Exemplo n.º 1
int		exec_fct(SDL_Surface *screen, t_map *map)
  t_player	player;
  int		continuer;
  t_image	img;
  int		jump;
  t_npc		*monsters;

  SDL_EnableKeyRepeat(10, 10);
  continuer = 1;
  monsters = init_all(&img, &player, map);
  jump = 0;
  while (continuer > 0)
      display_map(screen, map, &img);
      display_npcs(screen, monsters);
      display_player(screen, &player);
      display_life(screen, &player);
      continuer = gravite(&player, map);
      if (continuer >= 0)
	player_act(&continuer, map, &player);
      if (continuer > 0)
	continuer = env_act(map, &player, monsters);
  return (continuer);
Exemplo n.º 2
static void do_gtkdisplay(void)
    GIOChannel *chan;
    struct imgrect *ir;

    /* have our main loop poll the pipe file descriptor */
    chan = g_io_channel_unix_new(imgpipe_readfd);
    g_io_add_watch(chan, G_IO_IN | G_IO_ERR | G_IO_HUP, (GIOFunc)pipe_event, NULL);
    fcntl(imgpipe_readfd, F_SETFL, O_NONBLOCK);

    /* set up list of image rectangles. */
    imgrects = xcalloc(nimgrects = 16, sizeof *imgrects);

    /* do some init thing */
    gtk_init(0, NULL);


    /* Make our own window. */
    window = gtk_window_new(GTK_WINDOW_TOPLEVEL);
    gtk_widget_set_size_request(window, DEFAULT_WIDTH + 2 * BORDER, DEFAULT_HEIGHT + 2 * BORDER);

    darea = gtk_drawing_area_new();
    gtk_container_add(GTK_CONTAINER(window), darea);

    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "delete_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(delete_event), NULL);
    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(window), "destroy", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(destroy), NULL);

    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(darea), "expose-event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(expose_event), NULL);
    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(darea), "configure_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(expose_event), NULL);

    /* mouse button press/release for saving images */
    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(darea), "button_press_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(button_press_event), NULL);
    g_signal_connect(G_OBJECT(darea), "button_release_event", GTK_SIGNAL_FUNC(button_release_event), NULL);



    /* Get rid of all remaining images. */
    for (ir = imgrects; ir < imgrects + nimgrects; ++ir)
        if (ir->filename)



    return; /* NOTREACHED */
Exemplo n.º 3
/* make_backing_image:
 * Create the img structure which represents our back-buffer. */
void make_backing_image() {
    img I;
    I = img_new_blank(width, height);
/*    wry += height - backing_image->height;
    if (wry < BORDER || wry > height - BORDER)
        wry = height - BORDER;*/
    if (backing_image) {
        int w2, h2;
        struct imgrect *ir;

        /* Copy old contents of backing image to ll corner of new one. */
        w2 = backing_image->width;
        if (w2 > width) w2 = width;
        h2 = backing_image->height;
        if (h2 > height) h2 = height;

        img_simple_blt(I, 0, height - h2, backing_image, 0, backing_image->height - h2, w2, h2);

        /* Move all of the image rectangles. */
        for (ir = imgrects; ir < imgrects + nimgrects; ++ir) {
            if (ir->filename) {
                ir->y += height - backing_image->height;

                /* Possible it has scrolled off the window. */
                if (ir->x > width || ir->y + ir->h < 0) {
                    memset(ir, 0, sizeof *ir);

        /* Adjust placement of new images. */
        if (wrx >= w2) wrx = w2;
    backing_image = I;
    wrx = BORDER;
    wry = height - BORDER;
    rowheight = 2 * BORDER;
Exemplo n.º 4
gboolean pipe_event(GIOChannel chan, GIOCondition cond, gpointer data) {
    static char *path;
    char name[TMPNAMELEN];
    ssize_t rr;
    int nimgs = 0;

    if (!path)
        path = xmalloc(strlen(tmpdir) + 64);

    /* We are sent messages of size TMPNAMELEN containing a null-terminated
     * file name. */
    while (nimgs < 4 && (rr = xread(dpychld_fd, name, sizeof name)) == sizeof name) {
        int saveimg = 0;
        struct stat st;

        sprintf(path, "%s/%s", tmpdir, name);

        if (stat(path, &st) == -1)
        if (verbose)
            fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME": received image %s of size %d\n", name, (int)st.st_size);
        /* Check to see whether this looks like an image we're interested in. */
        if (st.st_size > 100) {
            /* Small images are probably bollocks. */
            img i = img_new();
            if (!img_load_file(i, path, header, unknown))
                fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME": %s: bogus image (err = %d)\n", name, i->err);
            else {
                if (i->width > 8 && i->height > 8) {
                    if (img_load(i, full, i->type)) {
                        /* slot in the new image at some plausible place. */
                        int w, h;
                        if (i->width > width - 2 * BORDER) w = width - 2 * BORDER;
                        else w = i->width;
                        if (i->height > height - 2 * BORDER) h = height - 2 * BORDER;
                        else h = i->height;

                        /* is there space on this row? */
                        if (width - wrx < w) {
                            /* no */
                            scroll_backing_image(h + BORDER);
                            wrx = BORDER;
                            rowheight = h + BORDER;
                        if (rowheight < h + BORDER) {
                            scroll_backing_image(h + BORDER - rowheight);
                            rowheight = h + BORDER;

                        img_simple_blt(backing_image, wrx, wry - h, i, 0, 0, w, h);
                        add_image_rectangle(path, wrx, wry - h, w, h);
                        saveimg = 1;

                        if (beep)
                            write(1, "\a", 1);


                        wrx += w + BORDER;
                    } else fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME": %s: bogus image (err = %d)\n", name, i->err);
                } else if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME": %s: image dimensions (%d x %d) too small to bother with\n", name, i->width, i->height);

        } else if (verbose) fprintf(stderr, PROGNAME": image data too small (%d bytes) to bother with\n", (int)st.st_size);

        if (!saveimg)
    if (rr == -1 && errno != EINTR && errno != EAGAIN) {
        perror(PROGNAME": read");
    } else if (rr == 0) {
        /* pipe closed, exit. */
    return TRUE;