Exemplo n.º 1
	JNIEnv* env,
	jclass cls,
	jlong _self
	GdkPixbuf* result;
	jlong _result;
	GtkWindow* self;

	// convert parameter self
	self = (GtkWindow*) _self;

	// call function
	result = gtk_window_get_icon(self);

	// cleanup parameter self

	// translate return value to JNI type
	_result = (jlong) result;

	// cleanup return value
	if (result != NULL) {
		bindings_java_memory_cleanup((GObject*)result, FALSE);

	// and finally
	return _result;
NS_IMETHODIMP Icon::Init(nsIDOMWindow *aWindow, const nsString& aTitle)
  nsresult rv;
  nsCOMPtr<nsIBaseWindow> baseWindow;
  rv = GetBaseWindow(aWindow, getter_AddRefs(baseWindow));

  nativeWindow native = 0;
  rv = baseWindow->GetParentNativeWindow(&native);

  // Get the window
  mGdkWindow = gdk_window_get_toplevel(reinterpret_cast<GdkWindow*>(native));
  if (!mGdkWindow) {

  // Get the widget and gtk window
  GtkWidget *widget;
  gdk_window_get_user_data(mGdkWindow, reinterpret_cast<gpointer*>(&widget));
  widget = gtk_widget_get_toplevel(widget);
  mGtkWindow = reinterpret_cast<GtkWindow*>(widget);

  // Set up tray icon
  mStatusIcon = gtk_status_icon_new();

  // Get the window icon and set it
  GdkPixbuf *buf = gtk_window_get_icon(mGtkWindow);
  if (buf) {
    gtk_status_icon_set_from_pixbuf(mStatusIcon, buf);
  } else {
    const gchar *iconname = gtk_window_get_icon_name(mGtkWindow);
    if (iconname)
      gtk_status_icon_set_from_icon_name(mStatusIcon, iconname);

  // Get and set the title
  if (aTitle.IsEmpty()) {
    gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text(mStatusIcon, gtk_window_get_title(mGtkWindow));
    gtk_widget_add_events(widget, GDK_PROPERTY_CHANGE_MASK);
    propertyEventId = g_signal_connect(mGtkWindow, "property-notify-event", G_CALLBACK(gtkPropertyEvent), this);
  else {
    NS_ConvertUTF16toUTF8 titleUTF8(aTitle);
    gtk_status_icon_set_tooltip_text(mStatusIcon, reinterpret_cast<const char*>(titleUTF8.get()));
    propertyEventId = 0;

  // Add signals
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mStatusIcon), "button-press-event", G_CALLBACK(gtkButtonEvent), this);
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(mStatusIcon), "button-release-event", G_CALLBACK(gtkButtonEvent), this);

  // Make visible
  gtk_status_icon_set_visible(mStatusIcon, 1);
  return NS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 3
static void
app_set_icon (GtkWindow *window)
  gtk_window_set_icon_name (window, "dia");
  if (!gtk_window_get_icon (window)) {
    GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline (-1, dia_app_icon, FALSE, NULL);
    if (pixbuf) {
      gtk_window_set_icon (window, pixbuf);
      g_object_unref (pixbuf);
Exemplo n.º 4
 * Centers a dialog, makes it transient, sets up the right window icon
void centerDialog(GtkWidget * parent, GtkWidget * child, bool set_transient_for)

	if (GTK_IS_DIALOG(child))
	if(GTK_IS_WINDOW(parent) != TRUE)
		parent  = gtk_widget_get_parent(parent);
	xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("center IS WIDGET_TOP_LEVL %d \n",(GTK_WIDGET_TOPLEVEL(parent))));
	xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("center IS WIDGET WINDOW %d \n",(GTK_IS_WINDOW(parent))));
	xxx_UT_DEBUGMSG(("center child IS WIDGET WINDOW %d \n",(GTK_IS_WINDOW(child))));
	if (set_transient_for)

	GdkPixbuf * icon = gtk_window_get_icon(GTK_WINDOW(parent));	
	if ( NULL != icon )
		gtk_window_set_icon(GTK_WINDOW(child), icon);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * @param ddisp The diagram display object that a window is created for
 * @param width Diagram widgth
 * @param height Diagram Height
 * @param title Window title
 * @param use_mbar Flag to indicate whether to add a menubar to the window
create_display_shell(DDisplay *ddisp,
		     int width, int height,
		     char *title, int use_mbar)
  GtkWidget *table, *widget;
  GtkWidget *status_hbox;
  GtkWidget *root_vbox = NULL;
  GtkWidget *zoom_hbox, *zoom_label;
  int s_width, s_height;

  if (app_is_interactive() && is_integrated_ui())
    use_integrated_ui_for_display_shell(ddisp, title);
  ddisp->is_standalone_window = TRUE;
  ddisp->container            = NULL;

  s_width = gdk_screen_width ();
  s_height = gdk_screen_height ();
  if (width > s_width)
    width = s_width;
  if (height > s_height)
    height = s_height;

  /*  The toplevel shell */
  ddisp->shell = gtk_window_new (GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
  gtk_window_set_title (GTK_WINDOW (ddisp->shell), title);
  gtk_window_set_role (GTK_WINDOW (ddisp->shell), "diagram_window");
  gtk_window_set_icon_name (GTK_WINDOW (ddisp->shell), "dia");
  gtk_window_set_default_size(GTK_WINDOW (ddisp->shell), width, height);
  /* set_icon_name needs registered theme icons, not always available: provide fallback */
  if (!gtk_window_get_icon (GTK_WINDOW (ddisp->shell))) {
    static GdkPixbuf *pixbuf = NULL;

    if (!pixbuf)
      pixbuf = gdk_pixbuf_new_from_inline(-1, dia_diagram_icon, FALSE, NULL);
    if (pixbuf)
      gtk_window_set_icon (GTK_WINDOW (ddisp->shell), pixbuf);

  g_object_set_data (G_OBJECT (ddisp->shell), "user_data", (gpointer) ddisp);

  _ddisplay_setup_events (ddisp, ddisp->shell);
  /* following two not shared with integrated UI */
  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (ddisp->shell), "delete_event",
		    G_CALLBACK (ddisplay_delete), ddisp);
  g_signal_connect (G_OBJECT (ddisp->shell), "destroy",
		    G_CALLBACK (ddisplay_destroy), ddisp);

  /*  the table containing all widgets  */
  table = gtk_table_new (4, 3, FALSE);
  gtk_table_set_col_spacing (GTK_TABLE (table), 0, 1);
  gtk_table_set_col_spacing (GTK_TABLE (table), 1, 2);
  gtk_table_set_row_spacing (GTK_TABLE (table), 0, 1);
  gtk_table_set_row_spacing (GTK_TABLE (table), 1, 2);
  gtk_container_set_border_width (GTK_CONTAINER (table), 2);
  if (use_mbar) 
      root_vbox = gtk_vbox_new (FALSE, 1);
      gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (ddisp->shell), root_vbox);
      gtk_box_pack_end (GTK_BOX (root_vbox), table, TRUE, TRUE, 0);
      gtk_container_add (GTK_CONTAINER (ddisp->shell), table);

  /*  scrollbars, rulers, canvas, menu popup button  */
  if (!use_mbar) {
      ddisp->origin = gtk_button_new();
      gtk_widget_set_can_focus (ddisp->origin, FALSE);
      widget = gtk_arrow_new(GTK_ARROW_RIGHT, GTK_SHADOW_OUT);
      gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(ddisp->origin), widget);
      gtk_widget_set_tooltip_text(widget, _("Diagram menu."));
      g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(ddisp->origin), "button_press_event",
		     G_CALLBACK(origin_button_press), ddisp);
  else {
      ddisp->origin = gtk_frame_new (NULL);
      gtk_frame_set_shadow_type (GTK_FRAME (ddisp->origin), GTK_SHADOW_OUT);
  _ddisplay_setup_rulers (ddisp, ddisp->shell, table);
  _ddisplay_setup_scrollbars (ddisp, table, width, height);
  _ddisplay_setup_navigation (ddisp, table);

  ddisp->canvas = create_canvas (ddisp);

  /*  pack all remaining widgets  */
  gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), ddisp->origin, 0, 1, 0, 1,
                    GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);
  gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), ddisp->canvas, 1, 2, 1, 2,
                    GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL,
                    GTK_EXPAND | GTK_SHRINK | GTK_FILL, 0, 0);

  /* TODO rob use per window accel */
  ddisp->accel_group = menus_get_display_accels ();
  gtk_window_add_accel_group(GTK_WINDOW(ddisp->shell), ddisp->accel_group);

  if (use_mbar) 
    ddisp->menu_bar = menus_create_display_menubar (&ddisp->ui_manager, &ddisp->actions);
    g_assert (ddisp->menu_bar);
    gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (root_vbox), ddisp->menu_bar, FALSE, TRUE, 0);

  /* the statusbars */
  status_hbox = gtk_hbox_new (FALSE, 2);

  /* Zoom status pseudo-optionmenu */
  ddisp->zoom_status = create_zoom_widget(ddisp);
  zoom_hbox = gtk_hbox_new(FALSE, 0);
  zoom_label = gtk_label_new(_("Zoom"));
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(zoom_hbox), zoom_label,
		      FALSE, FALSE, 0);
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX(zoom_hbox), ddisp->zoom_status,
		      FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (status_hbox), zoom_hbox, FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  /* Grid on/off button */
  ddisp->grid_status = dia_toggle_button_new_with_icons(dia_on_grid_icon,
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(ddisp->grid_status), "toggled",
		   G_CALLBACK (grid_toggle_snap), ddisp);
		       _("Toggles snap-to-grid for this window."));
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (status_hbox), ddisp->grid_status,
		      FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  ddisp->mainpoint_status = dia_toggle_button_new_with_icons(dia_mainpoints_on_icon,
  g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(ddisp->mainpoint_status), "toggled",
		   G_CALLBACK (interface_toggle_mainpoint_magnetism), ddisp);
		       _("Toggles object snapping for this window."));
  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (status_hbox), ddisp->mainpoint_status,
		      FALSE, FALSE, 0);

  /* Statusbar */
  ddisp->modified_status = gtk_statusbar_new ();

  gtk_box_pack_start (GTK_BOX (status_hbox), ddisp->modified_status,
		      TRUE, TRUE, 0);

  gtk_table_attach (GTK_TABLE (table), status_hbox, 0, 3, 3, 4,
                    GTK_FILL, GTK_FILL, 0, 0);

  display_rulers_show (ddisp);
  gtk_widget_show (ddisp->zoom_status);
  gtk_widget_show (zoom_hbox);
  gtk_widget_show (zoom_label);
  gtk_widget_show (ddisp->grid_status);
  gtk_widget_show (ddisp->mainpoint_status);
  gtk_widget_show (ddisp->modified_status);
  gtk_widget_show (status_hbox);
  gtk_widget_show (table);
  if (use_mbar) 
      gtk_widget_show (ddisp->menu_bar);
      gtk_widget_show (root_vbox);
  gtk_widget_show (ddisp->shell);

  /* before showing up, checking canvas's REAL size */
  if (use_mbar && ddisp->hrule->allocation.width > width) 
    /* The menubar is not shrinkable, so the shell will have at least
     * the menubar's width. If the diagram's requested width is smaller,
     * the canvas will be enlarged to fit the place. In this case, we
     * need to adjust the horizontal scrollbar according to the size
     * that will be allocated, which the same as the hrule got.

    width = ddisp->hrule->allocation.width;

    gtk_adjustment_set_upper (ddisp->hsbdata, width);
    gtk_adjustment_set_page_increment (ddisp->hsbdata, (width - 1) / 4);
    gtk_adjustment_set_page_size (ddisp->hsbdata, width - 1);

    gtk_adjustment_changed (GTK_ADJUSTMENT(ddisp->hsbdata));
  gtk_widget_show (ddisp->canvas);

  /*  set the focus to the canvas area  */
  gtk_widget_grab_focus (ddisp->canvas);