Exemplo n.º 1
Arquivo: view.c Projeto: elechak/blue
Link create_view(){
    View self = malloc(sizeof(*self));

    self->items = im_new();

    self->fog_parameters[0]=0.0; //Densisty
    self->fog_parameters[1]=0.0; //Start
    self->fog_parameters[2]=0.0; //End

    self->origin = 0;

    //left,  right, bottom, top, near, far
    self->bounds[0] = 0.0;
    self->bounds[1] = 100.0;
    self->bounds[2] = 0.0;
    self->bounds[3] = 100.0;
    self->bounds[4] = 0.0;
    self->bounds[5] = 100.0;

    self->projection = 1;//  0 is Perspective  , 1 is Orthographic

    self->camera_pos = NULL;
    //~ return lnk;
    Link obj = object_create(view_type);
    obj->value.vptr = self;

    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 2
static NATIVECALL(bwindow_new){
    BWindow self = malloc(sizeof(*self));
        self->items = im_new();
        self->width      = 500;
        self->height     = 500;
        self->title      = NULL;
        self->x = self->y = 0;
        self->clear_color[0] = 1;
        self->clear_color[1] = 1;
        self->clear_color[2] = 1;
        self->clear_color[3] = 1;
        self->bindings   = NULL;   
        self->update     = 0;
        self->onClose    = NULL;
        self->onKeyDown    = NULL;
        self->onKeyUp    = NULL;
    Link obj = object_create(window_type);
    obj->value.vptr = self;
    return obj;
Exemplo n.º 3
/* create a new birth-death phylo-HMM based on parameter values */
BDPhyloHmm *bd_new(TreeModel *source_mod, double rho, double mu, 
                   double nu, double phi, double alpha_c, double beta_c, 
                   double tau_c, double alpha_n, double beta_n, 
                   double tau_n, int estim_gamma, int estim_omega, 
                   int estim_phi) {
  int i, state;
  int nleaves = (source_mod->tree->nnodes + 1) / 2; 
  int nstates = 2 + 2 * (2*nleaves - 3); /* number of states */
  HMM *hmm;
  TreeModel **models = smalloc(nstates * sizeof(void*));
  TreeNode *n;
  CategoryMap *cm;
  List *inside = lst_new_ptr(source_mod->tree->nnodes),
    *outside = lst_new_ptr(source_mod->tree->nnodes);
  BDPhyloHmm *bdphmm;
  double *alpha = smalloc(source_mod->tree->nnodes * sizeof(double)), 
    *beta = smalloc(source_mod->tree->nnodes * sizeof(double)), 
    *tau = smalloc(source_mod->tree->nnodes * sizeof(double));
  if (rho <= 0 || rho >= 1)
    die("ERROR bd_new: rho (%e) out of bound (0, 1)\n", rho);
  if (mu <= 0 || 2*mu >=1) 
    die("ERROR bd_new: mu (%e) out of bound (0, 0.5)\n", mu);
  if (nu <= 0 || nu >= 1)
    die("ERROR bd_new: nu (%e) out of bound (0, 1)\n", nu);

  bdphmm = smalloc(sizeof(BDPhyloHmm));
  bdphmm->state_to_branch = smalloc(nstates * sizeof(int));
  bdphmm->branch_to_state_birth = smalloc(source_mod->tree->nnodes * sizeof(int));
  bdphmm->branch_to_state_death = smalloc(source_mod->tree->nnodes * sizeof(int));
  bdphmm->rho = rho;
  bdphmm->mu = mu;
  bdphmm->nu = nu;
  bdphmm->phi = phi;
  bdphmm->estim_gamma = estim_gamma;
  bdphmm->estim_omega = estim_omega;
  bdphmm->estim_phi = estim_phi;

  /* set up mappings between states and branches.  Branches are
     indexed by ids of child nodes; "birth" means functional element
     arose on branch, "death" means element was lost on branch. */
  state = 0;
  for (i = 0; i < source_mod->tree->nnodes; i++) {
    n = lst_get_ptr(source_mod->tree->nodes, i);
    bdphmm->state_to_branch[state] = n->id;
    bdphmm->branch_to_state_death[n->id] = state;
  for (i = 0; i < source_mod->tree->nnodes; i++) {
    n = lst_get_ptr(source_mod->tree->nodes, i);

    if (n->parent == source_mod->tree) {
      bdphmm->branch_to_state_birth[n->id] = -1;
      /* branches beneath root ignored -- events can't be
         distinguished from death events on opposite branch */

    bdphmm->state_to_branch[state] = n->id;
    bdphmm->branch_to_state_birth[n->id] = state;
  if  (state != nstates)
    die("ERROR bd_new state (%i) != nstates (%i)\n", state, nstates);
  /* note: this is structured so that state 0 is the nonconserved
     model (like element "died" prior to root) and state nnodes is the
     fully conserved model (like element was "born" prior to root) */

  /* now make copies of models and scale branches as needed */  
  models[0] = source_mod;
  for (state = 1; state < nstates; state++) { 
    /* skip state == 0 */
    models[state] = tm_create_copy(source_mod);
    n = lst_get_ptr(models[state]->tree->nodes, bdphmm->state_to_branch[state]);
    tr_partition_nodes(models[state]->tree, n, inside, outside);

    if (state < models[state]->tree->nnodes)  /* death */
      for (i = 0; i < lst_size(outside); i++) 
        ((TreeNode*)lst_get_ptr(outside, i))->dparent *= rho;
    else 			/* birth */
      for (i = 0; i < lst_size(inside); i++) 
        ((TreeNode*)lst_get_ptr(inside, i))->dparent *= rho;

    tm_reinit(models[state], models[state]->subst_mod, 
              models[state]->nratecats, models[state]->alpha, NULL, NULL);

  /* Require informative sites for all but state 0 */
  for (state = 1; state < nstates; state++) 
    models[state]->inform_reqd = TRUE;

  /* set up HMM transitions */
  hmm = hmm_new_nstates(nstates, TRUE, FALSE);

  /* build category map */
  cm = cm_create_trivial(nstates - 1, NULL);
  for (state = 0; state < nstates; state++) {
    String *name = lst_get_ptr(cm->ranges[state]->feature_types, 0);

    if (state == 0)
      str_cpy_charstr(name, "nonconserved");
    else if (state == source_mod->tree->nnodes)
      str_cpy_charstr(name, "conserved");
    else {
      n = lst_get_ptr(source_mod->tree->nodes, bdphmm->state_to_branch[state]);
      str_cpy_charstr(name, n->name);
      if (state < source_mod->tree->nnodes)
        str_append_charstr(name, "-death");
        str_append_charstr(name, "-birth");      

  bdphmm->phmm = phmm_new(hmm, models, cm, NULL, MISSING_DATA);

  /* set up indel model, if necessary */
  if (alpha_c > 0) {
    bdphmm->indel_mods = smalloc(nstates * sizeof(void*));
    for (state = 0; state < nstates; state++) {
      List *l;

      n = lst_get_ptr(models[state]->tree->nodes, 
      tr_partition_nodes(models[state]->tree, n, inside, outside);

      /* initialize alpha, beta, tau with nonconserved params */
      for (i = 0; i < models[state]->tree->nnodes; i++) {
        alpha[i] = alpha_n; beta[i] = beta_n; tau[i] = tau_n;

      /* now change to conserved params for conserved branches */
      if (state < models[state]->tree->nnodes)  
        l = outside;            /* death */
        l = inside;             /* birth; includes conserved */

      for (i = 0; i < lst_size(l); i++) {
        n = lst_get_ptr(l, i);
        alpha[n->id] = alpha_c;
        beta[n->id] = beta_c;
        tau[n->id] = tau_c;

      bdphmm->indel_mods[state] = im_new(alpha, beta, tau, models[state]->tree);
    bdphmm->indel_mods = NULL;

  return bdphmm;