Exemplo n.º 1
UTLauncher::UTLauncher(int& argc, char** argv) :
            QApplication(argc, argv),
            settings(QSettings::IniFormat, QSettings::UserScope, "CodeCharm", "UTLauncher"),
            bootstrap(settings), systemTray(QIcon(":/icon.png")) {
    QPixmap pixmap(":/splash.jpg");
    splash = new UTSplash(pixmap);
    awesome = new QtAwesome(qApp);
    awesome->setDefaultOption( "color" , iconColor() );
    awesome->setDefaultOption( "color-active" , iconColor() );
    awesome->setDefaultOption( "color-selected" , iconColor() );
    settings.setValue("FirstRun", false);
    connect(&bootstrap, &Bootstrap::message, [=](QString msg) {
    connect(&bootstrap, &Bootstrap::ready, this, &UTLauncher::prepareConfig);
    browser = new ServerBrowser();
    connect(&bootstrap, &Bootstrap::serversInfo, this, &UTLauncher::gotServersInfo, Qt::QueuedConnection );
    splash->showMessage("Getting version information...");
    if(!settings.value("StartMinimized", false).toBool()) {
int CDODDeathStatsPanel::DrawDeathNoticeItem( int x, int y )
	// Get the team numbers for the players involved
	int iKillerTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;
	int iVictimTeam = TEAM_UNASSIGNED;

	if( g_PR )
		iKillerTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( m_DeathRecord.Killer.iEntIndex );
		iVictimTeam = g_PR->GetTeam( m_DeathRecord.Victim.iEntIndex );

	wchar_t victim[ 256 ];
	wchar_t killer[ 256 ];

	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_DeathRecord.Victim.szName, victim, sizeof( victim ) );
	g_pVGuiLocalize->ConvertANSIToUnicode( m_DeathRecord.Killer.szName, killer, sizeof( killer ) );

	// Get the local position for this notice
	int len = UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, victim );

	int iconWide;
	int iconTall;

	CHudTexture *icon = m_DeathRecord.iconDeath;

	Assert( icon );

	if ( !icon )
		return 0;

	if( icon->bRenderUsingFont )
		iconWide = surface()->GetCharacterWidth( icon->hFont, icon->cCharacterInFont );
		iconTall = surface()->GetFontTall( icon->hFont );
		float scale = GetScale( icon->Width(), icon->Height(), XRES(cl_deathicon_width.GetInt()), YRES(cl_deathicon_height.GetInt()) );
		iconWide = (int)( scale * (float)icon->Width() );
		iconTall = (int)( scale * (float)icon->Height() );

	int spacerX = XRES(5);

	//int x = xRight - len - spacerX - iconWide - XRES(10);

	surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont );
	int iFontTall = vgui::surface()->GetFontTall( m_hTextFont );
	int yText = y + ( iconTall - iFontTall ) / 2;

	int boxWidth = len + iconWide + spacerX;
	int boxHeight = min( iconTall, m_flLineHeight );	
	int boxBorder = XRES(2);

	// Only draw killers name if it wasn't a suicide
	if ( !m_DeathRecord.bSuicide )
		int nameWidth = UTIL_ComputeStringWidth( m_hTextFont, killer ) + spacerX;	// gap

		//x -= nameWidth;
		boxWidth += nameWidth;

		Panel::DrawBox( x-boxBorder,
			1.0 );

		Color c = g_PR->GetTeamColor( iKillerTeam );
		surface()->DrawSetTextColor( c );

		// Draw killer's name			
		surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, yText );
		const wchar_t *p = killer;
		while ( *p )
			surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( *p++ );
		surface()->DrawGetTextPos( x, yText );

		x += spacerX;
		Panel::DrawBox( x-boxBorder,
			1.0 );

	Color iconColor( 255, 80, 0, 255 );

	// Draw death weapon
	//If we're using a font char, this will ignore iconTall and iconWide
	icon->DrawSelf( x, y, iconWide, iconTall, iconColor );
	x += iconWide + spacerX;

	Color c = g_PR->GetTeamColor( iVictimTeam );
	surface()->DrawSetTextColor( c );

	// Draw victims name
	surface()->DrawSetTextFont( m_hTextFont );	//reset the font, draw icon can change it
	surface()->DrawSetTextPos( x, yText );
	const wchar_t *p = victim;
	while ( *p )
		surface()->DrawUnicodeChar( *p++ );

	return boxWidth;
Exemplo n.º 3
void ButtonContact::onRender( RenderContext & context, const RectInt & window )
	WindowButton::onRender( context, window );

	DisplayDevice * pDisplay = context.display();
	ASSERT( pDisplay );
	GameDocument * pDoc = (GameDocument *)document();
	ASSERT( pDoc );
	NounShip * pShip = pDoc->ship();
	if (! pShip )
	WindowStyle * pStyle = windowStyle();
	ASSERT( pStyle );
	Font * pFont = pStyle->font();
	ASSERT( pFont );

	// get a pointer to our gadget
	Noun * pContact = m_Noun;
	if (! pContact )

	RectInt iconBox( PointInt( window.left, window.top ), SizeInt( 16, 16 ) );

	Color iconColor( YELLOW );
	if ( pShip->isFriend( pContact ) )
		iconColor = GREEN;
	else if ( pShip->isEnemy( pContact ) )
		iconColor = RED;

	// draw the gadget icon
	Material::push( context, m_Icon );
	PrimitiveWindow::push( pDisplay, iconBox, WINDOW_UV, iconColor );

	if ( WidgetCast<NounShip>( pContact ) 
		&& ((NounShip *)pContact)->canOrder( pShip ) )
		Material::push( context, WidgetCast<Material>( resource("team") ) );
		iconBox += PointInt( 16, 0 );
		PrimitiveWindow::push( pDisplay, iconBox, WINDOW_UV, WHITE );
	else if ( m_IsObjective )
		Material::push( context, WidgetCast<Material>( resource("objective") ) );
		iconBox += PointInt( 16, 0 );
		PrimitiveWindow::push( pDisplay, iconBox, WINDOW_UV, WHITE );

	// display status text
	CharString sStatus = pContact->displayName( false );
	if ( m_HotKey != 0 )
		sStatus = CharString().format("%c:%s", m_HotKey, sStatus );
	if ( sStatus.length() > 0 )
		SizeInt stringSize( pFont->size( sStatus ) );
		// make sure the text fits on the label
		while( stringSize.width > (BUTTON_WIDTH - 5 ) )
			// remove the right most character and check the width again
			sStatus.left( sStatus.length() - 1 );
			stringSize = pFont->size( sStatus );

		PointInt stringPos( window.m_Right - stringSize.width, window.m_Bottom - stringSize.height );
		Font::push( pDisplay, pFont, stringPos, sStatus, m_bGroupLeader ? YELLOW : (m_bGroupPending ? GREY : WHITE) );

	// display the damage bar
	if ( WidgetCast<NounShip>( pContact ) )
		if ( ((NounShip *)pContact)->damage() > 0 )
			float damage = ((NounShip *)pContact)->damageRatioInv();
			RectInt bar( window.m_Left, window.m_Bottom + 1, 
				window.m_Right - (window.width() * (1.0f - damage)), window.m_Bottom + 3 );

			Color barColor( 255 * (1.0f - damage), 255 * damage,0,255 );
			PrimitiveMaterial::push( pDisplay, PrimitiveMaterial::NONE );
			PrimitiveWindow::push( pDisplay, bar, WINDOW_UV, barColor );

	// render additional border if this contact is our current target
	if ( pDoc->rootTarget() == m_Noun && (pDoc->tick() % 10) < 6 )
		renderGlow( context );