Exemplo n.º 1
ikev2_msg_integr(struct iked *env, struct iked_sa *sa, struct ibuf *src)
	int			 ret = -1;
	size_t			 integrlen, tmplen;
	struct ibuf		*integr, *prf, *tmp = NULL;
	u_int8_t		*ptr;

	log_debug("%s: message length %d", __func__, ibuf_size(src));
	print_hex(ibuf_data(src), 0, ibuf_size(src));

	if (sa == NULL ||
	    sa->sa_integr == NULL) {
		log_debug("%s: invalid SA", __func__);
		return (-1);

	if (sa->sa_hdr.sh_initiator) {
		integr = sa->sa_key_iauth;
		prf = sa->sa_key_iprf;
	} else {
		integr = sa->sa_key_rauth;
		prf = sa->sa_key_rprf;

	integrlen = hash_length(sa->sa_integr);

	log_debug("%s: integrity checksum length %d", __func__,

	 * Validate packet checksum
	if ((tmp = ibuf_new(NULL, hash_keylength(sa->sa_integr))) == NULL)
		goto done;

	hash_setkey(sa->sa_integr, ibuf_data(integr), ibuf_size(integr));
	hash_update(sa->sa_integr, ibuf_data(src),
	    ibuf_size(src) - integrlen);
	hash_final(sa->sa_integr, ibuf_data(tmp), &tmplen);

	if (tmplen != integrlen) {
		log_debug("%s: hash failure", __func__);
		goto done;

	if ((ptr = ibuf_seek(src,
	    ibuf_size(src) - integrlen, integrlen)) == NULL)
		goto done;
	memcpy(ptr, ibuf_data(tmp), tmplen);

	print_hex(ibuf_data(tmp), 0, ibuf_size(tmp));

	ret = 0;

	return (ret);
Exemplo n.º 2
struct ibuf *
ikev2_msg_auth(struct iked *env, struct iked_sa *sa, int response)
	struct ibuf		*authmsg = NULL, *nonce, *prfkey, *buf;
	uint8_t			*ptr;
	struct iked_id		*id;
	size_t			 tmplen;

	 * Create the payload to be signed/MAC'ed for AUTH

	if (!response) {
		if ((nonce = sa->sa_rnonce) == NULL ||
		    (sa->sa_iid.id_type == 0) ||
		    (prfkey = sa->sa_key_iprf) == NULL ||
		    (buf = sa->sa_1stmsg) == NULL)
			return (NULL);
		id = &sa->sa_iid;
	} else {
		if ((nonce = sa->sa_inonce) == NULL ||
		    (sa->sa_rid.id_type == 0) ||
		    (prfkey = sa->sa_key_rprf) == NULL ||
		    (buf = sa->sa_2ndmsg) == NULL)
			return (NULL);
		id = &sa->sa_rid;

	if ((authmsg = ibuf_dup(buf)) == NULL)
		return (NULL);
	if (ibuf_cat(authmsg, nonce) != 0)
		goto fail;

	if ((hash_setkey(sa->sa_prf, ibuf_data(prfkey),
	    ibuf_size(prfkey))) == NULL)
		goto fail;

	if ((ptr = ibuf_advance(authmsg,
	    hash_length(sa->sa_prf))) == NULL)
		goto fail;

	hash_update(sa->sa_prf, ibuf_data(id->id_buf), ibuf_size(id->id_buf));
	hash_final(sa->sa_prf, ptr, &tmplen);

	if (tmplen != hash_length(sa->sa_prf))
		goto fail;

	log_debug("%s: %s auth data length %zu",
	    __func__, response ? "responder" : "initiator",
	print_hex(ibuf_data(authmsg), 0, ibuf_size(authmsg));

	return (authmsg);

	return (NULL);
Exemplo n.º 3
struct ibuf *
ikev2_msg_decrypt(struct iked *env, struct iked_sa *sa,
    struct ibuf *msg, struct ibuf *src)
	ssize_t			 ivlen, encrlen, integrlen, blocklen,
				    outlen, tmplen;
	uint8_t			 pad = 0, *ptr;
	struct ibuf		*integr, *encr, *tmp = NULL, *out = NULL;
	off_t			 ivoff, encroff, integroff;

	if (sa == NULL ||
	    sa->sa_encr == NULL ||
	    sa->sa_integr == NULL) {
		log_debug("%s: invalid SA", __func__);
		print_hex(ibuf_data(src), 0, ibuf_size(src));
		goto done;

	if (!sa->sa_hdr.sh_initiator) {
		encr = sa->sa_key_iencr;
		integr = sa->sa_key_iauth;
	} else {
		encr = sa->sa_key_rencr;
		integr = sa->sa_key_rauth;

	blocklen = cipher_length(sa->sa_encr);
	ivlen = cipher_ivlength(sa->sa_encr);
	ivoff = 0;
	integrlen = hash_length(sa->sa_integr);
	integroff = ibuf_size(src) - integrlen;
	encroff = ivlen;
	encrlen = ibuf_size(src) - integrlen - ivlen;

	if (encrlen < 0 || integroff < 0) {
		log_debug("%s: invalid integrity value", __func__);
		goto done;

	log_debug("%s: IV length %zd", __func__, ivlen);
	print_hex(ibuf_data(src), 0, ivlen);
	log_debug("%s: encrypted payload length %zd", __func__, encrlen);
	print_hex(ibuf_data(src), encroff, encrlen);
	log_debug("%s: integrity checksum length %zd", __func__, integrlen);
	print_hex(ibuf_data(src), integroff, integrlen);

	 * Validate packet checksum
	if ((tmp = ibuf_new(NULL, ibuf_length(integr))) == NULL)
		goto done;

	hash_setkey(sa->sa_integr, integr->buf, ibuf_length(integr));
	hash_update(sa->sa_integr, ibuf_data(msg),
	    ibuf_size(msg) - integrlen);
	hash_final(sa->sa_integr, tmp->buf, &tmplen);

	if (memcmp(tmp->buf, ibuf_data(src) + integroff, integrlen) != 0) {
		log_debug("%s: integrity check failed", __func__);
		goto done;

	log_debug("%s: integrity check succeeded", __func__);
	print_hex(tmp->buf, 0, tmplen);

	tmp = NULL;

	 * Decrypt the payload and strip any padding
	if ((encrlen % blocklen) != 0) {
		log_debug("%s: unaligned encrypted payload", __func__);
		goto done;

	cipher_setkey(sa->sa_encr, encr->buf, ibuf_length(encr));
	cipher_setiv(sa->sa_encr, ibuf_data(src) + ivoff, ivlen);

	if ((out = ibuf_new(NULL, cipher_outlength(sa->sa_encr,
	    encrlen))) == NULL)
		goto done;

	if ((outlen = ibuf_length(out)) != 0) {
		cipher_update(sa->sa_encr, ibuf_data(src) + encroff, encrlen,
		    ibuf_data(out), &outlen);

		ptr = ibuf_seek(out, outlen - 1, 1);
		pad = *ptr;

	log_debug("%s: decrypted payload length %zd/%zd padding %d",
	    __func__, outlen, encrlen, pad);
	print_hex(ibuf_data(out), 0, ibuf_size(out));

	if (ibuf_setsize(out, outlen) != 0)
		goto done;

	return (out);
	return (NULL);