bool StoneHandler::removeStone(int x, int y, bool hide) { if (!hasStone(x, y)) return false; if (!hide) { // We delete the killed stones only if we want to update the board (i.e. : not if we are browsing the game) if (boardHandler->getDisplay_incoming_move()) //SL added eb 9 if (!stones->remove(Matrix::coordsToKey(x, y))) { qWarning(" *** Key for stone %d, %d not found! ***", x, y); return false; } } else { Stone *s; if ((s = stones->find(Matrix::coordsToKey(x, y))) == NULL) { qWarning(" *** Key for stone %d, %d not found! ***", x, y); return false; } s->hide(); } return true; }
bool StoneHandler::markSekiGroup(int x, int y, int &caps, StoneColor &col, bool &seki) { if (hasStone(x, y) != 1) return false; Stone *s = getStoneAt(x, y); CHECK_PTR(s); col = s->getColor(); if (!s->isSeki()) seki = true; Group *g = assembleGroup(s, NULL); //SL added eb 8 CHECK_PTR(g); // Mark stones of this group as seki QListIterator<Stone *> it(*g); while (it.hasNext()) { Stone *s =; CHECK_PTR(s); if (seki && s->isDead()) caps ++; s->setSeki(seki); if (seki) { s->togglePixmap(boardHandler->board->getImageHandler()->getGhostPixmaps(), false); } else { s->togglePixmap(boardHandler->board->getImageHandler()->getStonePixmaps(), true); } } delete g; return true; }
bool StoneHandler::removeDeadGroup(int x, int y, int &caps, StoneColor &col, bool &dead) { if (hasStone(x, y) != 1) return false; Stone *s = getStoneAt(x, y); CHECK_PTR(s); col = s->getColor(); if (!s->isDead()) dead = true; Group *g = assembleGroup(s, NULL); //SL added eb 8 CHECK_PTR(g); caps = g->count(); // Mark stones of this group as dead or alive again QListIterator<Stone *> it(*g); while (it.hasNext()) { Stone *s =; CHECK_PTR(s); s->setDead(dead); if (dead) { s->togglePixmap(boardHandler->board->getImageHandler()->getGhostPixmaps(), false); } else { s->togglePixmap(boardHandler->board->getImageHandler()->getStonePixmaps(), true); } } delete g; return true; }
bool StoneHandler::markSekiGroup(int x, int y, int &caps, StoneColor &col, bool &seki) { if (hasStone(x, y) != 1) return false; Stone *s = getStoneAt(x, y); CHECK_PTR(s); col = s->getColor(); if (!s->isSeki()) seki = true; Group *g = assembleGroup(s, NULL); //SL added eb 8 CHECK_PTR(g); // Mark stones of this group as seki QListIterator<Stone> it(*g); for (; it.current(); ++it) { s = it.current(); CHECK_PTR(s); if (seki && s->isDead()) caps ++; s->setSeki(seki); if (seki) { s->setSequence(boardHandler->board->getImageHandler()->getGhostPixmaps()); s->shadow->hide(); } else { s->setSequence(boardHandler->board->getImageHandler()->getStonePixmaps()); s->shadow->show(); } } delete g; return true; }
bool StoneHandler::removeDeadGroup(int x, int y, int &caps, StoneColor &col, bool &dead) { if (hasStone(x, y) != 1) return false; Stone *s = getStoneAt(x, y); CHECK_PTR(s); col = s->getColor(); if (!s->isDead()) dead = true; Group *g = assembleGroup(s, NULL); //SL added eb 8 CHECK_PTR(g); caps = g->count(); // Mark stones of this group as dead or alive again QListIterator<Stone> it(*g); for (; it.current(); ++it) { s = it.current(); CHECK_PTR(s); s->setDead(dead); if (dead) { s->setSequence(boardHandler->board->getImageHandler()->getGhostPixmaps()); s->shadow->hide(); } else { s->setSequence(boardHandler->board->getImageHandler()->getStonePixmaps()); s->shadow->show(); } } delete g; return true; }