Exemplo n.º 1
bool Raytracer::isInSpotlight(const GLight& light, const Vector3 w_i) const
	bool returnValue = false;

	// Spotlight
	const bool firstTerm = light.spotHalfAngle < halfPi();

	const float lightIn_dot_spotDirection = -w_i.dot(light.spotDirection);
	const float cosSpotHalfAngle = cosf(light.spotHalfAngle);
	const bool secondTerm = lightIn_dot_spotDirection < cosSpotHalfAngle;
	const bool outsideSpotLight = firstTerm && secondTerm;

	if (!outsideSpotLight)
		returnValue = true;

	return returnValue;
Exemplo n.º 2
void App::setViewer(const G3D::String& newFilename) {
    logPrintf("App::setViewer(\"%s\")\n", filename.c_str());
    drawMessage("Loading " + newFilename);
    filename = newFilename;

    m_debugCamera->setFrame(CFrame::fromXYZYPRDegrees(-11.8f,  25.2f,  31.8f, -23.5f, -39.0f,   0.0f));

    //modelController->setFrame(CoordinateFrame(Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3(0,1,0), toRadians(180))));
    delete viewer;
    viewer = NULL;

    if (filename == "<events>") {
        viewer = new EventViewer();
    } else {
        G3D::String ext = toLower(filenameExt(filename));
        G3D::String base = toLower(filenameBase(filename));
        if ((ext == "3ds")  ||
            (ext == "ifs")  ||
            (ext == "obj")  ||
            (ext == "ply2") ||
            (ext == "off")  ||
            (ext == "ply")  ||
            (ext == "bsp")  ||
            (ext == "stl")  ||
            (ext == "lwo")  ||
            (ext == "stla") ||
            (ext == "dae")  ||
            (ext == "fbx")  ||
            (ext == "any" && endsWith(base, ".material")) ||
            (ext == "any" && endsWith(base, ".universalmaterial")) ||
            ((ext == "any" && endsWith(base, ".am")) ||
             (ext == "any" && endsWith(base, ".articulatedmodel")))) {
            showDebugText = false;
            viewer = new ArticulatedViewer();
        } else if (Texture::isSupportedImage(filename)) {
            // Images can be either a Texture or a Sky, TextureViewer will figure it out
            viewer = new TextureViewer();
            // Angle the camera slightly so a sky/cube map doesn't see only 1 face
            m_debugController->setFrame(Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitY(), (float)halfPi() / 2.0f) * Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitX(), (float)halfPi() / 2.0f));
        } else if (ext == "fnt") {
            viewer = new FontViewer(debugFont);
/*        } else if (ext == "bsp") {
            viewer = new BSPViewer();
        } else if (ext == "md2") {
            viewer = new MD2Viewer();
        } else if (ext == "md3") {

            viewer = new MD3Viewer();

        } else if (ext == "gtm") {
            viewer = new GUIViewer(this);
        } else if (ext == "icn") {
            viewer = new IconSetViewer(debugFont);
        } else if (ext == "pk3") {
            // Something in Quake format - figure out what we should load
            Array <String> files;
            bool set = false;
            // First, try for a .bsp map
            G3D::String search = filename + "/maps/*";
            FileSystem::getFiles(search, files, true);
            for (int t = 0; t < files.length(); ++t) {
                if (filenameExt(files[t]) == "bsp") {
                    filename = files[t];
                    viewer = new ArticulatedViewer();
                    set = true;
            if (! set) {
                viewer = new EmptyViewer();
        } else if (ext == "avi" || ext == "wmv" || ext == "mp4" || ext == "asf" || 
                   (ext == "mov") || (ext == "dv") || (ext == "qt") || (ext == "asf") ||
                   (ext == "mpg")) {
            viewer = new VideoViewer();
        } else {
            viewer = new EmptyViewer();
    if (viewer != NULL) {
    if (filename != "") {
        if (filename == "<events>") {
            window()->setCaption("Events - G3D Viewer");
        } else {
            window()->setCaption(filenameBaseExt(filename) + " - G3D Viewer");
    logPrintf("Done App::setViewer(...)\n");
Exemplo n.º 3
void ShadowMap::computeMatrices
(const shared_ptr<Light>& light, 
 AABox          sceneBounds,
 CFrame&        lightFrame,
 Projection&    lightProjection,
 Matrix4&       lightProjectionMatrix,
 float          lightProjX,
 float          lightProjY,
 float          lightProjNearMin,
 float          lightProjFarMax,
 float          intensityCutoff) {

    if (! sceneBounds.isFinite() || sceneBounds.isEmpty()) {
        // Produce some reasonable bounds
        sceneBounds = AABox(Point3(-20, -20, -20), Point3(20, 20, 20));

    lightFrame = light->frame();

    if (light->type() == Light::Type::DIRECTIONAL) {
        Point3 center = sceneBounds.center();
        if (! center.isFinite()) {
            center = Point3::zero();
        // Move directional light away from the scene.  It must be far enough to see all objects
        lightFrame.translation = -lightFrame.lookVector() * 
            min(1e6f, max(sceneBounds.extent().length() / 2.0f, lightProjNearMin, 30.0f)) + center;

    const CFrame& f = lightFrame;

    float lightProjNear = finf();
    float lightProjFar  = 0.0f;

    // TODO: for a spot light, only consider objects this light can see

    // Find nearest and farthest corners of the scene bounding box
    for (int c = 0; c < 8; ++c) {
        const Vector3&  v        = sceneBounds.corner(c);
        const float     distance = -f.pointToObjectSpace(v).z;

        lightProjNear  = min(lightProjNear, distance);
        lightProjFar   = max(lightProjFar, distance);
    // Don't let the near get too close to the source, and obey
    // the specified hint.
    lightProjNear = max(lightProjNearMin, lightProjNear);

    // Don't bother tracking shadows past the effective radius
    lightProjFar = min(light->effectSphere(intensityCutoff).radius, lightProjFar);
    lightProjFar = max(lightProjNear + 0.1f, min(lightProjFarMax, lightProjFar));

    debugAssert(lightProjNear < lightProjFar);

    if (light->type() != Light::Type::DIRECTIONAL) {
        // TODO: Square spot

        // Spot light; we can set the lightProj bounds intelligently

        alwaysAssertM(light->spotHalfAngle() <= halfPi(), "Spot light with shadow map and greater than 180-degree bounds");

        // The cutoff is half the angle of extent (See the Red Book, page 193)
        const float angle = light->spotHalfAngle();

        lightProjX = tan(angle) * lightProjNear;
        // Symmetric in x and y
        lightProjY = lightProjX;

        lightProjectionMatrix = 
            (-lightProjX, lightProjX, -lightProjY, 
             lightProjY, lightProjNear, lightProjFar);

    } else if (light->type() == Light::Type::DIRECTIONAL) {
        // Directional light

        // Construct a projection and view matrix for the camera so we can 
        // render the scene from the light's point of view
        // Since we're working with a directional light, 
        // we want to make the center of projection for the shadow map
        // be in the direction of the light but at a finite distance 
        // to preserve z precision.
        lightProjectionMatrix = 
            (-lightProjX, lightProjX, -lightProjY, 
             lightProjY, lightProjNear, lightProjFar);

    } else {
        // Omni light.  Nothing good can happen here, but at least we
        // generate something

        lightProjectionMatrix =
            (-lightProjX, lightProjX, -lightProjY, 
             lightProjY, lightProjNear, lightProjFar);

    float fov = atan2(lightProjX, lightProjNear) * 2.0f;
    lightProjection.setFieldOfView(fov, FOVDirection::HORIZONTAL);
Exemplo n.º 4
void App::setViewer(const std::string& newFilename) {
    filename = newFilename;
    //modelController->setFrame(CoordinateFrame(Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3(0,1,0), toRadians(180))));
    delete viewer;
    viewer = NULL;
    std::string ext = toLower(filenameExt(filename));
    std::string base = toLower(filenameBase(filename));
    if ((ext == "3ds") ||
        (ext == "ifs") ||
        (ext == "obj") ||
        (ext == "ply2") ||
        (ext == "off") ||
        (ext == "ply") ||
        (ext == "any" && endsWith(base, ".am"))) {
        viewer = new ArticulatedViewer();
    } else if (Texture::isSupportedImage(filename)) {
        // Images can be either a Texture or a Sky, TextureViewer will figure it out
        viewer = new TextureViewer();

		// Angle the camera slightly so a sky/cube map doesn't see only 1 face
		defaultController->setFrame(Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitY(), halfPi() / 2.0) * Matrix3::fromAxisAngle(Vector3::unitX(), halfPi() / 2.0));

    } else if (ext == "fnt") {
        viewer = new FontViewer(debugFont);
    } else if (ext == "bsp") {
        viewer = new BSPViewer();
    } else if (ext == "md2") {
        viewer = new MD2Viewer();
    } else if (ext == "gtm") {
        viewer = new GUIViewer(this);

    } else if (ext == "icn") {
        viewer = new IconSetViewer(debugFont);
    } else if (ext == "pk3") {
        // Something in Quake format - figure out what we should load
        Array <std::string> files;
        bool set = false;
        // First, try for a .bsp map
        std::string search = filename + "/maps/*";
        FileSystem::getFiles(search, files, true);

        for (int t = 0; t < files.length(); ++t) {
            if (filenameExt(files[t]) == "bsp") {
                filename = files[t];
                viewer = new BSPViewer();
                set = true;
        if (!set) {
            viewer = new EmptyViewer();

    } else if (ext == "avi" || ext == "wmv" || ext == "mp4" || ext == "asf" || 
               (ext == "mov") || (ext == "dv") || (ext == "qt") || (ext == "asf") ||
               (ext == "mpg")) {
        viewer = new VideoViewer();

    } else {
        viewer = new EmptyViewer();

    if (viewer != NULL) {
    window()->setCaption(filenameBaseExt(filename) + " - G3D Viewer");