Exemplo n.º 1
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
        static struct gengetopt_args_info args_info;
        assert(cmdline_parser(argc, argv, &args_info) == 0);
        char* pattern = args_info.pattern_orig;
        char* text = read_text(args_info.text_arg);
        uint32_t n = strlen(text);
        uint32_t m = strlen(pattern);
        /* occ[] stores if a position is an occurrence */
        uint32_t* occ = calloc(n, sizeof(*occ));
        assert(occ != NULL);

        /* Initialize random number generator */
        gsl_rng *rng = gsl_rng_alloc(gsl_rng_mt19937);
        uint32_t num_rounds = (size_t) args_info.rounds_arg;
        for (size_t i = 0; i < num_rounds; i++) {
                uint32_t mod = random_prime(rng);
                for (size_t j = 0; j < m; j++)
                        for (size_t c = 0; c < 4; c++)
                                corrections[c] = (j == 0) ? c : (corrections[c] << 2) % mod;
                uint32_t pattern_h = init_h(pattern, m, mod);
                uint32_t pos = m;
                for (uint32_t text_h = init_h(text, m, mod); pos < n;
                     text_h = next_h(text_h, text[pos - m], text[pos], mod), pos++)
                        if (pattern_h == text_h)
                                occ[pos - m]++;
        for (uint32_t pos = 0; pos < n; pos++)
                if (occ[pos] >= num_rounds) {
                        char* x = strndupa(text + pos, m);
                        printf("Occurrence %s at position %d\n", x, pos);
Exemplo n.º 2
int main(void)
    /* Local scalars */
    char job, job_i;
    char compz, compz_i;
    lapack_int n, n_i;
    lapack_int ilo, ilo_i;
    lapack_int ihi, ihi_i;
    lapack_int ldh, ldh_i;
    lapack_int ldh_r;
    lapack_int ldz, ldz_i;
    lapack_int ldz_r;
    lapack_int lwork, lwork_i;
    lapack_int info, info_i;
    lapack_int i;
    int failed;

    /* Local arrays */
    lapack_complex_float *h = NULL, *h_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *w = NULL, *w_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *z = NULL, *z_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *work = NULL, *work_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *h_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *w_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *z_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *h_r = NULL;
    lapack_complex_float *z_r = NULL;

    /* Iniitialize the scalar parameters */
    init_scalars_chseqr( &job, &compz, &n, &ilo, &ihi, &ldh, &ldz, &lwork );
    ldh_r = n+2;
    ldz_r = n+2;
    job_i = job;
    compz_i = compz;
    n_i = n;
    ilo_i = ilo;
    ihi_i = ihi;
    ldh_i = ldh;
    ldz_i = ldz;
    lwork_i = lwork;

    /* Allocate memory for the LAPACK routine arrays */
    h = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldh*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    w = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    z = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldz*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    work = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( lwork * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );

    /* Allocate memory for the C interface function arrays */
    h_i = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldh*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    w_i = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    z_i = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldz*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    work_i = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( lwork * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );

    /* Allocate memory for the backup arrays */
    h_save = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldh*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    w_save = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    z_save = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldz*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );

    /* Allocate memory for the row-major arrays */
    h_r = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*(n+2) * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );
    z_r = (lapack_complex_float *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*(n+2) * sizeof(lapack_complex_float) );

    /* Initialize input arrays */
    init_h( ldh*n, h );
    init_w( n, w );
    init_z( ldz*n, z );
    init_work( lwork, work );

    /* Backup the ouptut arrays */
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_save[i] = h[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_save[i] = w[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldz*n; i++ ) {
        z_save[i] = z[i];

    /* Call the LAPACK routine */
    chseqr_( &job, &compz, &n, &ilo, &ihi, h, &ldh, w, z, &ldz, work, &lwork,
             &info );

    /* Initialize input data, call the column-major middle-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_i[i] = h_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_i[i] = w_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldz*n; i++ ) {
        z_i[i] = z_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < lwork; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];
    info_i = LAPACKE_chseqr_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, job_i, compz_i, n_i, ilo_i,
                                  ihi_i, h_i, ldh_i, w_i, z_i, ldz_i, work_i,
                                  lwork_i );

    failed = compare_chseqr( h, h_i, w, w_i, z, z_i, info, info_i, compz, ldh,
                             ldz, n );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: column-major middle-level interface to chseqr\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: column-major middle-level interface to chseqr\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the column-major high-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_i[i] = h_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_i[i] = w_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldz*n; i++ ) {
        z_i[i] = z_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < lwork; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];
    info_i = LAPACKE_chseqr( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, job_i, compz_i, n_i, ilo_i,
                             ihi_i, h_i, ldh_i, w_i, z_i, ldz_i );

    failed = compare_chseqr( h, h_i, w, w_i, z, z_i, info, info_i, compz, ldh,
                             ldz, n );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: column-major high-level interface to chseqr\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: column-major high-level interface to chseqr\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the row-major middle-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_i[i] = h_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_i[i] = w_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldz*n; i++ ) {
        z_i[i] = z_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < lwork; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];

    LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, n, h_i, ldh, h_r, n+2 );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( compz, 'i' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( compz, 'v' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, n, z_i, ldz, z_r, n+2 );
    info_i = LAPACKE_chseqr_work( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, job_i, compz_i, n_i, ilo_i,
                                  ihi_i, h_r, ldh_r, w_i, z_r, ldz_r, work_i,
                                  lwork_i );

    LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, n, h_r, n+2, h_i, ldh );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( compz, 'i' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( compz, 'v' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, n, z_r, n+2, z_i, ldz );

    failed = compare_chseqr( h, h_i, w, w_i, z, z_i, info, info_i, compz, ldh,
                             ldz, n );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: row-major middle-level interface to chseqr\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: row-major middle-level interface to chseqr\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the row-major high-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_i[i] = h_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_i[i] = w_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldz*n; i++ ) {
        z_i[i] = z_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < lwork; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];

    /* Init row_major arrays */
    LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, n, h_i, ldh, h_r, n+2 );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( compz, 'i' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( compz, 'v' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, n, z_i, ldz, z_r, n+2 );
    info_i = LAPACKE_chseqr( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, job_i, compz_i, n_i, ilo_i,
                             ihi_i, h_r, ldh_r, w_i, z_r, ldz_r );

    LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, n, h_r, n+2, h_i, ldh );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( compz, 'i' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( compz, 'v' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_cge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, n, z_r, n+2, z_i, ldz );

    failed = compare_chseqr( h, h_i, w, w_i, z, z_i, info, info_i, compz, ldh,
                             ldz, n );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: row-major high-level interface to chseqr\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: row-major high-level interface to chseqr\n" );

    /* Release memory */
    if( h != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( h );
    if( h_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( h_i );
    if( h_r != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( h_r );
    if( h_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( h_save );
    if( w != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( w );
    if( w_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( w_i );
    if( w_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( w_save );
    if( z != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( z );
    if( z_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( z_i );
    if( z_r != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( z_r );
    if( z_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( z_save );
    if( work != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( work );
    if( work_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( work_i );

    return 0;
Exemplo n.º 3
int main(void)
    /* Local scalars */
    char job, job_i;
    char eigsrc, eigsrc_i;
    char initv, initv_i;
    lapack_int n, n_i;
    lapack_int ldh, ldh_i;
    lapack_int ldh_r;
    lapack_int ldvl, ldvl_i;
    lapack_int ldvl_r;
    lapack_int ldvr, ldvr_i;
    lapack_int ldvr_r;
    lapack_int mm, mm_i;
    lapack_int m, m_i;
    lapack_int info, info_i;
    lapack_int i;
    int failed;

    /* Local arrays */
    lapack_int *select = NULL, *select_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *h = NULL, *h_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *w = NULL, *w_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *vl = NULL, *vl_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *vr = NULL, *vr_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *work = NULL, *work_i = NULL;
    double *rwork = NULL, *rwork_i = NULL;
    lapack_int *ifaill = NULL, *ifaill_i = NULL;
    lapack_int *ifailr = NULL, *ifailr_i = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *w_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *vl_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *vr_save = NULL;
    lapack_int *ifaill_save = NULL;
    lapack_int *ifailr_save = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *h_r = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *vl_r = NULL;
    lapack_complex_double *vr_r = NULL;

    /* Iniitialize the scalar parameters */
    init_scalars_zhsein( &job, &eigsrc, &initv, &n, &ldh, &ldvl, &ldvr, &mm );
    ldh_r = n+2;
    ldvl_r = mm+2;
    ldvr_r = mm+2;
    job_i = job;
    eigsrc_i = eigsrc;
    initv_i = initv;
    n_i = n;
    ldh_i = ldh;
    ldvl_i = ldvl;
    ldvr_i = ldvr;
    mm_i = mm;

    /* Allocate memory for the LAPACK routine arrays */
    select = (lapack_int *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(lapack_int) );
    h = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldh*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    w = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    vl = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvl*mm * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    vr = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvr*mm * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    work = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    rwork = (double *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(double) );
    ifaill = (lapack_int *)LAPACKE_malloc( mm * sizeof(lapack_int) );
    ifailr = (lapack_int *)LAPACKE_malloc( mm * sizeof(lapack_int) );

    /* Allocate memory for the C interface function arrays */
    select_i = (lapack_int *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(lapack_int) );
    h_i = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldh*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    w_i = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    vl_i = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvl*mm * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    vr_i = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvr*mm * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    work_i = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*n * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    rwork_i = (double *)LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(double) );
    ifaill_i = (lapack_int *)LAPACKE_malloc( mm * sizeof(lapack_int) );
    ifailr_i = (lapack_int *)LAPACKE_malloc( mm * sizeof(lapack_int) );

    /* Allocate memory for the backup arrays */
    w_save = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    vl_save = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvl*mm * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    vr_save = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( ldvr*mm * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    ifaill_save = (lapack_int *)LAPACKE_malloc( mm * sizeof(lapack_int) );
    ifailr_save = (lapack_int *)LAPACKE_malloc( mm * sizeof(lapack_int) );

    /* Allocate memory for the row-major arrays */
    h_r = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*(n+2) * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    vl_r = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*(mm+2) * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );
    vr_r = (lapack_complex_double *)
        LAPACKE_malloc( n*(mm+2) * sizeof(lapack_complex_double) );

    /* Initialize input arrays */
    init_select( n, select );
    init_h( ldh*n, h );
    init_w( n, w );
    init_vl( ldvl*mm, vl );
    init_vr( ldvr*mm, vr );
    init_work( n*n, work );
    init_rwork( n, rwork );
    init_ifaill( mm, ifaill );
    init_ifailr( mm, ifailr );

    /* Backup the ouptut arrays */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_save[i] = w[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvl*mm; i++ ) {
        vl_save[i] = vl[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvr*mm; i++ ) {
        vr_save[i] = vr[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifaill_save[i] = ifaill[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifailr_save[i] = ifailr[i];

    /* Call the LAPACK routine */
    zhsein_( &job, &eigsrc, &initv, select, &n, h, &ldh, w, vl, &ldvl, vr,
             &ldvr, &mm, &m, work, rwork, ifaill, ifailr, &info );

    /* Initialize input data, call the column-major middle-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        select_i[i] = select[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_i[i] = h[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_i[i] = w_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvl*mm; i++ ) {
        vl_i[i] = vl_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvr*mm; i++ ) {
        vr_i[i] = vr_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n*n; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        rwork_i[i] = rwork[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifaill_i[i] = ifaill_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifailr_i[i] = ifailr_save[i];
    info_i = LAPACKE_zhsein_work( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, job_i, eigsrc_i, initv_i,
                                  select_i, n_i, h_i, ldh_i, w_i, vl_i, ldvl_i,
                                  vr_i, ldvr_i, mm_i, &m_i, work_i, rwork_i,
                                  ifaill_i, ifailr_i );

    failed = compare_zhsein( w, w_i, vl, vl_i, vr, vr_i, m, m_i, ifaill,
                             ifaill_i, ifailr, ifailr_i, info, info_i, job,
                             ldvl, ldvr, mm, n );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: column-major middle-level interface to zhsein\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: column-major middle-level interface to zhsein\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the column-major high-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        select_i[i] = select[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_i[i] = h[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_i[i] = w_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvl*mm; i++ ) {
        vl_i[i] = vl_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvr*mm; i++ ) {
        vr_i[i] = vr_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n*n; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        rwork_i[i] = rwork[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifaill_i[i] = ifaill_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifailr_i[i] = ifailr_save[i];
    info_i = LAPACKE_zhsein( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, job_i, eigsrc_i, initv_i,
                             select_i, n_i, h_i, ldh_i, w_i, vl_i, ldvl_i, vr_i,
                             ldvr_i, mm_i, &m_i, ifaill_i, ifailr_i );

    failed = compare_zhsein( w, w_i, vl, vl_i, vr, vr_i, m, m_i, ifaill,
                             ifaill_i, ifailr, ifailr_i, info, info_i, job,
                             ldvl, ldvr, mm, n );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: column-major high-level interface to zhsein\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: column-major high-level interface to zhsein\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the row-major middle-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        select_i[i] = select[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_i[i] = h[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_i[i] = w_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvl*mm; i++ ) {
        vl_i[i] = vl_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvr*mm; i++ ) {
        vr_i[i] = vr_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n*n; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        rwork_i[i] = rwork[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifaill_i[i] = ifaill_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifailr_i[i] = ifailr_save[i];

    LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, n, h_i, ldh, h_r, n+2 );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'b' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'l' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, mm, vl_i, ldvl, vl_r, mm+2 );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'b' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'r' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, mm, vr_i, ldvr, vr_r, mm+2 );
    info_i = LAPACKE_zhsein_work( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, job_i, eigsrc_i, initv_i,
                                  select_i, n_i, h_r, ldh_r, w_i, vl_r, ldvl_r,
                                  vr_r, ldvr_r, mm_i, &m_i, work_i, rwork_i,
                                  ifaill_i, ifailr_i );

    if( LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'b' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'l' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, mm, vl_r, mm+2, vl_i, ldvl );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'b' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'r' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, mm, vr_r, mm+2, vr_i, ldvr );

    failed = compare_zhsein( w, w_i, vl, vl_i, vr, vr_i, m, m_i, ifaill,
                             ifaill_i, ifailr, ifailr_i, info, info_i, job,
                             ldvl, ldvr, mm, n );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: row-major middle-level interface to zhsein\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: row-major middle-level interface to zhsein\n" );

    /* Initialize input data, call the row-major high-level
     * interface to LAPACK routine and check the results */
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        select_i[i] = select[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldh*n; i++ ) {
        h_i[i] = h[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        w_i[i] = w_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvl*mm; i++ ) {
        vl_i[i] = vl_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < ldvr*mm; i++ ) {
        vr_i[i] = vr_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n*n; i++ ) {
        work_i[i] = work[i];
    for( i = 0; i < n; i++ ) {
        rwork_i[i] = rwork[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifaill_i[i] = ifaill_save[i];
    for( i = 0; i < mm; i++ ) {
        ifailr_i[i] = ifailr_save[i];

    /* Init row_major arrays */
    LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, n, h_i, ldh, h_r, n+2 );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'b' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'l' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, mm, vl_i, ldvl, vl_r, mm+2 );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'b' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'r' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_COL_MAJOR, n, mm, vr_i, ldvr, vr_r, mm+2 );
    info_i = LAPACKE_zhsein( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, job_i, eigsrc_i, initv_i,
                             select_i, n_i, h_r, ldh_r, w_i, vl_r, ldvl_r, vr_r,
                             ldvr_r, mm_i, &m_i, ifaill_i, ifailr_i );

    if( LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'b' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'l' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, mm, vl_r, mm+2, vl_i, ldvl );
    if( LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'b' ) || LAPACKE_lsame( job, 'r' ) ) {
        LAPACKE_zge_trans( LAPACK_ROW_MAJOR, n, mm, vr_r, mm+2, vr_i, ldvr );

    failed = compare_zhsein( w, w_i, vl, vl_i, vr, vr_i, m, m_i, ifaill,
                             ifaill_i, ifailr, ifailr_i, info, info_i, job,
                             ldvl, ldvr, mm, n );
    if( failed == 0 ) {
        printf( "PASSED: row-major high-level interface to zhsein\n" );
    } else {
        printf( "FAILED: row-major high-level interface to zhsein\n" );

    /* Release memory */
    if( select != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( select );
    if( select_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( select_i );
    if( h != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( h );
    if( h_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( h_i );
    if( h_r != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( h_r );
    if( w != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( w );
    if( w_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( w_i );
    if( w_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( w_save );
    if( vl != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vl );
    if( vl_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vl_i );
    if( vl_r != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vl_r );
    if( vl_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vl_save );
    if( vr != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vr );
    if( vr_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vr_i );
    if( vr_r != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vr_r );
    if( vr_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( vr_save );
    if( work != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( work );
    if( work_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( work_i );
    if( rwork != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( rwork );
    if( rwork_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( rwork_i );
    if( ifaill != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( ifaill );
    if( ifaill_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( ifaill_i );
    if( ifaill_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( ifaill_save );
    if( ifailr != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( ifailr );
    if( ifailr_i != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( ifailr_i );
    if( ifailr_save != NULL ) {
        LAPACKE_free( ifailr_save );

    return 0;