Exemplo n.º 1
static int
parse_external_byte (RIP_MANAGER_INFO* rmi, External_Process* ep, 
		     TRACK_INFO* ti, char c)
    int got_metadata = 0;

    if (c != '\r' && c != '\n') {
	if (ep->line_buf_idx < MAX_EXT_LINE_LEN-1) {
	    ep->line_buf[ep->line_buf_idx++] = c;
	    ep->line_buf[ep->line_buf_idx] = 0;
    } else {
	if (!strcmp (".",ep->line_buf)) {
	    /* Found end of record! */
	    mchar tmp_raw_metadata[MAX_TRACK_LEN];
	    gstring_from_string (rmi, ti->artist, MAX_TRACK_LEN, ep->artist_buf,
	    gstring_from_string (rmi, ti->album, MAX_TRACK_LEN, ep->album_buf,
	    gstring_from_string (rmi, ti->title, MAX_TRACK_LEN, ep->title_buf,

	    g_snprintf (tmp_raw_metadata, MAX_TRACK_LEN, "%s - %s", 
			ti->artist, ti->title);
	    string_from_gstring (rmi, ti->raw_metadata, MAX_TRACK_LEN, 
				 tmp_raw_metadata, CODESET_METADATA);
	    ti->have_track_info = 1;
	    ti->save_track = TRUE;

	    ep->artist_buf[0] = 0;
	    ep->album_buf[0] = 0;
	    ep->title_buf[0] = 0;
	    got_metadata = 1;
	} else if (!strncmp ("ARTIST=", ep->line_buf, strlen("ARTIST="))) {
	    strcpy (ep->artist_buf, &ep->line_buf[strlen("ARTIST=")]);
	} else if (!strncmp ("ALBUM=", ep->line_buf, strlen("ALBUM="))) {
	    strcpy (ep->album_buf, &ep->line_buf[strlen("ALBUM=")]);
	} else if (!strncmp ("TITLE=", ep->line_buf, strlen("TITLE="))) {
	    strcpy (ep->title_buf, &ep->line_buf[strlen("TITLE=")]);
	ep->line_buf[0] = 0;
	ep->line_buf_idx = 0;

    return got_metadata;
Exemplo n.º 2
/* This mega-function reads in the rules file, and loads 
    all the rules into the rmi->parse_rules data structure */
void init_metadata_parser(RIP_MANAGER_INFO * rmi, char *rules_file)
	FILE *fp;
	int ri;			/* Rule index */
	int rn;			/* Number of rules allocated */

	if (!rules_file || !*rules_file) {
	fp = fopen(rules_file, "r");
	if (!fp) {

	rmi->parse_rules = 0;
	ri = rn = 0;
	while (1) {
		char rule_buf[MAX_RULE_SIZE];
		char match_buf[MAX_RULE_SIZE];
		char subst_buf[MAX_RULE_SIZE];
		mchar w_match_buf[MAX_RULE_SIZE];
		mchar w_subst_buf[MAX_RULE_SIZE];
		char *rbp;
		char *rp;
		int got_command;
		int rc;

		/* Allocate memory for rule, if necessary. */
		/* If there are no more rules in the file, */
		/* this rule will become the sentinel null rule */
		if (ri + 1 != rn) {
			rmi->parse_rules = realloc(rmi->parse_rules, (ri + 1) * sizeof(Parse_Rule));
			memset(&rmi->parse_rules[ri], 0, sizeof(Parse_Rule));
			rn = ri + 1;

		/* Get next line from file */
		rp = fgets(rule_buf, 2048, fp);
		if (!rp)

		/* Skip leading whitespace */
		rbp = rule_buf;
		while (*rbp && isspace(*rbp))
		if (!*rbp)

		/* Get command */
		got_command = 0;
		switch (*rbp++) {
		case 'm':
			got_command = 1;
			rmi->parse_rules[ri].cmd = PARSERULE_CMD_MATCH;
		case 's':
			got_command = 1;
			rmi->parse_rules[ri].cmd = PARSERULE_CMD_SUBST;
		case '#':
			got_command = 0;
			got_command = 0;
			printf("Warning: malformed command in rules file:\n%s\n", rule_buf);
		if (!got_command)

		/* Skip past fwd slash */
		if (*rbp++ != '/') {
			printf("Warning: malformed command in rules file:\n%s\n", rule_buf);

		/* Parse match string */
		rbp = parse_escaped_string(match_buf, rbp);
		debug_printf("match_buf=%s\n", match_buf);
		if (!rbp) {
			printf("Warning: malformed command in rules file:\n%s\n", rule_buf);

		/* Parse subst string */
		if (rmi->parse_rules[ri].cmd == PARSERULE_CMD_SUBST) {
			rbp = parse_escaped_string(subst_buf, rbp);
			debug_printf("subst_buf=%s\n", subst_buf);
			if (!rbp) {
				printf("Warning: malformed command in rules file:\n%s\n", rule_buf);

		/* Parse flags */
		rc = parse_flags(&rmi->parse_rules[ri], rbp);
		if (!rc) {
			printf("Warning: malformed command in rules file:\n%s\n", rule_buf);

		/* Compile the rule */
		debug_printf("Compiling the rule\n");
		gstring_from_string(rmi, w_match_buf, MAX_RULE_SIZE, match_buf, CODESET_UTF8);
		if (!compile_rule(&rmi->parse_rules[ri], w_match_buf)) {
			printf("Warning: malformed regular expression:\n%s\n", match_buf);

		/* Copy rule strings */
		debug_printf("Copying rule string (1)\n");
		debug_mprintf(m_("String is ") m_S m_("\n"), w_match_buf);
		rmi->parse_rules[ri].match = mstrdup(w_match_buf);
		debug_printf("Copying rule string (2)\n");
		if (rmi->parse_rules[ri].cmd == PARSERULE_CMD_SUBST) {
			debug_printf("Copying rule string (3)\n");
			gstring_from_string(rmi, w_subst_buf, MAX_RULE_SIZE, subst_buf, CODESET_UTF8);
			debug_printf("Copying rule string (4)\n");
			rmi->parse_rules[ri].subst = mstrdup(w_subst_buf);
			debug_printf("Copying rule string (5)\n");

		debug_printf("End of loop\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
void parse_metadata(RIP_MANAGER_INFO * rmi, TRACK_INFO * ti)
	int i;
	int eflags;
	int rc;
	int matched;
	mchar query_string[MAX_TRACK_LEN];
	Parse_Rule *rulep;

	/* Has any m/.../s rule matched? */
	BOOL save_track_matched = FALSE;

	/* Has any m/.../x rule matched? */
	BOOL exclude_track_matched = FALSE;

	ti->artist[0] = 0;
	ti->title[0] = 0;
	ti->album[0] = 0;
	ti->composed_metadata[0] = 0;
	ti->save_track = TRUE;

	/* Loop through rules, if we find a matching rule, then use it */
	/* For now, only default rules supported with ascii 
	   regular expressions. */
	debug_printf("Converting query string to wide\n");
	gstring_from_string(rmi, query_string, MAX_TRACK_LEN, ti->raw_metadata, CODESET_METADATA);
	for (rulep = rmi->parse_rules; rulep->cmd; rulep++) {
#if !defined (USE_GLIB_REGEX)
		regmatch_t pmatch[MAX_SUBMATCHES + 1];
		eflags = 0;
		if (rulep->cmd == PARSERULE_CMD_MATCH) {
			debug_mprintf(m_("Testing match rule: ") m_S m_(" vs. ") m_S m_("\n"),
				      query_string, rulep->match);
			if (rulep->flags & PARSERULE_SKIP) {
#if defined (USE_GLIB_REGEX)
				rc = g_regex_match(rulep->reg, query_string, 0, NULL);
				matched = rc;
				rc = mregexec(rulep->reg, query_string, 0, NULL, eflags);
				matched = !rc;
				if (!matched) {
				/* GCS FIX: We need to return to the 
				   caller that the metadata should be dropped. */
				debug_printf("Skip rule matched\n");
				ti->save_track = FALSE;
				ti->have_track_info = 0;
			} else if (rulep->flags & PARSERULE_SAVE) {
#if defined (USE_GLIB_REGEX)
				rc = g_regex_match(rulep->reg, query_string, 0, NULL);
				matched = rc;
				rc = mregexec(rulep->reg, query_string, 0, NULL, eflags);
				matched = !rc;
				if (!matched) {
					if (!save_track_matched)
						ti->save_track = FALSE;
				if (!exclude_track_matched) {
					ti->save_track = TRUE;
					save_track_matched = TRUE;
			} else if (rulep->flags & PARSERULE_EXCLUDE) {
#if defined (USE_GLIB_REGEX)
				rc = g_regex_match(rulep->reg, query_string, 0, NULL);
				matched = rc;
				rc = mregexec(rulep->reg, query_string, 0, NULL, eflags);
				matched = !rc;
				if (matched && !save_track_matched) {
					/* Rule matched => Exclude track */
					ti->save_track = FALSE;
					exclude_track_matched = TRUE;
			} else {
#if defined (USE_GLIB_REGEX)
				GMatchInfo *match_info;
				gint nmatch;

				rc = g_regex_match(rulep->reg, query_string, 0, &match_info);
				if (rc == 0) {
					/* Didn't match rule. */
				nmatch = g_match_info_get_match_count(match_info);
				debug_printf("Got %d matches\n", nmatch);
				for (i = 0; i < nmatch; i++) {
					gchar *match = g_match_info_fetch(match_info, i);
					debug_printf("[%d] = %s\n", i, match);
				copy_rule_result(ti->artist, match_info, rulep->artist_idx);
				copy_rule_result(ti->title, match_info, rulep->title_idx);
				copy_rule_result(ti->album, match_info, rulep->album_idx);
				copy_rule_result(ti->track_p, match_info, rulep->trackno_idx);
				copy_rule_result(ti->year, match_info, rulep->year_idx);
				eflags = 0;
				rc = mregexec(rulep->reg, query_string, MAX_SUBMATCHES + 1, pmatch, eflags);
				if (rc != 0) {
					/* Didn't match rule. */

				for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUBMATCHES + 1; i++) {
					debug_printf("pmatch[%d]: (so,eo) = (%d,%d)\n", i,
						     pmatch[i].rm_so, pmatch[i].rm_eo);
				copy_rule_result(ti->artist, query_string, pmatch, rulep->artist_idx);
				copy_rule_result(ti->title, query_string, pmatch, rulep->title_idx);
				copy_rule_result(ti->album, query_string, pmatch, rulep->album_idx);
				copy_rule_result(ti->track_p, query_string, pmatch, rulep->trackno_idx);
				copy_rule_result(ti->year, query_string, pmatch, rulep->year_idx);
				ti->have_track_info = 1;
				compose_metadata(rmi, ti);
				debug_mprintf(m_("Parsed track info.\n")
					      m_("ARTIST: ") m_S m_("\n")
					      m_("TITLE: ") m_S m_("\n")
					      m_("ALBUM: ") m_S m_("\n")
					      m_("TRACK: ") m_S m_("\n")
					      m_("YEAR: ") m_S m_("\n"),
					      ti->artist, ti->title, ti->album, ti->track_p, ti->year);
		} else if (rulep->cmd == PARSERULE_CMD_SUBST) {
#if defined (USE_GLIB_REGEX)
			GMatchInfo *match_info;
			gint start_pos, end_pos;
			gchar *tmp, *subst_string;

			debug_mprintf(m_("Testing subst rule: ") m_S m_(" vs. ") m_S m_("\n"),
				      query_string, rulep->match);
			rc = g_regex_match(rulep->reg, query_string, 0, &match_info);
			if (rc == 0) {
				/* Didn't match rule. */
			rc = g_match_info_fetch_pos(match_info, 0, &start_pos, &end_pos);
			if (!rc) {
				debug_printf("g_match_info_fetch_pos returned 0\n");
			debug_printf("Matched at (%d,%d)\n", start_pos, end_pos);
			if (start_pos == -1) {
			tmp = g_strndup(query_string, start_pos);
			tmp[start_pos] = 0;
			subst_string = g_strconcat(tmp, rulep->subst, &tmp[end_pos], NULL);
			mstrncpy(query_string, subst_string, MAX_TRACK_LEN);
			mchar subst_string[MAX_TRACK_LEN];
			int used, left;
			debug_mprintf(m_("Testing subst rule: ") m_S m_(" vs. ") m_S m_("\n"),
				      query_string, rulep->match);
			rc = mregexec(rulep->reg, query_string, 1, pmatch, eflags);
			if (rc != 0) {
				/* Didn't match rule. */
			/* Update the query string and continue. */
			debug_printf("Matched at (%d,%d)\n", pmatch[0].rm_so, pmatch[0].rm_eo);
			mstrncpy(subst_string, query_string, pmatch[0].rm_so + 1);
			debug_mprintf(m_("(1) subst_string = ") m_S m_("\n"), subst_string);
			used = pmatch[0].rm_so;
			left = MAX_TRACK_LEN - used;
			mstrncpy(subst_string + used, rulep->subst, left);
			debug_mprintf(m_("(2) subst_string = ") m_S m_("\n"), subst_string);
			used += mstrlen(rulep->subst);
			left = MAX_TRACK_LEN - used;
			mstrncpy(subst_string + used, query_string + pmatch[0].rm_eo, left);
			debug_mprintf(m_("(3) subst_string = ") m_S m_("\n"), subst_string);
			mstrncpy(query_string, subst_string, MAX_TRACK_LEN);
			debug_mprintf(m_("(4) query_string = ") m_S m_("\n"), query_string);
	debug_printf("Fell through while parsing data...\n");
	mstrncpy(ti->title, query_string, MAX_TRACK_LEN);
	ti->have_track_info = 1;
	compose_metadata(rmi, ti);
Exemplo n.º 4
/* Return 1 if the page is a header page */
static int vorbis_process(RIP_MANAGER_INFO * rmi, stream_processor * stream, ogg_page * page, TRACK_INFO * ti)
	ogg_packet packet;
	misc_vorbis_info *inf = stream->data;
	int i, header = 0;
	int k;

	ogg_stream_pagein(&stream->os, page);
	if (inf->doneheaders < 3)
		header = 1;

	while (ogg_stream_packetout(&stream->os, &packet) > 0) {
		if (inf->doneheaders < 3) {
			if (vorbis_synthesis_headerin(&inf->vi, &inf->vc, &packet) < 0) {
				warn(_("Warning: Could not decode vorbis header "
				       "packet - invalid vorbis stream (%d)\n"), stream->num);
			if (inf->doneheaders == 3) {
				if (ogg_page_granulepos(page) != 0 || ogg_stream_packetpeek(&stream->os, NULL) == 1)
					warn(_("Warning: Vorbis stream %d does not have headers "
					       "correctly framed. Terminal header page contains "
					       "additional packets or has non-zero granulepos\n"), stream->num);
				debug_printf("Vorbis headers parsed for stream %d, "
					     "information follows...\n", stream->num);

				debug_printf("Version: %d\n", inf->vi.version);
				k = 0;
				while (releases[k].vendor_string) {
					if (!strcmp(inf->vc.vendor, releases[k].vendor_string)) {
						debug_printf("Vendor: %s (%s)\n", inf->vc.vendor, releases[k].desc);
				if (!releases[k].vendor_string)
					debug_printf("Vendor: %s\n", inf->vc.vendor);
				debug_printf("Channels: %d\n", inf->vi.channels);
				debug_printf("Rate: %ld\n\n", inf->vi.rate);

				if (inf->vi.bitrate_nominal > 0)
					debug_printf("Nominal bitrate: %f kb/s\n",
						     (double)inf->vi.bitrate_nominal / 1000.0);
					debug_printf("Nominal bitrate not set\n");

				if (inf->vi.bitrate_upper > 0)
					debug_printf("Upper bitrate: %f kb/s\n",
						     (double)inf->vi.bitrate_upper / 1000.0);
					debug_printf("Upper bitrate not set\n");

				if (inf->vi.bitrate_lower > 0)
					debug_printf("Lower bitrate: %f kb/s\n",
						     (double)inf->vi.bitrate_lower / 1000.0);
					debug_printf("Lower bitrate not set\n");

				if (inf->vc.comments > 0)
					debug_printf("User comments section follows...\n");

				for (i = 0; i < inf->vc.comments; i++) {
					char *sep = strchr(inf->vc.user_comments[i], '=');
					char *decoded;
					int j;
					int broken = 0;
					unsigned char *val;
					int bytes;
					int remaining;

					if (sep == NULL) {
						warn(_("Warning: Comment %d in stream %d is invalidly "
						       "formatted, does not contain '=': \"%s\"\n"),
						     i, stream->num, inf->vc.user_comments[i]);

					for (j = 0; j < sep - inf->vc.user_comments[i]; j++) {
						if (inf->vc.user_comments[i][j] < 0x20 ||
						    inf->vc.user_comments[i][j] > 0x7D) {
							warn(_("Warning: Invalid comment fieldname in "
							       "comment %d (stream %d): \"%s\"\n"),
							     i, stream->num, inf->vc.user_comments[i]);
							broken = 1;

					if (broken)

					val = (unsigned char *)inf->vc.user_comments[i];

					j = sep - inf->vc.user_comments[i] + 1;
					while (j < inf->vc.comment_lengths[i]) {
						remaining = inf->vc.comment_lengths[i] - j;
						if ((val[j] & 0x80) == 0)
							bytes = 1;
						else if ((val[j] & 0x40) == 0x40) {
							if ((val[j] & 0x20) == 0)
								bytes = 2;
							else if ((val[j] & 0x10) == 0)
								bytes = 3;
							else if ((val[j] & 0x08) == 0)
								bytes = 4;
							else if ((val[j] & 0x04) == 0)
								bytes = 5;
							else if ((val[j] & 0x02) == 0)
								bytes = 6;
							else {
								warn(_("Warning: Illegal UTF-8 sequence in "
								       "comment %d (stream %d): length "
								       "marker wrong\n"), i, stream->num);
								broken = 1;
						} else {
							warn(_("Warning: Illegal UTF-8 sequence in comment "
							       "%d (stream %d): length marker wrong\n"),
							     i, stream->num);
							broken = 1;

						if (bytes > remaining) {
							warn(_("Warning: Illegal UTF-8 sequence in comment "
							       "%d (stream %d): too few bytes\n"), i, stream->num);
							broken = 1;

						switch (bytes) {
						case 1:
							/* No more checks needed */
						case 2:
							if ((val[j + 1] & 0xC0) != 0x80)
								broken = 1;
							if ((val[j] & 0xFE) == 0xC0)
								broken = 1;
						case 3:
							if (!((val[j] == 0xE0 && val[j + 1] >= 0xA0 &&
							       val[j + 1] <= 0xBF &&
							       (val[j + 2] & 0xC0) == 0x80) ||
							      (val[j] >= 0xE1 && val[j] <= 0xEC &&
							       (val[j + 1] & 0xC0) == 0x80 &&
							       (val[j + 2] & 0xC0) == 0x80) ||
							      (val[j] == 0xED && val[j + 1] >= 0x80 &&
							       val[j + 1] <= 0x9F &&
							       (val[j + 2] & 0xC0) == 0x80) ||
							      (val[j] >= 0xEE && val[j] <= 0xEF &&
							       (val[j + 1] & 0xC0) == 0x80 &&
							       (val[j + 2] & 0xC0) == 0x80)))
								broken = 1;
							if (val[j] == 0xE0 && (val[j + 1] & 0xE0) == 0x80)
								broken = 1;
						case 4:
							if (!((val[j] == 0xF0 && val[j + 1] >= 0x90 &&
							       val[j + 1] <= 0xBF &&
							       (val[j + 2] & 0xC0) == 0x80 &&
							       (val[j + 3] & 0xC0) == 0x80) ||
							      (val[j] >= 0xF1 && val[j] <= 0xF3 &&
							       (val[j + 1] & 0xC0) == 0x80 &&
							       (val[j + 2] & 0xC0) == 0x80 &&
							       (val[j + 3] & 0xC0) == 0x80) ||
							      (val[j] == 0xF4 && val[j + 1] >= 0x80 &&
							       val[j + 1] <= 0x8F &&
							       (val[j + 2] & 0xC0) == 0x80 &&
							       (val[j + 3] & 0xC0) == 0x80)))
								broken = 1;
							if (val[j] == 0xF0 && (val[j + 1] & 0xF0) == 0x80)
								broken = 1;
							/* 5 and 6 aren't actually allowed at this point */
						case 5:
							broken = 1;
						case 6:
							broken = 1;

						if (broken) {
							warn(_("Warning: Illegal UTF-8 sequence in comment "
							       "%d (stream %d): invalid sequence\n"), i, stream->num);
							broken = 1;

						j += bytes;

					if (!broken) {
						if (utf8_decode(sep + 1, &decoded) < 0) {
							warn(_("Warning: Failure in utf8 decoder. This "
							       "should be impossible\n"));
						*sep = 0;
						debug_printf("\t%s=%s\n", inf->vc.user_comments[i], decoded);

						/* GCS FIX: Need case insensitive compare */
						if (!strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "artist")
						    || !strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "ARTIST")
						    || !strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "Artist")) {
							/* GCS FIX: This is a bit funky, maybe I need 
							   to get rid of the ogg built-in utf8 decoder */
							gstring_from_string(rmi, ti->artist,
									    MAX_TRACK_LEN, decoded, CODESET_LOCALE);
						} else if (!strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "title")
							   || !strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "TITLE")
							   || !strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "Title")) {
							/* GCS FIX: This is a bit funky, maybe I need 
							   to get rid of the ogg built-in utf8 decoder */
							gstring_from_string(rmi, ti->title, MAX_TRACK_LEN,
									    decoded, CODESET_LOCALE);
							ti->have_track_info = 1;
						} else if (!strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "album")
							   || !strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "ALBUM")
							   || !strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "Album")) {
							/* GCS FIX: This is a bit funky, maybe I need 
							   to get rid of the ogg built-in utf8 decoder */
							gstring_from_string(rmi, ti->album, MAX_TRACK_LEN,
									    decoded, CODESET_LOCALE);
						} else if (!strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "tracknumber")
							   || !strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "TRACKNUMBER")
							   || !strcmp(inf->vc.user_comments[i], "Tracknumber")) {
							/* GCS FIX: This is a bit funky, maybe I need 
							   to get rid of the ogg built-in utf8 decoder */
							gstring_from_string(rmi, ti->track_p,
									    MAX_TRACK_LEN, decoded, CODESET_LOCALE);
				/* Done looping through vorbis comments.  If we didn't find 
				   a title, give a default title. */
				if (!ti->have_track_info) {
					strncpy(ti->title, "Title Unknown", MAX_TRACK_LEN);
					ti->have_track_info = 1;

	if (!header) {
		ogg_int64_t gp = ogg_page_granulepos(page);
		if (gp > 0) {
			if (gp < inf->lastgranulepos)
#ifdef _WIN32
				warn(_("Warning: granulepos in stream %d decreases from %I64d to %I64d"),
				     stream->num, inf->lastgranulepos, gp);
				warn(_("Warning: granulepos in stream %d decreases from %lld to %lld"),
				     stream->num, inf->lastgranulepos, gp);
			inf->lastgranulepos = gp;
		} else {
			     ("Negative granulepos on vorbis stream outside of headers. This file was created by a buggy encoder\n"));
		if (inf->firstgranulepos < 0) {	/* Not set yet */
		inf->bytes += page->header_len + page->body_len;
	return header;