Exemplo n.º 1
   find difference between home terrain height and the terrain height
   at a given location, in meters. A positive result means the terrain
   is higher than home.

   return false is terrain at the given location or at home
   location is not available
bool AP_Terrain::height_terrain_difference_home(float &terrain_difference, bool extrapolate)
    float height_home, height_loc;
    if (!height_amsl(ahrs.get_home(), height_home)) {
        // we don't know the height of home
        return false;

    Location loc;
    if (!ahrs.get_position(loc)) {
        // we don't know where we are
        return false;

    if (!height_amsl(loc, height_loc)) {
        if (!extrapolate || !have_current_loc_height) {
            // we don't know the height of the given location
            return false;
        // we don't have data at the current location, but the caller
        // has asked for extrapolation, so use the last available
        // terrain height. This can be used to fill in while new data
        // is fetched. It should be very rarely used
        height_loc = last_current_loc_height;

    terrain_difference = height_loc - height_home;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 2
  1hz update function. This is here to ensure progress is made on disk
  IO even if no MAVLink send_request() operations are called for a
void AP_Terrain::update(void)
    // just schedule any needed disk IO

    // try to ensure the home location is populated
    float height;
    height_amsl(ahrs.get_home(), height);

    // update the cached current location height
    Location loc;
    if (ahrs.get_position(loc) && height_amsl(loc, height)) {
        last_current_loc_height = height;
        have_current_loc_height = true;

    // check for pending mission data

    // check for pending rally data

    // update capabilities
    if (enable) {
    } else {
Exemplo n.º 3
  log terrain data to dataflash log
void AP_Terrain::log_terrain_data(DataFlash_Class &dataflash)
    if (!enable) {
    Location loc;
    if (!ahrs.get_position(loc)) {
        // we don't know where we are
    float terrain_height = 0;
    float current_height = 0;
    uint16_t pending, loaded;

    height_amsl(loc, terrain_height);
    height_above_terrain(current_height, true);
    get_statistics(pending, loaded);

    struct log_TERRAIN pkt = {
        time_us        : hal.scheduler->micros64(),
        status         : (uint8_t)status(),
        lat            : loc.lat,
        lng            : loc.lng,
        spacing        : (uint16_t)grid_spacing,
        terrain_height : terrain_height,
        current_height : current_height,
        pending        : pending,
        loaded         : loaded
Exemplo n.º 4
   find difference between home terrain height and the terrain height
   at a given location, in meters. A positive result means the terrain
   is higher than home.

   return false is terrain at the given location or at home
   location is not available
bool AP_Terrain::height_terrain_difference_home(const Location &loc, float &terrain_difference)
    float height_home, height_loc;
    if (!height_amsl(ahrs.get_home(), height_home)) {
        // we don't know the height of home
        return false;

    if (!height_amsl(loc, height_loc)) {
        // we don't know the height of the given location
        return false;

    terrain_difference = height_loc - height_home;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 5
  1hz update function. This is here to ensure progress is made on disk
  IO even if no MAVLink send_request() operations are called for a
void AP_Terrain::update(void)
    // just schedule any needed disk IO

    // try to ensure the home location is populated
    float height;
    height_amsl(ahrs.get_home(), height);
Exemplo n.º 6
  1hz update function. This is here to ensure progress is made on disk
  IO even if no MAVLink send_request() operations are called for a
void AP_Terrain::update(void)
    // just schedule any needed disk IO

    const AP_AHRS &ahrs = AP::ahrs();

    // try to ensure the home location is populated
    float height;
    height_amsl(ahrs.get_home(), height, false);

    // update the cached current location height
    Location loc;
    bool pos_valid = ahrs.get_position(loc);
    bool terrain_valid = pos_valid && height_amsl(loc, height, false);
    if (pos_valid && terrain_valid) {
        last_current_loc_height = height;
        have_current_loc_height = true;

    // check for pending mission data

    // check for pending rally data

    // update capabilities and status
    if (allocate()) {
        if (!pos_valid) {
            // we don't know where we are
            system_status = TerrainStatusUnhealthy;
        } else if (!terrain_valid) {
            // we don't have terrain data at current location
            system_status = TerrainStatusUnhealthy;
        } else {
            system_status = TerrainStatusOK;
    } else {
        system_status = TerrainStatusDisabled;

Exemplo n.º 7
  1hz update function. This is here to ensure progress is made on disk
  IO even if no MAVLink send_request() operations are called for a
void AP_Terrain::update(void)
    // just schedule any needed disk IO

    // try to ensure the home location is populated
    float height;
    height_amsl(ahrs.get_home(), height);

    // update the cached current location height
    Location loc;
    if (ahrs.get_position(loc) && height_amsl(loc, height)) {
        last_current_loc_height = height;
        have_current_loc_height = true;

    // check for pending mission data

    // check for pending rally data
Exemplo n.º 8
  calculate lookahead rise in terrain. This returns extra altitude
  needed to clear upcoming terrain in meters
float AP_Terrain::lookahead(float bearing, float distance, float climb_ratio)
    if (!enable || grid_spacing <= 0) {
        return 0;

    Location loc;
    if (!ahrs.get_position(loc)) {
        // we don't know where we are
        return 0;
    float base_height;
    if (!height_amsl(loc, base_height)) {
        // we don't know our current terrain height
        return 0;

    float climb = 0;
    float lookahead_estimate = 0;

    // check for terrain at grid spacing intervals
    while (distance > 0) {
        location_update(loc, bearing, grid_spacing);
        climb += climb_ratio * grid_spacing;
        distance -= grid_spacing;
        float height;
        if (height_amsl(loc, height)) {
            float rise = (height - base_height) - climb;
            if (rise > lookahead_estimate) {
                lookahead_estimate = rise;

    return lookahead_estimate;
Exemplo n.º 9
  check that we have fetched all rally terrain data
void AP_Terrain::update_rally_data(void)
    if (last_rally_change_ms != rally.last_change_time_ms() ||
        last_rally_spacing != grid_spacing) {
        // a rally point has changed - start again
        next_rally_index = 1;
        last_rally_change_ms = rally.last_change_time_ms();
        last_rally_spacing = grid_spacing;
    if (next_rally_index == 0) {
        // nothing to do

    uint16_t pending, loaded;
    get_statistics(pending, loaded);
    if (pending && ahrs.get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D) {
        // wait till we have fully filled the current set of grids

    while (true) {
        // get next rally point
        struct RallyLocation rp;
        if (!rally.get_rally_point_with_index(next_rally_index, rp)) {
            // nothing more to do
            next_rally_index = 0;

        Location loc;
        loc.lat = rp.lat;
        loc.lng = rp.lng;
        float height;
        if (!height_amsl(loc, height)) {
            // if we can't get data for a rally item then return and
            // check again next time

        hal.console->printf("checked rally point %u\n", (unsigned)next_rally_index);

        // move to next rally point
Exemplo n.º 10
  return status enum for health reporting
enum AP_Terrain::TerrainStatus AP_Terrain::status(void)
    if (!enable) {
        return TerrainStatusDisabled;
    Location loc;
    if (!ahrs.get_position(loc)) {
        // we don't know where we are
        return TerrainStatusUnhealthy;
    float height;
    if (!height_amsl(loc, height)) {
        // we don't have terrain data at current location
        return TerrainStatusUnhealthy;        
    return TerrainStatusOK; 
Exemplo n.º 11
  check that we have fetched all mission terrain data
void AP_Terrain::update_mission_data(void)
    if (last_mission_change_ms != mission.last_change_time_ms() ||
        last_mission_spacing != grid_spacing) {
        // the mission has changed - start again
        next_mission_index = 1;
        next_mission_pos = 0;
        last_mission_change_ms = mission.last_change_time_ms();
        last_mission_spacing = grid_spacing;
    if (next_mission_index == 0) {
        // nothing to do

    uint16_t pending, loaded;
    get_statistics(pending, loaded);
    if (pending && ahrs.get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D) {
        // wait till we have fully filled the current set of grids

    // don't do more than 20 waypoints at a time, to prevent too much
    // CPU usage
    for (uint8_t i=0; i<20; i++) {
        // get next mission command
        AP_Mission::Mission_Command cmd;
        if (!mission.read_cmd_from_storage(next_mission_index, cmd)) {
            // nothing more to do
            next_mission_index = 0;

        // we only want nav waypoint commands. That should be enough to
        // prefill the terrain data and makes many things much simpler
        while ((cmd.id != MAV_CMD_NAV_WAYPOINT &&
                cmd.id != MAV_CMD_NAV_SPLINE_WAYPOINT) ||
               (cmd.content.location.lat == 0 && cmd.content.location.lng == 0)) {
            if (!mission.read_cmd_from_storage(next_mission_index, cmd)) {
                // nothing more to do
                next_mission_index = 0;
                next_mission_pos = 0;

        // we will fetch 5 points around the waypoint. Four at 10 grid
        // spacings away at 45, 135, 225 and 315 degrees, and the
        // point itself
        if (next_mission_pos != 4) {
            location_update(cmd.content.location, 45+90*next_mission_pos, grid_spacing.get() * 10);

        // we have a mission command to check
        float height;
        if (!height_amsl(cmd.content.location, height)) {
            // if we can't get data for a mission item then return and
            // check again next time

        if (next_mission_pos == 5) {
            hal.console->printf("checked waypoint %u\n", (unsigned)next_mission_index);

            // move to next waypoint
            next_mission_pos = 0;