static void
append_data (SortFlowState *state, int i, int index)
	gchar *str, *header;
	GtkTreeIter iter;
	Sheet *sheet = state->sel->v_range.cell.a.sheet;
	gboolean sort_asc = gnm_conf_get_core_sort_default_ascending ();

	header = state->is_cols
		? header_name (sheet, i, index)
		: header_name (sheet, index, i);
	str = state->is_cols
		? col_row_name (sheet, i, index, FALSE, TRUE)
		: col_row_name (sheet, index, i, FALSE, FALSE);
	gtk_list_store_append (state->model, &iter);
	gtk_list_store_set (state->model, &iter,
			    ITEM_HEADER,  header,
			    ITEM_NAME,  str,
			    ITEM_DESCENDING, !sort_asc,
			    ITEM_DESCENDING_IMAGE, sort_asc ? state->image_ascending
			    : state->image_descending,
			    ITEM_CASE_SENSITIVE, gnm_conf_get_core_sort_default_by_case (),
			    ITEM_NUMBER, i,
	g_free (str);
	g_free (header);
static void
dialog_cell_sort_load_sort_setup (SortFlowState *state, GnmSortData const *data)
	int i;
	GnmSortClause *this = data->clauses;
	gint base, max, index;
	Sheet *sheet = state->sel->v_range.cell.a.sheet;

	if (sheet == NULL)
		sheet = state->sheet;

	go_locale_sel_set_locale (state->locale_selector, data->locale);

	gtk_toggle_button_set_active (
		GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (state->retain_format_check), data->retain_formats);

	gtk_toggle_button_set_active (
		GTK_TOGGLE_BUTTON (state->cell_sort_row_rb), !data->top);
	state->is_cols = data->top;

	index = (data->top ? state->sel->v_range.cell.a.row : state->sel->v_range.cell.a.col);
	base = (data->top ? state->sel->v_range.cell.a.col : state->sel->v_range.cell.a.row);
	max = (data->top ? state->sel->v_range.cell.b.col : state->sel->v_range.cell.b.row);
	gtk_list_store_clear (state->model);
	state->sort_items = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < data->num_clause; i++) {
		if (data->clauses[i].offset <= max ) {
			GtkTreeIter iter;
			gchar *str, *header;
			int id = data->clauses[i].offset + base;

			header = state->is_cols
				? header_name (sheet, id, index)
				: header_name (sheet, index, id);
			str = col_row_name (sheet, id, id, FALSE, state->is_cols);

			gtk_list_store_append (state->model, &iter);
			gtk_list_store_set (state->model, &iter,
					    ITEM_HEADER,  header,
					    ITEM_NAME,  str,
					    ITEM_DESCENDING, data->clauses[i].asc,
					    ? state->image_ascending
					    : state->image_descending,
					    ITEM_CASE_SENSITIVE, data->clauses[i].cs,
					    ITEM_SORT_BY_VALUE, data->clauses[i].val,
					    ITEM_NUMBER, id,
	set_button_sensitivity (state);
Exemplo n.º 3
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Function
//		Name:    HTTPRequest::ParseHeaders(IOStreamGetLine &, int)
//		Purpose: Private. Parse the headers of the request
//		Created: 26/3/04
// --------------------------------------------------------------------------
void HTTPRequest::ParseHeaders(IOStreamGetLine &rGetLine, int Timeout)
	std::string header;
	bool haveHeader = false;
			// Header terminates unexpectedly
			THROW_EXCEPTION(HTTPException, BadRequest)		

		std::string currentLine;
		if(!rGetLine.GetLine(currentLine, false /* no preprocess */, Timeout))
			// Timeout
			THROW_EXCEPTION(HTTPException, RequestReadFailed)

		// Is this a continuation of the previous line?
		bool processHeader = haveHeader;
		if(!currentLine.empty() && (currentLine[0] == ' ' || currentLine[0] == '\t'))
			// A continuation, don't process anything yet
			processHeader = false;
		//TRACE3("%d:%d:%s\n", processHeader, haveHeader, currentLine.c_str());

		// Parse the header -- this will actually process the header
		// from the previous run around the loop.
			// Find where the : is in the line
			const char *h = header.c_str();
			int p = 0;
			while(h[p] != '\0' && h[p] != ':')
			// Skip white space
			int dataStart = p + 1;
			while(h[dataStart] == ' ' || h[dataStart] == '\t')

			std::string header_name(ToLowerCase(std::string(h,

			if (header_name == "content-length")
				// Decode number
				long len = ::strtol(h + dataStart, NULL, 10);	// returns zero in error case, this is OK
				if(len < 0) len = 0;
				// Store
				mContentLength = len;
			else if (header_name == "content-type")
				// Store rest of string as content type
				mContentType = h + dataStart;
			else if (header_name == "host")
				// Store host header
				mHostName = h + dataStart;

				// Is there a port number to split off?
				std::string::size_type colon = mHostName.find_first_of(':');
				if(colon != std::string::npos)
					// There's a port in the string... attempt to turn it into an int
					mHostPort = ::strtol(mHostName.c_str() + colon + 1, 0, 10);

					// Truncate the string to just the hostname
					mHostName = mHostName.substr(0, colon);

					BOX_TRACE("Host: header, hostname = " <<
						"'" << mHostName << "', host "
						"port = " << mHostPort);
			else if (header_name == "cookie")
				// Parse cookies
				ParseCookies(header, dataStart);
			else if (header_name == "connection")
				// Connection header, what is required?
				const char *v = h + dataStart;
				if(::strcasecmp(v, "close") == 0)
					mClientKeepAliveRequested = false;
				else if(::strcasecmp(v, "keep-alive") == 0)
					mClientKeepAliveRequested = true;
				// else don't understand, just assume default for protocol version
					h + dataStart));

			// Unset have header flag, as it's now been processed
			haveHeader = false;

		// Store the chunk of header the for next time round
			header += currentLine;
			header = currentLine;
			haveHeader = true;

		// End of headers?
			// All done!
Exemplo n.º 4
void createSourceFile(const char * dirname)
    std::multimap<std::string, std::string> sorted_paths;

    //Step 1: Open source file
    std::string header_name(dirname);
    std::ofstream source_file(("@PROJECT_BINARY_DIR@/viennacl/linalg/kernels/" + header_name + "_source.h").c_str());

    //Step 2: Write source header file preamble
    std::string dirname_uppercase(dirname);
    std::transform(dirname_uppercase.begin(), dirname_uppercase.end(), dirname_uppercase.begin(), toupper);
    source_file << "#ifndef VIENNACL_LINALG_KERNELS_" << dirname_uppercase << "_SOURCE_HPP_" << std::endl;
    source_file << "#define VIENNACL_LINALG_KERNELS_" << dirname_uppercase << "_SOURCE_HPP_" << std::endl;
    source_file << "//Automatically generated file from auxiliary-directory, do not edit manually!" << std::endl;
    source_file << "/** @file " << header_name << "_source.h" << std::endl;
    source_file << " *  @brief OpenCL kernel source file, generated automatically from scripts in auxiliary/. */" << std::endl;
    source_file << "namespace viennacl" << std::endl;
    source_file << "{" << std::endl;
    source_file << " namespace linalg" << std::endl;
    source_file << " {" << std::endl;
    source_file << "  namespace kernels" << std::endl;
    source_file << "  {" << std::endl;

    //Step 3: Write all OpenCL kernel sources into header file
    fs::path filepath = fs::system_complete( fs::path( dirname ) );
    if ( fs::is_directory( filepath ) )
        //std::cout << "\n In directory " << filepath.directory_string() << std::endl;

        fs::directory_iterator end_iter;
        //write and register single precision sources:
        for ( fs::directory_iterator alignment_itr( filepath );
              alignment_itr != end_iter;
              ++alignment_itr )
            if (fs::is_directory( alignment_itr->path() ))
                std::cout << "\nGenerating kernels from directory " << alignment_itr->path().string() << std::endl;

                //write and register single precision sources:
                for ( fs::directory_iterator cl_itr( alignment_itr->path() );
                      cl_itr != end_iter;
                      ++cl_itr )
                    std::string fname = cl_itr->path().filename();
                    std::string alignment = alignment_itr->path().filename();
                    std::string fname = cl_itr->path().filename().string();
                    std::string alignment = alignment_itr->path().filename().string();

                    size_t pos = fname.find(".cl");
                    if ( pos == std::string::npos )

                    if (fname.substr(fname.size()-3, 3) == ".cl")
                        //std::cout << alignment_itr->path().filename() << "/" << fname << std::endl;
                } //for
            } //if is_directory
        } //for alignment_iterator
    } //if is_directory
        std::cerr << "Cannot access directory " << dirname << std::endl;

    for(std::multimap<std::string,std::string>::const_iterator it = sorted_paths.begin() ; it != sorted_paths.end() ; ++it){
      writeSourceFile(source_file, it->first, dirname, it->second.c_str());
    //Final Step: Write file tail:
    source_file << "  }  //namespace kernels" << std::endl;
    source_file << " }  //namespace linalg" << std::endl;
    source_file << "}  //namespace viennacl" << std::endl;
    source_file << "#endif" << std::endl;
    source_file << std::endl;
Exemplo n.º 5
void createKernelFile(const char * dirname)
    //Step 1: Open kernel file
    std::string header_name(dirname);
    std::ofstream kernel_file(("@PROJECT_BINARY_DIR@/viennacl/linalg/kernels/" + header_name + "_kernels.h").c_str());

    //Step 2: Write kernel header file preamble
    std::string dirname_uppercase(dirname);
    std::transform(dirname_uppercase.begin(), dirname_uppercase.end(), dirname_uppercase.begin(), toupper);
    kernel_file << "#ifndef VIENNACL_" << dirname_uppercase << "_KERNELS_HPP_" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "#define VIENNACL_" << dirname_uppercase << "_KERNELS_HPP_" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "#include \"viennacl/tools/tools.hpp\"" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "#include \"viennacl/ocl/kernel.hpp\"" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "#include \"viennacl/ocl/platform.hpp\"" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "#include \"viennacl/ocl/utils.hpp\"" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "#include \"viennacl/linalg/kernels/" << dirname << "_source.h\"" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "//Automatically generated file from aux-directory, do not edit manually!" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "/** @file " << header_name << "_kernels.h" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << " *  @brief OpenCL kernel file, generated automatically from scripts in auxiliary/. */" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "namespace viennacl" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "{" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << " namespace linalg" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << " {" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "  namespace kernels" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "  {" << std::endl;

    //Step 3: Write class information:
    kernel_file << "   template<class TYPE, unsigned int alignment>" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "   struct " << dirname << ";" << std::endl << std::endl;

    //Step 4: Write single precision kernels
    std::string dir(dirname);
    kernel_file << std::endl << "    /////////////// single precision kernels //////////////// " << std::endl;
    fs::path filepath = fs::system_complete( fs::path( dir ) );
    if ( fs::is_directory( filepath ) )
        //std::cout << "\nIn directory: " << filepath.directory_string() << std::endl;

        fs::directory_iterator end_iter;
        //write and register single precision sources:
        for ( fs::directory_iterator alignment_itr( filepath );
              alignment_itr != end_iter;
              ++alignment_itr )
            if (fs::is_directory( alignment_itr->path() ))
                std::string subfolder = alignment_itr->path().filename();
                std::string subfolder = alignment_itr->path().filename().string();
                if( subfolder.find("align") == std::string::npos )
                writeKernelInit(kernel_file, dirname, subfolder, true);
            } //if is_directory
        } //for alignment_iterator
        kernel_file << std::endl;
    } //if is_directory
        std::cerr << "Cannot access directory " << dirname << std::endl;

    //Step 5: Write double precision kernels
    kernel_file << std::endl << "    /////////////// double precision kernels //////////////// " << std::endl;
    filepath = fs::system_complete( fs::path( dir ) );
    if ( fs::is_directory( filepath ) )
        //std::cout << "\nIn directory: " << filepath.directory_string() << std::endl;

        fs::directory_iterator end_iter;
        //write and register single precision sources:
        for ( fs::directory_iterator alignment_itr( filepath );
              alignment_itr != end_iter;
              ++alignment_itr )
            if (fs::is_directory( alignment_itr->path() ))
                std::string subfolder = alignment_itr->path().filename();
                std::string subfolder = alignment_itr->path().filename().string();
                if( subfolder.find("align") == std::string::npos )
                writeKernelInit(kernel_file, dirname, subfolder, false);
            } //if is_directory
        } //for alignment_iterator
        kernel_file << std::endl;
    } //if is_directory
        std::cerr << "Cannot access directory " << dirname << std::endl;

    //Final Step: Write file tail:
    kernel_file << "  }  //namespace kernels" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << " }  //namespace linalg" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "}  //namespace viennacl" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << "#endif" << std::endl;
    kernel_file << std::endl;