Exemplo n.º 1
	R call_in_ipc(const std::string& func_name, T* val, int size)
		int remote_proc = (int)GetProcAddress(hModule(), func_name.c_str());
			throw std::invalid_argument(std::string("No function ") + func_name + " found");

		return std::move(run<typename R, typename T, time_out>(hProcess(), remote_proc - (int)hModule(), func_name, val, size));
Exemplo n.º 2
void CCameraIO::FilterSet( short Slot )
	// Determine how far we have to move
	int Pos = Slot - m_FilterPosition;
	if (Pos < 0) Pos += NUM_POSITIONS;

	HANDLE hProcess(0);
	DWORD Class(0);

	if ( m_HighPriority )
	{	// Store current process class and priority
		hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
		Class = GetPriorityClass ( hProcess );
		SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS );

	for (int I = 0; I < Pos; I++)
		// Advance one position
		for (int J = 0; J < NUM_STEPS_PER_FILTER; J++)
			m_FilterStepPos += 1;
			if (m_FilterStepPos >= NUM_STEPS) m_FilterStepPos = 0;
			unsigned char Step = Steps[ m_FilterStepPos ];
			AuxOutput( Step );
			Sleep ( STEP_DELAY );

	if ( m_HighPriority ) SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, Class );

	m_FilterPosition = Slot;
Exemplo n.º 3
	Process Process::Create(const TChar* commandLine, CreationFlags flags)
		STARTUPINFO startupInfo = {0};
		startupInfo.cb = sizeof(startupInfo);

		PROCESS_INFORMATION processInfo = {0};
		String buffer(commandLine);

		BOOL success = CreateProcess(
			NULL,                    // The name of the module to be executed
			buffer.GetBuffer(),      // The command line to be executed
			NULL,                    // Process handle is not inheritable
			NULL,                    // Thread handle is not inheritable
			FALSE,                   // Set handle inheritance to FALSE
			(DWORD)flags,            // Creation flags
			NULL,                    // Use parent's environment block
			NULL,                    // Use parent's starting directory 
			&startupInfo,            // Pointer to STARTUPINFO structure
			&processInfo);           // Pointer to PROCESS_INFORMATION structure
		if (!success)

		Handle hThread(processInfo.hThread);
		Handle hProcess(processInfo.hProcess);
		return Process(processInfo.dwProcessId, std::move(hProcess));
Exemplo n.º 4
std::wstring ProcessInfo::GetProcessNameByPid(DWORD processId)
	Handle hProcess(::OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION, false, processId));
	if (hProcess)
		return GetProcessName(hProcess.get());

	return L"";
Exemplo n.º 5
	explicit RPC_caller(const TString& module_name) : hModule(LoadLibraryEx(module_name.c_str(), NULL, 0))
		entry.dwSize = sizeof(PROCESSENTRY32);

		HandleHolder snapshot(CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, NULL));

		if (Process32First(snapshot(), &entry) == TRUE)
			while (Process32Next(snapshot(), &entry) == TRUE)
				if (module_name.compare(entry.szExeFile) == 0)
					hProcess = OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE, entry.th32ProcessID);
						throw rpc_call_error(TString(_TEXT("Unable to open process ")) + module_name);
					base = this->GetModuleBase(hProcess(), module_name);
  if (mInjectorPath.IsEmpty())
    return NS_OK;

  nsAutoHandle hProcess(
                PROCESS_DUP_HANDLE |
                PROCESS_VM_OPERATION |
                PROCESS_VM_WRITE |
                PROCESS_VM_READ, FALSE, mPID));
  if (!hProcess) {
    NS_WARNING("Unable to open remote process handle for crashreporter injection.");
    return NS_OK;

  void* proc = LoadRemoteLibraryAndGetAddress(hProcess, mInjectorPath.get(),
  if (!proc) {
    NS_WARNING("Unable to inject crashreporter DLL.");
    return NS_OK;

  HANDLE hRemotePipe =
  if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE == hRemotePipe) {
    NS_WARNING("Unable to duplicate crash reporter pipe to process.");
    return NS_OK;

  nsAutoHandle hThread(CreateRemoteThread(hProcess, NULL, 0,
                                          (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE) proc,
                                          (void*) hRemotePipe, 0, NULL));
  if (!hThread) {
    NS_WARNING("Unable to CreateRemoteThread");

    // We have to close the remote pipe or else our crash generation client
    // will be stuck unable to accept other remote requests.
    if (DuplicateHandle(hProcess, hRemotePipe, ::GetCurrentProcess(),
                        &toClose, 0, FALSE,
      return NS_OK;

  return NS_OK;
Exemplo n.º 7
CHandle CHFServer::GetProcessId(std::string& sProcessName, DWORD& dwProcessID )
	DWORD aProcesses[2048], cbNeeded, cProcesses;
		return CHandle();
	dwProcessID = 0;

	unsigned int i;
	std::string sUpperCaseProcessName = utils::upcase(sProcessName);

	if ( !EnumProcesses( aProcesses, sizeof(aProcesses), &cbNeeded ) )
		return CHandle();

	// Calculate how many process identifiers were returned.

	cProcesses = cbNeeded / sizeof(DWORD);

	// Print the name and process identifier for each process.
 	for ( i = 0; i < cProcesses; i++ )
		char szProcessName[MAX_PATH] ={0};
		CHandle hProcess(OpenProcess( PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION | PROCESS_VM_READ,	FALSE, aProcesses[i] ));

		if (NULL != (HANDLE)hProcess )
			HMODULE hMod;
			DWORD cbNeeded;

			if ( EnumProcessModules( hProcess, &hMod, sizeof(hMod), &cbNeeded) )
				GetModuleBaseName( hProcess, hMod, szProcessName, sizeof(szProcessName));

				if(utils::upcase(std::string(szProcessName)) ==	sProcessName && aProcesses[i] != ::GetCurrentProcessId())
					dwProcessID = aProcesses[i];
					return hProcess;
	return CHandle();
Exemplo n.º 8
	Process Process::Run(const TChar* path, const TChar* params, const TChar* verb)

		info.cbSize = sizeof(info);
		info.lpFile = path;
		info.lpParameters = params;
		info.nShow = SW_SHOWNORMAL;
		info.lpVerb = verb ? verb : Text("open");

		BOOL success = ::ShellExecuteEx(&info);
		if (!success)
		Handle hProcess(info.hProcess);
		return Process(std::move(hProcess));
Exemplo n.º 9
bool CCameraIO::GetLine( unsigned short* pLineData, short& xSize )
        int i;

	if ( m_WaitingforLine )
	{	// In case application did not poll read_Status
		m_WaitingforLine = false;
		// Wait until camera is done clocking
		clock_t StopTime = clock() + CLOCKS_PER_SEC;	// wait at most one second
		while ( true )
			unsigned short val = 0;
			Read( Reg_Status, val );
			if ( ( val & RegBit_LineDone ) != 0 ) break;	// Line done
			if ( clock() > StopTime )
				return false;		// Timed out, no line available

	bool ret = false;	// assume failure

//        MaskIrqs();

	// NB Application must have allocated enough memory or else !!!
	if ( pLineData != NULL )
	        HANDLE hProcess(0);
		DWORD Class(0);
		if ( m_HighPriority )
		{	// Store current process class and priority
			hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
			Class = GetPriorityClass ( hProcess );
			SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS );

		long XPixels = long( m_ExposureNumX );
		long SkipPixels = long( m_ExposureSkipC );
		if ( ReadLine( SkipPixels, XPixels, pLineData ) )
		{	// Something went wrong
			xSize = 0;
			ret = false;
			xSize = m_ExposureNumX;

			if ( m_DataBits == 16 )
			{	// Take care of two's complement converters
				unsigned short *Ptr = pLineData;
				short *Ptr2 = (short *) pLineData;
				long Size = m_ExposureNumX;
				for (i = 0; i < Size; i++)
					*Ptr++ = (unsigned short) *Ptr2++ + 32768 ;
			ret = true;
		//Restore priority
		if ( m_HighPriority ) SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, Class );
//        UnmaskIrqs();
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 10
bool CCameraIO::GetImage( unsigned short* pImageData, short& xSize, short& ySize )
        int i;
	unsigned short BIC = m_ExposureBIC + m_ExposureStartX;

	// Update internal variables in case application did not poll read_Status
	m_WaitingforTrigger = false;
	m_WaitingforLine = false;

	if ( m_WaitingforImage )
	{	// In case application did not poll read_Status
		m_WaitingforImage = false;

		// Wait until camera is done flushing
		clock_t StopTime = clock() + long( m_Timeout * CLOCKS_PER_SEC );	// wait at most m_Timeout seconds
		while ( true )
			unsigned short val = 0;
			Read( Reg_Status, val );
			if ( ( val & RegBit_FrameDone ) != 0 ) break;
			if ( clock() > StopTime ) return false;		// Timed out

//        MaskIrqs();

	// Update our internal status
	unsigned short val = 0;
	Read( Reg_CommandReadback, val );
	if ( !( val & RegBit_ShutterOverride ) ) m_Shutter = false;

	LoadColumnLayout( m_ExposureAIC, BIC, (unsigned short) m_ExposureNumX + m_ExposureSkipC );

	if ( m_ExposureRemainingLines > 0 )
		LoadTimerAndBinning( 0.0, m_ExposureHFlush, m_ExposureRemainingLines );

		// Clock out the remaining lines
		m_RegShadow[ Reg_Command ] |= RegBit_StartNextLine;		// set bit to 1
		Write( Reg_Command, m_RegShadow[ Reg_Command ] );
		m_RegShadow[ Reg_Command ] &= ~RegBit_StartNextLine;	// set bit to 0
		Write( Reg_Command, m_RegShadow[ Reg_Command ] );

		// Wait until camera is done clocking
		clock_t StopTime = clock() + CLOCKS_PER_SEC;	// wait at most one second
		while ( true )
			unsigned short val = 0;
			Read( Reg_Status, val );
			if ( ( val & RegBit_LineDone ) != 0 ) break;	// Line done
			if ( clock() > StopTime )
				return false;		// Timed out, no image available

	LoadTimerAndBinning( 0.0, m_ExposureBinX, m_ExposureBinY );
	bool ret = false;	// assume failure

	// NB Application must have allocated enough memory or else !!!
	if ( pImageData != NULL )
	        HANDLE hProcess(0);
		DWORD Class(0);
		if ( m_HighPriority )
		{	// Store current process class and priority
			hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
			Class = GetPriorityClass ( hProcess );
			SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS );

		m_RegShadow[ Reg_Command ] |= RegBit_FIFOCache;		// set bit to 1
		Write( Reg_Command, m_RegShadow[ Reg_Command ] );

		long XPixels = long( m_ExposureNumX );
		long SkipPixels = long( m_ExposureSkipC );
		for (i = 0; i < m_ExposureSkipR; i++)
			if ( ReadLine( SkipPixels, XPixels, pImageData ) ) break;
		if ( i == m_ExposureSkipR )
		{	// We have skipped all the lines
			long YPixels = long( m_ExposureNumY );
			unsigned short* pLineBuffer = pImageData;
			for (i = 0; i < YPixels; i++)
				if ( ReadLine( SkipPixels, XPixels, pLineBuffer ) ) break;
				pLineBuffer += XPixels;

			if ( i == YPixels ) ret = true;		// We have read all the lines
		m_RegShadow[ Reg_Command ] &= ~RegBit_FIFOCache;	// set bit to 0
		Write( Reg_Command, m_RegShadow[ Reg_Command ] );

		//Restore priority
		if ( m_HighPriority ) SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, Class );

//        UnmaskIrqs();

	if ( ret )
	{	// We were successfull
		Flush( m_ExposureAIR );	// flush after imaging rows

		xSize = m_ExposureNumX;
		ySize = m_ExposureNumY;

		if ( m_DataBits == 16 )
		{	// Take care of two's complement converters
			unsigned short *Ptr = pImageData;
			short *Ptr2 = (short *) pImageData;
			long Size = m_ExposureNumX * m_ExposureNumY;
			for (i = 0; i < Size; i++)
				*Ptr++ = (unsigned short) *Ptr2++ + 32768 ;

	{	// Something went wrong
		xSize = 0;
		ySize = 0;
	Flush();		// start normal flushing
	return ret;
Exemplo n.º 11
bool CCameraIO::FilterHome()
  	HANDLE hProcess(0);
	DWORD Class(0);

	if ( m_HighPriority )
	{	// Store current process class and priority
		hProcess = GetCurrentProcess();
		Class = GetPriorityClass ( hProcess );
		SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS );

	// Find the home position
	m_FilterPosition = 0;
	int Safety = 0;
	for (int I = 0; I < NUM_POSITIONS * NUM_STEPS_PER_FILTER * 2; I++)
		// Advance the filter one step
		m_FilterStepPos += 1;
		if (m_FilterStepPos >= NUM_STEPS) m_FilterStepPos = 0;
		unsigned char Step = Steps[ m_FilterStepPos ];
		AuxOutput( Step );
		Sleep ( STEP_DELAY );

		// Check for strobe
		unsigned short val = 0;
		Read( Reg_Status, val );
		if ( val & RegBit_GotTrigger )
			// Cycle all the way around if it's on the first time
				if (++Safety > NUM_STEPS_PER_FILTER * 2) 
					// Restore normal priority
					if ( m_HighPriority ) SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, Class );
					return false;
				I = 0;

			// Continue cycling until we get clear of the opto mirror
			for (int J = 0; J < NUM_STEPS_PER_FILTER; J++)
				// Advance the filter one step
				m_FilterStepPos += 1;
				if (m_FilterStepPos >= NUM_STEPS) m_FilterStepPos = 0;
				unsigned char Step = Steps[ m_FilterStepPos ];
				AuxOutput( Step );
				Sleep ( STEP_DELAY );

				val = 0;
				Read( Reg_Status, val );
				if ( val & RegBit_GotTrigger )
					Sleep ( 10 );
					val = 0;
					Read( Reg_Status, val );
					if ( val & RegBit_GotTrigger )
						// Restore normal priority
						if ( m_HighPriority ) SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, Class );
						return true;

			// Restore normal priority
			if ( m_HighPriority ) SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, Class );
			return true;

	// Restore normal priority
	if ( m_HighPriority ) SetPriorityClass ( hProcess, Class );
	return false;
Exemplo n.º 12
void CProcNonExistTask::worker_func()
    InfoLog("proc non exist task worker thread func begin");

    while (true)
        std::vector<DWORD> pids;
        //todo: is exactly_match=false correct ?????
        find_pids_by_path(m_proc_path, pids, true, false);

        if (pids.empty())//non exist
            InfoLog(TSTR("can not find process[%s], try to execute function if has"), m_proc_path.c_str());
            if (m_f)
                catch (...)
                    ErrorLog("execute proc non exist task function exception");

            //sleep some while if function has done something which will effect later on
            const DWORD wait_result = WaitForSingleObject(m_exit_event.get_ref(), 1000);
            if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == wait_result)
                InfoLog("got exit notify");
            const DWORD pid = pids.at(0);
            scoped_handle<> hProcess(OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE, FALSE, pid));
            if (!hProcess.valid())
                ErrorLogLastErr("OpenProcess[%lu] fail", pid);

                const DWORD wait_result = WaitForSingleObject(m_exit_event.get_ref(), m_interval_seconds * 1000);
                if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == wait_result)
                    InfoLog("got exit notify");
                bool should_break = false;

                HANDLE pHandles[2] = {m_exit_event.get_ref(), hProcess.get_ref()};
                const DWORD wait_result = WaitForMultipleObjects(sizeof(pHandles) / sizeof(pHandles[0]),
                    pHandles, FALSE, INFINITE);
                switch (wait_result)
                case WAIT_OBJECT_0:
                    InfoLog("got exit notify");
                    should_break = true;

                case WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1:
                    InfoLog(TSTR("process[%s] exited"), m_proc_path.c_str());

                    ErrorLogLastErr("WaitForMultipleObjects fail, return code: %lu", wait_result);
                    //sleep some while for recover from error state
                    if (WAIT_OBJECT_0 == WaitForSingleObject(m_exit_event.get_ref(), 1000))
                        InfoLog("got exit notify");
                        should_break = true;

                if (should_break)

    InfoLog("proc non exist task worker thread func end");