Exemplo n.º 1
int main()
    hipDeviceProp_t prop;
    HIP_PRINT_STATUS(hipGetDeviceProperties(&prop, -1));
    int cnt;
    HIP_PRINT_STATUS(hipGetDeviceProperties(&prop, cnt+1));
    HIP_PRINT_STATUS(hipGetDeviceProperties(NULL, 0));
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ int warpSize, pshift;
  hipDeviceProp_t devProp;
  hipGetDeviceProperties(&devProp, 0);
{ warpSize =64;
  pshift =6;
  else {warpSize =32; pshift=5;}
  int anycount =0;
  int allcount =0;
  int Num_Threads_per_Block      = 1024;
  int Num_Blocks_per_Grid        = 1;
  int Num_Warps_per_Block        = Num_Threads_per_Block/warpSize;
  int Num_Warps_per_Grid         = (Num_Threads_per_Block*Num_Blocks_per_Grid)/warpSize;

  int * host_any  = ( int*)malloc(Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof(int));
  int * host_all  = ( int*)malloc(Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof(int));
  int *device_any;
  int *device_all;
  HIP_ASSERT(hipMalloc((void**)&device_any,Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof( int)));
for (int i=0; i<Num_Warps_per_Grid; i++)
	host_any[i] = 0;
	host_all[i] = 0;
  HIP_ASSERT(hipMemcpy(device_any, host_any,sizeof(int), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));
  HIP_ASSERT(hipMemcpy(device_all, host_all,sizeof(int), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));

  hipLaunchKernel(warpvote, dim3(Num_Blocks_per_Grid),dim3(Num_Threads_per_Block),0,0, device_any, device_all ,Num_Warps_per_Block,pshift);

  HIP_ASSERT(hipMemcpy(host_any, device_any, Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof(int), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));
  HIP_ASSERT(hipMemcpy(host_all, device_all, Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof(int), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));
  for (int i=0; i<Num_Warps_per_Grid; i++) {

    printf("warp no. %d __any = %d \n",i,host_any[i]);
    printf("warp no. %d __all = %d \n",i,host_all[i]);

    if (host_all[i]!=1) ++allcount;
#if defined (__HIP_PLATFORM_HCC__) &&  !defined ( NVCC_COMPAT )
    if (host_any[i]!=64) ++anycount;
    if (host_any[i]!=1) ++anycount;

#if defined (__HIP_PLATFORM_HCC__) &&  !defined ( NVCC_COMPAT )
    if (anycount == 1 && allcount ==1) printf("PASSED\n"); else printf("FAILED\n");
    if (anycount == 0 && allcount ==1) printf("PASSED\n"); else printf("FAILED\n");

  return EXIT_SUCCESS;

Exemplo n.º 3
unsigned setNumBlocks(unsigned blocksPerCU, unsigned threadsPerBlock, size_t N) {
    int device;
    hipDeviceProp_t props;
    HIPCHECK(hipGetDeviceProperties(&props, device));

    unsigned blocks = props.multiProcessorCount * blocksPerCU;
    if (blocks * threadsPerBlock > N) {
        blocks = (N + threadsPerBlock - 1) / threadsPerBlock;

    return blocks;
Exemplo n.º 4
void runTest(int argc, char **argv)
    hipDeviceProp_t deviceProp;
    deviceProp.major = 0;
    deviceProp.minor = 0;
    int dev = 0;

    hipGetDeviceProperties(&deviceProp, dev);

    // Statistics about the GPU device
    printf("> GPU device has %d Multi-Processors, "
           "SM %d.%d compute capabilities\n\n",
           deviceProp.multiProcessorCount, deviceProp.major, deviceProp.minor);

    int version = (deviceProp.major * 0x10 + deviceProp.minor);

    unsigned int numThreads = 256;
    unsigned int numBlocks = 64;
    unsigned int numData = 11;
    unsigned int memSize = sizeof(int) * numData;

    //allocate mem for the result on host side
    int *hOData = (int *) malloc(memSize);

    //initialize the memory
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < numData; i++)
        hOData[i] = 0;

    //To make the AND and XOR tests generate something other than 0...
    hOData[8] = hOData[10] = 0xff;

    // allocate device memory for result
    int *dOData;
    hipMalloc((void **) &dOData, memSize);
    // copy host memory to device to initialize to zero
    hipMemcpy(dOData, hOData, memSize,hipMemcpyHostToDevice);

    // execute the kernel
    hipLaunchKernel(testKernel, dim3(numBlocks), dim3(numThreads), 0, 0, dOData);

    //Copy result from device to host
    hipMemcpy(hOData,dOData, memSize,hipMemcpyDeviceToHost);

    // Compute reference solution
    testResult = computeGold(hOData, numThreads * numBlocks);

    // Cleanup memory
Exemplo n.º 5
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
	float *A_h, *A_d;
	float *Y_h, *Y_d;
	float *X_h, *X_d;

	hipDeviceProp_t props;
	CHECK(hipGetDeviceProperties(&props, 0/*deviceID*/));
	printf ("info: running on device %s\n", props.name);

//bug will appear if num_row is too big 3125*128
    //for(int i=1 ; i < 1e3; i*=2)
    int i = 131072/NB_X;
        size_t num_row = NB_X * i;
        no_cache(A_h, A_d, X_h, X_d, Y_h, Y_d, num_row);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{ int warpSize, pshift;
  hipDeviceProp_t devProp;
  hipGetDeviceProperties(&devProp, 0);
  {warpSize = 64; pshift =6;}
  else {warpSize =32; pshift =5;}
  unsigned int Num_Threads_per_Block      = 512;
  unsigned int Num_Blocks_per_Grid        = 1;
  unsigned int Num_Warps_per_Block        = Num_Threads_per_Block/warpSize;
  unsigned int Num_Warps_per_Grid         = (Num_Threads_per_Block*Num_Blocks_per_Grid)/warpSize;
  unsigned int* host_ballot = (unsigned int*)malloc(Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof(unsigned int));
  unsigned int* device_ballot; 
  HIP_ASSERT(hipMalloc((void**)&device_ballot, Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof(unsigned int)));
  int divergent_count =0;
  for (int i=0; i<Num_Warps_per_Grid; i++) host_ballot[i] = 0;

  HIP_ASSERT(hipMemcpy(device_ballot, host_ballot, Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof(unsigned int), hipMemcpyHostToDevice));

  hipLaunchKernel(gpu_ballot, dim3(Num_Blocks_per_Grid),dim3(Num_Threads_per_Block),0,0, device_ballot,Num_Warps_per_Block,pshift);

  HIP_ASSERT(hipMemcpy(host_ballot, device_ballot, Num_Warps_per_Grid*sizeof(unsigned int), hipMemcpyDeviceToHost));
  for (int i=0; i<Num_Warps_per_Grid; i++) {

     if ((host_ballot[i] == 0)||(host_ballot[i]/warpSize == warpSize)) std::cout << "Warp " << i << " IS convergent- Predicate true for " << host_ballot[i]/warpSize << " threads\n";

     else {std::cout << " Warp " << i << " IS divergent - Predicate true for " << host_ballot[i]/warpSize<< " threads\n";

if (divergent_count==1) printf("PASSED\n"); else printf("FAILED\n");
  return EXIT_SUCCESS;
