int kopt_rpc_server_init(unsigned short port, int argc, char *argv[]) { int i; if (port == 0) port = 9000; i = karg_find(argc, argv, "--or-port", 1); if (i > 0 && (i + 1) < argc) { int tmp; if (!kstr_toint(argv[i + 1], &tmp)) port = tmp; } klog("port: %d\n", port); ignore_pipe(); spl_thread_create(worker_thread_or_server, (void*)(long)port, 0); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *bron; float distweight[1024]; float total,max,threshold; int i,j,nrddt,mid,sock,connected,nrdist,maxnr; char **dtwords; char **dwords; char thisdtword[1024]; char thisdword[1024]; char locaps[1024]; char target[1024]; char stem[1024]; char classifyline[32768]; char line[32768]; char buff[32768]; char feats[NRFEAT][1024]; char *part; char category[1024]; char ddtmatch; sscanf(argv[1],"%f",&threshold); if ((threshold<0.5)|| (threshold>1.0)) { fprintf(stderr,"[t-dt_checker] ERROR: threshold value not between 0.5 and 1.0\n"); exit(1); } bron=fopen(argv[2],"r"); nrddt=0; fgets(line,32768,bron); while (!feof(bron)) { nrddt++; fgets(line,32768,bron); } fclose(bron); dtwords=malloc(nrddt*sizeof(char*)); dwords=malloc(nrddt*sizeof(char*)); bron=fopen(argv[2],"r"); for (i=0; i<nrddt; i++) { fscanf(bron,"%s %s ", thisdtword,thisdword); dtwords[i]=malloc((strlen(thisdtword)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(dtwords[i],thisdtword); dwords[i]=malloc((strlen(thisdword)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(dwords[i],thisdword); } fclose(bron); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"read %d t-dt triggers from %s\n", nrddt,argv[2]); // process inst file // first, start up communications with the Timbl server ignore_pipe(); sock=make_connection(PORT,SOCK_STREAM,MACHINE); if (sock==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"the confusible server is not responding\n"); exit(1); } else connected=1; // cut off the Timbl welcome message sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); // cut off the Timbl base message sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); // tell the Timbl server to use the t-dt base sock_puts(sock,"base t-dt\n"); // cut off the Timbl acknowledgement sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); mid=NRFEAT/2; bron=fopen(argv[3],"r"); fgets(line,32768,bron); while (!feof(bron)) { part=strtok(line," \n"); for (i=0; ((part!=NULL)&&(i<NRFEAT)); i++) { strcpy(feats[i],part); part=strtok(NULL," \n"); } if (!((strcmp(feats[mid],"<begin>")==0)|| (strcmp(feats[mid],"<end>")==0))) { strcpy(locaps,""); for (i=0; i<strlen(feats[mid]); i++) { strcat(locaps," "); if ((feats[mid][i]>='A')&& (feats[mid][i]<='Z')) locaps[i]=feats[mid][i]+32; else locaps[i]=feats[mid][i]; } ddtmatch=0; i=0; while ((i<nrddt)&& (!ddtmatch)) { if ((strcmp(feats[mid],dtwords[i])==0)|| (strcmp(locaps,dtwords[i])==0)|| (strcmp(feats[mid],dwords[i])==0)|| (strcmp(locaps,dwords[i])==0)) ddtmatch=1; if (!ddtmatch) i++; } fprintf(stdout,"%s", feats[mid]); if (ddtmatch) { // call Timbl strcpy(classifyline,"c "); for (j=0; j<NRFEAT; j++) { strcat(classifyline,feats[j]); strcat(classifyline," "); } strcat(classifyline,"?\n"); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"\ncalling Timbl with %s", classifyline); sock_puts(sock,classifyline); sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"getting back: %s\n", buff); part=strtok(buff," \n"); part=strtok(NULL," \n"); strcpy(category,""); for (j=1; j<strlen(part)-1; j++) { strcat(category," "); category[j-1]=part[j]; } while ((part!=NULL)&& (strcmp(part,"{")!=0)) part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (part!=NULL) { nrdist=0; while ((part!=NULL)&& (strcmp(part,"}")!=0)) { part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (strcmp(part,"}")!=0) { part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (part[strlen(part)-1]==',') sscanf(part,"%f,",&distweight[nrdist]); else sscanf(part,"%f",&distweight[nrdist]); nrdist++; } } if (DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr,"distro of %d: ", nrdist); for (i=0; i<nrdist; i++) fprintf(stderr," %9.4f", distweight[i]); } max=0.0; total=0.0; for (i=0; i<nrdist; i++) { total+=distweight[i]; if (distweight[i]>max) { max=distweight[i]; maxnr=i; } } if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr," - max %6.3f certainty\n", (max/total)); if ((max/total>=threshold)&& (total>MINOCC)) { if (strcmp(category,target)!=0) { fprintf(stdout," %s", category); fprintf(stderr,"correcting %s to %s\n", feats[mid],category); } } } } fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } fgets(line,32768,bron); } fclose(bron); close(sock); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *bron; int i,j,mid,sock,connected,withletters,nrexceptions=0; float letterratio; char classifyline[32768]; char word[1024]; char word2[1024]; char locap[1024]; char partlocap[1024]; char line[32768]; char buff[32768]; char feats[NRFEAT][1024]; char ***exceptions; char *part; char inflection,exception,locapmatch; // read exceptions bron=fopen(argv[1],"r"); fgets(line,32768,bron); while (!feof(bron)) { nrexceptions++; fgets(line,32768,bron); } fclose(bron); exceptions=malloc(nrexceptions*sizeof(char**)); bron=fopen(argv[1],"r"); for (i=0; i<nrexceptions; i++) { fscanf(bron,"%s %s ", word,word2); exceptions[i]=malloc(2*sizeof(char*)); exceptions[i][0]=malloc((strlen(word)+1)*sizeof(char)); exceptions[i][1]=malloc((strlen(word2)+1)*sizeof(char)); strcpy(exceptions[i][0],word); strcpy(exceptions[i][1],word2); } if (DEBUG2) fprintf(stderr,"read %d exception pairs from %s\n", nrexceptions,argv[1]); // process inst file // first, start up communications with the WOPR server ignore_pipe(); sock=make_connection(PORT,SOCK_STREAM,MACHINE); if (sock==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"the WOPR server is not responding\n"); exit(1); } else connected=1; mid=NRFEAT/2; bron=fopen(argv[2],"r"); fgets(line,32768,bron); while (!feof(bron)) { part=strtok(line," \n"); for (i=0; ((part!=NULL)&&(i<NRFEAT)); i++) { strcpy(feats[i],part); part=strtok(NULL," \n"); } strcpy(word,feats[mid]); if (!((strcmp(word,"<begin>")==0)|| (strcmp(word,"<end>")==0))) { fprintf(stdout,"%s", word); strcpy(locap,""); withletters=0; for (i=0; i<strlen(word); i++) { strcat(locap," "); if ((word[i]>='A')&&(word[i]<='Z')) locap[i]=word[i]+32; else locap[i]=word[i]; if ((locap[i]>='a')&&(locap[i]<='z')) withletters++; } letterratio=(1.*withletters)/(1.*strlen(word)); if (letterratio>0.5) { /* ignore_pipe(); sock=make_connection(PORT,SOCK_STREAM,MACHINE); if (sock==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"the WOPR server is not responding\n"); exit(1); } else connected=1; */ // call WOPR strcpy(classifyline,""); for (j=0; j<NRFEAT; j++) { if (j!=mid) { strcat(classifyline,feats[j]); strcat(classifyline," "); } } strcat(classifyline,word); strcat(classifyline,"\n"); if (DEBUG2) fprintf(stderr,"calling WOPR with %s", classifyline); sock_puts(sock,classifyline); sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)); if (DEBUG2) fprintf(stderr,"getting back: %s\n", buff); part=strtok(buff,"\t\n"); while ((part!=NULL)&& (strcmp(part,"__EMPTY__")!=0)) { // special WOPR check exception=0; for (i=0; ((i<nrexceptions)&&(!exception)); i++) { if (((strcmp(word,exceptions[i][0])==0)&& (strcmp(part,exceptions[i][1])==0))|| ((strcmp(word,exceptions[i][1])==0)&& (strcmp(part,exceptions[i][0])==0))) { exception=1; if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"WOPR caught an exception (%s %s) and will remain silent\n", word,part); } } // check: locap match? locapmatch=0; strcpy(partlocap,""); for (i=0; i<strlen(part); i++) { strcat(partlocap," "); if ((part[i]>='A')&&(part[i]<='Z')) partlocap[i]=part[i]+32; else partlocap[i]=part[i]; } if (strcmp(partlocap,locap)==0) locapmatch=1; // check: plural? inflection=0; if (!exception) { if ((((part[strlen(part)-1]=='s')&& (word[strlen(word)-1]!='s')))|| (((part[strlen(part)-1]!='s')&& (word[strlen(word)-1]=='s')))) inflection=1; if ((((part[strlen(part)-1]=='e')&& (word[strlen(word)-1]!='e')))|| (((part[strlen(part)-1]!='e')&& (word[strlen(word)-1]=='e')))) inflection=1; if ((((part[strlen(part)-1]=='n')&& (word[strlen(word)-1]=='t')))|| (((part[strlen(part)-1]=='t')&& (word[strlen(word)-1]=='n')))) inflection=1; } if ((!inflection)&& (!exception)&& (!locapmatch)&& (strlen(part)>MINLEN)) { fprintf(stdout," %s", part); fprintf(stderr,"WOPR corrects [%s] into [%s]\n", word,part); } part=strtok(NULL,"\t\n"); } //close(sock); } fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } fgets(line,32768,bron); } fclose(bron); close(sock); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *bron; float distweight[1024]; float total,max,threshold; int i,j,sock,connected,nrdist,counter,defcon,maxnr,result; char classifyline[32768]; char readbuffer[1024]; char locap[1024]; char buffer[NRFEAT][1024]; char membuffer[NRFEAT+3][1024]; char buff[32768]; char timblbuffer[1024]; char punc[NRFEAT][32]; char cap[1024]; char puncstring[1024]; char *part; char category[1024]; char realout[1024]; char capped,ready; ready=0; defcon=maxnr=connected=result=0; sscanf(argv[1],"%f",&threshold); if ((threshold<0.5)|| (threshold>1.0)) { fprintf(stderr,"[punc-recase_checker] ERROR: threshold value not between 0.5 and 1.0\n"); exit(1); } strcpy(puncstring,",.`'\"’‘!?:;()"); // process text file (not prefab inst!) // first, start up communications with the Timbl server ignore_pipe(); sock=make_connection(PORT,SOCK_STREAM,MACHINE); if (sock==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"the punc-recase server is not responding\n"); exit(1); } else connected=1; // cut off the Timbl welcome message sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); // cut off the Timbl base message sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); // tell the Timbl server to use the punc-recase base sprintf(timblbuffer,"base punc-recase\n"); sock_puts(sock,timblbuffer); // cut off the Timbl acknowledgement sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); // initialize buffers strcpy(cap,""); for (i=0; i<NRFEAT; i++) { strcpy(membuffer[i],"_"); strcpy(buffer[i],"_"); strcpy(punc[i],"NP"); strcat(cap," "); cap[i]='-'; } bron=fopen(argv[2],"r"); counter=0; while (!ready) { if (!feof(bron)) { result=fscanf(bron,"%s ", readbuffer); } else strcpy(readbuffer,"_"); /* if ((counter>(NRFEAT/2)-1)&& (defcon<=NRFEAT/2)) { fprintf(stdout,"%s", membuffer[(NRFEAT/2)-1]); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"original token: [%s]\n", membuffer[(NRFEAT/2)-1]); } */ for (i=NRFEAT; i>0; i--) strcpy(membuffer[i],membuffer[i-1]); strcpy(membuffer[0],readbuffer); if (strstr(puncstring,readbuffer)) { strcpy(punc[NRFEAT-1],readbuffer); } else { capped=0; if ((readbuffer[0]>='A')&& (readbuffer[0]<='Z')) capped=1; strcpy(locap,""); for (i=0; i<strlen(readbuffer); i++) { strcat(locap," "); if ((readbuffer[i]>='A')&& (readbuffer[i]<='Z')) locap[i]=readbuffer[i]+32; else locap[i]=readbuffer[i]; } for (i=0; i<NRFEAT-1; i++) { strcpy(buffer[i],buffer[i+1]); strcpy(punc[i],punc[i+1]); cap[i]=cap[i+1]; } strcpy(buffer[NRFEAT-1],locap); if (capped) cap[NRFEAT-1]='C'; else cap[NRFEAT-1]='-'; strcpy(punc[NRFEAT-1],"NP"); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"checking [%s]-[%c]-[%s]\n", buffer[(NRFEAT/2)], cap[(NRFEAT/2)], punc[(NRFEAT/2)]); if (counter>2) { //if (strcmp(punc[(NRFEAT/2)],"NP")==0) { if ((counter>(NRFEAT/2)-1)&& (defcon<=NRFEAT/2)) { fprintf(stdout,"%s", buffer[(NRFEAT/2)]); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"original token: [%s]\n", buffer[(NRFEAT/2)]); } if (DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr,"\nbuffer:"); for (i=0; i<NRFEAT; i++) fprintf(stderr," [%10s]", buffer[i]); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"cap: "); for (i=0; i<NRFEAT; i++) fprintf(stderr," [%10c]", cap[i]); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); fprintf(stderr,"punc: "); for (i=0; i<NRFEAT; i++) fprintf(stderr," [%10s]", punc[i]); fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } strcpy(classifyline,"c "); for (i=0; i<NRFEAT-1; i++) { strcat(classifyline,buffer[i]); strcat(classifyline," "); } if (strcmp(punc[2],"NP")!=0) { if (cap[3]!='-') { strcat(classifyline,punc[2]); strcpy(realout,punc[2]); strcat(classifyline,"C\n"); strcat(realout,"C"); } else { strcat(classifyline,punc[2]); strcpy(realout,punc[2]); strcat(classifyline,"\n"); } } else { if (cap[3]!='-') { strcat(classifyline,"C\n"); strcpy(realout,"C"); } else { strcat(classifyline,"-\n"); strcpy(realout,"-"); } } if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"\ncalling Timbl with %s", classifyline); sock_puts(sock,classifyline); sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"getting back: %s\n", buff); part=strtok(buff," \n"); part=strtok(NULL," \n"); strcpy(category,""); for (j=1; j<strlen(part)-1; j++) { strcat(category," "); category[j-1]=part[j]; } while ((part!=NULL)&& (strcmp(part,"{")!=0)) part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (part!=NULL) { nrdist=0; while ((part!=NULL)&& (strcmp(part,"}")!=0)) { part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (strcmp(part,"}")!=0) { part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (part[strlen(part)-1]==',') sscanf(part,"%f,",&distweight[nrdist]); else sscanf(part,"%f",&distweight[nrdist]); nrdist++; } } if (DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr,"distro of %d:", nrdist); for (i=0; i<nrdist; i++) fprintf(stderr," %.0f", distweight[i]); } max=0.0; maxnr=0; total=0.0; for (i=0; i<nrdist; i++) { total+=distweight[i]; if (distweight[i]>max) { max=distweight[i]; maxnr=i; } } if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr," - max %6.3f certainty\n", (max/total)); if ((max/total>=threshold)&& // (max/total<1.0)&& (total>MINOCC)) { if ((strcmp(category,realout)!=0)&& (strcmp(category,"-")!=0)) { if (DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr,"line: %s", classifyline); fprintf(stderr,"we have to do something: predicted %s is not actual %s\n", category,realout); fprintf(stderr,"correction: [%s]\n", category); } fprintf(stdout," %s", category); } } } } if (strcmp(punc[NRFEAT/2],"NP")!=0) { if ((counter>(NRFEAT/2)-1)&& (defcon<=NRFEAT/2)) { fprintf(stdout,"\n%s", punc[(NRFEAT/2)]); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"original token: [%s]\n", punc[(NRFEAT/2)]); } } } if ((counter>(NRFEAT/2)-1)&& (defcon<=NRFEAT/2)) { fprintf(stdout,"\n"); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"\n"); } } if (feof(bron)) defcon++; if (defcon>(NRFEAT/2)) ready=1; counter++; } fclose(bron); close(sock); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { FILE *bron; float distweight[1024]; char word1[1024]; char capword1[1024]; char word2[1024]; char capword2[1024]; float total,max,threshold; int i,j,mid,sock,connected,nrdist,maxnr; char classifyline[32768]; char line[32768]; char buff[32768]; char buffer[1024]; char feats[NRFEAT][1024]; char *part; char category[1024]; char match; strcpy(word1,argv[1]); strcpy(capword1,word1); capword1[0]-=32; strcpy(word2,argv[2]); strcpy(capword2,word2); capword2[0]-=32; sscanf(argv[3],"%f",&threshold); if ((threshold<0.5)|| (threshold>1.0)) { fprintf(stderr,"[confusible_checker] ERROR: threshold value not between 0.5 and 1.0\n"); exit(1); } // process inst file // first, start up communications with the Timbl server ignore_pipe(); sock=make_connection(PORT,SOCK_STREAM,MACHINE); if (sock==-1) { fprintf(stderr,"the confusible server is not responding\n"); exit(1); } else connected=1; // cut off the Timbl welcome message sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); // cut off the Timbl base message sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); // tell the Timbl server to use the word1-word2 base sprintf(buffer,"base %s-%s\n", word1,word2); sock_puts(sock,buffer); // cut off the Timbl acknowledgement sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)-1); mid=NRFEAT/2; bron=fopen(argv[4],"r"); fgets(line,32768,bron); while (!feof(bron)) { part=strtok(line," \n"); for (i=0; ((part!=NULL)&&(i<NRFEAT)); i++) { strcpy(feats[i],part); part=strtok(NULL," \n"); } if (!((strcmp(feats[mid],"<begin>")==0)|| (strcmp(feats[mid],"<end>")==0))) { match=0; if ((strcmp(feats[mid],word1)==0)|| (strcmp(feats[mid],capword1)==0)|| (strcmp(feats[mid],word2)==0)|| (strcmp(feats[mid],capword2)==0)) match=1; fprintf(stdout,"%s", feats[mid]); if (match) { // call Timbl strcpy(classifyline,"c "); for (j=0; j<NRFEAT; j++) { if (j!=mid) strcat(classifyline,feats[j]); strcat(classifyline," "); } strcat(classifyline,"?\n"); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"\ncalling Timbl with %s", classifyline); sock_puts(sock,classifyline); sock_gets(sock,buff,sizeof(buff)); if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr,"getting back: %s\n", buff); part=strtok(buff," \n"); part=strtok(NULL," \n"); strcpy(category,""); for (j=1; j<strlen(part)-1; j++) { strcat(category," "); category[j-1]=part[j]; } while ((part!=NULL)&& (strcmp(part,"{")!=0)) part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (part!=NULL) { nrdist=0; while ((part!=NULL)&& (strcmp(part,"}")!=0)) { part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (strcmp(part,"}")!=0) { part=strtok(NULL," \n"); if (part[strlen(part)-1]==',') sscanf(part,"%f,",&distweight[nrdist]); else sscanf(part,"%f",&distweight[nrdist]); nrdist++; } } if (DEBUG) { fprintf(stderr,"distro of %d:", nrdist); for (i=0; i<nrdist; i++) fprintf(stderr," %.0f", distweight[i]); } max=0.0; total=0.0; for (i=0; i<nrdist; i++) { total+=distweight[i]; if (distweight[i]>max) { max=distweight[i]; maxnr=i; } } if (DEBUG) fprintf(stderr," - max %6.3f certainty\n", (max/total)); if ((max/total>=threshold)&& (max/total<1.0)&& (total>MINOCC)) { if (strcmp(category,feats[mid])!=0) { fprintf(stdout," %s%6.3f", category,(max/total)); fprintf(stderr,"corrected %s into %s\n", feats[mid],category); } } } } fprintf(stdout,"\n"); } fgets(line,32768,bron); } fclose(bron); close(sock); return 0; }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { /*Set default values for tty device, server port and background operation*/ char ttydev[1024]; strncpy(ttydev, "/dev/ttyS0", 1023); char serverport[1024]; strncpy(serverport, "3376", 1023); int auth = FALSE; int verbose = FALSE; /*Find options on the commandline*/ int c; extern char *optarg; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "s:p:dv")) != -1) { switch(c) { case 's': strncpy(ttydev, optarg, 1023); break; case 'p': strncpy(serverport, optarg, 1023); break; case 'd': background = TRUE; break; case 'a': auth = TRUE; break; case 'v': verbose = TRUE; break; case '?': print_usage(); } } /*open camera interface*/ VISCA_open_interface(&interface, &camera, ttydev); /*Set up some signal handling*/ ignore_pipe(); struct sigaction sa; sigemptyset(&sa.sa_mask); sa.sa_flags = 0; sa.sa_handler = sig_chld; sigaction(SIGCHLD, &sa, NULL); sa.sa_handler = sig_abort; sigaction(SIGINT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGQUIT, &sa, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &sa, NULL); /*initialize network stuff - taken from socket-faq*/ int port = -1; port = atoport(serverport, "tcp"); if (port == -1) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to find service: %s\n",serverport); exit(1); } /*check for lock file*/ struct stat tempstat; if (stat("/var/lock/visca-daemon.lock", &tempstat) == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "Lockfile /var/lock/visca-daemon.lock exists\nMaybe another visca-daemo is running already?\n\n"); exit(1); } /*go to background if the user wants us to*/ if (background == TRUE) { if(daemon(0,0) != 0) { fprintf(stderr,"Unable to detach from console\n"); exit(1); } openlog("visca-daemon", 0, LOG_DAEMON); } mknod("/var/lock/visca-daemon.lock", S_IFREG, 0); if (background == TRUE) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Visca Camera daemon started.\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Visca Camera daemon started.\n"); } /*Wait for a client to make connections*/ /*forking is handled by sockhelp.c from the socket-faq*/ int sock = get_connection(SOCK_STREAM, port, &listensock); connectsock = sock; if (background == TRUE) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "New connection established\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "New connection established\n"); } /*Greet the user*/ char buffer[1024]; sock_puts(sock,"Welcome to the VISCA camera server\n"); int connected = 1; int errorcode; int ret1, ret2, ret3; while (connected) { /* Read input */ if (sock_gets(sock, buffer, 1024) < 0) { connected = 0; } else if (buffer[0]=='\0') { connected = 0; } else { if (verbose == TRUE) { if (background == TRUE) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Command received: %s\n", buffer); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Command received: %s\n", buffer); } } errorcode = VISCA_doCommand(buffer, &ret1, &ret2, &ret3, &interface, &camera); switch(errorcode) { case 10: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "10 OK - no return value\n"); break; case 11: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "11 OK - one return value\nRET1: %i\n", ret1); break; case 12: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "12 OK - two return values\nRET1: %i\nRET2: %i\n", ret1, ret2); break; case 13: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "13 OK - three return values\nRET1: %i\nRET2: %i\nRET3: %i\n", ret1, ret2, ret3); break; case 40: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "40 ERROR - command not recognized\n"); break; case 41: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "41 ERROR - argument 1 not recognized\n"); break; case 42: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "42 ERROR - argument 2 not recognized\n"); break; case 43: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "43 ERROR - argument 3 not recognized\n"); break; case 44: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "44 ERROR - argument 4 not recognized\n"); break; case 45: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "45 ERROR - argument 5 not recognized\n"); break; case 46: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "46 ERROR - camera replied with an error\n"); break; case 47: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "47 ERROR - camera replied with an unknown return value\n"); break; default: snprintf(buffer, 1023, "unknown error code: %i\n", errorcode); } if (verbose == TRUE) { if (background == TRUE) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Answer sent: %s", buffer); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Answer sent: %s", buffer); } } if (sock_puts(sock, buffer) < 0) { connected = 0; } } } if (background == TRUE) { syslog(LOG_INFO, "Connection closed\n"); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Connection closed\n"); } close(sock); return 0; }
static void *worker_thread_or_server(void *userdata) { int ready, i, n, bufsize = 128 * 1024; void *buf; struct epoll_event ev, *e; unsigned short port = (unsigned short)(int)(long)userdata; int s_listen, new_fd; struct sockaddr_in their_addr; struct sockaddr_in my_addr; socklen_t sin_size; ignore_pipe(); if ((s_listen = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) == -1) { kerror("c:%s, e:%s\n", "socket", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } config_socket(s_listen); my_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; my_addr.sin_port = htons(port); my_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = INADDR_ANY; memset(my_addr.sin_zero, '\0', sizeof(my_addr.sin_zero)); if (bind(s_listen, (struct sockaddr *) &my_addr, sizeof(my_addr)) == -1) { kerror("c:%s, e:%s\n", "bind", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (listen(s_listen, BACKLOG) == -1) { kerror("c:%s, e:%s\n", "listen", strerror(errno)); return NULL; } __g_epoll_fd = epoll_create(__g_epoll_max); memset(&ev, 0, sizeof(ev)); = s_listen; = EPOLLIN; epoll_ctl(__g_epoll_fd, EPOLL_CTL_ADD, s_listen, &ev); buf = kmem_alloc(bufsize, char); for (;;) { do ready = epoll_wait(__g_epoll_fd, __g_epoll_events, __g_epoll_max, -1); while ((ready == -1) && (errno == EINTR)); for (i = 0; i < ready; i++) { e = __g_epoll_events + i; if (e->data.fd == s_listen) { sin_size = sizeof(their_addr); if ((new_fd = accept(s_listen, (struct sockaddr *) &their_addr, &sin_size)) == -1) { kerror("c:%s, e:%s\n", "accept", strerror(errno)); continue; } /* FIXME: non-blocking will cause orbatch bang */ /* setnonblocking(new_fd); */ /* XXX: new_fd can be o or w */ if (process_connect(new_fd)) close_connect(new_fd); continue; } else if (!(e->events & EPOLLIN)) { kerror("!!! Not EPOLLIN: event is %08x, fd:%d\n", e->events, e->data.fd); continue; } if ((n = recv(e->data.fd, buf, bufsize, 0)) > 0) { if (do_opt_command(e->data.fd, buf, n)) close_connect(e->data.fd); } else { klog("Remote close socket: %d\n", e->data.fd); close_connect(e->data.fd); } } } kmem_free(buf); close(__g_epoll_fd); __g_epoll_fd = -1; return NULL; }