Exemplo n.º 1
void Config::load ()
    if (!QUIET)
        Log::out() << "Loading: " << CONFIG_FILE;

    std::ifstream   ifsConfig (CONFIG_FILE.c_str (), std::ios::in);

    if (!ifsConfig)
        Log::out() << "Failed to open '" << CONFIG_FILE << "'.";
        std::string strConfigFile;

        strConfigFile.assign ((std::istreambuf_iterator<char> (ifsConfig)),
                              std::istreambuf_iterator<char> ());

        if (ifsConfig.bad ())
            Log::out() << "Failed to read '" << CONFIG_FILE << "'.";
            Section     secConfig   = ParseSection (strConfigFile, true);
            std::string strTemp;

            // XXX Leak
            Section::mapped_type*   smtTmp;

            smtTmp  = SectionEntries (secConfig, SECTION_VALIDATORS);

            if (smtTmp)
                validators  = *smtTmp;
                // SectionEntriesPrint(&validators, SECTION_VALIDATORS);

            smtTmp = SectionEntries (secConfig, SECTION_CLUSTER_NODES);

            if (smtTmp)
                CLUSTER_NODES = *smtTmp;
                // SectionEntriesPrint(&CLUSTER_NODES, SECTION_CLUSTER_NODES);

            smtTmp  = SectionEntries (secConfig, SECTION_IPS);

            if (smtTmp)
                IPS = *smtTmp;
                // SectionEntriesPrint(&IPS, SECTION_IPS);

            smtTmp = SectionEntries (secConfig, SECTION_SNTP);

            if (smtTmp)
                SNTP_SERVERS = *smtTmp;

            smtTmp  = SectionEntries (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_STARTUP);

            if (smtTmp)
                RPC_STARTUP = Json::arrayValue;

                BOOST_FOREACH (const std::string & strJson, *smtTmp)
                    Json::Reader    jrReader;
                    Json::Value     jvCommand;

                    if (!jrReader.parse (strJson, jvCommand))
                        throw std::runtime_error (boost::str (boost::format ("Couldn't parse [" SECTION_RPC_STARTUP "] command: %s") % strJson));

                    RPC_STARTUP.append (jvCommand);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_DATABASE_PATH, DATABASE_PATH))
                DATA_DIR    = DATABASE_PATH;

            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_VALIDATORS_SITE, VALIDATORS_SITE);

            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PEER_IP, PEER_IP);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PEER_PRIVATE, strTemp))
                PEER_PRIVATE        = lexicalCastThrow <bool> (strTemp);

            smtTmp = SectionEntries (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_ADMIN_ALLOW);

            if (smtTmp)
                RPC_ADMIN_ALLOW = *smtTmp;

            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_ADMIN_PASSWORD, RPC_ADMIN_PASSWORD);
            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_ADMIN_USER, RPC_ADMIN_USER);
            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_IP, m_rpcIP);
            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_PASSWORD, RPC_PASSWORD);
            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_USER, RPC_USER);

            // VFALCO BEGIN CLEAN
            nodeDatabase = parseKeyValueSection (
                secConfig, ConfigSection::nodeDatabase ());

            ephemeralNodeDatabase = parseKeyValueSection (
                secConfig, ConfigSection::tempNodeDatabase ());

            importNodeDatabase = parseKeyValueSection (
                secConfig, ConfigSection::importNodeDatabase ());

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PEER_PORT, strTemp))
                peerListeningPort = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PEER_PROXY_PORT, strTemp))
                peerPROXYListeningPort = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

                if (peerPROXYListeningPort != 0 && peerPROXYListeningPort == peerListeningPort)
                    FatalError ("Peer and proxy listening ports can't be the same.",
                        __FILE__, __LINE__);
                peerPROXYListeningPort = 0;

            // VFALCO END CLEAN

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_PORT, strTemp))
                m_rpcPort = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, "ledger_creator" , strTemp))
                LEDGER_CREATOR = lexicalCastThrow <bool> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_ALLOW_REMOTE, strTemp))
                RPC_ALLOW_REMOTE    = lexicalCastThrow <bool> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_NODE_SIZE, strTemp))
                if (strTemp == "tiny")
                    NODE_SIZE = 0;
                else if (strTemp == "small")
                    NODE_SIZE = 1;
                else if (strTemp == "medium")
                    NODE_SIZE = 2;
                else if (strTemp == "large")
                    NODE_SIZE = 3;
                else if (strTemp == "huge")
                    NODE_SIZE = 4;
                    NODE_SIZE = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

                    if (NODE_SIZE < 0)
                        NODE_SIZE = 0;
                    else if (NODE_SIZE > 4)
                        NODE_SIZE = 4;

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_ELB_SUPPORT, strTemp))
                ELB_SUPPORT         = lexicalCastThrow <bool> (strTemp);

            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_IP, WEBSOCKET_IP);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_PORT, strTemp))
                WEBSOCKET_PORT      = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_PUBLIC_IP, WEBSOCKET_PUBLIC_IP);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_PUBLIC_PORT, strTemp))
                WEBSOCKET_PUBLIC_PORT   = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_SECURE, strTemp))
                WEBSOCKET_SECURE    = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_PUBLIC_SECURE, strTemp))
                WEBSOCKET_PUBLIC_SECURE = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_PING_FREQ, strTemp))
                WEBSOCKET_PING_FREQ = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_SSL_CERT, WEBSOCKET_SSL_CERT);
            SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_WEBSOCKET_SSL_KEY, WEBSOCKET_SSL_KEY);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_SECURE, strTemp))
                RPC_SECURE  = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_SSL_CERT, RPC_SSL_CERT);
            SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_SSL_CHAIN, RPC_SSL_CHAIN);
            SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_RPC_SSL_KEY, RPC_SSL_KEY);

            SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_SSL_VERIFY_FILE, SSL_VERIFY_FILE);
            SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_SSL_VERIFY_DIR, SSL_VERIFY_DIR);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_SSL_VERIFY, strTemp))
                SSL_VERIFY          = lexicalCastThrow <bool> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_VALIDATION_SEED, strTemp))
                VALIDATION_SEED.setSeedGeneric (strTemp);

                if (VALIDATION_SEED.isValid ())
                    VALIDATION_PUB = RippleAddress::createNodePublic (VALIDATION_SEED);
                    VALIDATION_PRIV = RippleAddress::createNodePrivate (VALIDATION_SEED);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_NODE_SEED, strTemp))
                NODE_SEED.setSeedGeneric (strTemp);

                if (NODE_SEED.isValid ())
                    NODE_PUB = RippleAddress::createNodePublic (NODE_SEED);
                    NODE_PRIV = RippleAddress::createNodePrivate (NODE_SEED);

            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PEER_SSL_CIPHER_LIST, PEER_SSL_CIPHER_LIST);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PEER_SCAN_INTERVAL_MIN, strTemp))
                // Minimum for min is 60 seconds.
                PEER_SCAN_INTERVAL_MIN = std::max (60, lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp));

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PEER_START_MAX, strTemp))
                PEER_START_MAX      = std::max (1, lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp));

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PEER_CONNECT_LOW_WATER, strTemp))
                PEER_CONNECT_LOW_WATER = std::max (1, lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp));

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_NETWORK_QUORUM, strTemp))
                NETWORK_QUORUM      = std::max (0, lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp));

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_VALIDATION_QUORUM, strTemp))
                VALIDATION_QUORUM   = std::max (0, lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp));

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_FEE_ACCOUNT_RESERVE, strTemp))
                FEE_ACCOUNT_RESERVE = lexicalCastThrow <uint64> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_FEE_OWNER_RESERVE, strTemp))
                FEE_OWNER_RESERVE   = lexicalCastThrow <uint64> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_FEE_NICKNAME_CREATE, strTemp))
                FEE_NICKNAME_CREATE = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_FEE_OFFER, strTemp))
                FEE_OFFER           = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_FEE_DEFAULT, strTemp))
                FEE_DEFAULT         = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_FEE_OPERATION, strTemp))
                FEE_CONTRACT_OPERATION  = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_LEDGER_HISTORY, strTemp))
                boost::to_lower (strTemp);

                if (strTemp == "none")
                    LEDGER_HISTORY = 0;
                else if (strTemp == "full")
                    LEDGER_HISTORY = 1000000000u;
                    LEDGER_HISTORY = lexicalCastThrow <uint32> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PATH_SEARCH_OLD, strTemp))
                PATH_SEARCH_OLD     = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);
            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PATH_SEARCH, strTemp))
                PATH_SEARCH         = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);
            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PATH_SEARCH_FAST, strTemp))
                PATH_SEARCH_FAST    = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);
            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_PATH_SEARCH_MAX, strTemp))
                PATH_SEARCH_MAX     = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_ACCOUNT_PROBE_MAX, strTemp))
                ACCOUNT_PROBE_MAX   = lexicalCastThrow <int> (strTemp);

            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_SMS_FROM, SMS_FROM);
            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_SMS_KEY, SMS_KEY);
            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_SMS_SECRET, SMS_SECRET);
            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_SMS_TO, SMS_TO);
            (void) SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_SMS_URL, SMS_URL);

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_VALIDATORS_FILE, strTemp))
                VALIDATORS_FILE     = strTemp;

            if (SectionSingleB (secConfig, SECTION_DEBUG_LOGFILE, strTemp))
                DEBUG_LOGFILE       = strTemp;
Exemplo n.º 2
void Config::load ()
    if (!QUIET)
        std::cerr << "Loading: " << CONFIG_FILE << "\n";

    std::ifstream ifsConfig (CONFIG_FILE.c_str (), std::ios::in);

    if (!ifsConfig)
        std::cerr << "Failed to open '" << CONFIG_FILE << "'." << std::endl;

    std::string fileContents;
    fileContents.assign ((std::istreambuf_iterator<char>(ifsConfig)),

    if (ifsConfig.bad ())
        std::cerr << "Failed to read '" << CONFIG_FILE << "'." << std::endl;

    loadFromString (fileContents);