Exemplo n.º 1
rspfLandSatModel::setupOptimizer(const rspfString& init_file)
   if (traceExec())  rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG rspfLandSatModel::setupOptimizer(init_file): entering..." << std::endl;
   theMapProjection = 0;
   theIntrackOffset = 0.0;
   theCrtrackOffset = 0.0;
   theLineGsdCorr   = 0.0;   
   theSampGsdCorr   = 0.0;
   theRollOffset    = 0.0;
   theYawOffset     = 0.0;
   theYawRate       = 0.0;
   theMapRotation   = 0.0;
   rspfRefPtr<rspfFfL7> ff_headerp;
   if (rspfString::downcase(init_file).contains("header.dat"))
      rspfRefPtr<rspfFfL5> h = new rspfFfL5(init_file); 
      ff_headerp = h.get();
      if (!ff_headerp->getErrorStatus())
         double d = fabs(h->revb()->theUlEasting - h->revb()->theCenterEasting)/h->theGsd;
         h->theCenterImagePoint.x = static_cast<rspf_int32>(d); // d + 0.5 ???
         d = fabs(h->revb()->theUlNorthing - h->revb()->theCenterNorthing)/h->theGsd;
         h->theCenterImagePoint.y = static_cast<rspf_int32>(d); // d + 0.5 ???
         theMapOffset.x = h->revb()->theUlEasting;
         theMapOffset.y = h->revb()->theUlNorthing;
         ff_headerp = 0;
      ff_headerp=new rspfFfL7(init_file);
      if (!ff_headerp->getErrorStatus())
         ff_headerp = 0;
      rspfFilename init_filename(init_file);
      rspfKeywordlist kwl(init_filename);
   if (traceExec()) rspfNotify(rspfNotifyLevel_DEBUG) << "DEBUG rspfLandSatModel::setupOptimizer(init_file): Exited..." << std::endl;
   return true;
	PeterRoosenTracksConverter::run_converter(bool status)
		SQLRETURN sql_return;
		SQLHSTMT hstmt;
		sql_return = SQLAllocHandle(SQL_HANDLE_STMT, _connection, &hstmt);
		if (sql_return != SQL_SUCCESS)
			std::cout << "Allocating statement handle failed." << std::endl;
		double x1, y1, x2, y2;
		SQLINTEGER x1_ind, y1_ind, x2_ind, y2_ind;
		sql_return = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 1, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &x1, sizeof(double), &x1_ind);
		if (sql_return != SQL_SUCCESS)
			std::cout << "Binding to column 1 failed." << std::endl;
		sql_return = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 2, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &y1, sizeof(double), &y1_ind);
		if (sql_return != SQL_SUCCESS)
			std::cout << "Binding to column 2 failed." << std::endl;
		sql_return = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 3, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &x2, sizeof(double), &x2_ind);
		if (sql_return != SQL_SUCCESS)
			std::cout << "Binding to column 3 failed." << std::endl;
		sql_return = SQLBindCol(hstmt, 4, SQL_C_DOUBLE, &y2, sizeof(double), &y2_ind);
		if (sql_return != SQL_SUCCESS)
			std::cout << "Binding to column 4 failed." << std::endl;
		std::string stmt_string("SELECT x1, y1, x2, y2 FROM tracks WHERE id < 100000 ORDER BY id ASC;");
		sql_return = SQLExecDirect(hstmt, (SQLCHAR*)(stmt_string.c_str()), SQL_NTS);
		if (sql_return != SQL_SUCCESS)
			std::cout << "Executing SQL statement failed." << std::endl;
		// init positions:
		double old_x1 = -1.0;
		double old_x2 = -1.0;
		double old_y1 = -1.0;
		double old_y2 = -1.0;
		enum CoordOrder
		CoordOrder coord_order = UNKNOWN;
		// done.
		// init time (to 2000-01-01 00:00:00):
		tm* current_time = new tm;
		current_time->tm_sec = 0;
		current_time->tm_min = 0;
		current_time->tm_hour = 0;
		current_time->tm_mday = 1;
		current_time->tm_mon = 0;
		current_time->tm_year = 100;
		time_t count = mktime(current_time);
		// done.
		// init and open output file:
		std::ofstream output_file;
		std::string init_filename(_output_file);
		int file_counter = 1;
		// done.
		// init step size:
		const int STEP_SIZE = 10;
		// done.
		// loop over result set:
		while ( (sql_return = SQLFetch(hstmt)) != SQL_NO_DATA)
			if ( (status) && (file_counter % 10000 == 0) )
				std::cout << file_counter << std::endl;
			if (sql_return == SQL_ERROR)
				std::cout << "Fetching column " << count + 1
					<< " failed." << std::endl;
/*			if (output_file.tellp() >= _max_output_file_size)
				std::stringstream number;
				number << file_counter;
				std::string filename(_output_file);
				coord_order = UNKNOWN;
			if (coord_order == UNKNOWN)
				if ( (old_x2 == x1) && (old_y2 == y1) )
					coord_order = COORD_ORDER_1TO2;
					new_file(output_file, file_counter);
					write_to_file(output_file, count, x1, y1);
					count += STEP_SIZE;
				} else if ( (old_x1 == x2) && (old_y1 == y2) )
					coord_order = COORD_ORDER_2TO1;
					new_file(output_file, file_counter);
					write_to_file(output_file, count, x2, y2);
					count += STEP_SIZE;
				} else
					// Coordinates do not belong together. That would result
					// in a 2 point track. Just forget it!
					// set coord_order to UNKNOWN. Actually not needed. But
					// you known where to continue immediately.
					coord_order = UNKNOWN;
			if (coord_order == COORD_ORDER_1TO2)
				if ( (old_x2 == x1) && (old_y2 == y1) )
					write_to_file(output_file, count, x2, y2);
					count += STEP_SIZE;
				} else if ( (old_x2 == x2) && (old_y2 == y2) )
					// coord_order changed:
					output_file << "\t/* Coordinate order changed. ";
					output_file << "Now it is from 2 to 1. */";
					output_file << std::endl;
					coord_order = COORD_ORDER_2TO1;
					write_to_file(output_file, count, x1, y1);
					count += STEP_SIZE;
				} else
					coord_order = UNKNOWN;
			} else // if (coord_order == COORD_ORDER_2TO1)
				if ( (old_x1 == x2) && (old_y1 == y2) )
					write_to_file(output_file, count, x1, y1);
					count += STEP_SIZE;
				} else if ( (old_x1 == x1) && (old_y1 == y1) )
					// coord_order changed:
					output_file << "\t/* Coordinaten order changed. ";
					output_file << "Now it is from 1 to 2. */";
					output_file << std::endl;
					coord_order = COORD_ORDER_1TO2;
					write_to_file(output_file, count, x2, y2);
					count += STEP_SIZE;
				} else
					coord_order = UNKNOWN;
			old_x1 = x1;
			old_y1 = y1;
			old_x2 = x2;
			old_y2 = y2;
		delete current_time;