Exemplo n.º 1
void AlignColSumProduct::initAlignColumn() {
  map<AlignRowIndex,char> seq;
  for (TreeNodeIndex r = 0; r < tree.nodes(); ++r)
    if (!Alignment::isGap (gapped[r].seq[col]))
      seq[r] = gapped[r].seq[col];
  initColumn (seq);
Exemplo n.º 2
 * Region initialization using hard-coded spatial pooler.  Hard-coded means
 * that input bits are mapped directly to columns.  In other words the normal
 * spatial pooler is disabled and we instead assume the input sparsification
 * has already been decided by some preprocessing code outside the Region.
 * It is then assumed (though not checked) that the input array will have
 * only a sparse number of "1" values that represent the active columns
 * for each time step.<p>
 * With hardcoded the Region will create a matching number of Columns to
 * mirror the size of the input array.  Locality radius may still be
 * defined as it is still used by the temporal pooler.  If non-zero it will
 * restrict temporal segments from connecting further than r number of
 * columns away.
 * @param inputSizeX size of input data matrix from the external source.
 * @param inputSizeY size of input data matrix from the external source.
 * @param localityRadius Furthest number of columns away to allow distal synapses.
 * @param cellsPerCol Number of (temporal context) cells to use for each Column.
 * @param segActiveThreshold Number of active synapses to activate a segment.
 * @param newSynapseCount number of new distal synapses added if none activated during
 *  learning.
 * @param inputData the array to be used for input data bits.  The contents
 *  of this array must be externally updated between time steps (between
 *  calls to Region.runOnce()).
 * @return a pointer to a newly allocated Region structure (NULL if any malloc calls
 *  have failed).
Region* newRegionHardcoded(int inputSizeX, int inputSizeY, int localityRadius,
    int cellsPerCol, int segActiveThreshold, int newSynapseCount,
    char* inputData) {
  Region* region = malloc(sizeof(Region));
  if(region==NULL) return NULL;

  region->inputWidth = inputSizeX;
  region->inputHeight = inputSizeY;
  region->iters = 0;
  region->inputData = inputData;
  region->inputCells = NULL;

  region->localityRadius = localityRadius;
  region->cellsPerCol = cellsPerCol;
  region->segActiveThreshold = segActiveThreshold;
  region->newSynapseCount = newSynapseCount;

  region->width = inputSizeX;
  region->height = inputSizeY;
  region->xSpace = 1.0;
  region->ySpace = 1.0;

  /*Create the columns based on the size of the input data to connect to.*/
  region->numCols = region->width * region->height;
  region->columns = malloc(region->numCols * sizeof(Column));
  if(region->columns==NULL) return NULL;

  int cx,cy;
  for(cx=0; cx<region->width; ++cx) {
    for(cy=0; cy<region->height; ++cy) {
      initColumn(&(region->columns[(cy*region->width)+cx]), region,
          cx,cy, cx,cy);

  region->pctInputPerCol = 1.0f / region->numCols;
  region->pctMinOverlap = 1.0f;
  region->pctLocalActivity = 1.0f;
  region->minOverlap = 1.0f;
  region->desiredLocalActivity = 1;

  region->spatialHardcoded = true;
  region->spatialLearning = false;
  region->temporalLearning = true;

  return region;
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Region Initialization (from Numenta docs):
 * Prior to receiving any inputs, the region is initialized by computing a list of initial
 * potential synapses for each column. This consists of a random set of inputs selected
 * from the input space. Each input is represented by a synapse and assigned a random
 * permanence value. The random permanence values are chosen with two criteria.
 * First, the values are chosen to be in a small range around connectedPerm (the minimum
 * permanence value at which a synapse is considered "connected"). This enables potential
 * synapses to become connected (or disconnected) after a small number of training
 * iterations. Second, each column has a natural center over the input region, and the
 * permanence values have a bias towards this center (they have higher values near
 * the center).
 * In addition to this I have added a concept of Locality Radius, which is an
 * additional parameter to control how far away synapse connections can be made
 * instead of allowing connections anywhere.  The reason for this is that in the
 * case of video images I wanted to experiment with forcing each Column to only
 * learn on a small section of the total input to more effectively learn lines or
 * corners in a small section without being 'distracted' by learning larger patterns
 * in the overall input space (which hopefully higher hierarchical Regions would
 * handle more successfully).  Passing in 0 for locality radius will mean no restriction
 * which will more closely follow the Numenta doc if desired.
 * @param inputSize: (x,y) size of input data matrix from the external source.
 * @param colGridSize: (x,y) number of Columns to create to represent this Region.
 * @param pctInputPerCol: Percent of input bits each Column has potential synapses for.
 * @param pctMinOverlap: Minimum percent of column's synapses for column to be considered.
 * @param localityRadius: Furthest number of columns away to allow distal synapses.
 * @param pctLocalActivity: Approximate percent of Columns within average receptive
 *  field radius to be winners after inhibition.
 * @param cellsPerCol: Number of (temporal context) cells to use for each Column.
 * @param segActiveThreshold: Number of active synapses to activate a segment.
 * @param newSynapseCount: number of new distal synapses added if none activated during
 *  learning.
 * @param inputData the array to be used for input data bits.  The contents
 *  of this array must be externally updated between time steps (between
 *  calls to Region.runOnce()).
 * @return a pointer to a newly allocated Region structure (NULL if any malloc calls
 *  have failed).
Region* newRegion(int inputSizeX, int inputSizeY, int colGridSizeX, int colGridSizeY,
    float pctInputPerCol, float pctMinOverlap, int localityRadius,
    float pctLocalActivity, int cellsPerCol, int segActiveThreshold,
    int newSynapseCount, char* inputData) {

  Region* region = malloc(sizeof(Region));
  if(region==NULL) return NULL;

  region->inputWidth = inputSizeX;
  region->inputHeight = inputSizeY;
  region->nInput = region->inputWidth * region->inputHeight;
  region->iters = 0;
  region->inputData = inputData;

  region->localityRadius = localityRadius;
  region->cellsPerCol = cellsPerCol;
  region->segActiveThreshold = segActiveThreshold;
  region->newSynapseCount = newSynapseCount;

  region->pctInputPerCol = pctInputPerCol;
  region->pctMinOverlap = pctMinOverlap;
  region->pctLocalActivity = pctLocalActivity;

  region->spatialHardcoded = false;
  region->spatialLearning = true;
  region->temporalLearning = true;

  /*Reduce the number of columns and map centers of input x,y correctly.
  //column grid will be relative to size of input grid in both dimensions*/
  region->width = colGridSizeX;
  region->height = colGridSizeY;
  region->numCols = region->width*region->height;
  region->xSpace = (region->inputWidth-1*1.0) / fmaxf(1.0,(region->width-1));
  region->ySpace = (region->inputHeight-1*1.0) / fmaxf(1.0,(region->height-1));

  /*Create the columns based on the size of the input data to connect to.*/
  region->columns = malloc(region->numCols * sizeof(Column));
  if(region->columns==NULL) return NULL;

  int cx,cy;
  for(cx=0; cx<region->width; ++cx) {
    for(cy=0; cy<region->height; ++cy) {
      int srcPosX = roundf(cx*region->xSpace);
      int srcPosY = roundf(cy*region->ySpace);
      initColumn(&(region->columns[(cy*region->width)+cx]), region,
          srcPosX,srcPosY, cx,cy);

  /*  #size the output array as double grid for 4-cell, else just pad the first
  //  #array dimension for 2 or 3 cell (and same size if just 1-cell)
  //  if cellsPerCol==4:
  //    outShape = (len(self.columnGrid)*2, len(self.columnGrid[0])*2)
  //  else:
  //    outShape = (len(self.columnGrid)*cellsPerCol, len(self.columnGrid[0]))
  //  self.outData = numpy.zeros(outShape, dtype=numpy.uint8)*/

  /*how far apart are 2 Columns in terms of input space; calc radius from that*/
  float inputRadiusf = region->localityRadius*region->xSpace;

  /*Now connect all potentialSynapses for the Columns*/
  int synapsesPerSegment = 1;
    synapsesPerSegment = (region->inputWidth*region->inputHeight) * pctInputPerCol;
    synapsesPerSegment = (inputRadiusf*inputRadiusf) * pctInputPerCol;

  /*The minimum number of inputs that must be active for a column to be
  //considered during the inhibition step.*/
  region->minOverlap = synapsesPerSegment * pctMinOverlap;

  /*int longerSide = max(_inputWidth, _inputHeight);
  //random.seed(42) #same connections each time for easier debugging*/

  /* create array of InputCells and array to hold subset of InputCells for
   * selecting random subsets within radius of spatial pooler columns */
  int i,s,x,y;
  int nc = region->nInput;
  region->inputCells = malloc(nc * sizeof(Cell));
  Cell** ssInputCells = malloc(nc * sizeof(Cell*));
  Cell** randCells = malloc(synapsesPerSegment * sizeof(Cell*));
  for(i=0; i<nc; ++i) {
    initInputCell(&(region->inputCells[i]), region, i);
    ssInputCells[i] = &(region->inputCells[i]);

  int inputRadius = roundf(inputRadiusf);
  int minY = 0;
  int maxY = region->inputHeight-1;
  int minX = 0;
  int maxX = region->inputWidth-1;

  for(i=0; i<region->numCols; ++i) {
    if(region->spatialHardcoded) /*no proximal synpases for hardcoded case*/
    Column* col = &(region->columns[i]);

    /*restrict synapse connections if localityRadius is non-zero*/
    if(region->localityRadius > 0) {
      minY = max(0, col->iy-inputRadius);
      maxY = min(region->inputHeight-1, col->iy+inputRadius);
      minX = max(0, col->ix-inputRadius);
      maxX = min(region->inputWidth-1, col->ix+inputRadius);

      /*repopulate inputCells with cells within locality radius*/
      for(x=minX; x<=maxX; ++x) {
        for(y=minY; y<=maxY; ++y) {
          int index = (y*region->inputWidth)+x;
          ssInputCells[s++] = &(region->inputCells[index]);
      nc = s;

    /*connect initial proximal synapses.
    //ensure we sample unique input positions to connect synapses to*/
    randomSample(ssInputCells, nc, randCells, synapsesPerSegment);

    /*printf("Column %d (%d, %d) connected to: ", i, col->cx, col->cy);*/
    for(s=0; s<synapsesPerSegment; ++s) {
      Cell* icell = randCells[s];
      /*printf("%d ", icell->index);*/
        createSynapse(col->proximalSegment, icell, MAX_PERM);
      else {
        /*default to all synapses having connected + 1/3.  Unused synapses will
         * be decremented away over time.  This is easier than having half the
         * synapses disconnected since it's harder for them to become connected
         * when first learning.*/
        int permanence = CONNECTED_PERM + (CONNECTED_PERM/3);
        createSynapse(col->proximalSegment, icell, permanence);

    processSegment(col->proximalSegment); /*calculate initial synapse connections*/

    /* This is code suggested by the Numenta doc.  I use fixed default permanence
     * instead to make initial learning faster/easier (based on my experiments).
    //    Util.createRandomSubset(allPos, randPos, synapsesPerSegment, rand);
    //    for(Point pt : randPos) {
    //      InputCell icell = new InputCell(
    //          pt.x, pt.y, (pt.y*_inputHeight)+pt.x, _inputData);
    //        col.addProximalSynapse(icell, 1.0f);
    //      else {
    //        double permanence = Synapse.CONNECTED_PERM +
    //                           (Synapse.PERMANENCE_INC*rand.nextGaussian());
    //        permanence = Math.max(0.0, permanence);
    //        double dx = col.ix()-pt.x;
    //        double dy = col.iy()-pt.y;
    //        double distance = Math.sqrt((dx*dx) + (dy*dy));
    //        double ex = distance / (longerSide*RAD_BIAS_STD_DEV);
    //        double localityBias = (RAD_BIAS_PEAK/0.4) * Math.exp((ex*ex)/-2);
    //        col.addProximalSynapse(icell, (float)(permanence*localityBias));
    //      }
    //    }*/

    region->inhibitionRadius = averageReceptiveFieldSize(region);
    region->inhibitionRadius = 0;

  /*desiredLocalActivity A parameter controlling the number of columns that will be*/
  float dla = 0;
    dla = region->inhibitionRadius * region->pctLocalActivity;
    dla = (region->localityRadius*region->localityRadius) * region->pctLocalActivity;
  region->desiredLocalActivity = max(2, round(dla));

  if(DEBUG) {
    printf("\nRegion Created (ANSI C)");
    printf("\ncolumnGrid = (%d, %d)", colGridSizeX, colGridSizeY);
    printf("\nxSpace, ySpace = %f %f", region->xSpace, region->ySpace);
    printf("\ninputRadius = %d", inputRadius);
    printf("\ninitial inhibitionRadius = %f", region->inhibitionRadius);
    printf("\ndesiredLocalActivity = %d", region->desiredLocalActivity);
    printf("\nsynapsesPerProximalSegment = %d", synapsesPerSegment);
    printf("\nminOverlap = %g", region->minOverlap);
    printf("\nconPerm,permInc = %i %i\n", CONNECTED_PERM, PERMANENCE_INC);

  return region;