Exemplo n.º 1
//      フォトンレイを生成します.
void genp( Ray* pr, Vector3* f, int i )
    // generate a photon ray from the point light source with QMC

    (*f) = Vector3( 2500, 2500, 2500 ) * ( D_PI * 4.0 ); // flux
    auto p  = 2.0 * D_PI * halton( 0, i );
    auto t  = 2.0 * acos( sqrt(1. - halton( 1, i ) ));
    auto st = sin( t );

    pr->dir = Vector3( cos( p ) * st, cos( t ), sin( p ) * st );
    pr->pos = Vector3( 50, 60, 85 );
Exemplo n.º 2
int rrglib::sampler_halton<typeparams,NUM_DIMENSIONS>
::sample (state_t **state_sample_out) {

    if (NUM_DIMENSIONS <= 0)
        return 0;

    state_t *state_new = new state_t;

    double halton_sample[NUM_DIMENSIONS];

    halton (halton_sample);

    // Generate an independent random variable for each axis.
    for (int i = 0; i < NUM_DIMENSIONS; i++)
        (*state_new)[i] = support.size[i] * halton_sample[i] - support.size[i]/2.0 + support.center[i];

    *state_sample_out = state_new;

    return 1;
Exemplo n.º 3
gretl_matrix *halton_matrix (int m, int r, int offset, int *err)
    const int bases[] = {
	2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31,
	37, 41, 43, 47, 53, 59, 61, 67, 71, 73,
	79, 83, 89, 97, 101, 103, 107, 109, 113,
	127, 131, 137, 139, 149, 151, 157, 163,
	167, 173, 179, 181
    gretl_matrix *H;
    double hij;
    int i, j, k, n;

    if (m > 40 || offset < 0 || m <= 0 || r <= 0) {
	*err = E_DATA;
	return NULL;
    H = gretl_matrix_alloc(m, r);
    if (H == NULL) {
	*err = E_ALLOC;
	return NULL;
    /* we'll discard the first @offset elements */
    n = r + offset;

    for (i=0; i<m; i++) {
	j = 0;
	for (k=1; k<n; k++) {
	    hij = halton(k, bases[i]);
	    if (k >= offset) {
		gretl_matrix_set(H, i, j++, hij);

    return H;
Exemplo n.º 4
void PhotonShootingTask::Run() {
    // Declare local variables for _PhotonShootingTask_
    MemoryArena arena;
    RNG rng(31 * taskNum);
    vector<Photon> localDirectPhotons, localIndirectPhotons, localCausticPhotons;
    vector<RadiancePhoton> localRadiancePhotons;
    uint32_t totalPaths = 0;
    bool causticDone = (integrator->nCausticPhotonsWanted == 0);
    bool indirectDone = (integrator->nIndirectPhotonsWanted == 0);
    PermutedHalton halton(6, rng);
    vector<Spectrum> localRpReflectances, localRpTransmittances;
    while (true) {
        // Follow photon paths for a block of samples
        const uint32_t blockSize = 4096;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blockSize; ++i) {
            float u[6];
            halton.Sample(++totalPaths, u);
            // Choose light to shoot photon from
            float lightPdf;
            int lightNum = lightDistribution->SampleDiscrete(u[0], &lightPdf);
            const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];

            // Generate _photonRay_ from light source and initialize _alpha_
            RayDifferential photonRay;
            float pdf;
            LightSample ls(u[1], u[2], u[3]);
            Normal Nl;
            Spectrum Le = light->Sample_L(scene, ls, u[4], u[5],
                                          time, &photonRay, &Nl, &pdf);
            if (pdf == 0.f || Le.IsBlack()) continue;
            Spectrum alpha = (AbsDot(Nl, photonRay.d) * Le) / (pdf * lightPdf);
            if (!alpha.IsBlack()) {
                // Follow photon path through scene and record intersections
                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_STARTED_RAY_PATH(&photonRay, &alpha);
                bool specularPath = true;
                Intersection photonIsect;
                int nIntersections = 0;
                while (scene->Intersect(photonRay, &photonIsect)) {
                    // Handle photon/surface intersection
                    alpha *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, photonRay, NULL, rng, arena);
                    BSDF *photonBSDF = photonIsect.GetBSDF(photonRay, arena);
                    BxDFType specularType = BxDFType(BSDF_REFLECTION |
                                            BSDF_TRANSMISSION | BSDF_SPECULAR);
                    bool hasNonSpecular = (photonBSDF->NumComponents() >
                    Vector wo = -photonRay.d;
                    if (hasNonSpecular) {
                        // Deposit photon at surface
                        Photon photon(photonIsect.dg.p, alpha, wo);
                        bool depositedPhoton = false;
                        if (specularPath && nIntersections > 1) {
                            if (!causticDone) {
                                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_CAUSTIC_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo);
                                depositedPhoton = true;
                        else {
                            // Deposit either direct or indirect photon
                            // stop depositing direct photons once indirectDone is true; don't
                            // want to waste memory storing too many if we're going a long time
                            // trying to get enough caustic photons desposited.
                            if (nIntersections == 1 && !indirectDone && integrator->finalGather) {
                                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_DIRECT_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo);
                                depositedPhoton = true;
                            else if (nIntersections > 1 && !indirectDone) {
                                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_DEPOSITED_INDIRECT_PHOTON(&photonIsect.dg, &alpha, &wo);
                                depositedPhoton = true;

                        // Possibly create radiance photon at photon intersection point
                        if (depositedPhoton && integrator->finalGather &&
                                rng.RandomFloat() < .125f) {
                            Normal n = photonIsect.dg.nn;
                            n = Faceforward(n, -photonRay.d);
                            localRadiancePhotons.push_back(RadiancePhoton(photonIsect.dg.p, n));
                            Spectrum rho_r = photonBSDF->rho(rng, BSDF_ALL_REFLECTION);
                            Spectrum rho_t = photonBSDF->rho(rng, BSDF_ALL_TRANSMISSION);
                    if (nIntersections >= integrator->maxPhotonDepth) break;

                    // Sample new photon ray direction
                    Vector wi;
                    float pdf;
                    BxDFType flags;
                    Spectrum fr = photonBSDF->Sample_f(wo, &wi, BSDFSample(rng),
                                                       &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);
                    if (fr.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) break;
                    Spectrum anew = alpha * fr *
                        AbsDot(wi, photonBSDF->dgShading.nn) / pdf;

                    // Possibly terminate photon path with Russian roulette
                    float continueProb = min(1.f, anew.y() / alpha.y());
                    if (rng.RandomFloat() > continueProb)
                    alpha = anew / continueProb;
                    specularPath &= ((flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0);
                    if (indirectDone && !specularPath) break;
                    photonRay = RayDifferential(photonIsect.dg.p, wi, photonRay,
                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_FINISHED_RAY_PATH(&photonRay, &alpha);

        // Merge local photon data with data in _PhotonIntegrator_
        { MutexLock lock(mutex);

        // Give up if we're not storing enough photons
        if (abortTasks)
        if (nshot > 500000 &&
                                      causticPhotons.size(), blockSize) ||
                                      indirectPhotons.size(), blockSize))) {
            Error("Unable to store enough photons.  Giving up.\n");
            causticPhotons.erase(causticPhotons.begin(), causticPhotons.end());
            indirectPhotons.erase(indirectPhotons.begin(), indirectPhotons.end());
            radiancePhotons.erase(radiancePhotons.begin(), radiancePhotons.end());
            abortTasks = true;
        progress.Update(localIndirectPhotons.size() + localCausticPhotons.size());
        nshot += blockSize;

        // Merge indirect photons into shared array
        if (!indirectDone) {
            integrator->nIndirectPaths += blockSize;
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localIndirectPhotons.size(); ++i)
            if (indirectPhotons.size() >= integrator->nIndirectPhotonsWanted)
                indirectDone = true;
            nDirectPaths += blockSize;
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localDirectPhotons.size(); ++i)

        // Merge direct, caustic, and radiance photons into shared array
        if (!causticDone) {
            integrator->nCausticPaths += blockSize;
            for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localCausticPhotons.size(); ++i)
            localCausticPhotons.erase(localCausticPhotons.begin(), localCausticPhotons.end());
            if (causticPhotons.size() >= integrator->nCausticPhotonsWanted)
                causticDone = true;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRadiancePhotons.size(); ++i)
        localRadiancePhotons.erase(localRadiancePhotons.begin(), localRadiancePhotons.end());
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRpReflectances.size(); ++i)
        localRpReflectances.erase(localRpReflectances.begin(), localRpReflectances.end());
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < localRpTransmittances.size(); ++i)
        localRpTransmittances.erase(localRpTransmittances.begin(), localRpTransmittances.end());

        // Exit task if enough photons have been found
        if (indirectDone && causticDone)
Exemplo n.º 5
//      レイを追跡します.
void trace( const Ray &r, int dpt, bool m, const Vector3 &fl, const Vector3 &adj, int i )
    double t;
    int id;

    if (!intersect(r, t, id) || (dpt >= 20))

    auto d3 = dpt * 3;
    const auto &obj = sph[ id ];
    auto x  = r.pos + r.dir*t, n = normalize( x - obj.pos );
    auto f  = obj.color;
    auto nl = ( dot(n, r.dir ) < 0 ) ? n : n*-1;
    auto p  = ( f.x > f.y && f.x > f.z ) ? f.x : ( f.y > f.z ) ? f.y : f.z;

    if ( obj.type == MaterialType::Matte )
        if (m) 
            // eye ray
            // store the measurment point
            auto hp = new HitRecord;
            hp->f = mul(f,adj);
            hp->pos = x;
            hp->nrm = n;
            hp->idx = i;
            hitpoints.push_back( hp );

            // find the bounding box of all the measurement points
            hpbbox.merge( x );
            // photon ray
            // find neighboring measurement points and accumulate flux via progressive density estimation
            auto hh = (x - hpbbox.mini) * hash_s;
            auto ix = abs(int(hh.x));
            auto iy = abs(int(hh.y));
            auto iz = abs(int(hh.z));
            // strictly speaking, we should use #pragma omp critical here.
            // it usually works without an artifact due to the fact that photons are 
            // rarely accumulated to the same measurement points at the same time (especially with QMC).
            // it is also significantly faster.
                auto list = hash_grid[ hash( ix, iy, iz ) ];
                for( auto itr = list.begin(); itr != list.end(); itr++ )
                    auto hp = (*itr);
                    auto v = hp->pos - x;
                    // check normals to be closer than 90 degree (avoids some edge brightning)
                    if ((dot(hp->nrm,n) > 1e-3) && (dot(v,v) <= hp->r2))
                        // unlike N in the paper, hp->n stores "N / ALPHA" to make it an integer value
                        auto g = (hp->n * ALPHA + ALPHA ) / ( hp->n * ALPHA + 1.0 );
                        hp->r2 = hp->r2 * g;
                        hp->flux = ( hp->flux + mul( hp->f, fl ) / D_PI ) * g;

            // use QMC to sample the next direction
            auto r1  = 2.0 * D_PI * halton( d3 - 1, i );
            auto r2  = halton( d3 + 0, i );
            auto r2s = sqrt( r2 );
            auto w   = nl;
            auto u   = normalize(cross((fabs(w.x) > .1 ? Vector3(0, 1, 0) : Vector3(1, 0, 0)), w));
            auto v   = cross( w, u );
            auto d   = normalize( u * cos( r1 ) * r2s + v * sin( r1 ) * r2s + w * sqrt( 1 - r2 ));

            if ( halton( d3 + 1, i ) < p )
                trace(Ray(x, d), dpt, m, mul(f,fl)*(1. / p), mul(f, adj), i);

    else if ( obj.type == MaterialType::Mirror )
        trace(Ray(x, reflect(r.dir, n)), dpt, m, mul(f,fl), mul(f,adj), i);
        Ray lr( x, reflect( r.dir, n ) );
        auto into  = dot(n, nl ) > 0.0;
        auto nc    = 1.0;
        auto nt    = 1.5;
        auto nnt   = (into) ? nc / nt : nt / nc;
        auto ddn   = dot( r.dir, nl );
        auto cos2t = 1 - nnt * nnt * ( 1 - ddn * ddn );

        // total internal reflection
        if (cos2t < 0)
            return trace(lr, dpt, m, mul(f, fl), mul(f, adj), i);

        auto td = normalize(r.dir * nnt - n * ( ( into ? 1 : -1 ) * ( ddn * nnt + sqrt( cos2t ))));
        auto a  = nt - nc;
        auto b  = nt + nc;
        auto R0 = a * a / ( b * b );
        auto c  = 1 - (into ? -ddn : dot(td, n));
        auto Re = R0 + (1 - R0) * c * c * c * c * c;
        auto P  = Re;
        Ray  rr(x, td);
        auto fa  = mul( f, adj );
        auto ffl = mul( f, fl  );

        if (m) 
            // eye ray (trace both rays)
            trace( lr, dpt, m, ffl, fa * Re, i );
            trace( rr, dpt, m, ffl, fa * (1.0 - Re), i );
            // photon ray (pick one via Russian roulette)
            ( halton( d3 - 1, i ) < P ) 
                ? trace( lr, dpt, m, ffl, fa * Re, i )
                : trace( rr, dpt, m, ffl, fa * (1.0 - Re), i );
Exemplo n.º 6
void LightShootingTask::Run() {
    // tady by mel byt kod z photon mappingu

    MemoryArena arena;
    uint32_t totalPaths = 0;
    RNG rng(seed);
    PermutedHalton halton(6, rng);
    while (true) {
        // Follow photon paths for a block of samples
        const uint32_t blockSize = 4096;
        for (uint32_t i = 0; i < blockSize; ++i) {
            float u[6];
            halton.Sample(++totalPaths, u);
            // Choose light to shoot photon from
            float lightPdf;
            int lightNum = lightDistribution->SampleDiscrete(u[0], &lightPdf);
            const Light *light = scene->lights[lightNum];

            // Generate _photonRay_ from light source and initialize _alpha_
            RayDifferential photonRay;
            float pdf;
            LightSample ls(u[1], u[2], u[3]);
            Normal Nl;
            Spectrum Le = light->Sample_L(scene, ls, u[4], u[5],time, &photonRay, &Nl, &pdf);
            if (pdf == 0.f || Le.IsBlack()) continue;
            Spectrum alpha = (AbsDot(Nl, photonRay.d) * Le) / (pdf * lightPdf);

            if (!alpha.IsBlack()) {
                // Follow photon path through scene and record intersections
                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_STARTED_RAY_PATH(&photonRay, &alpha);
                bool specularPath = true;
                Intersection photonIsect;
                int nIntersections = 0;
                while (scene->Intersect(photonRay, &photonIsect)) {
                    //MC tady by mel byt i kod pro volumetriku

                    // Handle photon/surface intersection
                    // alpha *= renderer->Transmittance(scene, photonRay, NULL, rng, arena);
                    BSDF *photonBSDF = photonIsect.GetBSDF(photonRay, arena);

                    Vector wo = -photonRay.d;
                    //MC tady se ukladaly photony takze tady bych mel ukladat samples do filmu kamery
                    //  // Deposit photon at surface
                    //Photon photon(photonIsect.dg.p, alpha, wo);
                    //tuhle metodu chci pouzit

                    if (nIntersections >= maxDepth) break;

                    // Sample new photon ray direction
                    Vector wi;
                    float pdf;
                    BxDFType flags;
                    Spectrum fr = photonBSDF->Sample_f(wo, &wi, BSDFSample(rng),
                                                       &pdf, BSDF_ALL, &flags);

                    if (fr.IsBlack() || pdf == 0.f) break;
                    Spectrum anew = alpha * fr *
                                    AbsDot(wi, photonBSDF->dgShading.nn) / pdf;

                    // Possibly terminate photon path with Russian roulette
                    float continueProb = min(1.f, anew.y() / alpha.y());
                    if (rng.RandomFloat() > continueProb)
                    alpha = anew / continueProb;
                    specularPath &= ((flags & BSDF_SPECULAR) != 0);

                    photonRay = RayDifferential(photonIsect.dg.p, wi, photonRay,

                PBRT_PHOTON_MAP_FINISHED_RAY_PATH(&photonRay, &alpha);


        //termination criteria ???
        if (totalPaths==maxPathCount) {