WpaGui::WpaGui(QWidget *parent, const char *, Qt::WFlags) : QMainWindow(parent) { setupUi(this); (void) statusBar(); connect(helpIndexAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpIndex())); connect(helpContentsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpContents())); connect(helpAboutAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpAbout())); connect(fileExitAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(close())); connect(disconnectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(disconnect())); connect(scanButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scan())); connect(connectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(connectB())); connect(fileEventHistoryAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(eventHistory())); connect(networkSelect, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(selectNetwork(const QString&))); connect(fileEdit_networkAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(editNetwork())); connect(fileAdd_NetworkAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(addNetwork())); connect(adapterSelect, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(selectAdapter(const QString&))); eh = NULL; scanres = NULL; udr = NULL; ctrl_iface = NULL; ctrl_conn = NULL; monitor_conn = NULL; msgNotifier = NULL; ctrl_iface_dir = strdup("/var/run/wpa_supplicant"); parse_argv(); textStatus->setText("connecting to wpa_supplicant"); timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(ping())); timer->start(1000, FALSE); if (openCtrlConnection(ctrl_iface) < 0) { printf("Failed to open control connection to " "wpa_supplicant.\n"); } updateStatus(); networkMayHaveChanged = true; updateNetworks(); }
MQLEdit::MQLEdit(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl) : QMainWindow(parent, fl) { setupUi(this); (void)statusBar(); // signals and slots connections connect(fileNewAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileNew())); connect(fileOpenAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileOpen())); connect(fileSaveAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileSave())); connect(fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileSaveAs())); connect(filePrintAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(filePrint())); connect(fileExitAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileExit())); connect(editFindAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(editFind())); connect(helpIndexAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpIndex())); connect(helpContentsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpContents())); connect(helpAboutAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpAbout())); connect(fileDatabaseConnectAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileDatabaseConnect())); connect(fileDatabaseDisconnectAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileDatabaseDisconnect())); connect(viewParameter_ListAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(showParamList())); connect(toolsParse_QueryAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(parseQuery())); connect(toolsExecute_QueryAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(execQuery())); connect(viewLog_OutputAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(showLog())); connect(viewResultsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(showResults())); connect(viewExecuted_SQLAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(showExecutedSQL())); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase(); if(_loggedIn && db.isValid() && db.isOpen()) { _loggedIn = true; } else { _loggedIn = false; } fileDatabaseConnectAction->setEnabled(!_loggedIn); fileDatabaseDisconnectAction->setEnabled(_loggedIn); _pEdit = new ParameterEdit(this); _log = new LogOutput(this); _sql = new LogOutput(this); _results = new ResultsOutput(this); }
ImportWindow::ImportWindow(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl) : QMainWindow(parent, fl) { setupUi(this); (void)statusBar(); // signals and slots connections connect(helpIndexAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpIndex())); connect(helpContentsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpContents())); connect(helpAboutAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpAbout())); connect(fileExitAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileExit())); connect(fileOpenAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(sAdd())); connect(_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sAdd())); connect(_import, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sImport())); connect(_remove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sRemove())); connect(_reports, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*)), this, SLOT(reportsDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem*))); _reports->clear(); _dbTimerId = startTimer(60000); }
ImportWindow::ImportWindow(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl) : QMainWindow(parent, fl) { setupUi(this); (void)statusBar(); // signals and slots connections connect(helpIndexAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpIndex())); connect(helpContentsAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpContents())); connect(helpAboutAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(helpAbout())); connect(fileExitAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(fileExit())); connect(fileOpenAction, SIGNAL(activated()), this, SLOT(sAdd())); connect(_add, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sAdd())); connect(_import, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sImport())); connect(_remove, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(sRemove())); _reports->clear(); QSqlQuery qpop; QSqlError err; if(!qpop.exec(getSqlFromTag("fmt19", QSqlDatabase::database().driverName()))) { err = qpop.lastError(); _log->append(tr("<font color=red>The following error was encountered " "retrieving available schemas:\n" "\t%1\n\t%2\n</font>") .arg(err.driverText()) .arg(err.databaseText())); return; } else while (qpop.next()) _schema->addItem(qpop.value(0).toString(), qpop.value(0)); _dbTimerId = startTimer(60000); }
/* * Constructs a TestWindow as a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. * */ TestWindow::TestWindow( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) { (void)statusBar(); QImage img; img.loadFromData( image0_data, sizeof( image0_data ), "PNG" ); image0 = img; img.loadFromData( image1_data, sizeof( image1_data ), "PNG" ); image1 = img; img.loadFromData( image2_data, sizeof( image2_data ), "PNG" ); image2 = img; img.loadFromData( image3_data, sizeof( image3_data ), "PNG" ); image3 = img; img.loadFromData( image4_data, sizeof( image4_data ), "PNG" ); image4 = img; img.loadFromData( image5_data, sizeof( image5_data ), "PNG" ); image5 = img; img.loadFromData( image6_data, sizeof( image6_data ), "PNG" ); image6 = img; img.loadFromData( image7_data, sizeof( image7_data ), "PNG" ); image7 = img; img.loadFromData( image8_data, sizeof( image8_data ), "PNG" ); image8 = img; img.loadFromData( image9_data, sizeof( image9_data ), "PNG" ); image9 = img; if ( !name ) setName( "TestWindow" ); setCentralWidget( new QWidget( this, "qt_central_widget" ) ); TestWindowLayout = new QVBoxLayout( centralWidget(), 11, 6, "TestWindowLayout"); mainPanel = new QGroupBox( centralWidget(), "mainPanel" ); mainPanel->setPaletteForegroundColor( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) ); mainPanel->setPaletteBackgroundColor( QColor( 0, 0, 0 ) ); mainPanel->setFrameShadow( QGroupBox::Sunken ); mainPanel->setFlat( FALSE ); grpbuffer = new QGroupBox( mainPanel, "grpbuffer" ); grpbuffer->setGeometry( QRect( 10, 20, 320, 60 ) ); grpbuffer->setPaletteForegroundColor( QColor( 255, 255, 255 ) ); grpbuffer->setFlat( FALSE ); TestWindowLayout->addWidget( mainPanel ); layout1 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout1"); btnStart = new QPushButton( centralWidget(), "btnStart" ); layout1->addWidget( btnStart ); btnStop = new QPushButton( centralWidget(), "btnStop" ); layout1->addWidget( btnStop ); TestWindowLayout->addLayout( layout1 ); // actions fileNewAction = new QAction( this, "fileNewAction" ); fileNewAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image0 ) ); fileOpenAction = new QAction( this, "fileOpenAction" ); fileOpenAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image1 ) ); fileSaveAction = new QAction( this, "fileSaveAction" ); fileSaveAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image2 ) ); fileSaveAsAction = new QAction( this, "fileSaveAsAction" ); filePrintAction = new QAction( this, "filePrintAction" ); filePrintAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image3 ) ); fileExitAction = new QAction( this, "fileExitAction" ); editUndoAction = new QAction( this, "editUndoAction" ); editUndoAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image4 ) ); editRedoAction = new QAction( this, "editRedoAction" ); editRedoAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image5 ) ); editCutAction = new QAction( this, "editCutAction" ); editCutAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image6 ) ); editCopyAction = new QAction( this, "editCopyAction" ); editCopyAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image7 ) ); editPasteAction = new QAction( this, "editPasteAction" ); editPasteAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image8 ) ); editFindAction = new QAction( this, "editFindAction" ); editFindAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image9 ) ); helpContentsAction = new QAction( this, "helpContentsAction" ); helpIndexAction = new QAction( this, "helpIndexAction" ); helpAboutAction = new QAction( this, "helpAboutAction" ); // toolbars // menubar menubar = new QMenuBar( this, "menubar" ); menubar->setEnabled( FALSE ); menubar->setPaletteBackgroundColor( QColor( 239, 239, 239 ) ); fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); fileNewAction->addTo( fileMenu ); fileOpenAction->addTo( fileMenu ); fileSaveAction->addTo( fileMenu ); fileSaveAsAction->addTo( fileMenu ); fileMenu->insertSeparator(); filePrintAction->addTo( fileMenu ); fileMenu->insertSeparator(); fileExitAction->addTo( fileMenu ); menubar->insertItem( QString(""), fileMenu, 3 ); editMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); editUndoAction->addTo( editMenu ); editRedoAction->addTo( editMenu ); editMenu->insertSeparator(); editCutAction->addTo( editMenu ); editCopyAction->addTo( editMenu ); editPasteAction->addTo( editMenu ); editMenu->insertSeparator(); editFindAction->addTo( editMenu ); menubar->insertItem( QString(""), editMenu, 4 ); Help = new QPopupMenu( this ); helpContentsAction->addTo( Help ); helpIndexAction->addTo( Help ); Help->insertSeparator(); helpAboutAction->addTo( Help ); menubar->insertItem( QString(""), Help, 5 ); languageChange(); resize( QSize(373, 363).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) ); clearWState( WState_Polished ); // signals and slots connections connect( fileNewAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) ); connect( fileOpenAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileOpen() ) ); connect( fileSaveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSave() ) ); connect( fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSaveAs() ) ); connect( filePrintAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( filePrint() ) ); connect( fileExitAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExit() ) ); connect( editUndoAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editUndo() ) ); connect( editRedoAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editRedo() ) ); connect( editCutAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) ); connect( editCopyAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editFind() ) ); connect( editPasteAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) ); connect( editFindAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editFind() ) ); connect( helpIndexAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpIndex() ) ); connect( helpContentsAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpContents() ) ); connect( helpAboutAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpAbout() ) ); connect( btnStart, SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( add() ) ); connect( btnStop, SIGNAL( released() ), this, SLOT( remove() ) ); }
MQLEdit::MQLEdit(QWidget* parent, Qt::WindowFlags fl) : QWidget(parent, fl) { setupUi(this); if (OpenRPT::name.isEmpty()) OpenRPT::name = tr("MetaSQL Editor"); _mqlSelector = 0; _document = _text->document(); _document->setDefaultFont(QFont("Courier")); connect(_document, SIGNAL(modificationChanged(bool)), this, SLOT(setWindowModified(bool))); connect(editFindAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editFind())); connect(fileDatabaseConnectAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileDatabaseConnect())); connect(fileDatabaseDisconnectAction,SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileDatabaseDisconnect())); connect(fileDatabaseOpenAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileDatabaseOpen())); connect(fileDatabaseSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileDatabaseSaveAs())); connect(fileExitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileExit())); connect(fileNewAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileNew())); connect(fileOpenAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileOpen())); connect(filePrintAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(filePrint())); connect(fileSaveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileSave())); connect(fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(fileSaveAs())); connect(helpAboutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(helpAbout())); connect(helpContentsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(helpContents())); connect(helpIndexAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(helpIndex())); connect(searchForParametersAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(populateParameterEdit())); connect(toolsExecute_QueryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(execQuery())); connect(toolsParse_QueryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(parseQuery())); connect(viewExecuted_SQLAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showExecutedSQL())); connect(viewLog_OutputAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showLog())); connect(viewParameter_ListAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showParamList())); connect(viewResultsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(showResults())); QSqlDatabase db = QSqlDatabase().database(); if(db.isValid() && db.isOpen()) OpenRPT::loggedIn = true; else { OpenRPT::loggedIn = false; db = QSqlDatabase(); } if (parent) // then must be embedded { if (DEBUG) qDebug("MQLEdit::MQLEdit(%p) OpenRPT::loggedIn = %d", parent, OpenRPT::loggedIn); fileDatabaseConnectAction->setVisible(! OpenRPT::loggedIn); fileDatabaseDisconnectAction->setVisible(! OpenRPT::loggedIn); fileExitAction->setText(tr("Close")); QToolBar *menuproxy = new QToolBar(this); menuproxy->setObjectName("menuproxy"); menuproxy->setOrientation(Qt::Horizontal); verticalLayout->insertWidget(0, menuproxy); menuproxy->addAction(fileMenu->menuAction()); menuproxy->addAction(editMenu->menuAction()); menuproxy->addAction(ViewMenu->menuAction()); menuproxy->addAction(ToolsMenu->menuAction()); menuproxy->addAction(helpMenu->menuAction()); } fileDatabaseConnectAction->setEnabled(!OpenRPT::loggedIn); fileDatabaseDisconnectAction->setEnabled(OpenRPT::loggedIn); fileDatabaseOpenAction->setEnabled(OpenRPT::loggedIn); fileDatabaseSaveAsAction->setEnabled(OpenRPT::loggedIn); _pEdit = new ParameterEdit(this, Qt::Window); _log = new LogOutput(this); _sql = new LogOutput(this); _results = new ResultsOutput(this); _highlighter = new MetaSQLHighlighter(_document); clear(); setDestType(MQLUnknown); }
/* * Constructs a MainWindow as a child of 'parent', with the * name 'name' and widget flags set to 'f'. * */ MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget* parent, const char* name, WFlags fl ) : QMainWindow( parent, name, fl ) { (void)statusBar(); QImage img; img.loadFromData( image0_data, sizeof( image0_data ), "PNG" ); image0 = img; img.loadFromData( image1_data, sizeof( image1_data ), "PNG" ); image1 = img; img.loadFromData( image2_data, sizeof( image2_data ), "PNG" ); image2 = img; img.loadFromData( image3_data, sizeof( image3_data ), "PNG" ); image3 = img; img.loadFromData( image4_data, sizeof( image4_data ), "PNG" ); image4 = img; img.loadFromData( image5_data, sizeof( image5_data ), "PNG" ); image5 = img; img.loadFromData( image6_data, sizeof( image6_data ), "PNG" ); image6 = img; img.loadFromData( image7_data, sizeof( image7_data ), "PNG" ); image7 = img; img.loadFromData( image8_data, sizeof( image8_data ), "PNG" ); image8 = img; img.loadFromData( image9_data, sizeof( image9_data ), "PNG" ); image9 = img; if ( !name ) setName( "MainWindow" ); setCentralWidget( new QWidget( this, "qt_central_widget" ) ); QWidget* privateLayoutWidget = new QWidget( centralWidget(), "layout8" ); privateLayoutWidget->setGeometry( QRect( 1, 11, 340, 300 ) ); layout8 = new QVBoxLayout( privateLayoutWidget, 11, 6, "layout8"); BotonesLector = new QButtonGroup( privateLayoutWidget, "BotonesLector" ); BotonesLector->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); BotonesLector->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); BotonesLector->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); BotonesLectorLayout = new QHBoxLayout( BotonesLector->layout() ); BotonesLectorLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); layout9 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout9"); pushButton1 = new QPushButton( BotonesLector, "pushButton1" ); layout9->addWidget( pushButton1 ); pushButton2 = new QPushButton( BotonesLector, "pushButton2" ); layout9->addWidget( pushButton2 ); BotonesLectorLayout->addLayout( layout9 ); layout8->addWidget( BotonesLector ); layout6 = new QHBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout6"); layout5 = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout5"); txtSldrTitleTemp = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "txtSldrTitleTemp" ); txtSldrTitleTemp->setFrameShape( QLabel::Box ); txtSldrTitleTemp->setScaledContents( FALSE ); layout5->addWidget( txtSldrTitleTemp ); sldrTemp = new QSlider( privateLayoutWidget, "sldrTemp" ); sldrTemp->setMaxValue( 4 ); sldrTemp->setOrientation( QSlider::Vertical ); layout5->addWidget( sldrTemp ); txtTemp = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "txtTemp" ); QFont txtTemp_font( txtTemp->font() ); txtTemp_font.setPointSize( 8 ); txtTemp->setFont( txtTemp_font ); layout5->addWidget( txtTemp ); layout6->addLayout( layout5 ); Grupo1 = new QGroupBox( privateLayoutWidget, "Grupo1" ); layout6->addWidget( Grupo1 ); layout4 = new QVBoxLayout( 0, 0, 6, "layout4"); txtSldrTitleVelocidad = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "txtSldrTitleVelocidad" ); txtSldrTitleVelocidad->setFrameShape( QLabel::Box ); txtSldrTitleVelocidad->setScaledContents( FALSE ); layout4->addWidget( txtSldrTitleVelocidad ); sldrVelocidad = new QSlider( privateLayoutWidget, "sldrVelocidad" ); sldrVelocidad->setOrientation( QSlider::Vertical ); layout4->addWidget( sldrVelocidad ); txtVelocidad = new QLabel( privateLayoutWidget, "txtVelocidad" ); QFont txtVelocidad_font( txtVelocidad->font() ); txtVelocidad_font.setPointSize( 8 ); txtVelocidad->setFont( txtVelocidad_font ); layout4->addWidget( txtVelocidad ); layout6->addLayout( layout4 ); layout8->addLayout( layout6 ); BotonActivar = new QButtonGroup( privateLayoutWidget, "BotonActivar" ); BotonActivar->setColumnLayout(0, Qt::Vertical ); BotonActivar->layout()->setSpacing( 6 ); BotonActivar->layout()->setMargin( 11 ); BotonActivarLayout = new QHBoxLayout( BotonActivar->layout() ); BotonActivarLayout->setAlignment( Qt::AlignTop ); btnIniciar = new QPushButton( BotonActivar, "btnIniciar" ); btnIniciar->setToggleButton( TRUE ); BotonActivarLayout->addWidget( btnIniciar ); layout8->addWidget( BotonActivar ); // actions fileNewAction = new QAction( this, "fileNewAction" ); fileNewAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image0 ) ); fileOpenAction = new QAction( this, "fileOpenAction" ); fileOpenAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image1 ) ); fileSaveAction = new QAction( this, "fileSaveAction" ); fileSaveAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image2 ) ); fileSaveAsAction = new QAction( this, "fileSaveAsAction" ); filePrintAction = new QAction( this, "filePrintAction" ); filePrintAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image3 ) ); fileExitAction = new QAction( this, "fileExitAction" ); editUndoAction = new QAction( this, "editUndoAction" ); editUndoAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image4 ) ); editRedoAction = new QAction( this, "editRedoAction" ); editRedoAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image5 ) ); editCutAction = new QAction( this, "editCutAction" ); editCutAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image6 ) ); editCopyAction = new QAction( this, "editCopyAction" ); editCopyAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image7 ) ); editPasteAction = new QAction( this, "editPasteAction" ); editPasteAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image8 ) ); editFindAction = new QAction( this, "editFindAction" ); editFindAction->setIconSet( QIconSet( image9 ) ); helpContentsAction = new QAction( this, "helpContentsAction" ); helpIndexAction = new QAction( this, "helpIndexAction" ); helpAboutAction = new QAction( this, "helpAboutAction" ); // toolbars // menubar menubar = new QMenuBar( this, "menubar" ); fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); fileOpenAction->addTo( fileMenu ); fileSaveAction->addTo( fileMenu ); fileMenu->insertSeparator(); fileMenu->insertSeparator(); fileExitAction->addTo( fileMenu ); menubar->insertItem( QString(""), fileMenu, 1 ); helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); helpMenu->insertSeparator(); helpAboutAction->addTo( helpMenu ); menubar->insertItem( QString(""), helpMenu, 2 ); languageChange(); resize( QSize(351, 352).expandedTo(minimumSizeHint()) ); clearWState( WState_Polished ); // signals and slots connections connect( fileNewAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileNew() ) ); connect( fileOpenAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileOpen() ) ); connect( fileSaveAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSave() ) ); connect( fileSaveAsAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileSaveAs() ) ); connect( filePrintAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( filePrint() ) ); connect( fileExitAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( fileExit() ) ); connect( editUndoAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editUndo() ) ); connect( editRedoAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editRedo() ) ); connect( editCutAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCut() ) ); connect( editCopyAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editCopy() ) ); connect( editPasteAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editPaste() ) ); connect( editFindAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( editFind() ) ); connect( helpIndexAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpIndex() ) ); connect( helpContentsAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpContents() ) ); connect( helpAboutAction, SIGNAL( activated() ), this, SLOT( helpAbout() ) ); connect( sldrTemp, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), txtTemp, SLOT( setNum(int) ) ); connect( sldrVelocidad, SIGNAL( valueChanged(int) ), txtVelocidad, SLOT( setNum(int) ) ); connect( BotonActivar, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), this, SLOT( Activar(bool) ) ); }
bool TestWindow::qt_invoke( int _id, QUObject* _o ) { switch ( _id - staticMetaObject()->slotOffset() ) { case 0: fileNew(); break; case 1: fileOpen(); break; case 2: fileSave(); break; case 3: fileSaveAs(); break; case 4: filePrint(); break; case 5: fileExit(); break; case 6: editUndo(); break; case 7: editRedo(); break; case 8: editCut(); break; case 9: add(); break; case 10: editPaste(); break; case 11: editFind(); break; case 12: helpIndex(); break; case 13: helpContents(); break; case 14: helpAbout(); break; case 15: static_QUType_ptr.set(_o,remove()); break; case 16: begin(); break; case 17: end(); break; case 18: languageChange(); break; default: return QMainWindow::qt_invoke( _id, _o ); } return TRUE; }
WpaGui::WpaGui(QWidget *parent, const char *, Qt::WFlags) : QMainWindow(parent) { setupUi(this); #ifdef CONFIG_NATIVE_WINDOWS fileStopServiceAction = new QAction(this); fileStopServiceAction->setObjectName("Stop Service"); fileStopServiceAction->setIconText(tr("Stop Service")); fileMenu->insertAction(actionWPS, fileStopServiceAction); fileStartServiceAction = new QAction(this); fileStartServiceAction->setObjectName("Start Service"); fileStartServiceAction->setIconText(tr("Start Service")); fileMenu->insertAction(fileStopServiceAction, fileStartServiceAction); connect(fileStartServiceAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(startService())); connect(fileStopServiceAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(stopService())); addInterfaceAction = new QAction(this); addInterfaceAction->setIconText(tr("Add Interface")); fileMenu->insertAction(fileStartServiceAction, addInterfaceAction); connect(addInterfaceAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addInterface())); #endif /* CONFIG_NATIVE_WINDOWS */ // (void) statusBar(); /* * Disable WPS tab by default; it will be enabled if wpa_supplicant is * built with WPS support. */ wpsTab->setEnabled(false); wpaguiTab->setTabEnabled(wpaguiTab->indexOf(wpsTab), false); connect(fileEventHistoryAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(eventHistory())); connect(fileSaveConfigAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(saveConfig())); connect(actionWPS, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(wpsDialog())); connect(actionPeers, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(peersDialog())); connect(fileExitAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit())); connect(networkAddAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(addNetwork())); connect(networkEditAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(editSelectedNetwork())); connect(networkRemoveAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removeSelectedNetwork())); connect(networkEnableAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(enableAllNetworks())); connect(networkDisableAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(disableAllNetworks())); connect(networkRemoveAllAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(removeAllNetworks())); connect(helpIndexAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(helpIndex())); connect(helpContentsAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(helpContents())); connect(helpAboutAction, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(helpAbout())); connect(disconnectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(disconnect())); connect(scanButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scan())); connect(connectButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(connectB())); connect(adapterSelect, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(selectAdapter(const QString&))); connect(networkSelect, SIGNAL(activated(const QString&)), this, SLOT(selectNetwork(const QString&))); connect(addNetworkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(addNetwork())); connect(editNetworkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(editListedNetwork())); connect(removeNetworkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(removeListedNetwork())); connect(networkList, SIGNAL(itemSelectionChanged()), this, SLOT(updateNetworkDisabledStatus())); connect(enableRadioButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(enableListedNetwork(bool))); connect(disableRadioButton, SIGNAL(toggled(bool)), this, SLOT(disableListedNetwork(bool))); connect(scanNetworkButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(scan())); connect(networkList, SIGNAL(itemDoubleClicked(QListWidgetItem *)), this, SLOT(editListedNetwork())); connect(wpaguiTab, SIGNAL(currentChanged(int)), this, SLOT(tabChanged(int))); connect(wpsPbcButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(wpsPbc())); connect(wpsPinButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(wpsGeneratePin())); connect(wpsApPinEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged(const QString &)), this, SLOT(wpsApPinChanged(const QString &))); connect(wpsApPinButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(wpsApPin())); eh = NULL; scanres = NULL; peers = NULL; add_iface = NULL; udr = NULL; tray_icon = NULL; startInTray = false; ctrl_iface = NULL; ctrl_conn = NULL; monitor_conn = NULL; msgNotifier = NULL; ctrl_iface_dir = strdup("/var/run/wpa_supplicant"); // parse_argv(); #ifndef QT_NO_SESSIONMANAGER // if (app->isSessionRestored()) { // QSettings settings("wpa_supplicant", "wpa_gui"); // settings.beginGroup("state"); // if (app->sessionId().compare(settings.value("session_id"). // toString()) == 0) // startInTray = settings.value("in_tray").toBool(); // settings.endGroup(); // } #endif if (QSystemTrayIcon::isSystemTrayAvailable()) createTrayIcon(startInTray); else show(); connectedToService = false; textStatus->setText(tr("connecting to wpa_supplicant")); timer = new QTimer(this); connect(timer, SIGNAL(timeout()), SLOT(ping())); timer->setSingleShot(FALSE); timer->start(1000); if (openCtrlConnection(ctrl_iface) < 0) { printf("Failed to open control connection to " "wpa_supplicant.\n"); } updateStatus(); networkMayHaveChanged = true; updateNetworks(); }