int main(int argc,char **argv) { int i; //iterator pid *x,*y,*z; //structs representing 3 pid controllers imu_t *imu; fd_set net_set; double oldmag,magdiff; struct timeval timeout; int axes[4]={0,0,0,0}; int x_adjust,y_adjust,z_adjust; int sock = init_net(); register_int(); x=init_pid(3500,000,000); y=init_pid(3400,000,1000); z=init_pid(000,000,000); timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=REFRESH_TIME; for(i=0;i<4;i++) { //initialize PWM modules motors[i]=init_pwm(i); } imu = init_imu(); update_imu(imu); oldmag=imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] * RAD_TO_DEGREE; while(1) { ////printf("loop\n"); FD_ZERO(&net_set); FD_SET(sock,&net_set); if(select(sock+1,&net_set,(fd_set *) 0,(fd_set *) 0, &timeout)==1) { ////printf("reading from the socket\n"); //read from sock if(!update_axis(sock,axes)) { break; } } else { ////printf("reading from the imu\n"); //update imu update_imu(imu); timeout.tv_sec=0; timeout.tv_usec=REFRESH_TIME; magdiff=imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] * RAD_TO_DEGREE-oldmag; if(magdiff>300) { magdiff-=360; } if(magdiff<-300) { magdiff+=360; } x_adjust = update_pid(x,0/*axes[1]*.00061*/,imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_X] * RAD_TO_DEGREE); y_adjust = update_pid(y,0/*axes[2]*.00061*/,imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Y] * RAD_TO_DEGREE); //printf("X axis value: %lf\n",imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_X]*RAD_TO_DEGREE); //printf("Y axis value: %lf\n",imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Y]*RAD_TO_DEGREE); z_adjust = update_pid(z,axes[3]*.00061,magdiff); oldmag=imu->mpu.fusedEuler[VEC3_Z] * RAD_TO_DEGREE; set_duty(motors[0],900000+axes[0]*16-z_adjust-y_adjust+x_adjust); set_duty(motors[1],900000+axes[0]*16+z_adjust-y_adjust-x_adjust); set_duty(motors[2],900000+axes[0]*16-z_adjust+y_adjust-x_adjust); set_duty(motors[3],900000+axes[0]*16+z_adjust+y_adjust+x_adjust); } } exit_fxn(0); }
int umain(){ robot_id = 1; copy_objects(); copy_objects(); field_state.curr_loc.x = (int)(game.coords[0].x * VPS_RATIO); field_state.curr_loc.y = (int)(game.coords[0].y * VPS_RATIO); field_state.curr_angle = (((float)game.coords[0].theta) * 180.0) / 2048; gyro_set_degrees(field_state.curr_angle); initialize(); /*for(int sextant = 0; sextant < 6; sextant++){ printf("TPX: %d, TPY: %d, LPX: %d, LPY: %d\n", get_territory_pivot_point_loc(sextant).x, get_territory_pivot_point_loc(sextant).y, lever_pivot_points[2*sextant], lever_pivot_points[2*sextant + 1]); }*/ init_pid(&field_state.circle_PID, KP_CIRCLE, KI_CIRCLE, KD_CIRCLE, &get_angle_error_circle, &update_circle_velocities); field_state.circle_PID.enabled = true; field_state.circle_PID.goal = 0; //printf("OX: %d, OY: %d, TX: %d, TY: %d, TWX: %d, TWY: %d, CA: %.2f, G: %.3f, LE: %d, RE: %d\n", field_state.curr_loc.x, field_state.curr_loc.y, field_state.target_loc.x, field_state.target_loc.y, field_state.target_loc_waypoint.x, field_state.target_loc_waypoint.y, field_state.curr_angle, gyro_get_degrees(), encoder_read(LEFT_ENCODER_PORT), encoder_read(RIGHT_ENCODER_PORT)); while(1){ update_field(); accelerate(); decelerate(); if(field_state.pid_enabled) update_pid(&field_state.circle_PID); if(get_time() > 119000){ } //printf("Sextant: %d, OX: %d, OY: %d, TX: %d, TY: %d, TWX: %d, TWY: %d, CA: %.2f, G: %.3f, LE: %d, RE: %d\n", get_current_sextant(field_state.curr_loc), field_state.curr_loc.x, field_state.curr_loc.y, field_state.target_loc.x, field_state.target_loc.y, field_state.target_loc_waypoint.x, field_state.target_loc_waypoint.y, field_state.curr_angle, gyro_get_degrees(), encoder_read(LEFT_ENCODER_PORT), encoder_read(RIGHT_ENCODER_PORT)); } return 0; }
void resetPID(float target) { init_pid(&driver, DRIVE_KP, DRIVE_KI, DRIVE_KD, &runGetError, &turnAndDrive); driver.goal = 0; driver.enabled = 1; }
void PIDReset() { init_pid(&ForwardPID, (float)KP, (float)KD, (float)KI, &getError, &ForwardApplyMV); ForwardPID.goal = 0.0; ForwardPID.enabled = 1; init_pid(&RingPID, RINGKP, RINGKD, RINGKI, &getStrengthError, &applyNearbyScale); RingPID.goal = 0.0; RingPID.enabled = 1; }
int umain(void) { create_thread(&display_angle, 64, 0, "display angle"); struct pid_controller pid; init_pid (&pid, 1, 0, 0, &read_angle, &set_turn); pid.goal = 90; pid.enabled = 1; dispatch_pid (&pid, 0.01, 0); printf("pid done.\n"); return 0; }
void PIDInit() { SetTargetVelocity(TARGET_VELOCITY); printf("\n"); init_pid(&ForwardPID, (float)KP, (float)KI, (float)KD, &getError, &ForwardApplyMV); ForwardPID.goal = 0.0; ForwardPID.enabled = 1; init_pid(&RingPID, RINGKP, RINGKD, RINGKI, &getStrengthError, &applyNearbyScale); RingPID.goal = 0.0; RingPID.enabled = 1; }
void init() { unsigned short vid_pid[][2] = { {0x0c45, 0x7403}, {0x0c45, 0x7404}, {0x413d, 0x2107}, }; int i = 0; for (i = 0 ; i < sizeof(vid_pid) / sizeof(vid_pid[0]) ; i++) { init_pid(vid_pid[i][0], vid_pid[i][1]); if (dev != NULL) { break; } } if (dev == NULL) { fatal("Cannot find footswitch with one of the supported VID:PID.\nCheck that the device is connected and that you have the correct permissions to access it."); } }
static void lmdbg_startup (void) { if (real_malloc){ /* already initialized */ return; } init_fun_ptrs (); init_log (); init_pid (); init_st_range (); print_sections_map (); print_progname (); init_environment (); init_enabling_timeout (); if (log_filename != NULL && enabling_timeout == 0) enable_logging (); else if (enabling_timeout == -1) set_sigusr1_handler (); }
int runonce_pids_create( void ) { DIR *fproc; runonce_pids.array = mas_malloc( runonce_pids.size * sizeof( prec_t ) ); memset( runonce_pids.array, 0, runonce_pids.size * sizeof( prec_t ) ); fproc = opendir( "/proc" ); if ( fproc ) { /* int readdir_r(DIR *dirp, struct dirent *entry, struct dirent **result); */ struct dirent de; struct dirent *pde; while ( 0 == readdir_r( fproc, &de, &pde ) && pde ) { int isnum = 1; for ( const char *p = pde->d_name; *p; p++ ) { if ( !isdigit( *p ) ) { isnum = 0; break; } } if ( isnum ) { init_pid( pde->d_name ); } } closedir( fproc ); } return 0; }
int main(void) { //Sväng inte turn = 0; //Initiera spi, pwm och display spi_init(); pwm_init(); init_display(); update(); claw_out(); _delay_ms(500); claw_in(); //Aktivera global interrupts sei(); //Initiera regulator clear_pid(); init_pid(80, -80); //update_k_values(40, 12, 22); update_k_values(40, 170, 20); // Pekare till aktuell position i bufferten tmp_sensor_buffer_p = 0x00; // Flagga som avgör huruvida vi är i början av meddelande sensor_start = 1; // Anger aktuell längd av meddelandet tmp_sensor_buffer_len = 0x00; //Initiera standardsträng på display init_default_printf_string(); clear_screen(); update(); while(1) { uint8_t has_comm_data, has_sensor_data, comm_data, sensor_data; do_spi(&has_comm_data, &has_sensor_data, &comm_data, &sensor_data); //Undersök och hantera meddelanden från slavarna if(has_comm_data) decode_comm(comm_data); if(has_sensor_data) decode_sensor(sensor_data); //Vid manuell sväng eller 180 grader måste make_turn anropas if(!autonomous || turning_180) { if(turn_dir) { make_turn_flag = 1; make_turn(turn_dir); if(!make_turn_flag) { turn_dir = 0; stop_motors(); } } } //Kör regulatorn if (regulator_enable) { regulator(sensor_buffer[IR_RIGHT_FRONT] - sensor_buffer[IR_RIGHT_BACK], sensor_buffer[IR_LEFT_FRONT] - sensor_buffer[IR_LEFT_BACK], sensor_buffer[IR_RIGHT_FRONT] - sensor_buffer[IR_LEFT_FRONT], sensor_buffer[IR_RIGHT_BACK] - sensor_buffer[IR_LEFT_BACK]); regulator_enable = 0; } } }
void Control(T_float_angle *att_in,T_int16_xyz *gyr_in, T_RC_Data *rc_in, u8 armed) { //加速度 角速度 static u8 first =1; T_float_angle angle; #ifndef USE_USART1 if(first) { init_pid(); first=0; } #endif //**************roll轴指向*********************************************************** angle.rol = att_in->rol - (rc_in->ROLL-1500)/25;//误差 if(rc_in->THROTTLE<1200) rol_i=0; else rol_i += angle.rol;//误差和 LIMIT(-2000, rol_i,2000);//积分限幅 PID_ROL.pout = PID_ROL.P * angle.rol; //比例项 = 比例*误差 PID_ROL.dout = -PID_ROL.D * gyr_in->Y; //微分项 = 微分*变化量 //PID_ROL.iout = PID_ROL.I * PID_ROL.dout; //积分项 = 积分*误差和 PID_ROL.iout = PID_ROL.I * rol_i; PID_ROL.OUT = (-PID_ROL.pout)-PID_ROL.iout +PID_ROL.dout;// //**************pith轴指向*********************************************************** angle.pit = att_in->pit + (rc_in->PITCH-1500)/25; if(rc_in->THROTTLE<1200) pit_i=0; else pit_i += angle.pit;//误差和 LIMIT(-2000, pit_i,2000); PID_PIT.pout = PID_PIT.P * angle.pit; //比例项 = 比例*误差 PID_PIT.dout = PID_PIT.D * gyr_in->X; //微分项 = 微分*变化量 PID_PIT.iout = PID_PIT.I * pit_i; //积分项 = 积分*误差和 //PID_PIT.iout = PID_PIT.I *PID_PIT.dout ; PID_PIT.OUT = PID_PIT.pout + PID_PIT.iout + PID_PIT.dout; //**************yaw轴指向*********************************************************** if(rc_in->YAW<1400||rc_in->YAW>1600) {gyr_in->Z=gyr_in->Z+(rc_in->YAW-1500)*2;} if(rc_in->THROTTLE<1200) yaw_p=0; else yaw_p+=gyr_in->Z*0.0609756f*0.002f;// +(Rc_Get.YAW-1500)*30 if(yaw_p>20) yaw_p=20; if(yaw_p<-20) yaw_p=-20; PID_YAW.pout = PID_YAW.P*yaw_p; PID_YAW.dout = PID_YAW.D * gyr_in->Z; PID_YAW.iout = PID_YAW.I *PID_YAW.dout ; PID_YAW.OUT = PID_YAW.pout + PID_YAW.iout + PID_YAW.dout; //**************电机控制*********************************************************** if(rc_in->THROTTLE>1200&&armed)//armed判断解锁 { //横滚 //俯仰 //航向 // Moto_PWM_1 = rc_in->THROTTLE - 1000 - PID_ROL.OUT + PID_PIT.OUT - PID_YAW.OUT; // Moto_PWM_2 = rc_in->THROTTLE - 1000 - PID_ROL.OUT - PID_PIT.OUT + PID_YAW.OUT; // Moto_PWM_3 = rc_in->THROTTLE - 1000 + PID_ROL.OUT + PID_PIT.OUT - PID_YAW.OUT; // Moto_PWM_4 = rc_in->THROTTLE - 1000 + PID_ROL.OUT - PID_PIT.OUT + PID_YAW.OUT; Moto_PWM_1 = rc_in->THROTTLE - 1000 + PID_ROL.OUT + PID_PIT.OUT + PID_YAW.OUT;//反逻辑 电机下沉端用加号 Moto_PWM_2 = rc_in->THROTTLE - 1000 + PID_ROL.OUT - PID_PIT.OUT - PID_YAW.OUT; Moto_PWM_3 = rc_in->THROTTLE - 1000 - PID_ROL.OUT - PID_PIT.OUT + PID_YAW.OUT; Moto_PWM_4 = rc_in->THROTTLE - 1000 - PID_ROL.OUT + PID_PIT.OUT - PID_YAW.OUT; } else { Moto_PWM_1 = 0; Moto_PWM_2 = 0; Moto_PWM_3 = 0; Moto_PWM_4 = 0; } //**************更新PWM*********************************************************** Moto_PwmRflash(Moto_PWM_1,Moto_PWM_2,Moto_PWM_3,Moto_PWM_4); }
/******************************************************************************* * FUNCTION NAME: User_Initialization * PURPOSE: This routine is called first (and only once) in the Main function. * You may modify and add to this function. * CALLED FROM: main.c * ARGUMENTS: none * RETURNS: void *******************************************************************************/ void User_Initialization (void) { Set_Number_of_Analog_Channels(SIXTEEN_ANALOG); /* DO NOT CHANGE! */ /* FIRST: Set up the I/O pins you want to use as digital INPUTS. */ digital_io_01 = digital_io_02 = digital_io_03 = digital_io_04 = INPUT; digital_io_05 = digital_io_06 = digital_io_07 = digital_io_08 = INPUT; digital_io_09 = digital_io_10 = digital_io_11 = digital_io_12 = INPUT; digital_io_13 = digital_io_14 = digital_io_15 = digital_io_16 = INPUT; digital_io_18 = INPUT; /* Used for pneumatic pressure switch. */ /* Note: digital_io_01 = digital_io_02 = ... digital_io_04 = INPUT; is the same as the following: digital_io_01 = INPUT; digital_io_02 = INPUT; ... digital_io_04 = INPUT; */ /* SECOND: Set up the I/O pins you want to use as digital OUTPUTS. */ digital_io_17 = INPUT; /* Example - Not used in Default Code. */ /* THIRD: Initialize the values on the digital outputs. */ // rc_dig_out17 = 0; /* FOURTH: Set your initial PWM values. Neutral is 127. */ pwm01 = pwm02 = pwm03 = pwm04 = pwm05 = pwm06 = pwm07 = pwm08 = 127; pwm09 = pwm10 = pwm11 = pwm12 = pwm13 = pwm14 = pwm15 = pwm16 = 127; /* FIFTH: Set your PWM output types for PWM OUTPUTS 13-16. /* Choose from these parameters for PWM 13-16 respectively: */ /* IFI_PWM - Standard IFI PWM output generated with Generate_Pwms(...) */ /* USER_CCP - User can use PWM pin as digital I/O or CCP pin. */ Setup_PWM_Output_Type(IFI_PWM,IFI_PWM,IFI_PWM,IFI_PWM); /* Example: The following would generate a 40KHz PWM with a 50% duty cycle on the CCP2 pin: CCP2CON = 0x3C; PR2 = 0xF9; CCPR2L = 0x7F; T2CON = 0; T2CONbits.TMR2ON = 1; Setup_PWM_Output_Type(USER_CCP,IFI_PWM,IFI_PWM,IFI_PWM); */ /* Add any other initialization code here. */ Init_Serial_Port_One(); Init_Serial_Port_Two(); #ifdef TERMINAL_SERIAL_PORT_1 stdout_serial_port = SERIAL_PORT_ONE; #endif #ifdef TERMINAL_SERIAL_PORT_2 stdout_serial_port = SERIAL_PORT_TWO; #endif Initialize_Encoders(); //I EXPECT INITIALIZATION VALUES Reset_Encoder_1_Count(-153); Reset_Encoder_2_Count(-415); //start comment Initialize_Gyro(); Initialize_ADC(); //end comment init_pid(&arm, 100, 0, 0, 120, 35); // 275 0 0 init_pid(&wrist, 33, 0, 0, 20, 80); //45 30 0 init_pid(&Mr_Roboto, 55, 0 , 0, 100, 25); init_pid(&robot_dist, 95, 0, 0, 100, 8); init_pid(&gyro_c, 20, 0, 0, 100, 8); Putdata(&txdata); /* DO NOT CHANGE! */ // *** IFI Code Starts Here *** // // Serial_Driver_Initialize(); printf("IFI 2006 User Processor Initialized ...\r"); /* Optional - Print initialization message. */ User_Proc_Is_Ready(); /* DO NOT CHANGE! - last line of User_Initialization */ }
/********************************************************************* Function: int main(void) PreCondition: None. Input: None. Output: None. Side Effects: None. Overview: main function of the application. Peripherals are initialized. Note: None. ********************************************************************/ int main(void) { int cs; // vars used for detection of incremental motion unsigned short new_cmd,last_cmd, new_fb,last_fb; setup_io(); // make all i/o pins go the right dir STATUS_LED = 0; // led on setup_uart(); // setup the serial interface to the PC setup_TMR1(); // set up 1ms timer IEC0bits.T1IE = 1; // Enable interrupts for timer 1 // needed for delays in following routines // 1/2 seconds startup delay timer_test = 5000; while ( timer_test ); printf("\r\nPowerup..i/o...uart...timer..."); setup_pwm(); // start analog output set_pwm(0.0); printf("pwm..."); init_pid(); printf("pid..."); setup_encoder(); // 16 bit quadrature encoder module setup printf("encoder..."); setup_capture(); // 2 pins with quadrature cmd from PC printf("capture..."); printf("done\r\n"); // some junk for the serial channel printf("%s%s\n\r",CPWRT,VERSION); STATUS_LED = 1; // led off when init finished // restore config from eeprom // Read array named "setupEE" from DataEEPROM and place // the result into array in RAM named, "setup" restore_setup(); cs = calc_cksum(sizeof(pid)/sizeof(int),(int*)&pid); if ( cs ) { // opps, no valid setup detected // assume we are starting from a new box printf("No valid setup found in EEPROM\r\n"); init_pid(); } else { printf("Using setup from eeprom.. ? for help\r\n"); print_tuning(); } printf("using %fms servo loop interval\r\n",pid.ticksperservo * 0.1); // BLOCK OF TEST ROUTINES FOR HARDWARE DEBUGGING // test_pwm_interface(); // play with opa549 hardware // test_pc_interface(); // echo cmded posn to serial port // test_pid_interface(); // test pid loop operation new_cmd = last_cmd = new_fb = last_fb = 0; while (1) { if ( do_servo ) // check and see if timer 1 has asked for servo calcs to be run { do_servo = 0; if (SVO_ENABLE) { if ( pid.enable == 0 ) // last loop, servo was off { set_pwm( 0.0 ); printf("servo-enabled\r\n>"); pid.enable = 1; // make sure we dont move on enabling cmd_posn = POSCNT; // make 16bit incr registers match pid.command = 0L; // make 32 bit counter match = 0L; // make the 1ms loop temps match new_cmd = last_cmd = new_fb = last_fb = 0; pid.error_i = 0.0; // reset integrator } // we can time the servo cycle calcs by scoping the PID_ACTIVE pin PID_ACTIVE = 1; // seems to take about 140us new_cmd = cmd_posn; // grab current cmd from pc new_fb = POSCNT; // grab current posn from encoder pid.command += (long int)((short)(new_cmd - last_cmd)); += (long int)((short)(new_fb - last_fb )); last_cmd = new_cmd; last_fb = new_fb; calc_pid(); // check for a drive fault ( posn error > allowed ) if (( pid.maxerror > 0.0 ) && ( fabs(pid.error) > pid.maxerror )) { short temp = SVO_ENABLE; set_pwm( 0.0 ); while (1) // trap here until svo disabled or pwr cycle { // reset integrator as it may have wound up pid.error_i = 0.0; printf("drive fault... maxerror exceeded\r\n"); STATUS_LED = 0; timer_test = 2500; while ( timer_test ); STATUS_LED = 1; timer_test = 2500; while ( timer_test ); STATUS_LED = 0; timer_test = 2500; while ( timer_test ); STATUS_LED = 1; timer_test = 2500; while ( timer_test ); if (temp != SVO_ENABLE) break; } } else { set_pwm(pid.output); // update motor drive } PID_ACTIVE = 0; // i/o pin for timing pid calcs } else { if ( pid.enable == 1 ) // last loop servo was active { set_pwm( 0.0 ); pid.enable = 0; printf("servo-disabled\r\n>"); // extra delay keeps us faulted for min 1 sec to let mechanicals settle STATUS_LED = 1; timer_test = 10000; while ( timer_test ); } } } // look for serial cmds // doing this while svo is enabled will cause bumps in servo loop // because of serial i/o time ( unless we get smart and move svo loop // into an isr ) if ( rxrdy ) process_serial_buffer(); if (pid.limit_state) // show we are at drive limit(error) STATUS_LED = 0; else STATUS_LED = 1; } // to keep compiler happy.... return 0; }
void reset_pid_controller(float goal) { init_pid(&controller, KP, KI, KD, NULL, NULL); controller.goal = goal; }