Exemplo n.º 1
    Extern:     images_from_imagelist
    Purpose:    Convert an array of Image *s to an ImageMagick scene
                sequence (i.e. a doubly-linked list of Images)
    Returns:    a pointer to the head of the scene sequence list
static Image *
images_from_imagelist(VALUE imagelist)
    long x, len;
    Image *head = NULL;
    volatile VALUE images, t;

    len = imagelist_length(imagelist);
    if (len == 0)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no images in this image list");

    images = rb_iv_get(imagelist, "@images");
    for (x = 0; x < len; x++)
        Image *image;

        t = rb_ary_entry(images, x);
        image = rm_check_destroyed(t);
        AppendImageToList(&head, image);

    return head;
Exemplo n.º 2
    Method:     ImageList#morph(number_images)
    Purpose:    requires a minimum of two images. The first image is
                transformed into the second by a number of intervening images
                as specified by "number_images".
    Returns:    a new Image with the images array set to the morph sequence.
                @scenes = 0
ImageList_morph(VALUE self, VALUE nimages)
    Image *images, *new_images;
    ExceptionInfo exception;
    long number_images;

    if (imagelist_length(self) < 1L)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no images in this image list");

    // Use a signed long so we can test for a negative argument.
    number_images = NUM2LONG(nimages);
    if (number_images <= 0)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "number of intervening images must be > 0");

    images = images_from_imagelist(self);
    new_images = MorphImages(images, (unsigned long)number_images, &exception);
    rm_check_exception(&exception, new_images, DestroyOnError);
    (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception);


    return rm_imagelist_from_images(new_images);
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Raise exception if imagelist is emtpy.
 * No Ruby usage (internal function)
 * @param imagelist the imagelist
 * @return the number of images
 * @throw ArgError
static long
check_imagelist_length(VALUE imagelist)
    long len = imagelist_length(imagelist);

    if (len == 0)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no images in this image list");

    return len;
Exemplo n.º 4
    Method:     ImageList#map(reference, dither=false)
    Purpose:    Call MapImages
    Returns:    a new ImageList with mapped images. @scene is set to self.scene
ImageList_map(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    Image *images, *new_images = NULL;
    Image *map;
    unsigned int dither = False;
    volatile VALUE scene, new_imagelist, t;
    ExceptionInfo exception;

    switch (argc)
        case 2:
            dither = RTEST(argv[1]);
        case 1:
            t = ImageList_cur_image(argv[0]);
            map = rm_check_destroyed(t);
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 1 or 2)", argc);

    if (imagelist_length(self) == 0L)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no images in this image list");

    // Convert image array to image sequence, clone image sequence.

    images = images_from_imagelist(self);
    new_images = CloneImageList(images, &exception);
    rm_check_exception(&exception, new_images, DestroyOnError);
    (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception);


    // Call ImageMagick
    (void) MapImages(new_images, map, dither);
    rm_check_image_exception(new_images, DestroyOnError);

    // Set @scene in new ImageList object to same value as in self.
    new_imagelist = rm_imagelist_from_images(new_images);
    scene = rb_iv_get(self, "@scene");
    (void) imagelist_scene_eq(new_imagelist, scene);

    return new_imagelist;
Exemplo n.º 5
 * Write all the images to the specified file. If the file format supports
 * multi-image files, and the 'images' array contains more than one image, then
 * the images will be written as a single multi-image file. Otherwise each image
 * will be written to a separate file.
 * Ruby usage:
 *   - @verbatim ImageList#write(file) @endverbatim
 * @param self this object
 * @param file the file
 * @return self
ImageList_write(VALUE self, VALUE file)
    Image *images, *img;
    Info *info;
    const MagickInfo *m;
    VALUE info_obj;
    unsigned long scene;
    ExceptionInfo *exception;

    info_obj = rm_info_new();
    Data_Get_Struct(info_obj, Info, info);

    if (TYPE(file) == T_FILE)
        OpenFile *fptr;

        // Ensure file is open - raise error if not
        GetOpenFile(file, fptr);
#if defined(_WIN32)
        add_format_prefix(info, fptr->pathv);
        SetImageInfoFile(info, NULL);
        SetImageInfoFile(info, GetReadFile(fptr));
        add_format_prefix(info, file);
        SetImageInfoFile(info, NULL);

    // Convert the images array to an images sequence.
    images = images_from_imagelist(self);

    // Copy the filename into each image. Set a scene number to be used if
    // writing multiple files. (Ref: ImageMagick's utilities/convert.c
    for (scene = 0, img = images; img; img = GetNextImageInList(img))
        img->scene = scene++;
        strcpy(img->filename, info->filename);

    // Find out if the format supports multi-images files.
    exception = AcquireExceptionInfo();
    (void) SetImageInfo(info, MagickTrue, exception);
    rm_check_exception(exception, images, RetainOnError);

    m = GetMagickInfo(info->magick, exception);
    rm_check_exception(exception, images, RetainOnError);
    (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(exception);

    // Tell WriteImage if we want a multi-images file.
    if (imagelist_length(self) > 1L && m->adjoin)
        info->adjoin = MagickTrue;

    for (img = images; img; img = GetNextImageInList(img))
        rm_sync_image_options(img, info);
        (void) WriteImage(info, img);
        // images will be split before raising an exception
        rm_check_image_exception(images, RetainOnError);
        if (info->adjoin)



    return self;
Exemplo n.º 6
  Method:   ImageList#write(file)
  Purpose:  Write all the images to the specified file. If the file format
            supports multi-image files, and the @images array contains more
            than one image, then the images will be written as a single
            multi-image file. Otherwise each image will be written to a
            separate file. Returns self.
ImageList_write(VALUE self, VALUE file)
    Image *images, *img;
    Info *info;
    const MagickInfo *m;
    volatile VALUE info_obj;
    char *filename;
    long filenameL;
    unsigned long scene;
    ExceptionInfo exception;

    info_obj = rm_info_new();
    Data_Get_Struct(info_obj, Info, info);

    if (TYPE(file) == T_FILE)
        OpenFile *fptr;

        // Ensure file is open - raise error if not
        GetOpenFile(file, fptr);
        SetImageInfoFile(info, GetReadFile(fptr));
        // Convert arg to string. Catch exceptions.
        file = rb_rescue(rb_String, file, file_arg_rescue, file);

        // Copy the filename to the Info and to the Image.
        filename = rb_str2cstr(file, &filenameL);
        filenameL = min(filenameL, MaxTextExtent-1);
        memcpy(info->filename, filename, (size_t)filenameL);
        info->filename[filenameL] = '\0';
        SetImageInfoFile(info, NULL);

    // Convert the images array to an images sequence.
    images = images_from_imagelist(self);

    // Copy the filename into each images. Set a scene number to be used if
    // writing multiple files. (Ref: ImageMagick's utilities/convert.c
    for (scene = 0, img = images; img; img = GetNextImageInList(img))
        img->scene = scene++;
        strcpy(img->filename, info->filename);

    (void) SetImageInfo(info, MagickTrue, &exception);
    rm_check_exception(&exception, images, RetainOnError);
    (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception);

    // Find out if the format supports multi-images files.
    m = GetMagickInfo(info->magick, &exception);
    rm_check_exception(&exception, images, RetainOnError);
    (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception);

    // Tell WriteImage if we want a multi-images file.
    if (imagelist_length(self) > 1L && m->adjoin)
        info->adjoin = MagickTrue;

    for (img = images; img; img = GetNextImageInList(img))
        (void) WriteImage(info, img);
        // images will be split before raising an exception
        rm_check_image_exception(images, RetainOnError);
        if (info->adjoin)

    return self;
Exemplo n.º 7
    Method:     ImageList#quantize(<number_colors<, colorspace<, dither<, tree_depth<, measure_error>>>>>)
                     defaults: 256, Magick::RGBColorspace, true, 0, false
    Purpose:    call QuantizeImages
    Returns:    a new ImageList with quantized images. 'scene' is set to the same
                value as self.scene
ImageList_quantize(int argc, VALUE *argv, VALUE self)
    Image *images, *new_images;
    Image *new_image;
    QuantizeInfo quantize_info;
    ExceptionInfo exception;
    volatile VALUE new_imagelist, scene;


    switch (argc)
        case 5:
            quantize_info.measure_error = (MagickBooleanType) RTEST(argv[4]);
        case 4:
            quantize_info.tree_depth = (unsigned long)NUM2INT(argv[3]);
        case 3:
            quantize_info.dither = (MagickBooleanType) RTEST(argv[2]);
        case 2:
            VALUE_TO_ENUM(argv[1], quantize_info.colorspace, ColorspaceType);
        case 1:
            quantize_info.number_colors = NUM2ULONG(argv[0]);
        case 0:
            rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "wrong number of arguments (%d for 0 to 5)", argc);

    if (imagelist_length(self) == 0L)
        rb_raise(rb_eArgError, "no images in this image list");

    // Convert image array to image sequence, clone image sequence.
    images = images_from_imagelist(self);
    new_images = CloneImageList(images, &exception);
    rm_check_exception(&exception, new_images, DestroyOnError);
    (void) DestroyExceptionInfo(&exception);


    (void) QuantizeImages(&quantize_info, new_images);
    rm_check_exception(&exception, new_images, DestroyOnError);

    // Create new ImageList object, convert mapped image sequence to images,
    // append to images array.
    new_imagelist = ImageList_new();
    while ((new_image = ShiftImageList(&new_images)))
        imagelist_push(new_imagelist, rm_image_new(new_image));

    // Set @scene in new ImageList object to same value as in self.
    scene = rb_iv_get(self, "@scene");
    (void) rb_iv_set(new_imagelist, "@scene", scene);

    return new_imagelist;