Exemplo n.º 1
/* Send a file to out. Used to transmit the preludes.
static int
transmit_file( char *mode, char *name, FILE *out )
	const char *prefix;
	char buf[PATH_MAX];
	FILE *in;

	if( !(prefix = im_guess_prefix( argv0, "VIPSHOME" )) )
		return( -1 );

	/* Send it!
	im_snprintf( buf, PATH_MAX, "%s/share/vips/vips2dj/%s/%s", 
		prefix, mode, name );
	if( !(in = fopen( buf, "r" )) ) {
		im_errormsg( "vips2dj: can't find \"%s\"", name );
		return( -1 );
	if( copy_bytes( in, out ) ) {
		fclose( in );
		return( -1 );
	fclose( in );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 2
Arquivo: boxes.c Projeto: DINKIN/nip2
/* Mark up a top/sub pair for a dialog box.
static void
box_vmarkup( char *out, const char *top, const char *sub, va_list ap )
	char buf1[MAX_DIALOG_TEXT];
	char buf2[MAX_DIALOG_TEXT];
	char buf3[MAX_DIALOG_TEXT];

	escape_markup( top, buf1, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	(void) im_vsnprintf( buf2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, sub, ap );
	escape_markup( buf2, buf3, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );

	(void) im_snprintf( out, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, 
		"<b><big>%s</big></b>", buf1 );
	if( strcmp( buf3, "" ) != 0 ) {
		int len = strlen( out );

		(void) im_snprintf( out + len, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT - len, 
			"\n\n%s", buf3 );
Exemplo n.º 3
static void
toolkitview_refresh( vObject *vobject )
	Toolkitview *kview = TOOLKITVIEW( vobject );
	Toolkit *kit = TOOLKIT( VOBJECT( kview )->iobject );
	Toolkitgroupview *kitgview = kview->kitgview;
	GtkWidget *menu = kitgview->menu;
	gboolean changed = FALSE;

#ifdef DEBUG
	printf( "toolkitview_refresh: " );
	iobject_print( VOBJECT( kview )->iobject );
#endif /*DEBUG*/

	/* Make a button ready for the sub-menu. 
	if( !kview->item ) {
                kview->item = gtk_menu_item_new_with_label( 
			IOBJECT( kit )->name );

                gtk_menu_shell_insert( GTK_MENU_SHELL( menu ),
                gtk_widget_show( kview->item );
		kview->destroy_sid = g_signal_connect( kview->item, 
			G_CALLBACK( toolkitview_destroy_cb ), kview );

		changed = TRUE;
	if( !kview->menu ) {
		iWindow *iwnd = IWINDOW( iwindow_get_root( menu ) );
		char path[256];

		kview->menu = gtk_menu_new();
		gtk_menu_set_accel_group( GTK_MENU( kview->menu ),
			iwnd->accel_group );
		im_snprintf( path, 256, 
			"<mainw>/Toolkits/%s", IOBJECT( kit )->name );
		gtk_menu_set_accel_path( GTK_MENU( kview->menu ), path );

		changed = TRUE;

	if( changed )
		gtk_menu_item_set_submenu( GTK_MENU_ITEM( kview->item ), 
			kview->menu );

	widget_visible( kview->item, ICONTAINER( kit )->children != NULL );

	VOBJECT_CLASS( parent_class )->refresh( vobject );
Exemplo n.º 4
Arquivo: boxes.c Projeto: DINKIN/nip2
/* Pop up a help window for a tag.
box_help( GtkWidget *par, const char *name )
	int i;

	for( i = 0; i < IM_NUMBER( box_helpindex ); i++ )
		if( strcmp( name, box_helpindex[i][0] ) == 0 ) {
			char url[512];

			im_snprintf( url, 512, "file://%s/%s", 
				NIP_DOCPATH, box_helpindex[i][1] );
			box_url( par, url );

	error_top( _( "Help page not found." ) );
	error_sub( _( "No indexed help page found for tag \"%s\"" ), name );
	iwindow_alert( par, GTK_MESSAGE_ERROR );
Exemplo n.º 5
/* Do a image call.
static void
apply_image_call( Reduce *rc, 
	const char *name, HeapNode **arg, PElement *out )
	Heap *heap = rc->heap;

	PElement rhs;
	char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
	char filename[FILENAME_MAX];
	char mode[FILENAME_MAX];
	char *fn;
	Imageinfo *ii;

	/* Get string. 
	PEPOINTRIGHT( arg[0], &rhs );
	(void) reduce_get_string( rc, &rhs, buf, FILENAME_MAX );

	/* The buf might be something like n3862.pyr.tif:1, ie. contain some
	 * load options. Split and search just for the filename component.
	im_filename_split( buf, filename, mode );

	/* Try to load image from given string.
	if( !(fn = path_find_file( filename )) )
		reduce_throw( rc );

	/* Reattach the mode and load.
	im_snprintf( buf, FILENAME_MAX, "%s:%s", fn, mode );
	if( !(ii = imageinfo_new_input( 
		main_imageinfogroup, NULL, heap, buf )) ) {
		IM_FREE( fn );
		reduce_throw( rc );
	IM_FREE( fn );

Exemplo n.º 6
workspace_load_compat( Workspace *ws, int major, int minor )
	char pathname[FILENAME_MAX];
	GSList *path;
	int best_major;
	int best_minor;

	if( workspace_have_compat( major, minor, &best_major, &best_minor ) ) {
		/* Make a private toolkitgroup local to this workspace to 
		 * hold the compatibility defs we are planning to load.
		UNREF( ws->kitg );
		ws->kitg = toolkitgroup_new( ws->sym );
		g_object_ref( G_OBJECT( ws->kitg ) );
		iobject_sink( IOBJECT( ws->kitg ) );

		im_snprintf( pathname, FILENAME_MAX, 
			"$VIPSHOME/share/" PACKAGE "/compat/%d.%d", 
			best_major, best_minor );
		path = path_parse( pathname );
		if( path_map( path, "*.def", 
			(path_map_fn) workspace_load_toolkit, ws->kitg ) ) {
			path_free2( path );
			return( FALSE );
		path_free2( path );

		ws->compat_major = best_major;
		ws->compat_minor = best_minor;
	else {
		/* No compat defs necessary for this ws. 
		ws->compat_major = 0;
		ws->compat_minor = 0;

	return( TRUE );
Exemplo n.º 7
/* Given (eg.) "/poop/somefile.png", make the thumbnail name,
 * "/poop/tn_somefile.jpg".
static char *
make_thumbnail_name( const char *filename )
	char *file;
	char *p;
	char buf[FILENAME_MAX];
	char *result;

	file = g_path_get_basename( filename );

	/* Remove the suffix from the file portion.
	if( (p = strrchr( file, '.' )) ) 
		*p = '\0';

	/* output_format can be an absolute path, in which case we discard the
	 * path from the incoming file.
	im_snprintf( buf, FILENAME_MAX, output_format, file );
	if( g_path_is_absolute( output_format ) ) 
		result = g_strdup( buf );
	else {
		char *dir;

		dir = g_path_get_dirname( filename );
		result = g_build_filename( dir, buf, NULL );
		g_free( dir );

	if( verbose )
		printf( "thumbnailing %s as %s\n", filename, result );

	g_free( file );

	return( result );
Exemplo n.º 8
static int
vips_fits_get_header( VipsFits *fits, VipsImage *out )
	int status;
	int bitpix;

	int width, height, bands, format, type;
	int keysexist;
	int i;

	status = 0;

	if( fits_get_img_paramll( fits->fptr, 
		10, &bitpix, &fits->naxis, fits->naxes, &status ) ) {
		vips_fits_error( status );
		return( -1 );

	VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "naxis = %d\n", fits->naxis );
	for( i = 0; i < fits->naxis; i++ )
		VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "%d) %lld\n", i, fits->naxes[i] );
#endif /*VIPS_DEBUG*/

	width = 1;
	height = 1;
	bands = 1;
	switch( fits->naxis ) {
	/* If you add more dimensions here, adjust data read below. See also
	 * the definition of MAX_DIMENSIONS above.
	case 10:
	case 9:
	case 8:
	case 7:
	case 6:
	case 5:
	case 4:
		for( i = fits->naxis; i > 3; i-- )
			if( fits->naxes[i - 1] != 1 ) {
				im_error( "fits", "%s", _( "dimensions above 3 "
					"must be size 1" ) );
				return( -1 );

	case 3:
		bands = fits->naxes[2];

	case 2:
		height = fits->naxes[1];

	case 1:
		width = fits->naxes[0];

		im_error( "fits", _( "bad number of axis %d" ), fits->naxis );
		return( -1 );

	/* Are we in one-band mode?
	if( fits->band_select != -1 )
		bands = 1;

	/* Get image format. We want the 'raw' format of the image, our caller
	 * can convert using the meta info if they want.
	for( i = 0; i < VIPS_NUMBER( fits2vips_formats ); i++ )
		if( fits2vips_formats[i][0] == bitpix )
	if( i == VIPS_NUMBER( fits2vips_formats ) ) {
		im_error( "fits", _( "unsupported bitpix %d\n" ),
			bitpix );
		return( -1 );
	format = fits2vips_formats[i][1];
	fits->datatype = fits2vips_formats[i][2];

	if( bands == 1 ) {
		if( format == VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT )
	else if( bands == 3 ) {
		if( format == VIPS_FORMAT_USHORT )

	im_initdesc( out,
		 width, height, bands,
		 im_bits_of_fmt( format ), format,
		 VIPS_CODING_NONE, type, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0 );

	/* Read all keys into meta.
	if( fits_get_hdrspace( fits->fptr, &keysexist, NULL, &status ) ) {
		vips_fits_error( status );
		return( -1 );

	for( i = 0; i < keysexist; i++ ) {
		char record[81];
		char vipsname[100];

		if( fits_read_record( fits->fptr, i + 1, record, &status ) ) {
			vips_fits_error( status );
			return( -1 );

		VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( "fits2vips: setting meta on vips image:\n" );
		VIPS_DEBUG_MSG( " record == \"%s\"\n", record );

		/* FITS lets keys repeat. For example, HISTORY appears many
		 * times, each time with a fresh line of history attached. We
		 * have to include the key index in the vips name we assign.

		im_snprintf( vipsname, 100, "fits-%d", i );
		if( im_meta_set_string( out, vipsname, record ) ) 
			return( -1 );

	return( 0 );
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: boxes.c Projeto: DINKIN/nip2
/* Make the insides of an about box.
static void
about_build( iDialog *idlg, GtkWidget *work )
	/* Translators: translate this to a credit for you, and it'll appear in
	 * the About box.
	char *translator_credits = _( "translator_credits" );

	GtkWidget *hb;
	GtkWidget *lab;
	char txt[MAX_DIALOG_TEXT];
	char txt2[MAX_DIALOG_TEXT];
	VipsBuf buf = VIPS_BUF_STATIC( txt );
	GtkWidget *image;

	im_snprintf( txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, _( "About %s." ), PACKAGE );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b><big>%s</big></b>\n\n", txt2 );
	im_snprintf( txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, 
		_( "%s is an image processing package." ), PACKAGE );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%s\n\n", txt2 );

	im_snprintf( txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, 
		_( "%s comes with ABSOLUTELY NO WARRANTY. This is "
		"free software and you are welcome to redistribute "
		"it under certain conditions, see http://www.gnu.org." ), 
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%s\n\n", txt2 );

	im_snprintf( txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT, _( NIP_COPYRIGHT ), PACKAGE );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "%s\n\n", txt2 );

	char buf1[FILENAME_MAX];
	char buf2[FILENAME_MAX];

	im_snprintf( buf1, FILENAME_MAX, "%s" G_DIR_SEPARATOR_S "start",
		get_savedir() );
	expand_variables( buf1, buf2 );
        nativeize_path( buf2 );
	escape_markup( buf2, buf1, FILENAME_MAX );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", 
		_( "Personal start folder" ), buf1 );

	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", 
		_( "Homepage" ), VIPS_HOMEPAGE );
	escape_markup( im_version_string(), txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", 
		_( "Linked to VIPS" ), txt2 );
	escape_markup( IM_VERSION_STRING, txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", 
		_( "Built against VIPS" ), txt2 );
	escape_markup( PACKAGE, txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$PACKAGE:</b> %s\n", txt2 );
	escape_markup( VERSION, txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$VERSION:</b> %s\n", txt2 );
	escape_markup( NN( g_getenv( "VIPSHOME" ) ), txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$VIPSHOME:</b> %s\n", txt2 );
	escape_markup( NN( g_getenv( "HOME" ) ), txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$HOME:</b> %s\n", txt2 );
	escape_markup( NN( g_getenv( "SAVEDIR" ) ), txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>$SAVEDIR:</b> %s\n", txt2 );
	escape_markup( PATH_TMP, txt2, MAX_DIALOG_TEXT );
	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "<b>%s:</b> %s\n", 
		_( "Temp files in" ), txt2 );
	if( strcmp( translator_credits, "translator_credits" ) != 0 ) {
		vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "\n" ); 
		vips_buf_appends( &buf, translator_credits );

	vips_buf_appendf( &buf, "\n" ); 

	mainw_find_disc( &buf );
	/* Expands to (eg.) "14GB free in /pics/tmp" */
        vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( " in \"%s\"" ), PATH_TMP );
        vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" );

        vips_buf_appendf( &buf, 
		_( "%d cells in heap, %d cells free, %d cells maximum" ),
		reduce_context->heap->max_fn( reduce_context->heap ) );
        vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" );

        vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "%d vips calls cached by nip2" ), 
		cache_history_size );
        vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" );

        vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "%d vips operations cached by libvips" ), 
		vips_cache_get_size() );
        vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" );

        vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "using %d threads" ), im_concurrency_get() );
        vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" );

        vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( "%d pixel buffers in vips" ), 
		vips_tracked_get_allocs() );
        vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" );

	vips_buf_append_size( &buf, vips_tracked_get_mem() );
        vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( " of ram in pixel buffers" ) ); 
        vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" );

	vips_buf_append_size( &buf, vips_tracked_get_mem_highwater() );
        vips_buf_appendf( &buf, _( " of ram highwater mark" ) ); 
        vips_buf_appends( &buf, "\n" );

	hb = gtk_hbox_new( FALSE, 0 );
	gtk_container_border_width( GTK_CONTAINER( hb ), 10 );
	gtk_container_add( GTK_CONTAINER( work ), hb );
	gtk_widget_show( hb );

	image = image_new_from_file( 
		"$VIPSHOME/share/$PACKAGE/data/vips-128.png" );
        gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( hb ), image, FALSE, FALSE, 2 );
	gtk_widget_show( image );

	lab = gtk_label_new( "" );
	gtk_label_set_markup( GTK_LABEL( lab ), vips_buf_all( &buf ) );
        gtk_label_set_justify( GTK_LABEL( lab ), GTK_JUSTIFY_LEFT );
        gtk_label_set_selectable( GTK_LABEL( lab ), TRUE );
	gtk_label_set_line_wrap( GTK_LABEL( lab ), TRUE );
        gtk_box_pack_start( GTK_BOX( hb ), lab, FALSE, FALSE, 2 );
	gtk_widget_show( lab );