Exemplo n.º 1
void install_irq()
    //reprogram the PICs
    //install the appropriate ISRs into the IDT
    idt_set_gate(32, (unsigned)irq0, 0x08, 0x8E);
    idt_set_gate(33, (unsigned)irq1, 0x08, 0x8E);
    idt_set_gate(34, (unsigned)irq2, 0x08, 0x8E);
    //turn on interupts!
    __asm__ __volatile__("sti");
Exemplo n.º 2
/* this is called from assembler and passed control in long mode 64 bit
 * interrupts disabled.
 * At this stage the first 32MB have been mapped with 2MB pages.
extern "C" void
    extern char __bss_end[];
    struct KernelInitArgs kernelInitArgs;
    MemoryMgrPrimitiveKern *memory = &kernelInitArgs.memory;
    uval vp = 0;	/* master processor */
    uval vaddr;

    /* on this machine like all x86 machines nowaydays the boot
     * image is loaded at 1MB.  This is hard coded here.  */
    extern code start_real;
    codeAddress kernPhysStartAddress = &start_real;
    extern code kernVirtStart;

    early_printk("kernPhysStartAddress 0x%lx \n",
		 (unsigned long)kernPhysStartAddress);

    /* We ignore memory below the 1meg boundary.  PhysSize is the
     * size of memory above the boundary.
    uval physSize = BOOT_MINIMUM_REAL_MEMORY -0x100000;
    uval physStart = 0x0;
    uval physEnd = physStart + 0x100000 + physSize;

    early_printk("BOOT_MINIMUM_REAL_MEMORY 0x%lx, physStart 0x%lx,"
		 " physEnd 0x%lx, physSize 0x%lx \n",
		 BOOT_MINIMUM_REAL_MEMORY,  physStart, physEnd, physSize);

     * We want to map all of physical memory into a V->R region.  We choose a
     * base for the V->R region (virtBase) that makes the kernel land correctly
     * at its link origin, &kernVirtStart.  This link origin must wind up
     * mapped to the physical location at which the kernel was loaded
     * (kernPhysStartAddress).
    uval virtBase = (uval) (&kernVirtStart - kernPhysStartAddress);
    early_printk("&kernVirtStart 0x%lx virtBase 0x%lx \n",
		 (unsigned long long)&kernVirtStart,
		 (unsigned long long)virtBase);

     * Memory from __end_bss
     * to the end of physical memory is available for allocation.
     * Correct first for the 2MB page mapping the kernel.
    early_printk("__bss_end is 0x%lx physEnd is 0x%lx \n", __bss_end , physEnd);
    uval allocStart = ALIGN_UP(__bss_end, SEGMENT_SIZE);
    uval allocEnd = virtBase + physEnd;

    early_printk("allocStart is 0x%lx allocEnd is 0x%lx \n",
		 allocStart, allocEnd);
    memory->init(physStart, physEnd, virtBase, allocStart, allocEnd);

     * Remove mappings between allocStart and
     * BOOT_MINIMUM_REAL_MEMORY to allow 4KB page mapping for
     * that range.  No need to tlb invalidate, unless they are
     * touched (debugging).  Actually we need to keep the first
     * 2MB mapping above allocStart so that we can initialize the
     * first 2 (or 3 if we need a PDP page as well) 4KB pages
     * which are PDE and PTE pages for the V->R mapping before
     * they are themselves mapped as 4KB pages.
    early_printk("top page real address is 0x%lx \n", (uval)&level4_pgt);
    uval level1_pgt_virt = memory->virtFromPhys((uval)&level4_pgt);
    early_printk("top page real address is 0x%lx \n", (uval)level4_pgt & ~0xfff);
    early_printk("top page virtual  address is 0x%lx \n", (uval )level1_pgt_virt);

    for (vaddr = allocStart + SEGMENT_SIZE; vaddr < allocEnd; vaddr += SEGMENT_SIZE)	{

#ifndef NDEBUG
      //     early_printk("removing pde, pml4 at virtual address 0x%lx \n", EARLY_VADDR_TO_L1_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory));
      TOUCH(EARLY_VADDR_TO_L1_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory));

      //     early_printk("removing pde, pdp at virtual address 0x%lx \n", EARLY_VADDR_TO_L2_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory));
      TOUCH(EARLY_VADDR_TO_L2_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory));

      //     early_printk("removing pde at virtual address 0x%lx \n", EARLY_VADDR_TO_L3_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory));
      TOUCH(EARLY_VADDR_TO_L3_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory));
#endif /* #ifndef NDEBUG */

      EARLY_VADDR_TO_L3_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory)->P = 0;
      EARLY_VADDR_TO_L3_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory)->PS = 0;
      EARLY_VADDR_TO_L3_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory)->G = 0;
      EARLY_VADDR_TO_L3_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt, vaddr, memory)->Frame = 0;

     * Because of the 2MB page mapping for the kernel no
     * unused space can be recuperated at a 4KB page granularity.
     * We may want to map the fringe bss with 4KB page(s)
     * or alternatively make free for (pinned only) 4KB allocation
     * the unused 4KB pages unused in the 2MB pages at this point. XXX dangerous

    early_printk("Calling InitKernelMappings\n");
    InitKernelMappings(0, memory);

    // kernelInitArgs.onSim = onSim; not there anymore but where is it set XXX

    kernelInitArgs.vp = 0;
    kernelInitArgs.barrierP = 0;

#define LOOP_NUMBER 	0x000fffff	// iteration counter for delay

    early_printk("Calling InitIdt\n");
    InitIdt();			// initialize int handlers

    early_printk("Calling enableHardwareInterrupts\n");

    early_printk("Calling thinwireInit\n");

    /* no thinwire console XXX taken from mips64 but check  */
    early_printk("Calling LocalConsole and switching to tty \n");
    LocalConsole::Init(vp, memory, CONSOLE_CHANNEL, 1, 0 );

    err_printf("Calling KernelInit.C\n");

    /* Remove the V=R initial mapping only used for jumping to
     * the final mapping, i.e the first 2MB. XXX todo should not
     * do it until VGABASE has been relocated currently mapped
     * V==R XXX cannot use early_printk() from now on.  */
    L3_PTE *p;
    p = EARLY_VADDR_TO_L3_PTE_P(level1_pgt_virt,(uval)0x100000,memory);
    p->P = 0;
    p->PS = 0;
    p->G = 0;
    p->Frame = 0;

    /* NOTREACHED */
Exemplo n.º 3
void main(){
	int increm ;
	int i;

	//Initialisation du PIC et chenillard
	init_PIC() ;

	//Initialisation des moteurs de la station sur appui du BP init :
	LED1 = 1 ;
	while(!Init) ;
	initialisation_station() ;
	LED1 = 0 ;

	//Acquisiton des coordonnées de la station :
	LED6 = 1;
	while(1) {
		//Attente de réception d'une trame
		while (position_drone_flag == 0);
		//Vérification de la validité de la trame
		if ((position_drone.gps_x!=0)&&(position_drone.gps_y!=0)) break ;	// on sort de la boucle que si les coordonnées reçues ont un sens
	longitude_station = position_drone.gps_x ;
	latitude_station = position_drone.gps_y ;
	altitude_station = position_drone.altitude_baro ;
	//libère le flag
	position_drone_flag = 0;

	Enable_Azimut = 1 ;
	Enable_Profondeur = 1 ;
	LED6 = 0;
// Début de la routinede suivi GPS :
	LED2 = 1 ;
	while(1) {

	LED3 = 1-LED3 ;

	// acquisition des coordonnées du drone :
			//Attente de réception d'une trame
		while (position_drone_flag == 0);
		longitude_GPS = position_drone.gps_x ;
		latitude_GPS = position_drone.gps_y ;
		altitude_GPS = position_drone.altitude_baro ;
		//libère le flag
		position_drone_flag = 0;
	// calcul des différences de coordonnées drone / GPS :
		coord_x = (long) (longitude_GPS - longitude_station) ;		// 1° =  10 000
		coord_y = (long) (latitude_GPS - latitude_station) ;
		coord_z = altitude_GPS - altitude_station ;					// en mètres

	///////////////////////// SUIVI AZIMUT //////////////////////////////

	// conversion des delta en angle du drone par rapport au Nord ]-pi;+pi°] (positif dans le sens horaire) :
		angle_drone_azimut = angle_azimut_du_drone(coord_x,coord_y) ;

	// détermination de l'angle courant du moteur par rapport au Nord
		angle_moteur_azimut = position_moteur_azimut*2.0*pi/488.0 ;

	// calcul du delta angle moteur / drone
	// et attribution du sens de rotation des moteurs :
		if( fabs(angle_moteur_azimut-angle_drone_azimut) > pi ) {
			delta_angle_azimut = 2*pi - fabs(angle_moteur_azimut-angle_drone_azimut) ;
			if (angle_moteur_azimut-angle_drone_azimut>0) sens_rotation_azimut = SENS_HOR ;
			else sens_rotation_azimut = SENS_TRIGO ;
		else {
			delta_angle_azimut = fabs(angle_moteur_azimut-angle_drone_azimut) ;
			if (angle_moteur_azimut-angle_drone_azimut>0) sens_rotation_azimut = SENS_TRIGO ;
			else sens_rotation_azimut = SENS_HOR ;

	// calcul du nombre de pas nécessaires pour atteindre l'angle souhaité :
		nb_pas_azimut = (int) (0.5+(delta_angle_azimut*488.0/(2.0*pi))) ;

	// déplacement du moteur azimut :
		tracking_azimut(4) ;

	///////////////////////// SUIVI PROFONDEUR //////////////////////////////

	// conversion des delta distances (en degrés) en valeurs exploitables (en mètres)
	// 111194.92... =  Rayon_Terre * 2pi / 360
  		x = (int) (11.11949266*coord_x) ;
  		y = (int) (11.11949266*coord_y) ;

	// calcul de l'angle du drone par rapport à l'horizontale ]-pi;+pi°] (positif vers le ciel) :
		angle_drone_profondeur = angle_profondeur_du_drone(x,y,coord_z) ;

	// détermination de l'angle courant du moteur par rapport à l'horizon :
		angle_moteur_profondeur = position_moteur_profondeur*2.0*pi/246.0 ;

	// calcul du delta angle moteur / drone
	// et attribution du sens de rotation des moteurs :
		delta_angle_profondeur = fabs(angle_moteur_profondeur-angle_drone_profondeur) ;
		if ( angle_moteur_profondeur < angle_drone_profondeur ) sens_rotation_profondeur = SENS_HOR ;
		else sens_rotation_profondeur = SENS_TRIGO ;

	// calcul du nombre de pas nécessaires pour atteindre l'angle souhaité :
		nb_pas_profondeur = (int) (0.5+(delta_angle_profondeur*246.0/(2.0*pi))) ;

	// déplacement du moteur azimut :
		tracking_profondeur(20) ;

	}	// Fin de la routine de tracking => on recommence

	// Cette partie du code ne devrait jamais s'exécuter :
	while(1) {
		LED4 = 1 ;
		Delay10KTCYx(100) ;
		LED4 = 0 ;
		LED5 = 1 ;
		Delay10KTCYx(100) ;		
		LED5 = 0 ;
