Exemplo n.º 1
static HB_BOOL hb_regex( int iRequest )
   PHB_ITEM pRetArray, pMatch, pString;
   int i, iMatches, iMaxMatch;
   HB_BOOL fResult = HB_FALSE;
   PHB_REGEX pRegEx;
   const char * pszString;
   HB_SIZE nLen;

   pString = hb_param( 2, HB_IT_STRING );
   if( ! pString )
      return HB_FALSE;
   pRegEx = hb_regexGet( hb_param( 1, HB_IT_ANY ),
                         ( ! hb_parldef( 3, 1 ) ? HBREG_ICASE : 0 ) |
                         ( hb_parl( 4 ) ? HBREG_NEWLINE : 0 ) );
   if( ! pRegEx )
      return HB_FALSE;

   pszString = hb_itemGetCPtr( pString );
   nLen      = hb_itemGetCLen( pString );
   iMaxMatch = iRequest == 0 || iRequest == 4 || iRequest == 5 ?
               REGEX_MAX_GROUPS : 1;
   iMatches = hb_regexec( pRegEx, pszString, nLen, iMaxMatch, aMatches );
   if( iMatches > 0 )
      switch( iRequest )
         case 0:
            pRetArray = hb_itemArrayNew( iMatches );
            for( i = 0; i < iMatches; i++ )
               if( HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i ) > -1 )
                  hb_arraySetCL( pRetArray, i + 1,
                                 pszString + HB_REGMATCH_SO( aMatches, i ),
                                 HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i ) -
                                 HB_REGMATCH_SO( aMatches, i ) );
                  hb_arraySetCL( pRetArray, i + 1, NULL, 0 );
            hb_itemReturnRelease( pRetArray );
            fResult = HB_TRUE;

         case 1: /* LIKE */
            fResult = HB_REGMATCH_SO( aMatches, 0 ) == 0 &&
                      ( HB_SIZE ) HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, 0 ) == nLen;

         case 2: /* MATCH ( HAS ) */
            fResult = HB_TRUE;

         case 3: /* SPLIT */
            iMaxMatch = hb_parni( 5 );
            pRetArray = hb_itemArrayNew( 0 );
            pMatch = hb_itemNew( NULL );
            iMatches = 0;
               hb_itemPutCL( pMatch, pszString, HB_REGMATCH_SO( aMatches, 0 ) );
               hb_arrayAddForward( pRetArray, pMatch );
               nLen -= HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, 0 );
               pszString += HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, 0 );
            while( HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, 0 ) > 0 && nLen &&
                   ( iMaxMatch == 0 || iMatches < iMaxMatch ) &&
                   hb_regexec( pRegEx, pszString, nLen, 1, aMatches ) > 0 );

            /* last match must be done also in case that pszString is empty;
               this would mean an empty split field at the end of the string */
            /* if( nLen ) */
               hb_itemPutCL( pMatch, pszString, nLen );
               hb_arrayAddForward( pRetArray, pMatch );
            hb_itemRelease( pMatch );

            hb_itemReturnRelease( pRetArray );
            fResult = HB_TRUE;

         case 4: /* results AND positions */
            pRetArray = hb_itemArrayNew( iMatches );

            for( i = 0; i < iMatches; i++ )
               int iSO = HB_REGMATCH_SO( aMatches, i ),
                   iEO = HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i );
               pMatch = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pRetArray, i + 1 );
               hb_arrayNew( pMatch, 3 );
               if( iEO != -1 )
                  /* matched string */
                  hb_arraySetCL( pMatch, 1, pszString + iSO, iEO - iSO );
                  /* begin of match */
                  hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 2, iSO + 1 );
                  /* End of match */
                  hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 3, iEO );
                  hb_arraySetCL( pMatch, 1, NULL, 0 );
                  hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 2, 0 );
                  hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 3, 0 );
            hb_itemReturnRelease( pRetArray );
            fResult = HB_TRUE;

         case 5: /* _ALL_ results AND positions */
            PHB_ITEM pAtxArray;
            int      iMax       = hb_parni( 5 );   /* max nuber of matches I want, 0 = unlimited */
            int      iGetMatch  = hb_parni( 6 );   /* Gets if want only one single match or a sub-match */
            HB_BOOL  fOnlyMatch = hb_parldef( 7, 1 ); /* if HB_TRUE returns only matches and sub-matches, not positions */
            HB_SIZE  nOffset    = 0;
            int      iCount     = 0;
            int      iSO, iEO;

            /* Set new array */
            pRetArray = hb_itemArrayNew( 0 );
               /* If I want all matches */
               if( iGetMatch == 0 || /* Check boundaries */
                   ( iGetMatch < 0 || iGetMatch > iMatches ) )
                  pAtxArray = hb_itemArrayNew( iMatches );
                  for( i = 0; i < iMatches; i++ )
                     iSO = HB_REGMATCH_SO( aMatches, i );
                     iEO = HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i );
                     pMatch = hb_arrayGetItemPtr( pAtxArray, i + 1 );
                     if( ! fOnlyMatch )
                        hb_arrayNew( pMatch, 3 );
                        if( iEO != -1 )
                           /* matched string */
                           hb_arraySetCL( pMatch, 1, pszString + iSO, iEO - iSO );
                           /* begin of match */
                           hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 2, nOffset + iSO + 1 );
                           /* End of match */
                           hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 3, nOffset + iEO );
                           hb_arraySetCL( pMatch, 1, NULL, 0 );
                           hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 2, 0 );
                           hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 3, 0 );
                        if( iEO != -1 )
                           /* matched string */
                           hb_itemPutCL( pMatch, pszString + iSO, iEO - iSO );
                           hb_itemPutC( pMatch, NULL );
                  hb_arrayAddForward( pRetArray, pAtxArray );
                  hb_itemRelease( pAtxArray );
               else /* Here I get only single matches */
                  i = iGetMatch - 1;
                  iSO = HB_REGMATCH_SO( aMatches, i );
                  iEO = HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, i );
                  pMatch = hb_itemNew( NULL );
                  if( ! fOnlyMatch )
                     hb_arrayNew( pMatch, 3 );
                     if( iEO != -1 )
                        /* matched string */
                        hb_arraySetCL( pMatch, 1, pszString + iSO, iEO - iSO );
                        /* begin of match */
                        hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 2, nOffset + iSO + 1 );
                        /* End of match */
                        hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 3, nOffset + iEO );
                        hb_arraySetCL( pMatch, 1, NULL, 0 );
                        hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 2, 0 );
                        hb_arraySetNS( pMatch, 3, 0 );
                     if( iEO != -1 )
                        /* matched string */
                        hb_itemPutCL( pMatch, pszString + iSO, iEO - iSO );
                        hb_itemPutC( pMatch, NULL );
                  hb_arrayAddForward( pRetArray, pMatch );
                  hb_itemRelease( pMatch );

               iEO = HB_REGMATCH_EO( aMatches, 0 );
               if( iEO == -1 )
               nLen -= iEO;
               pszString += iEO;
               nOffset += iEO;
            while( iEO && nLen && ( iMax == 0 || iCount < iMax ) &&
                   ( iMatches = hb_regexec( pRegEx, pszString, nLen, iMaxMatch, aMatches ) ) > 0 );
            hb_itemReturnRelease( pRetArray );
            fResult = HB_TRUE;
   else if( iRequest == 3 )
      pRetArray = hb_itemArrayNew( 1 );
      hb_arraySet( pRetArray, 1, pString );
      hb_itemReturnRelease( pRetArray );
      fResult = HB_TRUE;

   hb_regexFree( pRegEx );
   return fResult;
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: charlist.c Projeto: AMHF/core
/* helper function for the list function */
void ct_charlist( int iMode )
   const char * pcString = hb_parc( 1 );
   HB_SIZE sStrLen = hb_parclen( 1 );
   HB_SIZE sCnt;

   if( iMode == CT_CHARLIST_CHARHIST )
      HB_SIZE asCharCnt[ UCHAR_MAX ];
      PHB_ITEM pArray = hb_itemArrayNew( HB_SIZEOFARRAY( asCharCnt ) );

      for( sCnt = 0; sCnt < HB_SIZEOFARRAY( asCharCnt ); ++sCnt )
         asCharCnt[ sCnt ] = 0;

      for( sCnt = 0; sCnt < sStrLen; ++sCnt )
         asCharCnt[ ( HB_UCHAR ) pcString[ sCnt ] ]++;

      for( sCnt = 0; sCnt < HB_SIZEOFARRAY( asCharCnt ); ++sCnt )
         hb_arraySetNS( pArray, sCnt + 1, asCharCnt[ sCnt ] );

      hb_itemReturnRelease( pArray );
      char acCharCnt[ UCHAR_MAX ];
      HB_SIZE sRetStrLen = 0;

      if( iMode == CT_CHARLIST_CHARLIST )
         char acMark[ UCHAR_MAX ];

         memset( acMark, 0, sizeof( acMark ) );

         for( sCnt = 0; sCnt < sStrLen; ++sCnt )
            HB_UCHAR uc = ( HB_UCHAR ) pcString[ sCnt ];

            if( acMark[ uc ] == 0 )
               acCharCnt[ sRetStrLen++ ] = uc;
               acMark[ uc ] = 1;
      else if( iMode == CT_CHARLIST_CHARSLIST || iMode == CT_CHARLIST_CHARNOLIST )
         char cScan = iMode == CT_CHARLIST_CHARSLIST ? 1 : 0;

         for( sCnt = 0; sCnt < sStrLen; ++sCnt )
            acCharCnt[ ( HB_UCHAR ) pcString[ sCnt ] ] = 1;

         for( sCnt = 0; sCnt < HB_SIZEOFARRAY( acCharCnt ); ++sCnt )
            if( acCharCnt[ sCnt ] == cScan )
               acCharCnt[ sRetStrLen++ ] = ( HB_UCHAR ) sCnt;

      hb_retclen( acCharCnt, sRetStrLen );