Exemplo n.º 1
void ReadKkit::setupSlaveMsg( const string& src, const string& dest )
	// Convert the pool to a BufPool, if it isn't one already
	Id destId( basePath_ + "/kinetics/" + dest );
	assert( destId != Id() );

	if( !destId.element()->cinfo()->isA( "BufPool" )) {
		destId.element()->zombieSwap( BufPool::initCinfo() );

	map< string, Id >* nameMap;
	// Check if the src is a table or a stim
	Id srcId( basePath_ + "/kinetics/" + src );
	assert( srcId != Id() );
	string output = "output";
	if ( srcId.element()->cinfo()->isA( "TableBase" ) ) {
		nameMap = &tabIds_;
	} else if ( srcId.element()->cinfo()->isA( "PulseGen" ) ) {
		nameMap = &stimIds_;
		output = "output";
	} else {
		cout << "Error: Unknown source for SLAVE msg: (" << src << 
			", " << dest << ")\n";

	// NSLAVE is 1, CONCSLAVE is 2.
	map< Id, int >::iterator i = poolFlags_.find( destId );
	if ( i == poolFlags_.end() || !( i->second & 2 ) ) {
		innerAddMsg( src, *nameMap, output, dest, poolIds_, 
			"setNInit" );
	} else {
		innerAddMsg( src, *nameMap, output, dest, poolIds_,
			"setConcInit" );

		double CONCSCALE = 0.001;
		// Rescale from uM to millimolar.
		if ( nameMap == &tabIds_ ) {
			SetGet2< double, double >::set( srcId, "linearTransform",
				CONCSCALE, 0 );
		} else if ( nameMap == &stimIds_ ) {
			double x = Field< double >::get( srcId, "baseLevel" );
			Field< double >::set( srcId, "baseLevel", x * CONCSCALE );
			x = Field< double >::get( srcId, "firstLevel" );
			Field< double >::set( srcId, "firstLevel", x * CONCSCALE );
			x = Field< double >::get( srcId, "secondLevel" );
			Field< double >::set( srcId, "secondLevel", x * CONCSCALE );
	// cout << "Added slave msg from " << src << " to " << dest << endl;
Exemplo n.º 2
ObjId Shell::doAddMsg( const string& msgType, 
	ObjId src, const string& srcField, 
	ObjId dest, const string& destField )
    clock_t t = clock();

	if ( !src.id.element() ) {
		cout << myNode_ << ": Error: Shell::doAddMsg: src not found" << endl;
		return ObjId();
	if ( !dest.id.element() ) {
		cout << myNode_ << ": Error: Shell::doAddMsg: dest not found" << endl;
		return ObjId(0, BADINDEX );
	const Finfo* f1 = src.id.element()->cinfo()->findFinfo( srcField );
	if ( !f1 ) {
		cout << myNode_ << ": Shell::doAddMsg: Error: Failed to find field " << srcField << 
			" on src: " << src.id.element()->getName() << endl;
		return ObjId(0, BADINDEX );
	const Finfo* f2 = dest.id.element()->cinfo()->findFinfo( destField );
	if ( !f2 ) {
		cout << myNode_ << ": Shell::doAddMsg: Error: Failed to find field " << destField << 
			" on dest: " << dest.id.element()->getName() << endl;
                cout << "Available fields are : " << endl
                    << mapToString<string, Finfo*>(dest.id.element()->cinfo()->finfoMap());
		return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );
	if ( ! f1->checkTarget( f2 ) ) {
		cout << myNode_ << ": Shell::doAddMsg: Error: Src/Dest Msg type mismatch: " << srcField << "/" << destField << endl;
		return ObjId( 0, BADINDEX );

	const Msg* m = innerAddMsg( msgType, src, srcField, dest, destField, 0 );

	SetGet6< string, ObjId, string, ObjId, string, unsigned int >::set(
		ObjId(), // Apply command to Shell
		"addMsg",	// Function to call.

        float time = (float(clock() - t)/ CLOCKS_PER_SEC);
	return m->mid();

	// const Msg* m = innerAddMsg( msgType, src, srcField, dest, destField );
	// return m->mid();
	// return Msg::lastMsg()->mid();
Exemplo n.º 3
 * Wrapper function, that does the ack. Other functions also use the
 * inner function to build message trees, so we don't want it to emit
 * multiple acks.
void Shell::handleAddMsg( const Eref& e,
	string msgType, ObjId src, string srcField, 
	ObjId dest, string destField, unsigned int msgIndex )
		// Node 0 will have already called innerAddMsg to get the msgIndex
	if ( myNode() != 0 )
		innerAddMsg( msgType, src, srcField, dest, destField, msgIndex );
	if ( innerAddMsg( msgType, src, srcField, dest, destField ) )
		ack()->send( Eref( shelle_, 0 ), Shell::myNode(), OkStatus );
		ack()->send( Eref( shelle_, 0), Shell::myNode(), ErrorStatus );
Exemplo n.º 4
// Non-static function. The innerAddMsg needs the shell.
void Shell::addClockMsgs( 
	const vector< ObjId >& list, const string& field, unsigned int tick,
   	unsigned int msgIndex	)
	if ( !Id( 1 ).element() )
	ObjId clockId( 1 );
	dropClockMsgs( list, field ); // Forbid duplicate PROCESS actions.
	for ( vector< ObjId >::const_iterator i = list.begin(); 
		i != list.end(); ++i ) {
		if ( i->element() ) {
			stringstream ss;
			ss << "proc" << tick;
			const Msg* m = innerAddMsg( "OneToAll",
				clockId, ss.str(), 
				*i, field, msgIndex++ );
			if ( m )
				i->element()->innerSetTick( tick );
Exemplo n.º 5
void ReadKkit::addmsg( const vector< string >& args)
	string src = cleanPath( args[1] ).substr( 10 );
	string dest = cleanPath( args[2] ).substr( 10 );
	if ( args[3] == "REAC" ) {
		if ( args[4] == "A" && args[5] == "B" ) {
			// Ignore kchans
			if ( chanIds_.find( src ) != chanIds_.end() )
				; // found a kchan, do nothing
				innerAddMsg( src, reacIds_, "sub", dest, poolIds_, "reac");
		else if ( args[4] == "B" && args[5] == "A" ) {
			// Ignore kchans
			if ( chanIds_.find( src ) != chanIds_.end() )
				; // found a kchan, do nothing
				// dest pool is product of src reac
				innerAddMsg( src, reacIds_, "prd", dest, poolIds_, "reac");
		else if ( args[4] == "sA" && args[5] == "B" ) {
			// Msg from enzyme to substrate.
			if ( mmEnzIds_.find( src ) == mmEnzIds_.end() )
				innerAddMsg( src, enzIds_, "sub", dest, poolIds_, "reac" );
				innerAddMsg( src, mmEnzIds_, "sub", dest, poolIds_, "reac" );
	else if ( args[3] == "ENZYME" ) { // Msg from enz pool to enz site
		if ( mmEnzIds_.find( dest ) == mmEnzIds_.end() )
			innerAddMsg( dest, enzIds_, "enz", src, poolIds_, "reac" );
			innerAddMsg( src, poolIds_, "nOut", dest, mmEnzIds_, "enzDest", 1);
			// innerAddMsg( dest, mmEnzIds_, "enz", src, poolIds_, "nOut", 1);
		if ( mmEnzIds_.find( dest ) == mmEnzIds_.end() )
			innerAddMsg( src, poolIds_, "reac", dest, enzIds_, "enz" );
			innerAddMsg( src, poolIds_, "nOut", dest, mmEnzIds_, "enz" );
	else if ( args[3] == "MM_PRD" ) { // Msg from enz to Prd pool
		if ( mmEnzIds_.find( src ) == mmEnzIds_.end() )
			innerAddMsg( src, enzIds_, "prd", dest, poolIds_, "reac" );
			innerAddMsg( src, mmEnzIds_, "prd", dest, poolIds_, "reac" );
	else if ( args[3] == "PLOT" ) { // Time-course output for pool
		string head;
		string temp;
		dest = pathTail( cleanPath( args[2] ), head );
		string graph = pathTail( head, temp );
		temp = graph + "/" + dest;
		map< string, Id >::const_iterator i = plotIds_.find( temp );
		assert( i != plotIds_.end() );
		Id plot = i->second;

		i = poolIds_.find( src );
		Id pool;
		if ( i == poolIds_.end() ) {
			i = enzIds_.find( src ); // might be plotting an enzCplx.
			if ( i == enzIds_.end() ) {
				cout << "Error: ReadKkit: Unable to find src for plot: " <<
					src << ", " << dest << endl;
				assert( 0 );
			vector< Id > enzcplx;
			i->second.element()->getNeighbors( enzcplx, 
				i->second.element()->cinfo()->findFinfo( "toCplx" ) );
			assert( enzcplx.size() == 1 );
			pool = enzcplx[0];
		}  else {
			pool = i->second;

		if ( args[4] == "Co" || args[4] == "CoComplex" ) {
			ObjId ret = shell_->doAddMsg( "Single",
				plot, "requestOut", pool, "getConc" );
			assert( ret != ObjId() );
		} else if ( args[4] == "n" || args[4] == "nComplex") {
			ObjId ret = shell_->doAddMsg( "Single",
				plot, "requestOut", pool, "getN" );
			assert( ret != ObjId() );
		} else {
			cout << "Unknown PLOT msg field '" << args[4] << "'\n";
	else if ( args[3] == "SUMTOTAL" ) { // Summation function.
		buildSumTotal( src, dest );
	else if ( args[3] == "SLAVE" ) { // Summation function.
		if ( args[4] == "output" ) {
			setupSlaveMsg( src, dest );