Exemplo n.º 1
hypre_BoomerAMGBlockCreateNodalA(hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrix *A,
                                 HYPRE_Int                option,
                                 HYPRE_Int                diag_option,
                                 hypre_ParCSRMatrix     **AN_ptr)
   MPI_Comm                 comm         = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixComm(A);
   hypre_CSRBlockMatrix    *A_diag       = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixDiag(A);
   HYPRE_Int               *A_diag_i     = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixI(A_diag);
   HYPRE_Real              *A_diag_data  = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixData(A_diag);

   HYPRE_Int                block_size = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixBlockSize(A_diag);
   HYPRE_Int                bnnz = block_size*block_size;

   hypre_CSRBlockMatrix    *A_offd          = hypre_ParCSRMatrixOffd(A);
   HYPRE_Int               *A_offd_i        = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixI(A_offd);
   HYPRE_Real              *A_offd_data     = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixData(A_offd);
   HYPRE_Int               *A_diag_j        = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixJ(A_diag);
   HYPRE_Int               *A_offd_j        = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixJ(A_offd);

   HYPRE_Int               *row_starts      = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixRowStarts(A);
   HYPRE_Int               *col_map_offd    = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixColMapOffd(A);
   HYPRE_Int                num_nonzeros_diag;
   HYPRE_Int                num_nonzeros_offd = 0;
   HYPRE_Int                num_cols_offd = 0;
   hypre_ParCSRMatrix *AN;
   hypre_CSRMatrix    *AN_diag;
   HYPRE_Int          *AN_diag_i;
   HYPRE_Int          *AN_diag_j=NULL;
   HYPRE_Real         *AN_diag_data = NULL; 
   hypre_CSRMatrix    *AN_offd;
   HYPRE_Int          *AN_offd_i;
   HYPRE_Int          *AN_offd_j = NULL;
   HYPRE_Real         *AN_offd_data = NULL; 
   HYPRE_Int          *col_map_offd_AN = NULL;
   HYPRE_Int          *row_starts_AN;

   hypre_ParCSRCommPkg *comm_pkg = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixCommPkg(A);
   HYPRE_Int            num_sends;
   HYPRE_Int            num_recvs;
   HYPRE_Int           *send_procs;
   HYPRE_Int           *send_map_starts;
   HYPRE_Int           *send_map_elmts;
   HYPRE_Int           *recv_procs;
   HYPRE_Int           *recv_vec_starts;

   hypre_ParCSRCommPkg *comm_pkg_AN = NULL;
   HYPRE_Int           *send_procs_AN = NULL;
   HYPRE_Int           *send_map_starts_AN = NULL;
   HYPRE_Int           *send_map_elmts_AN = NULL;
   HYPRE_Int           *recv_procs_AN = NULL;
   HYPRE_Int           *recv_vec_starts_AN = NULL;

   HYPRE_Int            i;
   HYPRE_Int            ierr = 0;

   HYPRE_Int            num_procs;
   HYPRE_Int            cnt;
   HYPRE_Int            norm_type;

   HYPRE_Int            global_num_nodes;
   HYPRE_Int            num_nodes;

   HYPRE_Int            index, k;
   HYPRE_Real           tmp;
   HYPRE_Real           sum;


   if (!comm_pkg)
      comm_pkg = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixCommPkg(A);

   norm_type = fabs(option);

/* Set up the new matrix AN */

   row_starts_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, 2);
   for (i=0; i < 2; i++)
      row_starts_AN[i] = row_starts[i];
   row_starts_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_procs+1);
   for (i=0; i < num_procs+1; i++)
      row_starts_AN[i] = row_starts[i];

   global_num_nodes = hypre_ParCSRBlockMatrixGlobalNumRows(A);
   num_nodes = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixNumRows(A_diag);

   /* the diag part */

   num_nonzeros_diag = A_diag_i[num_nodes];
   AN_diag_i = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_nodes+1);

   for (i=0; i <= num_nodes; i++)
      AN_diag_i[i] = A_diag_i[i];

   AN_diag_j = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_nonzeros_diag);     
   AN_diag_data = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Real, num_nonzeros_diag);      

   AN_diag = hypre_CSRMatrixCreate(num_nodes, num_nodes, num_nonzeros_diag);
   hypre_CSRMatrixI(AN_diag) = AN_diag_i;
   hypre_CSRMatrixJ(AN_diag) = AN_diag_j;
   hypre_CSRMatrixData(AN_diag) = AN_diag_data;

   for (i=0; i< num_nonzeros_diag; i++)
      AN_diag_j[i]  = A_diag_j[i];
      hypre_CSRBlockMatrixBlockNorm(norm_type, &A_diag_data[i*bnnz], 
                                    &tmp, block_size);
      AN_diag_data[i] = tmp;

   if (diag_option ==1 )
      /* make the diag entry the negative of the sum of off-diag entries (NEED
       * to get more below!)*/
      /* the diagonal is the first element listed in each row - */
      for (i=0; i < num_nodes; i++)
         index = AN_diag_i[i]; 
         sum = 0.0;
         for (k = AN_diag_i[i]+1; k < AN_diag_i[i+1]; k++)
            sum += AN_diag_data[k];

         AN_diag_data[index] = -sum;
   else if (diag_option == 2)
      /*  make all diagonal entries negative */
      /* the diagonal is the first element listed in each row - */
      for (i=0; i < num_nodes; i++)
         index = AN_diag_i[i];
         AN_diag_data[index] = -AN_diag_data[index];

   /* copy the commpkg */
   if (comm_pkg)
      comm_pkg_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(hypre_ParCSRCommPkg,1);
      hypre_ParCSRCommPkgComm(comm_pkg_AN) = comm;

      num_sends = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg);
      hypre_ParCSRCommPkgNumSends(comm_pkg_AN) = num_sends;

      num_recvs = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg);
      hypre_ParCSRCommPkgNumRecvs(comm_pkg_AN) = num_recvs;

      send_procs = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendProcs(comm_pkg);
      send_map_starts = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStarts(comm_pkg);
      send_map_elmts = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapElmts(comm_pkg);
      if (num_sends) 
         send_procs_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_sends);
         send_map_elmts_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, send_map_starts[num_sends]);
      send_map_starts_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_sends+1);
      send_map_starts_AN[0] = 0;
      for (i=0; i < num_sends; i++)
         send_procs_AN[i] = send_procs[i];
         send_map_starts_AN[i+1] = send_map_starts[i+1];
      cnt = send_map_starts_AN[num_sends];
      for (i=0; i< cnt; i++)
         send_map_elmts_AN[i] = send_map_elmts[i];
      hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendProcs(comm_pkg_AN) = send_procs_AN;
      hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapStarts(comm_pkg_AN) = send_map_starts_AN;
      hypre_ParCSRCommPkgSendMapElmts(comm_pkg_AN) = send_map_elmts_AN;

      recv_procs = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgRecvProcs(comm_pkg);
      recv_vec_starts = hypre_ParCSRCommPkgRecvVecStarts(comm_pkg);
      recv_vec_starts_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_recvs+1);
      if (num_recvs) recv_procs_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_recvs);

      recv_vec_starts_AN[0] = recv_vec_starts[0];
      for (i=0; i < num_recvs; i++)
         recv_procs_AN[i] = recv_procs[i];
         recv_vec_starts_AN[i+1] = recv_vec_starts[i+1];
      hypre_ParCSRCommPkgRecvProcs(comm_pkg_AN) = recv_procs_AN;
      hypre_ParCSRCommPkgRecvVecStarts(comm_pkg_AN) = recv_vec_starts_AN;


   /* the off-diag part */

   num_cols_offd = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixNumCols(A_offd);
   col_map_offd_AN = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_cols_offd);
   for (i=0; i < num_cols_offd; i++)
      col_map_offd_AN[i] = col_map_offd[i];

   num_nonzeros_offd = A_offd_i[num_nodes];
   AN_offd_i = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_nodes+1);
   for (i=0; i <= num_nodes; i++)
      AN_offd_i[i] = A_offd_i[i];
   AN_offd_j = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Int, num_nonzeros_offd);     
   AN_offd_data = hypre_CTAlloc(HYPRE_Real, num_nonzeros_offd);

   for (i=0; i< num_nonzeros_offd; i++)
      AN_offd_j[i]  = A_offd_j[i];
      hypre_CSRBlockMatrixBlockNorm(norm_type, &A_offd_data[i*bnnz], 
                                    &tmp, block_size);
      AN_offd_data[i] = tmp;
   AN_offd = hypre_CSRMatrixCreate(num_nodes, num_cols_offd, num_nonzeros_offd);
   hypre_CSRMatrixI(AN_offd) = AN_offd_i;
   hypre_CSRMatrixJ(AN_offd) = AN_offd_j;
   hypre_CSRMatrixData(AN_offd) = AN_offd_data;
   if (diag_option ==1 )
      /* make the diag entry the negative of the sum of off-diag entries (here
         we are adding the off_diag contribution)*/
      /* the diagonal is the first element listed in each row of AN_diag_data - */
      for (i=0; i < num_nodes; i++)
         sum = 0.0;
         for (k = AN_offd_i[i]; k < AN_offd_i[i+1]; k++)
            sum += AN_offd_data[k];
         index = AN_diag_i[i];/* location of diag entry in data */ 
         AN_diag_data[index] -= sum; /* subtract from current value */

   /* now create AN */   
   AN = hypre_ParCSRMatrixCreate(comm, global_num_nodes, global_num_nodes,
                                 row_starts_AN, row_starts_AN, num_cols_offd,
                                 num_nonzeros_diag, num_nonzeros_offd);

   /* we already created the diag and offd matrices - so we don't need the ones
      created above */
   hypre_ParCSRMatrixDiag(AN) = AN_diag;
   hypre_ParCSRMatrixOffd(AN) = AN_offd;

   hypre_ParCSRMatrixColMapOffd(AN) = col_map_offd_AN;
   hypre_ParCSRMatrixCommPkg(AN) = comm_pkg_AN;

   *AN_ptr        = AN;

   return (ierr);
Exemplo n.º 2
hypre_CSRBlockMatrixMatvec(double alpha, hypre_CSRBlockMatrix *A,
                           hypre_Vector *x, double beta, hypre_Vector *y)
    double     *A_data   = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixData(A);
    HYPRE_Int        *A_i      = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixI(A);
    HYPRE_Int        *A_j      = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixJ(A);
    HYPRE_Int         num_rows = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixNumRows(A);
    HYPRE_Int         num_cols = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixNumCols(A);
    HYPRE_Int         blk_size = hypre_CSRBlockMatrixBlockSize(A);

    double     *x_data = hypre_VectorData(x);
    double     *y_data = hypre_VectorData(y);
    HYPRE_Int         x_size = hypre_VectorSize(x);
    HYPRE_Int         y_size = hypre_VectorSize(y);

    HYPRE_Int         i, b1, b2, jj, bnnz=blk_size*blk_size;
    HYPRE_Int         ierr = 0;
    double      temp;

     *  Check for size compatibility.  Matvec returns ierr = 1 if
     *  length of X doesn't equal the number of columns of A,
     *  ierr = 2 if the length of Y doesn't equal the number of rows
     *  of A, and ierr = 3 if both are true.
     *  Because temporary vectors are often used in Matvec, none of
     *  these conditions terminates processing, and the ierr flag
     *  is informational only.

    if (num_cols*blk_size != x_size) ierr = 1;
    if (num_rows*blk_size != y_size) ierr = 2;
    if (num_cols*blk_size != x_size && num_rows*blk_size != y_size) ierr = 3;

     * Do (alpha == 0.0) computation - RDF: USE MACHINE EPS

    if (alpha == 0.0)
#include "../utilities/hypre_smp_forloop.h"
        for (i = 0; i < num_rows*blk_size; i++) y_data[i] *= beta;

        return ierr;

     * y = (beta/alpha)*y

    temp = beta / alpha;

    if (temp != 1.0)
        if (temp == 0.0)
#include "../utilities/hypre_smp_forloop.h"
            for (i = 0; i < num_rows*blk_size; i++)
                y_data[i] = 0.0;
#include "../utilities/hypre_smp_forloop.h"
            for (i = 0; i < num_rows*blk_size; i++)
                y_data[i] *= temp;

     * y += A*x

#define HYPRE_SMP_PRIVATE i,jj,b1,b2,temp
#include "../utilities/hypre_smp_forloop.h"

    for (i = 0; i < num_rows; i++)
        for (jj = A_i[i]; jj < A_i[i+1]; jj++)
            for (b1 = 0; b1 < blk_size; b1++)
                temp = y_data[i*blk_size+b1];
                for (b2 = 0; b2 < blk_size; b2++)
                    temp += A_data[jj*bnnz+b1*blk_size+b2] * x_data[A_j[jj]*blk_size+b2];
                y_data[i*blk_size+b1] = temp;

     * y = alpha*y

    if (alpha != 1.0)
#include "../utilities/hypre_smp_forloop.h"
        for (i = 0; i < num_rows*blk_size; i++)
            y_data[i] *= alpha;

    return ierr;