Exemplo n.º 1
Acceptor::Acceptor( boost::asio::io_service& aIOS, const std::string& aAddress, const std::string& aPort, Creator aCreator )
  : mAcceptor( aIOS ),
    mCreator( aCreator )
    // create a resolver, and resolve the address
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver iResolver( aIOS );
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::resolver::query iQuery( aAddress, aPort );
    boost::asio::ip::tcp::endpoint iResult = *iResolver.resolve( iQuery );

    // prepare the acceptor
    mAcceptor.open( iResult.protocol() );
    mAcceptor.set_option( boost::asio::ip::tcp::acceptor::reuse_address(true) );
    mAcceptor.bind( iResult );

    // start listening

    // create first connection
    mConnection = mCreator();

    // asynchronously accept on our first worker, if succeeded, run accept
        boost::bind( &Acceptor::accept, this, boost::asio::placeholders::error ) 
    // note that this wont happen yet, because there's no io_service running
Exemplo n.º 2
void SyncJournalDb::updateBlacklistEntry( const SyncJournalBlacklistRecord& item )
    QMutexLocker locker(&_mutex);
    QSqlQuery query(_db);

    if( !checkConnect() ) {

    QString sql("SELECT retrycount FROM blacklist WHERE path=:path");

    if( Utility::fsCasePreserving() ) {
        // if the file system is case preserving we have to check the blacklist
        // case insensitively
        sql += QLatin1String(" COLLATE NOCASE");

    query.bindValue(":path", item._file);

    if( !query.exec() ) {
        qDebug() << "SQL exec blacklistitem failed:" << query.lastError().text();

    QSqlQuery iQuery(_db);
    if( query.next() ) {
        int retries = query.value(0).toInt();
        if( retries < 0 ) retries = 0;

        iQuery.prepare( "UPDATE blacklist SET lastTryEtag = :etag, lastTryModtime = :modtime, "
                        "retrycount = :retries, errorstring = :errStr WHERE path=:path");
        iQuery.bindValue(":etag", item._lastTryEtag);
        iQuery.bindValue(":modtime", QString::number(item._lastTryModtime));
        iQuery.bindValue(":retries", retries);
        iQuery.bindValue(":errStr", item._errorString);
        iQuery.bindValue(":path", item._file);
    } else {
        // there is no entry yet.
        iQuery.prepare("INSERT INTO blacklist (path, lastTryEtag, lastTryModtime, retrycount, errorstring) "
                         "VALUES (:path, :lastEtag, :lastMTime, :retrycount, :errorstring);");

        iQuery.bindValue(":path", item._file );
        iQuery.bindValue(":lastEtag", item._lastTryEtag);
        iQuery.bindValue(":lastMTime", QString::number(item._lastTryModtime));
        iQuery.bindValue(":retrycount", item._retryCount);
        iQuery.bindValue(":errorstring", item._errorString);
    if( !iQuery.exec() ) {
        qDebug() << "SQL exec blacklistitem insert/update failed: "<< iQuery.lastError().text();
