int main() { setup_resources(); config::register_var("screen_width", "1000"); config::register_var("screen_height", "562"); config::register_var("master_volume", "10"); config::register_var("music_volume", "5"); platform platform; if (!platform.init(config::get_var_int("screen_width"), config::get_var_int("screen_height"), "Open Horizon 7th demo")) return -1; std::vector<joystick_config> joysticks; for (int i = 0; glfwJoystickPresent(i); ++i) { const char *name = glfwGetJoystickName(i); joystick_config j; j.init(name); joysticks.push_back(j); int axis_count = 0, buttons_count = 0; glfwGetJoystickAxes(i, &axis_count); glfwGetJoystickButtons(i, &buttons_count); printf("joy%d: %s %d axis %d buttons\n", i, name, axis_count, buttons_count); } renderer::scene scene; sound::world sound_world; game::world world(scene, sound_world, scene.hud); game::mission game_mode_ms(world); game::free_flight game_mode_ff(world); game::deathmatch game_mode_dm(world); game::team_deathmatch game_mode_tdm(world); game::hangar hangar(scene); game::game_mode *active_game_mode = 0; game::plane_controls controls; game::network_client client; game::network_server server; gui::menu menu(sound_world); gui::menu_controls menu_controls; platform::key_callback kcb = std::bind(&gui::menu::on_input, &menu, std::placeholders::_1); platform.set_keyboard_callback(kcb); int mx = platform.get_mouse_x(), my = platform.get_mouse_y(); int screen_width = platform.get_width(), screen_height = platform.get_height(); scene.resize(screen_width, screen_height); scene.loading(true); nya_render::clear(true, true); scene.draw(); platform.end_frame(); sound_world.set_volume(config::get_var_int("master_volume") / 10.0f); sound_world.set_music_volume(config::get_var_int("music_volume") / 10.0f); menu.init(); sound_world.set_music("BGM_menu"); bool viewer_mode = false; bool is_client = false, is_server = false; gui::menu::on_action on_menu_action = [&](const std::string &event) { if (event == "start") { sound_world.stop_music(); const char *music_names[] = {"BGM_ms10_08", "BGM_ms06", "BGM_ms08x", "BGM_ms11a", "BGM_ms11b", "BGM_ms12_02"}; sound_world.set_music(music_names[rand() % (sizeof(music_names) / sizeof(music_names[0]))]); auto location = menu.get_var("map"); auto plane = menu.get_var("ac"); const int color = atoi(menu.get_var("color").c_str()); is_client = false, is_server = false; scene.loading(true); nya_render::clear(true, true); scene.draw(); platform.end_frame(); scene.loading(false); auto mode = menu.get_var("mode"); auto mp_var = menu.get_var("multiplayer"); if (mp_var == "server") { world.set_network(&server); auto port = menu.get_var_int("port");, config::get_var("name").c_str(), mode.c_str(), menu.get_var("map").c_str(), menu.get_var_int("max_players")); if (menu.get_var("mp_public") == "true") game::servers_list::register_server(port); is_server = true; } else if (mp_var == "client") { world.set_network(&client); client.start(); is_client = true; } if (mode == "ms") { active_game_mode = &game_mode_ms; game_mode_ms.start(plane.c_str(), color, menu.get_var("mission").c_str()); } else if (mode == "dm") { const int bots_count = (is_client || is_server) ? 0 : 11; active_game_mode = &game_mode_dm; game_mode_dm.start(plane.c_str(), color, 0, location.c_str(), bots_count); } else if (mode == "tdm") { const int bots_count = (is_client || is_server) ? 0 : 7; active_game_mode = &game_mode_tdm; game_mode_tdm.start(plane.c_str(), color, 0, location.c_str(), bots_count); } else if (mode == "ff") { active_game_mode = &game_mode_ff; game_mode_ff.start(plane.c_str(), color, location.c_str()); } } else if (event == "connect") { menu.set_error(""); client.disconnect(); auto port = menu.get_var_int("port"); if (client.connect(menu.get_var("address").c_str(), port)) { menu.send_event("map=" + client.get_server_info().location); menu.send_event("mode=" + client.get_server_info().game_mode); menu.send_event("screen=ac_select"); } else menu.set_error(client.get_error()); } else if (event == "viewer_start") { viewer_mode = true;, 2.5f); } else if (event == "viewer_update_bg") { hangar.set_bkg(menu.get_var("bkg").c_str()); } else if (event == "viewer_update_ac") { const auto dr =; hangar.set_plane(menu.get_var("ac").c_str());, dr.y - 3.14f); } else if (event == "viewer_update_color") { const auto dr =; const int color = atoi(menu.get_var("color").c_str()); hangar.set_plane_color(color);, dr.y - 3.14f); } else if (event == "viewer_end") { viewer_mode = false; hangar.end(); } else if (event == "update_volume") { sound_world.set_volume(config::get_var_int("master_volume") / 10.0f); sound_world.set_music_volume(config::get_var_int("music_volume") / 10.0f); } else if (event == "update_joy_config") { if (!joysticks.empty()) joysticks.front().update_config(); } else if (event == "exit") { server.close(); client.disconnect(); platform.terminate(); } else printf("unknown event: %s\n", event.c_str()); }; menu.set_callback(on_menu_action); bool reset_camera = false; unsigned long app_time = nya_system::get_time(); while (!platform.should_terminate()) { unsigned long time = nya_system::get_time(); int dt = int(time - app_time); if (dt > 1000 && !is_client && !is_server) dt = 1000; app_time = time; static bool speed10x = false, last_pause = false, paused = false; if (platform.get_width() != screen_width || platform.get_height() != screen_height) { screen_width = platform.get_width(), screen_height = platform.get_height(); scene.resize(screen_width, screen_height); config::set_var("screen_width", std::to_string(screen_width)); config::set_var("screen_height", std::to_string(screen_height)); } if (!active_game_mode) menu.update(dt, menu_controls); if (active_game_mode) { if (!paused) { active_game_mode->update(speed10x ? dt * 10 : dt, controls); //camera - tracking enemy auto p = world.get_player(); if (p && p->change_target_hold_time >= game::plane::change_target_hold_max_time && !p->targets.empty() && !p->targets.front().target.expired()) { static auto last_target = p->targets.front().target; if (last_target.expired() || last_target.lock() != p->targets.front().target.lock()) { last_target = p->targets.front().target; p->change_target_hold_time = game::plane::change_target_hold_max_time; } auto t = p->targets.front().target.lock(); auto tdir = t->get_pos() - p->get_pos(); // + (t->get_vel() - p->get_vel()) * (dt * 0.001f) nya_math::quat q(nya_math::vec3::forward(), tdir); q = nya_math::quat::invert(p->get_rot()) * q; auto da = q.get_euler();; const float k = nya_math::min((p->change_target_hold_time - game::plane::change_target_hold_max_time) / 500.0f, 1.0); * k, -da.y * k); reset_camera = true; } } scene.draw(); //util debug draw nya_render::clear(false, true); nya_render::set_state(nya_render::state()); nya_render::set_modelview_matrix(nya_scene::get_camera().get_view_matrix()); get_debug_draw().set_line_width(2.0f); get_debug_draw().set_point_size(3.0f); get_debug_draw().draw(); } else { nya_render::clear(true, true); if (viewer_mode) { hangar.update(dt); scene.draw(); } menu.draw(scene.ui_render); } const char *ui_ref = 0; //ui_ref = "ui_ref4.tga"; if (ui_ref) { static nya_scene::texture ui_ref_texture(ui_ref); static std::vector<gui::rect_pair> ui_ref_rects(1); ui_ref_rects[0].r.w = scene.ui_render.get_width(); ui_ref_rects[0].r.y = scene.ui_render.get_height(); ui_ref_rects[0].r.h = -scene.ui_render.get_height(); ui_ref_rects[0].tc.w = ui_ref_texture.get_width(); ui_ref_rects[0].tc.h = ui_ref_texture.get_height(); static int alpha_anim = 0; alpha_anim += dt; alpha_anim = alpha_anim % 4000; //alpha_anim = 1000; scene.ui_render.draw(ui_ref_rects, ui_ref_texture, nya_math::vec4(1.0, 1.0, 1.0, fabsf(alpha_anim / 2000.0f - 1.0))); } platform.end_frame(); //controls controls = game::plane_controls(); menu_controls = gui::menu_controls(); if (platform.get_mouse_lbtn()) - my) * 0.03, (platform.get_mouse_x() - mx) * 0.03); if (platform.get_mouse_rbtn()), 0, my - platform.get_mouse_y()); mx = platform.get_mouse_x(), my = platform.get_mouse_y(); bool pause = false; for (int i = 0; i < (int)joysticks.size(); ++i) { int axes_count = 0, buttons_count = 0; const float *axes = glfwGetJoystickAxes(i, &axes_count); const unsigned char *buttons = glfwGetJoystickButtons(i, &buttons_count); joysticks[i].update(axes, axes_count, buttons, buttons_count); joysticks[i].apply_controls(controls, pause); if (!active_game_mode) { if (i == 0 && !menu.joy_update(axes, axes_count, buttons, buttons_count)) joysticks[i].apply_controls(menu_controls); } } if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_W)) controls.throttle = 1.0f; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_S)) controls.brake = 1.0f; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_A)) controls.rot.y = -1.0f; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_D)) controls.rot.y = 1.0f; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_UP)) controls.rot.x = 1.0f, menu_controls.up = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_DOWN)) controls.rot.x = -1.0f, menu_controls.down = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_LEFT)) controls.rot.z = -1.0f, menu_controls.left = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT)) controls.rot.z = 1.0f, menu_controls.right = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_LEFT_CONTROL)) controls.mgun = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_LEFT_SHIFT)) controls.mgun = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_SPACE)) controls.missile = true, = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_F)) controls.flares = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_Q)) controls.change_weapon = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_E)) controls.change_target = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_R)) controls.change_radar = true; if (platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_V)) controls.change_camera = true; if (platform.was_pressed(GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE)) menu_controls.prev = true; if (platform.was_pressed(GLFW_KEY_ENTER)) = true; if (active_game_mode) { if (((pause && pause != last_pause) || platform.was_pressed(GLFW_KEY_P)) && !is_server && !is_client) scene.pause(paused = !paused); last_pause = pause; bool should_stop = platform.was_pressed(GLFW_KEY_ESCAPE); if (is_client && !client.is_up()) should_stop = true; if (is_server && !server.is_up()) should_stop = true; if (should_stop) { if (paused) scene.pause(paused = !paused); active_game_mode->end(); active_game_mode = 0; server.close(); client.disconnect(); world.set_network(0); sound_world.stop_sounds(); menu_controls.prev = false; if (is_client) menu.send_event("screen=mp_connect"); sound_world.set_music("BGM_menu"); } } speed10x = platform.get_key(GLFW_KEY_RIGHT_SHIFT) && !is_client && !is_server; if (controls.change_camera || (reset_camera && !controls.change_target)) {; reset_camera = false; } if (!joysticks.empty() && !platform.get_mouse_lbtn() && !controls.change_target) {; * nya_math::constants::pi_2, -controls.cam_rot.y * nya_math::constants::pi); } if (platform.was_pressed(GLFW_KEY_COMMA)) debug_variable::set(debug_variable::get() - 1); if (platform.was_pressed(GLFW_KEY_PERIOD)) debug_variable::set(debug_variable::get() + 1); if (!active_game_mode) //force limit 60 fps in menu { int sleep_time = 1000/60 - int(nya_system::get_time() - time); if (sleep_time > 0) std::this_thread::sleep_for(std::chrono::milliseconds(sleep_time)); } } server.close(); client.disconnect(); sound::release_context(); platform.terminate(); return 0; }
void display(void) { // ****** declaracoes internas 'a funcao display() ****** float temp; GLUquadric* glQ; // nec. p/ criar sup. quadraticas (cilindros, esferas...) // ****** fim de todas as declaracoes da funcao display() ****** glQ = gluNewQuadric(); glClear(GL_COLOR_BUFFER_BIT | GL_DEPTH_BUFFER_BIT); camara_control(camera_select); /*// permissao de atribuicao directa de cores // para objectos que nao tem material atribuido, como // e' o caso dos eixos e da esfera que simboliza a fonte de luz... glColorMaterial(GL_FRONT_AND_BACK, GL_AMBIENT_AND_DIFFUSE); glEnable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // cilindro representativo do eixo X glColor3f(1.0,0.0,0.0); // vermelho glPushMatrix(); glRotated(90.0, 0.0,1.0,0.0 ); gluCylinder(glQ, axis_radius_begin, axis_radius_end, axis_lenght, axis_nslices, axis_nstacks); // nao tem bases glPopMatrix(); // cilindro representativo do eixo Y glColor3f(0.0,1.0,0.0); // verde glPushMatrix(); glRotated(-90.0, 1.0,0.0,0.0 ); gluCylinder(glQ, axis_radius_begin, axis_radius_end, axis_lenght, axis_nslices, axis_nstacks); // nao tem bases glPopMatrix(); // cilindro representativo do eixo Z glColor3f(0.0,0.0,1.0); // azul glPushMatrix(); // nao necessita rotacao... glRotated(...); gluCylinder(glQ, axis_radius_begin, axis_radius_end, axis_lenght, axis_nslices, axis_nstacks); // nao tem bases glPopMatrix();*/ // Actualizacao da posicao da fonte de luz... light0_position[0] = light0x; // por razoes de eficiencia, os restantes light0_position[1] = light0y; // parametros _invariaveis_ da LIGHT0 mantem os valores light0_position[2] = light0z; // definidos na funcao de inicializacao glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_POSITION, light0_position); glLightfv(GL_LIGHT0, GL_SPOT_DIRECTION, light0_direction); // ... e da esfera que a simboliza glColor3f(1.0,1.0,0.0); // cor amarela gluQuadricOrientation( glQ, GLU_INSIDE); glPushMatrix(); glTranslated(light0x,light0y,light0z); gluSphere(glQ, symb_light0_radius, symb_light0_slices, symb_light0_stacks); glPopMatrix(); gluQuadricOrientation( glQ, GLU_OUTSIDE); // SEGUEM-SE ALGUNS EXEMPLOS DE UTILIZACAO DE OPENGL (GL, GLU, GLUT) // GLU: funcoes para desenhar Quadraticas // Permitem desenhar alguns objectos: disco, cilindro/cone, esfera // O parametro do tipo GLUquadric (variavel glQ, declarada acima) passa, // em argumento da funcao de desenho respectiva, algumas propriedades // que esta tem em conta durante o desenho (estilo de desenho, calculo e // orientacao de normais, mapeamento de texturas... // Funcoes para definicao dessas propriedades em glQ gluQuadricDrawStyle(glQ, GLU_LINE); // GLU_FILL, GLU_LINE, GLU_SILHOUETTE, GLU_POINT gluQuadricNormals(glQ, GLU_SMOOTH); // GLU_NONE, GLU_FLAT, GLU_SMOOTH gluQuadricOrientation(glQ, GLU_OUTSIDE); // GLU_OUTSIDE, GLU_INSIDE gluQuadricTexture(glQ, GL_FALSE); // GL_TRUE, GL_FALSE //gluQuadricCallback(glQ, GLU_ERROR, <CallBackFunc>); // inibicao de atribuicao directa de cores; os objectos que se seguem DEVEM // possuir materiais associados glDisable(GL_COLOR_MATERIAL); // Definicao de material a usar daqui em diante (valores declarados em materias.h) material1(); //Terreno e árvores; glCallList(1); //Hospital (com telhado e letreiro incluídos); glCallList(2); //Heliporto (área de aterragem e holofotes). glCallList(3); hangar(); torre(); helicoptero(); // swapping the buffers causes the rendering above to be shown glutSwapBuffers(); glFlush(); }