Exemplo n.º 1
 * Function: void flush_output()
 * Description:
 *   Use select() to determine which connections that have output pending
 * are capable of accepting output at the moment, and send as much data to
 * those connections as they will accept.
void flush_output() {
  conn_data *conn;
  fd_set fd_outset;
  struct timeval sel_timeout;
  iterator *conn_iter = create_iter(conn_list);;

 * Clear out the fd_set and add to it the fds of all connections with
 * output pending.
  for (init_iter(conn_iter); (conn = peek_iter(conn_iter));
       iterate_iter(conn_iter)) {
    if (length_list(conn->output) != 0) FD_SET(conn->fd, &fd_outset);

 * Use select to determine which fds actually belong in the set.
 * (NOFILE is the maximum number of open files per process, as described
 * previously)
  bzero(&sel_timeout, sizeof(struct timeval));
  if (select(NOFILE, NULL, &fd_outset, NULL, &sel_timeout) <0 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Selection of ready file descriptors failed.\n");
    perror("  flush_output(select)");

 * Process connections with pending output.  Note that it is necessary to
 * iterate the iterator _before_ executing the loop in case the connection
 * we're currently working on gets disconnected.
  for (init_iter(conn_iter); (conn = peek_iter(conn_iter)); ) {

    if (FD_ISSET(conn->fd, &fd_outset)) {
      if (send_text(conn) <= 0) {

bool parallel_sortTest(size_t n, Minimal * iter, Minimal * sorted_list, const MinimalCompare *compare) {
    bool passed = true;

    if (compare == NULL) return passed;

    init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, *compare, true);
    do {
        REMARK("%s %s p=%llu n=%llu :",current_type.c_str(), test_type.c_str(),
                    static_cast<unsigned long long>(current_p), static_cast<unsigned long long>(n));

        tbb::parallel_sort(iter, iter + n, *compare );

        if (!Validate(iter, sorted_list, n))
            passed = false;
    } while (init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, *compare, false));
    return passed;
bool parallel_sortTest(size_t n, RandomAccessIterator iter, RandomAccessIterator sorted_list, const Compare *comp) {
    bool passed = true;

    Compare local_comp; 

    init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, local_comp, true);
    do {
        REMARK("%s %s p=%llu n=%llu :",current_type.c_str(), test_type.c_str(), 
                   static_cast<unsigned long long>(current_p), static_cast<unsigned long long>(n));
        if (comp != NULL) {
            tbb::parallel_sort(iter, iter + n, local_comp );
         } else {
            tbb::parallel_sort(iter, iter + n );
        if (!Validate(iter, sorted_list, n)) 
            passed = false;
    } while (init_iter(iter, sorted_list, n, local_comp, false));
    return passed;
Exemplo n.º 4
size_t			lst_index_of(t_lst *l, void *data)
	t_lstiter	it;

	init_iter(&it, l, increasing);
	while (lst_iterator_next(&it))
		if (it.data == data)
			return (it.pos);
	return (LST_NOINDEX);
Exemplo n.º 5
static btSIter *setIterator(btSIter *iter, bt *btr, iter_single *itl, iter_single *itn) {
	btSIter *siter = iter;
	siter->dofree  = 0;
	siter->missed  = 0;
	siter->nim     = 0;
	siter->empty   = 1;
	siter->scan    = 0;
	siter->ktype   = btr->s.ktype;
	siter->be.key  = &(siter->key);
	siter->be.val = NULL;
	init_iter(&siter->x, btr, itl, itn);
	return siter;
Exemplo n.º 6
t_material		*get_material(const t_scene *scene, const char *name)
	t_lstiter	it;
	t_material	*material;

	init_iter(&it, scene->materials, increasing);
	while (lst_iterator_next(&it))
		material = (t_material*)it.data;

		if (ft_strequ(material->name, name))
			return (material);

	return (NULL);
Exemplo n.º 7
static void	raycast_light(t_hit *hit, unsigned depth)
	t_lstiter	it;
	t_ray		ray;
	t_light		*light;
	int			raycast_result;
	t_vec3		lightness;
	t_hit		sub_hit;

	if (depth == 0)
		return ;

	vec3_set(&lightness, 0, 0, 0);
	init_iter(&it, rt.scene->lights, increasing);
	while (lst_iterator_next(&it))
		light = (t_light*)it.data;
		vec3_copy(&ray.origin, &hit->position);
		vec3_copy(&ray.direction, &light->position);
		vec3_sub(&ray.direction, &hit->position);

		ray.origin.x += ray.direction.x * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;
		ray.origin.y += ray.direction.y * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;
		ray.origin.z += ray.direction.z * RC_SHADOW_SHIFT;

		raycast_result = raycast(&ray, &sub_hit, depth - 1, NULL);

		if (sub_hit.object != NULL)
			// ray bounce
			vec3_add(&lightness, &light->color);

	vec3_div(&lightness, rt.scene->lights->size);
	vec3_add(&lightness, &rt.scene->ambient_light);

	hit->color.x *= lightness.x;
	hit->color.y *= lightness.y;
	hit->color.z *= lightness.z;
Exemplo n.º 8
void		*lst_remove_iterator_node(t_lstiter *it)
	void	*data;
	size_t	pos;
	t_node	*node;

	node = it->current;
	pos = it->pos;
	it->flag = 2;
	data = lst_remove(it->lst, pos);
	if (node == it->end)
		init_iter(it, it->lst, it->dir);
		it->pos = pos;
	return (data);
Exemplo n.º 9
int		raycast(const t_ray *ray, t_hit *hit, unsigned depth, t_object *exclude)
	t_lstiter	it;
	int			raycast_result;
	t_hit		closest_hit;
	t_object	*object;


	if (depth == 0)
		return (0);

	init_iter(&it, rt.scene->objects, increasing);
	while (lst_iterator_next(&it))
		object = (t_object*)it.data;

		if (object == exclude)
			continue ;

		raycast_result = raycast_to_object(hit, ray, object);

		if (raycast_result)
			if (closest_hit.object == NULL || closest_hit.distance > hit->distance)
				hit_copy(&closest_hit, hit);

	hit_copy(hit, &closest_hit);

	if (closest_hit.object == NULL)
		return (0);
		raycast_light(hit, depth);
		return (1);
Exemplo n.º 10
 * Function: void gather_input()
 * Description:
 *   Use select() to examine activity on all open sockets/file-descriptors.
 * This includes new connections on port sockets and input on connection
 * sockets (and, I suppose, exception states on either).  After eliminating
 * any sockets in exception states, process all input on remaining sockets.
void gather_input() {
  int fd;
  port_data *port;
  conn_data *conn;
  fd_set fd_inset, fd_excset;
  struct timeval sel_timeout;
  iterator *conn_iter = create_iter(conn_list);
  iterator *port_iter = create_iter(port_list);

 * Initialize the input and exception fd_sets to the empty state, then add
 * all of the port and connection socket file descriptors.
  for (init_iter(port_iter); (port = peek_iter(port_iter));
       iterate_iter(port_iter)) {
    fd = port->fd;
    FD_SET(fd, &fd_inset);
    FD_SET(fd, &fd_excset);
  for (init_iter(conn_iter); (conn = peek_iter(conn_iter));
       iterate_iter(conn_iter)) {
    fd = conn->fd;
    FD_SET(fd, &fd_inset);
    FD_SET(fd, &fd_excset);

 * Calling "select" will remove all sockets from each of the fd_sets to
 * which they don't actually belong.  In other words, if there isn't any
 * input on a given connection (or no new connection on a port), it is
 * removed from the input set.  Note that NOFILE is the maximum number of
 * open files per process, and, I suspect, is not a portable constant.  If
 * it isn't defined anywhere on your system, you'll probably have to use the
 * "getrlimit" system call to find out what that number is.  Also note that
 * select will sleep for the amount of time indicated in sel_timeout before
 * returning, which can be used to regulate how much time is consumed by
 * each game loop.  For now, though, the timeout is set to 0, since we're
 * using "usleep" in the main loop.
  bzero(&sel_timeout, sizeof(struct timeval));
  if (select(NOFILE, &fd_inset, NULL, &fd_excset, &sel_timeout) <0 ) {
    fprintf(stderr, "Error: Selection of ready file descriptors failed.\n");
    perror("  gather_input(select)");

 * Process all port sockets, checking for new connections and exception states.
 * Since multiple connections may be pending on a single port, we keep calling
 * "get_connection" on each port in the input set until that function returns
 * FALSE, indicating that no more connections are pending on it.
  for (init_iter(port_iter); (port = peek_iter(port_iter));
       iterate_iter(port_iter)) {
    fd = port->fd;
    if (FD_ISSET(fd, &fd_excset)) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Error: Exception state on port %d (fd %d).\n",
              port->portnum, fd);
    } else if (FD_ISSET(fd, &fd_inset))
      while (get_connection(fd));

 * Process connection sockets, checking for new input and exception conditions.
 * Note that it is necessary to iterate the iterator _before_ executing the
 * loop in case the current connection gets disconnected.
  for (init_iter(conn_iter); (conn = peek_iter(conn_iter)); ) {
    fd = conn->fd;

 * Check to see if this connection is in an exception state.  If it is,
 * disconnect it.
    if (FD_ISSET(fd, &fd_excset)) {
      FD_CLR(fd, &fd_inset);

 * Check to see if this connection has pending input.  If it does, attempt to
 * read it all in.  If nothing can be read in, disconnect it.
    if (FD_ISSET(fd, &fd_inset)) {
      if (recv_text(conn) <= 0) {

Exemplo n.º 11
iter* new_iter(FILE* f, char* buf, int buflen, char delim)
{ return init_iter(alloc_iter(),f,buf,buflen,delim); }