Exemplo n.º 1
void read_game_init_script()
    char cwd[BUFF_LEN];

    if ( getcwd( cwd, BUFF_LEN ) == NULL ) {
	handle_system_error( 1, "getcwd failed" );

    if ( chdir( getparam_data_dir() ) != 0 ) {
	/* Print a more informative warning since this is a common error */
	    1, "Can't find the tuxracer data "
	    "directory.  Please check the\nvalue of `data_dir' in "
	    "~/.tuxracer/options and set it to the location where you\n"
	    "installed the TRWC-data files.\n\n"
	    "Couldn't chdir to %s", getparam_data_dir() );

    if ( Tcl_EvalFile( g_game.tcl_interp, GAME_INIT_SCRIPT) == TCL_ERROR ) {
        handle_error( 1, "error evalating %s/%s: %s\n"
		      "Please check the value of `data_dir' in ~/.tuxracer/options "
		      "and make sure it\npoints to the location of the "
		      "latest version of the TRWC-data files.", 
		      getparam_data_dir(), GAME_INIT_SCRIPT, 
		      Tcl_GetStringResult( g_game.tcl_interp ) );

    check_assertion( !Tcl_InterpDeleted( g_game.tcl_interp ),
		     "Tcl interpreter deleted" );

    if ( chdir( cwd ) != 0 ) {
	handle_system_error( 1, "couldn't chdir to %s", cwd );
Exemplo n.º 2
void load_tux()
    char cwd[BUFF_LEN];

    if ( tuxLoaded == True ) 

    tuxLoaded = True;

    registerHierCallbacks( g_game.tcl_interp );
    register_tux_callbacks( g_game.tcl_interp );


    if ( getcwd( cwd, BUFF_LEN ) == NULL ) {
	handle_system_error( 1, "getcwd failed" );

    if ( chdir( getparam_data_dir() ) != 0 ) {
	/* Print a more informative warning since this is a common error */
	    1, "Can't find the tuxracer data "
	    "directory.  Please check the\nvalue of `data_dir' in "
	    "~/.tuxracer/options and set it to the location where you\n"
	    "installed the TRWC-data files.\n\n"
	    "Couldn't chdir to %s", getparam_data_dir() );
        handle_system_error( 1, "couldn't chdir to %s", getparam_data_dir() );

    if ( Tcl_EvalFile( g_game.tcl_interp, "tux.tcl") == TCL_ERROR ) {
        handle_error( 1, "error evalating %s/tux.tcl: %s\n"
		      "Please check the value of `data_dir' in ~/.tuxracer/options "
		      "and make sure it\npoints to the location of the "
		      "latest version of the TRWC-data files.", 
		      Tcl_GetStringResult( g_game.tcl_interp ) );

    check_assertion( !Tcl_InterpDeleted( g_game.tcl_interp ),
		     "Tcl interpreter deleted" );

    if ( chdir( cwd ) != 0 ) {
	handle_system_error( 1, "couldn't chdir to %s", cwd );
Exemplo n.º 3
inline void rawsocket_connection::receive_handshake_handler(
        const boost::system::error_code& error_code, size_t bytes_transferred)
    if (error_code) {

    assert(bytes_transferred == sizeof(m_capabilities));
    const auto& handshake_handler = get_handshake_handler();
    handshake_handler(shared_from_this(), ntohl(m_capabilities));
Exemplo n.º 4
inline bool rawsocket_connection::send_message(const char* message, size_t length)
    boost::system::error_code error_code;

    // First write the message length prefix.
    uint32_t length_prefix = htonl(length);
    write(&length_prefix, sizeof(length_prefix), error_code);
    if (error_code) {
        return false;

    // Then write the actual message.
    write(message, length, error_code);
    if (error_code) {
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
inline bool rawsocket_connection::send_handshake(uint32_t capabilities)
    boost::system::error_code error_code;
    write(&capabilities, sizeof(capabilities), error_code);

    if (error_code) {
        return false;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
inline void rawsocket_connection::receive_message_body_handler(
        const boost::system::error_code& error_code, size_t bytes_transferred)
    if (error_code) {

    const auto& message_handler = get_message_handler();
    message_handler(shared_from_this(), m_message_buffer.data(), bytes_transferred);

Exemplo n.º 7
inline void rawsocket_connection::receive_message_header_handler(
        const boost::system::error_code& error_code, size_t bytes_transferred)
    if (error_code) {

    // Convert the message length to host order for convenience.
    uint32_t message_length = ntohl(m_message_length);

    // We cannot be guaranteed that a client implementation won't accidentally
    // introduce this protocol violation. In the event that we ever encounter
    // a message that reports a zero length we fail that connection gracefully.
    static const uint32_t MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH = 16*1024*1024; // 16MB
    if (message_length == 0 || message_length > MAX_MESSAGE_LENGTH) {
        BONEFISH_TRACE("invalid message length: %1%", message_length);
        const auto& fail_handler = get_fail_handler();
        fail_handler(shared_from_this(), "invalid message length");


    std::weak_ptr<rawsocket_connection> weak_self =

    auto handler = [weak_self](
            const boost::system::error_code& error_code, size_t bytes_transferred) {
        auto shared_self = weak_self.lock();
        if (shared_self) {
            shared_self->receive_message_body_handler(error_code, bytes_transferred);

    async_read(m_message_buffer.data(), message_length, handler);
void process_all_events(void)

	if(reset_mac_trylock() == 0)
	atomic_set(&g_event_cnt, get_total_num_pending_events());
    while(atomic_read(&g_event_cnt) > 0)

	if (mutex_is_locked(&suspend_mutex) || (g_wifi_suspend_status != wifi_suspend_nosuspend)) {
		//libing, 20140114, fix fake connection
		pr_info("We can't do %s during suspending, g_wifi_suspend_status = %d\n", __func__, g_wifi_suspend_status);
        /* Process pending events in the event queues */
	if (counter_tmpr++ > 100)//by lihua
		counter_tmpr = 0;
			if(g_wifi_power_mode != WIFI_NORMAL_POWER_MODE)
				pr_info("We can't do %s during low power mode, g_wifi_suspend_status = %d\n", __func__, g_wifi_suspend_status);

        /* Handle lack of memory for WLAN Rx packets */
//        handle_rxq_replenishment();
#endif /* MAC_HW_UNIT_TEST_MODE */

        /* Find the STA with maximum PS buffers  */
#endif /* ENABLE_PS_PKT_FLUSH */

#ifdef INT_WPS_SUPP //wxb add
    /* Handle scan request from user/protocol */
    if(g_wps_scan_req_from_user == BTRUE)// caisf add for fix wps scan bug. 1121
        handle_start_scan_req();//may be reset_mac
        g_wps_scan_req_from_user = BFALSE;
#endif /* ifdef INT_WPS_SUPP  */

        /* Service Watchdog */

	//chenq add 2012-11-02
//	if((BOOL_T)atomic_read(&g_mac_reset_done) == BFALSE)	//shield by chengwg, 2013-01-11!
//		return;

    /* Handle system error due to any failure */
	active_netif_queue();	//add by chengwg.
    	handle_system_error();//may be reset_mac
	/* Handle scan request from user/protocol */
	//chenq mask 2012-10-29
#ifdef INT_WPS_SUPP //wxb add
    /* Handle scan request from user/protocol */
    if(g_wps_scan_req_from_user == BTRUE)// caisf add for fix wps scan bug. 1121
        handle_start_scan_req(); //the function may be reset_mac
        g_wps_scan_req_from_user = BFALSE;
#endif /* ifdef INT_WPS_SUPP  */

    /* Service Watchdog */
    if(get_total_num_pending_events() > 0)
	    if(g_mac_event_timer == NULL)
            g_mac_event_timer = create_alarm(mac_time2event_work, 0, NULL);
        start_alarm(g_mac_event_timer, 100);
Exemplo n.º 9
void calc_normals(const char *course)
    scalar_t *elevation;
    scalar_t courseWidth, courseLength;
    int nx, ny;
    int x,y;
    point_t p0, p1, p2;
    vector_t n, nml, v1, v2;
    char buff[BUFF_LEN];
    sprintf( buff, "%s/courses/%s/normal.data", getparam_data_dir(), course );
    get_course_dimensions( &courseWidth, &courseLength );
    get_course_divisions( &nx, &ny );
    if(nmls != (void*)-1 && nmls_fd != -1) 
        munmap(nmls, nmls_len);
#if 0
    else {
    struct stat buf;
    int exists = (stat(buff, &buf) == 0);
    if(exists) {
        nmls_fd = open(buff, O_RDONLY);
        if ( nmls_fd == -1) {
            handle_system_error( 1, "can't open file failed" );
        TRDebugLog("mapping to memory normal.data\n");
        nmls_len = sizeof(vector_t)*nx*ny;
        nmls = mmap(NULL, nmls_len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED,nmls_fd, 0);
        if ( nmls == (void *)-1 ) {
            handle_system_error( 1, "read mmap failed" );
    else {
        nmls_len = sizeof(vector_t)*nx*ny;
        nmls_fd = open(buff, O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_TRUNC, 0644);
        if ( nmls_fd == -1) {
            handle_system_error( 1, "can't open file failed" );
        int result = lseek(nmls_fd, nmls_len-1, SEEK_SET);
        if (result == -1) {
            handle_system_error( 1, "can't write file failed" );
        result = write(nmls_fd, "", 1);
        if (result != 1) {
            handle_system_error( 1, "can't write file failed" );
        nmls = mmap(NULL, nmls_len, PROT_READ | PROT_WRITE, MAP_SHARED, nmls_fd, 0);
        if ( nmls == (void *)-1 ) {
            handle_system_error( 1, "write mmap failed" );
        TRDebugLog("Writing to normal.data\n");
        abort(); // This shouldn't be reached on simulator. Crash to indicate.
# endif
        nmls = malloc(nmls_len);
        elevation = get_course_elev_data();
        for ( y=0; y<ny; y++) {
            for ( x=0; x<nx; x++) {
                nml = make_vector( 0., 0., 0. );
                p0 = make_point( XCD(x), ELEV(x,y), ZCD(y) );
                /* The terrain is meshed as follows:
                 +-+-+-+-+            x<---+
                 |\|/|\|/|                 |
                 ...+-+-+-+-+...              V
                 |/|\|/|\|                 y
                 So there are two types of vertices: those surrounded by
                 four triangles (x+y is odd), and those surrounded by
                 eight (x+y is even).
#define POINT(x,y) make_point( XCD(x), ELEV(x,y), ZCD(y) )
                if ( (x + y) % 2 == 0 ) {
                    if ( x > 0 && y > 0 ) {
                        p1 = POINT(x,  y-1);
                        p2 = POINT(x-1,y-1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                        p1 = POINT(x-1,y-1);
                        p2 = POINT(x-1,y  );
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                    if ( x > 0 && y < ny-1 ) {
                        p1 = POINT(x-1,y  );
                        p2 = POINT(x-1,y+1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                        p1 = POINT(x-1,y+1);
                        p2 = POINT(x  ,y+1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                    if ( x < nx-1 && y > 0 ) {
                        p1 = POINT(x+1,y  );
                        p2 = POINT(x+1,y-1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                        p1 = POINT(x+1,y-1);
                        p2 = POINT(x  ,y-1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                    if ( x < nx-1 && y < ny-1 ) {
                        p1 = POINT(x+1,y  );
                        p2 = POINT(x+1,y+1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v1, v2 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                        p1 = POINT(x+1,y+1);
                        p2 = POINT(x  ,y+1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v1, v2 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                } else {
                    /* x + y is odd */
                    if ( x > 0 && y > 0 ) {
                        p1 = POINT(x,  y-1);
                        p2 = POINT(x-1,y  );
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                    if ( x > 0 && y < ny-1 ) {
                        p1 = POINT(x-1,y  );
                        p2 = POINT(x  ,y+1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                    if ( x < nx-1 && y > 0 ) {
                        p1 = POINT(x+1,y  );
                        p2 = POINT(x  ,y-1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v2, v1 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                    if ( x < nx-1 && y < ny-1 ) {
                        p1 = POINT(x+1,y  );
                        p2 = POINT(x  ,y+1);
                        v1 = subtract_points( p1, p0 );
                        v2 = subtract_points( p2, p0 );
                        n = cross_product( v1, v2 );
                        check_assertion( n.y > 0, "course normal points down" );
                        normalize_vector( &n );
                        nml = add_vectors( nml, n );
                normalize_vector( &nml );
                NORMAL(x,y) = nml;
#undef POINT
        munmap(nmls, nmls_len);
        nmls_fd = open(buff, O_RDONLY);
        if (nmls_fd == -1) {
            handle_system_error( 1, "can't remount normal.data" );
        TRDebugLog("remounting to memory normal.data\n");
        nmls_len = sizeof(vector_t)*nx*ny;
        nmls = mmap(NULL, nmls_len, PROT_READ, MAP_SHARED, nmls_fd, 0);
        if ( nmls == (void *)-1 ) {
            handle_system_error( 1, "remount mmap failed" );