Exemplo n.º 1
static int sym_find_handle_89(const char *dirname, const char *filename)
	uint32_t fa, va;
	uint16_t fs, vs;
	int nfolders, nvars;
	int i, j;
	int handle = 0x08;

	if(tihw.calc_type == TI92)
		return -1;	

	// handle: names and handles of all folders (including "main")
	if(strcmp(img_infos.version, "2.00") >= 0)
		handle = get_folder_list_handle();	// AMS2 (dynamic)
		handle = 0x08;	// AMS1 (static)

	if(handle == -1)
		return 0;
		heap_get_block_addr_and_size(handle, &fa, &fs);

	// skip maximum number of folders before handle #$B needs to be resized
	// and actual number of folders 
	nfolders = mem_rd_word(fa+2);
	fa += 4;

	// now, we read a list of SYM_ENTRY structs (list of folders)
	for(i=0; i<nfolders; i++)
		TI89_SYM_ENTRY se;

		// read struct
		memcpy(&se, ti68k_get_real_address(fa + i * sizeof(TI89_SYM_ENTRY)), sizeof(TI89_SYM_ENTRY));
		se.handle = GUINT16_FROM_BE(se.handle);

		if (strncmp (se.name, dirname, 8)) continue;

		// handle xxxx: names and handles of all variables
		heap_get_block_addr_and_size(se.handle, &va, &vs);

		// skip max num and actual num of vars
		nvars = mem_rd_word(va+2);
		va += 4;

		for(j=0; j<nvars; j++)
			// read struct
			memcpy(&se, ti68k_get_real_address(va + j * sizeof(TI89_SYM_ENTRY)), sizeof(TI89_SYM_ENTRY));
			se.handle = GUINT16_FROM_BE(se.handle);

			// add node
			if (strncmp (se.name, filename, 8)) continue;

			return se.handle;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 2
// tested: OK.
static int parse_vat_92(GNode *node_top)
	uint32_t fa, va, pa;
	uint16_t fs, vs, ps;
	int nfolders, nvars;
	int i, j;
	VatSymEntry *vse;
	GNode *node_fol, *node_var;

	if(tihw.calc_type != TI92)
		return -1;

	// handle 000B:	names and handles of all folders (including "main")
	heap_get_block_addr_and_size(0xb, &fa, &fs);

	// skip maximum number of folders before handle #$B needs to be resized
	// and actual number of folders 
	nfolders = mem_rd_word(fa+2);
	fa += 4;

	// now, we read a list of SYM_ENTRY structs (list of folders)
	for(i=0; i<nfolders; i++)
		TI92_SYM_ENTRY se;

		// read struct
		memcpy(&se, ti68k_get_real_address(fa + i * sizeof(TI92_SYM_ENTRY)), sizeof(TI92_SYM_ENTRY));
		se.handle = GUINT16_FROM_BE(se.handle);

		// add node
		vse = g_malloc0(sizeof(VatSymEntry));
		strcpy(vse->name, se.name);	vse->handle = se.handle;
		g_node_append(node_top, node_fol = g_node_new(vse));

		// handle xxxx: names and handles of all variables
		heap_get_block_addr_and_size(se.handle, &va, &vs);

		// skip max num and actual num of vars
		nvars = mem_rd_word(va+2);
		va += 4;

		for(j=0; j<nvars; j++)
			// read struct
			memcpy(&se, ti68k_get_real_address(va + j * sizeof(TI92_SYM_ENTRY)), sizeof(TI92_SYM_ENTRY));
			se.handle = GUINT16_FROM_BE(se.handle);

			// add node
			vse = g_malloc0(sizeof(VatSymEntry));
			strcpy(vse->name, se.name);	vse->handle = se.handle;
			g_node_append(node_fol, node_var = g_node_new(vse));

			// handle: variable content
			heap_get_block_addr_and_size(se.handle, &pa, &ps);

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
static int sym_find_handle_92(const char *dirname, const char *filename)
	uint32_t fa, va;
	uint16_t fs, vs;
	int nfolders, nvars;
	int i, j;

	if(tihw.calc_type != TI92)
		return 0;

	// handle 000B:	names and handles of all folders (including "main")
	heap_get_block_addr_and_size(0xb, &fa, &fs);

	// skip maximum number of folders before handle #$B needs to be resized
	// and actual number of folders 
	nfolders = mem_rd_word(fa+2);
	fa += 4;

	// now, we read a list of SYM_ENTRY structs (list of folders)
	for(i=0; i<nfolders; i++)
		TI92_SYM_ENTRY se;

		// read struct
		memcpy(&se, ti68k_get_real_address(fa + i * sizeof(TI92_SYM_ENTRY)), sizeof(TI92_SYM_ENTRY));
		se.handle = GUINT16_FROM_BE(se.handle);

		if (strncmp (se.name, dirname, 8)) continue;

		// handle xxxx: names and handles of all variables
		heap_get_block_addr_and_size(se.handle, &va, &vs);

		// skip max num and actual num of vars
		nvars = mem_rd_word(va+2);
		va += 4;

		for(j=0; j<nvars; j++)
			// read struct
			memcpy(&se, ti68k_get_real_address(va + j * sizeof(TI92_SYM_ENTRY)), sizeof(TI92_SYM_ENTRY));
			se.handle = GUINT16_FROM_BE(se.handle);

			// add node
			if (strncmp (se.name, filename, 8)) continue;

			return se.handle;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 4
static void clist_populate(GtkListStore *store)
    int i;
	uint16_t nhandles;

    for(i = 0; i < nhandles; i++)
        GtkTreeIter iter;
        uint32_t addr;
		uint16_t size;
        gchar** row_text = g_malloc0((CLIST_NVCOLS + 1) * sizeof(gchar *));

		heap_get_block_addr_and_size(i, &addr, &size);

		row_text[0] = g_strdup_printf("%i:", i);
		row_text[1] = g_strdup_printf("$%06x", addr);
		row_text[2] = g_strdup_printf("%i", size);
        gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter);
		gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 
		COL_ID, row_text[0], COL_ADDR, row_text[1], COL_SIZE, row_text[2],
Exemplo n.º 5
static void clist_populate(GtkListStore *store)
    int i;

    for(i = 1; i < HEAP_MAX_SIZE; i++)
        GtkTreeIter iter;
        uint32_t addr;
		uint16_t size;
        gchar** row_text;

		heap_get_block_addr_and_size(i, &addr, &size);
		if (!addr)

        row_text = g_malloc0((CLIST_NVCOLS + 1) * sizeof(gchar *));
		row_text[0] = g_strdup_printf("%02x (%i):", i, i);
		row_text[1] = g_strdup_printf("%06x", addr);
		row_text[2] = g_strdup_printf("%i", size);
        gtk_list_store_append(store, &iter);
		gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, 
		COL_ID, row_text[0], COL_ADDR, row_text[1], COL_SIZE, row_text[2],

			gtk_list_store_set(store, &iter, COL_FONT, options3.dbg_font_name, -1);
Exemplo n.º 6
static int get_folder_list_handle(void)
	int h, i;

	// search for memory blocks which have a string at [5]
	for(h = 1; h < HEAP_MAX_SIZE; h++)
		uint32_t addr;
		uint16_t size;

		heap_get_block_addr_and_size(h, &addr, &size);
		if(is_varname(ti68k_get_real_address(addr + 4)))
			// next, be sure we have found the folder list by comparing the number of (possible)
			// folders with the number of identified folders
			int nfolders = mem_rd_word(addr+2);
			// The folder list always contains at least the main folder.
			if(nfolders == 0)

			for(i = 0; i < nfolders; i++)
				if(!is_varname(ti68k_get_real_address(addr + 4 + i*sizeof(TI89_SYM_ENTRY))))

			// not valid, so try the next handle
			if(i < nfolders)

			printf("handle $%i, #folders = %i\n", h, nfolders);
			return h;

	return -1;