Exemplo n.º 1
static void *
i915_create_depth_stencil_state(struct pipe_context *pipe,
				const struct pipe_depth_stencil_alpha_state *depth_stencil)
   struct i915_depth_stencil_state *cso = CALLOC_STRUCT( i915_depth_stencil_state );

      int testmask = depth_stencil->stencil[0].valuemask & 0xff;
      int writemask = depth_stencil->stencil[0].writemask & 0xff;

      cso->stencil_modes4 |= (_3DSTATE_MODES_4_CMD |
                              ENABLE_STENCIL_TEST_MASK |
                              STENCIL_TEST_MASK(testmask) |
                              ENABLE_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK |

   if (depth_stencil->stencil[0].enabled) {
      int test = i915_translate_compare_func(depth_stencil->stencil[0].func);
      int fop  = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[0].fail_op);
      int dfop = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[0].zfail_op);
      int dpop = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[0].zpass_op);

      cso->stencil_LIS5 |= (S5_STENCIL_TEST_ENABLE |
                            S5_STENCIL_WRITE_ENABLE |
                            (test << S5_STENCIL_TEST_FUNC_SHIFT) |
                            (fop  << S5_STENCIL_FAIL_SHIFT) |
                            (dfop << S5_STENCIL_PASS_Z_FAIL_SHIFT) |
                            (dpop << S5_STENCIL_PASS_Z_PASS_SHIFT));

   if (depth_stencil->stencil[1].enabled) {
      int test  = i915_translate_compare_func(depth_stencil->stencil[1].func);
      int fop   = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[1].fail_op);
      int dfop  = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[1].zfail_op);
      int dpop  = i915_translate_stencil_op(depth_stencil->stencil[1].zpass_op);
      int tmask = depth_stencil->stencil[1].valuemask & 0xff;
      int wmask = depth_stencil->stencil[1].writemask & 0xff;

      cso->bfo[0] = (_3DSTATE_BACKFACE_STENCIL_OPS |
                     BFO_ENABLE_STENCIL_FUNCS |
                     BFO_ENABLE_STENCIL_TWO_SIDE |
                     BFO_ENABLE_STENCIL_REF |
                     BFO_STENCIL_TWO_SIDE |
                     (test << BFO_STENCIL_TEST_SHIFT) |
                     (fop  << BFO_STENCIL_FAIL_SHIFT) |
                     (dfop << BFO_STENCIL_PASS_Z_FAIL_SHIFT) |
                     (dpop << BFO_STENCIL_PASS_Z_PASS_SHIFT));

      cso->bfo[1] = (_3DSTATE_BACKFACE_STENCIL_MASKS |
                     BFM_ENABLE_STENCIL_TEST_MASK |
                     BFM_ENABLE_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK |
                     (tmask << BFM_STENCIL_TEST_MASK_SHIFT) |
                     (wmask << BFM_STENCIL_WRITE_MASK_SHIFT));
   else {
      /* This actually disables two-side stencil: The bit set is a
       * modify-enable bit to indicate we are changing the two-side
       * setting.  Then there is a symbolic zero to show that we are
       * setting the flag to zero/off.
      cso->bfo[0] = (_3DSTATE_BACKFACE_STENCIL_OPS |
                     BFO_ENABLE_STENCIL_TWO_SIDE |
      cso->bfo[1] = 0;

   if (depth_stencil->depth.enabled) {
      int func = i915_translate_compare_func(depth_stencil->depth.func);

      cso->depth_LIS6 |= (S6_DEPTH_TEST_ENABLE |
                          (func << S6_DEPTH_TEST_FUNC_SHIFT));

      if (depth_stencil->depth.writemask)
	 cso->depth_LIS6 |= S6_DEPTH_WRITE_ENABLE;

   if (depth_stencil->alpha.enabled) {
      int test = i915_translate_compare_func(depth_stencil->alpha.func);
      ubyte refByte = float_to_ubyte(depth_stencil->alpha.ref_value);

      cso->depth_LIS6 |= (S6_ALPHA_TEST_ENABLE |
			  (test << S6_ALPHA_TEST_FUNC_SHIFT) |
			  (((unsigned) refByte) << S6_ALPHA_REF_SHIFT));

   return cso;
Exemplo n.º 2
static void *
i915_create_sampler_state(struct pipe_context *pipe,
                          const struct pipe_sampler_state *sampler)
   struct i915_sampler_state *cso = CALLOC_STRUCT( i915_sampler_state );
   const unsigned ws = sampler->wrap_s;
   const unsigned wt = sampler->wrap_t;
   const unsigned wr = sampler->wrap_r;
   unsigned minFilt, magFilt;
   unsigned mipFilt;

   cso->templ = sampler;

   mipFilt = translate_mip_filter(sampler->min_mip_filter);
   minFilt = translate_img_filter( sampler->min_img_filter );
   magFilt = translate_img_filter( sampler->mag_img_filter );
   if (sampler->max_anisotropy > 2.0) {
      cso->state[0] |= SS2_MAX_ANISO_4;

      int b = (int) (sampler->lod_bias * 16.0);
      b = CLAMP(b, -256, 255);
      cso->state[0] |= ((b << SS2_LOD_BIAS_SHIFT) & SS2_LOD_BIAS_MASK);

   /* Shadow:
   if (sampler->compare_mode == PIPE_TEX_COMPARE_R_TO_TEXTURE) 
      cso->state[0] |= (SS2_SHADOW_ENABLE |

      minFilt = FILTER_4X4_FLAT;
      magFilt = FILTER_4X4_FLAT;

   cso->state[0] |= ((minFilt << SS2_MIN_FILTER_SHIFT) |
                     (mipFilt << SS2_MIP_FILTER_SHIFT) |
                     (magFilt << SS2_MAG_FILTER_SHIFT));

   cso->state[1] |=
      ((translate_wrap_mode(ws) << SS3_TCX_ADDR_MODE_SHIFT) |
       (translate_wrap_mode(wt) << SS3_TCY_ADDR_MODE_SHIFT) |
       (translate_wrap_mode(wr) << SS3_TCZ_ADDR_MODE_SHIFT));

   if (sampler->normalized_coords)
      cso->state[1] |= SS3_NORMALIZED_COORDS;

      int minlod = (int) (16.0 * sampler->min_lod);
      int maxlod = (int) (16.0 * sampler->max_lod);
      minlod = CLAMP(minlod, 0, 16 * 11);
      maxlod = CLAMP(maxlod, 0, 16 * 11);

      if (minlod > maxlod)
	 maxlod = minlod;

      cso->minlod = minlod;
      cso->maxlod = maxlod;

      ubyte r = float_to_ubyte(sampler->border_color[0]);
      ubyte g = float_to_ubyte(sampler->border_color[1]);
      ubyte b = float_to_ubyte(sampler->border_color[2]);
      ubyte a = float_to_ubyte(sampler->border_color[3]);
      cso->state[2] = I915PACKCOLOR8888(r, g, b, a);
   return cso;