void convolve(const ImageStackT& _image, const ImageStackT& _kernel,
              ImageStackT& _result, const std::vector<DimT>& _offset) {

  if (!_image.num_elements()) return;

  std::vector<DimT> half_kernel(3);
  for (unsigned i = 0; i < 3; ++i) half_kernel[i] = _kernel.shape()[i] / 2;

  float image_value = 0;
  float kernel_value = 0;
  float value = 0;

  for (int image_z = _offset[0]; image_z < int(_image.shape()[0] - _offset[0]);
       ++image_z) {
    for (int image_y = _offset[1];
         image_y < int(_image.shape()[1] - _offset[1]); ++image_y) {
      for (int image_x = _offset[2];
           image_x < int(_image.shape()[2] - _offset[2]); ++image_x) {

        _result[image_z][image_y][image_x] = 0.f;

        image_value = 0;
        kernel_value = 0;
        value = 0;

        // TODO: adapt loops to storage order for the sake of speed (if so,
        // prefetch line to use SIMD)
        for (int kernel_z = 0; kernel_z < int(_kernel.shape()[0]); ++kernel_z) {
          for (int kernel_y = 0; kernel_y < int(_kernel.shape()[1]);
               ++kernel_y) {
            for (int kernel_x = 0; kernel_x < int(_kernel.shape()[2]);
                 ++kernel_x) {

              kernel_value = _kernel[_kernel.shape()[0] - 1 - kernel_z]
                                    [_kernel.shape()[1] - 1 - kernel_y]
                                    [_kernel.shape()[2] - 1 - kernel_x];
              image_value = _image[image_z - half_kernel[0] + kernel_z]
                                  [image_y - half_kernel[1] + kernel_y]
                                  [image_x - half_kernel[2] + kernel_x];

              value += kernel_value * image_value;
        _result[image_z][image_y][image_x] = value;
Exemplo n.º 2
    void convolve(CImageStackT& _image, 
		  CImageStackT& _kernel, 
		  ImageStackT& _result,
		  const std::vector<DimT>& _offset){


      std::vector<DimT> half_kernel(3);
      for(unsigned i = 0;i<3;++i)
	half_kernel[i] = _kernel.shape()[i]/2;

      float image_value = 0;    
      float kernel_value = 0;    
      float value = 0;    

      for(int image_z = _offset[2];image_z<int(_image.shape()[2]-_offset[2]);++image_z){
	for(int image_y = _offset[1];image_y<int(_image.shape()[1]-_offset[1]);++image_y){
	  for(int image_x = _offset[0];image_x<int(_image.shape()[0]-_offset[0]);++image_x){

	    _result[image_x][image_y][image_z] = 0.f;
	    image_value = 0;    
	    kernel_value = 0;   
	    value = 0;          
	    for(int kernel_z = 0;kernel_z<int(_kernel.shape()[2]);++kernel_z){
	      for(int kernel_y = 0;kernel_y<int(_kernel.shape()[1]);++kernel_y){
		for(int kernel_x = 0;kernel_x<int(_kernel.shape()[0]);++kernel_x){

		  kernel_value  =  _kernel[_kernel.shape()[0]-1-kernel_x][_kernel.shape()[1]-1-kernel_y][_kernel.shape()[2]-1-kernel_z]	;
		  image_value   =  _image[image_x-half_kernel[0]+kernel_x][image_y-half_kernel[1]+kernel_y][image_z-half_kernel[2]+kernel_z]		;

		  value += kernel_value*image_value;
	    _result[image_x][image_y][image_z] = value;
