Exemplo n.º 1
// Constructor with full information for a square
Square::Square(int row, int col, int value, int boxH, int boxW)
	Square::row = row;
	Square::col = col;
	Square::value = value;
	Square::boxW = boxW;
	Square::boxH = boxH;

	int boxRow = (row) / boxH;
	int boxCol = (col) / boxW;

	Square::boxNum = (int)((boxRow*boxH) + ((float)col / boxW));
	initDomain(boxH * boxW);
	neighborReferences = std::vector<Square*>();
Exemplo n.º 2
int main()
    int  dimension  = 3;
    auto resolution = Manta::Vec3i(128);

    if (dimension == 2) resolution.z = 1;

    auto main_solver = Manta::FluidSolver(resolution, dimension);
    Real minParticles = pow(2, dimension);

    Real radiusFactor = 1.0f;

    // solver grids
    auto flags      = Manta::FlagGrid(&main_solver);
    auto phi        = Manta::LevelsetGrid(&main_solver);

    auto vel        = Manta::MACGrid(&main_solver);
    auto vel_old    = Manta::MACGrid(&main_solver);
    auto pressure   = Manta::Grid<Real>(&main_solver);
    auto tmp_vec3   = Manta::Grid<Manta::Vec3>(&main_solver);
    auto tstGrid    = Manta::Grid<Real>(&main_solver);

    // particles
    auto pp         = Manta::BasicParticleSystem(&main_solver);
    auto pVel       = Manta::PdataVec3(&pp);
    auto pTest      = Manta::PdataReal(&pp);
    auto mesh       = Manta::Mesh(&main_solver);

    // acceleration data for particle nbs
    auto pindex     = Manta::ParticleIndexSystem(&main_solver);
    auto gpi        = Manta::Grid<int>(&main_solver);

    int setup = 0;
    int boundaryWidth = 1;
    auto fluidVel = Manta::Sphere(&main_solver, Manta::Vec3(0.0f), 1.0f);
    Manta::Vec3 fluidSetVel;

    if (setup == 0)
        // breakin dam
        auto fluidbox   = Manta::Box(&main_solver, Manta::Vec3::Invalid,
                                                   Manta::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                                                   Manta::Vec3(resolution.x * 0.4f, resolution.y * 0.6f, resolution.z * 0.1f));

    } else if (setup == 1)
        // drop into box
        auto fluidbasin = Manta::Box(&main_solver, Manta::Vec3::Invalid,
                                                   Manta::Vec3(0.0f, 0.0f, 0.0f),
                                                   Manta::Vec3(resolution.x * 1.0f, resolution.y * 0.1f, resolution.z * 1.0f));
        auto dropCenter = Manta::Vec3(0.5f, 0.3f, 0.5f);
        Real dropRadius = 0.1f;
        auto fluidDrop  = Manta::Sphere(&main_solver, Manta::Vec3(resolution.x * dropCenter.x, resolution.y * dropCenter.y, resolution.z * dropCenter.z),
                                                      resolution.x * dropRadius);
        fluidVel        = Manta::Sphere(&main_solver, Manta::Vec3(resolution.x * dropCenter.x, resolution.y * dropCenter.y, resolution.z * dropCenter.z),
                                                      resolution.x * (dropRadius + 0.05f));
        fluidSetVel     = Manta::Vec3(0.0f, -1.0f, 0.0f);

    Manta::sampleLevelsetWithParticles(phi, flags, pp, 2, 0.05f);

    if (setup == 1)
        fluidVel.applyToGrid(&vel, fluidSetVel);
        Manta::mapGridToPartsVec3(vel, pp, pVel);


    for (int t = 0; t < 250; t++)
        // FLIP
        pp.advectInGrid(flags, vel, Manta::IntegrationMode::IntRK4, false);

        // make sure we have velocities throught liquid region
        Manta::mapParticlesToMAC(flags, vel, vel_old, pp, pVel, &tmp_vec3);
        Manta::extrapolateMACFromWeight(vel, tmp_vec3, 2);
        Manta::markFluidCells(pp, flags);

        // create approximate surface level set, resample particles
        Manta::gridParticleIndex(pp, pindex, flags, gpi);
        Manta::unionParticleLevelset(pp, pindex, flags, gpi, phi, radiusFactor);
        Manta::resetOutflow(flags, nullptr, &pp, nullptr, &gpi,&pindex);

	    // extend levelset somewhat, needed by particle resampling in adjustNumber
	    Manta::extrapolateLsSimple(phi, 4, true);

        // forces and pressure solve
        Manta::addGravity(flags, vel, Manta::Vec3(0.0f, -0.001f, 0.0f));
        Manta::setWallBcs(flags, vel);
        Manta::solvePressure(vel, pressure, flags, &phi);
        Manta::setWallBcs(flags, vel);

        // set source grids for resampling, used in adjustNumber!
        pVel.setSource(&vel, true);
        Manta::adjustNumber(pp, vel, flags, 1 * minParticles, 2 * minParticles, phi, radiusFactor);

        // make sure we have proper velocities
        Manta::extrapolateMACSimple(flags, vel);
        Manta::flipVelocityUpdate(flags, vel, vel_old, pp, pVel, 0.97f);

        if (dimension == 3) phi.createMesh(mesh);


    	// generate data directly and for flip03_gen.py surface generation scene
        std::stringstream filename1, filename2;
        filename1 << "simulation data\\flip02_surface\\fluidsurface_final_" << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << t << ".bobj.gz";
        filename2 << "simulation data\\flip02_surface\\flipParts_"          << std::setw(4) << std::setfill('0') << t << ".uni";

