bool Solver::postLessEqualZero(const LinearExprRepr& l) { if (!bValid) return false; if (l.vars.size()==0) return <= 0; ++stats.nbPosts; if (l.vars.size()==1 and *l.coeffs.begin()==1) { ++stats.nbColUpdates; bValid = postLessEqual(l.vars.begin()->id,; return bValid; } Idxs idxs(l.vars.size()); uint c = 0; for (auto it = l.vars.begin(); it != l.vars.end(); ++it) idxs[c++] = it->id; Coeffs coeffs(l.vars.size()); c = 0; for (auto it = l.coeffs.begin(); it != l.coeffs.end(); ++it) coeffs[c++] = *it; postLessEqual(idxs,coeffs,; bPending = true; return true; }
boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<float> > test_feature(boost::shared_ptr<PointCloud> cloud, const double radius, int max_nn, bool use_depth) { boost::shared_ptr<std::vector<float>> stdevs = boost::make_shared<std::vector<float>>(cloud->size()); std::vector<int> idxs(0); std::vector<float> dists(0); // 1m radius //const double radius = 1.0; GridSearch gs(*cloud); // center Eigen::Map<Eigen::Vector3f> center(cloud->; const Octree::Ptr ot = cloud->octree(); for(uint i = 0; i < cloud->size(); i++){ idxs.clear(); dists.clear(); //ot->radiusSearch(cloud->points[i], radius, idxs, dists); //grid_nn_op(i, *cloud, idxs, 1, 50); gs.radiusSearch((*cloud)[i], radius, idxs, dists, max_nn); // calculate stdev of the distances? // bad idea because you have a fixed radius // Calculate distance from center of scan Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3f> query_point(&(cloud->points[i].x)); float sum = 0.0f; float sum_sq = 0.0f; for(int idx : idxs) { const float * data = &(cloud->points[idx].x); Eigen::Map<const Eigen::Vector3f> point(data); float dist; if(use_depth) dist = (point-center).norm(); else dist = (point-query_point).norm(); sum += dist; sum_sq += dist*dist; } if(idxs.size() > 2) (*stdevs)[i] = (sum_sq - (sum*sum)/(idxs.size()))/((idxs.size())-1); else (*stdevs)[i] = 0; } return stdevs; }
osg::Geometry* osgpcl::SurfelFactoryI<PointT, NormalT, IntensityT>::buildGeometry(bool unique) { typename pcl::PointCloud<NormalT>::ConstPtr normals = this->getInputCloud<NormalT>(); typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr xyz = this->getInputCloud<PointT>(); typename pcl::PointCloud<IntensityT>::ConstPtr iten = this->getInputCloud<IntensityT>(); if (xyz ==NULL) return NULL; if (normals ==NULL) return NULL; if (iten ==NULL) return NULL; if (xyz->points.size() != normals->points.size()) return NULL; if (xyz->points.size() != iten->points.size()) return NULL; pcl::IndicesConstPtr indices = indices_; { bool rebuild_indices= false; if (indices_ == NULL) rebuild_indices=true; else if (indices_ ->size() != xyz->points.size() ) rebuild_indices=true; if (rebuild_indices){ pcl::IndicesPtr idxs(new std::vector<int>); idxs->reserve(xyz->points.size()); for(int i=0; i<xyz->points.size(); i++) idxs->push_back(i); indices= idxs; } } osg::Vec3Array* pts = new osg::Vec3Array; osg::Vec3Array* npts = new osg::Vec3Array; osg::Vec3Array* cpts = new osg::Vec3Array; pts->reserve(indices->size()); npts->reserve(indices->size()); npts->reserve(indices->size()); for(int i=0; i<indices->size(); i++){ const int& idx = (*indices)[i]; const PointT& pt = xyz->points[idx]; const NormalT& npt = normals->points[idx]; const IntensityT& ipt = iten->points[idx]; pts->push_back(osg::Vec3(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z)); npts->push_back(osg::Vec3(npt.normal_x, npt.normal_y, npt.normal_z)); cpts->push_back(osg::Vec3(ipt.intensity, ipt.intensity, ipt.intensity)); } osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry; geom->setVertexArray( pts ); geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays( GL_POINTS, 0, pts->size() ) ); geom->setNormalArray(npts); geom->setNormalBinding(osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX); geom->setColorArray(cpts); geom->setColorBinding(osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX); geom->setStateSet(stateset_); return geom; }
Scalar EpetraMatrix<Scalar>::get(unsigned int m, unsigned int n) const { int n_entries = mat->NumGlobalEntries(m); Hermes::vector<double> vals(n_entries); Hermes::vector<int> idxs(n_entries); mat->ExtractGlobalRowCopy(m, n_entries, n_entries, &vals[0], &idxs[0]); for (int i = 0; i < n_entries; i++) if (idxs[i] == (int)n) return vals[i]; return 0.0; }
PackShuffle(const Iterator& begin_iter, const Iterator& end_iter, unsigned int pack_size) : Tabular<Iterator, typename gaml::iterator_traits<Iterator>::tag_type>(begin_iter) { unsigned int nb_blocks; unsigned int i,j,k; this->indices.resize(std::distance(begin_iter,end_iter)); std::vector<unsigned int> blocks; std::vector<unsigned int> begins; std::vector<unsigned int> ends; std::vector<unsigned int> sizes; std::vector<unsigned int> idxs(this->indices.size()); nb_blocks = idxs.size() / pack_size; if(idxs.size() % pack_size) nb_blocks++; blocks.resize(nb_blocks); begins.resize(nb_blocks); ends.resize(nb_blocks); sizes.resize(nb_blocks); k = 0; for(auto& b : blocks) b = k++; std::random_shuffle(blocks.begin(),blocks.end()); i = 0; for(auto& idx : idxs) idx = i++; auto start = idxs.begin(); for(i = 0, k = 0; k < nb_blocks; ++k, i = j) { j=i+pack_size; if(j > idxs.size()) j = idxs.size(); begins[k] = i; ends [k] = j; sizes [k] = j-i; std::random_shuffle(start+i,start+j); } auto out = this->indices.begin(); start = idxs.begin(); for(auto& b : blocks) { std::copy(start + begins[b], start + ends[b], out); out += sizes[b]; } this->process_indices(); }
int nthSuperUglyNumber(int n, vector<int>& primes) { int k = primes.size(); vector<int> idxs(k, 0), uglys(n, INT_MAX); uglys[0] = 1; for (int nth = 1; nth < n; ++nth) { for (int idx = 0; idx < k; ++idx) { uglys[nth] = min( uglys[nth], primes[idx] * uglys[idxs[idx]]); } for (int idx = 0; idx < k; ++idx) { idxs[idx] += (uglys[nth] == primes[idx] * uglys[idxs[idx]]); } } return uglys.back(); }
int nthSuperUglyNumber(int n, vector<int>& primes) { int cntPrimes = primes.size(); int minUglyNum,minIdx; vector<int> idxs(cntPrimes,0); vector<int> uglyNum; uglyNum.push_back(1); while(uglyNum.size() < n){ minUglyNum = INT_MAX,minIdx = 0; for(int i = 0;i < cntPrimes;++i){ if(minUglyNum > primes[i]*uglyNum[idxs[i]]){ minUglyNum = primes[i]*uglyNum[idxs[i]]; minIdx = i; } } if(uglyNum.empty()||minUglyNum>uglyNum.back()) uglyNum.push_back(minUglyNum); ++idxs[minIdx]; } return uglyNum.back(); }
osgpcl::PointCloudGeometry* osgpcl::SurfelFactoryFF<PointT, NormalT, RadiusT>::buildGeometry( bool unique_state) { typename pcl::PointCloud<NormalT>::ConstPtr normals = this->getInputCloud<NormalT>(); typename pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::ConstPtr xyz = this->getInputCloud<PointT>(); typename pcl::PointCloud<RadiusT>::ConstPtr rads = this->getInputCloud<RadiusT>(); if (xyz ==NULL) return NULL; if (normals ==NULL) return NULL; if (rads ==NULL) return NULL; if (xyz->points.size() != normals->points.size()) return NULL; if (rads->points.size() != normals->points.size()) return NULL; pcl::IndicesConstPtr indices = indices_; { bool rebuild_indices= false; if (indices_ == NULL) rebuild_indices=true; else if (indices_ ->size() != xyz->points.size() ) rebuild_indices=true; if (rebuild_indices){ pcl::IndicesPtr idxs(new std::vector<int>); idxs->reserve(xyz->points.size()); for(int i=0; i<xyz->points.size(); i++) idxs->push_back(i); indices= idxs; } } osg::Vec3Array* pts = new osg::Vec3Array; osg::Vec3Array* npts = new osg::Vec3Array; int fan_size = 1+ circle_cache.rows(); pts->reserve(indices->size()*fan_size ); npts->reserve(indices->size()*fan_size); osg::Geometry* geom = new osg::Geometry; for(int i=0, pstart=0; i<indices->size(); i++){ const int& idx = (*indices)[i]; const PointT& pt = xyz->points[idx]; const NormalT& npt = normals->points[idx]; pts->push_back(osg::Vec3(pt.x, pt.y, pt.z)); npts->push_back(osg::Vec3(npt.normal_x, npt.normal_y, npt.normal_z)); pcl::Normal nt; Eigen::Matrix3f rot = Eigen::Matrix3f::Identity(); rot.row(2) << npt.getNormalVector3fMap().transpose(); Eigen::Vector3f ax2(1,0,0); if ( npt.getNormalVector3fMap().dot(ax2 ) > 0.1) { ax2 << 0,1,0; if ( npt.getNormalVector3fMap().dot(ax2 ) > 0.1) { ax2 << 0,0,1; } } rot.row(1) << ax2.cross(npt.getNormalVector3fMap()).normalized().transpose(); rot.row(0) = ( ax2 - )*npt.getNormalVector3fMap() ).normalized(); rot = rot*rads->points[idx].radius; for(int j=0; j<circle_cache.rows(); j++){ Eigen::Vector3f apt = rot*circle_cache.row(j).transpose() + pt.getVector3fMap(); pts->push_back(osg::Vec3(apt[0],apt[1],apt[2])); npts->push_back(osg::Vec3(npt.normal_x, npt.normal_y, npt.normal_z)); } geom->addPrimitiveSet( new osg::DrawArrays( GL_TRIANGLE_FAN, pstart, fan_size ) ); pstart+= fan_size; } geom->setVertexArray( pts ); geom->setNormalArray(npts); geom->setNormalBinding( osg::Geometry::BIND_PER_VERTEX ); geom->setStateSet(stateset_); return geom; }
osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> MeshManager::get(size_t idx) { /* Not sure if this cache is a good idea since it shares the whole model * tree. OSG can parent the same sub-tree to multiple points, which should * be okay as long as the individual sub-trees don't need changing. */ auto iter = mModelCache.find(idx); if(iter != mModelCache.end()) { osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node> node; if(iter->second.lock(node)) return node; } if(!mModelProgram) { mModelProgram = new osg::Program(); mModelProgram->addShader(osgDB::readShaderFile(osg::Shader::VERTEX, "shaders/object.vert")); mModelProgram->addShader(osgDB::readShaderFile(osg::Shader::FRAGMENT, "shaders/object.frag")); } DFOSG::Mesh *mesh = DFOSG::MeshLoader::get().load(idx); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geode> geode(new osg::Geode()); for(auto iter = mesh->getPlanes().begin();iter != mesh->getPlanes().end();) { osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> vtxs(new osg::Vec3Array()); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> nrms(new osg::Vec3Array()); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec3Array> binrms(new osg::Vec3Array()); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec2Array> texcrds(new osg::Vec2Array()); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Vec4ubArray> colors(new osg::Vec4ubArray()); osg::ref_ptr<osg::DrawElementsUShort> idxs(new osg::DrawElementsUShort(osg::PrimitiveSet::TRIANGLES)); uint16_t texid = iter->getTextureId(); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Texture> tex = TextureManager::get().getTexture(texid); float width = tex->getTextureWidth(); float height = tex->getTextureHeight(); do { const std::vector<DFOSG::MdlPlanePoint> &pts = iter->getPoints(); size_t last_total = vtxs->size(); vtxs->resize(last_total + pts.size()); nrms->resize(last_total + pts.size()); binrms->resize(last_total + pts.size()); texcrds->resize(last_total + pts.size()); colors->resize(last_total + pts.size()); idxs->resize((last_total + pts.size() - 2) * 3); size_t j = last_total; for(const DFOSG::MdlPlanePoint &pt : pts) { uint32_t vidx = pt.getIndex(); (*vtxs)[j].x() = mesh->getPoints()[vidx].x() / 256.0f; (*vtxs)[j].y() = mesh->getPoints()[vidx].y() / 256.0f; (*vtxs)[j].z() = mesh->getPoints()[vidx].z() / 256.0f; (*nrms)[j].x() = iter->getNormal().x() / 256.0f; (*nrms)[j].y() = iter->getNormal().y() / 256.0f; (*nrms)[j].z() = iter->getNormal().z() / 256.0f; (*binrms)[j].x() = iter->getBinormal().x() / 256.0f; (*binrms)[j].y() = iter->getBinormal().y() / 256.0f; (*binrms)[j].z() = iter->getBinormal().z() / 256.0f; (*texcrds)[j].x() = pt.u() / width; (*texcrds)[j].y() = pt.v() / height; (*colors)[j] = osg::Vec4ub(255, 255, 255, 255); if(j >= last_total+2) { (*idxs)[(j-2)*3 + 0] = last_total; (*idxs)[(j-2)*3 + 1] = j-1; (*idxs)[(j-2)*3 + 2] = j; } ++j; } } while(++iter != mesh->getPlanes().end() && iter->getTextureId() == texid); osg::ref_ptr<osg::VertexBufferObject> vbo(new osg::VertexBufferObject()); vtxs->setVertexBufferObject(vbo); nrms->setVertexBufferObject(vbo); texcrds->setVertexBufferObject(vbo); colors->setVertexBufferObject(vbo); colors->setNormalize(true); osg::ref_ptr<osg::ElementBufferObject> ebo(new osg::ElementBufferObject()); idxs->setElementBufferObject(ebo); osg::ref_ptr<osg::Geometry> geometry(new osg::Geometry); geometry->setVertexArray(vtxs); geometry->setNormalArray(nrms, osg::Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX); geometry->setTexCoordArray(1, binrms, osg::Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX); geometry->setTexCoordArray(0, texcrds, osg::Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX); geometry->setColorArray(colors, osg::Array::BIND_PER_VERTEX); geometry->setUseDisplayList(false); geometry->setUseVertexBufferObjects(true); geometry->addPrimitiveSet(idxs); /* Cache the stateset used for this texture, so it can be reused for * multiple models (should help OSG batch together objects with similar * state). */ auto &stateiter = mStateSetCache[texid]; osg::ref_ptr<osg::StateSet> ss; if(stateiter.lock(ss) && ss) geometry->setStateSet(ss); else { ss = geometry->getOrCreateStateSet(); ss->setAttributeAndModes(mModelProgram); ss->addUniform(new osg::Uniform("diffuseTex", 0)); ss->setTextureAttribute(0, tex); stateiter = ss; } geode->addDrawable(geometry); } mModelCache[idx] = osg::ref_ptr<osg::Node>(geode); return geode; }