i == 3)
                j = 1;
            d1.azoff = j * d1.beamw / cos(el);
    if (az >= 0 && d1.stow != 1) {
        d1.azcmd = az * 180.0 / PI + d1.azoff;
        d1.elcmd = el * 180.0 / PI + d1.eloff;
//     printf("inzero azcmd %f ellim2 %f\n",d1.azcmd,d1.ellim2);
    } else {
        azel_to_radec(secs, d1.azcmd, d1.elcmd, &ra, &dec);
        d1.vlsr = vlsr(secs, ra, dec);
    if (mode == 0) {
        d1.integ = 0.0;
        pwr = 0.0;