Exemplo n.º 1
int conn_setup( conn_t *conn )
	if( conn->ftp->fd <= 0 && conn->http->fd <= 0 )
		if( !conn_init( conn ) )
			return( 0 );
	if( conn->proto == PROTO_FTP && !conn->proxy )
		if( !ftp_data( conn->ftp ) )	/* Set up data connnection	*/
			return( 0 );
		conn->fd = conn->ftp->data_fd;
		if( conn->currentbyte )
			ftp_command( conn->ftp, "REST %lld", conn->currentbyte );
			if( ftp_wait( conn->ftp ) / 100 != 3 &&
			    conn->ftp->status / 100 != 2 )
				return( 0 );
		char s[MAX_STRING];
		int i;

		snprintf( s, MAX_STRING, "%s%s", conn->dir, conn->file );
		conn->http->firstbyte = conn->currentbyte;
		conn->http->lastbyte = conn->lastbyte;
		http_get( conn->http, s );
		http_addheader( conn->http, "User-Agent: %s", conn->conf->user_agent );
		for( i = 0; i < conn->conf->add_header_count; i++)
			http_addheader( conn->http, "%s", conn->conf->add_header[i] );
	return( 1 );
Exemplo n.º 2
void http_command(struct http_channel *c)
    const char *command = http_argbyname(c->request, "command");
    struct http_response *rs = http_create_response(c);
    int i;

    c->response = rs;

    http_addheader(rs, "Expires", "Thu, 19 Nov 1981 08:52:00 GMT");
    http_addheader(rs, "Cache-Control", "no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0");

    if (!command)
        error(rs, PAZPAR2_MISSING_PARAMETER, "command");
    for (i = 0; commands[i].name; i++)
        if (!strcmp(commands[i].name, command))
    if (!commands[i].name)
        error(rs, PAZPAR2_MALFORMED_PARAMETER_VALUE, "command");

Exemplo n.º 3
int conn_setup(conn_t *conn)
#if WIN32
	if (INVALID_SOCKET == conn->ftp->fd && INVALID_SOCKET == conn->http->fd)
	if (conn->ftp->fd <= 0 && conn->http->fd <= 0) 
		if (!conn_init(conn)) 
			return 0;
	if (conn->proto == PROTO_FTP && !conn->proxy)
		/* Set up data connnection	*/
			return 0;
		conn->fd = conn->ftp->data_fd;
		if (conn->currentbyte)
			ftp_command(conn->ftp, "REST %lld", conn->currentbyte);
			if (ftp_wait(conn->ftp) / 100 != 3 && conn->ftp->status / 100 != 2) 
				return 0;
		char s[MAX_STRING];
		int i;

		snprintf(s, MAX_STRING, "%s%s", conn->dir, conn->file);
		conn->http->firstbyte = conn->currentbyte;
		conn->http->lastbyte = conn->lastbyte;
		http_get(conn->http, s);
		http_addheader(conn->http, "User-Agent: %s", conn->conf->user_agent);
		for (i = 0; i < conn->conf->add_header_count; i++) 
			http_addheader(conn->http, "%s", conn->conf->add_header[i]);
	return 1;
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: http.c Projeto: liusdu/axel
void http_get( http_t *conn, char *lurl )
	*conn->request = 0;
	if( conn->proxy )
		http_addheader( conn, "GET %s://%s%s HTTP/1.0",
			conn->proto == PROTO_HTTP ? "http" : "ftp", conn->host, lurl );
		http_addheader( conn, "GET %s HTTP/1.0", lurl );
		http_addheader( conn, "Host: %s", conn->host );
	if( *conn->auth )
		http_addheader( conn, "Authorization: Basic %s", conn->auth );
	if( *conn->proxy_auth )
		http_addheader( conn, "Proxy-Authorization: Basic %s", conn->proxy_auth );
	if( conn->firstbyte )
		if( conn->lastbyte )
			http_addheader( conn, "Range: bytes=%lld-%lld", conn->firstbyte, conn->lastbyte );
			http_addheader( conn, "Range: bytes=%lld-", conn->firstbyte );
Exemplo n.º 5
Arquivo: http.c Projeto: ghuntley/axel
int http_exec( http_t *conn )
    int i = 0;
    char s[2] = " ", *s2;

#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf( stderr, "--- Sending request ---\n%s--- End of request ---\n", conn->request );

    http_addheader( conn, "" );
    write( conn->fd, conn->request, strlen( conn->request ) );

    *conn->headers = 0;
    /* Read the headers byte by byte to make sure we don't touch the
       actual data							*/
    while( 1 )
        if( read( conn->fd, s, 1 ) <= 0 )
            /* We'll put the message in conn->headers, not in request */
            sprintf( conn->headers, _("Connection gone.\n") );
            return( 0 );
        if( *s == '\r' )
        else if( *s == '\n' )
            if( i == 0 )
            i = 0;
            i ++;
        strncat( conn->headers, s, MAX_QUERY );

#ifdef DEBUG
    fprintf( stderr, "--- Reply headers ---\n%s--- End of headers ---\n", conn->headers );

    sscanf( conn->headers, "%*s %3i", &conn->status );
    s2 = strchr( conn->headers, '\n' );
    *s2 = 0;
    strcpy( conn->request, conn->headers );
    *s2 = '\n';

    return( 1 );