Exemplo n.º 1
int hexStringToHex(char* in, int length, unsigned char* out)
    int i=0;
    int char1, char2;

    char *input=in;
    unsigned char *output=out;

    if(length < 1)
        return 1;

    for(i=0; i<length; i+=2)
        if(input[i] == '-' || input[i] == ':' || input[i] == '_' || input[i] == ' ')
        char1 = hexCharToInt(input[i]);
        char2 = hexCharToInt(input[i+1]);
        if(char1 < 0 || char1 > 15)
            return -1;
        output[i/2] = ((char1 << 4) + char2) & 0xFF;
    return (i/2);
Exemplo n.º 2
int hexStringToByte(const char *hexString) {
  int l = strlen(hexString);
  if (l == 0) return 0;
  if (l == 1) return hexCharToInt(hexString[0]);

  return 16*hexCharToInt(hexString[0]) + hexCharToInt(hexString[1]);
Exemplo n.º 3
int hexToInt(char s[], int len)
	int i = 0;
	int convert = -1;
	int value = 0;

	// Remove leading 0 (and also the second char that can be x or X)

	while (i < len)
		if (s[i] != '0' || (i == 1 && toupper((int)s[i]) != 'X'))


	// Convert to hex

	while (i < len)
		convert = hexCharToInt((unsigned char)s[i]);

		// If conversion failed, return -1
		if (convert == -1)
			return -1;

		value = (value * HEX_BASE) + convert;


	return value;
Exemplo n.º 4
void fill_with_string(void)
  char *msg = hexOrAscii ? "Hexa string to fill with: " : "Ascii string to fill with: ";
  char **last = hexOrAscii ? &lastFillWithStringHexa : &lastFillWithStringAscii;
  char tmp2[BLOCK_SEARCH_SIZE];
  unsigned char *tmp1;
  size_t i, l1, l2;

  if (!mark_set) return;
  if (isReadOnly) { displayMessageAndWaitForKey("File is read-only!"); return; }
  if (sizeCopyBuffer > BIGGEST_COPYING) {
    displayTwoLineMessage("Hey, don't you think that's too big?!", "Really fill (Yes/No)");
    if (tolower(getch()) != 'y') return;
  if (!displayMessageAndGetString(msg, last, tmp2, sizeof(tmp2))) return;
  l1 = mark_max - mark_min + 1;
  l2 = strlen(tmp2);
  if (hexOrAscii) {
    if (l2 == 1) {
      if (!isxdigit(*tmp2)) { displayMessageAndWaitForKey("Invalid hexa string"); return; }
      *tmp2 = hexCharToInt(*tmp2);
    } else if (!hexStringToBinString(tmp2, &l2)) return;
  tmp1 = malloc(l1);
  if(!tmp1) return;
  for (i = 0; i < l1 - l2 + 1; i += l2) memcpy(tmp1 + i, tmp2, l2);
  memcpy(tmp1 + i, tmp2, l1 - i);
  addToEdited(mark_min, l1, tmp1);
Exemplo n.º 5
// in: input string
// in_length: length of the string
// out: output string (needs to be already allocated).
// out_length: length of the array
// returns amount of bytes saved to 'out' or -1 if an error happened
int hexStringToArray(char* in, int in_length, unsigned char* out, int out_length)
    int i, out_pos;
    int chars[2];

    char *input=in;
    unsigned char *output=out;

    if (in_length < 2 || out_length < (in_length / 3) + 1 || input == NULL || output == NULL)
    	return -1;
    out_pos = 0;
    for (i = 0; i < in_length - 1; ++i)
		if(input[i] == '-' || input[i] == ':' || input[i] == '_' || input[i] == ' ' || input[i] == '.')
		// Check output array is big enough
    	if(out_pos >= out_length)
			return -1;
    	chars[0] = hexCharToInt(input[i]);
        // If first char is invalid (or '\0'), don't bother continuing (and you really shouldn't).
        if(chars[0] < 0 || chars[0] > 15)
        	return -1;

        chars[1] = hexCharToInt(input[++i]);
        // It should always be a multiple of 2 hex characters with or without separator
        if(chars[1] < 0 || chars[1] > 15)
            return -1;
        output[out_pos++] = ((chars[0] << 4) + chars[1]) & 0xFF;
    return out_pos;
Exemplo n.º 6
int hexToInt(std::string hexString) {
    int pos;
    int value = 0;
    bool isNeg = (hexString[0] == '-');
    if (isNeg)
        hexString = hexString.substr(1);
    for (int i = hexString.size() - 1; i>= 0; i--) {
        pos = hexString.size() - i - 1;
        char ch = hexString[i];
        value += hexCharToInt(ch) * (int)(pow(16, pos));
    if (isNeg)
        value *= -1;
    return value;
Exemplo n.º 7
void toDec(char *in, char form, int base, LLBin **list) {
    int i;

    for (i = strlen(in) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        int x = 0;

        /* Convert A-Fa-f to 10-15. */
        if (base == HEX_BASE && !isdigit(in[i])) {
            x = hexCharToInt(in[i]);
        } else {
            x = in[i] - '0';
        toBin(x, form, list);
Exemplo n.º 8
//Return the mac address bytes (or null if it's not a mac address)
int getmac(char * macAddress, int strict, unsigned char * mac)
	char byte[3];
	int i, nbElem, n;

	if (macAddress == NULL)
		return 1;

	/* Minimum length */
	if ((int)strlen(macAddress) < 12)
		return 1;

	memset(mac, 0, 6);
	byte[2] = 0;
	i = nbElem = 0;

	while (macAddress[i] != 0)
		if (macAddress[i] == '\n' || macAddress[i] == '\r')

		byte[0] = macAddress[i];
		byte[1] = macAddress[i+1];

		if (sscanf( byte, "%x", &n ) != 1
			&& strlen(byte) == 2)
			return 1;

		if (hexCharToInt(byte[1]) < 0)
			return 1;

		mac[nbElem] = n;


		if (macAddress[i] == ':' || macAddress[i] == '-'  || macAddress[i] == '_')

	if ((strict && nbElem != 6)
		|| (!strict && nbElem > 6))
		return 1;

	return 0;
Exemplo n.º 9
int toDec(char *in, int base) {
    int result = 0;
    int power = 0;
    int i;
    for (i = strlen(in) - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        int x;

        /* Convert A-Fa-f to 10-15. */
        if (base == HEX_BASE && !isdigit(in[i])) {
            x = hexCharToInt(in[i]);
        } else {
            x = in[i] - '0';

        result += x * (pow(base, power++));

    return result;
Exemplo n.º 10
int main(int argc,char** argv){

	FILE* inputHex;
	int fileSize;
	int byteCount;
	int addr;
	int highLowToggle = LOW_BYTE;
	int ndx;
	uint16_t data;
	char hexData[128];

	inputHex = fopen(argv[1],"r");



	if(programmingEnable() != 0x53){
		printf("Programmer Out of Sync!!!\n");
		return -1;
	} else {
		printf("In sync!\n");

	//printf("Erasing chip\n");
	if(argv[2][0] == 'e'){
		return 1;





	//printf("Fuse check: %hhX\n",readFuseBits());
	//return 1;

	/*if(programmingEnable() != 0x53){
		printf("Out of Sync!\n");
		return -1;
	} else {
		printf("In sync!\n");

	while(feof(inputHex) == 0){
		//printf("parsing %s\n",hexData);
		if(hexData[0] != ':'){
			printf("Error in hex file!\n");
		byteCount = hexCharToInt(hexData[1]) << 4;
		byteCount |= hexCharToInt(hexData[2]);
		addr = hexCharToInt(hexData[3]) << 12;
		addr |= hexCharToInt(hexData[4]) << 8;
		addr |= hexCharToInt(hexData[5]) << 4;
		addr |= hexCharToInt(hexData[6]);

		addr /= 2;

		if(hexData[8] == '1'){
		} else if(hexData[8] != '0'){
			printf("Unsupported Hex file\n");

		ndx = 9;
			data = hexCharToInt(hexData[ndx]) << 4;
			data |= hexCharToInt(hexData[ndx]);
			data |= hexCharToInt(hexData[ndx]) << 12;
			data |= hexCharToInt(hexData[ndx]) << 8;
			//printf("Writing byte %hX to address %hX\n",data,addr);

			byteCount -= 2;


	byteCount = 0;
	while(byteCount < 0x88){
		printf("%X: %hX\n",byteCount,readProgramMemory(byteCount));

		//printf("%X: %hhX %hhX\n",byteCount,readProgramMemoryByte(byteCount,HIGH_BYTE),readProgramMemoryByte(byteCount,LOW_BYTE));

//! \param encodedByte Must point to at least two ASCII hex characters.
uint8_t hexByteToInt(const char *encodedByte)
    return (hexCharToInt(encodedByte[0]) << 4) | hexCharToInt(encodedByte[1]);
Exemplo n.º 12
// convert a hex byte (two characters) into 8 bit unsigned integer
uint8_t hexByteToInt(char hi, char lo) {

    return ( (hexCharToInt(hi) << 4) + hexCharToInt(lo) );  // return the unsigned integer
Exemplo n.º 13
// parse the current s-record in the buffer
uint8_t parseSrecBuffer(char *thisBuffer) {

    uint8_t srecBytecount, srecChecksum, srecType;
    uint32_t srecAddress;
    uint8_t tmpAddress;
    char hi, lo;
    char c1, c2;
    uint16_t i;

    // check if current buffer is a data record (starts with S1, S2 or S3)
    if(*thisBuffer++ == 'S' ) {

	// get s-record type
	srecType = hexCharToInt(*thisBuffer++);

	// only process the record in case it's a data record
	if((srecType == 1) || (srecType == 2) || (srecType == 3)) {

	    // get the byte count
	    hi = *thisBuffer++;
	    lo = *thisBuffer++;
	    srecBytecount = hexByteToInt(hi, lo);
	    // one could directly put *thisBuffer++ into the arguments,
	    // but the arguments are put on stack last first, i.e. the
	    // lo character is fetched from the *thisBuffer first and
	    // this changes lo and hi character! Using seperate variables
	    // hi and lo is more clear and readable than changing the 
	    // sequence in the hexByteToInt function.

	    // check if byte count is larger than 0x43, i.e. we have more
	    // than 64 bytes in the record -> not allowed
	    if(srecBytecount > (0x43 + srecType - 1)) {
		uartPutChar('B');  // 'B' indicates this error
		return FALSE;
	    srecChecksum = srecBytecount;  // add byte count to checksum
	    srecAddress = 0;  // reset s-record address

	    // extract the address depending of s-record type
	    for(i = 0; i <= srecType; ++i) {
		hi = *thisBuffer++;
		lo = *thisBuffer++;
		tmpAddress = hexByteToInt(hi, lo);  // get next address byte
		srecAddress <<= 8;  // shift existing address one byte left
		srecAddress += tmpAddress;  // add new lower address byte
		srecChecksum += tmpAddress;  // add address portion to checksum

	    // read all data bytes
	    for(i = 0; i < (srecBytecount - 3 - (srecType - 1)); i += 2) {

		// assemble a 16 bit little endian data word and calculate checksum
		hi = *thisBuffer++;
		lo = *thisBuffer++;
		c1 = hexByteToInt(hi, lo);
		srecChecksum += c1;

		hi = *thisBuffer++;
		lo = *thisBuffer++;
		c2 = hexByteToInt(hi, lo);
		srecChecksum += c2;

		if(programThisMemory == FLASH) {
		    // write word to flash write buffer
		    boot_page_fill(srecAddress + i, (c2 << 8) + c1);
		} else {
		    // write hi and lo byte into eeprom buffer
		    eepromWriteBuffer[srecAddress + i] = c1;
		    eepromWriteBuffer[srecAddress + i + 1] = c2;

		// This counter decrements from SPM_PAGESIZE to two,
		// when two is reached, the flash page may be written.
		// If it goes below two, the bytecount of an s-record
		// was not a integer factor of the flash page size.
		// See description on top of this file.
		if((flashPageSizeCounter -= 2) == 0) {
		    uartPutChar('P');  // 'P' indicates this error
		    return FALSE;

	    // get checksum and compare to 0xff
	    hi = *thisBuffer++;
	    lo = *thisBuffer++;
	    srecChecksum += hexByteToInt(hi, lo);  

	    // compare checksum to 0xff
	    if(srecChecksum != 0xff) {
		uartPutChar('C');  // if checksum is wrong, 'C' indicates this error
		return FALSE;

	    uartPutChar('.');  // '.' indicates some progress

	// check if end of file record
	if((srecType == 9) || (srecType == 8) || (srecType == 7)) {
	    srecEndOfFile = TRUE;

    // check if either page size counter is two (i.e. buffer is full)
    // or end of file was reached (i.e. the previously received
    // bytes must be written to flash)
    if((flashPageSizeCounter == 2) || (srecEndOfFile == TRUE)){

	if(programThisMemory == FLASH) {

	    boot_page_erase(writeBaseAddress);  // do a page erase
	    boot_spm_busy_wait();  // wait for page erase done

	    boot_page_write(writeBaseAddress);  // do a page write
	    boot_spm_busy_wait();  // wait for write completed

	    boot_rww_enable();  // reenable rww section again

	if(programThisMemory == EEPROM) {

	    eeprom_busy_wait();  // wait for eeprom no longer busy
			       (void *)(uint16_t)writeBaseAddress,
			       SPM_PAGESIZE);  // write the block to eeprom

	flashPageSizeCounter = SPM_PAGESIZE + 2;  // set byte counter to correct value (see declaration at beginning)
	writeBaseAddress += SPM_PAGESIZE;

    return TRUE;
Exemplo n.º 14
bool EdifyTokenString::unescape(const std::string &str, std::string *out)
    std::string output;

    for (std::size_t i = 0; i < str.size();) {
        char c = str[i];

        if (c == '\\') {
            if (i == str.size() - 1) {
                // Escape character is last character
                return false;

            std::size_t new_i = i + 2;

            if (str[i + 1] == 'a') {
                output += '\a';
            } else if (str[i + 1] == 'b') {
                output += '\b';
            } else if (str[i + 1] == 'f') {
                output += '\f';
            } else if (str[i + 1] == 'n') {
                output += '\n';
            } else if (str[i + 1] == 'r') {
                output += '\r';
            } else if (str[i + 1] == 't') {
                output += '\t';
            } else if (str[i + 1] == 'v') {
                output += '\v';
            } else if (str[i + 1] == '\\') {
                output += '\\';
            } else if (str[i + 1] == 'x') {
                if (str.size() - i < 4) {
                    // Need 4 chars: \xYY
                    return false;
                int digit1 = hexCharToInt(str[i + 2]);
                int digit2 = hexCharToInt(str[i + 3]);
                if (digit1 < 0 || digit2 < 0) {
                    // One of the chars is not a valid hex character
                    return false;

                char val = (digit1 << 4) & digit2;
                output += val;

                new_i += 2;
            } else {
                // Invalid escape char
                return false;

            i = new_i;
        } else {
            output += c;
            i += 1;


    return true;