Exemplo n.º 1
//send back the tangent 
const Matrix& CycLiqCP3D :: getTangent( ) 
  // matrix to tensor mapping
  //  Matrix      Tensor
  // -------     -------
  //   0           0 0
  //   1           1 1
  //   2           2 2   
  //   3           0 1  ( or 1 0 )
  //   4           1 2  ( or 2 1 )
  //   5           2 0  ( or 0 2 ) 
  int ii, jj ;
  int i, j, k, l ;

  for ( ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++ ) {
    for ( jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++ ) {

      index_map( ii, i, j ) ;
      index_map( jj, k, l ) ;

      tangent_matrix(ii,jj) = tangent[i][j][k][l] ;

    } //end for j
  } //end for i

  return tangent_matrix ;
Exemplo n.º 2
//send back the tangent 
const Matrix& J2AxiSymm :: getInitialTangent( ) 
  // matrix to tensor mapping
  //  Matrix      Tensor
  // -------     -------
  //   0           0 0
  //   1           1 1
  //   2           2 2   
  //   3           0 1  ( or 1 0 )


  int ii, jj ;
  int i, j, k, l ;

  for ( ii = 0; ii < 4; ii++ ) {
    for ( jj = 0; jj < 4; jj++ ) {

      index_map( ii, i, j ) ;
      index_map( jj, k, l ) ;

      tangent_matrix(ii,jj) = initialTangent[i][j][k][l] ;

    } //end for j
  } //end for i

  return tangent_matrix ;
Exemplo n.º 3
//send back the tangent 
const Matrix& J2ThreeDimensional :: getInitialTangent( ) 
  // matrix to tensor mapping
  //  Matrix      Tensor
  // -------     -------
  //   0           0 0
  //   1           1 1
  //   2           2 2   
  //   3           0 1  ( or 1 0 )
  //   4           1 2  ( or 2 1 )
  //   5           2 0  ( or 0 2 ) 
  int ii, jj ;
  int i, j, k, l ;


  for ( ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++ ) {
    for ( jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++ ) {

      index_map( ii, i, j ) ;
      index_map( jj, k, l ) ;

      tangent_matrix(ii,jj) = initialTangent[i][j][k][l] ;

    } //end for j
  } //end for i

  return tangent_matrix ;
Exemplo n.º 4
// set up for initial elastic
void J2Plasticity :: doInitialTangent( )
  int ii,jj,i,j,k,l;

  //compute the deviatoric strains
  for ( ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++ ) {
    for ( jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++ )  {

          index_map( ii, i, j ) ;
          index_map( jj, k, l ) ;

          //elastic terms
          initialTangent[i][j][k][l]  = bulk * IbunI[i][j][k][l] ;
          initialTangent[i][j][k][l] += (2.0*shear) * IIdev[i][j][k][l] ;

          //minor symmetries 
          //minor symmetries 
          initialTangent [j][i][k][l] = initialTangent[i][j][k][l] ;
          initialTangent [i][j][l][k] = initialTangent[i][j][k][l] ;
          initialTangent [j][i][l][k] = initialTangent[i][j][k][l] ;

    } // end for jj
  } // end for ii

  return ;
Exemplo n.º 5
int main()
  // Construct an arrangement of seven intersecting line segments.
  Point_2 p1(1, 1), p2(1, 4), p3(2, 2), p4(3, 7), p5(4, 4), p6(7, 1), p7(9, 3);
  Ex_arrangement  arr;
  insert(arr, Segment_2(p1, p6));
  insert(arr, Segment_2(p1, p4));  insert(arr, Segment_2(p2, p6));
  insert(arr, Segment_2(p3, p7));  insert(arr, Segment_2(p3, p5));
  insert(arr, Segment_2(p6, p7));  insert(arr, Segment_2(p4, p7));

  // Create a mapping of the arrangement faces to indices.
  Face_index_map  index_map(arr);

  // Perform breadth-first search from the unbounded face, using the event
  // visitor to associate each arrangement face with its discover time.
  unsigned int    time = 0;
  boost::breadth_first_search(Dual_arrangement(arr), arr.unbounded_face(),
                               (stamp_times(Face_property_map(), time,

  // Print the discover time of each arrangement face.
  Ex_arrangement::Face_iterator  fit;
  for (fit = arr.faces_begin(); fit != arr.faces_end(); ++fit) {
    std::cout << "Discover time " << fit->data() << " for ";
    if (fit != arr.unbounded_face()) {
      std::cout << "face ";
    else std::cout << "the unbounded face." << std::endl;
  return 0;
void AbstractParameterisedSystem<VECTOR>::CheckParametersOnLoad(const std::vector<double>& rParameters, const std::vector<std::string>& rParameterNames)
    if (GetVectorSize(mParameters) != rGetParameterNames().size())
        // Subclass constructor didn't give default values, so we need the archive to provide them all
        if (rParameterNames.size() != rGetParameterNames().size())
            EXCEPTION("Number of ODE parameters in archive does not match number in class.");

    // Check whether the archive specifies parameters that don't appear in this class,
    // and create a map from archive index to local index
    std::vector<unsigned> index_map(rParameterNames.size());
    for (unsigned i=0; i<rParameterNames.size(); ++i)
        index_map[i] = find(rGetParameterNames().begin(), rGetParameterNames().end(), rParameterNames[i])
                       - rGetParameterNames().begin();
        if (index_map[i] == rGetParameterNames().size())
            EXCEPTION("Archive specifies a parameter '" + rParameterNames[i] + "' which does not appear in this class.");

    for (unsigned i=0; i<rParameterNames.size(); ++i)

    // Paranoia check
    assert(GetVectorSize(mParameters) == rGetParameterNames().size());
Exemplo n.º 7
  Encoding* Encoding::create_bootstrap(STATE, const char* name,
                                       Index index, OnigEncodingType* enc)
    Encoding* e = create(state, enc);
    symbol_map(state)->store(state, state->symbol(name), e);
    index_map(state)->store(state, Fixnum::from(index), e);
    add_constant(state, name, e);

    return e;
Exemplo n.º 8
bool CostMapCalculation::computeWindowIndices(ros::Time time,double update_radius)
    int update_radius_map;
    Eigen::Vector2f index_world, index_map;

    // window update region
    // only update cells within the max a curtain radius of current robot position
    tf::StampedTransform transform;

    // get local map transform
        listener.waitForTransform(map_frame_id, local_transform_frame_id, time, ros::Duration(5));
        listener.lookupTransform(map_frame_id, local_transform_frame_id, time, transform);
    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
        return false;

    index_world(0) = transform.getOrigin().x();
    index_world(1) = transform.getOrigin().y();
    index_map = world_map_transform.getC2Coords(index_world);
    update_radius_map = floor(((double)update_radius/(double)cost_map.info.resolution));

    // compute window min/max index
    if(index_map(1) < update_radius_map)
        min_index(1) = 0;
        min_index(1) = index_map(1) - update_radius_map;

    if(index_map(1) + update_radius_map > cost_map.info.height)
        max_index(1) = cost_map.info.height;
        max_index(1) = index_map(1) + update_radius_map;

    if(index_map(0) < update_radius_map)
        min_index(0) = 0;
        min_index(0) = index_map(0) - update_radius_map;

    if(index_map(0) + update_radius_map > cost_map.info.width)
        max_index(0) = cost_map.info.width;
        max_index(0) = index_map(0) + update_radius_map;

    return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
Arquivo: dual.cpp Projeto: FMX/CGAL
int main ()
  Arrangement_2   arr;

  // Construct an arrangement of seven intersecting line segments.
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (1, 1), Point_2 (7, 1)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (1, 1), Point_2 (3, 7)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (1, 4), Point_2 (7, 1)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (2, 2), Point_2 (9, 3)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (2, 2), Point_2 (4, 4)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (7, 1), Point_2 (9, 3)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (3, 7), Point_2 (9, 3)));

  // Create a mapping of the arrangement faces to indices.
  CGAL::Arr_face_index_map<Arrangement_2>      index_map (arr);

  // Perform breadth-first search from the unbounded face, and use the BFS
  // visitor to associate each arrangement face with its discover time.
  Discover_time_bfs_visitor<CGAL::Arr_face_index_map<Arrangement_2> >
                                               bfs_visitor (index_map);
  Arrangement_2::Face_handle                   uf = arr.unbounded_face();

  boost::breadth_first_search (Dual_arrangement_2 (arr), uf,
                               boost::vertex_index_map (index_map).
                               visitor (bfs_visitor));

  // Print the results:
  Arrangement_2::Face_iterator      fit;

  for (fit = arr.faces_begin(); fit != arr.faces_end(); ++fit)
    std::cout << "Discover time " << fit->data() << " for ";
    if (fit != uf)
      std::cout << "face ";
      print_ccb<Arrangement_2> (fit->outer_ccb());
      std::cout << "the unbounded face." << std::endl;

  return (0);
Exemplo n.º 10
int main()
  Arrangement_2   arr;

  // Construct an arrangement of seven intersecting line segments.
  // We keep a handle for the vertex v_0 that corresponds to the point (1,1).
  Arrangement_2::Halfedge_handle  e =
    insert_non_intersecting_curve (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (1, 1),
                                                   Point_2 (7, 1)));
  Arrangement_2::Vertex_handle    v0 = e->source();
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (1, 1), Point_2 (3, 7)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (1, 4), Point_2 (7, 1)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (2, 2), Point_2 (9, 3)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (2, 2), Point_2 (4, 4)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (7, 1), Point_2 (9, 3)));
  insert (arr, Segment_2 (Point_2 (3, 7), Point_2 (9, 3)));

  // Create a mapping of the arrangement vertices to indices.
  Arr_vertex_index_map index_map(arr);

  // Perform Dijkstra's algorithm from the vertex v0.
  Edge_length_func edge_length;

  boost::vector_property_map<double, Arr_vertex_index_map> dist_map(static_cast<unsigned int>(arr.number_of_vertices()), index_map);

  boost::dijkstra_shortest_paths(arr, v0,

  // Print the results:
  Arrangement_2::Vertex_iterator      vit;

  std::cout << "The distances of the arrangement vertices from ("
            << v0->point() << ") :" << std::endl;
  for (vit = arr.vertices_begin(); vit != arr.vertices_end(); ++vit)
    std::cout << "(" << vit->point() << ") at distance "
              << dist_map[vit] << std::endl;

  return 0;
Exemplo n.º 11
void CostMapCalculation::callbackPointCloud(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& cloud_msg)
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_sensor (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloud_base_link (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>);

    ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: received new point cloud");

    // converting PointCloud2 msg format to pcl pointcloud format in order to read the 3d data
    pcl::fromROSMsg(*cloud_msg, *cloud_sensor);

    // transform cloud to /map frame
        listener.waitForTransform("base_stabilized", cloud_msg->header.frame_id,cloud_msg->header.stamp,ros::Duration(1.0));
    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
        ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: pointcloud transform failed");

    // compute region of intereset
    if(!computeWindowIndices(cloud_msg->header.stamp, update_radius_world))

    Eigen::Vector2f world_coords;
    // define a cube with two points in space:
    Eigen::Vector4f minPoint;
    world_coords = world_map_transform.getC1Coords(min_index.cast<float>());
    minPoint[0]=world_coords(0);  // define minimum point x
    minPoint[1]=world_coords(1);  // define minimum point y
    minPoint[2]=slize_min_height; // define minimum point z

    Eigen::Vector4f maxPoint;
    world_coords = world_map_transform.getC1Coords(max_index.cast<float>());
    maxPoint[0]=world_coords(0);  // define max point x
    maxPoint[1]=world_coords(1);  // define max point y
    maxPoint[2]=slize_max_height; // define max point z

    pcl::CropBox<pcl::PointXYZ> cropFilter;
    cropFilter.setInputCloud (cloud_base_link);
    cropFilter.filter (*sliced_cloud);

    ROS_DEBUG("HectorCM: slice size: %d", (int)sliced_cloud->size());

    cloud_cost_map.data.assign(cost_map.info.width * cost_map.info.height,UNKNOWN_CELL);

    // iterate trough all points
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < sliced_cloud->size(); ++k)
        const pcl::PointXYZ& pt_cloud = sliced_cloud->points[k];

        // allign grid points
        Eigen::Vector2f index_world(pt_cloud.x, pt_cloud.y);
        Eigen::Vector2f index_map (world_map_transform.getC2Coords(index_world));

        cloud_cost_map.data[MAP_IDX(cost_map.info.width, (int)round(index_map(0)), (int)round(index_map(1)))] = OCCUPIED_CELL;

    // set point cloud received flag
    received_point_cloud = true;

    // calculate cost map
void ElevationVisualization::visualize_map(const hector_elevation_msgs::ElevationGrid& elevation_map, tf::StampedTransform local_map_transform)
    int current_height_level;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_marker_array_msg.markers.size(); ++i)

    // each array stores all cubes of one height level:

    for (int index_y = 0; index_y < (int)elevation_map.info.height; ++index_y)
        for (int index_x = 0; index_x < (int)elevation_map.info.width; ++index_x)
            // visualize only known cells
            if(elevation_map.data[MAP_IDX(elevation_map.info.width, index_x, index_y)] != (int16_t)-elevation_map.info.zero_elevation)
                geometry_msgs::Point cube_center;
                Eigen::Vector2f index_map(index_x, index_y);
                Eigen::Vector2f index_world = world_map_transform.getC1Coords(index_map);

                cube_center.x = index_world(0);//+elevation_map.info.resolution_xy/2.0;
                cube_center.y = index_world(1);//+elevation_map.info.resolution_xy/2.0;
                cube_center.z = (elevation_map.data[MAP_IDX(elevation_map.info.width, index_x, index_y)]-elevation_map.info.zero_elevation)*elevation_map.info.resolution_z;
                current_height_level = max_height_levels/2+(int)round(std::min(std::max((double)cube_center.z+local_map_transform.getOrigin().z(), -(double)max_height), (double)max_height)*(double)max_height_levels/((double)max_height*2.0f));

                    double h = (1.0 - std::min(std::max((cube_center.z-min_height)/ (max_height - min_height), 0.0), 1.0)) *color_factor;

    for (unsigned i = 0; i < map_marker_array_msg.markers.size(); ++i)
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss <<"Level "<<i;
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].ns = ss.str();
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].id = i;
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].header.frame_id = "/map";
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].header.stamp =  elevation_map.header.stamp;
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].lifetime = ros::Duration();
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].type = visualization_msgs::Marker::CUBE_LIST;
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].scale.x = elevation_map.info.resolution_xy;
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].scale.y = elevation_map.info.resolution_xy;
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].scale.z = elevation_map.info.resolution_z;
        map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].color = marker_color;

        if (map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].points.size() > 0)
            map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].action = visualization_msgs::Marker::ADD;
            map_marker_array_msg.markers[i].action = visualization_msgs::Marker::DELETE;

void ElevationMapping::cloudCallback(const sensor_msgs::PointCloud2ConstPtr& pointcloud2_sensor_msg)
    pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr pointcloud2_map_pcl (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ()),
    pointcloud2_sensor_pcl (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> ());
    tf::StampedTransform local_map_transform;

    ROS_DEBUG("HectorEM received a point cloud.");

    // converting PointCloud2 msg format to pcl pointcloud format in order to read the 3d data
    pcl::fromROSMsg(*pointcloud2_sensor_msg, *pointcloud2_sensor_pcl);

    // transform cloud to /map frame
        listener.waitForTransform(map_frame_id, pointcloud2_sensor_msg->header.frame_id,pointcloud2_sensor_msg->header.stamp,ros::Duration(1.0));
    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
        ROS_DEBUG("HectorEM: pointcloud transform failed");

    // get local map transform
        listener.waitForTransform(map_frame_id, local_map_frame_id,pointcloud2_sensor_msg->header.stamp,ros::Duration(1.0));
        listener.lookupTransform(map_frame_id, local_map_frame_id, pointcloud2_sensor_msg->header.stamp, local_map_transform);
    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
        ROS_DEBUG("HectorEM: localmap transform in cloud callback failed");

    bool local_map_is_subscribed = (pub_local_map.getNumSubscribers () > 0);
    bool global_map_is_subscribed = (pub_global_map.getNumSubscribers () > 0);

        local_elevation_map.data = std::vector<int16_t>(elevation_map_meta.width * elevation_map_meta.height,(int16_t)-elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);

    unsigned int size = (unsigned int)pointcloud2_map_pcl->points.size();

    // iterate trough all points
    for (unsigned int k = 0; k < size; ++k)
        const pcl::PointXYZ& pt_cloud = pointcloud2_map_pcl->points[k];

        double measurement_distance = pointcloud2_sensor_pcl->points[k].z;

        // check for invalid measurements
        if (isnan(pt_cloud.x) || isnan(pt_cloud.y) || isnan(pt_cloud.z))

        // check max distance (manhatten norm)
        if(max_observable_distance < measurement_distance)

        // check min/max height
        if(elevation_map_meta.min_elevation+local_map_transform.getOrigin().z() > pt_cloud.z || elevation_map_meta.max_elevation+local_map_transform.getOrigin().z() < pt_cloud.z)

        // allign grid points
        Eigen::Vector2f index_world(pt_cloud.x, pt_cloud.y);
        Eigen::Vector2f index_map (world_map_transform.getC2Coords(index_world));

        unsigned int cell_index = MAP_IDX(elevation_map_meta.width, (int)round(index_map(0)), (int)round(index_map(1)));

        int16_t* pt_local_map = &local_elevation_map.data[cell_index];
        int16_t* pt_global_map = &global_elevation_map.data[cell_index];
        double*  pt_var = &cell_variance[cell_index];

            // elevation in current cell in meter
            double cell_elevation = elevation_map_meta.resolution_z*(*pt_local_map-elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);

            // store maximum of each cell
            if(pt_cloud.z > cell_elevation)
                *pt_local_map = (int16_t)(round(pt_cloud.z/elevation_map_meta.resolution_z) + (int16_t)elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);

            // filter each cell localy
//            double measurement_variance = sensor_variance*(measurement_distance*measurement_distance);
//            if(*pt_local_map == (int16_t)-elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation)
//            {
//                // unknown cell -> use current measurement
//                *pt_local_map = (int16_t)(round(pt_cloud.z/elevation_map_meta.resolution_z) + (int16_t)elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);
//                *pt_var = measurement_variance;
//            }
//            else
//            {
//                // fuse cell_elevation with measurement
//                *pt_local_map = (int16_t) (round(((measurement_variance * cell_elevation + *pt_var * pt_cloud.z)/(*pt_var + measurement_variance))/elevation_map_meta.resolution_z) + (int16_t)elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);
//                *pt_var = (measurement_variance * *pt_var)/(measurement_variance + *pt_var);
//            }

        if(publish_poseupdate || global_map_is_subscribed)
            // fuse new measurements with existing map

            // elevation in current cell in meter
            double cell_elevation = elevation_map_meta.resolution_z*(*pt_global_map-elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);

            // measurement variance
            double measurement_variance = sensor_variance*(measurement_distance*measurement_distance);

            // mahalanobis distance
            double mahalanobis_distance = sqrt((pt_cloud.z - cell_elevation)*(pt_cloud.z - cell_elevation)/(measurement_variance*measurement_variance));

            if(pt_cloud.z > cell_elevation && (mahalanobis_distance > 5.0))
                *pt_global_map = (int16_t)(round(pt_cloud.z/elevation_map_meta.resolution_z) + (int16_t)elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);
                *pt_var = measurement_variance;

            if((pt_cloud.z < cell_elevation) && (mahalanobis_distance > 5.0))
                *pt_global_map = (int16_t) (round(((measurement_variance * cell_elevation + *pt_var * pt_cloud.z)/(*pt_var + measurement_variance))/elevation_map_meta.resolution_z) + (int16_t)elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);
                //*pt_var = (measurement_variance * *pt_var)/(measurement_variance + *pt_var);
                *pt_var = measurement_variance;

            *pt_global_map = (int16_t) (round(((measurement_variance * cell_elevation + *pt_var * pt_cloud.z)/(*pt_var + measurement_variance))/elevation_map_meta.resolution_z) + (int16_t)elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation);
            *pt_var = (measurement_variance * *pt_var)/(measurement_variance + *pt_var);

        // set the header information on the map
        local_elevation_map.header.stamp = pointcloud2_sensor_msg->header.stamp;
        local_elevation_map.header.frame_id = map_frame_id;


        // set the header information on the map
        global_elevation_map.header.stamp = pointcloud2_sensor_msg->header.stamp;
        global_elevation_map.header.frame_id = map_frame_id;


void ElevationMapping::timerCallback(const ros::TimerEvent& event)
    tf::StampedTransform local_map_transform;

    // get local map transform
        listener.waitForTransform(map_frame_id, local_map_frame_id,ros::Time(0),ros::Duration(1.0));
        listener.lookupTransform(map_frame_id, local_map_frame_id,ros::Time(0), local_map_transform);
    catch (tf::TransformException ex)
        ROS_DEBUG("HectorEM: localmap transform in timer callback failed");

    // allign grid points
    Eigen::Vector2f index_world(local_map_transform.getOrigin().x(), local_map_transform.getOrigin().y());
    Eigen::Vector2f index_map = world_map_transform.getC2Coords(index_world);

    // check if elevation of current robot position is known, otherwise cancel pose update
    if(global_elevation_map.data[MAP_IDX(elevation_map_meta.width, (int)index_map(0), (int)index_map(1))] != (int16_t)-elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation)
        geometry_msgs::PoseWithCovarianceStamped cell_height_average;

        int error_level  = 0;
        int pattern_cell_quantity = 4*poseupdate_used_pattern_size*poseupdate_used_pattern_size;

        /// todo check if min/max index is inside map
        // include neighbours
        for(int x=index_map(0)-poseupdate_used_pattern_size;x<index_map(0)+poseupdate_used_pattern_size;x++)
            for(int y=index_map(1)-poseupdate_used_pattern_size;y<index_map(1)+poseupdate_used_pattern_size;y++)
                int cell_index = MAP_IDX(elevation_map_meta.width, x, y);

                if(global_elevation_map.data[cell_index] == (int16_t)-elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation)
                    // unknown cell
                    // cell is knwon, accumulate cell hight
                    cell_height_average.pose.pose.position.z += (global_elevation_map.data[cell_index]-elevation_map_meta.zero_elevation)*elevation_map_meta.resolution_z;

        // only publish pose update, if more than 1/2 of pattern cells are known
        if(error_level < pattern_cell_quantity/2)
            pattern_cell_quantity -= error_level;

            cell_height_average.pose.pose.position.z = cell_height_average.pose.pose.position.z/(double)pattern_cell_quantity;

            cell_height_average.header.frame_id = map_frame_id;
            cell_height_average.header.stamp = ros::Time::now();

            cell_height_average.pose.covariance.at(0) = 0.0; //no x-position information
            cell_height_average.pose.covariance.at(7) = 0.0; //no y-position information
            cell_height_average.pose.covariance.at(14) = 1.0/poseupdate_height_covariance;


            ROS_DEBUG("HectorEM: published height update %f",cell_height_average.pose.pose.position.z);

Exemplo n.º 15
 Encoding* Encoding::utf8_encoding(STATE) {
   return as<Encoding>(index_map(state)->fetch(state, Fixnum::from(eUtf8)));
Exemplo n.º 16
 Encoding* Encoding::ascii_encoding(STATE) {
   return as<Encoding>(index_map(state)->fetch(state, Fixnum::from(eAscii)));
Exemplo n.º 17
//plasticity integration routine
void J2Plasticity :: plastic_integrator( )
  const double tolerance = (1.0e-8)*sigma_0 ;

  const double dt = ops_Dt ; //time step

  static Matrix dev_strain(3,3) ; //deviatoric strain

  static Matrix dev_stress(3,3) ; //deviatoric stress
  static Matrix normal(3,3) ;     //normal to yield surface

  double NbunN ; //normal bun normal 

  double norm_tau = 0.0 ;   //norm of deviatoric stress 
  double inv_norm_tau = 0.0 ;

  double phi = 0.0 ; //trial value of yield function

  double trace = 0.0 ; //trace of strain

  double gamma = 0.0 ; //consistency parameter

  double resid = 1.0 ; 
  double tang  = 0.0 ;
  double theta = 0.0 ; 
  double theta_inv = 0.0 ;

  double c1 = 0.0 ; 
  double c2 = 0.0 ;
  double c3 = 0.0 ;

  int i,j,k,l;
  int ii, jj ; 

  int iteration_counter ;
  const int max_iterations = 25 ;

  //compute the deviatoric strains

  trace = strain(0,0) + strain(1,1) + strain(2,2) ;
  dev_strain = strain ;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
    dev_strain(i,i) -= ( one3*trace ) ;
  //compute the trial deviatoric stresses

  //   dev_stress = (2.0*shear) * ( dev_strain - epsilon_p_n ) ;
  dev_stress = dev_strain;
  dev_stress -= epsilon_p_n;
  dev_stress *= 2.0 * shear;

  //compute norm of deviatoric stress

  norm_tau = 0.0 ;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ ){
    for ( j = 0; j < 3; j++ ) 
      norm_tau += dev_stress(i,j)*dev_stress(i,j) ;
  } //end for i 

  norm_tau = sqrt( norm_tau ) ;

  if ( norm_tau > tolerance ) {
    inv_norm_tau = 1.0 / norm_tau ;
    normal =  inv_norm_tau * dev_stress ;
  else {
    normal.Zero( ) ;
    inv_norm_tau = 0.0 ;
  } //end if 

  //compute trial value of yield function

  phi = norm_tau -  root23 * q(xi_n) ;

  // check if phi > 0 
  if ( phi > 0.0 ) { //plastic

     //solve for gamma 
     gamma = 0.0 ;
     resid = 1.0 ;
     iteration_counter = 0 ;
     while ( fabs(resid) > tolerance ) {

        resid = norm_tau 
              - (2.0*shear) * gamma 
              - root23 * q( xi_n + root23*gamma ) 
              - (eta/dt) * gamma ;

        tang =  - (2.0*shear)  
                - two3 * qprime( xi_n + root23*gamma )
                - (eta/dt) ;

        gamma -= ( resid / tang ) ;

	iteration_counter++ ;

	if ( iteration_counter > max_iterations ) {
	    opserr << "More than " << max_iterations ;
	    opserr << " iterations in constituive subroutine J2-plasticity \n" ;
	    break ;
	} //end if 
     } //end while resid

     gamma *= (1.0 - 1e-08) ;

     //update plastic internal variables

     epsilon_p_nplus1 = epsilon_p_n + gamma*normal ;

     xi_nplus1 = xi_n + root23*gamma ;

     //recompute deviatoric stresses 

     dev_stress = (2.0*shear) * ( dev_strain - epsilon_p_nplus1 ) ;

     //compute the terms for plastic part of tangent

     theta =  (2.0*shear)  
           +  two3 * qprime( xi_nplus1 )
           +  (eta/dt) ;

     theta_inv = 1.0/theta ;

  else { //elastic 

    //update history variables -- they remain unchanged

    epsilon_p_nplus1 = epsilon_p_n ;

    xi_nplus1 = xi_n ;

    //no extra tangent terms to compute 
    gamma = 0.0 ; 
    theta = 0.0 ;
    theta_inv = 0.0 ;

  } //end if phi > 0

  //add on bulk part of stress

  stress = dev_stress ;
  for ( i = 0; i < 3; i++ )
     stress(i,i) += bulk*trace ;

  //compute the tangent

  c1 = -4.0 * shear * shear ;
  c2 = c1 * theta_inv ;
  c3 = c1 * gamma * inv_norm_tau ;

  for ( ii = 0; ii < 6; ii++ ) {
    for ( jj = 0; jj < 6; jj++ )  {

          index_map( ii, i, j ) ;
          index_map( jj, k, l ) ;

          NbunN  = normal(i,j)*normal(k,l) ; 

          //elastic terms
          tangent[i][j][k][l]  = bulk * IbunI[i][j][k][l] ;

          tangent[i][j][k][l] += (2.0*shear) * IIdev[i][j][k][l] ;

          //plastic terms 
          tangent[i][j][k][l] += c2 * NbunN ;

	  tangent[i][j][k][l] += c3 * (  IIdev[i][j][k][l] - NbunN ) ;

          //minor symmetries 
          tangent [j][i][k][l] = tangent[i][j][k][l] ;
          tangent [i][j][l][k] = tangent[i][j][k][l] ;
          tangent [j][i][l][k] = tangent[i][j][k][l] ;

    } // end for jj
  } // end for ii

  return ;