static void
debugger_log (IdeDebuggerEditorAddin *self,
              IdeDebuggerStream       stream,
              GBytes                 *content,
              IdeDebugger            *debugger)
  g_assert (IDE_IS_DEBUGGER_EDITOR_ADDIN (self));
  g_assert (IDE_IS_DEBUGGER_STREAM (stream));
  g_assert (content != NULL);
  g_assert (IDE_IS_DEBUGGER (debugger));

  if (stream == IDE_DEBUGGER_CONSOLE)
      IdeLineReader reader;
      const gchar *str;
      gchar *line;
      gsize len;
      gsize line_len;

      str = g_bytes_get_data (content, &len);

       * Ingnore \n so we can add \r\n. Otherwise we get problematic
       * output in the terminal.
      ide_line_reader_init (&reader, (gchar *)str, len);
      while (NULL != (line = ide_line_reader_next (&reader, &line_len)))
          vte_terminal_feed (VTE_TERMINAL (self->log_view), line, line_len);

          if ((line + line_len) < (str + len))
              if (line[line_len] == '\r' || line[line_len] == '\n')
                vte_terminal_feed (VTE_TERMINAL (self->log_view), "\r\n", 2);
Exemplo n.º 2
main (int argc,
      char *argv[])
  IdeLineReader reader;
  const gchar *param;
  Fuzzy *fuzzy;
  GArray *ar;
  gchar *contents;
  gchar *line;
  gsize len;
  gsize line_len;

  if (argc < 3)
      g_printerr ("usage: %s FILENAME QUERY\n", argv[0]);
      return 1;

  fuzzy = fuzzy_new (FALSE);

  g_print ("Loading contents\n");
  g_file_get_contents (argv [1], &contents, &len, NULL);
  g_print ("Loaded\n");

  ide_line_reader_init (&reader, contents, len);

  fuzzy_begin_bulk_insert (fuzzy);

  g_print ("Building index.\n");
  while ((line = ide_line_reader_next (&reader, &line_len)))
      line [line_len] = '\0';
      fuzzy_insert (fuzzy, line, NULL);
  fuzzy_end_bulk_insert (fuzzy);
  g_print ("Built.\n");

  g_free (contents);

  if (!g_utf8_validate (argv[2], -1, NULL))
      g_critical ("Invalid UTF-8 discovered, aborting.");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  if (strlen (argv[2]) > 256)
      g_critical ("Only supports searching of up to 256 characters.");
      return EXIT_FAILURE;

  param = (const gchar *)argv[2];

  ar = fuzzy_match (fuzzy, param, 0);

  for (guint i = 0; i < ar->len; i++)
      FuzzyMatch *m = &g_array_index (ar, FuzzyMatch, i);

      g_print ("%0.3lf: %s\n", m->score, m->key);

  g_print ("%d matches\n", ar->len);

  g_array_unref (ar);

  fuzzy_unref (fuzzy);

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
gchar *
ide_language_format_header (GtkSourceLanguage *self,
                            const gchar       *header)
  IdeLineReader reader;
  const gchar *first_prefix;
  const gchar *last_prefix;
  const gchar *line_prefix;
  const gchar *line;
  gboolean first = TRUE;
  GString *outstr;
  gsize len;
  guint prefix_len;

  g_return_val_if_fail (GTK_SOURCE_IS_LANGUAGE (self), NULL);
  g_return_val_if_fail (header != NULL, NULL);

  first_prefix = gtk_source_language_get_metadata (self, "block-comment-start");
  last_prefix = gtk_source_language_get_metadata (self, "block-comment-end");
  line_prefix = gtk_source_language_get_metadata (self, "line-comment-start");

  if ((g_strcmp0 (first_prefix, "/*") == 0) &&
      (g_strcmp0 (last_prefix, "*/") == 0))
    line_prefix = " *";

  if (first_prefix == NULL || last_prefix == NULL)
      first_prefix = line_prefix;
      last_prefix = line_prefix;

  prefix_len = strlen (first_prefix);

  outstr = g_string_new (NULL);

  ide_line_reader_init (&reader, (gchar *)header, -1);

  while (NULL != (line = ide_line_reader_next (&reader, &len)))
      if (first)
          g_string_append (outstr, first_prefix);
          first = FALSE;
      else if (line_prefix == NULL)
          guint i;

          for (i = 0; i < prefix_len; i++)
            g_string_append_c (outstr, ' ');
          g_string_append (outstr, line_prefix);

      if (len)
          g_string_append_c (outstr, ' ');
          g_string_append_len (outstr, line, len);

      g_string_append_c (outstr, '\n');

  if (last_prefix && g_strcmp0 (first_prefix, last_prefix) != 0)
      if (line_prefix && *line_prefix == ' ')
        g_string_append_c (outstr, ' ');
      g_string_append (outstr, last_prefix);
      g_string_append_c (outstr, '\n');

  return g_string_free (outstr, FALSE);