Exemplo n.º 1
 * Just determine where a new score *would* be placed
 * Return the location (0 is best) or -1 on failure
static int highscore_where(high_score *score)
    int            i;

    high_score        the_score;
    int my_score;

    my_score = atoi(score->pts);

    /* Paranoia -- it may not have opened */
    if (highscore_fd < 0) return (-1);

    /* Go to the start of the highscore file */
    if (highscore_seek(0)) return (-1);

    /* Read until we get to a higher score */
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_HISCORES; i++)
        int old_score;
        if (highscore_read(&the_score)) return (i);
        old_score = atoi(the_score.pts);
/*        if (strcmp(the_score.pts, score->pts) < 0) return (i); */
        if (my_score > old_score) return (i);

    /* The "last" entry is always usable */
    return (MAX_HISCORES - 1);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Actually place an entry into the high score file
 * Return the location (0 is best) or -1 on "failure"
static int highscore_add(high_score *score)
    int            i, slot;
    bool        done = FALSE;

    high_score        the_score, tmpscore;

    /* Paranoia -- it may not have opened */
    if (highscore_fd < 0) return (-1);

    /* Determine where the score should go */
    slot = highscore_where(score);

    /* Hack -- Not on the list */
    if (slot < 0) return (-1);

    /* Hack -- prepare to dump the new score */
    the_score = (*score);

    /* Slide all the scores down one */
    for (i = slot; !done && (i < MAX_HISCORES); i++)
        /* Read the old guy, note errors */
        if (highscore_seek(i)) return (-1);
        if (highscore_read(&tmpscore)) done = TRUE;

        /* Back up and dump the score we were holding */
        if (highscore_seek(i)) return (-1);
        if (highscore_write(&the_score)) return (-1);

        /* Hack -- Save the old score, for the next pass */
        the_score = tmpscore;

    /* Return location used */
    return (slot);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Race Legends
 * -KMW-
void race_score(int race_num)
    register int i = 0, j, m = 0;
    int pr, clev, lastlev;
    high_score the_score;
    char buf[1024], out_val[256], tmp_str[80];

    lastlev = 0;

    /* rr9: TODO - pluralize the race */
    sprintf(tmp_str,"The Greatest of all the %s", get_race_t_aux(race_num, 0)->name);

    prt(tmp_str, 5, 15);

    /* Build the filename */
    path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_APEX, "scores.raw");

    highscore_fd = fd_open(buf, O_RDONLY);

    if (highscore_fd < 0)
        msg_print("Score file unavailable.");


    if (highscore_seek(0)) return;

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_HISCORES; i++)
        if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;

    m = 0;
    j = 0;

    while ((m < 10) || (j < MAX_HISCORES))
        if (highscore_seek(j)) break;
        if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;
        pr = atoi(the_score.p_r);
        clev = atoi(the_score.cur_lev);

        if (pr == race_num)
            sprintf(out_val, "%3d) %s the %s (Level %3d)",
                (m + 1), the_score.who,
            get_race_t_aux(pr, 0)->name, clev);

            prt(out_val, (m + 7), 0);
            lastlev = clev;

    /* add player if qualified */
    if ((p_ptr->prace == race_num) && (p_ptr->lev >= lastlev))
        sprintf(out_val, "You) %s the %s (Level %3d)",
            player_name, get_race_t_aux(p_ptr->prace, p_ptr->psubrace)->name, p_ptr->lev);

        prt(out_val, (m + 8), 0);

    highscore_fd = -1;
Exemplo n.º 4
 * show_highclass - selectively list highscores based on class
 * -KMW-
void show_highclass(void)

    register int i = 0, j, m = 0;
    int pr, clev/*, al*/;
    high_score the_score;
    char buf[1024], out_val[256];


    /* Build the filename */
    path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_APEX, "scores.raw");

    highscore_fd = fd_open(buf, O_RDONLY);

    if (highscore_fd < 0)
        msg_print("Score file unavailable.");


    if (highscore_seek(0)) return;

    for (i = 0; i < MAX_HISCORES; i++)
        if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;

    m = 0;
    j = 0;
    clev = 0;

    while ((m < 9) && (j < MAX_HISCORES))
        if (highscore_seek(j)) break;
        if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;
        pr = atoi(the_score.p_r);
        clev = atoi(the_score.cur_lev);

        sprintf(out_val, "%3d) %s the %s (Level %2d)",
            (m + 1), the_score.who, get_race_t_aux(pr, 0)->name, clev);

        prt(out_val, (m + 7), 0);

    sprintf(out_val, "You) %s the %s (Level %2d)",
        player_name, get_race_t_aux(p_ptr->prace, p_ptr->psubrace)->name, p_ptr->lev);

    prt(out_val, (m + 8), 0);

    highscore_fd = -1;
    prt("Hit any key to continue",0,0);


    for (j = 5; j < 18; j++) prt("", j, 0);
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Display the scores in a given range.
 * Assumes the high score list is already open.
 * Only five entries per line, too much info.
 * Mega-Hack -- allow "fake" entry at the given position.
void display_scores_aux(int from, int to, int note, high_score *score)
    int        i, j, k, n, place;
    byte attr;

    high_score    the_score;

    char    out_val[256];
    char    tmp_val[160];

    int wid, hgt, per_screen;

    Term_get_size(&wid, &hgt);
    per_screen = (hgt - 4) / 4;

    /* Paranoia -- it may not have opened */
    if (highscore_fd < 0) return;

    /* Assume we will show the first 10 */
    if (from < 0) from = 0;
    if (to < 0) to = 10;
    if (to > MAX_HISCORES) to = MAX_HISCORES;

    /* Seek to the beginning */
    if (highscore_seek(0)) return;

    /* Hack -- Count the high scores */
    for (i = 0; i < MAX_HISCORES; i++)
        if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;

    /* Hack -- allow "fake" entry to be last */
    if ((note == i) && score) i++;

    /* Forget about the last entries */
    if (i > to) i = to;

    /* Show per_screen per page, until "done" */
    for (k = from, place = k+1; k < i; k += per_screen)
        /* Clear screen */

        /* Title */
        put_str("                PosChengband Hall of Fame", 0, 0);

        /* Indicate non-top scores */
        if (k > 0)
            sprintf(tmp_val, "(from position %d)", k + 1);

            put_str(tmp_val, 0, 40);

        /* Dump per_screen entries */
        for (j = k, n = 0; j < i && n < per_screen; place++, j++, n++)
            int pr, pc, pa, clev, mlev, cdun, mdun;

            cptr user, gold, when, aged;

            /* Hack -- indicate death in yellow */
            attr = (j == note) ? TERM_YELLOW : TERM_WHITE;

            /* Mega-Hack -- insert a "fake" record */
            if ((note == j) && score)
                the_score = (*score);
                attr = TERM_L_GREEN;
                score = NULL;
                note = -1;

            /* Read a normal record */
                /* Read the proper record */
                if (highscore_seek(j)) break;
                if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;

            /* Extract the race/class */
            pr = atoi(the_score.p_r);
            pc = atoi(the_score.p_c);
            pa = atoi(the_score.p_a);

            /* Extract the level info */
            clev = atoi(the_score.cur_lev);
            mlev = atoi(the_score.max_lev);
            cdun = atoi(the_score.cur_dun);
            mdun = atoi(the_score.max_dun);

            /* Hack -- extract the gold and such */
            for (user = the_score.uid; isspace(*user); user++) /* loop */;
            for (when = the_score.day; isspace(*when); when++) /* loop */;
            for (gold = the_score.gold; isspace(*gold); gold++) /* loop */;
            for (aged = the_score.turns; isspace(*aged); aged++) /* loop */;

            /* Clean up standard encoded form of "when" */
            if ((*when == '@') && strlen(when) == 9)
                sprintf(tmp_val, "%.4s-%.2s-%.2s",
                    when + 1, when + 5, when + 7);
                when = tmp_val;

            /* Dump some info */
            sprintf(out_val, "%3d.%9s  %s %s the %s %s, Level %d",
                place, the_score.pts,
                the_score.who, get_race_t_aux(pr, 0)->name, get_class_t_aux(pc, 0)->name,

            /* Append a "maximum level" */
            if (mlev > clev) strcat(out_val, format(" (Max %d)", mlev));

            /* Dump the first line */
            c_put_str(attr, out_val, n*4 + 2, 0);

            /* Another line of info */
            /* Some people die outside of the dungeon */
            if (!cdun)
                    "               Killed by %s on the surface",
                    "               Killed by %s on %s %d",
                    the_score.how, "Dungeon Level", cdun);

            /* Append a "maximum level" */
            if (mdun > cdun) strcat(out_val, format(" (Max %d)", mdun));

            /* Dump the info */
            c_put_str(attr, out_val, n*4 + 3, 0);

            /* And still another line of info */
                "               (User %s, Date %s, Gold %s, Turn %s).",
                user, when, gold, aged);

            c_put_str(attr, out_val, n*4 + 4, 0);

        /* Wait for response */
        prt("[Press ESC to quit, any other key to continue.]", hgt - 1, 17);

        j = inkey();
        prt("", hgt - 1, 0);

        /* Hack -- notice Escape */
        if (j == ESCAPE) break;
Exemplo n.º 6
 * @brief スコアランキングの簡易表示 /
 * show_highclass - selectively list highscores based on class -KMW-
 * @return なし
void show_highclass(void)

	register int i = 0, j, m = 0;
	int pr, clev/*, al*/;
	high_score the_score;
	char buf[1024], out_val[256];


	/* Build the filename */
	path_build(buf, sizeof(buf), ANGBAND_DIR_APEX, "scores.raw");

	highscore_fd = fd_open(buf, O_RDONLY);

	if (highscore_fd < 0)
		msg_print(_("スコア・ファイルが使用できません。", "Score file unavailable."));

	if (highscore_seek(0)) return;

	for (i = 0; i < MAX_HISCORES; i++)
		if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;

	m = 0;
	j = 0;
	clev = 0;

	while ((m < 9) && (j < MAX_HISCORES))
		if (highscore_seek(j)) break;
		if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;
		pr = atoi(the_score.p_r);
		clev = atoi(the_score.cur_lev);

#ifdef JP
		sprintf(out_val, "   %3d) %sの%s (レベル %2d)",
		    (m + 1), race_info[pr].title,the_score.who, clev);
		sprintf(out_val, "%3d) %s the %s (Level %2d)",
		    (m + 1), the_score.who, race_info[pr].title, clev);

		prt(out_val, (m + 7), 0);

#ifdef JP
	sprintf(out_val, "あなた) %sの%s (レベル %2d)",
	    race_info[p_ptr->prace].title,player_name, p_ptr->lev);
	sprintf(out_val, "You) %s the %s (Level %2d)",
	    player_name, race_info[p_ptr->prace].title, p_ptr->lev);

	prt(out_val, (m + 8), 0);

	highscore_fd = -1;
	prt(_("何かキーを押すとゲームに戻ります", "Hit any key to continue"),0,0);


	for (j = 5; j < 18; j++) prt("", j, 0);
Exemplo n.º 7
 * @brief 指定された順位範囲でスコアを並べて表示する / Display the scores in a given range.
 * @param from 順位先頭
 * @param to 順位末尾
 * @param note 黄色表示でハイライトする順位
 * @param score スコア配列参照ポインタ
 * @return なし
 * @details
 * <pre>
 * Assumes the high score list is already open.
 * Only five entries per line, too much info.
 * Mega-Hack -- allow "fake" entry at the given position.
 * </pre>
void display_scores_aux(int from, int to, int note, high_score *score)
	int		i, j, k, n, place;
	byte attr;

	high_score	the_score;

	char	out_val[256];
	char	tmp_val[160];

	int wid, hgt, per_screen;

	Term_get_size(&wid, &hgt);
	per_screen = (hgt - 4) / 4;

	/* Paranoia -- it may not have opened */
	if (highscore_fd < 0) return;

	/* Assume we will show the first 10 */
	if (from < 0) from = 0;
	if (to < 0) to = 10;

	/* Seek to the beginning */
	if (highscore_seek(0)) return;

	/* Hack -- Count the high scores */
	for (i = 0; i < MAX_HISCORES; i++)
		if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;

	/* Hack -- allow "fake" entry to be last */
	if ((note == i) && score) i++;

	/* Forget about the last entries */
	if (i > to) i = to;

	/* Show per_screen per page, until "done" */
	for (k = from, place = k+1; k < i; k += per_screen)
		/* Clear screen */

		/* Title */
		put_str(_("                変愚蛮怒: 勇者の殿堂", "                Hengband Hall of Fame"), 0, 0);

		/* Indicate non-top scores */
		if (k > 0)
			sprintf(tmp_val, _("( %d 位以下 )", "(from position %d)"), k + 1);
			put_str(tmp_val, 0, 40);

		/* Dump per_screen entries */
		for (j = k, n = 0; j < i && n < per_screen; place++, j++, n++)
			int pr, pc, pa, clev, mlev, cdun, mdun;

			cptr user, gold, when, aged;

			/* Hack -- indicate death in yellow */
			attr = (j == note) ? TERM_YELLOW : TERM_WHITE;

			/* Mega-Hack -- insert a "fake" record */
			if ((note == j) && score)
				the_score = (*score);
				attr = TERM_L_GREEN;
				score = NULL;
				note = -1;

			/* Read a normal record */
				/* Read the proper record */
				if (highscore_seek(j)) break;
				if (highscore_read(&the_score)) break;

			/* Extract the race/class */
			pr = atoi(the_score.p_r);
			pc = atoi(the_score.p_c);
			pa = atoi(the_score.p_a);

			/* Extract the level info */
			clev = atoi(the_score.cur_lev);
			mlev = atoi(the_score.max_lev);
			cdun = atoi(the_score.cur_dun);
			mdun = atoi(the_score.max_dun);

			/* Hack -- extract the gold and such */
			for (user = the_score.uid; iswspace(*user); user++) /* loop */;
			for (when = the_score.day; iswspace(*when); when++) /* loop */;
			for (gold = the_score.gold; iswspace(*gold); gold++) /* loop */;
			for (aged = the_score.turns; iswspace(*aged); aged++) /* loop */;

			/* Clean up standard encoded form of "when" */
			if ((*when == '@') && strlen(when) == 9)
				sprintf(tmp_val, "%.4s-%.2s-%.2s",
					when + 1, when + 5, when + 7);
				when = tmp_val;

			/* Dump some info */
#ifdef JP
/*sprintf(out_val, "%3d.%9s  %s%s%sという名の%sの%s (レベル %d)", */
			sprintf(out_val, "%3d.%9s  %s%s%s - %s%s (レベル %d)",
				place, the_score.pts,
				seikaku_info[pa].title, (seikaku_info[pa].no ? "の" : ""),
				race_info[pr].title, class_info[pc].title,

			sprintf(out_val, "%3d.%9s  %s %s the %s %s, Level %d",
				place, the_score.pts,
				the_score.who, race_info[pr].title, class_info[pc].title,

			/* Append a "maximum level" */
			if (mlev > clev) strcat(out_val, format(_(" (最高%d)", " (Max %d)"), mlev));

			/* Dump the first line */
			c_put_str(attr, out_val, n*4 + 2, 0);

			/* Another line of info */
#ifdef JP
			if (mdun != 0)
				sprintf(out_val, "    最高%3d階", mdun);
				sprintf(out_val, "             ");

			/* 死亡原因をオリジナルより細かく表示 */
			if (streq(the_score.how, "yet"))
				sprintf(out_val+13, "  まだ生きている (%d%s)",
				       cdun, "階");
			if (streq(the_score.how, "ripe"))
				sprintf(out_val+13, "  勝利の後に引退 (%d%s)",
					cdun, "階");
			else if (streq(the_score.how, "Seppuku"))
				sprintf(out_val+13, "  勝利の後に切腹 (%d%s)",
					cdun, "階");

				/* Some people die outside of the dungeon */
				if (!cdun)
					sprintf(out_val+13, "  地上で%sに殺された", the_score.how);
					sprintf(out_val+13, "  %d階で%sに殺された",
						cdun, the_score.how);

			/* Some people die outside of the dungeon */
			if (!cdun)
					"               Killed by %s on the surface",
					"               Killed by %s on %s %d",
					the_score.how, "Dungeon Level", cdun);

			/* Append a "maximum level" */
			if (mdun > cdun) strcat(out_val, format(" (Max %d)", mdun));

			/* Dump the info */
			c_put_str(attr, out_val, n*4 + 3, 0);

			/* And still another line of info */
#ifdef JP
				char buf[11];

				/* 日付を 19yy/mm/dd の形式に変更する */
				if (strlen(when) == 8 && when[2] == '/' && when[5] == '/') {
					sprintf(buf, "%d%s/%.5s", 19 + (when[6] < '8'), when + 6, when);
					when = buf;
						"        (ユーザー:%s, 日付:%s, 所持金:%s, ターン:%s)",
						user, when, gold, aged);

				"               (User %s, Date %s, Gold %s, Turn %s).",
				user, when, gold, aged);

			c_put_str(attr, out_val, n*4 + 4, 0);

		/* Wait for response */
		prt(_("[ ESCで中断, その他のキーで続けます ]", "[Press ESC to quit, any other key to continue.]"), hgt - 1, _(21, 17));

		j = inkey();
		prt("", hgt - 1, 0);

		/* Hack -- notice Escape */
		if (j == ESCAPE) break;