Exemplo n.º 1
SEXP R_split_up_2sample(SEXP scores, SEXP m, SEXP obs, SEXP tol) {


    R interface to the split-up algorithm.

    'scores' is a REAL vector giving the scores of the total sample
    and 'm' is a scalar integer with the sample size of one group.
    'obs' is the scalar observed test statistic, namely the
    sum of the 'm' scores measured in one group.


    int b, c, u;
    double tot, bino, prob;
    double ob;
    SEXP ans;

    celW **W1;
    celW **W2;
    double *rs;

    b = LENGTH(scores);
    rs = REAL(scores);
    c = INTEGER(m)[0];
    /* d = b - INTEGER(m)[0]; not used */
    ob = REAL(obs)[0];

    /* total number of possible permutations */
    bino = binomi(b, c);

    /* allocate and initialise memory */
    W1 = reserveW(c, (b+1)/2);
    initW(c, (b+1)/2, W1);
    W2 = reserveW(c, (b+1)/2);
    initW(c, (b+1)/2, W2);

    makeW(W1, c, b/2, 0, rs, REAL(tol)[0]);
    makeW(W2, c, (b+1)/2, b/2, rs, REAL(tol)[0]);

    for (u = 0; u <= c; u++) cumulcoef(W2, u, (b+1)/2);

    /* number of permutations <= ob */
    tot = numbersmall(c, b, ob, W1, W2, REAL(tol)[0]);

    /* probability */
    prob = tot/bino;

    /* free memory: this will _not_ take place
       in case of an error */
    FreeW(c, W1);
    FreeW(c, W2);

    /* return to R */
    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
    REAL(ans)[0] = prob;
Exemplo n.º 2
FFT::FFT(int32 _N, int32 _R[MAX_RANKS])

	int32 lcv;

	for(lcv = 0; lcv < MAX_RANKS; lcv++)
		R[lcv] = _R[lcv];

	N = _N;
	M = 0;

	/* Get the number of ranks */
	while(_N > 1)
		_N >>= 1;

	W = (MIX *)malloc(N/2*sizeof(MIX));  	// Forward twiddle lookup
	iW = (MIX *)malloc(N/2*sizeof(MIX)); 	// Inverse twiddle lookup
	BR  = (int32 *)malloc(N*sizeof(int32)); 	// Bit reverse lookup
	BRX  = (int32 *)malloc(N*sizeof(CPX)); 	// Shuffle temp array


Exemplo n.º 3
Status XvMCCreateContext (
    Display *display,
    XvPortID port,
    int surface_type_id,
    int width,
    int height,
    int flags,
    XvMCContext * context
    if (!wrapperInit) initW(display, port);
    if (!xW.initialised) return BadValue;
    return (*xW.XvMCCreateContext)(display, port, surface_type_id,
				   width, height, flags, context);
Exemplo n.º 4
// X: a MxD matrix, Y: a M vector, W: a M vector
// W0: a M vector
int main(int argc, char ** argv){
    if (argc>1 && argv[1][0]=='h') {
        printf ("Usage: parSymSGD M D T C lamda r\n");
        printf ("  M: number of data points, D: dimensions, T: time iterations, C: cores;\n");
        printf ("  lamda: learning rate, r: panel size in unit of C.\n");
        return 1;
    // read in the arguments: M, D, I (time iterations), C (cores), r (each panel contains r*C points)
    int M = argc>1?atoi(argv[1]):32;
    int D = argc>2?atoi(argv[2]):4;
    T = argc>3?atoi(argv[3]):10;
    int C = argc>4?atoi(argv[4]):4;
    float lamda = argc>5?atof(argv[5]):0.01;
    int r = argc>6?atoi(argv[6]):1;
    ///printf("M=%d, D=%d, T=%d, C=%d, lamda=%8.6f, r=%d\n",M,D,T,C,lamda,r);

    int max_threads = mkl_get_max_threads(); // get the max number of threads
    int rep;
    mkl_set_num_threads(1); // set the number of threads to use by mkl
    panelSz = C*r;
    panels = M/panelSz;

    int i,j,k,p,t;
    float *Y, *Wreal, *W, *X;
    Y = (float *) mkl_malloc(M*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);
    Wreal = (float *) mkl_malloc(D*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);
    W = (float *) mkl_malloc(D*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);
    X = (float *) mkl_malloc(M*D*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);
    float *Ypred = (float*)mkl_malloc(M*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);
    float *Ytmp = (float*)mkl_malloc(M*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);
	float *I = (float*)mkl_malloc(D*D*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);
    float *Z = (float*)mkl_malloc(M*D*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);
    float *B = (float*)mkl_malloc(panels*D*sizeof(float),PAGESIZE);

    if (Y==NULL | Wreal==NULL | W==NULL | X==NULL | Ypred==NULL || Ytmp==NULL || Z==NULL || B==NULL || I== NULL){
        printf("Memory allocation error.\n");
        return 2;

    initData(Wreal,W,X,Y, M, D,I);

    ///printf("panelSz=%d, panels=%d\n", panelSz, panels);

    for (nt=1; nt<=max_threads && nt<=panelSz; nt*=2){
        omp_set_num_threads(nt);// set the number of openMP threads

        for (rep=0; rep<REPEATS; rep++){//repeat measurements
            double prepTime, gdTime, sInit;
            // preprocessing
            //preprocessSeq(X, Y, Z, B, panelSz, panels, M, D, lamda);
            preprocessPar(X, Y, Z, B, panelSz, panels, M, D, lamda);
            prepTime = (dsecnd() - sInit);

            // GD
            ///dump1("W (initial)", W, D);
            float err;
            float fixpoint = 0.0;
            for (t=0;t<T;t++){
                for (p=0;p<panels;p++){
                    gd(&(X[p*panelSz*D]),&(Z[p*panelSz*D]), &(B[p*D]), panelSz, D, lamda, W, I);
                    ///printf("(t=%d, p=%d) ",t,p);
                    ///dump1("W", W, D);
                    ///err=calErr(X, Ypred, Ytmp, Y, W, M, D);
                  printf("finish  one  panels     ............................  \n");
            gdTime = (dsecnd() - sInit);

            err=calErr(X, Ypred, Ytmp, Y, W, M, D);
            fixpoint = err - prev_err;

            // print final err. time is in milliseconds
            printf("nt=%d\t ttlTime=%.5f\t prepTime=%.5f\t gdTime=%.5f\t error=%.5f\n", nt, (gdTime+prepTime)*1000, prepTime*1000, gdTime*1000, err);
    if (B) mkl_free(B);
    if (Z) mkl_free(Z);
    if (Ytmp) mkl_free(Ytmp);
    if (Ypred) mkl_free(Ypred);
    if (Y) mkl_free(Y);
    if (Wreal) mkl_free(Wreal);
    if (W) mkl_free(W);
    if (X) mkl_free(X);
	if (I) mkl_free(I);
    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 5
XvMCSurfaceInfo * XvMCListSurfaceTypes(Display *dpy, XvPortID port, int *num)
    if (!wrapperInit) initW( dpy, port);
    if (!xW.initialised) return NULL;
    return (*xW.XvMCListSurfaceTypes)(dpy, port, num);